The popularity of air travel poses new challenges for developers of passenger aircraft. Today, experts consider the Boeing 737 800 to be a fairly successful design - these ships are used by Pegasus Fly, UTair, Aeroflot, Nord Wind and other well-known carriers. However, passengers inexperienced in flying do not know how to choose the right seats on board this model during check-in. This review will highlight such an interesting topic.

The board was first tested in 1998. The creation of the airliner is a consequence of competition. The aircraft was designed as an analogue of another iconic model - . The vessel belongs to the third generation group and has improved characteristics compared to the base model.

The passenger cabin here offers two configuration options - an aircraft designed for one class of seats, including up to 189 seats, and a two-class analogue, designed to accommodate up to 160 people. Less common are liners that have a separate compartment with VIP class seats.

Cabin width of 3.54 meters allows passengers to travel in comfort, and the total length of the liner of 39.41 m made it possible for designers to increase the number of seats. The increased area (125 m) and wingspan (34.31 m), combined with the aircraft’s powerful engine, help the airliner make flights at a distance of 5,765 km at a maximum speed of 852 km/h.

However, these parameters do not say anything to the passenger who wants to fly on such an aircraft. For readers, we will provide specific information about what a Boeing 737 800 is. The layout of the cabin, the best seats and row numbers that are best avoided - you will see all this in our article. The video below shows the general characteristics of the cabin and flight on these aircraft.

General principles of passenger seating

People who have repeatedly flown regular and charter routes know that the purchased air ticket does not contain information about the seat occupied by the passenger. This information is clarified by the airport employee. However, at this time a person does not see what the seat arrangement in a Boeing 737 800 looks like, so beginners make a decision at random. Moreover, quite often such situations become the reason for spoiled impressions of the trip.

Experts recommend studying such nuances at home, before leaving for the airport, so that by the time you make your choice you will be fully prepared. The plan of the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, which is presented in the article gallery, will help you decide a little about the principles of landing on airliners. The seats in the standard cabin of the airliner are arranged in two rows, with each row containing 3 seats.

Now a few words about the fundamental aspects of choice. For people who are afraid of flying, it is advisable to choose outer seats located near the aisle. This technique will allow you to avoid accidental glances through the porthole and quickly use the help of stewards if necessary. In addition, these chairs allow you to move freely without causing inconvenience to your neighbors.

Although there are some negative aspects here - a passenger occupying an aisle seat will have to let fellow passengers pass when they need to leave the seat. In addition, staff passing by sometimes inadvertently touch passengers sitting on the edge.

Experts consider a seat located in the center of a row not the best choice for single passengers. After all, its location involves flying in close proximity to strangers. Many people feel uncomfortable under such circumstances. And armrests occupied by neighbors will only enhance such sensations.

Seats next to the window will allow you to enjoy the view throughout the flight, but it will be difficult to leave the seat. To go into the salon, you will have to lift both neighbors. This is, in general terms, what the first principles for choosing seats on an 800 aircraft look like. The layout of the airliner’s cabin allows us to demonstrate this point, but there are other ways to determine the optimal seat location for a flight.

Choice among single-class aircraft cabins

Let's start by considering each row for the comfort of the flight. Rossiya Airlines offers passengers aircraft of this particular category in several different modifications. We will look at the VQ-BCJ model of this fleet and find out what criteria to use to choose seats when buying a ticket for such a Boeing 737 800.

We will list the layout of the interior, the best seats and chairs that are appropriate to refuse, using the given markings in the letters of the Latin alphabet.

Here, the first three seats are not far from the pilots' toilet and the cabin partition, but there is enough free space in front of the seats to get out without causing inconvenience to anyone. The situation is somewhat different with the second row seats. 2F, 2E, 2D are located directly behind the partition. Therefore, passengers who suffer from a fear of closed spaces are better off refusing this choice - after all, a wall in front of your eyes during a flight will only aggravate this phobia.

The advantage here is a good choice of food - after all, food is served starting from the bow of the liner. And the inconvenience of the person sitting in front with the seat back reclined is excluded here. If you want to purchase tickets for row 14, keep in mind that it is usually cooler here than in the rest of the cabin.

All seats in the 15th and 16th rows have restrictions on the folding of seats, because emergency exits are located in the sixteenth and seventeenth rows. 17 B, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E - the so-called space seats - the seats are quite comfortable, because the seats here are located at a decent distance from the previous row. But here it should be borne in mind that tickets for all indicated places will be sold only to adult passengers who do not have disabilities or restrictions on movement. Indeed, in an emergency situation, the responsibility to open an emergency exit lies with the people occupying them.

