Each arrival of winter is unique. Sometimes the first snow falls long before its onset. Heavy snowfalls are occasionally observed at the end of September, when the trees are just beginning to free themselves from their colorful foliage. Unexpected snow bends the fragile trunks of young trees to the ground, and the huge branches of old giants break under its weight. More often than not, snow falls much later.

By the beginning of November, the leaves of trees and shrubs are almost completely gone. The forest becomes more transparent and the palette of its colors changes. Bright yellow and various shades of red are replaced by faded tones of withered grass, among which there is a rare light of a belated flower - the last memory of a bygone summer.

The wall of forest rising beyond the river contrasts sharply with the faded meadow with dark spots of dark green spruce and more delicate crowns of pine trees, interspersed with white stripes of birch trees, and along the edge a bluish-gray border of alders. But this outfit is short-lived; it will last only until snowfall. Everything is transformed overnight when white flakes rush to the ground from the low hanging sky. Snow will not only transform the landscape for a long time, but will also significantly change the life of all living things.

The timing of snow cover largely affects the well-being of many birds and animals. Molted snowshoe hares feel very uncomfortable if the snow falls late. By mid-November they change their summer attire to winter. The white color of their fur makes them eye-catching, which numerous enemies will not miss to take advantage of.

During this period, although usually short, hares become easy prey for crows, ravens, owls, foxes and other predators. In addition to the white hare, the ermine and weasel acquire a white dress, and among the birds - the ptarmigan. For some it serves to camouflage themselves from enemies, for others it makes hunting easier.

Seasonal changes in the color of plumage and fur are characteristic of many animals, but it is not as drastic as in the species mentioned. The squirrel's reddish-brown summer fur is replaced by thicker and fluffy light gray fur by winter. The winter outfit of many animals differs from the summer one not only in lighter colors, but also in density, which significantly affects its thermal insulation properties. This cover protects animals from the winter cold.

There are many ways to cope with winter cold. In addition to changing seasonal outfits, numerous behavioral adaptations have also been developed. In late autumn and early winter, many birds spend the night in trees or on the ground. But as the snow cover becomes deeper, they use it to spend the night, and in severe frosts they take refuge in it from the cold during the day. This is characteristic not only of grouse birds, but also of many others.

Thus, hazel grouse roost in the branches of spruce trees, and sometimes use thrush nests for sleeping. As a rule, from mid-December they sleep, buried in the snow. After all, in a snow shelter they have to spend significantly less energy maintaining body temperature. In the snow, at the bird’s depth, the temperature does not change as significantly during the day as on its surface, and besides, here it is significantly higher in frosty weather. During thaws, which are not uncommon in our area, and in slightly frosty weather, hazel grouse, black grouse and ptarmigan prefer to spend the night in shallow holes.

On the contrary, in particularly frosty weather, birds spend most of the day in holes, leaving snow shelters only for feeding time. It is not uncommon for hazel grouse, black grouse and partridge to be under the snow during the daytime, even in mid-March. Wood grouse also spend the night in holes, but hide in the snow for the day only in severe frosts or in bad weather, in strong snowstorms. In March, they settle down for the night in the snow under hanging branches of spruce trees, or in peculiar huts formed by the branches of young spruce trees pressed to the ground by snow.

Hares often lie down in such secluded places. Polovinki - small birds with a very long stepped tail - spend the night in the snow; they penetrate into the cavities formed under the bushes bent under the weight of the snow. They also take refuge at night along the banks of streams and rivers, where the wind blows snowdrifts and deep caves form under cliffs or steep banks. Here you can also find roosting siskins and redpolls. Tits and woodpeckers prefer to spend the night in hollows or artificial nesting boxes. They usually spend the night alone. A tit that has settled down for the night falls asleep soundly and does not react to bright light.

At this time, she presents an unusual sight: a delicate fluffy ball appears in front of you, from which only the tip of her tail sticks out. It is by the tail that one can determine its owner, because neither the color nor the shape of the body resembles the bird you know. At night, tree sparrows also climb into hollows, birdhouses and other nesting areas where their nests are located. A pair of birds, a male and a female, spend the night together and use the same place for roosting for a long time. Only in case of anxiety are they forced to look for a new place to sleep. The places where sparrows stay at night are very diverse: niches in the walls of buildings, attics, nests of barn swallows, chimneys and others.

All behavior of birds preparing for sleep is aimed at minimizing heat transfer as much as possible. After all, during a long winter night they are motionless, which means that additional heat is not produced, which is so necessary to maintain a constant body temperature. That is why birds strive to find places where there will be less heat loss.

It is interesting that the great tit, even during a short winter day, forms a small reserve of fat, as happens in migratory birds before migration. This is what is used at night to maintain life. In grouse and other birds leading a sedentary lifestyle, the formation of fat reserves does not occur. Domestic geese and ducks become fat when their wild relatives migrate for the winter.

When resting, wild boars always settle in a dense group, and use some kind of plant material as bedding. On lakes they roost in reed thickets, lying on a thick layer of reeds. In the forest they use spruce branches and young fir trees, less often branches and twigs of other trees. One of the female wild boars, raised from its bed in the evening, was found the next day not far away on a newly prepared bed. To build a den, she broke 42 young fir trees in the area. Moose and hares, on the contrary, lie down directly on the snow.

The establishment of snow cover also affects the movement of animals. At the beginning of winter it is shallow and therefore does not impede movement so much, but gradually its thickness increases. It is difficult for even large and long-legged animals, such as wolves and elk, to move through deep snow. On the Vepsian Upland, where in winter there is perhaps the deepest snow cover in the Leningrad region, only lynx and white hare winter among large animals. They are well adapted to running on loose snow.

To facilitate movement, snowshoe hares gradually create trails, which they use regularly during the winter. Often a lynx lies in ambush near the trails of hares. Forest glades, the outskirts of swamps and the edges of forests are the favorite hunting places of this predator, because hares come here to feed. A lynx can stay here all day. It lies very tightly. Once I walked just 5 meters from a lying animal, but I never noticed it. The lynx was forced to leave the bed a little later when a dog discovered it by smell. Leaving the chase, the lynx left shallow tracks, while the dog sank deep into the snow. The lynx broke away from the pursuing dog without much effort.

Moose, wolves, foxes, and other animals, on occasion, use roads, ski tracks and trails of other animals to move around. In winter, wild boars do not lead such an active lifestyle as in other seasons. They prefer to use their own trail system. Only in case of danger are they forced to go off the beaten track, with a larger animal always ahead. Deep snow cover greatly complicates the movement of even adult moose. If the moose are provided with food and no one bothers them, then they can stay in one place for a long time. Once, in a young pine forest on the shores of Lake Ladoga, on just one hectare it was possible to count more than 40 moose beds. The animals spent at least two weeks in this patch of forest.

The conditions for the movement of animals in the snow depend not only on the depth of the cover, but also on its condition. Under its own weight, the snow compacts and becomes less loose over time. During thaws, it melts and then freezes and an ice crust forms on its surface - crust. In winters with frequent thaws, the snow cover becomes multilayered, consisting of several dense crusts, interspersed with looser layers. For small animals, crust is a blessing, but for large animals, on the contrary, it becomes a disaster.

If foxes, hares, and squirrels run on the crust without much effort, then moose, roe deer, etc. break through the ice crust and injure their legs with its edges. The existence of birds and animals becomes especially difficult when rainy weather suddenly gives way to cold weather. A thick ice crust forms on the surface of the snow cover, and the trunks and branches of trees are covered with an ice shell. During such periods, animals experience extreme difficulties not only in movement, but also in obtaining food.

With sudden changes in weather during the day, hazel grouse, black grouse and other birds often die under the icy crust, buried alive in the snow. A thick and especially durable crust forms in March, when warm sunny days give way to cold nights. In some years, the crust is so strong that from night until 10-11 o'clock in the afternoon it can support almost all animals.

