The tradition of Christmas fortune-telling has its roots in the distant pagan past. With the adoption of Christianity, divination and magic began to be considered a great sin. Playing with fate, trying to penetrate into the future is a dangerous activity. It may happen that the prediction is false, but the person believed in it. So it won’t take long to ruin the life of yourself or someone else. However, there are days in the year when all prohibitions are lifted, and witchcraft does not bring trouble. This is, of course, Christmas time. In essence, any fortune telling is fortune telling based on desires. True predictions - whether they are good or bad - are soon forgotten. Maybe for this reason, once a year you can become curious about fate - find out the truth and forget.

Christmas time is a time for well-deserved rest and collective entertainment.

Fortune telling with cards based on wishes was not very practiced in Rus'. It is much more interesting to find out the future in colorful details - which side the groom will be from, what his name is, what he looks like. These are all girlish questions, and older people were interested in the harvest, the fertility of livestock, the weather in the coming year, and so on. These questions could be answered during Christmas time. When does Christmas fortune telling begin? You can begin them immediately after the appearance of a star in the sky, announcing the Birth of the Savior.

What young person entering adulthood does not dream of finding out her destiny? Fortune telling for girls' wishes is, first of all, questions about marriage. What lies ahead - prosperity or poverty, will there be children, health and prosperity in the family? All this is very interesting!

All year round, hardworking people have a lot of worries: in the spring - sowing, in the summer - mowing, preparing supplies for the winter for the family and livestock, in the fall - harvesting and winter sowing. Christmastide falls during the most serene period - from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany and the Blessing of the Water. Having spent a year in labor, in Filippovka, in fasting and abstinence, having defended the long solemn Christmas service in the church, the people began fun and festivities, which lasted two weeks. During daylight hours, they prepared hearty and plentiful food - borscht, jellied meat, pies, pies. They made a lot of pies, because Christmastide means visiting, eating, and caroling. It gets dark early in winter. Traditional gatherings and entertainment begin at sunset, when Christmas fortune-telling begins.

Christmas time as an occasion to make new acquaintances

Each locality had its own experts in the most accurate methods of prediction. They certainly tried to invite them to their party, because even the simplest fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish wants to be colored with more precise details. The fortuneteller was lured with treats, cajoled with gifts and kind words. Experienced fortune tellers were a kind of actors. The famous underwater prophecies were accompanied by the performance of special chants and round dances. Girls, going to visit for fortune-telling at Christmas time, dressed up in the most beautiful dresses, tied their hair with ribbons and colored scarves - after all, there would definitely be young men in the company. During such gatherings, young people met, had fun, got married, and on Maslenitsa, parents sent matchmakers to have a wedding on Krasnaya Gorka.

Under-the-radar fortune-telling

The most colorful and crowded fortune-telling of wishes at Christmas time took place with the participation of a matchmaker and was called sub-divination. Such parties usually attracted a lot of people, there were both boys and girls. The guests participating in the action put their rings, earrings or other small personal items into a large dish with water, and the matchmaker also put bread, salt and ash there with the appropriate sentence. The youth danced around her singing. At the end of each verse there is a matchmaker with the words “What happens, cannot be avoided!” took out two objects. The owners took their things, and the action continued until the dish remained empty. If a couple of objects belonging to two girls or two boys were taken out, then the matchmaker, at her discretion, could put them back or give them back to the owners.

There were other options for under-the-radar fortune-telling. In this case, each verse of the underwater song contained a brief description of some event - a wedding, travel, birth of a child, wealth, poverty, illness, death - everything that accompanies a person’s life and stands out as the most significant. For each story noted in the song, an object was taken out of the dish. The prediction was interpreted in accordance with what was heard

Fortune telling on cards

Christmas fortune-telling is collective entertainment. It’s not interesting to guess on maps in a company. This is an activity for two, because a fortune teller usually tells one person at length and in detail about his future, past and present, and those around him may get bored at this time. And yet, the demand for this kind of interpretation of fate during this period is very great. Tarot readers sign up those wishing to queue for a certain hour, because fortune telling with cards based on a wish using a Tarot deck is not available to many. This is a whole philosophy, but there are simpler ways. Yuletide fortune-telling using the cards of the French fortuneteller Madame Lenormand is much shorter and more accessible. Pictures depicting a ring, a road, rats, a coffin, a child, the sun, a book and other objects and phenomena very clearly demonstrate what the coming year has in store for the questioner.

You can also find out about marriage from a regular playing deck, using court pieces taking into account the suit. This Christmas fortune telling on cards looks like this. Men speculate on kings and jacks. At night, these cards and one lady, representing the fortuneteller herself, are placed under the pillow. Next you need to say: “I go to bed on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads. One sees, another will tell, the third will predict my fate. All the good things will come true, but the bad things will not come true and will be forgotten.” After this, you can’t talk to anyone until the morning. You need to go to bed before midnight. And the next day, immediately after waking up, the first card that comes to hand is taken out. If this is a lady, it means that the girl will not get married in the next year.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

There is another common and no less simple fortune telling based on the desire to find out about the groom. A comb is placed under the pillow, this procedure is accompanied by the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up, comb your little head.” In the morning, there should be a hair on the comb under the pillow. The bride recognizes the groom by its color.

Unmarried girls hung a towel out of the window at night and said: “Mummer, come to me to wash.” If the towel turns out to be wet in the morning, it means that this year the fortuneteller will meet her future husband, and if it remains dry, then she will have to wait until next year.

A simple fortune-telling using three tea or coffee cups told whether the girl would get married, get a fiancé, or remain single until next year. Under each cup you need to put a ring, a flower and a ribbon. If the choice falls on a flower, then the girl will meet her betrothed, if it’s a ribbon, then she’ll be a free bird all year, but if it’s a ring, then everything is clear.

What were family people wondering about?

Married women, wanting to know what gender the child would be, poured water into a large spoon and froze it. They looked at it in the morning, and if the ice turned out to be convex, it means that a boy will be born, if it is concave, it means a girl, and if it remains flat, it means that there will be no addition to the family yet.

Economic people did not forget about and made weather forecasts for the whole year by month. To do this, they took 12 bulbs and immediately after the Christmas church service they laid them out in a row on the windowsill. All vegetables were sequentially designated every January 19th and they were examined. Wet denoted rainy months, and dry denoted dry weather. In this way, work could be planned, such as roof repairs or planting.

Scary fortune telling

Brave girls went to the bathhouse to cast spells. There, according to legend, the bath spirit lived, which on Christmas days could show the girl her future husband. Bath fortune-telling for wishes on Christmastide was carried out at night, when everyone had already gone to bed. The girl took with her two mirrors and a white plate filled with water without a pattern. Having taken off all her clothes except her shirt, untied the knots and removed the cross from her neck, she, fortune-telling by the light of two candles, set up a corridor of mirrors. Having counted twelve reflections, the girl turned her gaze to the plate of water and peered into it. As soon as a face appeared there, she had to immediately turn everything over and, grabbing the cross, run away from the bathhouse. This was a very dangerous activity, since the bathhouse spirit could scare a curious woman to death and even strangle her if she hesitated. And such cases have happened.

The most desperate ones went to church. Fortune telling by candlelight was carried out as follows. The girls lit candles and placed them in front of the altar. Based on the sequence in which they burned, the order of marriage was determined. And by the soot and crackling of the candles they judged what the marriage would be like.

Fortune telling with fire

Candles were also used for another way of predicting fate. So, they lit a long thin candle and held it tightly, without moving, over a dish of water until a small cinder remains. As the wax dripped, it created a variety of patterns. Interpreting them required a remarkable imagination. You should count on the help of girlfriends with caution. After all, everyone has their own destiny, and they can see something that relates to themselves, and not to the one who held the candle, and willy-nilly distort the prediction.

There are very interesting things to do if you want to know the main events of the beginning of the year. The prediction takes place in 3D format. You will need a clean white wall and a large sheet that needs to be crumpled into a large soft lump, placed on a tin tray and set on fire. The lighting must be turned off, since the image can be read by the shadows on the wall cast by the burning paper. To make fortune telling successful, try it first with a small sample of paper. When you are sure that the shadows are clearly visible, you can proceed to the main action. This fortune telling is accurate, because subconsciously every person knows his destiny, but we do not always know how to use our own intuition.