Perhaps quite good seats in the airliner are seats 18A and 18F– there is enough free space in front of them to exit. As for the least attractive options, experts call the seats installed in the 33rd row, behind which the toilets are located. There are always limitations to the reclining function. In addition, due to passengers constantly visiting the toilets, it is always noisy here.

Review of the model with a business class zone

Let's look at another model from the same airline. The VQ-BIZ airliner is the only one in the Rossiya fleet.

Here, the first three rows are occupied by business class seats - double seats. Of course, these seats are quite comfortable, but 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D are located immediately behind the partition of the pilot's cabin. Accordingly, there is not enough free space in front of the chairs, and the view of the wall is unlikely to impress tourists. Although it is advisable to purchase tickets here to do work on the road.

Let's move on and see what the layout of the Boeing 737 800 aircraft is, how many seats are provided by the designers in this airliner and which seats will be the best choice for the passenger. This salon has 154 seats.

It will be comfortable to fly in the fourth row due to the free space in front of the seats - there is only a partition in front separating the more comfortable seats. There are emergency exit hatches on rows 12 and 13. That is, people purchasing seats in the 11th and 12th rows should think about the likely inability to recline the seat back.

13 C, 13E, 13B and 13D – seats located near the emergency doors – are a good option. In addition, a good option would be to choose row 14 with seats A and F. After all, there is enough free space in front of them.

Accordingly, the seats in the last, 29th row are not the best option. It is always crowded and noisy here due to the proximity of the toilets. In addition, the seat backs cannot be reclined completely. And the stewards offering food will only get here after walking around the entire plane. As you can see, there are many selection criteria, and most of the nuances depend on the personal preferences of the passenger.

In order not to ruin your mood at the very beginning of your vacation during the flight, it is advisable for inexperienced passengers to take the advice of experienced people. We will provide general recommendations for choosing seats in the aircraft cabin. For a person who has not previously flown on board this model, it is appropriate to go into detail study the layout of the aircraft cabin and become familiar with the main characteristics of the model. In addition, when checking in, it doesn’t hurt to ask the airline staff for their opinion on the choice you’ve made or ask them for advice.

Consider personal perception of turbulence. Here experts suggest choosing seats closer to the nose of the plane - the shaking here is not felt as much as in the tail. It is advisable to avoid purchasing tickets for rows located in front of escape hatches or toilets. Remember, it is generally not possible to travel reclining here due to safety and design restrictions.

Seats located next to the utility areas of the aircraft are unlikely to meet the expectations of a passenger who dreams of flying in silence. It's always noisy and crowded here. Consider your own personal preferences and qualities. It is advisable to plan a trip with a pet in your arms closer to the aisle of the cabin.


As you can see, the selection criteria are simple. A thoughtful and planned approach will ensure a pleasant flight experience, as a well-chosen destination sets the tone for any trip. And the ability to choose an option that is comfortable for yourself will result in a good mood.

Boeing 737 800 is a new generation aircraft that can carry up to 189 people
General layout of a one-class aircraft cabin
The best seats on board this model are 17 B, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E
On planes with a single-class cabin, seats are arranged in rows in a 3+3 format
The most comfortable seats are located in the business class cabin

The genius of industrial novels, Arthur Haley, has a book, Runway 08, about how airplane pilots ate bad food and passed out. As a result, the passenger had to land the plane. It is impossible to say that such a situation is absolutely impossible. So, for example, in 2005, not far from Athens, there was a crash of a Cypriot Boeing, which depressurized after takeoff. The pilots lost consciousness, and the out-of-control plane spent several hours in the air before crashing.

For traveling readers, the ability to land a plane will also come in handy. So before reading this article, please print it out first and never forget to take the printout with you on a flight.

And remember - landing a plane is not that difficult, just follow the simple rules and pull yourself together!

Panic is the main enemy in everything!

Airplane control

When entering the cockpit, if possible, take the seat located on the left. This is usually the captain's seat of the aircraft, and from this place access to some of the functions that we will need to land the aircraft is much more convenient.

So, as soon as you are seated in the captain’s seat, take a deep breath and see if the plane is nodding (you can see more of the ground than the sky), if the nose is raised too high, if the aircraft is turning, etc.

If everything is fine and the plane is flying straight, then don't touch anything, the autopilot is on. If there is a clear deviation, grab the yoke to level the plane. But there is no need for any sudden movements, do everything smoothly. The controls are the same as in simulators in console games - the steering wheel is turned away from you so that the plane goes down, the wheel is turned towards you so that the plane gains altitude. Or left/right, respectively, to turn left or right.

If you are flying in the clouds and there is no way to navigate in space, then use an attitude indicator, or in other words, an attitude indicator.

