Trigram Li - ☲離 - is located in the South. Poems Fire. Gua: 9. Symbolizes the middle daughter, affection. Properties: brightness, attractiveness, weapons, drought. Expansion of spheres of influence. Gives strength to understand the meaning of things.

The fire element requires constant attention and control in this sector (and in others too). Excess fire elements lead to overexcitation, irritability, and aggression. Lack of the fire element leads to despondency, apathy, depression, and bad mood. The elements of earth and water suppress fire: wood - softly, water - hard. Fire is fueled by the element of wood.

The essence of the LI trigram is clarity.

The Li trigram describes a state of short-term pause (middle Yin trait) after prolonged activity (lower Yang trait) and on the eve of new activities (upper Yang trait). A pause, a break that gives us the opportunity to see what we did not notice in the bustle and current worries. In nature, the Li trigram corresponds to midday in hot summer, when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky, zenith, which is probably why the southern sector is considered the sector of glory. This internal qualitative transformation represents the essence of the Li trigram and can be used to describe the processes of transition from one qualitative state to another. Since the fire quickly goes out if no wood is added to it, the state associated with the Li trigram cannot last long without a sufficient amount of resources. Under natural conditions it is a flash, an instant. But if you want to prolong this moment, prepare firewood, since Fire is a very voracious Element.

Talismans for the southern sector.

The most classic mascot of the sector is the Phoenix. This bird is not only the embodiment of fire, but also an animal - the guardian of the southern direction at the same time. It was believed that the Phoenix is ​​not a bird at all, but a clot of intelligent fiery energy that has an endless life cycle, dying and being reborn again. Instead there may be a red rooster - also a symbol of fire in the Russian tradition, or a peacock.
A Feng Shui fan, preferably red, is no less suitable for the southern sector.
This can also be any other talismans of red or red-orange shades.
It is favorable to place your awards, certificates, certificates, medals, gratitude, etc. in the southern sector. Personal things that are associated with success and good luck.

It is an extremely bad idea to place in this sector everything that has to do with the element of water (water itself, images, anything blue, purple or black), weapons, symbols of aggression.
It is undesirable to place anything related to the earth element in the southern sector - these are brown and beige colors. Lots of fresh flowers in pots, etc. Placing the element of earth in the fire sector is acceptable in order to “pacify” the fire a little (for example, if in this sector you have a fireplace and a phoenix panel, or you are very popular and decide to step into the shadows).

eight gua characters (八卦)

« Limitless (无极 / 無極 - u -ji) generates the Great Limit (tai chi),
Great Reach (太极 / 太極 - t ai-ji) generates the Double Order (liang-i),
Double Order (两仪 / 兩儀 - l yang-i) generate Four Images (si-xiang),
Four Images (四象 - with y-syan) give rise to the Eight Trigrams (ba-gua).”

Wu-ji - primordial chaos, the term literally translates as “absence of Limit.” This stage is characterized by the absence of being. Graphically depicted as an empty (white) circle.

Tai Chi - the initial stages of cosmogenesis, which is also its cause. Literally translated as “Great Limit”. This stage is characterized by the division of the world into past and future, the formation of space and time. It has numerous variants of graphic images, the most famous of which is a circle divided by a wavy line into black and white sectors, inside of which there are dots of the opposite color.

Double order - the emergence of two opposing forces yin And yang. Graphically depicted as a dashed and solid line, in the image tai chi in the form of areas of black or white.

Four images - four properties of interaction of forces yin And yang(Yin - gives birth to Old Yin and Young Yang. Yang - gives birth to Young Yin and Old Yang). Graphically depicted as combinations of two lines, in the image tai chi in the form of two black and white areas.

Eight trigrams (ba-gua) - act as the embodiment of the foundations of the world order. Classification schemes with trigrams cover numerous aspects of reality. Graphically represented as combinations of three lines.

Each of these trigrams has several meanings and is located around ba-gua both in the order of the Former Heaven and in the order of the Later Heaven.
Ba-gua usually depicted as a circular table, often inscribed in an octagon.
According to the modern interpretation of these two locations, the sequence of trigrams of the Former Heaven represents an ideal version of the Universe, while the sequence of trigrams of the Later Heaven reflects the real picture of the flow of energy on earth and is strategically more important for humanity in modern conditions.
Pre-celestial drawing of trigrams (Order of arrangement of trigrams according to Fu-Xi; (先天图 or 伏羲八卦图) - a fixed sequence of arrangement of trigrams attributed to the mythical creator of Chinese civilization Fu-Xi.