Fortune telling with glasses

The events of the year can be determined in one more way. Take four identical glasses, number and place four elements in them - ring, salt, bread and sugar. The girl or boy, that is, the one who asks the question, closes his eyes. One assistant spins the fortuneteller around the axis, the other swaps the glasses. Then the questioner is brought to the glasses, and without looking, he chooses one of them. If there is a ring in it, it means there will be a wedding or engagement; if salt means sorrows, bread means a rich life and good work, sugar means a serene and cheerful year. The one who chose the ring can find out when an important event occurs - marriage or engagement. To do this, the glasses are emptied and the person is spun around again. Glass number 1 means January, February or March, number 2 - April, May or June, 3 - July, August or September, 4 - October, November or December.

Funny fortune telling

Pets also took part in fortune telling. In former times they loved so-called bird fortune-telling. Whether the wish would come true or not depended on which paw the hen or rooster crossed the threshold first: if it was the right one, then the wish would come true, but if it was the left one, then it would not. The bird was frightened by a noisy gathering of strangers, ran away, they poured grains on it, and persuaded it to come in.

A group of friends can have a lot of fun if they decide to do fortune telling with a large chest filled with a wide variety of utensils or a wardrobe. To help the fortune tellers, they need a child of five to seven years old who does not understand things very well. The youth are blindfolded, and the child takes out various objects from the closet and asks: “Whose is this?” The one who answers: “Mine” is untied and given the chosen item. When all participants have been interviewed and endowed with things, you can begin to interpret the meaning. Since any Christmas fortune-telling applies only to the coming year, the main events of this period for each of the characters are determined by subject. Threads, belts, ties, shoes or a suitcase always foreshadow the road and travel, the key is the acquisition of real estate or a car, trousers given to a girl, even if they are women's, promise a new acquaintance with a man, if a young man gets a skirt, then he will have a new girlfriend, glasses and bottles indicate many festive feasts with alcoholic beverages, tableware - for communication with friends and guests, beautiful jewelry and expensive fur - for wealth, socks, slippers, unpresentable things - for poverty, books - for study, weapons symbolize war, toys portend the birth of a child or pregnancy, etc.

Fortune telling from books

To do this, they take six volumes of different subjects, for example, the Bible, fairy tales, novels and some reference books. Questions are formulated approximately as follows: “What do I need to do or what should I do to fulfill my desire?”, “What will be the most significant for me this year?”, “How will my professional life turn out?”, “What new will happen in my personal life?” ?. Without looking, he takes the volume and opens it. Next, still without opening your eyes, your finger points to the place where the prophetic text is written. It must be read and comprehended. The theme of the book indicates the main concerns of the coming year, and the selected text is an answer to a direct question.

Modern fortune telling

With the transition of the calendar to a new style, new methods of divination appeared, for example, a wish is made in advance, and at the time of the Moscow chimes it is written down on a sheet of paper, set on fire and thrown into a glass of champagne. During the fireworks, everyone clinks glasses, hugs and drinks champagne along with the ashes. In order for this New Year's fortune telling to work, the desire must not only be written and swallowed, it is very important that the paper burns completely and the ashes do not spill onto the tablecloth. This ritual usually greatly enlivens the feast. Not everyone believes in its effectiveness, so they laugh when they see how their friends are fussing, counting on such magic. Residents of the Kaliningrad region were very lucky with this fortune telling. Recently, they have heard the chimes of the Moscow Kremlin and the President’s speech twice, because the New Year comes to them later than anyone else in Russia. Accordingly, fortune telling on paper based on desire is done twice. The second time, they are usually better prepared - matches are at hand, and the paper is not too hard and not too light (so that it burns quickly and does not scatter before it gets into the glass). In general, you can guess for each wish only once, otherwise contradictory answers will appear and you can get confused. Although, if you treat this as a joke, a game, a reason to have fun, then why not...

Christmas traditions and rituals are a great opportunity to diversify your everyday routine, renew communication with old friends, and make new acquaintances. Such traditions must be preserved and cherished. Many will say that any magic is a dangerous activity; it is no coincidence that the church condemns divination and fortune telling during Christmas time, but you should not take this very seriously and be afraid of such a sin. There are worse things. Take Christmas games with a bit of humor. Our ancestors, having played with fate on Christmastide, plunged into the night from January 18th to 19th, thereby washing away the sins of two holiday weeks. After this, ordinary life began with its simple concerns and interests, and Christmastide remained in the memory as a bright and cheerful episode.

According to popular belief, fortune-telling is the most accurate during Christmas time; this tradition still lives on. That is why during the period from Christmas on January 7 in the evening to Epiphany on January 19, Christmas fortune-telling begins. During this Christmas period in Rus', our ancestors tried to find out their fate.

How can you force fate to reveal its cards? Your Izvestiya offers fortune telling in different ways, known since ancient times and suggested by modern professional fortune tellers! You can tell fortunes on these holidays either alone or in the company of friends. The main thing is that this action is a joy! According to popular beliefs, one should only begin to perform divination in a good mood, otherwise dark forces can cause harm...

Dates of Christmas fortune telling

And although you can tell fortunes from the very first seconds of the new year, our great-grandmothers considered the most reliable day for fortune telling to be the night from January 13 to 14! On that same Old New Year, it’s best to start Christmas fortune-telling! It was believed that “Vasiliev’s Evening,” which occurred on January 13, was the most suitable for divination.

According to popular beliefs, all evil spirits at that moment acquired special power and most willingly shared only with them the secrets of the future known only to them. Experienced fortune tellers correctly chose not only the day, but also the hour! Therefore, the most prophetic fortune-telling was carried out at midnight - right at the junction of yesterday and tomorrow. It is at this moment that the border between the present and the other world is very transparent and thin! Hence the chances of getting a true prediction of fate are higher!

But on January 7 and 19 - Christmas and Epiphany - it is better to refuse attempts to lift the veil of the future. People believed: by telling fortunes on these sacred days, you can predict your happiness...

What to wear during Christmas fortune telling

Before divination, you need to let your hair down, take off all kinds of jewelry, and remove belts and straps from your clothes. According to popular belief, it was believed that one must free oneself from everything that prevents one from overcoming the boundary between the past and the future and penetrating the secrets of the future. During Christmas fortune-telling, girls wore loose clothes. The ideal outfit for a magical ritual would be a simple nightie or loose dress. Such clothing does not “block” the channels of communication with the world of spirits, which reveals to you the secret of the future. After finishing the fortune telling, it is better to wash the clothes in order to remove negative energy from them after the “dialogue” with the other world.

Now choose the fortune telling that you like and lift the veil of the future! Begins the selection - fortune telling for love and relationships!

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

Christmas fortune telling for the betrothed at two mirrors. This is an old Russian fortune-telling, which must be carried out while being completely alone in a room in which there is a large mirror (in the old days, those who used this Christmas fortune-telling secretly performed it alone in an empty bathhouse). If the apartment has several rooms, then it is better to choose the one with a balcony. When you decide on a room for fortune telling, you need to prepare yourself: remove the cross, free your hair if it is tied with a ribbon or a hairpin, undo your braids and untie all the knots on your clothes. It is advisable to carry out the ritual of fortune-telling for your betrothed wearing only a shirt, barefoot; none of your relatives or friends should know about your intentions.

Exactly at midnight, place two candles in candlesticks on the table or trellis on both sides of the mirror. Opposite the large mirror, install a smaller mirror so that you create a “corridor” of mirrors. When installing mirrors, it is important to repeat to yourself:

“Betrothed-mummer, show yourself in the mirror.”

Next, you need to carefully, without taking your eyes off, look into the mirror “corridor”. Then after 10 - 20 minutes you can see the reflection of your future husband. As soon as he appears, you must immediately remove the small mirror with a quick movement of your hand, otherwise the groom may hit you in the face. After this you need to shout:

“Out of this place!” and cross yourself.

This fortune-telling requires a lot of endurance, self-control and strong nerves, because in the reflection anything can appear, even a horned monster... Those who are faint of heart should not test themselves like this, but turn to simpler folk fortune-telling, which will be discussed further.

To dream about your betrothed in a dream. At night, comb your hair with a comb, saying the words:

“Betrothed mummer, come to me dressed up!”

Then place the comb under your pillow. To make your wish come true, you cannot talk to anyone until dawn. If you want to know the name of your future chosen one. Then, in the evening, prepare pieces of paper with men’s names, put them in a hat and leave them next to the bed. When you wake up in the morning, without getting out of bed, put your hand in a hat with pieces of paper and pull out one of them.

