is a unique country where holidays are wonderful at any time of the year. Its resorts are preferred by those who like to combine a comfortable stay on a luxurious coastline, active and excursion tourism, as well as familiarity with traditional cuisine and shopping.


It’s not for nothing that Greece is considered one of the countries whose resorts are ideal for Russians and Europeans due to its excellent climatic conditions. The state has a fairly large territory, where it prevails almost everywhere Mediterranean a climate characterized by dry and hot summers and mild winters without snow.

Here tourists are almost always pleased with the sun, and rain is considered a rarity.

Climate on the islands Greece is a little different from the mainland. The holiday season here lasts the longest - from mid-April to September. During this period, the sun shines everywhere, and in July and August there is no rain at all.

The intense heat on the islands is noticeable even at night, when the thermometer does not drop below +20 degrees, but such weather conditions are softened by the cool sea breeze. In winter, the temperature here rarely drops below +10 degrees, but they cause inconvenience constant downpours.

On mainland Greece has a more pronounced climate. In summer, the heat is more difficult to bear, and the air temperature often warms up to +38°C. Such weather is worse tolerated in the central part of the country, where the thermometer can rise to +40 degrees. Winter in this part of the country is cold, sometimes the air temperature drops below zero. However, snow is considered common.

in winter

During the off-season, temperatures above zero in Greece are observed, but tourist season is closed until spring. There is high humidity and coolness everywhere, but even in such conditions many do not deny themselves the pleasure of visiting the country.

    December. This month is one of the coldest and rainiest periods in Greece. Both on the mainland and on the island parts of the country, the air barely warms up to +13-16 degrees during the day, and at night it drops to +10°C. Snow falls in the mountainous areas, and ski resorts begin to operate everywhere. By the New Year holidays, the air temperature drops to +13 degrees.

    Seas this month are not suitable for swimming - the temperature of the Mediterranean and Aegean reaches only +17 degrees, and even 15°C, but strong winds from the sea and high humidity give the impression that the temperature is much lower. December is characterized by strong winds and constant downpours.

    January. Midwinter in Greece is not much different from the previous month. During this period, the thermometer here during the day rises to +10-13 degrees.

    The sun during the day very rarely pleases vacationers. It rains more and more often, and sometimes it can snow.


    Zakynthos has a temperate Mediterranean climate, and by the country's standards it is considered the most soft and comfortable. The sun shines on the island almost all year round, so you can relax here in any season. In summer the heat reaches +29 degrees, and in winter the air cools down to +14°C.


    Weather in Corfu noticeably different from other resorts. The island is basked in the sun almost all year round, but there is no unbearable heat here. The holiday season begins in and lasts until October. During this period there is almost no rain, and the average air temperature is +28 degrees. In the low season, the air temperature becomes unsuitable for recreation.


    Due to its location, the island of Kos has not only clean and fresh healthy air, but also favorable climate. Throughout the year, tourists are pleased with the absence of sweltering summer heat and the pleasant winter coolness. The maximum temperatures reach +27 degrees, and the minimum – +10°C.


    Thanks to the most moderate climate throughout the year, Thassos is chosen for family or youth recreation. The holiday season here begins only in June and lasts until October, and during this period the average air temperature is about +27 degrees.

    During the off-season, life on the island comes to a standstill, as it gets quite cool here - up to +8 degrees.

    Which month is the best time to go on vacation?

    In Greece several periods great for relaxation. For those who cannot stand the heat, but want to soak up the sun and swim in the sea, they should go to resorts in May-June or in. If you are interested in a ski holiday, then you should know that the ski season lasts from December to April.

    The weather in Greece once again confirms the fact that this country perfect suitable for relaxation regardless of the season.