Many animals spend most of their time under the snow or in its thickness, only occasionally appearing on the surface. Firstly, for some of them there is practically no food here, and besides, appearing in their dark attire against a white background, they can become easy prey. Mice and voles are hunted mainly by ermine, weasel, fox and owls, but on occasion they may be joined by crows, magpies, etc. After the establishment of deep snow cover, traces of minks are found much less often along the banks of rivers and streams. Since that time, they have been staying in snowy burrows and vast cavities formed along the banks after the water level drops. Sometimes on small streams and rivers the ice hangs high above the water and spacious labyrinths are formed under its arches, allowing animals to move unhindered over considerable distances.

Therefore, there is no need for them to rise to the surface. It’s another matter when the snow begins to melt and the water level rises sharply again. In March they become more noticeable, because... the spaces under the ice are filled with water, and besides, spring is the time to move to new places and search for partners. It is easiest to judge the winter activity of voles after the snow cover has melted. Of course, the numerous passages they made in the snow disappeared without a trace, but the tunnels located in the grass pressed to the ground in the form of a complex labyrinth were preserved.

If the ground does not freeze, then the moles do not go to great depths, but stay in the surface layer. Mounds of fresh earth often appear under the snow, and sometimes you can see the owner himself in a black fur coat on the bright snow. This occurs only at the very beginning of winter. Later, the moles are forced to go deeper and can be seen again in the spring. Another representative of insectivorous animals, the hedgehog, spends not only the winter, but also a significant part of the autumn, as well as half of the calendar spring, in hibernation. Family ties are not an obstacle to such different lifestyles of these animals.

Who spends the winter how?

Who winters like this: educational stories in pictures and tasks for children of preschool and primary school age.

In this article, children will get acquainted with the life of nature in winter and find out who spends the winter how:

Who spends the winter like this?

Who winters how: how do wild animals winter?

In winter, many wild animals sleep - hibernate. During hibernation, they do not eat anything, do not grow, and do not respond to sounds.

Before hibernation in the fall, animals accumulate fat. Fat helps them maintain body temperature during long hibernation - it “warms” them from the inside like a stove.

Most of all, animals suffer in winter not from cold, but from hunger. It is food that animals need to maintain a constant body temperature and not die.

How do moose winter?

Believe it if you want. Or don't believe it.
There is an elk animal in the forest.
Like hangers of horns,
Very formidable for the enemy.
Noise in the forest. What happened there?
Then a huge one runs...( Elk).

Elk- This is a forest giant, and he needs a lot of food. In winter, moose live together, gnaw the bark of trees, rubbing it with powerful and strong teeth. Moose love the bark of young aspen trees. They also eat the shoots of young pine trees; for them these shoots are like medicine.

Moose rest in winter, buried in the snow, in snow pits. In a snowstorm, moose gather in a herd and go to a secluded place, hide on the ground - climb under a snow coat. Snow falls on top of them, sometimes covering the elk almost completely. It turns out to be a warm snow blanket.

The last month of winter - February - is a difficult time for moose. A crust appears in the forest - a crust on the snow. Moose fall through the snow, cut their legs with infusion, and cannot run fast. Wolves take advantage of this. Moose defend themselves from wolves with their antlers and hooves.

Ask the children who is easier to run in the snow - a mouse or a moose? Why? Read the dialogue between the moose and the mouse, the moose and the magpie from the stories of E. Shim. These dialogues can be acted out in a toy theater or in a picture theater.

E. Shim. Moose and mouse

- Why are you out of breath, moose?
“It’s hard for me to run, I’m falling into the snow...
- Fi, how clumsy you moose are! They've grown so big, but you can't run properly.
- Why?
“Just judge for yourself: you are running light, empty, and failing at every step.” And I run with heavy weight, carrying a whole nut in my teeth, and not a single paw gets stuck. I would like to learn!

E. Shim. Elk and magpie

Moose: - No luck, no luck!
Magpie: - Why are you unlucky, Elk?
“I thought I’d pile up the snow higher in the forest, I’d reach the pine trees and bite the tops of their heads...”
- And the snow was piled high!
- What's the point if I fall into it?!

There is a wonderful the tale of the moose V. Zotova. Listen to it with your children. You will also find this fairy tale and other tales about animals for children in our VKontakte group “Child development from birth to school” (see audio recordings of the group, album “Forest ABC”)

Ask your child what he thinks is a moose afraid of someone? After all, the elk is a “forest giant”? Probably, on the contrary, everyone in the forest is afraid of him? And read the story about the moose and their winter enemy - the wolf, the story about how the boy Mitya helped the moose escape from the wolves in winter.

G. Skrebitsky. Mitya's friends

In winter, in the December cold, a moose cow and her calf spent the night in a dense aspen forest. It's starting to get light. The sky turned pink, and the forest, covered with snow, stood all white, silent. Fine shiny frost settled on the branches and on the backs of the moose. The moose were dozing.

Suddenly, somewhere very close, the crunch of snow was heard. The moose became wary. Something gray flashed among the snow-covered trees. One moment - and the moose were already rushing away, breaking the icy crust of the crust and getting stuck knee-deep in deep snow. The wolves were chasing them. They were lighter than moose and galloped across the crust without falling through. With every second the animals are getting closer and closer.

The moose could no longer run. The elk calf stayed close to its mother. A little more - and the gray robbers will catch up and tear both of them apart.
Ahead is a clearing, a fence near the forest guardhouse, and a wide open gate.

The moose stopped: where to go? But behind, very close, the crunch of snow was heard - the wolves were overtaking. Then the moose cow, having gathered the rest of her strength, rushed straight into the gate, the elk calf followed her.

The forester's son Mitya was shoveling snow in the yard. He barely jumped to the side - the moose almost knocked him down.
Moose!.. What's wrong with them, where are they from?
Mitya ran up to the gate and involuntarily stepped back: there were wolves at the very gate.

A shiver ran down the boy’s back, but he immediately swung his shovel and shouted:
- Here I am!
The animals scurried away.
“Atu, atu!” Mitya shouted after them, jumping out of the gate.
Having driven away the wolves, the boy looked into the yard.
A moose cow and a calf stood huddled in the far corner of the barn.
“Look, they were so scared, they’re all trembling...” Mitya said affectionately. “Don’t be afraid.” Now it won't be touched.
And he, carefully moving away from the gate, ran home - to tell what guests had rushed into their yard.

And the moose stood in the yard, recovered from their fright and went back into the forest. Since then, they stayed in the forest near the lodge all winter.

In the morning, walking on the way to school, Mitya often saw moose from afar on the forest edge.

Having noticed the boy, they did not rush away, but only watched him closely, pricking up their huge ears.
Mitya cheerfully nodded his head at them, like old friends, and ran further into the village.

I. Sokolov-Mikitov. On a forest road

Heavy vehicles loaded with logs are walking along the winter road one after another. An elk ran out of the forest.
Boldly runs across a wide, well-worn road.
The driver stopped the car and admired the strong, beautiful elk.
There are many moose in our forests. Whole herds of them wander through snow-covered swamps, hiding in bushes and large forests.
People don’t touch or harm moose.

Only hungry wolves sometimes decide to attack moose. Strong moose use their horns and hooves to defend themselves from evil wolves.

Moose in the forest are not afraid of anyone. They boldly wander through forest clearings, cross wide clearings and well-worn roads, and often come close to villages and noisy cities.

I. Sokolov - Mikitov. Moose

Of all the animals that live in our Russian forests, the largest and most powerful animal is the elk. There is something antediluvian, ancient in the appearance of this large beast. Who knows - perhaps moose roamed the forests back in those distant times when long-extinct mammoths lived on the earth. It is difficult to see a moose standing motionless in the forest - the color of its brown fur blends in with the color of the tree trunks surrounding it.

In pre-revolutionary times, moose in our country were destroyed almost completely. Only in very few, most remote places, these rare animals survived. Under Soviet rule, moose hunting was strictly prohibited. Over the decades of the ban, moose have multiplied almost everywhere. Now they fearlessly approach crowded villages and noisy big cities.

Quite recently, in the center of Leningrad, on Kamenny Island, children going to school in the morning saw two moose wandering under the trees. Apparently, these moose wandered into the city during a quiet night and got lost on the city streets.