Fortune telling for the betrothed on cards. This fortune telling is for those who have not yet met their soul mate. Select all kings and jacks from the card deck, set aside the remaining cards (they will not be needed). Shuffle the cards and place them under your pillow or mattress. When you go to bed, say the following phrase:

“My groom, dream about me in a dream and tell me about yourself.”

When you wake up in the morning, take the first card you come across at random with your hand:

jack means your future groom will be young.

the king - the chosen one will be older than you.

Now look at the card suit:

Spades - the groom will be successful and wealthy.

Kresti - a new acquaintance will happen when you least expected it.

Tambourines - you will meet your betrothed at a party of mutual friends.

Worms - your chosen one will be from the closest circle of your friends.

Fortune telling on cards for a loved one. This fortune telling is for those who already have a loved one; it will tell you how your relationship with him will develop in the coming year.

Take a deck of cards in your hand and ask the question: “What awaits me with (state the name of the chosen one).” Then draw four cards at random.

If prevail:

worms - a sea of ​​love awaits you;

clubs - your relationship will be intertwined with money issues;

peaks - most likely you will break up;

tambourines - separation is possible.

Fortune telling by a tree. Choose any tree and grab onto any of its branches without looking.

If it is smooth and even, your betrothed will be a good husband.

If the branch is gnarled and clumsy, the husband will turn out to be bad.

Dry - the marriage will be childless.

Fortune telling using multi-colored threads. In the evening, prepare threads of different colors: white, red and black. Place them under your pillow. In the morning, stick your hand in there and pull out the first thread you come across. If she:

red - you will get married in a year;

white - your wedding will take place this year;

black - don’t expect marriage this year.

Fortune telling by bulbs. Are you waiting for a marriage proposal, and from several admirers? Find out who will make a passionate confession first. To do this, write the names of the applicants on the bulbs and place the onion in water and let it sprout. The one whose name bulb shoots first will make the proposal before the others. Of course, you will have to wait for the results, but you need to plant onions on one of the holy days.

Fortune telling by apples. If you have several admirers, then you can find out which of them will propose marriage to you by looking at the apples. Take the required number of fruits and scratch your initials on each one at the bottom of the apple. Then go out into a dark, unlit room with apples and take a bite from each one, immediately determining which one is the sweetest. The apple that turned out to be the sweetest and matches your groom.

Fortune telling using a paper snowflake. Cut out a snowflake from paper. Stand on a chair in front of a decorated Christmas tree and let a snowflake fly. Look where she landed! On a branch with toys - you will meet love, or your current feelings will “light up” with renewed vigor. On a bare branch - difficulties in relationships are possible. On gender - no changes are expected in your personal life.

"Boats." In order to find out about the future groom in the new year, use the “Boat” fortune telling. You will need a small bowl that is filled halfway with water. Attach pieces of paper with inscriptions to its edges: travel, whirlwind romance, wedding, quarrel, engagement, etc. Insert a candle stub into half a walnut shell and light it. We launch the boat into the middle of the basin and see which piece of paper it floats to.

Fortune telling using an elevator. Another fortune telling for love - modern. Is your heart filled with love dreams? Psychics tell us how to find out whether they will come true in the near future. The answer will be given to us... by a passenger elevator! Having mentally asked your question, enter the cabin and stop on one of the middle floors. While remaining in the elevator, wait until the doors close again and someone calls him to another floor. If the cabin points upward, your wish will soon come true! Down - the time for this has not yet come! You can guess in any house where there is an elevator. But only during Christmas time!

What awaits you in the new year?

Fortune telling at the New Year tree. If you have a green beauty at home, which is dressed up with multi-colored balls and toys, then you can use them for fortune telling.

Stand in front of a decorated Christmas tree. Blindfold yourself. Don't peek! Turn around your axis several times. Then turn your hand towards the tree and take the first toy you come across. Take off the bandage and see what color the toy is in your hands.

You don’t have to blindfold yourself, but start a New Year’s round dance around the forest beauty to the music. When the melody ends, pick off the decoration, but don’t choose, grab without looking what comes to hand.

Red, orange, pink and yellow toys. A stormy love adventure awaits you. If you are married, then your passion with your spouse will flare up with renewed vigor.

White. You are getting closer and closer to your goal. Don't retreat!

Green. You will achieve success in school or at work. Career growth possible!

Silver or gold - promises unexpected profits.

Blue, blue or purple - speaks of family well-being.

In addition to toys, you can hang on the Christmas tree: dried fruits, apples, nuts and candies. Let's look at what you picked and determine your future destiny in the coming year:

Drying - to a well-fed life.

An apple means an addition to the family.

Nuts mean surprises.

Sweets - to glory.

Fortune telling at the crossroads. This is an ancient fortune-telling, when unmarried girls went out to the crossroads on Christmas Eve and tried to hear the first phrase, which was the answer from higher powers. It is believed that it is the intersections of several roads that acquire magical powers at this time. And even if the advice or phrase sounds unclear, use your intuition and it will tell you what to expect from Fate in the near future.

Fortune telling for six glasses.

To find out what the coming year has in store for Christmas time, magicians advise turning to the help of six glasses (glasses or glasses). Put salt in one, candy in another, a coin in the third, a key in the fourth, grain in the fifth, and a ring in the sixth. Ask someone close to you to place the containers on the table in one row and, blindfolded, lead you to the glasses! Your task is to choose the one to which your soul will be drawn. Its contents will tell you about your future.

Salt - to misunderstandings and unrest.

Candy - for a sweet, carefree life.

Coin - to financial well-being.

The key is to buying or renting real estate, as well as solving a pressing issue.

Grain - to the appearance of offspring in your family or relatives.

The ring is a sign of new love relationships for unmarried people. And if you are already married - repeat the honeymoon!

Fortune telling for wax casting in water. This is one of the most popular fortune telling in Rus' - dripping molten wax into water or milk and then looking at the resulting figures. To perform the ceremony, grate the wax candle or cut it into small pieces. Fill a tablespoon with wax shavings. Prepare a bowl of water. Then melt the wax in a spoon over the candle and quickly pour it into the water. It will freeze in the shape of some figure.

See what it's like to see what the future holds for you. If it reminds:

a dog, it means that in the new year you will find true friends or a very good close friend.

small circles are for profit.

star - the new year will be successful for you and you will receive long-awaited news or move up the career ladder.

horseshoe promises great happiness.

snake - betrayal.

cross - health problems.

flower - a new friend will appear or you will get married.

a running beast - to long roads.

If the wax has formed a figure that is unlike anything else, use your imagination - it will tell you something. Keep a wax figurine with a good prediction as a talisman of the year.

Fortune telling for wax casting in milk. You need to melt a piece of wax or a wax candle in a metal mug or tablespoon. Place a saucer of milk on the threshold of the apartment with the words:

“Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

And immediately pour the wax into a saucer with milk, examine the frozen figures. See interpretation - above.

Fortune telling on a thread. To find out what awaits you in the coming year, prepare 4 small threads of different colors: red, white, blue and black. All of them will symbolize the following:

red - responsible for family relationships (if you are married) and new love (for unmarried people);

white - will show what you will have at work and with your career;

blue - will tell you about your financial situation;

black - will reflect your problems and unresolved matters.

Now fill a deep bowl with water and carefully place the threads on its surface. Wait 5 minutes and then begin to interpret the fortune telling:

if the thread drowns - to trouble;

if you stay on the water, everything will be fine;

if the threads cross each other, the events will be interconnected.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

For cereal. Place rice on a plate. And make a wish over her. Then take a handful of beans and scatter them on the table. Is there an even number of grains? Your deepest wish will come true!

Pieces of paper. Before going to bed, write 15 of your wishes on identical pieces of paper, put them under your pillow, and right in the morning, when you wake up, take out one piece of paper - the wish written on it will come true.

On chicken bones. In the evening, eat a chicken foot for dinner, but don’t throw away the bones. Wrap them in a red napkin or rag and take them out into the yard behind the gate. Make your wish and say the words:

“What was in the egg came out of the egg, which walked around the yard and pecked at the millet. The one whose head was chopped off was boiled with noodles. What I enjoyed, whose bones I removed from the flesh, tell me: will it be my desire or not? What originated in the egg - give me the answer tomorrow.”

Go to this place early in the morning and see:

    if you don’t find any bones, your wish will not come true;

    the bones are covered with snow - you can give up your desire;

    the bones lie intact and untouched - everything will come true.