    Watch a video about the peculiarities of the seasons in Greece:

JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctbut IDec
Athens17 17 16 17 19 22 25 26 25 24 22 19
Zakynthos17 16 16 17 19 23 25 27 26 23 21 19
Heraklion16 16 18 18 22 22 25 25 24 24 20 20
Kallithea16 16 18 18 22 22 25 25 24 24 20 20
Kerkyra15 14 15 16 17 21 24 25 25 21 19 16
Lindos18 17 17 18 21 24 27 28 27 24 21 19
Rhodes16 16 18 18 22 22 25 25 24 24 20 20
Thessaloniki16 16 16 16 19 22 24 25 25 23 21 18
Samos17 16 16 17 20 23 24 25 24 22 20 18

Climate of Greece

The weather in Greek cities is often different: the climate throughout the country is heterogeneous and depends on the latitude of the area and its proximity to the sea.

Basically, the climate of Greece is characterized as Mediterranean subtropical: it is typical for most tourist regions of the country, including the islands of Rhodes, Kos and Kerkyra, the city of Thessaloniki and the region of Halkidiki. The Mediterranean climate predominates in Crete, but the exception is the southern coast of the island, which is influenced by the North African climate zone. As a result, in the southern part of Crete the air temperature is noticeably higher all year round.

Summer in the Mediterranean zone is hot and dry, with a lot of sunny days, especially from April to November, when it rarely rains. The winter months and early spring are characterized by cool, often rainy weather.

In addition to the dominant Mediterranean climate, two more climatic zones are distinguished on the territory of the state. In mountainous regions and mountain valleys the alpine climate predominates. In the northern and northeastern regions of the country, the features of a temperate continental climate are noticeable: winters in these latitudes are cold, and summers are warm and humid.

The Pindus mountain range has a significant influence on the climate of Greece: the regions of the mainland located to the west of the ridge receive more precipitation throughout the year than those to the east.

Heavy rainfall occurs along the Ionian coast and on the Ionian Islands, while the driest regions are the islands in the southern Aegean Sea and the southeast of the mainland.

Weather and climate in Greece by month

January and February- real winter months by Greek standards: rains often and for a long time, the air temperature in most coastal areas stays at +8...+13 ° C, on the continent it is usually colder. The water temperature does not exceed +16 °C.

In March The weather in Greece is getting better: the air is gradually warming up, the amount of precipitation is decreasing, although there are plenty of rainy days and the sea water is still cold. In tourist regions, the average air temperature is +15 °C.

April precedes the opening of the holiday season and is therefore quite suitable for traveling around the country and long excursion routes. Rains become rare and short-lived. By the end of the month, the air in coastal areas warms up to +23...+25 °C, sea water - up to +18 °C, and you can even swim.

May- the time of the official opening of the swimming season on the Greek islands and coastal cities. The weather is finally becoming resort-like: in the forecast for the coast you can count on +23...+27 °C, and in the capital Athens it is usually even warmer. The best places for swimming at this time are the shores of Crete, where the water warms up faster to the desired +20 °C and above.

In June The weather in Greece is pleasing with sunny days, almost complete absence of rain, while the air temperature remains comfortable for both beach holidays and travel. During the day at the resorts and islands of the Aegean Sea +25...+30 °C, at night about +20 °C.

July and August are remembered for hot days and lack of precipitation. The water temperature in the resorts of Greece reaches +26 °C, the air warms up to +35...+38 °C. The heat in Athens is felt more strongly than on the islands, where the climate is always milder.

September gained the glory of the velvet season. The air and sea gradually cool down, the weather becomes as comfortable as in mid-June.

October brings drastic changes to the life of the resorts: every day it becomes cooler (on average about +23 ° C), the wind blows stronger, the rains are still warm, and the beach season is nearing its end.

In November There are practically no opportunities to swim and bask in the sun, so excursion tourism comes to the fore, covering both islands and mainland cities.

December demonstrates a further decrease in air temperature in Greece. In the north of the country there are frosts and snow falls in places. In the central regions the air is warmer, about +10...+15 °C. On the islands, the feeling of cold is increased by the wind.

Are you planning a trip to Greece?

In this article we will tell you when is the best time to go to Greece and which resorts to choose.

You will learn:

  • What will the weather be like in Greece by month: a detailed table with water and air temperatures.
  • We will tell you in detail about the weather conditions in each month: when is the peak of the beach season, when to go on excursions, and when is the rainy season.
  • Which Greek resort to choose depending on the season.

