Every person wants to be happy. But not everyone knows how to correctly read a plot for happiness so that it comes into your life. Let's share the most effective ways.

Psychologists and esotericists believe that in order to become happy, it is not enough to make all possible efforts. The right attitude is also necessary - positive thinking, faith in the best and the absence of negative emotions.

Conspiracies for happiness are a kind of affirmation, repeating which you can attract happiness into your life. But reading a magical text may not be enough. For the ritual to be effective, you must follow these tips:

  1. Get rid of negative emotions. Resentment, anger, envy, hatred poison your life and kill your chances of becoming happy. These emotions need to be released and get rid of them. Forgive, criticize and argue less, learn to treat any situation positively.
  2. Learn to be happy on your own. If your happiness depends on something or someone, you will never be happy. If you feel good only if you have a loved one, money, then when you lose it, your happiness will go away. You need to be able to be happy and filled with energy even when alone. Your favorite activity, hobby, interest, and intense pastime will help with this. Surround yourself with like-minded people.
  3. The environment plays an important role. If your friends and relatives often get angry, complain about life, gossip and behave unworthily, it is better to reduce communication with them to a minimum. Surround yourself with successful and happy people who are examples for you and can teach you positive thinking.
  4. Conspiracies must be read in a calm and relaxed state.. But at the same time, you must be as focused as possible on what you want to get. While reading a plot for happiness, imagine that you are already happy, and good luck will come, and your dreams will begin to come true.

Powerful magic spells

With three keys

In order to perform this magical ritual, you will need three keys. It is important that they open different locks. It doesn't matter whether the keys are new, just purchased or previously used.

Read the plot on the full moon or on the waxing moon. During this period, lunar energy is most favorable for attracting happiness into life.

At midnight, stand by the window, take the keys in one hand and a long thread in the other. Concentrate and imagine what you want to get. Spend some time drawing images of your future happy life in your mind.

Then hang the keys on a thread, tie it in a knot and read the text of the plot:

The text must be spoken three times. After completing the ritual, hang a bunch of keys above the head of the bed. Within a month, your life will begin to change for the better.

Important: you cannot use keys that you picked up on the street for the ceremony. There is a small chance that they have already been used for magical purposes, so they can cause harm.

Conspiracy "12 Apostles"

This conspiracy is read in church, so it is suitable only for believers. Atheists should not read such a text - not only will it have no effect, but it can also cause harm.

You can perform the ritual on any day, regardless of the phases of the moon.

You need to come to church in the morning, light candles for each of the twelve apostles. After this you should come home and read the following words:

Read the sacred words three times. For the plot to work, try to refrain from negative emotions, do not use foul language, and do not drink alcohol for forty days. It is advisable to observe strict fasting during this period.

With two mirrors

To perform a magical ritual, you can use mirrors. The mirror has long been considered an object endowed with strong magical properties. Therefore, they enhance the effect of any conspiracy.

You will need a church candle and two small mirrors. The ceremony takes place at midnight, on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Light a candle and place it in front of you. Place the mirrors in this way: one should be behind you, the other in front, so that you can see the reflection of yourself and the candle flame.

Concentrate while looking at the candle light and clearly say the following words:

The text must be pronounced three times, without pausing or stuttering. It’s better to memorize it in advance so that everything goes smoothly. After completing the ceremony, wait until the candle burns out completely and goes out. The wax must be collected and hidden in a secluded place.

The conspiracy will definitely work if the morning after the ritual you visit the church and light a candle to the Mother of God. Gradually you will feel happy.

At dawn

This is the most powerful version of the spell for happiness. It helps even in the most hopeless situations, when it seems that there is no hope of happiness left at all.

Say the cherished words only after waking up, on an empty stomach. After reading the plot, you can drink a glass of water, and breakfast is allowed after two hours. If you read this plot every day, without a single omission, despondency and depression will pass, and happiness will quietly and imperceptibly enter your life.

Important: The effectiveness of magical rituals directly depends on how much you believe in the magical power of spells. If you are skeptical, don't even try - it won't help.

Read the special spell over the handkerchief with which you wipe your face three times before entering the courtroom. The plot goes like this:

I will stand, blessed,
I'll go, crossing myself,
From door to door, from gate to gate.
I'll go out into the open field,
In this open field they stand
The locks are iron, the gates are damask.
I will become a servant of God (name),
Between the iron bars,
Damask gates
And I will put a golden crown on my head,
I'll put a bright month.
For this bright month I will put
Red sun,
For this, the red sun
No one can
Neither get angry nor upset.
And so it would be for the servant of God (name)
No one could
Neither get angry nor upset:
Neither kings-princes, nor kings-princes,
Neither worldly courts, nor earthly courts.
And neither the whole world is truly glorious
I couldn't get angry or upset
To the servant of God (name).
If only they were in front of me
Like a leaf before the grass
And below the low water, mown grass.
Heaven is the key, earth is the lock.
Forget my words.

