– press secretary of the President of Russia, a talented and famous politician, second person in the Presidential Administration. Native Muscovite, born 10/17/1967.

Family and education

Dmitry Peskov was born into a diplomatic family. His father, Sergei Peskov, who graduated from the Institute of African and Asian Countries, represented the interests of the Soviet Union in Middle Eastern countries for many years. Naturally, his family accompanied him most of the time.

Eastern countries and diplomatic work were familiar to young Dmitry from the inside. Therefore, it is not surprising that when the time came to choose, he followed in his father’s footsteps.

Having spoken several languages ​​and received a good certificate, Dmitry Peskov easily entered the same institute and in 1989 received a diploma in oriental history with the right to work as a translator. In the same year, his dizzying diplomatic career began.

The Making of a Diplomat

The aspiring diplomat's first assignment was the position of attaché at the Turkish Embassy, ​​where he served until 1994. During this period, he became acquainted with the activities of one of the then most popular LDPR parties and, at the invitation of Zhirinovsky, joined its ranks.

Then he returned to Moscow again, where he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for two years and was again sent to Turkey as the second secretary of the Russian Embassy.

It is in Turkey that Peskov first appears on television as an official government official. In 1999, the first President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, arrived in Istanbul for a meeting with OSCE representatives. The quality of Peskov’s work, his intelligence, restraint and ability to act at ease in front of the camera impressed the former president.

He worked in tandem with Peskov for the next few days.

This meeting was fateful for Peskov. Handing over the reins of government to his successor, Vladimir Putin, Yeltsin naturally made some recommendations. He did not forget Peskov, who was recalled from Turkey again in 2000.

Putin offered him the position of head of the media relations department under his administration. And, of course, Peskov accompanied Putin on all trips to Turkey to meet with official representatives.

Work in the Presidential Administration

In the Presidential Administration, Peskov from the very beginning had a very wide range of responsibilities, which he quickly dealt with. His career progressed rapidly and in 2003, having successfully organized a magnificent celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, he established himself not only as an excellent diplomat, but also a successful leader.

In 2004, he became the first deputy press secretary of the Russian Federation, Alexei Gromov. In this position, Dmitry Peskov for the first time receives the authority to voice the position of the President of Russia at official press conferences. In addition, he is directly involved in major press conferences, including international ones, as well as all kinds of television debates and teleconferences.

Thanks to Peskov’s unique diplomatic talent, Russia began to cooperate with a well-known American PR company in the direction of forming a popular and worthy image of Russia in the international arena, with an emphasis on the United States. The company was presented at the G8 summit, which took place in St. Petersburg in 2006.

As a result of many years of successful cooperation between Russian and American specialists, the world's attitude towards Russia has changed significantly for the better. However, the 2014 crisis and the subsequent imposition of sanctions unexpectedly put an end to this mutually beneficial cooperation.

As a press secretary

In April 2008, Putin officially introduced the status of press secretary of the Russian Presidential Administration and gave this position to Peskov. He also automatically holds the position of Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration. From this moment on, he becomes the official representative of the President at all meetings with the media. Already in this capacity, Peskov is organizing coverage of the events of the Asia-Pacific Forum.

From 2008 to the present, it is Peskov who is personally involved in organizing media coverage of the most significant political events for Russia, including the Sochi Olympics. In addition, by order of the President, the Kremlin’s public relations department was created, which was also placed under Peskov’s protectorate.

Character and personal life

Despite his self-possessed character, Peskov periodically allows himself to make rather harsh statements. However, all of them are dictated by devotion to the interests of Russia and concern for its political image in the eyes of the world community. He takes a very clear position of unconditionally supporting the course chosen by the President of Russia.

With such a busy schedule, Peskov has practically no free time. But when he manages to find a minute for his favorite hobbies, his interests include tennis and chess. Loves outdoor activities and active recreation. Unfortunately, Dmitry Peskov suffers from asthma attacks, which do not always allow him to engage in intense physical activity.

Currently, Peskov’s wife is Tatyana Navka, who gave birth to his daughter in August 2014. Their relationship was officially formalized in 2015. Peskov has five children in total - his son from his first marriage lives in Russia. And three children from the second are with their mother in France. By the way, Peskov’s second marriage, according to journalists, was destroyed precisely because of his infidelity to his wife with a former figure skater.

