Five years is already a real conscious holiday in the life of a little girl. At this age, babies resemble dolls or fairies, whom you want to pamper and give wonderful gifts so that the baby flutters with happiness.

Therefore, in order to please the girls, you need to try hard and find the best gift. The main thing is that it delights the birthday girl and is not only interesting, but also useful. In general, let’s use our imagination and begin the search.

Each age has its own characteristics and five years is no exception. The girl is already beginning to actively prepare for school. Therefore, when choosing a gift, you can focus on this aspect and look for something that develops attention and perseverance. These can be a variety of puzzles, sets for playing hairdresser, cook, magician and other educational kits.

You should not limit yourself to purchasing a large soft toy or a doll with long eyelashes and flapping eyes, although this will undoubtedly also please the hero of the occasion. Little girls grow up quickly and their needs are constantly changing.

If you want to give a doll, present it with a house that will help her acquire new skills and abilities. Such play sets contain a lot of useful things: toy furniture, dishes, kitchenette. The girl will throw dinner parties for her ward, host other toys, brush her hair, and wash the dishes.

Consider various computer programs that include lessons for budding intellectuals as a souvenir for your baby's fifth birthday. The girl will playfully learn the alphabet, numbers, poems and a lot of other useful information that develops logical thinking. For a child at this age, such games are very beneficial.

By the way, there are toys that talk and can also teach the baby something useful, for example, the English language. This will perfectly prepare your baby for school and make her the smartest in her new class.

Don't shy away from board and floor games. Children really like such surprises and, naturally, they bring a lot of benefits. Firstly, the girl gets used to society. Secondly, she becomes more diligent. Thirdly, he learns to build elementary logical chains and solve tricky puzzles. Such games include: checkers, children's dominoes, twister, musical carpet, tag and others.

Surely the birthday girl will be captivated by needlework, which will allow her to develop fine motor skills. A good gift - brushes, paints, plasticine, various scraps, threads, cardboard, colored paper, glue. But you need to be careful with these things. Let the child embroider only in the presence of his parents. With such sets, the girl will be able to realize any of her fantasies.

Let's not forget that five-year-old girls are already growing ladies, so they are already starting to flirt and take care of themselves. Look on store shelves for combs, a small mirror, bright elastic bands, hairpins, beads, and ribbons. It’s okay that mom still does the baby’s hair, but the little one picks up everything on the fly and soon she herself will start experimenting with her hair.

Useful gifts for a little five year old girl.

We decided to help in the search and divide the souvenirs into several small groups to make it easier to look for a present for the birthday girl.

  • Talking doll with dowry. It includes a pacifier, a bottle, a stroller, diapers, baby vests, clothes, pennies, and a cradle. Such a gift will bring great benefits. He will develop speech, expand his vocabulary, and teach the girl to be responsible.
  • Kitchen or household appliances that are almost exactly like the original. With the help of these souvenirs, the baby will slowly learn to help her mother around the house. By the way, buy her a broom, a spatula, and a squeegee.
  • A book with pictures, kind and colorful. Little girls really like fairy tales about Cinderella, the Snow Queen, Snow White, Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, and others. It is necessary that the book has large letters, so the baby will learn the alphabet faster. Sometimes, it’s worth letting the girl read on her own, at least one or two sentences at a time, here large illustrations will be very appropriate.
  • Encyclopedia for the little ones. Imagine how interesting it will be for a girl to leaf through a gift volume and learn a lot of new things about birds, fish, and insects. Choose a publication for preschoolers so that the information presented is easy to understand.
  • Bicycle, scooter, skateboard, skates, rollers. Thanks to these useful gifts, your child will be able to spend more time outside, breathe fresh air and have a lot of fun. It is better to give a bicycle with two wheels; a three-wheeler is no longer relevant at five years old.
  • A kit for making your own photo frames. Any child, especially a five-year-old, will enjoy making something with their own hands. It can be decorated with a variety of ribbons, rhinestones, beads, sequins, flowers, bright butterflies, and hearts. The frame can also be painted and covered with foil. And how nice it will be when the photo from the holiday is placed in a frame made by the birthday girl herself.
  • Umbrella - coloring book. There are decorative umbrellas that need to be decorated. It can depict your favorite characters from cartoons or fairy tales. Surely no one else will have such an exclusive toy.
  • Various puzzles, large and small. Don’t think that this is a banal present, far from it. The game will help develop attention. The more figures there are in it, the better. Puzzles can be assembled by the whole family and this will delight the child even more. But be sure to make sure that they fit a five-year-old girl, otherwise the child will not be able to assemble everything on his own and will be very upset.