A spell to soften hard hearts

If you have to communicate with people on whom your well-being depends, but they are angry with you for one reason or another, then you should, before contacting them, read the following plot three times in a row:

Jesus Christ, come to my aid.
I go to the upper room, they are sitting there
Kings with kings, lords with lords,
All the powers over me are silent, like walls.
They take the plates, I take the knife out from under my heart,
I shut the throats of my enemies.
My top, my truth, my victory.
I'll turn around in all directions
And I am not afraid of you, my enemies. Amen.

Wealth plot

If you see a lot of good things that you like, or a large amount of money that you can only dream of, fold the fig and read a special spell - all the wealth will go to you. The spell words are as follows:

You don’t care, but I have boxes full,
And I have full bins and barns,
House of goodness, wallets with money,
Gold and silver.
I am a prince and a merchant, I have a crown of happiness. Amen.

Spell for wealth and good luck

Good luck and success will accompany you in everything if on any Thursday you dig a hole near your house and throw a coin, a small piece of soap and a cockroach into it and then bury it all, saying:

How quickly does the soap lather up?
My bad luck would disappear so quickly.
How many cockroaches does the thin housewife have?
I wish I had so much luck and money.
Plot for good luck, I bury my luck,
I cover it with damp earth. Amen.

A quick word (to make a wish come true)

If during the year you have at least once seen a star falling and managed to say a quick word, then on New Year's Eve go outside, look at the sky and make a wish - it will definitely come true.

A quick word - I KNOW.

How to get your happy life back

With the help of damage, you can take away not only your health, but also your happy life. Thank God that there is a special ritual that helps to reprimand the unfortunate woman from troubles and misfortunes.

Pour milk from a black cow into a bottle, hide it on your chest and go to church. Stay there for Matins, then light nine candles and return home, without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way. Place the milk on an empty table and light a candle next to it. Sweep the floors everywhere. During the ceremony, do not be distracted by knocks on the door or phone calls - nothing should disturb you.

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Spells for good luck
Conspiracy to bring good luck in any business

Wind-wind, no one orders you, no one is your master, you blow wherever you want, you drive away the black clouds, you clear the blue sky, you let the sun shine brightly. You, the wind, are strong, you, the wind, are powerful, you, the wind, are free, you have no boundaries or obstacles, you fly everywhere, you go everywhere. Bring me, wind, my luck, my luck in all my affairs, so that it will always be with me, guide me through life, not retreat, and bring me goodness and joy. So that I can live from now on and forever in happiness and joy, never lose heart and do good to people. Amen.

Spell for protection and good luck on the road

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless you on your journey. I give myself into your hands, the Lord is ahead, the Mother of God is behind, the angels are protecting, clearing the way. The road rolls, it lasts, it lays itself under my feet, it runs smoothly, it protects me from misfortunes, it avoids potholes and pits, it only leads me along an even, smooth path. No one will go astray, nothing will happen, and luck will roll into your hands. Amen.

Conspiracy to fulfill a cherished desire

Birds fly to the south, gather to distant lands, I will say to those birds: “Birds, birds, you have a long flight, you will pass through many countries, you see everything from above, you all know, all the roads in the world are known to you, find them, birds, that forest, that field, that sea-ocean, where there is a bush and a stone, and a flower, and a tree, where under that bush, under that stone, under that flower and tree, my cherished desire lies, waiting for me, but it just won’t come. I send you, birds, to find your cherished desire and bring it to me. I bless you on a long, happy path, I look forward to returning with my cherished desire, whatever you find, bring to me, for happiness, for joy, for God’s grace.”

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish to get what you need

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, heavenly angels, all the heavenly hosts, help me, a sinner (name), to fulfill my desire, so that what I ask for will be given to me, for the good of me, a sinner (name), and all my neighbors and distant all, and to the whole world of God. May my desire be fulfilled as God pleases, may what I need come to me in the ways that the Lord will show, may the right people appear on my path at the right time, may all events in my life happen to fulfill my necessary desires, may I get what I want by God’s will! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Conspiracy to achieve a goal

Just as a well-aimed archer takes aim and the arrow hits the target, so I aim accurately, I see my target clearly and I shoot the arrow right at the target, so that what I strive for will come true, so that I can achieve everything that I have in mind, if This does not contradict the will of God and the plan of the Lord. Do not let me, Lord, do something displeasing to you. Help me, Lord, to achieve my goal for Your glory, in fulfillment of Your plans. God bless! God bless! God bless! Amen.

Conspiracy for a happy destiny

As the night leaves, the day comes - so misfortunes will leave me, happiness will come to me. As the month sets and the sun rises, grief will leave me and joy will come to me. Just as water falls from heaven and goes into the ground, so illnesses and sorrows will go away. Just as springs flow from the earth and never end, so endless luck will come to me. I lock my words with a key, I fasten them tightly. Amen.

Spell for self-confidence

Just as an oak tree stands in a field, firm and strong, strong and mighty, and neither violent winds, nor fierce downpours, nor wild animals are afraid of it - so I, the servant of God (name), will stand firmly and strong among people, and no one It won’t shake me, won’t bend me, won’t knock me off my feet, won’t tear me off the ground. My cause is true, my strength is strong, my truth is with me, no one will overpower that truth, that strength, that cause, will not cross it, will not remake it! As I said, so it will be. Amen.