Colorful Greece is located in the south of Europe and is influenced by a subtropical climate - summers are hot and dry, and in winter it rains, but the weather is warm.

A holiday here is wonderful at any time, the main thing is to choose the right resort. At the height of summer, most tourists come to enjoy the clean beaches and warm sea, in cooler weather they come to see ancient sights or go shopping, and in winter they can go to ski resorts.

Let's take a look at the weather conditions here at different times of the year:


Prices for tours for two

January7...13°C / 5...11°C10°Cfrom 55,000 ₽
February8...13°C / 6...11°C10°Cfrom 50,000 ₽
March12...16°C / 7...12°C11°Cfrom 50,000 ₽
April16...19°C / 10...15°C13°Cfrom 65,000 ₽
May21...26°C / 14...20°C18°Cfrom 70,000 ₽
June25...28°C / 20...25°C22°Cfrom 80,000 ₽
July28...32°C / 23...27°C25°Cfrom 75,000 ₽
August29...33°C / 24...28°C26°Cfrom 75,000 ₽
September26...29°C / 23...26°C25°Cfrom 80,000 ₽
October20...25°C / 17...22°C23°Cfrom 60,000 ₽
November16...20°C / 13...17°C18°Cfrom 45,000 ₽
December8...14°C / 5...12°C10°Cfrom 60,000 ₽

However, the temperature varies not only with the time of year, but also with the location of the resort. The large extent of the country from north to south, the differences between the mainland and the island parts, and the different topography play a role here.

  • On the islands of Greece milder climate, there are no such strong temperature changes. The beach season here lasts longer - from mid-April to September. During the day it is warm and sunny, at night there is a cool sea breeze, but the temperature does not drop below +20°C. In winter it is also warm here, the temperature rarely drops below +10°C, but there are constant showers.
  • On mainland Greece winters are colder and summers are hotter than on the islands. In the summer, the thermometer rises to +40°C, and it becomes especially hot in the central part of the country. In winter, on the contrary, temperatures can drop below zero, and in some areas it can even snow.

The beach season in Greece begins at the end of May and lasts until October. The peak of the velvet season occurs in July, August and September - at this time of year there is beautiful sunny weather, warm sea and no precipitation at all.

Weather in Greece in winter

Winter in Greece is considered the lowest season.

All parts of the country experience high humidity and cool temperatures:

  • On the mainland, temperatures are dropping and there may even be snow.
  • It rains on the islands.

In winter, you can fully enjoy skiing and active recreation here. In the mountains there is almost always snow and comfortable, mild weather conditions for relaxation. The ski resorts here are very developed and are not inferior in level to European ones, and the picturesque slopes, clean air and attractions will allow you to fully enjoy your trip!

Greece in December

The ski season begins in Greece!

This month is one of the coldest on mainland Greece. But the ski slopes are starting to open.

December is the rainiest and coldest month of the year in the island part of the country. There is strong wind on all islands, and there are often storms in the Mediterranean Sea. The air temperature during the day is +13..+16°C, at night it is even colder up to +10°C. We advise you to postpone your holiday here until spring.

On December 25, a rather significant local holiday is celebrated throughout the country - the Nativity of the God-Man. Fairs and colorful shows are held on the streets, and people give each other gifts.

The ski season in Greece begins in December!

Which resort should you choose?

  • Athens or Thessaloniki. On sunny days, you can go on excursions or sightseeing, as well as visit New Year's fairs and shows.
  • Relax at ski resorts, enjoy the picturesque nature and slide down the slopes. Among the resorts here are Kalavrita, Parnassus, Kaimaktsalan and 3-5 Pigadia. You can also visit SPA centers.

Greece in January

Holidays are only possible on the mainland of the country.

During the New Year holidays, most tourists come to Greece to ski or snowboard down the slopes.

After all, there are many ski resorts here, all of them are modern with a large number of slopes of varying difficulty, and are not inferior in level to European ones.