Heartfelt gifts for a five-year-old birthday girl.

We have already offered practical gifts to your attention, now allow me to devote a couple of lines to pleasant gifts. What could it be:

  • Bright, colorful night light. This is not just a bedside accessory, but also an item that helps you not be afraid of brownies and other ghosts at night. Just imagine how a glowing green frog, a blue dolphin, a funny gnome or a red fly agaric will stand on the child’s table all night.
  • Jewelry. Girls at any age love to decorate themselves, so a set of children's jewelry will certainly please a five-year-old fashionista. On the shelves of children's stores you will probably find sets of jewelry made of plastic, beads, and wood. By the way, they will allow you to instill in your children a sense of style from such a young age.
  • Table for a little princess. It is possible to make it to order according to individual sizes, or you can simply purchase it in a store. The hero of the occasion will be able to put her toy lipstick on it, put hairpins, perfume, and gifts received for her birthday.
  • Domestic animal. A puppy, a kitten, a parrot, a hamster, a fish - this is what every child dreams of. At five years old, it’s time to slowly teach a girl a sense of responsibility, and the animal is a wonderful helper in this. Let the girl walk the pet, feed and water it, brush it and get used to the fact that she now has her own responsibilities.
  • Going to the cinema, to a theater performance, to attractions is a nice bonus on your birthday.

Among other things, order the girl a large birthday cake or bake it yourself. Thanks to video clips, you can learn how to make wonderful cakes. By the way, if a girl helps in this process, even better.

Invite animators or rent a room for a while, invite guests, come up with an original script. Let's have a costume party. You can put a variety of drinks, exotic vegetables and fruits on the table. Such a holiday will certainly be remembered by all children, and even more so by the hero of the occasion. Just imagine how many positive emotions a child will receive while enjoying congratulations, gifts, and a lot of delicious food.

The best options for birthday gifts have been brought to your attention. We can confidently say that they will surprise the little one, because each of them has its own zest. Any age-appropriate gift is unique in its own way and is a good surprise for a five-year-old girl. The main thing is, do not forget to buy a bouquet of flowers and a large box of delicious chocolates along with the surprise, because any woman, even the smallest one, adores these signs of attention from the cradle.

Greetings to all parents. I've been walking around all puzzled for a month now. The thing is that my eldest daughter will turn 5 years old in a month, and I absolutely don’t know what gift to give her. Perhaps you have the same problem? So, what to give a girl for 5 years? I will now express all my thoughts and, hopefully, in the process everyone will choose the perfect gift for the little birthday girl.

A five-year-old girl is no longer a baby. She already knows the rules of behavior, goes to different classes, learns to read, write, and add. There are already so many ideas, fantasies, desires in a small head. Some of these wishes should come true on your birthday!

5 years is the first anniversary, therefore, gifts should correspond to this event. The whole problem is that it’s already difficult to surprise a five-year-old girl with anything. The playroom is bursting with an abundance of dolls, children's furniture, all sorts of different decorations and other little things.

The choice of a present is complicated by the fact that today she asks for one thing, tomorrow for another, the day after tomorrow for a third, or all together. But, panic aside, let’s start thinking. There are little tricks that will help you choose a great gift for the first anniversary of a young princess.

At this age, not only the foundation of knowledge is laid. According to psychologists, from 5 to 7 years old, a girl develops her character and habits. Right now, the main task of parents is to guide her in the right direction, to set a good example. Start spending as much time as possible with your daughter.

If you haven’t paid enough attention to your child before, now is the time to fill this gap and educational toys will help you with this. Stores sell entire sets for reading, writing, and creativity, which will not only bring you closer together, but will also bring great benefits to the baby’s development.