Near cities and villages, moose feel safer than in remote places where they are pursued by hunters and poachers. They are not afraid to cross wide asphalt roads along which trucks and cars move in a continuous stream. They often stop right next to the road, and people passing in cars can freely observe them.

Elk is a very strong, watchful and intelligent animal. Captured moose quickly become accustomed to people. In winter, they can be harnessed to a sleigh, just as domestic reindeer are harnessed in the north.

I have often encountered moose in the forest. Hiding behind the shelter, I admired the beauty of the strong animals, their light movements, and the branchy, spreading antlers of the males. Every year, male moose replace their heavy, branching antlers. Shedding old antlers, they rub against the trunks and branches of trees. People often find shed elk antlers in the forest. Every year, an extra shoot is added to the antlers of a male elk, and by the number of shoots you can tell the age of the elk.

Moose love water and often swim across wide rivers. You can catch moose crossing the river in a light boat. Their hook-nosed heads and wide branched horns are visible above the water. Wandering with a gun and a dog through a forest clearing near the Kama River, one day I saw a moose “taking a bath” in a small open swamp. Apparently, the elk was fleeing from the evil gadflies and horse flies that besieged it. I came close to a moose standing in the swamp water, but my gun dog jumped out of the bushes and scared him. The elk came out of the swamp and slowly disappeared into the dense forest.

The most amazing thing is that they are heavy moose They can cross the swampiest swamps, where a person cannot walk. For me, this serves as proof that moose lived back in those ancient times when the glaciers that covered the earth retreated, leaving behind vast swampy swamps.

How does a wild boar spend the winter?

In winter, it is difficult for wild boars; it is very difficult for them to walk through deep snow. If you need to walk through the snow, the wild boars walk in single file, one after another. The strongest boar goes first. He paves the way for everyone, and everyone else follows him.

It is especially difficult for a wild boar to walk on crusty crust. The wild boar falls under the crust and cuts its legs with the sharp ice.

At night, wild boars warm themselves in shelters in winter, lying on branches and leaves. If it’s very cold, they lie close to each other and warm each other.

Boars They never bury themselves in the snow, they don’t like it. On the contrary, they try to cover the snow with something - they drag branches under the tree or lie on the reeds.

Wild boars feed during the winter during the day. They eat twigs, dig out acorns, nuts, and grass from under the snow.

If there is no snow, the wild boars are free! They dig up rhizomes and bulbs from the ground, dig into the ground with their snouts, and get beetles, worms, and pupae.

Over the winter, the boar loses a third of its weight! By spring, only “skin and bones” remain.

Listen to how the boar and the hare talked in the last month of winter.

E. Shim. Boar and hare

Hare: - Oh, Boar, you don’t look like yourself! How skinny - just stubble down to the bone... Do such pigs exist?

Boar: “Wild oink-oinks... and there are not like that... It’s bad for us, Hare... The ground is covered with an icy crust, neither a fang nor a snout can take it.” You can’t dig anything these days, you can’t fill your belly with anything... I’m surprised how my legs still walk. One consolation: even a wolf wouldn’t set his sights on someone so skinny and scary...

E. Shim. Pig and Fox

- Oh, oh, you’re completely naked, Pig! The bristles are sparse and even stiff. How are you going to spend the winter?
- How thin you are, Little Fox! One spine, skin and bones. How are you going to spend the winter?
- My fur is thick, my fur coat is warm - I won’t freeze!
- Do you think it’s worse for me? I have fat under my skin. Fat warms you better than any fur coat!

E. Shim. Boar and elk

- Come on, Moose, scratch my side! Tighten up!
- Whoosh, whoosh!.. Well, how?
- Weak. Come on tighter!
- Whoosh, whoosh!.. Well, how?
- I say, be stronger!
- Shuh!!! Whoosh!! Shuh!!. F-f-u-u, is it really weak?
- Of course, weakly. It’s a shame, you understand: I’ve accumulated two inches of fat, and under this fat I’m actually itching!

E. Charushin. Boar

This is a wild pig - boar.
He wanders through the forests, grunting. Picks up oak acorns. It digs in the ground with its long snout. With its crooked fangs it tears out the roots, turns them upside down - looking for something to eat.
It’s not for nothing that a boar is called a cleaver. He will cut down a tree with his fangs, as if with an ax; he will kill a wolf with his fangs, as if he would cut down a saber. Even the bear himself is afraid of him.

How does a wolf winter?

Guess the riddle: “Who wanders around angry and hungry in the cold winter?” Of course it's a wolf! A wolf wanders through the forest in winter, looking for prey.

Wolves are cunning predators and very dangerous for both animals and humans. Wolves see perfectly even in the dark and hear perfectly.
In winter, the wolf almost always goes hungry; he cannot run quickly through the loose snow. But he runs on the crust very quickly! Then you can't run away from the wolf!
You've probably heard the saying “the feet feed the wolf.” This is true. The wolf runs very long distances to find food. They hunt moose, hares, partridges, and black grouse. Yes, even for moose! If the elk stands, the wolf does not rush at him. But if the elk runs, then the wolf pack can overcome it. Hungry wolves even attack dogs and people in winter.

In winter, wolves grow a thick, warm winter “coat,” and their fur becomes warmer. Wolves live in packs in winter: a wolf, a she-wolf and their grown wolf cubs.

This is what happened to a wolf in the forest one day in winter.

The Tale of the Hare and the Wolf

Fairy tale “According to Zaichishkin’s advice, Volchische went on a diet: Gray meat, no, no, no, even on holidays.” You can read this tale and other tales about animals in the book “Why. Because” (authors: G. A. Yurmin, A. K. Dietrich).

“The stupid Wolf caught the wise Hare and rejoiced:
- Yeah, gotcha, oblique! Now I'll kill the worm...
“Y-y-that’s right, I got it,” the Hare shakes. “But, on the other hand, you yourself, Wolf, say: you’ll only kill the worm.” Well, if you devour me, your appetite will increase even more... Why would such an attack be made on you, on the Wolf: everyone in the forest is well-fed, you alone are always hungry. Think about it!
The Wolf's gray forehead frowned. Really, why? And says:
- Since you, Hare, are so wise, so smart - reasonable, advise: what should I do, how can I help?
“And you take others as an example,” the hare answers without hesitation. - Take the black grouse, let me show you.
- Look, you cunning one! I'm daydreaming! Perhaps you want to sneak away on the way? What more?!
The Wolf tore the bast from the linden tree, twisted a rope, took the Hare on a leash, and off they went.

They see a black grouse sitting on a birch tree.
“Terenty, answer,” shouts the Hare. - Why are you full all winter?
- There’s food around – eat it, I don’t want it! That's why I'm full. As many kidneys as you like.
- Did you hear, Gray? ... You have all the meat on your mind, and Terenty is talking about birch buds in which green leaves sleep. There are plenty of them all around. Bend a birch tree and taste it, don’t be shy.
The Wolf did as the Hare ordered and spit:
- Ugh, disgusting! No, scythe, I’d rather eat you!
- Do not rush! - the Hare oppresses his. And he dragged the Wolf to the Elk, the giant.

- Uncle Sokhaty! - shouts the Hare. - Tell me, is your life satisfying?\-
“I’ll chew the last twig and that’s it, it’s full, it won’t come any more.”
- Did you see it, Wolf? The elk has been gnawing aspen trees all his life in the winter, and how powerful he has become! That's how you would do it. Look how much aspen the moose tore up remains.
- Salmon? – the Wolf licked his lips. - That's for me.
He pounced on the treat, greedily clanked his teeth, but suddenly fell down - and well, roll around in the snow:
- Oh, I'm dying! Oops, my stomach hurts! Oh, bitterness is poison!!! Well, Hare!

You can act out the dialogues of the animals - how they treated the wolf - in a picture theater or a finger theater.

Tales of the Wolf

E. Shim. Wolf, elk, hare and hazel grouse

- Moose, moose, I'll eat you!
- And I’m from you, Wolf, in pure love, and that’s what I was!
- Hare, hare, I will eat you!
- And I left you, Wolf, in the clear bushes, and was like that!
- Ryabchik, Ryabchik, I will eat you!
- And I left you, Wolf, on a tall tree, and I was like that!
- What should I do, my dears? What to fill your belly with?
- Gnaw your sides, Wolf!