On mainland Greece, the temperature during the day is +7°С…+10°С, at night it drops to +1°С…+3°С. Snow is falling in some areas and blizzard conditions are possible. There are very few sunny days. In the mountains it is colder -5...-10°C, but the comfortable climate does not interfere with enjoying your holiday.

January is full of holidays - New Year and Epiphany are celebrated here.

Holidays are only possible on the mainland of the country!

Which resort should you choose?

  • Athens - here you can see many ancient sights and go shopping
  • Thessaloniki - New Year's celebrations take place here
  • Kastoria - this is where you should go to buy fur coats, they are the cheapest here
  • Ski resort Kalavryta on Mount Helmos
  • Ski resort on Mount Parnassus
  • Kaimaktsalan ski resort on Mount Voras
  • Ski center Vasilitsa
  • 3-5 Pigadia is the only resort that is equipped with an artificial snow system

The second half of January is sales season! Many come to buy the famous Greek fur coats and update their wardrobe.

Greece in February

You can already relax in hotels that have heated swimming pools.

February is better than other winter months for visiting Greece, because the amount of precipitation is decreasing and there are more and more sunny days.

The weather is still cool - +12..+14°C during the day, up to +7°C at night on the mainland.

The water in the sea is +15°C, so you won’t be able to swim, of course, but you can relax by the hotel pool if the water is heated.

In February you can safely go on excursions and the ski destination is still popular.

In winter it's low season - buying a tour to Greece will be much cheaper!

Which resort should you choose?

  • Athens or Thessaloniki - there are a large number of excursions here
  • Ski resorts Kalavrytou , Parnassus, 3-5 Pigadia

Weather in Greece in spring

The weather in spring in Greece is quite changeable.

If at the beginning of spring there are strong winds everywhere and it is still cold, then by the end the swimming season is in full swing!

In the first half of the period, you can still have time to enjoy skiing, and this is also a great time for sightseeing - it becomes warm, but there is no sweltering heat. And when the fruit trees begin to bloom, the country is transformed beyond recognition!

Greece in March

With the onset of spring, the weather begins to improve, the wind and rain subside, the temperature rises to +16°C during the day, and +13°C at night.

It is still early to swim, the water is not warmed up - in the Ionian and Aegean Sea its temperature is +17°C, in the Mediterranean Sea it is slightly warmer up to +20°C.

In March, thousands of flowers bloom in Greece, the country transforms, becomes bright and colorful! It's time to go on excursions!

Which resort should you choose?

  • Athens is the capital of Greece, a modern developed metropolis with a large number of architectural monuments
  • Thessaloniki - cultural and nightlife is very developed here; right on the streets of the city you can see archaeological excavations, as well as visit museums
  • Ski resorts. The last opportunity to enjoy a holiday in the mountains, it is best to go to the resort 3-5 Pigadia - here the artificial snow is always in excellent condition

In March, Lent begins in Greece, and folk festivals take place throughout the country, where you can taste delicious local cuisine

Greece in April

You can't swim in the sea yet, but you can already sunbathe on the beaches.

The opening of the beach season is just around the corner and the temperature is rising noticeably.

On the mainland during the day up to +18°C, on the islands it is much warmer up to +22°C. The sea warms up to +17°C, which is still too early for swimming.

However, there are also such brave souls. But you can sunbathe on the beaches all day long, the sun is soft, and it’s almost impossible to get sunburned.

In April, Orthodox Easter is celebrated in Greece, fruit trees bloom, and strong winds subside. The weather is perfect for excursions, but be aware that many services are closed during Easter.

Which resort should you choose?

Most tourists at this time go to explore ancient Greece - this is the best time to explore museums and monuments. Travel to mainland Greece:

  • Athens, be sure to see here the Acropolis and the temple of the goddess Athena - the Parthenon, the Theater of Dionysus, the Temples of Olympian Zeus and the Erechtheion, as well as the Ancient Agora.
  • Thessaloniki see the Roman Forum, the Arc de Triomphe, the White Tower and the Archaeological Museum. Colorful Easter services will be held in the Church of St. Nicholas
  • The resorts of island Greece are suitable for those who like to soak up the sun, however, it is too early for swimming

Greece in May

The beach season opens at this time.

