Little, who gave birth to a child in the family of Dmitry and Elena Malikov six months ago surrogate mother, — the stars are practically not shown to the public. However, several photographs of the baby are already circulating on the Internet - thanks to the artist’s video, in which he showed his son for the first time. Today, 48-year-old Malikov shared another shot with the baby, taken just during the filming music video. In the black and white photo, the singer tenderly holds his son in his arms, but the boy's face is not visible.

Dima, how does fatherhood suit you!!! Just a delightful photo, touching, tender, sincere, pure...

Dima, you are the best young dad and a handsome man in full bloom. Dima, take care of yourself, your family, your children need you, you have so many interesting things in life - your first steps, your son’s first word.

It is a great blessing that another child has appeared. Everything will be fine, and something tells me that perhaps he will be a composer, like you. Late children are always very talented! And Stesha is wonderful elder sister(the authors' spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Note edit.),

— fans write to Malikov.

Let us remind you that the birth of another child from the Malikov couple became known at the end of January. The boy was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg, soon happy parents information about the addition to the family.

The Malikovs have eldest daughter— . Elena Malikova also has a daughter from a previous marriage, Olga, whom Dmitry raised as his own. The singer considers his stepdaughter's daughter, Anya, to be his granddaughter.

0 January 29, 2018, 08:50

Dmitry Malikov with his wife Elena

All last weekend there was discussion online about the birth of a son to Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena, but only today, on his 48th birthday, the musician confirmed the information that had appeared in the media.

When I recorded this video, the main event of the past year of my life had not yet happened, namely, the birth of my son! And now it has happened, and I am absolutely happy! I wish the same for you! Thanks for the congratulations and good words! They are very supportive and inspiring to me.

— Malikov wrote on his Twitter page, adding the hashtags #HappyBirthdayDima and #MySon was Born.

But a year and a half ago, Malikov hinted to his fans that he planned to become a father for the second time.

I want a son, and we are actively working on this,

- Dmitry said in the fall of 2016 in the TV program “Secret for a Million”.

Earlier, representatives of the press managed to find out that a surrogate mother gave birth to a celebrity child. The baby was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg.

48-year-old Dmitry and 54-year-old Elena, we recall, are already raising common daughter— 17-year-old Stefania. In addition, Elena has a daughter from a previous marriage - Olga Izakson.

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Journalists found out where the son of Dmitry Malikov was born and how much it cost him.

The heir to Dmitry Malikov was born on January 24, and now dad is very happy twice. But he is in no hurry to share details about the newborn. Journalists managed to find out that the clinic in St. Petersburg was not chosen by chance. The reason is not only that medical institution international and its specialists undergo training in the best European clinics. An important fact was that in St. Petersburg the Malikov family was able to preserve their an important event secretly from outsiders, writes

Dmitry and Elena Malikov - perfect couple: together for 25 years. No betrayal, public quarrels or showdowns. The couple raised a 17-year-old daughter, Stefania, who is now a first-year student at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. The girl is smart, beautiful, she passed the high marks herself. Unified State Examination points and entered the university without using money or family connections. Stefania has a boyfriend (who is equally successful and from a good, wealthy family), her parents bought her daughter an apartment... In general, they raised her, put her on her feet... It’s time to live for yourself. But the Malikovs decided differently.

“I want a son, and we are actively working on this,” Dmitry Malikov said back in the fall of 2016 in the TV program “Secret to a Million.” A year and a half passed and the musician’s dream came true: Dmitry admitted that his son, heir, was his dream. Modern medical technologies now make it possible to fulfill the innermost desires of many couples. It should be noted that the wife of the famous musician has always supported her husband in everything: she manages her husband’s affairs, her main assistant and adviser in all his affairs. Elena has adult daughter from a previous marriage (photographer Olga Izakson), who recently made her a grandmother. Elena Malikova initiates many of her husband’s projects, Lately Dmitry worked a lot in different genres. He traveled around the country with a project for children, penetrated into youth culture - he judged a rap battle, recorded a video with video blogger and rapper Yuri Khovansky: in general, he tried in every possible way to keep up with life, realizing that you can’t make money only on instrumental music and hits of the last century . “This success has caused a surge of interest from advertisers - I am being offered contracts by firms and companies that are interested in promoting online,” Malikov said recently in an interview. But it turns out that Dmitry needs to be fashionable and modern also because he was planning a baby.