Useful gifts for girls

  • Board games, for example, Scrabble. This is a game for all family members, the point of which is to form words. Thanks to this, the girl will expand her vocabulary and improve her grammar.
  • Prodigy Pack . This is a whole mini-laboratory containing puzzle cards. Thanks to them, your daughter will learn letters, words, numbers, shapes, concepts, colors.
  • Double-sided magnetic board . If you haven't bought it before, now is the time. On one side you can learn to draw with a marker or chalk, and on the other - add words.
  • Game set “First desk" This is no ordinary table. The kit includes a whole set of useful things for a preschooler that will definitely interest an inquisitive girl.
  • Encyclopedia for preschoolers. This is a whole printed publication that will help your little one get ready for school.
  • Children's computer or a development tablet. At 5 years old, children are already more careful with technology, so you can give such a gift. A children's gadget will help you gain new knowledge in various fields.
  • Volumetric or regular puzzles , constructor . Inexpensive and useful.

Gifts for physical development

Would be an excellent gift bike and certainly not a three-wheeler. A four-wheeler with removable wheels is already suitable. It's time to teach my daughter to ride.

If the birthday is in winter, then you can give it to the girl skates , especially if you yourself go to the local skating rink every year. By the way, this will be a great gift for the New Year. If the anniversary is in the summer, then they will do roller Skates .

Sports complex is also very relevant for children of this age. You can already add a horizontal bar and a rope to it, so that the girl will be trained for school and show everyone a master class in physical education class.

Entertainment gifts

It can be:

    • children's synthesizer ;
    • twister ;
    • Electric piano with recording function and microphone;

  • musical instruments ;
  • dollhouse with furniture ;
  • game hair salon

Gifts for a little princess

What do all girls love? Of course, dress up. Has your daughter spilled all your makeup yet? Didn't apply your favorite lipstick to your lips? Adult cosmetics can be dangerous for children. Therefore, I advise you to give her your own cosmetics. Believe me, the girl will definitely like it.

Decorations for the fashionista. These can be handbags, rings, bows, hairpins, beads, bracelets, a crown - in general, everything is bright and beautiful, like mom’s. It will be even better if you buy her a kit, thanks to which she can do all this herself, or better yet, with her beloved mother.

Bedside table with mirror. This is a mini children's dressing table where your princess can store her jewelry and personal items. By the way, this is a very unusual solution.

Mannequin for creating beautiful hairstyles . Personally, I don’t need this option, since we are braiding and decorating my sister’s. Although, perhaps, if my daughter had such a mannequin, the younger daughter’s hair would suffer less.

You shouldn't give clothes for your birthday. Yes, I don’t argue, these are practical things, but still girls don’t really like such gifts. An exception could be a princess or fairy dress in which your daughter will dress up every day while playing various games.

Copies of “adult” things

A 5-year-old child wants to be like adults in everything. That is why things that you can play with in adult life are perfect for your anniversary:

  • Appliances : iron, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, blender and others. All this will introduce the girl to household work.
  • Kid's Kitchen with a good set of dishes.
  • Toy supermarket with a set of goods.
  • BABY Born doll who looks like a child. She needs to be fed, dressed, bathed and even potted. What's not the perfect gift for a girl?
  • A crib or stroller for your favorite doll.

Favorite cartoon characters

Does your daughter like to watch Winx, Pony, Pepa Pig, Poly Robocar, Masha and the Bear or Fixies? So why not give her a doll or character from her favorite cartoon ? Perhaps she has already hinted to you about which hero she likes best. So please your daughter! I don’t argue that original dolls are now quite expensive, but 5 years is still an anniversary, and not just a birthday.

What other toy can you give? Could be a good present Furby . You've probably seen him in many photos. This is an interactive animal that will play with the girl, communicate and always cheer her up.


At the age of 5, children are already quite responsible. They can be entrusted with guardianship of the animal. If no one has lived with you before, then start with fish or a guinea pig. Both of them are easy to care for and do not require much attention.

I don’t recommend getting a dog - you will still have to walk it, no matter how much your daughter promises to do it every day.

Have a nice time

Take a day off on your daughter’s birthday, buy tickets to a circus, a park, a zoo, a water park, a children’s playroom, in general, somewhere where your child will definitely like it. And let her have fun there, run, jump, play. This is her holiday! By the way, this is a great gift for that girl who has everything.

You can arrange a festive photo session the whole family. These memories in the form of photographs will last a lifetime.

Complete the end of the holiday with a homemade birthday cake. If you are not comfortable with dough and cream, like me, then just order it ! When ordering, be sure to tell the manager that you found out information about them on my blog (Svetlana Beloshenko’s blog), then they will make you 10% discount for any cake!