E. Shim. Little Wolf and She-Wolf

- Mom, why do we wolves howl at the moon?
“And because, son, the moon is the wolf’s sun.”
- I don’t understand something!
- Well, of course... Daytime animals and birds love white light, they sing and rejoice in the sun. And we, wolves, are nocturnal miners; darkness is more capable of us. So we sing under the moon, under the pale night sun...

V. Bianchi. Wolf's tricks

When a wolf walks at a walk or a jog (trot), he carefully steps with his right hind paw in the footprint of his front left paw, so his tracks lie in a straight line, like a string, in one line. You look at this line and read: “A huge wolf passed here.”

But you'll end up in trouble. It would be correct to read: “five wolves passed here,” because here a seasoned and wise she-wolf walked in front, followed by an old wolf and behind them the wolf cubs.

They followed the trail until it never occurred to them that this was the trail of five wolves. This can only be distinguished by very experienced trackers on the white trail (as hunters call tracks in the snow).

N. Sladkov. Magpie and wolf. Conversations in the forest

- Hey, Wolf, why are you so gloomy?
- From hunger.
- And the ribs stick out, stick out?
- From hunger.
- Why are you howling?
- From hunger.
- So talk to you! He got along like a magpie: from hunger, from hunger, from hunger! Why are you so taciturn these days?
- From hunger.

E. Charushin. Wolf

Beware, sheep in the stables, beware, pigs in the pigsties, beware, calves, foals, horses, cows! The robber wolf went hunting. You dogs, bark louder, scare the wolf!
And you, collective farm watchman, load your gun with a bullet!

How does a badger winter?

The badger sleeps in winter, but not very soundly. He can wake up during a thaw, crawl out of the hole for a while, smooth and clean his fur and... go to sleep again. In its winter “pantry” the badger stores food for the winter - seeds, dried frogs, roots, acorns. And in the fall, he accumulates fat - he gorges himself. During hibernation, the badger does not eat anything. And the supplies in the “pantry” are needed during his short winter awakening.

E. Shim. Badger and jay

- A-o-o-o-o-o-o...
- What's wrong with you, Badger?
- A-o-o-o-o-o-o...
—Aren’t you sick already?
- A-u-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o...
“Aren’t you already dying?!”
- A-u-s... Leave me alone, get off... I’m not dying, fefela... I’m not dying-a-u-o-s...
- What about you?
- The yawning has overcome. I wanted to sleep until then - I wouldn’t get out of the hole. Looks like I'll soon fall completely asleep... Until spring, I'll be on the side-oo-o-o-o-o-o-o!!.

N. Sladkov. Badger and bear

- What, Bear, are you still sleeping?
- I'm sleeping, Badger, I'm sleeping. That’s it, brother, I’ve gotten into gear – it’s been five months without waking up. All sides rested.
- Or maybe, Bear, it’s time for us to get up?
- It's not time. Sleep some more.
- Won’t you and I sleep through the spring right away?
- Don't be afraid! She, brother, will wake you up.
“Will she knock on our door, sing a song, or maybe tickle our heels?” I, Misha, fear is hard to rise!
- Wow! You'll probably jump up! She, Borya, will give you a bucket of water under your sides - I bet you’ll lay low! Sleep while you're dry.

How do bears winter?

Bear in winter They sleep peacefully in their den, which is lined with pine needles, tree bark, and dry moss. If a bear has not gained a lot of fat in the fall, then he cannot sleep in his den for a long time and walks through the forest in search of food. Such a bear is very dangerous for everyone. It is called a "connecting rod".

Late winter at the bear's 2-3 cubs are born. They are born helpless, lying on their mother’s belly. She feeds them with thick milk, but does not eat herself. Only in the spring do the cubs leave the den.

How do insects overwinter?

At the onset of winter, insects hide deep in the soil, in rotten stumps, in the cracks of trees.

Some insects, without invitation, climb straight into an anthill to wait out the cold season. At this time, ants fall into torpor until spring.

Grasshoppers They hide eggs in the ground in the fall that will overwinter.

U cabbage butterflies pupae overwinter. In summer, the cabbage moth lays its eggs on cabbage. In the fall, caterpillars emerge from these eggs onto tree trunks, fences, walls, tie themselves with a thread and become... pupae! They hang like that until spring. And the rain drips on them, and the blizzard pours snow. Spring will come and young butterflies will emerge from their pupae.

Butterflies – urticaria, mourning butterfly, lemongrass winter as adults. They hide in the bark of trees, in hollows, in sheds, in cracks in attics. They will appear again in the spring.

G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplina. Where do mosquitoes go in winter?

For the winter, mosquitoes hid in various cracks and old hollows. They winter next to us too. They will climb into the basement or cellar, a lot of them will gather there in the corner. Mosquitoes cling to the ceiling and walls with their long varnishes and sleep all winter.

Tales about who spends the winter how

E. Shim. Crow and tit

- All the animals hid in holes from the cold, all the birds were barely alive from hunger. You alone, Crow, cawed at the top of your lungs!
- Or maybe I’m the worst of all?! Maybe it’s me shouting “karraul”!

E. Shim. Coverings, burials, displays. How do animals and birds greet the first snow?

By evening the stars began to shine, the frost crunched at night, and in the morning the first snow fell on the ground.

The forest inhabitants greeted him differently. The old animals and birds shivered and remembered the last cold winter. And the young people were terribly surprised because they had never seen snow.

Young on the birch Grouse sat, swaying on a thin branch. He sees furry snowflakes falling from the sky.

“What kind of fluff?” muttered Teterev. “White flies fly, circle above the ground, don’t hum, don’t buzz, don’t bite.”
- No, darling, these are not flies! - said old Grouse
-Who is this?
- These are ours covers flying.
- What kind of covers are these?
“They will cover the earth,” answers old Teterev, “it will make a warm blanket.” We will dive under this blanket at night, we will be warm and cozy...
- Look, you! - Young Teterev rejoiced. “I’d better try to see if he sleeps well under the covers!”
And he began to wait for the duvet to spread out on the ground.

Under the birches, in a bush, young Zaychishko whiled away the day. He dozed off with half his eyes, and listened with half an ear. Suddenly he notices furry snowflakes descending from the sky.
- Here you go! - Zaichishko was surprised. “The dandelions have long since faded, they have long since flown around and dispersed, and then look: a whole cloud of dandelion fluff is flying!”
- Stupid, is this flower fluff? - said the old hare.
- What is this?
- These are ours funerals flying.
- What kind of funerals?
“The very ones who will bury you from your enemies, protect you from evil eyes.” Your fur coat has faded and turned white. You can immediately see it on the black earth! And when the burials fall to the ground, everything will become white and white, no one will see you. You will begin to walk invisible.
- Wow, how interesting! - shouted the Bunny. - Hurry up and try how the choir girls are hiding me!

In the forest, along a bare aspen grove, a young man was running Little wolf. He ran, looked around with his eyes, looking for food. Suddenly he looks and sees light snowflakes falling from the sky.
- Ay-ay! - said the Little Wolf. - How do geese-swans fly into the sky, dropping fluff and feathers?
- What are you talking about, is this just fluff and feathers! - the old Wolf laughed.
- What is this?
- This, grandson, is ours. showing off flying.
- I don’t know any show!
- You'll find out soon. They will lie flat and even, covering the entire earth. And they will immediately begin to show where the birds roamed, where which animal galloped. We'll look at the displays - and we'll immediately find out what time
run to the side for the prey...
- Clever! - The Wolf Cub was delighted. “I want to quickly see where my prey ran to!”

As soon as the young animals and birds found out that it was falling from the sky, they just became acquainted with the first snow, when a warm breeze began to blow.

Here the coverings, burials, and displays melted away.

How do crayfish spend the winter?

Do you know where crayfish overwinter? Read V. Bianchi's fairy tale to the children and find out :).

What does the expression “where crayfish spend the winter” mean?

