Some celebrities are so addicted to a variety of diets that their thinness looks painful. Some of them become depressed, others lose weight for a new role. But most importantly, it is impossible to present such a figure as an example or ideal, because a sharp weight loss can damage health, and a lack of appetite can become a “bell” for the development of anorexia.

For example, it has long been included in the list of the most skinny celebrities and even after she gave birth fourth child quickly returned to its original form. The main reason for this result is a strict diet, in which the wife of a famous football player does not know the taste of pastries and cakes, as well as everything that has at least some fatty component. By the way, it remains strange that such a thin girl had a rather well-fed daughter.

So busy man that does not have time to eat, so say its representatives. The actress lost weight and weighs 43 kilograms, and her appearance so painful that the yellow press spread the rumor about a serious liver disease. Looks like it's time for Angelina to have something to eat.

It has long been a symbol for sites that promote anorexia, because any of her appearance in public in revealing clothes makes her want to feed the actress. I can't believe that the star of the movie "Anna Karenina" has ever eaten sweets.

I was so carried away by the diet before the wedding that I obviously went too far. Her desire for slim waist already showing signs of anorexia. Most likely, the girl does not know what bagels with condensed milk taste like.

The actress also brought herself to excessive weight loss, her character in the series "Sex and the City" always loved to eat pizza or other jung food. What happened to the nutrition of the actress herself?

One of the cute twins who became famous in childhood. But it so happened that Mary Kate suffered from anorexia, so far she looks very thin and much older than her age. Maybe it's because her friend (Sarkozy's brother) is 14 years older?

I lost weight specifically for the role of an AIDS patient. Actor dropped at strict diet 14 kilograms and looks very haggard, especially after the memorable role in Magic Mike. His body will have a hard time when it needs to gain weight again.

Today, the world of show business surprises with the most different faces personalities of artists who are always trying to stand out from the background of others with something special.

Many stand out with the help of talent, someone impresses with a quality show, and for someone the opportunity to stand out is to show a memorable star project that is incomparable to anything.

Undoubtedly, another way to amaze, surprise and draw attention to your star person is a bright appearance.

Each star shows off their appearance in a different way. Celebrities focus on perfect figure, big breast or a pretty face, the ability to dress beautifully, sexuality, etc.

Today we decided to show you those stars who managed to stand out from the background of others, not only higher listed ways, but also his strong and unhealthy thinness.

Compiling our small top rating "Most thin stars Russia and foreign show business”, we took into account not only similar ratings of “Thin Stars”, but also took into account the opinion of many social media users and celebrity fans.

Many thin stars of Russia and thin stars of foreign show business feel great in their weight, consider themselves quite beautiful, and most importantly, they continue to lose weight.

There are also such thin stars who, because of the desire to get the ideal weight, in their opinion, overdid it with diets so much that they did not even notice how they earned anorexia.

Moreover, thin stars suffering from anorexia have been trying for years to get out of this state, but their appearance, as before, remains painful.

However, the featured skinny stars are all the rage right now, and their looks are discussed quite often, both by their fans and the media.

The worst stars of Russia according to their fans

Worst Stars Russian show business: ex-wife British businessman Kristina Sysoeva

The worst stars of Russian show business: Nikita Presnyakov's girlfriend Alena Krasnova

The worst stars of Russian show business: socialite Victoria Bonya

The worst stars of Russian show business: Timati's ex-wife Alena Shishkova

The worst stars of the Russian fashion business: not far from anorexia Alesya Kafelnikova

The thinnest stars of Russian show business: according to many fans of Alexa, she looks very thin

The worst stars of Russian show business: the wife of a football player, Maria Pogrebnyak, is constantly making every effort to become even thinner

The worst stars of Russian show business: singer Maxim, according to many in Lately lost a lot of weight

The worst stars of Russia: Polina Gagarina, as you know, dropped pretty big weight and continues to lose weight

The worst stars of Russian cinema: many believe that Svetlana Khodchenkova is very thin, although the actress herself feels great

The worst stars of Russian cinema: until recently, a small " Father's daughter", And now the accomplished actress Miroslava Karpovich does not go on diets, but her appearance is very exhausted

The worst stars of Russia: the wife of Evgeni Plushenko and famous producer Yana Rudkovskaya does not even weigh 50 kg. with a height of 168 cm.