But this is not the only scandalous story associated with Navka. The reason for the conversation was the expensive watch that was seen on the hand of Peskov, who declared only 9 million annual income. The cost of this watch was significantly higher than his budget. And according to the official version, they were a wedding gift from his bride. The scandal was hushed up. The question of the bride’s income is up in the air...

As befits the elitists of the Putin era, Dmitry Peskov’s children live mainly abroad - in Great Britain and France, and from a young age they do not know the need for anything.

The name of Elizaveta Peskova does not leave the pages of Russian and foreign publications. The Times called her "a glamorous ally of Putin." But this is not the only heir of the presidential press secretary: Dmitry Peskov has five children. Business patriotism, influential Chechen friends and undeclared American real estate - how the family of the chief Russian press secretary lives - in the material of Sofia Savina.

Eldest son: energy propagandist The eldest son, Nikolai, was born in 1990 in Dmitry Peskov’s first marriage. In his youth, he married Anastasia Budyonny, the granddaughter of Marshal of the Soviet Union Semyon Budyonny. Nikolai grew up with the surname Choles in London, where his mother lived, and moved to Russia five years ago.

In 2012, he went to serve in the missile forces of the Russian Army - at the same time he participated in the Victory Parade on Red Square. Afterwards, he worked on the Russian TV channel Russia Today, which broadcasts to Western audiences. On Nikolai’s Facebook page, in the “place of work” column it is still indicated: Russia Today. However, Nicholas Choles' last reports date back to 2012. In one of them, he talks about souvenirs - symbols of the Olympics in Sochi in 2014. Pointing to teddy bears, leopards and hares, the correspondent says: “To me, they are all cute.”

On the social network Facebook, Nikolai Choles indicated another job: the position of creative director at Fight Nights. The company holds mixed martial arts tournaments. On Nikolai’s Facebook page there are joint photos with Fight Nights fighters. However, there is no information on the company's official website about an employee named Nicholas Choles.

Elizaveta Peskova talks about her brother’s activities: “I worked for RT as a journalist, reported, and now in business.” There is indeed one Russian company registered under Nikolai Dmitrievich Choles. LLC "Modern construction technologies in the energy sector." The company was founded recently - in February 2017. The main activity is indicated as “electricity transmission”.

Nikolai is not as visible in public space as his sister. He enjoys hunting and horse riding, travels a lot and spends time with Dmitry Peskov’s other children. In 2014, he attended the birthday celebration of Tatyana Navka, the current wife of the press secretary. The Insider reported that in 2014, a criminal case was opened against Nikolai Choles for beating his grandmother Inese Budenna. However, after a couple of days the case was withdrawn “for lack of evidence of a crime.”

To school on a private plane Peskov’s second wife was Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, the daughter of a Russian diplomat. Back in 2016, her daughter Elizaveta, when asked by social network users about where her mother worked, answered: “Unfortunately, nowhere.” In June of this year, after breaking up with Peskov, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was appointed head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris.

According to a source from The New Times, “the personnel changes were settled during Vladimir Putin’s visit to France.” In his marriage to Solotsinskaya, Peskov had three children: Mika (Mikhail), Denis (Daniil) and Elizaveta. Two of them are minors: Denis is now 9, and Mika is 12 years old. Both live with their mother in England, but also spend time in Russia. On Mika's Instagram page there are several photos with Ramzan Kadyrov.

The younger Denis prefers to be photographed with Russian rappers and expensive cars. According to Dmitry Peskov’s declaration for 2016, one of his minor sons already owns an apartment measuring 140 square meters. m. Two land plots with a total area of ​​9373 sq. m. m and a residential building of 779 sq. m are in his use. The second son has two apartments - one with an area of ​​140 square meters. m in Russia, and the second - 180 sq. m in France.