By the way, I would like to say that the cheapest way to buy gifts is not in a regular store, but on the Internet. Yes, online stores sell toys at more attractive prices.

Well, my dears, have you decided on a gift? Perhaps you have your own ideas - share them with us. I will be glad if you also subscribe to the blog and share your favorite articles with your friends on social networks. Good luck to you and see you again!

The birthday of a girl celebrating her five or six years is a holiday of pleasant chores and the joyful smile of the hero of the occasion.

At this age, little ones begin to realize that they are not only children, but also a little adults: preparation for future studies at school begins, children develop a sense of responsibility, the daily schedule changes and new hobbies appear.

Keeping up with the rapid changes in the life of the birthday girl means giving a good and desired gift.

Standard does not mean bad: a little about typical gifts

What does the average adult imagine when they hear the phrase “five-year-old birthday girl”? Of course, a pink-cheeked girl with huge bows and a doll in her hands. So the most common gift for girls of this age is a doll in all possible variations.

Light industry and toy factories are continuously expanding their range and delighting little customers:

  • Chubby baby dolls in touching diapers can teach a girl “mother” skills.
  • Well-groomed, feminine Barbies and their variations with a whole wardrobe of outfits will introduce the little one to the world of fashion and beauty.
  • Sets of doll families will help you act out scenes from the life of a full-fledged family and try on the role of not only a child, but also a parent.
  • Elegant porcelain dolls will teach frugality and accuracy.

Small copies of princesses from famous cartoons will make the fairy tale come true, the baby will be able to act out entire scenes from her favorite films. Fairies and Winx, popular today, should also be considered similar.

If a girl has a lot of dolls, then she will definitely be pleased with the additions to her favorite toys:

  • a big house that will accommodate all her toy friends;
  • a set of furniture or household appliances for caring for a baby doll;
  • a set of clothes according to the season for one of the dolls.

Don't forget about play sets: plastic dishes, a doctor's or hairdresser's set - all these gifts are considered not only a means of entertainment, but also a way to get to know the behavior patterns of people in different professions.

Six-year-olds are future schoolgirls

There is an opinion that a book can only be a welcome gift for an adult or at least a child who can read.

But aren’t there colorful and vibrant books that you not only want to read, but also look at the color illustrations with interest, invent your own stories and play with drawn characters? A high-quality and large book about princesses and princes will immerse your little one in a fairy-tale world of adventure and magic, an encyclopedia of animals will help you recognize animals, and a book of good children's poems will be an excellent family read.

A good edition will be a gift for many years: the big book will first be studied together with the parents, and then the little one herself will begin to put the familiar letters into words. A good book will teach and advise, and the memory of the person who gave such a pleasant gift will last for a long time.

Good books for six year olds:

  • Encyclopedic publications with high-quality drawings. Give one or two editions from any series: an interested child will definitely ask his parents to collect the entire collection.
  • Books from the “Fairy Tales of the World” or “Russian Fairy Tales” series.
  • Children's works by foreign authors.
  • Collections of poems by Russian and Soviet poets. Such a book will also develop memory: you can read poems with your parents and learn them by heart.
  • Developmental publications: for logic, reading, knowledge of the world and stimulation of thinking.

What to give a girl when she “has everything”?

It seems to many that unlimited funds for purchasing a gift automatically makes this process easy and cloudless. But it’s not so easy to please a child who has everything he wants and everything that can be found in “Children’s World”.

A cheerful child will be happy with even the millionth doll, but if the baby is already accustomed to luxury and knows how to distinguish a budget toy from an expensive one, then all attempts to please may be in vain.

When choosing a gift for such a girl, you should focus not only on the cost of the gift, but also on its originality and unusualness.

Or just please the girl:

  • Another Lego set will fit perfectly into your existing collection, and with more pieces you can build something completely new.
  • Choose unusual dolls - for example, a mulatto doll or a baby frog.
  • A family of soft mice with a set of clothes or even a house will give you the opportunity to simulate everyday situations and learn while playing.
  • Subscribing to a colorful children's magazine is not only an opportunity to look into your mailbox every month for an interesting publication, but also a step into adulthood, an opportunity to feel more mature.
  • A set of expensive and delicious sweets, decorated in the form of a doll or a bouquet of flowers, will surprise even a child who is tempted by surprises.

You can get additional ideas from the material about.