Spell for fortitude

As I get up in the morning, walk along the water, to the treasured spring, clear, transparent, clean water, as I drink from the spring, as the silica flows through my veins, as that water gives me strength, physical, mental and spiritual strength, so my spirit will become stronger diamond, so my eyes will be filled with light, my soul will be filled with will, my spirit will be powerful, so any business will become a success for me, any adversity will crumble before me, all enemies will scatter from my path, and all my thoughts will be fulfilled, all plans will be accomplished, all good luck will come to me will turn around! Amen.

A conspiracy to deal with an important matter

How a mighty and indestructible rock stands over the blue sea-ocean, how a green pine tree with spreading branches grows on that rock, how a magical chest is buried under that pine tree, closed with a golden key, and in that chest a mighty power is hidden. The Silushka will wait and wait, whoever comes for her will climb the rock, take out the chest, and open it with the key. I, servant of God (name), will overcome all obstacles-distances, I will get a strength from a cliff, from under a pine tree, from a magic chest. You are mine, silushka, you are with me, silushka, I am your master, silushka, you are now in my veins, in my arms and legs, in my white body, in my wild head. Get itchy, strong girl, grow and expand, aim for good, I will overcome everything with you, I can do everything. I can handle everything, I can do everything, and this strength never diminishes, but increases day by day. Amen.

A conspiracy to make things go smoothly

The girl braids her hair, braids it, and so my work goes well, braiding, braiding; the field loach grows and curls, so my work grows and curls; the bird builds a nest and strengthens it, and so my work builds and strengthens; the ears of corn in the field grow, ripen, feed the people with bread, and so my business grows, ripens, becomes rich, feeds me and my whole family from now on, waters me, gives me prosperity, commands me to live in contentment. Amen.

A conspiracy to keep things from going wrong

I call on the Lord God as a witness - I begin my work in good time. Just as water wears away a stone drop by drop, so my diligence and my luck will wear away all obstacles, overcome, eliminate adversity, and pave a clear path for me. Just as a tree grows even on a stone, so my cause will gain strength, strengthen, become irresistible and powerful, and will stand in spite of enemies, to the joy of friends, irresistibly, unshakably, firmly and firmly, forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy if you want fame and success

Red sun, you are great and glorious, no one crowned you king, but your crown is visible to everyone, clear to everyone, revered by everyone and glorious to everyone. Give me a little of your glory, illuminate me with your light, teach me how to be nice and pleasing to all people, how to gain honor for yourself with your good deeds and your glorious name. Help me, clear sun, to become like you, to become glorious, and I, like you, promise to shine for all people, to bring joy and goodness to them, for the benefit of the whole world. Amen.

A conspiracy to successfully resolve a difficult case (pass an exam, make a deal, etc.)

Just as the Lord God loves the whole sublunary world, so He loves me, His sinful servant, just as my mother and father love me, so may all people love me, everyone to whom I go on this day, from whom I expect my good decision deeds, goodness, not evil, mercy, not callousness. The Lord is with me, the angels are with me, I am covered with the protection of the Mother of God, blessed for the successful turn of my business. Let it be so. Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord. Amen.

Spells for prosperity and wealth
So that there is prosperity in the house

1. How I, the servant of God (name), got up in the morning, washed my face with clean water, worshiped on all four sides: my hut, my hut, stand strong, molded and firmly, so that neither thunderstorms, nor storms, nor hurricanes touch you , neither evil words nor dark deeds. Stop, hold on, protect my life for joy, happiness, for many years to come. Bless, Lord, every wall, every corner, every log, all the doors and windows. Forever and ever, amen.

2. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I pray to You, I conjure you, command by Your will that there will be no trouble in my house, that everything will be peaceful and quiet, that there will be plenty of bread, that everyone living here will have a happy lot! Amen, amen, amen.

3. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, send me, the sinful servant of God (name), and all my household strength, goodness and health for many years, so that no one can harm, break, scare, spoil us. Be everything pure and holy. Amen, amen, amen.

A spell to bring happiness to the house

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen! My house is made of stone (wood, concrete, etc. – you name it) strong and reliable, blessed by the Lord. Filled with happiness, strengthened with love. Protects from enemies, gives joy, peace, and peace. May it be so forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy for abundance in the house

Just as a clear dawn wakes up every morning, rises, and brings light and joy to the world, so in my house there is prosperity, bread on the table, cabbage soup and porridge on the stove, and the house is nourishing and warm, and wealth flows into the house. Just as a stream flows - the water in it never ends, so the wealth in my house never ends. Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracies for a well-fed life

1. Small birds, larks, fly to me, the servant of God (name), bring one grain at a time - grain by grain, there will be life, there will be satiety, there will be plenty, there will be plenty of bread, joy in the house, happiness comes grain by grain, day by day everything happier family! I lock these words with a key, from now on and forevermore let it be so.

2. I’ll make a kneading mixture at the very bottom, and in the morning I’ll get up with the sun - it’s already climbing over the edge! So let a well-fed life in my house come day by day. Amen.