    For salt. You need to guess exactly at midnight. Make a wish and to check whether it will come true or not, shake the salt shaker three times in your hand directly above your right palm. Quickly clench your hand with salt into a fist. Blow on it three times and sharply unclench your fingers so that the salt falls out (just don’t specifically shake it off, otherwise the fortune telling will be incorrect).

    If your hand is almost clean, your wish will come true in the near future!

    If there is a lot of salt left on the palm, the wish will not come true.

    The modern option is SMS. This method of fortune telling appeared with the advent of cellular communications in our lives. Make a wish. Send an SMS to the number you created. One of three scenarios will follow

    If it doesn’t go to any destination, your plans won’t come true.

    If it has passed, the plan will come true.

    If you also received a good answer, then the coming year will certainly be happy.

    Guessing how the case will be resolved

    It’s good for those who entered the New Year without problems, but sometimes the situation is exactly the opposite. And at this time you can try to resolve it with the help of fortune telling. Take a small piece of blank paper and briefly describe your situation on it. Fold or crumple the paper and drop it into the bottom of the glass. Fill a glass with water and place it in the cold on the balcony or place it in the freezer. In the morning, take out the glass and look:

    if the ice on top is transparent, problems can be resolved very quickly and easily;

    if a cloudy layer of ice has formed, but the piece of paper is visible, everything will be decided in your favor, but not without some troubles;

    if the ice is frozen so that the piece of paper is not visible at all, the matter will not be decided in your favor and you should look for another way out.

    “Order” a prophetic dream

    Psychics assure: during Christmas time you need to be more attentive to your dreams. After all, there is a high probability of seeing a prophetic dream that clearly tells us about the future. And to hasten such a vision, experts in the supernatural advise using a simple ritual.

    Before going to bed, place a round mirror under your pillow. Lie down, relax and say the spell to yourself three times:

    “Darkness is reflected in this mirror, light is reflected in it, let it be reflected and in my dreams.”

    By the way, according to the same psychics, you can have a prophetic dream if you go to the kingdom of Morpheus no later than midnight! So we go to bed early. Even if we don’t see anything fateful, at least we’ll get some sleep!

    Fortune telling to get an answer to a question

    By candlelight.

    Lay a clean tablecloth on the table and place a candlestick with a candle. Light a candle from a match (this is a must!) and sit opposite. Frame your question in such a way that it can be answered with “yes,” “no,” or “probably.” Look at the flame of a burning candle and repeat the question to yourself again.

    The flame of the candle is high: the answer is “yes”.

    Flame low: the answer is no.

    The flame flickers: “maybe” - it is entirely up to you.

    Fortune telling with a cat. If you have a cat or cat living in your house, you can tell fortunes by placing the animal outside the threshold of the room. Make a wish on one of the festive evenings and then call your pet. Watch carefully with which paw he crosses the threshold of the room: if with his left paw, then your wish will come true, and if with his right paw, obstacles will arise on the way.

    If you don't have a pet, ask your question and call a cat from the street. If he runs towards you, the answer to your question is positive. If he runs away - negative.

    Fortune telling for a future purchase

    Have you decided to make a purchase in the coming year, but are you unsure whether it’s worth spending money in such a difficult time? Tell your fortune! Take a piece of paper and write five amounts on it: 500, 1000, 5000 rubles, 10 thousand and 20 thousand. Then crumple the paper and set it on fire on a plate. After the flame goes out on its own, see how much remains untouched by the flame. Enough for what you wanted? Feel free to go to the store! No? Then leave the idea until better times!

    Fortune telling for money and financial well-being

    Fortune telling using coins.

    Take a coin and three saucers. Leave the room, and let your family hide the “wealth” under one of them. Guess where the “treasure” is hidden:

    The first time - there will be no problems with money in the new year - you will live in grand style!

    From the second, difficulties will arise that you can overcome.

    Thirdly, there is a high probability that “finance will sing romances.” Therefore, it is worth “spreading straws” and putting it aside for a rainy day.

    If you are alone at home and there are no assistants to perform the previous fortune telling for wealth, then act differently. Take three coins of the same denomination. Shake them in your fist and then throw them on the floor at your feet. Look at the coins:

    if two of them are heads up, expect abundance at the end of the year, and if a couple of coins land heads up, then prosperity will come to your home at the beginning of the year.

    Turn your back to the coins and take a couple of steps back from them. Then spin around yourself clockwise (close your eyes). Open your eyes and see where you are:

    if you are facing the coins, then you are close to profit;

    if your back is turned, you will not be able to get too rich in the coming year;

    if sideways, everything will depend entirely on you.

    Fortune telling using a deck of cards. To perform this fortune telling, you will need a new deck of cards that no one has ever played on. Take the cards out of the package and shuffle them, mentally saying the question: “Will your life be rich in the coming year?” Then pull out nine cards at random and see which suit comes up the most:

    hearts or diamonds - your financial situation will remain at the same level;

    clubs - you will have money all year;

    spades - it’s worth thinking about how to spend money more economically.

    Fortune telling among friends

    When you meet with friends during the Christmas and New Year holidays, Christmas fortune telling will be a good entertainment for a small group. They do not require much preparation, they will amuse your guests and the time will be fun and exciting.

    Fortune telling "Wheel of Fortune". If you are gathered for Christmas time with friends and are spending the holiday in a noisy company, you can arrange a “Wheel of Fortune” fortune telling for everyone. You will need colored paper and a large hat, bag or wide vase.

    Cut colored paper into strips (as for forfeits). Write predictions on each one. For example:

    success awaits you;

    what you are looking for is very close;

    your plans will come true with the help of friends;

    everything will come true, but later, etc.

    Then roll up each piece of paper and place them in a wide vase. Stir and place the vase on the table. Place the guests around and let everyone make a wish and then take a piece of paper from the vase. Whether the dream comes true or not, the prediction written on a piece of paper will answer.

    Fortune telling by water. On a frosty night, have each participant fill a spoon with water and take it out into the cold, for example, onto a cold balcony. And the next morning everyone runs to check what happened to the water:

    If the water freezes evenly, a prosperous and happy life awaits you all year.

    If there are irregularities, tubercles, there will be trouble.

    Bag of predictions. For a fun company, you can arrange fortune telling by putting small things in a bag: a key, a pin, a spool of thread, a coin, an earring, a handkerchief, a ring. Each of the guests will put their hand into it and pull out what the hand touches first. If pulled out:

    a coin - to wealth and prosperity;

    earring - good news;

    a pin - to discord;

    handkerchief - to tears;

    a ring - to marriage (and if the fortuneteller is in a marriage union, then to the refreshment of feelings);

    the key is to a new home;

    threads - to replenish the family.

    Fortune telling at the closet. This fun fortune-telling can be done in a room in which there is a closet or bedside table with clothes. They invite a child about 10 years old - a girl or a boy. All marriageable girls among the guests are invited to stand with their backs to the closet with clothes. Then the child takes out any item of clothing without looking in the closet and asks: “Whose is this?” The girl who answers: “Mine” turns around and looks at what she got:

    tie - for a rich groom;

    suspenders - her husband will be a glutton;

    cowards - will run after women;

    pants - a cheerful person;

    socks - poor groom;

    the skirt is a fashionable dandy;

    scarf - impotent;

    gloves - not clean;

    shirt - poor health;

    hat - high intelligence and intelligence;

    a jacket is a good husband.

    Fortune telling on the bun. You will have to prepare for this fortune-telling in advance, or rather, bake the buns. Do you dream of finding out what awaits you in the professional field in the new year? The magicians suggest asking a kolobok about this on one of the holy days, but not a simple one, but with a secret! First, prepare the dough. To do this, mix:

    500 g cottage cheese,

    1 tbsp. Sahara,

    2 tbsp. flour,

    1/2 tsp. soda,

    a pinch of salt.

    Then make 7 bells of equal size.

    Add your own “magic” filling to each: raisins, nuts, coffee beans, peas, a piece of dried apricots, any sour berry, a piece of chocolate.

    Dip the cones in flour and fry in vegetable oil on all sides for 7-10 minutes.

    Ready! You can start fortune telling. Let each guest choose their own bun.

    With raisins - success in work and excellent career growth awaits.

    Nut - to obstacles and difficulties.

    Coffee bean - to change the field of activity.

    Pea - to the appearance of an enemy and a spiteful critic at work.

    Dried apricots - to new interesting opportunities.

    Berry - to unjustified expectations.

    Chocolate - for passionate and fruitful work!