Hand-made - a fashionable direction for gifts

As in European countries, more and more of our compatriots are paying attention to handmade gifts. Of course, not everyone can make such a gift themselves, but a wide range of hand-made products from experienced craftswomen allows you to choose an individual surprise for the young birthday girl.

Advice! Manual labor cannot be cheap. Therefore, when choosing such a gift, be sure to pay attention to the quality of work and the reputation of the master.

Here are some decent options:

We are creative from the heart: how can you surprise a modern child?

It is not easy to get from a child at this age not just a polite short “thank you”, but real live emotions. What kind of tricks and inventions do adults go to in order to make the hero of the occasion clap her hands for joy!

Such gifts will undoubtedly be a bright impression for the baby:

  • A book of fairy tales about the birthday girl with her photographs. Who among us hasn’t wanted to be the heroine of a good fairy tale? Giving such an opportunity means fulfilling another secret dream of every child. Such a book will become a good memory of a happy childhood and will be carefully preserved for many years.
  • Give your little one an elegant dress and a small doll in the same dress - this set will no doubt be appreciated by both the little one and her friends. Such an original set will be an amazing gift for a little fashionista.
  • A bright video with photographs or short footage of the birthday girl, as well as fragments of her favorite cartoons, will be appreciated by both the little one and all the guests. In addition, such a film will remain a fond memory, and many years later the grown-up girl will review her gift and laugh at her childhood antics.
    And we have prepared for you a script for the birthday of a little princess and a future film.

If you want to take advantage of the opportunities that the Internet provides, you can register a channel on the YouTube video service and post a video on it. This will open up a new field for the baby’s creative activity and additional opportunities for gifts (a program for processing cartoons, a video camera).

Creative mothers will be able to make funny videos with their daughters, write stories and stock up on props.

Gift wrapping – don’t forget about visual perception

No matter how good the gift is, poor packaging can ruin the whole impression. Perhaps for the little birthday girl the intrigue of guessing what is hidden in this colorful box will be a big surprise.

You can use one of the options:

  • A bright package with fairy tale characters will intrigue the little one, and will also accommodate even a large gift.
  • A box of an unusual shape - a ball or a triangle - will attract attention, especially if you complement it with a beautiful bow made of a bright ribbon.
  • Use bright appliques to decorate the box - kittens, octopuses or birds.
  • Tie helium-filled balloons to the gift box: then, in addition to the gift, the baby will also have balls for games.
  • Hide a gift as a gift: for example, a doll in a backpack - the child’s surprise and joy will be the best reward for his efforts.

My daughter's fifth birthday is no joke. The little princess has her first anniversary! This means that both the celebration and the gifts must be special. The situation is complicated because at this age it is already difficult to surprise a baby. The girl has toys for every taste and many outfits. In addition, modern children very quickly become accustomed to the world around them, so there are more than enough impressions in their lives. But let's not panic. There are tricks that will help you please the birthday girl and choose an original gift for a 5-year-old girl.

At five years old, a girl receives a new status. You can't call her "baby" anymore. Before us is a preschool child. This is a young lady who knows how to behave in society, answers questions correctly, writes letters, reads syllables and can even solve simple mathematical exercises. In general, preparations for school are in full swing.

What gifts do you need for your fifth birthday?

But not only the foundation of knowledge is laid by the girl during this period. From five to seven years, according to psychologists, the character, qualities and habits of the baby are finally formed. Therefore, now parents should be especially attentive to the girl, spend more time together and set a good example.

The girl continues to grow. And now the child is stretching out and growing well. This happens due to the development of the skeleton and muscles. In order for her to be in good physical shape in the future, it is now important to lead an active lifestyle and play sports.

At the age of five, a girl needs to instill proper eating habits. But healthy eating and a strong body are not all that adults should take care of. It also depends on the parents what conditions are created for the intellectual, creative development of the child.

Taking into account the listed age characteristics, you can narrow down the range of things that are suitable as a gift for a five-year-old girl. So, the girl needs interesting educational “gadgets,” equipment for physical exercise, leisure time with her parents, and help in unlocking her creative potential. Well, we must not forget that we are dealing with a young fashionista whose size is quickly changing. So, new items in your wardrobe or box will come in handy.