The worst stars of foreign show business

The thinnest Hollywood stars: singer and business woman Victoria Beckham

The thinnest Hollywood stars: Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen twins look not just thin, but painfully thin

The worst stars of foreign show business: Brad Pitt's ex-wife Angelina Jolie and now for many herself beautiful woman in the world, although very thin

The worst stars of foreign show business: Donatella Versace's 30-year-old daughter Allegra Versace has been ill with anorexia for a long time. Although she has undergone treatment, she remains thin

The thinnest Hollywood stars: skinny American actress Denise Richards also on our list

The worst stars of foreign show business: famous model Claudia Schiffer is also in the ranking of the thinnest

About how to lose weight women think all year round without ceasing. Diets and fitness are especially popular at the height of the holiday season. Someone wants to lose just a couple of hated kilograms, while someone needs to seriously think about changing their lifestyle and nutrition system. After all, a healthy weight is not only beautiful figure and the ability to show off in any outfit, and also an indicator of health.

The main problem in losing weight is lack of motivation or its complete absence. Therefore, losing weight regularly need to stimulate themselves. If you are also on a diet and actively involved in sports, you will certainly be interested in seeing the achievements of other people, especially celebrities. About which of the celebrities, how and how much they have lost weight lately, you will learn from our top 10 celebrities who have lost weight.

10th place - Irina Pegova

More recently, the actress literally shocked everyone by appearing at the event noticeably built and prettier. Irina has always been very different appetizing forms, which allowed her to play very feminine heroines. But even today, having lost weight, she has not lost her charm.
As it turned out, the secret to losing weight is very simple. Having divorced her husband, the actress finally began to allocate time for sports: running, figure skating, exercising at the barre - all that she loved to do as a child. In addition, recently Irina is a vegetarian. In addition to meat and fish, she also eliminated beverages such as tea and coffee from her diet. Reducing calorie intake led to rapid weight loss. Irina assures that she is not chasing a certain figure on the scales, she simply enjoys the cheerfulness and lightness that have appeared.

9th place - Anna Shulgina

Daughter famous singer Valeria from her marriage to producer Alexander Shulgin, Anna Shulgina, following her mother, is rapidly gaining popularity. The growing interest in her person and new projects made Anna take more care of her appearance, weight in particular. The girl was always in the body, in addition, for health reasons, she had to take hormonal drugs, the action of which only contributed to weight gain. But Anna set a goal for herself - to lose weight at all costs, and achieved her goal.

She does not hide the fact that she achieved significant changes in her figure solely thanks to hard training with a personal trainer. In addition, the girl works out daily using the popular Powerplate simulator. As for the current diet of the singer, she did not adhere to any special diets. Simply by replacing unhealthy foods with proper nutrition.

8th place - Victoria Lopyreva

A significant part of their excess weight the famous TV presenter and model managed to throw off a few years ago. But she didn't stop there. The process of losing weight was also delayed thanks to the extremely healthy approach to losing weight that the girl chose. All previous attempts with the help of the so-called "fast" diets did not give the desired result, and over time they returned the lost kilograms with a sag.
Now Victoria is betting on the acceleration of metabolism. Indeed, if a person’s metabolism is not disturbed, then even an extra portion of his favorite dish will never be deposited on his sides. Following this principle, she starts the morning with a glass of water, applies a system fractional nutrition. This approach allows you to always stay full, but do not overeat. Moreover, she regularly exercise, which only contributes to fat burning and at the same time brings the body into tone.

7th place - Irina Dubtsova

Another singer in our ranking of thinner stars. Like many Irina long time fought with overweight. Fans are already tired of tracking her ups and downs - Irina either gained weight or lost it again. It turned out the whole point is that she has to take drugs regularly, one of side effects which is the weight set. Every time Irina has to lose weight after taking a course of pills. He himself leaves, but in order to keep the body in good shape, it is necessary to exercise in the gym and eat in small portions 5 or more times a day.

As the saying goes, "There is no bad without good." We wish the singer to recover faster and direct her strength to maintain physical form, and not for endless weight loss after therapy.