3. There is a needle in a box, I will take out that needle, thread the gold thread and sew and sew, trim the whole family, and mother, and father, and hubby and little children, and mother-in-law, and mother-in-law, I will dress everyone up, I will give everyone new clothes, and I will not forget myself, God’s servant (name), nor deprive myself. To live in warmth and satiety for all my family forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from lack of money

The sky is blue, the month is clear, the stars in the sky are endless, the drops in the sea-ocean are endless, the blades of grass in the field are endless, the leaves on the trees are endless. There is a lot of everything in the world, there is enough for everyone, and there is enough for me. Let gold and silver come, let it come to me with goodness, bring me joy and happiness, so that my wealth becomes like the stars in the sky, drops in the sea-ocean, blades of grass in the field, leaves on the trees. Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord.

Conspiracies to make money come

1. How I woke up in the morning and found a hole in my pocket. I’ll take a gold thread, I’ll thread it into a gold needle, I’ll sew up that hole, I’ll sew it tightly, I’ll patch it up, I’ll tie it with gold, I’ll tie a golden knot with a gold needle. Hold on, little bundle, hold on tight, the money is firmly in my pocket. Always keep your pocket full, and even fuller. My words are tenacious, strong, bound with a golden chain, closed with a golden lock. Amen.

2. Sky-sky, you have many stars, give me, little sky, and for me a small star in the palm of your hand, a star will fall in the palm of your hand, it will scatter into countless millions, immeasurable, it will turn into gold and silver, into undiminished wealth that will grow and expand day by day from day to day. How many stars are in the sky, so much gold and silver I have! Amen.

3. There is a stove, there is a pot on the stove, in that pot the porridge is boiling and steaming, boiling and seething, day and night it does not get tired, but only grows and grows. Cook forever, eternal pot, grow in wealth day and night, feed me and my whole family, and how much is eaten, let it come to you five times each time! As long as the pot cooks porridge, so much money will come into the bag! Amen.

Conspiracy if you urgently need money

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Mother Theotokos, you see that I, the servant of God (name), need money for a good deed, for a necessary deed, for an important deed - not on a whim, not for luxury, not for self-indulgence , not for boasting, but for (say why). God has a lot of everything - give me some too. Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord.

Wealth plot

A pike fish swims across the sea, swims from afar, its tail is silver, its fin is gold, its eye is diamonds. Whoever catches that pike will never know grief or poverty. Swim, pike, swim, bring us plenty of gold, silver and diamonds. We are waiting for you, we will greet you kindly, we will feed you, give you something to drink and let you go out to sea, you will gain more wealth and bring it to us again. May it be so forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to find a good job

The stars in the sky go their own way, the sun in the sky goes its own way, and you, clear month, move your own way - so let me, the servant of God (name), have my own way in the world of earth and heaven, sublunary and celestial. On that path I will find a golden house, in the house there is a golden throne, on that throne is my work, given to me by our Lord for joy, happiness, luck, wealth. This thing is waiting for me - it won’t wait, no one except me gets it, neither old nor young, nor a mature husband, nor red-haired, nor black, nor white, nor fair-haired, nor gray-haired. Bring me, Lord, to that throne, put that matter in my hands, so that I can live comfortably, without grief and adversity, for Your glory, the Lord, for myself and for the good of all people. Let it be so. Amen.

A conspiracy to get what you need from your boss or official

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, be merciful to me, Your sinful servant (name), - you see, my cause is right, I am pure before you in my thoughts, so help me, bless me for the right decision of my request, soften the hearts of the mighty of this world , die, turn to help me. I go to them with kindness - let them greet me with kindness, greet me, not drive me out of the door, but invite me to their place, greet me with a kind word, reward me with a kind deed. Good morning! With God, with God, with God. Amen.

A conspiracy to not be afraid of your superiors

Wolf-wolf, forest dweller, share your strength, so that no matter who I have to know, I won’t be afraid of anyone. You, wolf-wolf, are walking, your eyes are burning, your fur is on end - everyone hides instantly. So I will not bow my head to anyone, not to a formidable husband, not to a powerful husband, not to a strong and omnipotent husband. He is strong - yes I am stronger, he is scary - but I am not afraid! My strength, my glory, my fearlessness, be with me now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Love and family conspiracies
Conspiracy against loneliness

The spinner spins flax, turns the spindle - and the spindle is not an easy one, he spins my destiny, a girl’s destiny, a happy one, he twists and twists it, he gives me the name of my betrothed. My dear, betrothed, tied and tied to me by one thread, destined for me by fate, you are close, you are near, you are on the threshold, we cannot escape each other, two hearts will be side by side forever! Amen.

A spell to ward off bad luck in love

The spinner spun, she spun, but she spun something bad - the threads are rotten, the threads are torn, I can’t dress, I can’t put on shoes, I’ll tear all the threads, I’ll burn the rotten threads in the oven, I’ll take the spindle myself, I’ll take silk threads, pure gold, strong threads, wonderful threads, I’ll spin - I’ll weave a happy destiny for myself, I’ll put on a new one, I’ll start all over again, I’ll bring my betrothed into the house, I’ll live forever in love and happiness! Amen.