Useful for preparing for school

Now the girl is given knowledge easily. If you are not lazy and work with your child, you will be surprised at how smart your daughter is growing beyond her years. When choosing a gift for a 5-year-old girl in this category, the main thing is not to overdo it.

A stack of boring notebooks will only scare the girl away. Our task is to strengthen the thirst for knowledge. This can be done in a playful way and with the help of bright objects of the appropriate orientation. Another plus is that such birthday gifts are inexpensive.

  • This is a kind of simulator for girls to write correctly. This is a device in the form of animals, birds or fish that is placed on a pencil. This makes it easier and more interesting for a girl to write. In addition, you can buy a children's book with pictures from the “Write Beautiful” series.
  • This is a mini knowledge laboratory for girls. The set includes puzzles and cards that will help the girl consolidate her knowledge of letters, numbers, words, concepts, shapes and colors.
  • A set of cards for reading. Allows a girl to learn to read while playing. There are kits of different levels of complexity. For a five-year-old girl, you need to take a set not with syllables, but with words.
  • Double-sided magnetic board. On such a surface you can write with chalk on one side, and on the other, collect drawings and words from magnets. So, the girl will have a personal attribute, without which not a single lesson at school is complete.
  • Abacus. There has never been a better toy for teaching math than this one. And if you choose a cheerful design, you definitely won’t go wrong.
  • Game set “First desk”. This is not just a study table. The set includes a whole arsenal of things useful for preschoolers. And a board, and the alphabet, and pictures of animals, and magnetic letters, a marker, crayons, a sponge.
  • Board game for the whole family. This is a team word competition that will help the girl improve her grammar and vocabulary.

Is the girl always trying to occupy her father’s computer or take away her mother’s tablet? Great! Give her a children's laptop with a set of educational cards. Such a thing will help the girl gain new general knowledge, as well as in the field of arithmetic, grammar, music, etc. Plus, the “gadget” will check how the student has learned the lesson and help correct mistakes.

Gifts that will make you move

At the age of five, some girls already take part in beauty pageants. Even if your little one does not dream of a modeling future, you need to watch your figure in any case. Since baby food is balanced and, as a rule, high in calories, it is necessary to create conditions under which the child will spend energy with pleasure and benefit. Sports goods are a gift that will be good for both an anniversary and a New Year for a 5-year-old girl.

  • Today there are improved versions of this projectile on sale. For example, with an electronic revolution and calorie counter. The girl will be able to practice on it both in the yard and indoors. And with your friends you can compete in speed jumps and learn various exercises on a skipping rope.
  • If your little lady doesn't already have a hoop, now is the time to give one. A useful thing for the waist and good mood.
  • Balancing disc. Spinning while standing on a moving circle is both useful and fun. Such a projectile helps to form the girl’s correct posture, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, strengthens the heart and increases the body’s endurance.
  • Roller Skates. And protective equipment for them. If a girl still doesn’t like active outdoor games, then roller skates are the most suitable gift for a 5-year-old girl.
  • Beautiful swimsuit. The set should also include a hat and glasses. The girl will definitely want to demonstrate such new clothes during her lessons in the pool.
  • A device on which a girl can jump like a kangaroo. Made in the form of a cane with a footrest and a “bouncy” base.
  • Twister. An excellent training game for the whole family. To position yourself in accordance with the color marks on the playing surface, you need to be dexterous and quick-witted.

Bowling, frisbee, boomerang, children's croquet and tennis, a fitness ball - all these are also good gifts for a five-year-old girl. If parents can’t get their little one interested in sports, think about the spectacle as a gift. For example, tickets to a circus, a basketball tournament, dance and gymnastics concerts, and figure skating may come in handy.

To train your intellect and imagination

At five years old, a girl can already play alone for a long time, but this should not be abused. Yes, she should have things for private lessons. But it is better that the nursery also has a variety of devices for joint games.

These can be tabletop options to study with mom and dad. Or attributes for role-playing games with friends. Various construction sets and puzzles are suitable, which also allow for collective participation in the process.