Now the new dad is accepting congratulations and reliving the emotions that he first experienced 17 years ago. This coming weekend, the new family will go home, where everything is ready for the newborn.

The cost of services for a surrogate mother, including legal support for the procedure, IVF for a surrogate mother, her remuneration (700 - 800 thousand rubles), monthly maintenance, medical support for pregnancy and childbirth can cost an average of 2 million rubles. Naturally, the Malikovs did not skimp on medical services for the surrogate mother. The birth took place in comfortable conditions, the baby's parents were nearby. Nowadays, everyone trusts well-known companies to choose a surrogate mother after conducting an interview.

January 27, 2018

more on the topic

Surrogacy is becoming fashionable: which stars are next in lineDmitry and Elena Malikov are the main newsmakers of the last week: the couple became parents again thanks to surrogacy. This reproductive technology has long ceased to be a curiosity for show business stars: artists are no longer afraid to admit exactly how their heirs were born. the site recalls which celebrities turned to a surrogate mother before others, and suggests who could soon be among the happy parents.

The son of 47-year-old Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena (she older than husband for 7 years) was born at the Ava-Peter clinic in St. Petersburg. The elite reproductive medicine clinic has an impeccable reputation - IVF programs are held here, including surrogate mothers who bear children for wealthy families. The medical institution has created all security measures that make it possible to keep the names of people who visit the clinic secret.

The Malikovs had a son

The heir to Dmitry Malikov was born on January 24, and now dad is very happy twice. But he is in no hurry to share details about the newborn. Here's what we found out. The clinic in St. Petersburg was not chosen by chance. The reason is not only that the medical institution is international and its specialists are trained in the best European clinics. An important fact was that in St. Petersburg the Malikov family was able to keep an important event secret from outsiders for longer.

Dmitry and Elena Malikov are an ideal couple: they have been together for 25 years.

No betrayal, public quarrels or showdowns. The couple raised a 17-year-old daughter, Stefania, who is now a first-year student at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. The girl is smart, beautiful, she passed the Unified State Exam with high scores and entered the university without using money or family connections. Stefania has a boyfriend (who is equally successful and from a good, wealthy family), her parents bought her daughter an apartment... In general, they raised her, put her on her feet... It’s time to live for yourself. But the Malikovs decided differently.

IN friendly family Malikovs (Elena, Dmitry, Stefania) - replenishment. Photo: Instagram.

“I want a son, and we are actively working on this,” Dmitry Malikov said back in the fall of 2016 in the TV program “Secret to a Million.” A year and a half passed and the musician’s dream came true: Dmitry admitted that his son, heir, was his dream. Modern medical technologies now make it possible to fulfill the innermost desires of many couples. It should be noted that the wife of the famous musician has always supported her husband in everything: she manages her husband’s affairs, her main assistant and adviser in all his affairs. Elena has an adult daughter from a previous marriage (photographer Olga Izakson), who recently made her a grandmother. Elena Malikova initiates many of her husband’s projects; recently Dmitry has worked a lot in different genres. He traveled around the country with a project for children, penetrated into youth culture - he judged a rap battle, recorded a video with video blogger and rapper Yuri Khovansky: in general, he tried in every possible way to keep up with life, realizing that you can’t make money only on instrumental music and hits of the last century . “This success has caused a surge of interest from advertisers - I am being offered contracts by firms and companies that are interested in promoting online,” Malikov recently told us in an interview. But it turns out that Dmitry needs to be fashionable and modern also because he was planning a baby.

Now the new dad is accepting congratulations and reliving the emotions that he first experienced 17 years ago. This coming weekend, the new family will go home, where everything is ready for the newborn.

Surrogacy is becoming more and more popular

The cost of services for a surrogate mother, including legal support for the procedure, IVF for a surrogate mother, her remuneration (700 - 800 thousand rubles), monthly maintenance, medical support for pregnancy and childbirth can cost an average of 2 million rubles. Naturally, the Malikovs did not skimp on medical services for the surrogate mother. The birth took place in comfortable conditions, the baby’s parents were nearby. Nowadays, everyone trusts well-known companies to choose a surrogate mother after conducting an interview.