A expression “where crayfish spend the winter” appeared a long time ago. The landowners were very fond of eating crayfish, and it was difficult to catch them in winter. After all, in winter, crayfish hide and spend the winter there. In winter, guilty peasants were sent to catch crayfish. Serfs caught crayfish in cold water - it was very hard work. They often fell ill after catching crayfish in the winter. After that they began to say: “I’ll show you where the crayfish spend the winter.” And “where crayfish spend the winter” is said in another case - about something very distant, that is located far away, no one knows where.

Where do crayfish spend the winter? V. Bianchi

In the kitchen there was a flat basket on a stool, a saucepan on the stove, and a large white dish on the table. There were crayfish in the basket, there was boiling water with dill and salt in the pan, but there was nothing on the dish.

The hostess came in and began:
once - she lowered her hand into the basket and grabbed the crayfish across the back;
two - threw the crayfish into the pan, waited until it was cooked, and -
three - spooned the crayfish from the pan onto a dish. And it went, and it went!

Once - a black crayfish, grabbed across the back, angrily moved its mustache, opened its claws and flicked its tail;
two - the crayfish was dipped in boiling water, stopped moving and turned red;
three - the red crayfish lay on the dish, lay motionless, and steam came from it.

One-two-three, one-two-three - there were fewer and fewer black crayfish left in the basket, the boiling water in the pan was boiling and gurgling, and a mountain of red crayfish was growing on a white dish.

And now there is one last crayfish left in the basket.

Once - and the mistress grabbed him across the back.

At this time they shouted something to her from the dining room.

- I’m bringing it, I’m bringing it, - the last one! - the hostess answered - I was confused:
two - I threw the black crayfish onto the dish, waited a little, picked up the red crayfish from the dish with a spoon and
three - put it in boiling water.

The red crayfish didn’t care where to lie - in a hot pan or on a cool dish. The black crayfish didn’t want to go into the pan at all; He didn’t want to lie on the platter either. More than anything in the world, he wanted to go where the crayfish spend the winter. And - without hesitation for a long time - he began his journey: backwards, backwards to the backyard.

He came across a mountain of motionless red crayfish and hid under them.

The hostess decorated the dish with dill and served it on the table.

The white dish with red crayfish and green dill was beautiful. The crayfish were delicious. The guests were hungry. The hostess was busy. And no one noticed how the black crayfish rolled from the dish onto the table and crawled backwards, backwards under the plate, backwards, backwards to the very edge of the table.

And under the table there was a kitten sitting and waiting to see if he would get something from the master’s table.

Suddenly - bang! — someone black and mustachioed cracked in front of him.

The kitten didn’t know it was a cancer, he thought it was a big black cockroach, and pushed it with his nose.

Cancer backed away.

The kitten touched him with his paw.

The cancer raised its claw.

The kitten decided that it was not worth dealing with him, turned around and smeared him with its tail.

And grab the cancer! - and pinched the tip of his tail with his claw.

What happened to the kitten? Meow! - He jumped onto the chair. Meow! - from chair to table. Meow! - from the table to the windowsill. Meow! - and jumped out into the yard.

- Hold it, hold it, you madman! - the guests shouted.

But the kitten rushed like a whirlwind across the yard, flew up onto the fence, and rushed across the garden. There was a pond in the garden, and the kitten would probably have fallen into the water if the cancer had not unclenched its claws and let go of its tail.

The kitten turned back and galloped home.

The pond was small, all overgrown with grass and mud. Lazy tailed newts, crucian carp, and snails lived in it. Their life was boring - everything was always the same. Newts swam up and down, crucian carp swam back and forth, snails crawled on the grass - one day it crawls up, the next day it goes down.

Suddenly the water splashed, and someone’s black body, blowing bubbles, sank to the bottom.

Now everyone gathered to look at him - newts swam, crucians came running, snails crawled down.

And it’s true, there was something to look at: the black one was covered in armor - from the tips of the mustache to the tip of the tail. Smooth armor covered his chest and back. From under the hard visor, two motionless eyes protruded on thin stalks. Long straight mustaches stuck out forward like peaks. Four pairs of thin legs were like forks, two claws were like two toothy mouths.

None of the pond residents had ever seen a crayfish in their lives, and everyone climbed closer to it out of curiosity. The cancer moved - everyone got scared and moved away. The crayfish raised its front leg, grabbed its eye with a fork, pulled out the stem and started cleaning it.

It was so surprising that everyone again climbed onto the crayfish, and one crucian carp even stumbled upon his mustache.

Raz! - the crayfish grabbed him with its claw, and the stupid crucian carp flew in half.

The fish and crucian carp became alarmed and ran away in all directions. And the hungry cancer calmly began to eat.

The cancer in the pond healed well. All day long he rested in the mud. He wandered around at night, felt the bottom and grass with his mustache, and grabbed slow-moving snails with his claws.

The newts and crucians were now afraid of him and would not let him get close to them. Yes, snails were enough for him: he ate them along with the houses, and his shell only became stronger from such food.

But the water in the pond was rotten and musty. And he was still drawn to where the crayfish spend the winter.

One evening it started to rain. It rained all night, and by morning the water in the pond rose and overflowed its banks. The stream picked up the crayfish and carried it out of the pond, poked it into some stump, picked it up again and threw it into a ditch.

The cancer was delighted, straightened its wide tail, clapped it in the water and swam backwards and backwards, as if crawling.

But the rain stopped, the ditch became shallow - it became uncomfortable to swim. The cancer has crawled.

He crawled for a long time. He rested during the day and set off again at night. The first ditch turned into the second, the second into the third, the third into the fourth, and he still backed away, crawled, crawled - and still could not crawl anywhere, get out of a hundred ditches.

On the tenth day of the journey, he climbed, hungry, under some snag and began to wait to see if a snail would crawl past, if a fish or frog would swim by.

So he sits under a snag and hears: boo-dah! Something heavy fell from the bank into the ditch.

And he sees a cancer: a big-faced animal with a mustache, short legs, and the size of a kitten is swimming towards him.

At another time, the crayfish would have been scared and backed away from such a beast. But hunger is not an issue. You need something to fill your belly.

He let the beast's crab pass by and grab its thick, hairy tail with its claw. I thought it would cut it off like with scissors.

But that was not the case. The beast - and it was a water rat - suddenly exploded - and the crayfish flew out from under the snag, lighter than a bird.

The rat threw its tail in the other direction - crack! — and the crayfish’s claw broke in half.

I found some seaweed and ate it. Then I fell into the mud. Cancer stuck his fork-like paws into it and let’s fumble with them. The left hind paw felt and grabbed a worm in the mud. From paw to paw, from paw to paw, from paw to paw - and sent the worm cancer into his mouth.

The journey through the ditches had already lasted a whole month, it was already the month of September, when the cancer suddenly felt bad, so bad that it could not crawl any further; and he began to stir up and dig in the sand on the shore with his tail.

He had only just dug a hole in the sand when he began to writhe.

The cancer was molting. He fell on his back, his tail either unclenched or contracted, his whiskers twitched. Then he immediately stretched out - his shell burst on his stomach - and a pinkish-brown body climbed out of him. Then the crayfish twitched its tail strongly and jumped out of itself. A dead mustachioed shell fell out of the cave. It was empty and light. A strong current dragged him along the bottom, lifted him, and carried him away.

And in the clay cave there remained a living crayfish - so soft and helpless now that a snail could pierce it with its delicate horns.

Day after day passed, and he still lay motionless. Little by little his body began to harden, again becoming covered with a hard shell. Only now the shell was no longer black, but red-brown.

And here’s a miracle: the claw torn off by the rat quickly began to grow back.

The crayfish crawled out of its hole and, with renewed vigor, set off on its journey to where crayfish spend the winter.

From ditch to ditch, from stream to stream, a patient crab crawled. His shell was turning black. The days became shorter, it rained, light golden shuttles floated on the water - leaves flying from the trees. At night the water twitched with fragile ice.

The stream flowed into the stream, the stream ran to the river.

The patient crayfish swam and swam along the streams - and finally found itself in a wide river with clay banks.