This device shows the position of the aircraft relative to the ground and sky. The "W" shape in the center represents the wings of the airplane, brown represents the ground, and blue represents the sky. So, if you see half brown, half blue, it means you are flying straight (along the horizon). If the instrument readings are different, then it is necessary to level the plane using the rudder, i.e. helm And try to avoid the towers of shopping centers, they can prevent the plane from landing successfully.

Send a distress signal

Once you have taken control of the aircraft, the next step to take is to contact air traffic control to explain the situation and ask for assistance.

Most airplanes have a control switch button right on the yoke, where the thumb would normally be located. But the catch is that the button to disable the autopilot is located there - on the helm. Without certain knowledge of the location of the controls of an aircraft of a certain brand, it is better not to touch anything on the control wheel.

A safer alternative is to use a portable radio, which is located to the left of the pilot's seat just below the window. It's easy to use - press the button to talk and release to listen. Try making a radio request on the frequency tuned to the radio. Press the button and say "SOS" or "Mayday", identify yourself and explain what happened. Don't worry about radio etiquette, there is an emergency on board after all. If you are flying over a foreign country, use English; all dispatchers speak it. Tell the dispatcher that the pilots are bad and you don’t know how to fly the plane. To hear the answer, do not forget to press the button.

If suddenly there is no response on the configured frequency, retune the receiver to the VHF frequency 121.5 MHz - this frequency is constantly monitored by rescue services. The frequency control panel is usually located on the instrument panel between the captain's and co-pilot's seats, and may be directly opposite the captain's seat.

Follow the instructions strictly

Just like in the movies, the dispatcher will then contact a bunch of his bosses, and together they will, drinking hot coffee and smoking one cigarette after another, decide how to help you. Based on the data you tell them, they will find out the model of the aircraft and the exact location of all the systems and levers to help you land the winged colossus. If you follow all the instructions exactly, the landing will, of course, not be the softest, but safe.


The reality is that many of today's aircraft are fully automated and can land themselves, or at least align the aircraft correctly with the center line of the runway. This is an automatic glide path system; it brings the aircraft exactly to the center line of the runway. All you have to do is land the plane from about a 30-meter altitude. In this case, all you have to do manually is:

Alignment. Pull the yoke toward you until the main landing gear touches the ground first.

Landing. Then push the steering wheel away until the nose landing gear touches the ground.

Remove cravings. To do this, move the traction control levers to the rear position.

Press on the brakes, which are located at the top of the steering pedals, which are directly under your feet.

If you are leaving the runway, apply a slight amount of rudder control to adjust the aircraft's position relative to the centerline of the runway.

You've landed! This is incredible! Now you are the hero of the day, congratulations! But before you sit back in your imaginary airplane seat, here are a few more important additions:

Notes, Warnings, Cautions

Lowering the landing gear before attempting to land is key to a successful landing. In the park they may forget to tell you about this, since for them this action is taken for granted. The landing gear knob is almost always located just to the right of the center console on the front instrument panel, usually above the co-pilot's left knee.

To slow a plane down in the air, several switches must be used to engage, for example, slats (mostly on larger planes) or flaps. They allow the aircraft to maintain a level attitude at low speeds during landing. They are usually located near the traction control levers.

What you need to remember when extending the slats, flaps and landing gear is that there is a maximum permissible speed at which they can be activated. It won't be the end of the world if you activate them early, but it's best to avoid it. If there is no connection with someone who can help answer the question “when”, you can look at this data on a special plate - take-off and landing data (TOLD - take off and landing data).

If you can find a speed indicator (in aviation, speed relative to the ground is not used, speed is determined relative to the oncoming air flow - this is the so-called airspeed), make sure that the speed is within the green zone. Like everything in our lives, green is good! If the arrow is in the yellow sector, then everything can still be fixed. But if you are wearing red, you will soon die. If the plane flies too slowly, the plane will go into a dive. An unprofessional pilot who is not trained to behave in extreme situations cannot cope with this.

If you are flying a commercial aircraft, such as a Boeing 737, maintain a speed of 200 knots (370 km/h). When landing, reduce speed to 130 knots (240 km/h). At this speed it is already possible to open the flaps, slats and lower the landing gear. A smaller aircraft, such as a Cessna, needs to be kept at 70 knots (130 km/h). In any case, it is better to find out from the dispatcher at what speed you need to approach the landing.

Good luck with your landings!

The host of the YouTube channel, pilot Tim Morgan, published a video that is designed to help anyone safely land a Boeing 737.

A commercial airline pilot with many years of experience living in San Francisco (USA), he called his video instruction “Edition for the Nervous Passenger.”