6th place - Maxim

After the birth of her second child, the singer got rid of all the extra pounds gained during pregnancy. Moreover, she became much slimmer than before childbirth. Today, the performer boasts to her subscribers in in social networks picture on the scales, which show 45 kilograms! The motivation for losing weight for Maxim was the need to appear in her video for the song "Golden Fish", which was released this winter, as a ballerina. The singer had to additionally lose about 8 kg to get closer to ballet standards. Well, she succeeded. Thanks to her fragile figure, she really looks like a ballerina.

To achieve such breathtaking results, Maxim went headlong into sports for several months. Regular classes choreography, boxing, professional tennis, as well as adherence to a strict diet, complete failure from sweet, junk food did their job.

5th place - Pelageya

But excessive passion for their appearance sometimes plays a cruel joke with the stars. Their thinness begins to threaten health. They exhaust themselves with training and serve no best example youth. What to do with it - decide for yourself, but for now get acquainted: the worst stars.

Slenderness is not a vice, or what explains the thinness of celebrities?

1. Meet Rachel Zoe. She is one of the most sought after designers in the US. 43 summer woman called a "walking skeleton", but she, justifying herself, says that she does not like such harmony. Rachel just can't do anything about it. She has always been like this, and gaining weight for her is a whole problem that she has repeatedly, but unsuccessfully tried to solve.

2. In the list of "worst stars" Victoria Beckham got consciously. The British singer constantly flaunts her figure and makes a lot of efforts to maintain the title of “style icon” that she has been given. Her numerous weight loss systems and only low-calorie foods allow her to maintain the result, which she is quite happy with, although a couple of kilograms will not interfere with her.

3. Gwyneth Paltrow is adept healthy lifestyle life. She maintains a blog and describes her preferences in it, which boil down to vegetarianism, sports and proper nutrition. But if you look at the appearance of the star, then the question arises: “Does she eat at all?” It looks like she gave up vegetarian food to get into the rating of "worst stars". Whatever you do to get people talking about you!

4. Kate Middleton also appeared in our rating. The Duchess of Cambridge is losing weight, and journalists call her the vanishing princess. It all started with the wedding, but he looked great on it. Now she is losing her grams every day. It's time to stop to avoid health problems.

5. The thinness of Keira Knightley gives rise to whole legends in Hollywood. Rumor has it that she suffers from anorexia, but the star herself refutes these facts.
She talks about heredity, which was passed on to her from her father. The star leads a normal life, excluding all diets, and believes that her health is all right. One could believe her, but she still gets into the list of “worst stars”.

6. Tennis player Anna Kournikova has recently become the center of attention. Her success in sports was eclipsed by her dubious slenderness. They say that the girl was overcome by anorexia and an eating disorder. Anna refutes this and says that she is thin by nature. Previously, she looked different due to sports training, because she spent a lot of time on the court. Now they are not so intense, so she keeps her figure in good shape by eating apples and drinking plenty of water. But you can’t hide the facts, and Anna has become completely different.

7. The reason for Angelina Jolie's dramatic weight loss is stress after the death of her mother. famous actress faints, but still refuses to eat, especially during filming. It is unlikely that its forms cause appetite in others. But this does not bother the actress, because she knows how to hide the emaciated figure. It becomes more and more difficult to do this, and closed dresses do not help.

8. The Hilton sisters also made it to the list of the skinniest stars. Their idea to weigh no more than 50 kg was followed by concrete actions. Over time, parting with extra pounds turned into an obsession and a drastic change in appearance. It seems that the sisters are obsessed with this. But they are of a different opinion. Girls consider their appearance attractive.

9. Kate Moss is distinguished by her passion for scandalous statements. One of them is her illness. The girl admitted that she suffered from anorexia. She chose a strange method of treatment: with the help of drugs. But now he has overcome cocaine addiction, he feels fine, but is still on the list.

10. Actress Kate Bosworth is 165 cm tall but weighs only 48 kg. She is considered an anorexic patient, and this happened after parting with her beloved Orlando Bloom. Then the girl got hooked on pills, but she still has not managed to gain weight. Love played a cruel joke and provided a place in the ranking of the worst stars in the world.

Our rating of thin people is 10 celebrities. But, in fact, there are much more of them. They approach the problem differently. If we consider bringing yourself thin as a way to attract the attention of the public, then this is not the best way. Read thanks to the fact that she lost and gained weight several times.

But it is also impossible to explain the general and craze of celebrities for harmony in this way. In addition to a threat to health, it does not bring anything.