In the steep banks under water, several floors high, there are caves, caves, caves - like swallows’ nests above the water, in a cliff. And from every cave the crayfish looks, moves its mustache, threatens with its claw.

A whole crab city.

The traveler crab was delighted. I found a free place on the shore and dug myself a cozy, cozy hole-cave. He ate more and lay down to spend the winter, like a bear in a den.

Lesson notes topic« Life of wild animals in winter» ( middle group).

Educator: Durnova Daria Dmitrievna

Educational area: " Cognitive development"; formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Pedagogical goal: to form an idea of ​​what, wild animals adapt to changes in weather conditions; develop evidence-based speech, logical thinking, imagination, fine motor skills; to cultivate an understanding that in nature everything is interconnected and purposeful; awaken interest in studying nature, observing habits animals and birds.

Targets: actively interacts with peers and adults; shows curiosity, interest in research activities, and a sustained interest in various types of children's activities.

Types of activities: gaming, educational and research, speech, motor, communication.

Means of implementation: photographs and drawings showing wild animals, pictures of winter forest.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, let's join hands. Let's smile at each other to create a good mood.

To learn a lot of interesting things on our class, you need to be attentive, not shout out from your seat, raise your hand, listen to each other.

Guess the riddles:

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come to the green house

You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)

How many of you have been to the winter forest? Let's go to the winter forest together to find out how they live wild animals at this time of year. Close your eyes and repeat the magic words after me in chorus:

One, two, three turn around

Find yourself at the edge of the forest.

Opens pictures depicting a winter forest, asks the children to open their eyes.

Winter has come to the forest and life forest animals has changed. Everyone has it animal's character, let's talk about it.

Didactic exercise “Who is which?”

The children stand in a semicircle, the teacher throws the ball, and the children continue the sentence started by the teacher.

Angry like... a wolf

Cowardly as... a hare

Clubfoot, like... bear

Sly as... a fox

Too toothy like... wolf

Jumping like... squirrel

Prickly like... hedgehog

Clumsy as... bear

Redhead like... fox

Guys, who can we meet in the winter forest? Guess the riddle:

You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a gray fur coat in winter,

And in a red fur coat in the summer. (Squirrel)

Show a picture of a squirrel.

Now Sasha will tell us about the squirrel.

Why in winter Does the squirrel change the color of its coat? Yes, to make it easier to hide from enemies, for example from hawks and martens. in winter the trees stand without leaves, and against the background of dark gray branches and trunks, the gray squirrel coat is less noticeable than if it were red. The squirrel fur coat not only changes color, it also becomes warmer. And in the most severe frosts, the squirrel sleeps in its hollow. It is also prepared for winter: in the fall, the squirrel brought fallen leaves and dry moss there, so that the hollow is dry, warm and soft.

Squirrel is a big worker. She prepared not only a warm hollow for winter. Do you know what else? Of course, the supplies she eats with all winter. In summer and autumn, she collects nuts and acorns, dries mushrooms and stores all this in special storage rooms - in empty hollows, under moss, near old stumps. She also collects spruce and pine cones and feeds on their seeds. So starve the squirrel don't have to in winter.

Well done Sasha, sit down on the chair.

Which other forest dwellers change the color of their fur coat for winter? That's right, hare. In summer it was gray, but by winter it gradually turns white: first the tail becomes white, then the hind legs, and only then the back and sides turn white. How does a hare make a home for itself? It turns out that he does not have a separate mink. On a winter day, he usually sleeps in a snow hole or buried in a snowdrift, and at night he comes out to get food: gnaw the bark of fallen trees.

The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark.

Finger game "Bunnies".

Once upon a time there was a bunny (clap hands)

Long ears (show ears)

The bunny got frostbitten (they clench and unclench their fingers)

Spout on the edge (three spouts)

Frostbitten tail (tailbone)

And I went to warm up and visit the kids (we turn the steering wheel)

It's warm and quiet there throw up their hands)

There is no wolf (they shake a finger)

And they give you carrots for lunch (they pet stomach)

The hare has many enemies in the forest. Guess the riddles:

What a dangerous beast

Walks around in a red fur coat,

The snow is shoveling away

Are there enough mice? (fox)

He looks like a shepherd:

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (wolf)

Show pictures.

The fox is also preparing for winter. in winter Thick fur grows on her paws so that it is not cold to step on the snow. The fox walks as if wearing felt boots.

Although the wolf does not change his fur coat, he insulates it. By winter, wolf fur becomes thicker and longer. Wolves need this, because they sleep right in the snow, covering their nose and paws with their tail. They usually sleep during the day and hunt at night.

What kind of guys You won’t see animals in the forest in winter? Guess the riddles:

Between the pines, between the fir trees

A thousand needles wander

But don't make a stitch

All needles without an eye! (hedgehog)

Guys, look what I have:

Hand massage “Spiky ball”

We found a prickly ball

We can't hold him back

The ball is spinning in the palms of your hands,

The ball wants to run away (children spin massage balls)

The ball is ours lively and warm,

Who does he look like? (look at the ball holding it in their palms)

The ball jumped onto the track -

It turned out to be a hedgehog! (children lower their hands and the balls roll to the floor).

Guys we haven't met yet in the forest in winter? Listen to the riddle and find out.

The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

A in winter under a blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut. (bear)

Hedgehogs and bears hibernate in winter. Therefore, they do not make special supplies for the winter; they only care about a warm house for themselves: the hedgehog sleeps in a hole insulated with moss and dry grass; the bear is in the den. They try to eat more in the fall so that they can sleep peacefully all winter.

The teacher conducts a didactic game “ Animals and their babies».

What is the name of wild animals our forests and their young? I call animals, and you must name their cubs in singular and plural.

Squirrel - …. baby squirrel, baby squirrels.

Hare - …. bunny, hares (as the mother of a bunny is called)

Fox - ... little fox, fox cubs (who is the father in the fox family)

Wolf - …. wolf cub, wolf cubs (as the mother is called in a wolf family)

Bear - ... teddy bear, cubs (who is the mother of the bear cubs)

Hedgehog -…. Hedgehog, hedgehog (as hedgehogs call their mother)

Playing the game “The Fourth Extra”, children are asked to exclude from the four words listed the one that they consider unnecessary. The game is played without relying on visual aids.

Bear, wolf, fox, hare (the bear is the only one that hibernates)

Cat, bear, hare, squirrel (cat domestic animal, other wild)

Squirrel, owl, fox, wolf (owl bird, all other animals)

Wolf cub, hare, bear, squirrel (wolf cub is a cub, and all the rest are adults animals).

Guys, we went to the winter forest, it's time to return to group, there's a surprise waiting for you: One, two, three, turn around

Find yourself in kindergarten.

Look what I have, Kinder Surprise capsules. In what animals they can be turned? Let's add eyes, a nose, long ears, four legs and in front of you is a bunny.

I suggest each child take a capsule and turn it into animal. Their animals we will settle in our winter forest (layout). During the work, the teacher helps children if they experience difficulties.

Thanks the children and praises them for their efforts.


1 Familiarization with the surrounding world Life of wild animals in winter. 2nd grade.

2 Here the north, driving up the clouds, breathed and howled - and here comes the sorceress winter herself. She came and fell apart; Hanged in clumps on the branches of oak trees; Lay down in wavy carpets Among the fields, around the hills; The river has leveled the river with a still plump shroud, The frost has flashed and we are glad for the pranks of mother winter. A. S. Pushkin

3 Winter has brought strict order to the forests and fields. Everything is tidied up, swept, sparkling white. She has distributed warm fur coats to the trees. They all stand in the same outfits. The changes that winter brings with it have their own charms: the purest fluffy snow, the transparency of patterned branches, some special lightness of the invigorating air, and on top of all this, the great peace that has spread in nature. However, this is a tough time for animals.