    Having tasted the magic koloboks, you will predict the events of the next year in your professional activities.

    A strong amulet against everything bad

    What should you do if, as a result of fortune telling, you were predicted something bad for the coming year? Use a strong amulet made from mint.

    In Rus', this fragrant plant is considered a powerful amulet against evil spirits, bad people, illnesses and misfortunes! To protect themselves from anything unwanted, women placed bunches of mint at the door. Fresh or dry - it doesn't matter! Do you want to follow the example of your ancestors? Hide a mint leaf (you can buy it at the pharmacy - from 50 rubles) in the hallway. By the way! In order for the grass to properly protect you, magicians advise changing the leaves with new ones at least once every two weeks! And throw out the old ones immediately! Like, this way you will get rid of everything bad that this plant, like a sponge, has absorbed.

    Lyubov Fedorova, “Your Zest”

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Christmastide are the two weeks of winter holidays, from Christmas Eve, which falls on January 6, to Epiphany, celebrated on January 19. Fortune telling at Christmas is rightfully considered the most truthful. Christmas fortune-telling has its roots in the times of pagan Rus'. It was fortune telling during the winter solstice (and this is the period of Christmastide) that was given special importance in pagan times. It was believed that it was on these days that otherworldly forces were most active, and the boundaries between worlds were thinner, which contributed to a more truthful result of New Year's, Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', Christmas fortune-telling was not only preserved, but also acquired a more mystical meaning, and although the church tried to fight superstition and fortune-telling, they were carefully passed down from generation to generation, and have survived to this day in a little changed form.

When you decide to tell fortunes for Christmas, remember that the result of fortune telling may not meet your expectations, so is it worth spoiling your holidays...

A huge variety of methods for Christmas fortune-telling have been invented in Rus', but the main theme of all Christmas fortune-telling is fortune telling for the betrothed (groom). This is understandable, because in ancient times, the fate of a girl depended entirely on how successfully she would get married.

Fortune telling (with felt boots) on the “side” you will marry

This is the most famous and widespread type of fortune telling. The girls take turns throwing their felt boots over their backs onto the road and, by the direction of the toe of the fallen felt boots, recognize the direction in which they will get married.

Fortune telling with mirrors

This fortune-telling is well known from literature and is now popular among brave girls.

In ancient times, mirrors were credited with magical properties. The custom of covering mirrors if there is a dead person in the house also reflects this attitude of our ancestors to the magic of mirrors.

Fortune telling is carried out in an empty and quiet room. There should be no one and no sounds. The fortune-telling girl should let her hair down and concentrate completely. She should sit in the dark near two opposite mirrors. Novikov’s painting shows this position of the girl. At midnight, the girl lights two candles placed on the sides of the mirrors and says: “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me” and begins to peer into the gallery of reflections, hoping to see her groom. You can sit in front of mirrors for a long time, or you can see your betrothed right away.

Fortune telling in a new house

You can only guess in the house where you spend the night for the first time. Only then is fortune telling considered correct. Before going to bed, you should cross yourself three times and go to bed with the words: “I’m sleeping in a new place, I dreamed of the bridegroom.” The man you dream about will be your fiance.

Fortune telling on straw

Fortune telling on straw is most interesting when there are many people present. Exactly at midnight, gather in one room, light a candle and start guessing. To find out the name of your betrothed, put straw knocked into a lump on the table, place a frying pan on this lump, put a stone on the frying pan and pour a little water. Then each of the girls should slowly pull out a straw and the name of the betrothed should be heard by the sounds made by the stone when it vibrates in the frying pan. During fortune telling, there should be absolute silence in the room.

Fortune telling (with burning a thread) for the speed and order of marriage

A simple and visual fortune telling, which is still popular in our time. It consists in the fact that girls cut threads of the same length (it is better to take thicker threads) and set them on fire at the same time. The threads need to be held at one end, the other lowered down and set on fire. Whoever's thread burns out first will be the first to be married. The order in which the threads burn in the hands of the girls will show the order in which they get married. If someone’s thread goes out immediately or the thread burns out by less than half, then this girl will not get married.

Fortune telling (with a ring or needle) about the gender of the unborn child

Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle: the ring is lowered into a glass of water, the woolen fabric is pierced with a needle, then, suspended by a hair or thread, it is slowly lowered near the hand of the one being told fortunes. If an object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often, a boy), if it is pendulum-shaped, it will be a boy (less often, a girl), if the object does not move, there will be no children.

Fortune telling (with choice of subject) for the “quality” of life

Objects are hidden in a bag, cup or felt boot, then the girls choose their felt boot or bag. The choice of an object symbolizes life in the coming year: ash - a bad life, sugar - a sweet life, a ring - getting married, an onion - for tears, a glass - drunkenness, a golden ring - a rich life, etc., you can invent and modify the fortune telling with your own options .

Fortune telling with a rooster for the betrothed

Several plates or bowls are taken, grain is poured into one plate (or money is placed), water is poured into another, a mirror is placed nearby, and sometimes a chicken is brought. A rooster approaching a mirror symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom; if a rooster approaches grain or money - his wealth; if a rooster approaches a hen, it means he will be a “womanizer”.

Fortune telling with matches

Two matches are inserted into the sides of the matchbox and lit. If the burnt heads are facing each other, it means that the “given” guy and girl will be together. If the match heads are pointing in different directions or have fallen off, then no.

Fortune telling (by barking dogs) about the age of the groom

At midnight, take a knife, go outside, go to a snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife, saying: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to laugh or cry?”

After pronouncing the words of the spell, shut up and listen carefully to the barking of the dogs.

  • If an angry, sharp bark is heard, it means that the future husband will be strict and gloomy;
  • hoarse barking promises an old groom;
  • shrill barking - the groom will have a bad character;
  • ringing bark - young;
  • if the dogs bark cheerfully and loudly, then the husband will be cheerful and kind;
  • It’s very bad if you hear a dog howling during fortune telling. This suggests that the marriage will not last long and very quickly the young wife will become a widow.

Fortune telling "Well"

To carry out this fortune telling, you need a well. If a girl lives in a village and has a well with a lockable roof, then this is an ideal option. If you don’t have such a well at your disposal, then you should make a symbolic well. To do this, you can use matches, toothpicks, and other sticks. Building a well is quite simple. Make a square out of the sticks, placing the ends of the sticks on top of each other and so make several rows. Take a thimble, pour some water into it and place it next to the well. In villages, girls can pour water into a bucket and place it near a real well. Lock a real well with a real key made from sticks, “lock” it with any key, making the appropriate movement with your hand, and put the key under your pillow. When you go to bed, say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to my well to drink some water, ask me for the key.” Your betrothed will come to you in a dream to drink water from your well.

Fortune telling by shadows

This type of fortune telling, due to its simplicity and clarity, is very common among modern girls. The girl sets fire to a sheet of paper crumpled by her hand, and then looks at the shadow of the burning paper on the wall - this is the first stage of fortune telling, even at this stage quite clear images can arise.

Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumples it, puts it on a dish or on a large flat plate and sets it on fire. When the sheet burns or almost burns, it is displayed on the wall with the help of a candle - this is the second and main stage. By carefully examining the shadows, they try to find out their future from the images of the shadows.

Fortune telling with a ring to evoke the image of the future groom

Take an ordinary glass with smooth walls, a flat bottom and no pattern, pour water into it 3/4 full and carefully lower the wedding ring into the middle of the bottom. The ring must be pre-washed in running water so that it does not carry the information of its owner. Looking closely at the very center of the ring, saying the words: “My betrothed, come to me,” you can see the betrothed. To see it, you may have to look into the ring for quite a long time.

Fortune telling with inducing a dream about a betrothed

We write the young man's name on a piece of paper, put it on a small mirror and under the pillow, or put three bay leaves under the pillow. On one they write “Ananius”, on the other - “Azarius” and on the third - “Misail” and say the spell: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams about me, let him dream about me.”

They tell fortunes on the night from Monday to Tuesday. Take a spruce branch and place it at the head of the bed overnight. At the same time they say: “I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, if I dream of someone who thinks about me.” Whoever dreams is the one who loves you.

They tell fortunes on the night from Thursday to Friday. Going to bed, they say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees. Another will say, the third will indicate fate.”

Girls tell fortunes if they go to bed where they never had to before. Before going to bed they say: “In a new place, dream of the bridegroom.” You will see your fiance in a dream.

Card reading

Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dream about the king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - expect matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.