The third daughter, Elizaveta Peskova, lives in France. She received her education there. At age 12, she was sent to boarding school in Normandy. The Ecole des Roches website published information about the school: “Come to our school by private jet.” The cost of education only in the primary classes of the Roche school is up to 2.6 million rubles per year, and among its graduates are the royal families of Morocco and Thailand, the President of Lebanon and the princely family of Golitsyn. Peskova is currently studying at the Paris Business School (EDC Paris Business School).

A year of study at this school costs €8,960, or 631 thousand rubles per year. People began to talk about the daughter of the press secretary after her appearance at a social event in Moscow - at the Tatler debutante ball in 2015. Peskova began leading an active public life in Russia this summer. In June, she took part in a meeting of the council of bloggers in the State Duma.

According to its creator, deputy Vasily Vlasov (LDPR), the council was needed to advise State Duma committees and help deputies interact with citizens on the Internet. Peskova did not say a word at the meeting. Lisa Peskova blogs on her Instagram page.

There she calls herself a “cosmopolitan,” criticizes the Russian education system, and advertises dresses from the Firdaws fashion house for Aishat Kadyrova, the daughter of the head of Chechnya. In one of her posts, Peskova opposes demonstrations in defense of the rights of sexual minorities because they “prevent” her from “walking down the street to her home.” Business patriotism in Chechen style This summer, Liza Peskova found a job in Russia.

On her Instagram, she announced that she would be developing patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship. And in June she took up the post of adviser to the president of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism Avanti. Translated from Italian - “forward”. Among other things, the organization advocates renaming the central street of Simferopol to V.V. Avenue. Putin. The author of the initiative is the chairman of the general council of the Association for the Development of Business Patriotism, Umar Dzhabrailov.

It is with his money that Avanti exists. Umar Dzhabrailov is a businessman and statesman close to Ramzan Kadyrov. Until 2009, he represented Chechnya in the Federation Council. The organization he heads, “Avanti,” has its own youth movement, “Strength.” It includes Sergei Belokonev, the ex-head of Rosmolodezh and former secretary of the pro-Kremlin youth movement Nashi.

It was he who was called the “Nashi” ideologist by the media. One of the goals of Avanti is declared to be “the development of the future business elite of Russia.” Elizaveta Peskova herself stated on the RBC TV channel that she sees her task as helping “Putin’s generation.” So far, Peskova has only helped her boyfriend. In June, the head of Avanti and assistant to Umar Dzhabrailov, Rakhman Yansukov, published a video of a meeting with French entrepreneur Louis Waldberg and Lisa Peskova.

On it, Yansukov states that Avanti will implement the project of the French guest in Russia - the production of Tazer Lighter electric lighters. It is Peskova who is the curator of the project competition for young entrepreneurs at Avanti. Louis Waldberg is her boyfriend: the couple publishes photos together. Louis accompanied Lisa to the Cannes Film Festival, to visit Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya, and even to a ship repair plant in Sevastopol. Peskova went to the Southern Sevastopol plant, which owed landlords 32 million rubles, in August, in her words, “to help people.”

The plant management called Avanti to Sevastopol to sign a cooperation agreement. However, Peskova’s visit to the plant did not help solve his problems: the Sevastopol government intends to fully recover the rent arrears. Beyond declarations Peskov’s fifth child, daughter Nadezhda, appeared in his marriage to Tatyana Navka. In 2016, Peskov’s third wife became the wealthiest among the relatives of officials of the Presidential Administration.

Her annual income, according to the declaration, amounted to 120 million rubles. This is 10 times more than the annual salary of the press secretary himself. Peskov’s wife declared two land plots with a total area of ​​9,373 square meters. m, two residential buildings - 353 sq. m and 779 sq. m and three apartments in Russia measuring 367 sq. m. Tatyana Navka also indicated three cars and an all-terrain vehicle in the declaration. Another apartment measuring 126 sq. m, owned by Navka, is located in the USA. It is located in an elite residential complex in Manhattan - in the historical part of New York. Bamboo garden, fitness center, 24-hour doorman - all included.

The apartment, registered in Navka, is now up for sale for $2.2 million, or 129.8 million rubles. The foreign real estate of the new Peskov family is not limited to the declared apartment. Tatyana Navka and her ex-husband Alexander Zhulin still own a house in New Jersey. This is evidenced by data in the tax registry of the state Department of Finance. House with an area of ​​398 sq. m was bought by the couple in 2006 for $1.4 million. Since then, the owners have not changed, and every year Alexandre Jouline & Tatiana Navka pay taxes on this property.