Conspiracy to get married

The red sun is dear to people, the banks of the river are dear, the stars are dear to the sky - so I, the servant of God (name), will be dear to everyone, beautiful, kind to everyone, pleasant to everyone, and most of all to the kind young man, my beloved groom. I invite him to me, call him, lure him to happiness, joy, eternal love! Amen.

Conspiracy if you stay too long in girls

There is a nook in the dark forest, there is a viburnum bush. The bitter viburnum has set my teeth on edge. I’ll sweeten the viburnum with honey, I’ll find raspberries in that forest. Sweet raspberries are, and it’s time for me, the servant of God (name), to become sweet, not bitter, to get rid of bitterness, drink honey, light up with love, get to know a good man, get married in church! Lord, bless, with Your power I seal my word, I crown it with a crown, I bless it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Wedding day plot for family well-being

How many stars there are in the sky, how much gold there is in the world, how many drops of water there are in the ocean - so much happiness, joy, wealth will there be for (names of the bride and groom). To live in peace and harmony, in contentment and good health, to live happily ever after. God bless! Amen.

Conspiracies to make love in the family

1. As a red rose blooms in the garden, so let love bloom with a scarlet color, unfading in my house, so that my husband, the servant of God (name), always loves me, carries me in his arms, knows no one better than me, and I would love him , respected, helped in everything, respected and pleased. Let it be so from now on and forever. Amen.

2. A dove with a dove, a duck with a drake, a swan with a swan - and I with my hubby are forever connected by a golden thread, by the light of God, by strong, strong, eternal love. Amen.

3. The ocean-sea drives and drives the waves, the water on the shore keeps coming and coming - so the love for me of my husband (my wife) would keep coming and coming, filling our house with joy and happiness, and a good life. Amen.

Conspiracies against betrayal in the family

1. Just as a pine tree does not cheat on its forest, just as a chipmunk animal does not cheat on its hole, just as a thrush bird does not cheat on its nest, so my husband will never cheat on me, nor will he set his sights on another. Amen, amen, amen.

2. My words are strong, they are locked, and the castle is buried in the ground, no one will interrupt my word. May my husband love me forever, as I love him, and neither a black cat, nor a motley snake, nor a fast bird, nor a gray top, nor a jumping hare, nor a nimble fox, nor a white squirrel, nor a red-haired girl, nor a black one, nor fair-haired, no one, no old woman, no young woman, no widow - no one will pass between us, no one will lay a trail, no one will lay a trait. We will be together, side by side, in deed and body, in word and look, united and indivisible forever and ever. Amen.

3. Just as ivy curls around an oak tree, so a wife would curl around her husband, cling to him, entwine with him. Just as an oak tree in the forest cannot leave its place, so a husband will never leave his wife. Together they will live until death, live and live, make good, multiply love and happiness. Amen.

Conspiracy against jealousy

An arrow flew from far away, from a dark forest, from a filthy swamp, a burning arrow, a prickly arrow, a jealous arrow. That arrow pierced my zealous heart, took away my peace, hurts with pain, burns like fire, stabs me, it itches everything, torments me, and doesn’t allow me to live. I’ll tear that arrow out of my heart, I’ll find some grass in the forest, I’ll heal the wound, I’ll stop the bleeding, I’ll stop the burning jealousy, and I’ll tell that arrow to fly back where it came from, beyond the dark forest, beyond the filthy swamp, stick into an old stump, in it get stuck, never go back! Amen.

A conspiracy to prevent spouses from offending each other

Just as the sun and the sky live together, in harmony, okay, they don’t quarrel, don’t scold - so you and I, the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name), will live peacefully, okay, in love and harmony, not quarrel, not scold, do not reproach, do not be offended from now on and forever. Amen.

A conspiracy to avoid quarreling with family

Just as an apple fell from a tree - it will never come back, just as a river ran into the sea-ocean - the water will not run back, just as autumn will not come after winter, and winter will not come after spring, so quarrels in the family will go away, hide and never return mine. Let it be so. Amen.

A conspiracy to make peace

Burn the fire - burn our quarrel. The water flows - take away our quarrel. The wind blows and blows our quarrel into dust. I drive away tears, away I drive away screams, away I drive away angry anger, spiteful evil, insults. Away, into the fire, away, into the water, away, into the wind! Peace to the house, peace to the house, peace to the house! Amen, amen, amen.

So that no one and nothing interferes with family happiness

As a steam bath is heated, as a heater steams and heats, as water washes away all the dirt, as a white, clean park carries away all evil spirits, drives away evil and sadness, so with our family, the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name), everything the bad is washed away, rolls off, goes away, bounces off, bypasses, does not come close. Neither black gossip, nor muddy envy, nor evil words, nor dashing thoughts - nothing and no one spoils, will not break, our happiness will not be lost forever and ever! Amen.