5 I walk around in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest, I gnaw nuts in a hollow on an old oak tree. SQUIRREL In summer the squirrel was red, in winter it became silver-gray. For winter, she insulated her nest, which serves as reliable protection during severe frosts. The squirrel builds its nest in the forks of branches or in the hollows of trees. In frosts, when it is very cold, squirrels do not run through the forest, they hide in nests. And the squirrel's nest is called GAYNO. A ball of branches high up on fir trees. It has one or two exits, and the inside walls are lined with moss. In the vicinity of the nest, the squirrel arranges many storerooms where it stores nuts, acorns, and cones. The squirrel also prepared mushrooms by pricking them on dry branches high above the ground. She prepares 1.5-2 tons of different mushrooms for the winter.

6 Changes the color of the coat SQUIRREL Insulates the home Makes supplies

7 What kind of forest animal stood up like a pillar under a pine tree? And he stands among the grass, his ears are bigger than his head! HARE The white hare lives in the forest and prefers dense thickets of bushes. By winter it changes its gray coat to white. Although the snow in the forest is deep and loose, the hare moves easily. His wide paws, overgrown with fur in winter, prevent him from falling into the snow. The white hare arranges its bed either in an open place or in the forest under a fallen tree, stump, or bush. He sleeps lightly, dozes half asleep with his eyes open, closing them only for a minute. The white color of the coat makes it invisible against the background of snow. It feeds on tree bark.

8 Changes color HARE Doesn’t build house Doesn’t make supplies

9 Fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. FOX In winter, the fox, like in autumn, is bright red. By smell, she finds food for herself, finds mice under the snow, tracks them down, quickly digs the snow with her paws and grabs the prey. By destroying mice, the fox brings benefits. At dusk or at night it hunts for birds and hares. It sneaks up on its prey unnoticed, suddenly rushes at it and grabs it with sharp teeth. The fox loves to play with its prey. During severe snowstorms and bad weather, she seeks shelter, curls up in a ball and covers herself with her tail.

10 Doesn’t change color FOX Doesn’t prepare a home Doesn’t make supplies

11 Who sleeps in a snow den in winter under the howling blizzards? BEAR In winter, the bear sleeps in a den. Before lying down in the den, the bear confuses its tracks, meanders through the windfall, jumps sideways from the trail, in a word, walks back and forth more than once. The den-hole, dug somewhere under the roots of trees, is lined with grass even before the first snow. The bear lies down with his head to the hole, covers his muzzle with his paw and sleeps. At this time, he does not eat food, but lives off accumulated fat. They say that a bear sucks its paw. In fact, the old rough skin comes off the bear’s feet, and the young, tender skin needs to be warmed. That's why he licks the soles with his hot tongue, smacking his lips in his sleep. If a bear is awakened, it comes out hungry and is very dangerous at this time. It is called the connecting rod bear.

12 The BEAR makes a den, sleeps all winter, feeds on fat

13 Who wanders around in the cold winter angry and hungry? WOLF The wolf is a strong, intelligent predator. By winter, the color of his coat does not change. His prey is not only hares, but also large animals - wild boar, elk. Wolves usually hunt in small packs. They can pursue their prey for a long time. True, it is difficult for them to run in deep, loose snow, and often the wolves remain hungry. Due to lack of food, they become less cautious. Sometimes they go out hunting even during the day, come close to villages, and attack livestock. Wolves smell well and hear even faint sounds. This helps them find prey and their strong legs help them chase fast-running animals.

14 Does not change the color of the wool WOLF Does not build a dwelling Does not stock up

15 Fog descends and stalks the forest. BOAR Winter is the most difficult time for the wild boar. It is not easy to find food under the snow, and when there is a lot of snow, it becomes difficult for wild boars to even walk. But the worst thing is the crust, the wild boars skin their legs on it and cannot get food from under it. The boar digs out acorns, nuts, and green grass from under the snow. If there is a mouse, a vole, or any insects, the wild boar eats everything. It feeds during the day and rests at night. When resting, it never lies down in the snow, but prefers places free from it, under the dense crowns of old trees, and sometimes on dug-up anthills.

16 Doesn’t change the color of its coat BOAR Doesn’t build a home Doesn’t stock up

17 Who carries a forest on his head? ELK Elk is a real forest giant. Slowly, majestically he wanders among the bushes and trees. Its food is young twigs and bark. To get enough food, the moose eats more than a thousand twigs a day. At the beginning of winter it sheds its antlers. New ones will grow on the elk only by next fall. Moose do not stockpile or build homes. Winter is the most difficult time of the year for them. Especially if there is a lot of snow. In deep snow it is difficult for them to run away from their enemies - wolves.

18 Doesn’t change the color of its fur ELK Doesn’t stock up Doesn’t build a home

19 I thought it was a cat. He shouted: “Scram!” It turned out that this is a LYNX. Lynx is a wild forest cat. Body length reaches 108 cm, weight kg. Lynx is a good jumper. The length of her jump reaches 4 meters or more. But she doesn't run very well. Both in summer and winter, the lynx hunts birds, mice, hares, squirrels, but it will not refuse large prey: deer, roe deer, elk. The lynx lies in wait for them, hiding on a tree branch hanging over the path. When a deer or roe deer is under it, the lynx jumps on their back, grabs it with its claws and gnaws off the cervical vertebrae. A lynx rarely attacks an adult moose: it can throw it off and trample it with its hooves. The lynx hunts the hare stealthily, skillfully unraveling the traces of the scythe.

20 Doesn’t change the color of its coat LYNX Doesn’t build a home Doesn’t stock up

21 In winter, when the snow becomes deep, hazel grouse, partridge, black grouse and even large capercaillie, with their mouths full of food, hide from the frost in the snow “holes”, that is, in peculiar caves that are dug in the snow. Birds burrow into the snow, walking 5-20 meters towards the chosen place. Having gone a cm deep into the loose snow, they lay short, a meter to one and a half meters long, horizontal adits, at the end of which they arrange small caves. Here the birds settle down to rest. The thickness of the snow ceiling is cm. In case of danger, the birds instantly fly out, kicking up a cloud of snow dust. Thick crust creates serious complications for the life of grouse birds. It prevents the birds from digging a saving hole in the snow. Birds also die under the crust because of the strong ice crust; they cannot break out. If it becomes difficult for grouse to get cranberries from under the snow, they feed on pine needles.. Birds of the grouse order

22 Birds of the grouse order Do not store food They build tunnels in the snow

23 ZOOQUIZ 1. What shape does a squirrel’s nest made of branches have? What is this nest called? 2. How many mushrooms does one squirrel prepare for the winter? 3. Why does the white hare move easily in the snow? 4. Where does the hare lie down in winter? 5. What benefits does the fox bring? 6. How does a fox escape from frost and snowstorms? 7. How does a bear build its den? 8. Explain the expression: “In winter, the bear sucks its paw.” 9.What animals are called “connecting rods”? 10. What do wolves eat? How do they hunt? 11. What prevents a wild boar from getting food in winter? 12. Where and at what time of day does the wild boar rest? 13. At what time of year does the elk shed its antlers? 14. How does a lynx hunt? 15.What do birds of the grouse order eat? 16.Where do grouse birds hide from frost and predators?

24 Well done! Thanks for the work!

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Target: introduce children to the changes that have occurred in the lives of forest animals with the arrival of winter; with the red book, its purpose.


  • clarify children’s knowledge about the winter months, where animals spend the winter, what they eat;
  • learn to recognize the tracks of animals and birds;
  • develop thinking and speech; the ability to make short reports about animals and the contents of the book;
  • to train children in the formation of possessive adjectives and the use of the dative case of nouns;
  • to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of kindness, belonging to all living and beautiful things that surround us.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, pictures of animals, handmade children's books, pine cones, snowflakes, children's drawings, paper, paper napkins.


Updating knowledge on the topic.

Solving the riddle.
Slide No. 1

Name it guys
Who is the owner of the riddle?
It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
Snow is falling in bags from the sky
And there are snowdrifts around
Snowfalls and blizzards
They attacked our Kataysk.
Yard in the snow. White at home.
This is... Zimushka-Winter

Slide No. 2

Conversation “Months of Winter”

- Let's remember what the winter months are called (slides No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8). Why did you decide that these months are winter? How is the weather?

Surprise moment.