Dmitry Peskov's wife did not indicate this American house in her declarations for 2015 and 2016. Tatyana Navka also has a child from her first marriage. Alexandra Zhulina graduated from 10th grade this year. She writes on social networks that she is currently studying at a gymnasium, plans to get an economics education, and plans to complete her master’s degree “abroad.” The girl spends every summer in foreign camps - in Switzerland, England, France, and the USA. The new member of the Peskov family already has American citizenship. As well as a joint photo with Putin.

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, it would seem, due to his professional activities, does not leave television screens and is familiar to every citizen of the country, however, thanks to the development of the World Wide Web and new technologies, residents have the opportunity to get to know him from the other side - from the side of his husband, father and the ordinary citizen. Although, of course, the official tries not to advertise this side of his life and not put it on public display, nevertheless, some of its fragments become available to journalists. It's no secret that children of Dmitry Peskov five, which gives him the right to the status of a father of many children.

In the photo - Dmitry Peskov's eldest son Nikolai Choles

The official is married for the third time. And from each of his three wives he has children. Thus, the first wife, the granddaughter of the famous commander Budyonny, Anastasia, although she remained in the status of a legal wife for only a few years, managed to make her husband happy with her son Nikolai. He was born in 1990. Dmitry Peskov himself rarely mentions his son in his interviews. According to unverified data, the official’s eldest son no longer bears his father’s surname, but is better known as Nicholas Choles. At one time he worked as a reporter for the Russia Today channel. By the way, in addition to brothers and sisters on his father’s side, Dmitry Peskov’s eldest son has three more brothers or sisters on his mother’s side. All of them, like Anastasia Budyonnaya (now married to Drake), live in England.

In the photo - the second family of Dmitry Peskov

The marriage with Ekaterina Solotsinskaya turned out to be the longest in the biography of Dmitry Peskov - almost a full 18 years. During this time, they became parents three times, giving birth to their daughter Elizabeth and sons Mika and Denis. The couple’s eldest daughter is already quite an adult - she is 18 years old. The girl received an excellent education at the prestigious French school - Ecole des Roches, where she was predicted to have a brilliant future in painting and admission to the Ecole du Louvre, but at the age of 16 the beauty fell in love, and the chosen one turned out to be a Muscovite, and therefore Elizaveta entered Moscow State University. At the end of last year, Dmitry Peskov’s daughter announced that she wanted to leave university and go to France, where her mother lived almost constantly after the divorce. By the way, the girl does not believe that her father’s wedding with his third chosen one is real. The two sons of Dmitry Peskov and Ekaterina, by decision of their parents, will continue to live and receive education exclusively in their homeland.

In the photo - the youngest daughter of Dmitry Peskov with her sister Alexandra

Name: Dmitry Peskov

Date of Birth: 11.10.1967

Age: 52 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow city, Russia

Weight: 73 kg

Height: 1.75 m

Activity: politician, press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation

Family status: married

Currently, Dmitry Peskov is the second significant person in the Administration of the current President, so his biography and personal life are actively discussed by the public. Over the years of service for the benefit of the state, he proved himself to be a talented politician who knows how to solve complex problems. In his position, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation acts as a public figure, coordinating communications with well-known media.

Family traditions

Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov was born into the family of a diplomat on October 17, 1967 in Moscow. After graduating from school, he followed in the footsteps of his father, who, since his student years, had been involved in establishing ties with Russia’s neighboring countries. Since childhood, little Dima was accustomed to traveling to the neighboring countries of the East, where his father, a diplomat, went with his family. The work of Sergei Nikolaevich seemed extremely interesting to the growing Dmitry, and he closely follows his activities, diligently studying the nuances of the complex and fascinating profession of a diplomat.

Having received secondary education, he chose the specialty of historian-orientalist at the ISAA at Moscow State University. But since the Faculty of Oriental Peoples always offers a second specialty, he simultaneously trained as an assistant-translator.