Conspiracy to add to the family

Just as there is a distant little land beyond the blue sea, as the blue sea calms down, as the violent winds calm down, so the nightingales, nightingales and nightingales will flock there, let them build a peaceful nest, let them bring out their little ones - so you and I, the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name), it’s time to settle down as a family, converge in a quiet nest, give birth to nice little kids. For joy, for happiness, for many years to come! Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracy if children do not appear for a long time

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, give me, Thy servant (name), a small grain, I will lower the grain into the ground, a small spikelet will be born, will grow, will be filled with ripe gold - just as from a grain a spikelet, like from a seed a flower, so a child will be born to me. . Lord Jesus Christ, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, my guardian angel, help me to conceive, bear, give birth to, feed! Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracies for a successful pregnancy

1. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, help me, a sinful servant of God (name), to bear my child, save and protect. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2. Most Holy Mother of God, come, help, close my womb with golden keys, cover me with a golden cover, protect, strengthen, preserve the fruit of the womb! Amen.

3. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect and protect me, the servant of God (name), and my child in my womb at every day and hour, and day and night, and dawn of morning and evening! Amen.

Conspiracies for a successful birth

1. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, help me, the servant of God (name), to be safely relieved of my burden, to release the child from the womb into the light of God. Amen.

2. As steam comes from a baenka, as from a Russian oven - heat, as from underground springs - water, as from the sun - rays, so let the baby, in ease and painlessness, emerge from the womb of the prison into the white light, into freedom, into joy, into happiness, for a long life, for a good share. Amen.

3. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you, I pray: with the golden key, open the womb of God’s servant (name), help the baby to come out into freedom. Amen.

4. Mountains of stone, disperse, waves of the sea, part, royal gates, open! Help, Lord, the servant of God (name) to be safely relieved of her burden. Amen.

A conspiracy to protect a newborn from various troubles

God bless! There is a clear color standing in the field, that color does not know any troubles - no troubles, no illnesses, no thinness, no hardships! So let our baby bloom like a flower, without knowing troubles, thinness, illness, an unkind eye, no infection. Go away, trouble, our gates are not for you! And for happiness, joy, health, our gates. Amen.

Spell if a newborn cries a lot

With the Word of the Lord I conjure and conjure: leave, you screaming cryx, from our yard, there is no place for you here, you should not live here, do not live here, do not visit our baby, do not torment, do not cry and scream! The house is quiet and peaceful, the baby lives quietly and peacefully in it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Conspiracy for children against various misfortunes and illnesses

Like river water flows, boils, carries away all the dirt, all the silt, sand, small pebbles - so all the fears, commotions, illnesses, lessons leave our baby (name), they go away, they are washed away, they say goodbye to us forever! Let our baby (name) be cleansed and washed, never know grief and misfortune. Amen.

We have made a selection of love spells for you. Spells to attract a loved one, love spells for a husband or wife and many others.

Selection - Spells for love

Only the most powerful and proven conspiracies that will help you attract your soulmate, strengthen the love of your husband or your lover.

Strong spell for husband's love

Conspiracies for your husband's love are used only if it seems to you that your husband has lost interest in you. Such love spells work especially well if the couple was married in a church. But for those who have not gotten married, the conspiracy will have the same effect.

This strong plot for the love of a husband is read three times in a row, looking at the growing moon:

“I’ll stand on the threshold of the church and create a talisman for my family. My dear husband (name of husband), give me your peace. I stand in front of you, and behind my back is a holy protective icon. I will bow to her and stand at the altar. I gave the slave (husband’s name) my heart, my soul. Now he would be so jealous, he wouldn’t let me go anywhere. He would love me, take care of me and caress me. Just as a mother suffers for her children, so you will suffer for me, love and wait for me, and never change. My word is strong and true. Amen.

Another strong spell for your husband’s love should be done like this. In the morning, when you wash your face, look in the mirror and say to the bar of soap:

“Just as people look in the mirror, so a husband would look at his wife and not see enough, how quickly the soap washes off, so quickly the husband will love his wife, how white the shirt on his body is, so the husband would be clean and bright.”

“As the shirt on the body was, so was the husband to his wife.”

Thus, the husband’s dislike and indifference to his wife should go away along with the old piece of clothing. The shirt should then be thrown away.

When the spouse's feelings cool

When you first feel that your husband has lost interest in you, but feelings for your spouse still burn in your soul, you can awaken his former passion with the help of magic. To perform the ritual, you should prepare a red silk ribbon.

The tape must be placed under the sheet on the marital bed before going to bed. The next morning you need to wake up very early and carefully remove the tape. The edge of the tape must be passed over the husband's lips in such a way as not to wake him up and he does not suspect anything.

Z Then you need to go to another room and weave the ribbon into your hair and say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God, (my name) will wake up early in the morning and go to a clean field to look for my beloved. I look in all four directions - I don’t see anyone! I will turn my heartfelt words to the wind walking across the wide field, I will ask it to call my beloved to me. And then I will return home and see my beloved there. He will sit in the hallway, saddened, and yearn without me, the Servant of God (his name). I will gladly hug him and accept him. My words are strong and strong. That's what will happen. Amen".