The circular arrangement of trigrams according to Fu Xi is formed from two sequences:
Qian (1) - Dui (2) - Li (3) - Zhen (4) and Xun (5) - Kan (6) - Gen (7) - Kun (8), which are connected through the center of the circle according to the trigrams Zhen - Xun (Northeast - Southwest axis). Thus, the trigram Qian (Heaven) is at the top, and the trigram Kun (Earth) is at the bottom.
Preheavenly arrangement of trigrams around ba-gua used in cases where the feng shui of graves and cemeteries was assessed. Since ancient times, the Chinese have believed that this branch of Feng Shui is extremely effective and much more powerful in influencing the well-being of a family over a long period of time than any other. There is still a statement that Yin Feng Shui works throughout the life of five generations.
(I advise everyone who was recommended to use Yin ba-gua, do not hang it inside your home or office under any circumstances. Inskoye ba-gua should always be displayed only outside the door and never placed inside the home itself. Even when hanging outdoors, try to use other Feng Shui corrective methods if it turns out that ba-gua directed at your neighbors. Always strive to apply corrective measures that do not cause harm to other people).
Ba-gua, which is used when working with Yang Feng Shui, is based on the Post-Heavenly arrangement of trigrams. In Yansky ba-gua the arrangement of trigrams is significantly different from Yin ba-gua. The simplest way of recognition is to remember the location of the main trigrams Qian and Kun. In Yansky ba-gua the Qian trigram is in the northwest, and the Kun trigram is in the southeast.

In the practice of Yang Feng Shui, it is extremely important that the correct ba-gua. Almost all Feng Shui recommendations related to directions, orientations and elements are based on the After-Heaven ba-gua.
Modern symbol ba-gua correlates with the Lo-shu diagram, which in ancient times was called the “magic square”. The series of numbers from one to nine are arranged in a square in such a way that any combination of three numbers adds up to the number fifteen and corresponds to the number of days in each of the twenty-four phases of the solar year. In a modern version yin(odd numbers) form cardinal ones, and yang(even) - subcardinal points.
Each line in a trigram has one of two states: yin or yang. As a result, we get eight combinations. Trigrams are a more detailed way of describing than Yin Yang or even the Elements, they contain a huge number of possible interpretations depending on the specific situation.

Definition of the eight trigrams in the Late Heaven format



Father, elderly man, metal, North, official, aristocrat, head, bones, horse, gold, jewelry, pearls, jade-jasper, tree fruit, round objects, hats, mirror, solid objects, bright red color, water, freezing.



Mother, elderly woman, soil, Southwest, cow, gold, linen and silk (meaning fabrics and textiles in general), written works, carts (that is, vehicles of various types), extension-offering, square objects, handles , stems, yellow color, porcelain utensils, abdominal cavity, underwear, black color, kaoliang and millet (meaning grains in general), rice, calligraphy.



Eldest son, tree, East, legs, hair, dragon, insects, hooves, bamboo, reeds, horse neighing, mother's legs, forehead, agricultural products, musical instruments, blue, turquoise and green colors, heartwood, firewood, snakes .



Eldest daughter, tree, Southeast, monks and nuns, rooster, birds in general, herbs, mortar, fragrance, stench, rope, eyes, feathers and wool, sail, fan, everything related to branches and leaves, the path of immortality , skill in crafts, plants, skillfully made utensils.



Middle son, water, North, rain and snow, work, pig, canals and ditches, bow and wheels, ear, blood, Moon, robbery, laws of the yard, ridge beam, main support, thickets of thorns, foxes, creeping thorny plants , stocks and handcuffs, aquatic products, fish, salt, wine and wine ferment, objects with a core, fruits with a stone, black color.



Middle daughter, fire, South, pheasant, Sun, eyes, lightning, rainbow, dawn, armor and helmet of a warrior, edged weapons or war in general, official documents, withered trees, oven, hearth, crocodile, turtle, crab, pearl oyster, everything creatures that have a shell, red, scarlet, purple colors, patterns and ornaments, dry objects and things.



Youngest son, soil, Northeast, teenage child, dog, hand, finger, path, road, gate, passage, fruits and berries, eunuch, rat, tiger, fox, black-billed birds, everything that comes from a tree, pumpkins and creeping plants, nose.