This entry answers the question asked on the Quora website about what to do if the pilot has lost consciousness and the person needs to land the aircraft on his own.

What happens in the cockpit during a flight and what we fly

The publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber published a book« horn through the clouds» , written by civil aviation pilot Alexey Kochmasov, better known online as blogger Pilot Lekha. How does the crew prepare for flights? What's going on in the cockpit? How do Russian planes differ from Boeings?With the consent of the publisher, Forbes is publishing, with abbreviations, two chapters about the hero’s impressions from the test drive of the Boeing-757 and -777.

On January 19, 2012, just on the bright holiday of Epiphany, I made my first flight as an observer pilot on a B-757. The commissioning program provides for such a flight. The pilot gets acquainted with the work of the crew, looks around, listens to the sounds - how, what and at what stage of the flight it makes noise, whistles, rattles, creaks, buzzes, rings, beeps - so as not to flinch later from unexpected signals. Of course, all this was done on a simulator, but a simulator is one thing, and a live aircraft is another!

The plane is very interesting. In terms of piloting technique, it resembles the Tu-204 (no wonder: it was built in its image and likeness), but is somewhat more nimble, or something. The 204 is more stable and volatile. And if we completely compare it with the Tupolev, then in terms of equipment the Boeing is, of course, very much inferior to the 204, but from a functional point of view this is not critical.

I was surprised that the 757 simply has a huge thrust reserve (it seemed to me that a passenger plane doesn’t need that much power). I really liked the cabin! Spacious, but at the same time everything is accessible and within arm's reach, excellent visibility and incredibly quiet! The B-757 pilot's station is much quieter than the B-737 (which is important). This is most likely due to the fact that the 757's engines are located much further from the nose of the aircraft. Not only the engines, but even the wingtips are not visible from the cockpit.

The aircraft has significant thrust-to-weight ratio and excellent flight characteristics. In terms of its “volatility” it is comparable to the Tu-204 and B-737 800 - it categorically does not want to descend from the flight level, and on landing, after turning the engine operating mode to “low throttle”, the speed does not go out for quite a long time and the plane simply hangs above for some time runway, although the approach speed was calculated and not increased.

I never cease to be amazed at the efficiency of engines. With a flight weight of 93 tons in the third hour, the flow rate at flight level 370 (37,000 feet, or 11,300 meters) showed only three tons per hour! For comparison: Tu-154B - five and a half tons per hour, Tu-154M - five tons per hour. B-737 - 2500 (averaged data). After four hours of flight, just before the descent began, the flow rate did not exceed 2800. These are very good figures. (Colleagues say that on airplanes with “curved wings” (winglets) the consumption is even lower.) The overall impression is positive. Everything is familiar, familiar and predictable. The equipment, of course, is “firewood” compared to the 737 NG, especially the FMC (computer). But this is understandable - the aircraft was developed in the 1980s, but this does not reduce the possibility of flying.

Flying a B-757 is not at all difficult. But it’s difficult to “get your head around” Chinese English (most often I use it to fly to Southeast Asia). The first couple of flights we communicated like a deaf man with a mute, on the third flight he began to distinguish something, on the fourth he began to talk, by the sixth he seemed to pick up the Guangzhou accent.

Three sevens

Since the spring of 2013, I have also been flying three sevens. This plane is both complex and simple. It is complex because it uses a huge number of innovative solutions; it is all “electric”. The steering wheel is like a computer joystick. Electrical signals from this same “joystick” enter a special electronic actuator, which is interfaced with a computer computer.

This equipment converts the digital signal into analog and, in this form, transmits them to the hydraulic units that directly control the steering surfaces. An uninitiated person may have a legitimate question: why fence such a garden? And there is an obvious answer to this: it is simpler, more reliable, easier, more accurate and smarter. But! Unlike Airbus, the system is designed in such a way that both “wheel-joysticks” are synchronized and the pilot can intervene in the control of another pilot at any time and at any stage of the flight, without resorting to complicated “taking control” procedures. This is logical and correct!

Further. Even in the event of a complete failure of the electrical circuit (for example, when entering the zone of a powerful electromagnetic pulse - a lightning discharge, a nuclear explosion, whatever!), when all the electricity in the plane burns out, we will still not be left without control. The plane has a mechanical control loop, the same good old cables. Surprisingly, no matter how sophisticated we were during training, we were not able to simulate a situation when the plane would be completely uncontrollable. So that you can imagine the level of complexity and reliability of systems, I will give a small example. The “sevens” have ten (!) generators plus two independent batteries. Even if both engines fall off, two generators and two batteries will be enough not only to control the aircraft, but also to maintain life support systems on board.