After this, the tape must be removed and hidden in a secluded place so that no one will ever find it. After such a ritual, your husband’s former passion for you will very quickly awaken in his soul and the relationship will improve.

Ritual with wine

Allows you to increase your husband’s sexual desire and ritual with wine. The ritual is a romantic dinner with charmed wine. An alcoholic drink is consumed in a glass before dinner begins in complete privacy.

The plot goes like this:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name), cast a strong spell on intoxicating red wine. My beloved husband, the Servant of God (spouse’s name), will take a sip of wine and want me, he will no longer be able to live without me. His thoughts, day and night, will only be about me. He will love my body, I will always awaken a strong passion in him. Amen".

The words must be spoken once, putting all your feelings into them. Afterwards, you can drink this charmed drink with your beloved husband.

Love spell for smoke

Write the words of the love spell on a blank sheet of paper in your own hand:

“I’ll get up early, wash my white face, go out the door and into the open field and turn my gaze to the east. And there are three furnaces: copper, iron and brick. And just as those furnaces flare up and glow with heat from heaven to earth, so the heart, soul and body of the servant of God (name of her beloved) would flare up about me, servant of God (her name). And my words are strong - stronger than iron, denser than copper and harder than brick.”

Then roll the paper into a tube and put a dry sprig of wormwood in it. Next, light one end and whisper the spell written on it into the smoke.

Love plot on a needle

Speak the words of a love spell onto the new needle you bought:

“I will get up at dawn and go out into a clear field and look into the clear sky - and a sharp arrow is flying across the sky. So fly, a sharp arrow, into the zealous heart, into the hot blood, into the clear eyes of the servant of God (name of the beloved). So that she would dry out and yearn for me, the servant of God (her name), always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will come true.”

Discreetly hide this needle in your lover's house or belongings.

Love plot - How to meet your betrothed

If all else fails, you can resort to magic. For this purpose, there are conspiracies that are used so that a betrothed-mummer appears in their life.

During rain or snow, place the dishes on the window, the ground, into which water or snow will be collected. After the rain stops or the snow ends, the dishes can be brought into the house. If you had snow, then wait until it melts. For the spell to work, you need to pronounce it on Friday during the waxing moon. It is best if it is a day between the 2nd and 14th day of the lunar day. In principle, water can be collected a little earlier, there is nothing terrible about that. Now, the plot: “How to meet your betrothed.” Take water and splash it on the corners of your bed, a few drops is enough. With the rest of the water, sit down in the center of the bed. And repeat three times:

“I ask You, through this sweet, fresh rain, to bring me a person who will ease my sadness of loneliness.”

Then, leave the water in an open container and let the water evaporate. The main thing is not to run to the jar every hour and look to see whether the water has evaporated or not. After the ritual, go to bed.

Probably every man has found himself in a situation where the girl he loves doesn’t get in touch for a long time. So what should you do: call yourself or sit back, waiting for your beloved to suddenly decide to call?

In fact, there is a more elegant method - reading spell to call your beloved, after saying which all the girl’s thoughts will be directed at you and you won’t have to wait long for a telephone conversation with her.

Simple conspiracies

The first simple conspiracy read in front of the mirror,
on the surface of which the lover’s number is displayed with a finger:

“The black raven is looking for his little dove, he misses her, he doesn’t peck at her, but he brings and gives her grains. So fly, crow, to my dear (name), bring longing and sadness into her heart for me, bring the phone number into her tender hands. Let her suffer a lot, suffer for me and miss me, but quickly dial the number. As soon as the bell rings, I’ll take the confusion out of her. So it is, and so it will become. Amen".

Now you need cover the mirror surface with an opaque cloth and do not remove it until your loved one calls.

If you know how to concentrate and have a good imagination, then you can do this simple ritual:

  • go outside, look for a deserted place;
  • raise your hands and face to the sky;
  • You say nine times: “Almighty heaven, help me, slave (name), help me.

Let my beloved servant of God (name) miss me, yearn for me. Let him pick up the phone, dial my number, and start a conversation. Let her suffer and toil, despair and grieve. But as will dial my number, so all her melancholy will go away. As soon as he hears my voice, he breathes deeply. Amen".

To guide the girl's thoughts exclusively for you, read the following text three times:

“As soon as I lie down, I pray to God,
As soon as I get up, I immediately get baptized.
Worms crawl under the black earth,
and animals live above it.
Above them only the clear sun, the moon,
yes I'm alone.
When I think about my beloved,
about your beloved, beautiful,
I want it hear her
she will immediately dial my number.
Distances don't matter to us,
in the soul there is love suffering.
To dispel melancholy into dust,
cute girl is holding a phone in her hands.
My number is dialing now,
not for a moment doesn't forget me.

On a candle

This ritual will require some preparation - you should first purchase a red candle and print it photograph of your beloved, where she is full-length and her eyes are clearly visible (there should be no glasses on her face).

Then the candle is placed on the table, lit with matches, and the photo is placed behind it. During the conspiracy, you should cut the flame of a burning candle with scissors, stopping at the word “Amen.”