Fortune telling for relatives

They go to look at their neighbors' windows during dinner. If they see the heads of those sitting at the table, they foretell to themselves that the future relatives will all be alive; if they don’t see the heads, then a misfortune must happen to the relatives.

Melt the wax in a mug, pour milk into a saucer and place it at the threshold of your apartment or house. Say the following words: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” With the last words, pour melted wax into the milk. Now watch what is happening carefully.

  • If you see a frozen cross, some illnesses await you in the new year.
  • If the cross only appears, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life you will be overcome by troubles, but not too serious.
  • If a flower blooms, get married or find a loved one.
  • If an animal appears, be careful: you will have some kind of enemy.
  • If the wax flows in stripes, roads and crossings await you.
  • It will appear like stars - expect good luck in the service, in your studies.
  • If a human figure is formed, you will gain a friend.
  • House - soon acquiring a new household; For a girl, this is primarily due to her marriage.
  • Shapeless ruins are a sign of misfortune in the near future.
  • A pit, a small cave or a grotto is the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes a burial place and predicts a serious illness or imminent death.
  • Trees - they can be interpreted in different ways: upward-pointing tree branches promise quick joy, drooping branches - sadness, melancholy and boredom.
  • A ring or candle definitely predicts an imminent wedding.
  • A pancake that has settled to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

On the bulbs

Take several bulbs and mark each of them. These bulbs are planted in the ground: the one that sprouts first, that girl will get married ahead of the others.

Around the ring

Pour 3/4 of water into an ordinary glass glass with a flat bottom, without any designs, and carefully lower the wedding ring into the middle of the bottom. Then they look through the water into the middle of the ring, where the image of the betrothed should appear.

Throw the ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, it means the girl is getting married soon, and the man is going on a business trip. Can be interpreted as leaving home.

Calling out to passers-by

Go out into the street at midnight and ask the name of the first person you meet. This is exactly what your betrothed will be called, this is exactly how he will be handsome and rich.


You climb under your neighbors window and, naturally, listen. If they have a showdown with breaking dishes, you can expect a “fun” year. If there is silence in the house, your year will be harmonious. Depending on what is happening in the neighbors' house at the time of eavesdropping, the coming year will shape up for you.

Fortune telling by wood chip

Pour water into a basin. Attach strips of paper to the edges of the pelvis, on which events are written, for example, a wedding, a trip, receiving money, a new job, etc. (if there is only one fortuneteller), or the names of all those present who want to know their future. In the second case, one event is planned, in particular a wedding, meeting a future spouse, etc.

You need to take a dry sliver, preferably deciduous wood, and fasten on it the stub of a candle that was burning in the house where the fortune telling takes place. Light the candle and push the “boat” to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the sliver should itself float to one of the notes. Whichever note floats to, that event will happen. If the sliver turns over or sinks, then the event you envisioned will not happen next year.

Fortune telling on an egg

Take a fresh egg, make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. When the protein curls, you need to guess your future based on the shape it takes. The sight of a church means a wedding, a ring means an engagement, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (for a woman). If the protein sinks to the bottom, there will be a fire in the house.

Fortune telling by logs

You need to approach the woodpile backwards and select a log by touch. If it is even, smooth, without knots, the spouse will come across with an ideal character:

  • the log is thick and heavy - the husband will be wealthy,
  • there are many knots - a family will have many children,
  • crooked log - the husband will be askew and lame or angry,
  • the log is even, with smooth thin bark - the husband is handsome and young,
  • thick, rough bark - ugly husband,
  • the bark on the log is peeled off in places or completely missing - the husband is poor,
  • cracked log - the husband will come across old, pockmarked, with a physical disability,
  • a large log is a strong, strong husband,
  • a knotty log means the family will be large: each knot is a future child.

Fortune telling with a cat

Make a wish, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, her wish will come true. If it’s on the right, it’s not destined.

Fortune telling by book

It is best to take a book of spiritual content, for example, the “Bible”, without opening it, guess the page number and line at the top or bottom, then open it and read it in the guessed place. They interpret what they read in accordance with what interests the fortuneteller most of all.

According to the new style, Christmastide begins on Christmas Eve. Christmastide is divided into holy evenings (from January 7 to the 13th) and terrible evenings (from January 14 to the 19th). It was believed that at this time the forces of evil and good come to earth to fight for the souls of people.

Apparently, this is why these two weeks are so full of magical rituals and rituals, the purpose of which was to protect against evil spirits for the year ahead, to attract prosperity to families: health, marriage of daughters, the birth of a child, good harvests, and so on.

Every day of Christmastide was always surrounded by signs and omens. Special attention was paid to. It is believed that on the night of Christmas, as well as on Epiphany, you can have a prophetic dream, especially if the moon is waxing.

And yet, a favorite pastime during Christmas time has always been Yuletide fortune-telling.

They say that during the Christmas season they come down to earth to see their relatives. But behind them, all kinds of evil spirits rush into the open portal between the worlds, which need to be driven away and from which it is necessary to protect themselves. The Yuletide period is considered a time “without the cross.”

According to legend, God, out of joy that his son was born, unlocked all the gates and released the devils to roam free. Maybe that's why Christmas time is considered the best time for fortune telling, because the evil spirits walking around the Earth at this time can not only harm a person, but also tell him the future. To avoid trouble, you should guess according to all the rules.

Fortune telling rules

The Church warns: Yuletide fortune-telling is a dangerous activity. But how to avoid temptation? After all, when the gates between worlds are wide open, higher powers give the most accurate answers to questions about fate.

Experts advise that before you start guessing, think about whether you need it and how you are willing to pay for the information received.

Those who wish to tell fortunes should also know that fortune telling is a strictly individual activity. During collective fortune telling, energies are mixed. To see only your own destiny, you should remain alone with yourself, so as not to confuse your future with the future of other people.

In addition, you should not guess out of simple curiosity and in the presence of children. It should be remembered that during fortune telling you call upon the most unclean and ask about your fate.

You need to prepare accordingly for fortune telling: let your hair down, untie the knots on your clothes, remove all jewelry, belt and cross. The braid, belt and cross protect against direct contact with evil spirits, but without this contact, fortune telling is impossible.

If a candle falls during fortune telling, you cannot continue the action.

Unmarried girls should be especially careful during the holiday season: a creepy werewolf may come to them under the guise of a handsome guy.

In the old days, during fortune telling, if the girls were scared, a grandmother sat and could guide them so that nothing bad would happen. The help of a knowledgeable person in such situations is vital: dark forces can cause irreparable damage to an inexperienced fortune teller.

It is very important to thoroughly observe the ritual of fortune-telling, because it includes and.

In the old days, serious fortune telling (for the future, for grooms, related to water, rings) was carried out in non-residential premises, barns or bathhouses. This is one of the important precautions in case the evil spirits do not want to leave after fortune telling.

If water is used for fortune telling, it should be thrown away when finished. Leave the house, move away and pour it in a place where people don’t go.

A word of caution from an experienced astrologer:

On January 10 and 11 (28 and 29 lunar days) 2013, it is better to exclude fortune telling. These days there is karmic retribution for everything we have achieved, and it is better not to touch them, especially monitoring the purity of our thoughts and actions. And the waxing moon begins on January 12.

Here you need to understand this: there are no bad lunar days! But it is precisely these days that tests and checks of the karmic level may emerge for any of us, i.e. those that do not lie on the surface of our understanding (although reward on these lunar days also happens in the form of a reward for a worthy life).

Human energy is weakened on such days. Fortune telling can damage the energy field to the point of introducing entities.

The same applies to the 1st lunar day, when the body is clean and ready for new plans for the month (in any case, it should be clean after realizing the situations on the 28th and 29th lunar days). 1 lunar day will last from 23:45 on January 11th to 8:34 am on January 12th Moscow time.

The article “Fortune telling: pros and cons” on the website “Astrology of those in love with Life” will help you make the final choice whether to guess or not.

Christmastide fortune telling

There are countless ways to find out your future: by melting wax, with the help of dish songs, stopping the first passerby and asking his name, it will reveal the name of your future spouse, fortune telling, and so on.

Fortune telling with. At night, sit in front of a mirror, place and light two candles along its edges. In complete silence, without blinking, peer into the mirror, trying to see the face of the betrothed. At a certain point the mirror becomes cloudy, if you don’t blink and don’t get scared, you can see a man’s face.

Fortune telling on paper. Take paper, you can use an A4 sheet or a notebook insert.