Dmitry Peskov at the beginning of his career

As a true polyglot, Dmitry Peskov, whose biography and personal life is interesting to the public, easily mastered several languages. And immediately after graduating from the institute, he set off to learn the basics of diplomacy.

The Making of a Diplomat

In 1989, Dmitry Sergeevich was assigned to the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he received practical knowledge in his specialty. Then, in 1990, he was appointed to the position of duty assistant and attaché at the Russian Embassy in Turkey, where he served for four years.

Having caught the political wave, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov, whose fascinating biography attracts the attention of citizens, and whose personal life is not advertised, joined the ranks of the LDPR. The choice of the party was facilitated by Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, who noticed the talented Peskov and personally invited him to his brainchild.

Press Secretary of Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov

In 1994, the diplomat returned to his homeland to continue working in the central office of the Russian Foreign Ministry, working on foreign policy. Then, from 1996 to 2000, he held the post of second secretary at the Russian Embassy located in Turkey, receiving a promotion four years later.

Not wanting to remain in the shadows, the diplomat regularly appears on the screens of central TV, acting as a representative of Russia. In 1999, when Boris Yeltsin went to the Turkish capital to meet with OSCE representatives, he noted in the young diplomat the qualities necessary for development in the profession. Restrained and educated, Dmitry Sergeevich shows himself as a specialist who knows how not to succumb to provocations and avoid “sharp corners.” And his ability to act at ease in front of the camera, answering any questions with dignity, and acting as a translator, prompted the current president to take a closer look at Peskov.

Dmitry Peskov gives an interview

In 2000, when Yeltsin left his post, handing over the reins of power to Vladimir Putin, he drew the new president’s attention to the talented diplomat. Therefore, Peskov was recalled to Russia, where he received the post of head of the media relations department. And in subsequent years, he regularly accompanied Vladimir Vladimirovich to all events where important issues were to be discussed with Turkey and the peoples of the East.

Work in the press service

In his new position, Peskov had the opportunity to develop as a professional. The range of responsibilities expanded significantly, but the diplomat coped well with any tasks. Under his leadership, a grand celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg took place in 2003, which was held at the highest level. Then his career rapidly advanced to new heights.

From his lips comes the official position of the Kremlin

In 2004, a professional translator was appointed deputy press secretary of the Russian Federation, Alexei Gromov. The new responsibilities of Dmitry Peskov, whose biography and personal life are of interest to the public, now include voicing the position of the President of the Russian Federation. He regularly speaks at press conferences in the capital and around the world, expressing new ideas and thoughts of Vladimir Putin. Peskov also appears on television as a guest of political programs.

Conclusion of a contract

Incredible diplomatic qualities allow Peskov to negotiate with the American PR company Ketchum to sign an agreement with Russia. The image-creating giants of the world's leading countries have managed to bring our country to a high level on the world stage. Already in 2006, a new line of behavior of the Russian Federation was revealed at the G8 summit held in St. Petersburg.

With Vladimir Putin

Over many years of cooperation, relations between the United States and the Russian Federation have reached a new successful level. The American government has stopped showing aggression towards the policies of the Russian Federation. But in 2014, everything changed dramatically for the worse due to the unfolding “Crimean Spring” and the decisions of the Russian government. The contract with the well-known PR company Ketchum was terminated, and the United States imposed a number of unpleasant sanctions against Russia and citizens who supported the policy of the current president.

Currently, even the brilliant Dmitry Peskov, whose biography and unique diplomatic skills delight the public, is unable to smooth out the situation, and his personal life is regularly discussed in the press, which undermines the authority of the politician.

Career continuation

Since 2008, the position of press secretary has become an official status. By decree of the current President Vladimir Putin, the seat was given to Peskov, who had represented his interests for several years. But from this moment on, Dmitry Sergeevich is also assigned the responsibility of deputy head of the Presidential Administration. An intelligent and discreet diplomat takes on not only the responsibilities of press secretary and deputy, but also takes part in covering the events of the Asia-Pacific Forum. In parallel with this, the president is creating a new department of the Kremlin, the work of which will be aimed at maintaining relations with the public. The post of head of this center is given to Peskov.