Nowadays, many couples have the opportunity to become parents at any age. Some people find cryopreservation helpful. Eggs can be stored without any damage to the cell. Modern technologies guarantee almost one hundred percent survival of the biomaterial, allowing it to be preserved for a long time. Thanks to this, programs using vitrified oocytes (vitrification, unlike cryopreservation, allows the material to be stored for a longer period) give the same results in terms of the number of fertilizations and pregnancy rates as replantation without prior freezing of the material. The procedure itself costs from 50 to 70 thousand rubles. Storage is about 10 thousand rubles per year.


Surrogacy is an assisted reproductive technology in which three people participate in the conception and birth of a child: a genetic father and mother, as well as a surrogate mother (a woman who has agreed, free of charge or for money, to bear and give birth to a child from genetic parents and in the future has no claim to the role of the child's mother). After the birth of the baby, the genetic mother and father are registered as legal parents. Surrogacy is possible when using IVF in clinics of the appropriate profile: an egg fertilized in a test tube is transferred to the surrogate mother’s uterus during the first 3 to 5 days of embryo development.

Elena Malikova – Russian actress, fashion designer, producer, director. Wife of singer Dmitry Malikov, mother of singer Stefania Malikova.

Childhood and youth

Elena Malikova (nee Valevskaya) was born on February 14, 1963 in Kazan (according to other sources, in Tula). The girl was only child in family. After school, Elena entered the Kazan Art School, after which she continued to study in the direction of “culture and art” in Moscow.


In 1990, the girl became a student at the directing department of VGIK. The girl studied her craft in the workshop of the famous director Sergei Solovyov, creator of the films “One Hundred Days After Childhood” (1975) with Tatiana Drubich, “Assa” (1987), “Tender Age” (2000), etc.

In the year of admission, Elena starred in a small role in Alexander Sorokin’s tragicomedy “Arkady Fomich’s Committee,” which did not receive much popularity. In her middle and senior years, Elena starred in a short film by VGIK graduate Anna-Maria Yarmolyuk “Kara”, worked as an artist on the set of the same Sorokin’s melodrama “Bee” (with Evgeny Stychkin, Tatyana Dogileva and Eduard Martsevich), and then acted as a screenwriter and director and the artist of the short films “Angothea” (based on the story “Elda and Angotea” by Alexander Green) and “The Abyss” (based on the work of the same name by Leonid Andreev).

During her studies and for some time after, Elena worked in a nursery art school and in the economic sphere in a joint Russian-Austrian venture. But the girl achieved the greatest success in the field of fashion - Elena launched own business on production beachwear in Italy and Russia.

Interview with Dmitry and Elena Malikov about “eternal youth”

In 2016, Elena became the author of the idea and one of the screenwriters of Dmitry Malikov’s musical play “Turn the Game,” the theme of which was a conversation between two generations. Vadim Demchog also wrote the script for the show.

Personal life of Elena Malikova

Elena's first wedding took place quite early - at the age of 18 the girl married successful businessman by the name of Izakson, from whom a year later she gave birth to a daughter, Olga. She bears her father's last name.

When Elena was 20 years old, her mother died, and soon after her father. But a daughter who had appeared by that time and an attentive husband helped the girl overcome her grief.

The first marriage was successful for Elena by all standards - the husband did not refuse his wife anything, took her on vacation abroad, and showered her with expensive gifts. However, at the age of 25, Elena realized that she was living in a golden cage - then the girl decided to leave the family.

Meeting Dmitry Malikov was not an accident. One day, a young artist saw a photograph of Elena in an album of mutual friends and asked them to introduce him to a mysterious beauty who, by the way, turned out to be 7 years older than him. According to Dmitry, it was love at first sight. And Elena, amazed at his youth at the time, recalled: “He was so pure, unprotected. Reminded me a little of my father.” Since 1992, the young people lived in civil marriage, and in 2000, after the birth of their daughter Stefania, they decided to legalize the relationship.

Elena’s daughter from her first marriage studied in Austria for some time, then returned to her mother and, as Dmitry claims, “organically joined the family.” After graduating from school, she entered MGIMO. Since childhood, she grew up as a creative teenager, sang and danced well. Now she works as a photographer. In 2016, the girl got married and gave birth to a daughter, Anna, making Elena Malikova a grandmother.

At the end of January 2018, Dmitry and Elena had a son. The child was born in a St. Petersburg clinic surrogacy. As it turned out, Dmitry had long dreamed of an heir and stated that he and his wife were working on it back in 2016.