Youngest daughter, metal, West, sorcerer-shaman, tongue, kept concubine, lungs, goat, destroyed or broken object, utensils with a hole, metals, objects that have fallen into disrepair, slaves, servants, servants.

Bagua, or eight trigrams, is one of the most fundamental principles of Feng Shui and all Chinese metaphysics.

What does Bagua mean?

Ba-gua translated from Chinese means eight trigrams. Ba translates as eight, and Gua - trigram.

What is a trigram?

A trigram is three lines located one above the other. Each line is called Yao and can be continuous or broken, that is, Yin or Yang.

  • Yang energy is an active principle. Shown as a solid line.
  • Yin energy is a passive principle. It is represented by a line divided into two segments.

Thus, each trigram is a combination of solid and broken lines. In total, there are 8 possible combinations, which means the possible number of trigrams is eight.

How trigrams are arranged

Based on the combinations of lines in each trigram, one can judge what kind of energy it carries - Yin or Yang. Trigrams with three lines of the same polarity (only solid or broken lines) are called extreme yin or extreme yang.

And the remaining trigrams consist of one “Yin” or “Yang” line and two other lines with the opposite direction. In this case, the character of the trigram is determined by the single trait that is in the minority. She is considered the main one.

So, if a trigram has one solid (Yang) line and the other two broken (Yin) lines, then it will be Yang. If one line is intermittent and two are solid, then the trigram, on the contrary, is Yin.

Qualities of trigrams

Bagua, or eight trigrams - essentially 8 images. With their help, you can describe all material and immaterial things in the Universe. For example - natural phenomena, cardinal directions, family members, body organs.

Each trigram has an infinite number of meanings. Therefore, consider the characteristics that you read below as just a few examples for the manifestation of all the inexhaustible possibilities of Qi energy!

Tian - strength, authority

  • Image - Sky.
  • Element - Metal.
  • Organ of the body - head, brain, mind.
  • The family member is the father, the eldest man.
  • Number - 6.

Kun - softness, peace

  • Image - Earth.
  • Element - Earth.
  • The organ of the body is the stomach and abdominal cavity.
  • A family member is the mother, the eldest woman, the keeper of the hearth.
  • Number - 2.

Zhen - assertiveness, aggressiveness

  • Image - Thunder.
  • Element - Wood.
  • Body organ - legs below the knees, liver.
  • Family member - a man aged 30-45 years, the eldest son in the family.
  • Number - 3.

Shun - speed, mobility

  • Image - Wind.
  • Element - Wood.
  • Body organ - thighs and buttocks.
  • A family member is a woman aged 30-45, the eldest daughter in the family.
  • Number - 4.

Kan - wisdom, secrecy

  • Image - Water.
  • Element - Water.
  • Body organ - kidneys, ears.
  • The family member is a young man aged 15-30 years.
  • Number - 1.

Lee - brightness, attractiveness

  • Image - Fire.
  • Element - Fire.
  • Body organ - heart, vision.
  • The family member is a girl aged 15-30 years.
  • Number - 9.

Gen - stubbornness, firmness

  • Image - Mountain.
  • Element - Earth.
  • Body organ - arms and fingers, spine, back.
  • The family member is the youngest son, a boy under 15 years old.
  • Number - 8.

Dui - fun, spontaneity

  • Image - Lake.
  • Element - Metal.
  • The organ of the body is the mouth.
  • A family member is the youngest daughter, a girl under 15 years old.
  • Number - 7.

How the Bagua principle is used in Feng Shui

All eight trigrams are arranged in a circle, and each Gua relates to a specific side of the world.

There are two options for the location of Ba Gua

Early Sky Bagua

This diagram reflects the ideal structure of the world, where everything is constant and harmonious. Here the extreme Yang is at the top (south) and the extreme Yin is at the bottom (north). This is the image that is applied to the famous Feng Shui symbol - the Bagua mirror.

Bagua of the Early Heaven is a theoretical description of the “perfect model” of the Universe, which has achieved complete harmony.

In reality, the world is far from ideal. It has shortcomings, it is constantly changing, it is in continuous development. Therefore, a different arrangement of Bagua is used in practice.

Late Sky Bagua

With the help of the Late Sky Bagua chart, you can evaluate your home. To do this, go outside, stand in front of the front door and take measurements with a compass.

Once you've determined your cardinal location, then take your house plan, divide it into nine squares, and combine it with your Late Sky Bagua diagram. Having done this, you will understand which part of your home is responsible for which trigram.