In May, the swimming season officially opens in Greece, which means the flow of tourists begins to grow.

There is practically no rain, and the sun is becoming more and more.

The temperature on the mainland during the day is +23...+27°C, at night +18°C. On the islands it is a little colder and windier +22...+24 °C during the day and +16 °C at night. The water warms up to +22...+24°C

Which resort should you choose?

  • Mainland Greece - Athens and Thessaloniki, suitable for lovers of excursions, active recreation and shopping
  • The islands of Crete, Rhodes and Corfu welcome beach lovers

Summer is the hot season in Greece, you can safely go to the islands and enjoy a beach holiday!

On the mainland it becomes too hot already from the beginning of July.

The temperature rises to +35°C and above, which makes the conditions for relaxation not comfortable. But on the islands the weather becomes ideal - all the seas are already quite warm, there is no such intense heat, and besides, a cool breeze blows from the sea.

Summer in Greece is very hot, especially in the second half of the period. We advise you to choose resorts located in the north of the country. The heat is better tolerated here.

Greece in June

It's not too hot yet, a great time to relax with children.

June is a moderately hot month, you can still go to the mainland of the country on excursions, the temperature here is +30°C during the day.

However, most vacationers, of course, flock to the islands!

After all, the velvet season is coming here! Air temperature +27 °C, water temperature +22°C.

In June it is best to go on holiday to Greece with children; at this time the weather is the most comfortable.

The best month for a holiday in Greece! Warm water, no extreme heat, large selection of resorts on the mainland and island parts of the country

Which resort should you choose?

  • Crete - picturesque bays and many attractions
  • Rhodes is one of the most beautiful islands in the world, holidays here are very expensive
  • Corfu is the largest island in the Ionian Sea with spectacular views
  • Santorini is the highlight of Greece, famous for its architecture, snow-white houses with blue roofs dotted the entire island
  • Athens and Thessaloniki are the last opportunity to visit mainland excursions. Then it will be too hot

Greece in July

The hottest month, it is better not to be in the sun during the day.

July is the hottest month in Greece.

The temperature at the resorts rises to +33...+35°C, and in some resorts on the mainland reaches +45°C.

During this period, it is best to sunbathe only in the morning, because during the day the sun is too active and you can get a burn or sunstroke.

At night it does not get cooler +26…+27°С. Sea water temperature +25°C. We advise everyone who does not like such heat to choose another month for their holiday in Greece. We also do not recommend going on vacation with children at this time.

In such intense heat, the Greeks have a traditional siesta after lunch - no one works!

Which resort should you choose?

  • Crete - perfect for water sports enthusiasts
  • Rhodes - a luxury holiday for lovers of peace and tranquility
  • Corfu is located in the Ionian Sea, there are rocky shores, wide sandy beaches and picturesque bays
  • Kos is a small island located in the Aegean Sea, suitable for both young people and families with children
  • Zakynthos has a unique underwater world, many underwater caves and sunken ships
  • Santorini is the most romantic place with unique architecture

Greece in August

It is best to relax on the islands, where the climate is less hot.

It is still hot in August, the temperature is not much different from July.

At resorts at +33...+35°C during the day, and +26...+27°C at night. Sea water temperature +25...+26°С.

Choose a holiday on the islands; the climate on the mainland is too hot and dry.

Which resort should you choose?

  • Crete is the most popular of the resorts, washed by the Aegean, Ionian and Libyan seas
  • Rhodes - located on the Mediterranean coast, here are the most expensive hotels
  • Corfu - an island located in the Ionian Sea, it is worth visiting the famous love canal in Sidari
  • Kos - located in the Aegean Sea, there is beautiful nature
  • Zakynthos has beautiful white beaches, a great place for diving enthusiasts
  • Santorini - a picture island with unusual architecture

In August, “Summer Easter” is celebrated here. We advise you to go to Kefalonia on August 15, here wild snakes crawl to the Church of Our Lady, but they are safe and do not harm anyone!