Reading spell by heart, 12 times in a row:

“I cut, cut off, all barriers and obstacles,
barriers and other obstacles that prevent my beloved from contacting me.

Even if she (name) does not drink or eat, she mentally listens to my voice.
I tell her to dial my number quickly,
strive for me, rush, never talk to me.
Like the wax of a red candle melts from a hot fire,
so are you, (name), from my hex You can’t hide from the mighty, you can’t hide.
May the Higher Forces help me. Amen".

Button up

For any piece of fabric you need sew on 12 buttons, trying to ensure that the threads are arranged in the form of a cross. The following text is read on each button:

“My Lord, my God, help me and have mercy on me.
Oh, Recluse Feofan, respond,
let slave (name) miss me,
from melancholy and toil he can’t rest,
does not eat or drink until he picks up the phone and my number won't dial.
Remove, Feofan, all obstacles,
let our conversation be a reward.
Don’t let anyone, not high ranks, delay it,
not the common people, not the devil himself.

The action of the ritual is almost lightning fast - the beloved girl will call or appear in person within 12 hours.

To the photo

The uniqueness of this slander is that it not only provokes the girl to make a call, but also convinces her in tender feelings to you, that is, a conspiracy with a slight drying effect. You can use it if you want your beloved to call you after a quarrel.

The words of the conspiracy should be spoken three times, after which wearing photo near the heart:
“Sad, dreary and empty,
to you, (name), without me.
You haven't lost your feelings,
I'll add fire to them.
You're toiling, you're grieving,
you miss me day and night.
My voice in phone
will be able to help you.
Dial my number
talk to me
your cherished words
say it quickly.
I wait for a call at night
both during the day and at dawn.
You, (name), dear,
I love you more than anyone.

To a candle from the church

To make this call to a phone call from your loved one, you should buy a church candle Red. A ritual is performed for the waxing moon, the words are read by heart, the order of actions is not violated. So:

  • With a new needle, purchased specifically for the ritual, the name of the beloved is scratched on the candle;
  • simultaneously with this action, imagine how bored she is, toiling, picking up the telephone receiver;
  • then the needle is fully inserted to the bottom of the candle;
  • place the candle in a fireproof candlestick and light it;
  • pronounced seven times spell words:“I didn’t pierce the candle with a new red needle, I pierced the heart and soul of my beloved (name). Now I won't be bored alone. Call me, my love! I am master of my words and deeds. Just as a candle burns and burns out, a needle heats up, so (my beloved’s name)’s feelings for me will flare up and heat up. Let (name) dial my number, he wants to hear me. Amen".

On the thing

If you have a personal item of your beloved, then casting a spell on her phone call will be quite simple - just say certain words to the item and soon you will be able talk to your beloved, Moreover, the initiative for the conversation will come from her.

The slander is this: “What, my love, don’t you write or call? I know you, like me, are sad. Take the phone quickly and dial my number, I will be glad to hear from you, know that I am worthy of you. Our love will grow stronger, your calls to me will never stop. As I said, this is how it will be. Let it happen according to my speeches.”

On a note

“Forgive me, our Lord! Forgive me, Mother of God! Forgive and bless, allow your desire to be fulfilled. I would like to hear the bell ringing before dawn, but Temples of God and Monasteries have nothing to do with it. Let (name) call, my beloved. Let your voice please me. Lord, forgive me! Love's suffering you won't allow it. Amen".

To phone

To carry out this ritual, you will not need anything other than your own telephone, where you can display a photo of your beloved. The ritual is performed by placing a telephone between the palms and a clear idea that he will ring now.

At this time, you need to mentally say: “Remember me, suffer, miss me (name). Hurry up to me, call (name) quickly.”

Once you have spoken the words 21 times, put the phone to your ear and imagine that you are already talking to your sweetheart. As a rule, such a conspiracy helps within 24 hours - your beloved will definitely get in touch during this time.

You can also say words on your mobile phone that will help make peace in case of a long-term quarrel:

“Whatever you do, wherever you are,
You just dialed my number.
I suffer, I suffer without you,
I suffer greatly, silently loving.
(Name), call me hurry up
I can’t live without you for so many days.
I want to hear your voice right now,
Call me, honey, right now.

The simplest conspiracy is pronounced lying in bed before going to bed - while reading it, you should clearly imagine how your beloved is calling you:

“The desire is fulfilled at that moment,
It is filled with the power of God himself.
I wish you purely and honestly,
Call me, my bride.
When the bell trills,
my melancholy will disappear.
Call, my love, call!
God, help me!”

On a handkerchief

For the ritual you need a new handkerchief made of natural fabric. It is necessary tie 3 knots, saying to each of them three times:

“One scarf, three knots, pass my longing to my beloved, convey my speech to her. Let her dial my number and come to me as soon as possible. I want to hear her, talk to her, I can’t continue to live without her. Just as a scarf is tied, so am I connected to (name). Forever and ever, times endless. May it be so soon!”

The knitted handkerchief is carried with you until the plan is fulfilled. How the dream will happen - they burn the thing in a deserted place, and the ashes from it are scattered in the wind.