When a sector is unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui (for example, it contains an external Sha, or there is no sector, or worse, both at the same time), then the corresponding trigram is “under attack.”

And then everything connected with her “suffers” in the house.

Thus, knowing the principle of Bagua placement, you can easily make an initial analysis for the Feng Shui of your home and note visible flaws that immediately catch your eye.

Trigram Xun (巽 - sun, shun - wind) -☴ - located in the southeast, element Wood. The essence of the trigram is penetration.

In this sector, Qi energy has the property of Yin and Yang. The Sun trigram represents the eldest daughter. In ancient times, it was believed that if there was no Sun sector in the house, the eldest daughter would face a difficult fate.

The element Wood in this sector manifests itself as a small tree, the Yin tree. It corresponds to green (as well as turquoise and sea wave) color. The element that nourishes Wood is Water.

Xun is a soft, unobtrusive penetration: the lower Yin trait displaces the Yang traits (this can be compared to a plant shoot breaking through the asphalt). These are events that occur almost unnoticed and do not disrupt the natural course of affairs (the middle line), but bring some variety. This is long, painstaking work, as a result of which we receive something more valuable than the original object, which is why the Xun trigram is often associated with the concept of Wealth. But this is not money that randomly “falls from the sky.” This is the final beneficial effect obtained as a result of the effort expended and the work process itself, leading to a useful result. The activity of a gardener who cares for a garden well reflects the essence of the Xun trigram, which is not accidentally located after the Zhen trigram. If Zhen is birth, birth, then Xun is care and care for the newborn.

Activation of the southeastern sector.

To activate this sector, use Chinese coins, wooden wind chimes, a money tree in a ceramic pot, a fountain, etc.

The sector, as in other sectors, is negatively affected by clutter, heaps of unnecessary, broken things, and a clutter of things and objects.

If it so happens that the southeastern sector of the home is in the bathroom or toilet, it is better not to activate it in this place. Select the southeast sector in a separate room, for example in the living room, and place the activator there.

If there are portraits of your relatives in this sector, it is better if they are successful and happy people.

The Yijing trigrams were originally arranged in a sequence called the “pre-demon”, invented by the first Emperor of China, Wu of Xia. The "post-celestial" sequence was created around 1143 BC. Wen Wang, who later founded the Zhou Dynasty. The pre-celestial trigrams describe a perfect universe. In Wen Wang's sequence the arrangement of the trigrams is more practical and represents a realistic view of the world in which we live. This sequence is used in Feng Shui.

Trigrams are a combination of continuous and broken lines of three. Continuous lines represent yang, masculine energy, and broken lines represent yin, feminine energy.

Personal trigrams

Qian - Symbol of creativity

Qian consists of three continuous lines. This trigram symbolizes the northwestern position and is associated with the head of the family (usually the father). The rooms (study, master bedroom, dining room) used by this person are located well if they are in the northwestern part of the apartment. Qian symbolizes strength, determination and perseverance. Late autumn and early winter are associated with this trigram.

Kun-Symbol of receptivity

Kun consists of three broken (Yin) lines. Kun symbolizes the southwest and maternal qualities. Accordingly, this trigram is associated with the mother and the rooms she occupies - the kitchen and the workroom. Kun symbolizes the relationship between husband and wife and represents summer.

Zhen - Symbol of Concern

Zhen consists of two broken (yin) lines over one continuous (yang) line. Zhen represents the eastern direction and the eldest son. Therefore, it is best to place the eldest son’s bedroom in the east. This trigram symbolizes determination and the unexpected. The season associated with this trigram is early spring.

Xun - Symbol of Softness

Xun consists of two continuous Yang lines located above one broken Yin line. Xun represents the southeast and the eldest daughter. Accordingly, it is better to place the eldest daughter’s room in the south-eastern part of the house. The trigram symbolizes integrity, intelligence and inner strength. The season associated with this trigram is late spring.

Kan-Symbol of the Abyss

Kan consists of one continuous yang line between two intermittent yin lines. She represents the northern direction and the middle son. Thus, the optimal bedroom location for the middle son is in the north. This trigram symbolizes ambition and hard work. The season associated with this trigram is winter.

Li-Symbol of Affection

Li consists of a broken yin line between two continuous yang lines. Lee is associated with the south and the middle daughter, whose bedroom should naturally face the south. The trigram symbolizes lightness, laughter, beauty and warmth. The season associated with this trigram is early summer.