In Greece, in the first half of autumn there is a velvet season - the intense heat subsides, weather conditions become more comfortable - during the day +26...+30°С, the water is well warmed up +24°С.

This is a great time for a beach holiday and relaxation with children.

There are also many festivals held in Greece in the fall. You can go to the mainland of the country, get acquainted with Greek culture and attractions, and go shopping.

In the second half of autumn, winds and rains begin, the temperature during the day drops to +15...+20°C, and the swimming season ends.

Greece in September

Beautiful weather both on the islands and on the mainland.

The air temperature drops to +28...+30°C during the day, the intense heat subsides, and the weather becomes cloudier.

At night the temperature is +22°С…+24°С. The water temperature is comfortable +24°C. September is a great time for a beach holiday, go to the islands. The weather will be beautiful everywhere! You can also visit mainland Greece, but the temperature there will be a couple of degrees higher.

In September there is an abundance of fruits, berries and wine! There are many cultural events and festivals. The annual world film festival starts in Athens.

Which resort should you choose?

  • Crete is the largest of the islands with a large selection of hotels and an excellent entertainment program
  • Rhodes - a luxurious holiday on the Mediterranean coast,
  • Corfu is an island in the Ionian Sea with a lot of vegetation
  • Kos is an island in the Aegean Sea with colorful nature
  • Zakynthos is a picturesque place for diving enthusiasts
  • Santorini is a great place for a romantic getaway

Greece in October

The holiday season is ending and the temperature is dropping.

In the first half of the month the weather will still be warm, with many clear and sunny days. During the day +20... +25°C, at night +17°C. The water temperature is +22...24 °C, you can still swim, but not all vacationers do this anymore. Perfect weather for day walks and excursions. However, it is starting to rain more often, so we recommend taking an umbrella and a windbreaker with you.

At the end of the month the weather becomes cooler and cloudier, and it rains more often. During the day +17...+20°C, at night up to +15°C.

Which resort should you choose?

The island part of the country is more suitable for relaxation; the weather here is warmer.

  • Rhodes
  • Corfu
  • Zakynthos
  • Santorini

Greece in November

Beach holidays are over, but ski resorts have not yet begun their work.

There is more and more rain, and the temperature drops to +14..+17°C on the islands, the beach and holiday season is over. But the ski resorts have not yet begun their work.

This is also not the best time for excursions, there are constant showers and an uncomfortable humid climate. On the mainland of the country the average temperature is + 12...+16°C

November is not the best time to visit the country. The beach season is over, it's raining and damp everywhere!

Which resort should you choose?

  • Crete - it’s still warm here, and the developed infrastructure and entertainment program will help you have a fun time
  • Rhodes - there is a lot of entertainment and amenities right in the hotels

Greece is located in the Mediterranean climate zone, in summer it is hot and dry, and in winter it is cool and dry. The number of sunny days per year exceeds 300.

The hottest period lasts from mid-July to mid-August. At this time, the average air temperature in the lowlands is 25.5 °C - 28 °C, but often rises to 40 °C - 45 °C. Therefore, those who like to relax at moderate temperatures better in May, June, September and October(in Crete and Rhodes).

On the coasts, the summer heat is softened by sea breezes. Far from the sea, high summer temperatures are relatively easily tolerated due to the exceptional dryness of the air.

The Greeks themselves prefer to spend the hottest time of the year in the north of the country in Macedonia, in small towns located at an altitude of 500 - 600 m above sea level.

It's always hotter on the islands than in Northern Greece. The holiday season begins on the islands somewhat earlier than in Northern Greece, and lasts from April to October.

In Northern Greece, the season lasts from May to September inclusive.

In October, the air temperature throughout the country gradually decreases, and in the second half of November the weather deteriorates and rains begin.

North Macedonia and northern Epirus have climates similar to the Balkans, with cold winters and hot, humid summers, while Attica, the Cyclades, the islands of the Dodecanese, and the central and eastern Peloponnese have a climate more typical of the Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and milder winters.