“It’s not in vain that we remembered winter today.” We received a letter from the Snow Maiden.

She writes that Grandfather Frost gave her the task of learning about how forest animals live in winter. And in December she was preparing for the New Year, sewing an outfit for herself, learning poems and songs. Then I celebrated the New Year with children in kindergartens and schools. And she, like all children, skied, skated, and sledded. And when she remembered about Santa Claus’s task, she went into the forest and found almost none of the animals, she only saw many footprints, and she didn’t know whose they were. She asks you to help her.

Conversation “Animal behavior in winter”

  • Do you know how animals winter in the forest?
  • How did you find out about this?

That's right, from books, magazines, TV shows. You and I recently went to the library, where you were introduced to writers who write about nature and animals. Name them. (slide No. 9)

  • What animals can be found in the forest in winter?

I suggest you go into the winter forest and try to figure out whose traces the Snow Maiden saw there.

Ecological conversation “Rules of conduct in the forest.”

Let's remember the rules of conduct in the forest. What can you do in the forest? What should you not do in the forest? Why can't you make noise in the forest?
In the forest, you should not break branches, litter, make fires, or scare animals.

And magical snowflakes will help us find ourselves in the winter forest; what would a winter forest be without snow and blizzards.

Children blow on snowflakes and go to the forest to the song “Tales of the Winter Forest (video clip).

Looking at illustrations.

- Here we are (slide No. 10). Children, look how beautiful it is in the winter forest. The forest seems to be sleeping under a blanket of snow. Maybe there is no one in the forest. The fields and forest clearings are now like blank pages of some big book. Anyone who walks through them will sign his name.

Who was? What did you do? Let's take a look (slide No. 11).
The snow covered the tracks and beds, and there were traces of a riddle in the snow.
This snowy page, and a fox walked across it (slide No. 12)

Presentation of the book.

- Let's listen to Lika L. What interesting things did she learn about the fox when she and her mother were making up a baby book? Lika talks about why the fox is called Patrikeevna (slide No. 13).

Finger gymnastics “Everyone has their own home.”

- Let's tell you where the animals spend the winter.

“The fox in the deep forest has a hole - a safe home.
Squirrels in a hollow tree in a spruce tree are not afraid of blizzards in winter.
Under the bushes, a prickly hedgehog rakes leaves into a pile.
Beavers make huts from branches, roots, and bark.
The clubfoot sleeps in the den, and he sucks his paw until spring.
(children bend their fingers on both hands: one finger for each line)

Everyone has their own home, everyone is warm and comfortable in it.
(strikes with palms and fists)

Solving the riddle.

— Listen to the riddle of Anton S.
“He rushes without looking back, only his heels sparkle.
He rushes with all his might. The tail is shorter than the ear.
The animal gets scared of everyone and escapes under a bush.
Often a gray wolf gets caught in the teeth.”

Oh, how the hare ran away from the fox.
The wolf did not get it, and remained alive (Slide No. 14.)

Presentation of the book.

— Liza Bronnikova and her mother were putting together a little book about a bunny.

Where is the bunny's house? (slide No. 15)
What does he eat in winter?
Why does he wear a white fur coat?

Lisa made this bunny. Tell me how you did it and from what.

Description of the stages of completing the craft.

Lisa: “I took cotton pads in my hands and began to fantasize. Round, white, like snow. Which of them could turn out? Maybe a kitten that is white as snow. Or a snowman that I dreamed about. No, this is a white winter bunny. I’ll stick the circles on it and it’ll be mine.”

If you want, Lisa will teach you how to make these bunnies.

Practical work “Let's decorate the Christmas tree.”

- And you and I also need to work hard. When you and I were walking into the forest, I saw. That a small Christmas tree stands without snow. Let's cover it with snowballs.

Children crumple a sheet of paper and a napkin.

-Which is easier to crumple?
Where do we put the clumps of napkins?
Why do we put lumps of paper under the Christmas tree and not on the branches?

Solving the riddle.

- And you will find out who else left their traces if you guess the riddle.

Alina Kh: “Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and flies up into the oak trees.
Who hides nuts in a hollow, dries mushrooms for the winter.”

Here are the tracks of a fluffy squirrel, fun to play burners
They can do it all day long, these nimble little animals (slide number 16).

Familiarize children with the features of wintering squirrels.

Lisa Kasatkina and a squirrel will tell us how squirrels spend the winter (slide No. 17)

Lisa also composed fairy tales about the squirrel and her friends, and her mother wrote them down in a baby book.

The squirrel left some cones, let's play with them.

Finger gymnastics.

“The squirrel gave the cones and put them in the basket (we hold the cone in our fist).
Let's play cleverly with the cone, roll it on your palm.
Roll up and down, up and down, left and right, left and right.
Now roll around in a circle, one, two, one, two, I really like the game.
Take the pine cone with your fingers and show it to the kids.
Look behind the lump and look at the lump (turn your hand left and right).”
Now let’s put the cones in a basket and leave them for the squirrel.

Solving the riddle.

— Vladik’s riddle will help us find out who else left their traces in the forest.
Vladik: “What kind of animal walks through the forest hungry in the cold winter?
He looks like a dog, it's not a tooth, it's a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared, ready to attack the sheep.”

And angry wolves roamed near this tree (slide number 18)

Presentation of a book about a wolf.

“Egor and his parents found a lot of interesting things for a book about a wolf. Egor talks about the book, about wolves (slide 19)

Conversation "Lynx".

- Now listen to Maxim’s riddle (slides No. 20, No. 21)
That's right, it was a lynx that left tracks here.
What does a lynx eat?
What can she do?

I know that animals, like you, love to exercise.

Dynamic pause

"Animal exercise"
One - squat, two - jump. This is a rabbit exercise.
And when the fox cubs wake up, they like to stretch for a long time.
Be sure to yawn and wag your tail.
And the cubs arch their backs and jump lightly.
Well, the bear is clubfooted, with its paws spread wide:
First one, then both together, marking time for a long time.

Game "Guess whose footprints."

- Let's play and see if you can guess whose footprints these are (slides No. 22-No. 27).
And whose traces will we not see in winter? (slide number 28)

Presentation of a book about a hedgehog.

— Why does the hedgehog sleep in winter? Tell us Ksyusha. In Ksyusha’s book there is an interesting game “What can a hedgehog carry on its needles?”

Didactic game “Who is this gift for and why?”

— I suggest you also play the game “Who is this gift for and why?”

Conversation and presentation of a book about the bear.

- Having guessed Karinina’s riddle, you will find out who else sleeps in winter.
“Who lives in the deep forest, clumsy, club-footed?
In the summer he eats raspberries and honey, and in the winter he sucks his paw” (slide No. 29)

What does a bear eat in winter?
Why does a bear suck its paw?

Tell me about your book, Polya.

Listening to a song.

— I suggest you listen to a comic song about why a bear sleeps in winter (slides No. 30-No. 36)

Final part.

— This is how much interesting we learned about the life of animals in winter, traveling through the forest, getting acquainted with children’s books. We will write about this in a letter to the Snow Maiden. And it’s time for us to return from the winter forest, blow on your magic snowflakes and hit the road.

The song “Tales of the Winter Forest” is playing.

— We can learn a lot of interesting things from books. Writers write smart, kind books.

Introduction to the Red Book.

- And I want to introduce you to an alarming book. It is called the red book (slide number 37). The color red warns of danger, like a red traffic light. This book contains animals, birds, plants that are disappearing from our planet Earth, or there are few of them left. Pages in the book of different colors (slides No. 38-No. 42)

Why do animals die? (slide No. 43)

And although you are still children, you too can protect the forest and its inhabitants. To do this you need to follow these rules (slide number 44)

That's how much interesting we learned about the life of animals in winter, walking through the forest, listening to children's stories. You have become acquainted with the red book. We will write about this in a letter to the Snow Maiden.


“The main thing is that you didn’t harm anyone.” You are true friends of nature.

After all, all animals, birds, fish, insects in the world are needed. I hope you will never offend them.

I want to present you with the emblems of friends of nature.

The video clip “Everyone in the world is needed” plays.