Gen-Symbol of Calm

Gen consists of two broken Yin lines under one continuous Yang line. Gen corresponds to the northeast and the youngest son, whose room should be located in the northeast part of the house. Gen symbolizes stability, inward focus and unity. The season associated with this trigram is late winter.

Blow-Symbol of Joy

Dui consists of two continuous yang lines under one intermittent yin line. Dui corresponds to the west and the youngest daughter, whose bedroom is best located in the west. The trigram is associated with happiness, pleasure and joy. The season associated with this trigram is autumn.

Each house and apartment can be attributed to one or another trigram. You also have a trigram, determined by the year of your birth. You will do best in an apartment that goes well with your personal trigram.

Below is a simple formula for determining a person's personal trigram. The formula for men is slightly different from the formula for women.

If you are a man, subtract the last two digits of the year of your birth from 100, and divide the difference by 9. We are not interested in the quotient obtained as a result of division, but in the remainder. If there is no remainder, then the person’s trigram is Li.

For example, if you were born in 1954, subtract 54 from 100 - you get 46. Divide 46 by 9 and get the remainder 1. This means the trigram of this person is Kan.

Another example is for a man born in 1964. 100 - 64 = 36, 36 is divisible by 9 without a remainder. The trigram of this person is Li.

For women, the formula is slightly different: they should subtract 4 from the last two digits of the year of their birth and divide the difference by 9. Again, we are only interested in the remainder.

Example for a woman born in 1973: 73 - 4 = 69. Divide 69 by 9, leaving a remainder of 6.

Another example: for a woman born in 1950. 50 - 4 = 46. 46 is divided by 9 with a remainder of 1.

If the remainder is 1, then your trigram is Kan.

If the remainder is 2, then your trigram is Kun.

If the remainder is 3, then your trigram is Zhen.

If the remainder is 4, then your trigram is Xun.

If the remainder is 5, then your trigram is Kun if you are a man, and Gen if you are a woman.

If the remainder is 6, then your trigram is Qian.

If the remainder is 7, then your trigram is Dui.

If the remainder is 8, then your trigram is Gen.

If there is no remainder, then your trigram is Li.

Your house also has a trigram - it is determined by the direction in which its back side faces. For example, the Kan house faces south with its front and north with its back. The corresponding directions for each of the trigrams are shown below.

The eight trigrams are divided into two groups: the four eastern houses (Li, Kan, Zhen and Xun) and the four western houses (Qian, Kun, Gen and Dui). The favorable directions for the four eastern houses are north, south, east and southwest. The best directions for the four western houses are west, northwest, southwest and northeast.

Four eastern houses

The trigrams Li, Kan, Zhen and Xun refer to the elements of water, wood and fire. This is a very successful combination, since water gives birth to wood, and wood gives birth to fire.

This means that apartments belonging to eastern houses can be improved with the help of objects that symbolize these elements. Aquariums, miniature fountains, potted plants, fresh flowers and bright colors improve the feng shui of apartments belonging to this group.

Four Western Houses

The trigrams Qian, Kun, Gen and Dui refer to the elements of metal and earth. This is also a harmonious combination since the metal is mined from the earth. However, due to the fact that various elements do not fit well together, eastern houses clash with western ones.

The feng shui of apartments belonging to Western houses is improved with the help of metal wind chimes (this is the name of a set of tubes that produce melodious sounds when air blows or touches them), metal decorations, crystals, ceramics and porcelain items.

You may find it difficult to determine which trigram your apartment building belongs to if it has an irregular shape. In this case, use a compass to find out where the building's emergency exit is facing.

You will feel best in a house that belongs to the same group as your personal trigram. If, for example, your trigram is Li, the houses Li, Kan, Zhen or Xun will suit you, since they are all eastern houses. Naturally, the most successful case is when the trigram of the house coincides with your personal trigram. Therefore, someone whose trigram is Qian will feel best in the Qian house, but he will also do well in the Kun, Gen and Dui apartments (which are Western houses).

It is advisable that your apartment belongs to the same group of trigrams as the building. This can be determined using a compass at the main entrance to the apartment.

It is especially favorable when the apartment and house trigrams belong to the same group as your personal trigram. For example, your trigram is Gen, buildings are Kun, and apartments are Dui. They all belong to Western houses, that is, they are in harmonious relationships with each other.

Richard Webster “Feng Shui of a City Apartment”