Average temperatures in Greece by month

Month Air temperature (day) Water temperature (sea)
Greece in January
Greece in February
Greece in March +18 °С +16 °С
Greece in April +24 °С +18 °С
Greece in May +28 °С +19 °С
Greece in June +30 °С +23 °С
Greece in July +35 °С +26 °С
Greece in August +35 °С +26 °С
Greece in September +30 °С +24 °С
Greece in October +28 °С +22 °С
Greece in November +20 °С +17 °С
Greece in December

For those in search of the perfect holiday destination, Greece will always be one of the most obvious options, and the reason is not only due to its architectural richness or natural beauty. The mild Mediterranean climate allows you to relax here all year round. To make your trip comfortable, it is enough to plan your trip correctly and know the weather conditions in Greece. After all, in winter there is precipitation in this country, and summer is hot and dry. What weather awaits tourists and what is the water temperature in Greece by month?

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Greece in winter

From December to the end of February, the weather in Greece brings many surprises. Winds, rain and even snow are not uncommon here, and the sky is often overcast during the winter season. But there are advantages: many attractions remain open, and hotels offer significant discounts.

IN December During the day the air warms up to +10 °C, at night the temperature drops to 0 °C. The water temperature does not exceed +15 °C.

IN January the average temperature is +8 °C, at night the thermometer shows no more than +2 °C. It rains for almost half the month, and in some years it snows.

IN February the air in Greece warms up to +13 °C during the day and up to +3 °C at night. The amount of precipitation decreases slightly, but the rain does not stop.

Greece in spring

March in Greece it’s not like February - during the day it’s already +18 °C, at night - about +9 °C.

IN April It's quite possible to sunbathe. The thermometer this month shows +24 °C, but the water temperature is not yet conducive to swimming (+18 °C).

IN May The swimming season begins. Somewhere earlier (in Crete, Rhodes), somewhere later (in Northern Greece). This month the air warms up to +30 °C, the water - up to +20 °C, and the beaches are filled with vacationers.

Greece in summer

IN June calendar summer comes into its own, and the air warms up to +32 °C, at night - up to +22 °C. Sea water pleases with a comfortable +23 °C. Of the summer months, June is the most pleasant for relaxation.

July- a month that is not suitable for every tourist. During the day the thermometer shows +35 °C, at night - about +27 °C. The sea at this time is warmed up to +26 °C, and the water is more like fresh milk.

As in July, in August the temperature is about +35 °C. Usually these two months are characterized by a complete absence of precipitation. Therefore, for those who cannot stand the heat, it is better to postpone their vacation until the velvet season.

Greece in autumn

September- one of the best months of the year for a holiday in Greece. The heat is starting to subside. The air is heated to +29 °C during the day and to +22 °C at night. Sea - up to a comfortable +24 °C. In some regions, short-term precipitation occurs.

October- the last month when you can still come to Greece for a beach holiday. At the end of the season, the air is heated to +27 °C, the water - to +21 °C. It rains more often, so it's worth planning excursions in case of a rainy day.

IN November It's already noticeably cooler in Greece. During the day the thermometer shows +20 °C, at night - about +12 °C, and the sea cools down to +18 °C.

Regardless of the weather, a holiday in Greece will give you only positive emotions if you follow simple rules:

  • When choosing clothes, take into account the weather. In summer, when visiting Greece, it is better to take cotton clothes, and in the off-season, do not forget about a waterproof jacket. In January-February (the coldest months) you need to be prepared even for snowfalls;
  • Use sunscreen both in summer and during the velvet season. Moreover, you need to bring them with you - in Greece such products are expensive;
  • Remember that the price of the tour also depends on the weather. You will have to pay the most in July-August. It is cheaper to travel around Greece in winter, spring and autumn, after the season closes.

Greece is a diverse and interesting country. Whatever the weather, there is always something to do here: from quiet contemplation of the landscapes to intense excursions and active shopping in bustling cities.