We crush it into a fairly dense lump. We place it on a straight surface (iron board, flat plate) and set it on fire, mentally asking the question to which we want to receive an answer. It is important to correctly and accurately formulate the question that worries you: will I get married, will I have a child, will I have money, and so on.

When the paper burns out, we bring it to the wall and, turning the plate, interpret the resulting prediction based on the shadow falling on the wall.

Dream fortune telling.Any dream that occurs during Christmas time is considered prophetic. But many people want to know for sure that fate has been revealed to them, so they make plans for the future. The most popular fortune telling for the betrothed. If a girl is getting married this year, then her betrothed will appear. If you didn’t dream about it, it means you’ll have to spend some time as girls.

They make a fortune on any night of the holy week, but the most accurate fortune-telling is on the eve of Christmas and Epiphany. When going to bed on these nights, say: “Lord Jesus Christ, there are three saints in the hut: one sees, another will tell, the third will show fate.”

Drink some water. Before going to bed, prepare and place a glass and a jug of water by your bed. After this, make a wish: “Betrothed-mummer, you will get tired from the journey, I have some water, come, betrothed, I’ll give you a drink.”

Fortune telling. For this fortune telling you need to be alone. At midnight on Epiphany or Christmas, close the curtains tightly, cover the table with a clean tablecloth, place two cutlery, and light a candle. Place a piece of incense on each plate.

Sit at the table opposite one of the devices. While reading the plot, take incense from both plates one by one and bring it to the candle flame. When you finish reading the plot, throw one piece on the table and put the second under your pillow. You can go to bed: the dream will turn out to be prophetic, you will see what you wished for.

Conspiracy: “Incense gets along in the church, Houses rule over it. Incense, incense, it would be nice for you to tell fortunes, to find out the whole truth. Just as you, incense-father, are pure, holy and honest, so be my dream true. Amen".

Fortune telling Salty. Before going to bed, treat yourself to a salty snack: herring or something else, don’t drink it, and make a wish: “Mummer, come give me something to drink.” Your betrothed will appear in a dream, and water, of course, too.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a comb. Comb your hair before going to bed and leave your hair on the comb, placing it under the pillow, say: “Betrothed, come and comb your braid.”

"Well". Make a well of eight or four matches on the bed, place a thimble filled with water in it, place yours on top so that the well is under it. Make a wish: “Betrothed-mummer, come and water your horse.”

Stocking. Put a stocking on your leg and say the spell: “Mummer, come take off the stocking.”

One young lady put on a stocking like this and made a wish. It was so bad at night that she fell out of bed and started crying in fright! Her father also told her not to hang out with the unclean, not to sin.

"Bride's viewing." You put the mirror under your pillow and say: “Mummer, come see me and show yourself.”

Fortune telling with a cockroach. You need to catch a cockroach and put it in a matchbox, and say: “Cockroach, cockroach! You go everywhere, you know everything, bring me to my betrothed’s family.” It is quite possible that in a dream you will see a room or a house - this is the home of your betrothed. You may also see his family members in your dream.

The young girl dreamed that a cockroach walked along the highway and that she could barely keep up with it. He brought her to a neighboring village to the house of a widower, and not to a guy with a sweet heart. She didn’t attach any importance to that dream, and in the fall that same widower wooed her. That's how you can't run away from fate!

And another dreamed that a cockroach said: “How can I bring you to my betrothed if you pinched my paw with a box?” In the morning he looks, and in the box there is a dead cockroach with a pinched leg.

Bread. From the holiday feast leave a crust of the bread you haven’t eaten, put it under your pillow at night, saying the spell: “Betrothed-mummer, come to dinner.”

These are the fortune tellings that have come down to us from time immemorial. It’s difficult to perceive many people without a smile :) .

Are the predictions obtained during Christmas fortune-telling correct? According to knowledgeable people, these predictions mostly come true. Nevertheless, mixing with evil spirits and looking into the future according to Christian canons is considered a great sin. After fortune telling, it was customary to go to church to repent and atone for this sin.

Christmastide are the two weeks of winter holidays, from Christmas Eve, which falls on January 6, to Epiphany, celebrated on January 19. Fortune telling at Christmas is rightfully considered the most truthful. Its roots are yuletide fortune telling go back to the times of pagan Rus'. It was fortune telling during the winter solstice (and this is the period of Christmastide) that was given special importance in pagan times. It was believed that it was on these days that otherworldly forces were most active, and the boundaries between worlds were thinner, which contributed to a more truthful result of New Year's, Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', Christmas fortune-telling not only survived, but also acquired more mystical meaning, and although the church tried to fight superstition and fortune-telling, they were carefully passed down from generation to generation, and have survived to this day in a little changed form.

When you decide to tell fortunes for Christmas, remember that the result of fortune telling may not meet your expectations, so is it worth spoiling your holidays...

A huge variety of methods for Christmas fortune-telling were invented in Rus', but the main theme of all Christmas fortune-telling is fortune telling for the betrothed ( groom). This is understandable, because in ancient times, the fate of a girl depended entirely on how well she would turn out married

Fortune telling (with felt boots) on the “side” you will marry

This is the most famous and widespread type of fortune telling. The girls take turns throwing their felt boots over their backs onto the road and, by the direction of the toe of the fallen felt boots, recognize the direction in which they will get married.

Fortune telling with mirrors

This fortune-telling is well known from literature and is now popular among brave girls.

In ancient times, mirrors were credited with magical properties. The custom of covering mirrors if there is a dead person in the house also reflects this attitude of our ancestors to the magic of mirrors.

Fortune telling is carried out in an empty and quiet room. There should be no one and no sounds. The fortune-telling girl should let her hair down and concentrate completely. She should sit in the dark near two opposite mirrors. Novikov’s painting shows this position of the girl. At midnight, the girl lights two candles placed on the sides of the mirrors and says: “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me” and begins to peer into the gallery of reflections, hoping to see her groom. You can sit in front of mirrors for a long time, or you can see your betrothed right away.

Fortune telling in a new house

You can only guess in the house where you spend the night for the first time. Only then is fortune telling considered correct. Before going to bed, you should cross yourself three times and go to bed with the words: “I’m sleeping in a new place, I dreamed of the bridegroom.” The man you dream about will be your fiance.

Fortune telling on straw

Fortune telling on straw is most interesting when there are many people present. Exactly at midnight, gather in one room, light a candle and start guessing. To find out the name of your betrothed, put straw knocked into a lump on the table, place a frying pan on this lump, put a stone on the frying pan and pour a little water. Then each of the girls should slowly pull out a straw and the name of the betrothed should be heard by the sounds made by the stone when it vibrates in the frying pan. During fortune telling, the room should be absolute silence.

Fortune telling (with burning a thread) for the speed and order of marriage

A simple and visual fortune telling, which is still popular in our time. It consists in the fact that girls cut threads of the same length (it is better to take thicker threads) and set them on fire at the same time. The threads need to be held at one end, the other lowered down and set on fire. Whoever's thread burns out first will be the first to be married. The order in which the threads burn in the hands of the girls will show the order in which they get married. If someone’s thread goes out immediately or the thread burns out by less than half, then this girl will not get married.

Fortune telling (with a ring or needle) about the gender of the unborn child

Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle: the ring is lowered into a glass of water, the woolen fabric is pierced with a needle, then, suspended by a hair or thread, it is slowly lowered near the hand of the one being told fortunes. If an object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often, a boy), if it is pendulum-shaped, it will be a boy (less often, a girl), if the object does not move, there will be no children.

Fortune telling (with choice of subject) for the “quality” of life

Objects are hidden in a bag, cup or felt boot, then the girls choose their felt boot or bag. The choice of an object symbolizes life in the coming year: ash - a bad life, sugar - a sweet life, a ring - getting married, an onion - for tears, a glass - drunkenness, a golden ring - a rich life, etc., you can invent and modify the fortune telling with your own options .

Fortune telling with a rooster for the betrothed

Several plates or bowls are taken, grain is poured into one plate (or money is placed), water is poured into another, a mirror is placed nearby, and sometimes a chicken is brought. A rooster approaching a mirror symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom; if a rooster approaches grain or money - his wealth; if a rooster approaches a hen, it means he will be a “womanizer”.

Fortune telling with matches

Two matches are inserted into the sides of the matchbox and lit. If the burnt heads are facing each other, it means that the “given” guy and girl will be together. If the match heads are pointing in different directions or have fallen off, then no.