Dmitry Peskov without a mustache

Dmitry Sergeevich not only acts as a mediator between representatives of the journalistic environment and the president, but also takes an active part in significant press conferences. One of the largest projects for Peskov is the Sochi Olympics, which received media support at a high international level.

Peskov's personality and hobbies

Over the years of service in high positions, Dmitry Sergeevich has repeatedly proven to the public and journalists that his restraint sometimes fails. While communicating with opponents on television political shows and when tense situations arose, Peskov repeatedly showed that he knows how to speak out harshly. At moments when there was a need to defend the position of the Russian Federation in the world community, the politician easily defended the Russian point of view, forgetting about diplomatic loyalty.

Famous politician with his first wife

All his statements always keep pace with the course of the current president, who is not distinguished by loyalty when there is a threat to the state. This is exactly the kind of press secretary that Russia needs, which currently acts on the world stage as a powerful state, whose government has its own independent opinion on current events.

Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov is a brilliant diplomat, whose biography is regularly analyzed by leading politicians and the public, and his personal life is not as smooth as his professional career. As a representative of the president, he does not have the opportunity to waste his free time on amorous affairs and new novels. Regular trips abroad and the development of a career in the political environment have made Peskov a public figure, and his face is considered the most recognizable and significant after the president.

D. Peskov with his daughter

But the diplomat finds time for hobbies, playing tennis and chess. The latter sport teaches you not only to win, but also to endure failures with dignity, and also to analyze the actions of your opponent. The ability to play well on the chessboard helps Peskov relax and put his thoughts in order. And he considers tennis an excellent way to relieve stress. No less favorite activities for the press secretary are outdoor trips and skiing. Outdoor activities are considered more preferable than staying at home. True, any trips to natural areas of the Russian Federation are accompanied by a certain risk for Dmitry Sergeevich, since the diplomat suffers from asthma.

Politician's wives

Dmitry Sergeevich's first wife was the granddaughter of the Soviet military leader Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny. He met Anastasia during his student years and almost immediately invited the beauty to marry. After a year of marriage, their son Nikolai was born in 1990. Currently, Peskov’s first-born lives in Moscow on Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street. The living space of the elite apartment of Nikolai Choles, who took his stepfather’s surname, is 110 sq.m. A young man from a wealthy family leads a wild lifestyle and is fond of car racing.

The guy owns about 10 foreign cars, which he drives in order of priority. Over several years of driving along the capital's streets, the young man has accumulated more than a hundred fines for traffic violations. Peskov’s son also enjoys sailing on expensive yachts, holding parties on them inviting VIPs. He flies to his mother on a private plane or business class flights, preferring comfortable conditions.

With ex-wife Ekaterina

In mid-August 2017, an FBK journalist conducted an independent investigation, during which it turned out that Nikolai has a criminal record in England and spent a year in prison. In the arbitration court it was proven that the guy was accused of double assault on female representatives, for which he received a total prison sentence of 10 months. During the court hearing, he confirmed that he is the son of the famous diplomat Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov. The journalists who published this information provided a copy of the transcript from the trial. The young man himself put forward a refutation, declaring this statement a provocation designed to undermine the reputation of Dmitry Peskov.

It is also known about Nicholas Choles that in the past he worked at Fight Nights as a creative director, earning decent money. On his Facebook page, the young man indicated that he was an employee of the Russia Today company.

Dmitry Peskov today

Dmitry Peskov entered into a second marriage in 1994 with the daughter of a family of diplomats, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, which lasted until 2012. The reason for the divorce, according to the ex-wife, was that Peskov had another woman, who later became his new wife. Ekaterina returned her maiden name and moved to Paris, continuing to pursue her profession as a cosmetologist. Two sons, Mick and Denis, live with their mother. And daughter Elizabeth, born in 1994, works in marketing. In the summer of 2017, she flew to Moscow to work under a contract with the Avanti company, developed by the Chechen entrepreneur and politician Umar Dzhabrailov.

Another woman

As of 2018, the diplomat’s wife is Tatyana Navka. He formalized his relationship with his common-law wife only in 2015, exactly a year after the birth of his daughter. This child is not the only one in Peskov’s life.