Fortune telling (by barking dogs) about the age of the groom

At midnight, take a knife, go outside, go to a snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife, saying: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to laugh or cry?”

After pronouncing the words of the spell, shut up and listen carefully to the barking of the dogs.

  • If an angry, sharp bark is heard, it means that the future husband will be strict and gloomy;
  • hoarse barking promises an old groom;
  • shrill barking - the groom will have a bad character;
  • ringing bark - young;
  • if the dogs bark cheerfully and loudly, then the husband will be cheerful and kind;
  • It’s very bad if you hear a dog howling during fortune telling. This suggests that the marriage will not last long and very quickly the young wife will become a widow.

Fortune telling "Well"

To carry out this fortune telling, you need a well. If a girl lives in a village and has a well with a lockable roof, then this is an ideal option. If you don’t have such a well at your disposal, then you should make a symbolic well. To do this, you can use matches, toothpicks, and other sticks. Building a well is quite simple. Make a square out of the sticks, placing the ends of the sticks on top of each other and so make several rows. Take a thimble, pour some water into it and place it next to the well. In villages, girls can pour water into a bucket and place it near a real well. Lock a real well with a real key made from sticks, “lock” it with any key, making the appropriate movement with your hand, and put the key under your pillow. When you go to bed, say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to my well to drink some water, ask me for the key.” Your betrothed will come to you in a dream to drink water from your well.

Fortune telling by shadows

This type of fortune telling, due to its simplicity and clarity, is very common among modern girls. The girl sets fire to a sheet of paper crumpled by her hand, and then looks at the shadow of the burning paper on the wall - this is the first stage of fortune telling, even at this stage quite clear images can arise.

Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumples it, puts it on a dish or on a large flat plate and sets it on fire. When the sheet burns or almost burns, it is displayed on the wall with the help of a candle - this is the second and main stage. By carefully examining the shadows, they try to find out their future from the images of the shadows.

Fortune telling with a ring to evoke the image of the future groom

Take an ordinary glass with smooth walls, a flat bottom and no pattern, pour water into it 3/4 full and carefully lower the wedding ring into the middle of the bottom. The ring must be pre-washed in running water so that it does not carry the information of its owner. Looking closely at the very center of the ring, saying the words: “My betrothed, come to me,” you can see the betrothed. To see it, you may have to look into the ring for quite a long time.

Fortune telling with inducing a dream about a betrothed

We write the young man's name on a piece of paper, put it on a small mirror and under the pillow, or put three bay leaves under the pillow. On one they write “Ananius”, on the other - “Azarius” and on the third - “Misail” and say the spell: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams about me, let him dream about me.”

They tell fortunes on the night from Monday to Tuesday. Take a spruce branch and place it at the head of the bed overnight. At the same time they say: “I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, if I dream of someone who thinks about me.” Whoever dreams is the one who loves you.

They tell fortunes on the night from Thursday to Friday. When they go to bed, they say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees. Another will say, the third fate will indicate."

Girls tell fortunes if they go to bed where they never had to before. Before sleep they say: "In a new place, dream about it groom to bride." In a dream you'll see your fiance.

Card reading

Place it under the pillow before going to bed four kings and they say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, appear in my dreams.” If you dream about the king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - expect matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.

Fortune telling for relatives

They go to look at their neighbors' windows during dinner. If they see the heads of those sitting at the table, they foretell to themselves that the future relatives will all be alive; if they don’t see the heads, then a misfortune must happen to the relatives.

Wax fortune telling

Melt the wax in a mug, pour milk into a saucer and place it at the threshold of your apartment or house. Say the following words: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” With the last words, pour melted wax into the milk. Now watch what is happening carefully.

  • If you see a frozen cross, some illnesses await you in the new year.
  • If the cross only appears, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life you will be overcome by troubles, but not too serious.
  • If a flower blooms, get married or find a loved one.
  • If an animal appears, be careful: you will have some kind of enemy.
  • If the wax flows in stripes, roads and crossings await you.
  • It will appear like stars - expect good luck in the service, in your studies.
  • If a human figure is formed, you will gain a friend.
  • House - soon acquiring a new household; For a girl, this is primarily due to her marriage.
  • Shapeless ruins are a sign of misfortune in the near future.
  • A pit, a small cave or a grotto is the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes the burial place and predicts a serious illness or close death .
  • Trees - they can be interpreted in different ways: upward-pointing tree branches promise quick joy, drooping branches - sadness, melancholy and boredom.
  • A ring or candle definitely predicts an imminent wedding.
  • A pancake that has settled to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

On the bulbs

Take several bulbs and mark each of them. These bulbs are planted in the ground: the one that sprouts first, that girl will get married ahead of the others.

Around the ring

Pour 3/4 of water into an ordinary glass glass with a flat bottom, without any designs, and carefully lower the wedding ring into the middle of the bottom. Then they look through the water into the middle of the ring, where the image of the betrothed should appear.

Throw the ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, it means the girl is getting married soon, and the man is going on a business trip. Can be interpreted as leaving home.

Calling out to passers-by

Go out into the street at midnight and ask the name of the first person you meet. This is exactly what your betrothed will be called, this is exactly how he will be handsome and rich.


You climb under your neighbors window and, naturally, listen. If they have a showdown with breaking dishes, you can expect a “fun” year. If there is silence in the house, your year will be harmonious. Depending on what is happening in the neighbors' house at the time of eavesdropping, the coming year will shape up for you.

Fortune telling by wood chip

Pour water into a basin. Attach along the edges of the pelvis strips of paper, on which events are written, such as a wedding, a trip, receiving money, a new job, etc. (if there is only one fortuneteller), or the names of all those present who want to know their future. In the second case, one event is planned, in particular a wedding, meeting a future spouse, etc.

You need to take a dry sliver, preferably deciduous wood, and fasten on it the stub of a candle that was burning in the house where the fortune telling takes place. Light the candle and push the “boat” to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the sliver should itself float to one of the notes. Whichever note floats to, that event will happen. If the sliver turns over or sinks, then the event you envisioned will not happen next year.

Fortune telling on an egg

Take a fresh egg, make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. When the protein curls, you need to guess your future based on the shape it takes. The sight of a church means a wedding, a ring means an engagement, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (for a woman). If the protein sinks to the bottom, there will be a fire in the house.

Fortune telling by logs

You need to approach the woodpile backwards and select a log by touch. If it is even, smooth, without knots, the spouse will come across with an ideal character:

  • the log is thick and heavy - the husband will be wealthy,
  • there are many knots - there will be many in the family children,
  • crooked log - the husband will be askew and lame or angry,
  • the log is even, with smooth thin bark - the husband is handsome and young,
  • thick, rough bark - ugly husband,
  • the bark on the log is peeled off in places or completely missing - the husband is poor,
  • cracked log - the husband will come across old, pockmarked, with a physical disability,
  • a large log is a strong, strong husband,
  • a knotty log means the family will be large: each knot is a future child.

Fortune telling with a cat

Make a wish, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, her wish will come true. If it’s on the right, it’s not destined.

Fortune telling by book

It's best to take book spiritual content, you can, for example, “The Bible”, without opening it, guess the page number and line at the top or bottom, then open it and read it in the guessed place. They interpret what they read in accordance with what interests the fortuneteller most of all.

About Christmastide, carols, fortune telling...

It's time for miracles - Christmas Eve, Christmastide,
festivities of mummers in the night
and the singing of holiday carols,
wickets, sweets, rolls... **

And interpretations of dawn dreams,
and gatherings by candlelight,
and midnight fortune telling
on cards, wax, mirrors...

The last... the magic is sung,
they are more mysterious, ancient,
their tenacious gaze keeps secrets
births, lives and deaths.

In the depths of the world through the looking glass,
beyond the fine line of silver
lives according to Christmas legends,
visions ghost game.

A story about the past and the future
hides a magic glass,
and about the cherished daily day
it knows the whole truth...

But this Christmas night,
when the candle drops its glare,
don’t rush with urgent desires,
look into your dear, wonderful face.

You can see in the mirror
the great mystery of the image,
after all, the world is fragile... abode -
your radiant eyes.

They keep all the revelations
and all the inheritance of the soul,
fate graceful weaving
and dream chastity.

They... feed visions...
I daresay
that mirrors only reflect
what they are given to reflect.

And therefore, with pure desire
and a heart full of warmth,
share with them the power of thought,
create the path of your destiny.

Let it penetrate your windows
christmas magic light,
let the mirrors tell you their fortunes
love, wealth, long years.