  • Great game book for girls. This is a whole encyclopedia of developmental tasks that are “packed” on colored cardboard pages. Includes chips and markers. Taking off a book, you can play tic-tac-toe, checkers, sea battle. The girl will also encounter many interesting puzzles and crosswords.
  • Set for making jewelry. For example, for hair decorations: a hoop or hairpins. Such sets include beads and paints, decorative inserts.
  • Perfume laboratory. The instructions say that this set is more suitable for older girls. However, according to reviews from parents, five-year-old fashionistas are interested in tinkering with different fragrant tubes and creating their own perfumes. You just need to be close to the child during the “production” of aromas. Such laboratories include fruit bases for perfumes, dried flowers, equipment for creating and storing compositions, as well as a book about fragrances and instructions.
  • Mannequin for creating hairstyles. As a rule, this is the head of a doll - the prototype of the heroine of popular cartoons for girls. The mannequin has long hair, and the set has everything to do different hairstyles and even dye your hair.
  • It's a rare girl who doesn't dream of becoming an artist, so the main attribute of the stage would be a good gift. This toy has the functions of a real microphone. With its help, the girl will be able to sing to the music, and even receive applause as a thank you for her performance.
  • Figures of popular cartoon characters. For example, Peppa Pig's family. Or the Sweetie Drops pony. Or the Little Mermaid. Or Masha and the Bear.
  • Puzzle mat. For example, with images of your favorite cartoon characters. Once assembled, you can do exercises on the mat or take it with you outdoors.
  • Educational piano. This instrument will teach your girl music, poetry and singing.
  • Doll travel van. Wow, such a toy costs a lot, but it will be a highlight in a doll collection. Baby dolls can travel in a van. Inside, everything is equipped for comfortable travel: a kitchen, a sleeping place, a bathroom and even a swimming pool!
  • This is a set with which the birthday girl can create outfits for her dolls without a needle and thread.
  • Mosaic clutch. This is such a fashionable evening bag, just like my mother's. Only better, since the girl will make the decoration of the accessory with her own hands. The set contains rhinestones or beads that you need to attach to the bag yourself.
  • Hally Gully. A team competition that will show who is the smartest and most dexterous in the family. As soon as five identical elements are collected in the layout of cards, you need to immediately ring the bell. Who will make it first?
  • Surprises. Memory training game. This is also a competition. Players will find themselves in the elven storeroom. According to legend, chaos has reigned here, and the players’ task is to eliminate the chaos and sort all the New Year’s gifts into categories.
  • Jenga. A game for good coordination and fine motor skills. First, participants build a multi-story structure from game elements. Next, each player takes out the bottom link and transfers it to the top tier.

At five years old, a girl will be happy with fashionable dolls and baby dolls like “Monster High”, “Moxie”, “Steffi” or “Bratz”. And the baby will be even more delighted by the magic. Come up with an unusual story for her and about her. For example, give a flower in a pot. If the birthday girl knows that he was raised in a secret fairy garden especially in her honor, then he will learn how to take care of her and will quickly get used to the role of a princess.

For decoration and mood

What else should I give my daughter for her 5th birthday? Of course, outfits and jewelry. Now this gesture will be appreciated not only by the parents, but also by the birthday girl herself. A new dress is a dream for her. Especially if it's lush. And gold earrings, the first precious bracelet, chain or good watch are a real treasure. This is an example of substantial gifts that are usually given from godparents.

When choosing what to give to a 5-year-old girl, remember that the birthday girl is a little owner. She definitely needs her own set of dishes for dolls, her own play kitchen, veterinary clinic and sewing machine. And much, much more. But most importantly, she needs her own big and fun anniversary. With surprises, surprises and happy parents nearby.


Such a set will cost approximately 2500 rubles. in Russian stores

In addition, for the novice chef, you can look at other new items in this line of toys. For example, noodle machine or game for cutting food into slices. The advantages of the kits are high quality and safety of materials.

2. Game set for learning a foreign language

Such sets may include the simplest game cards for learning English words (or other languages) or complete sets of tools (discs, cards, etc.) for exciting language learning through games.

Such a gift is an excellent opportunity for a child to prepare for school, expand their level of knowledge, and also improve their photographic memory.

With the help of game techniques, you can significantly create and deepen the basic vocabulary of foreign words, as well as expand the child’s general understanding of the language as a whole.

The cost of the set is from 300 rubles (for the simplest, most basic) to 4000 rubles.

All little girls get into their mom's makeup bags one day. Young princesses also want their lipsticks, shadows and glosses to achieve 100% beauty.

A children's cosmetics set will help you preserve your mother's cosmetics and please a growing woman. Today, many companies produce them, but the main thing, of course, is to pay attention not only to the design of the packaging and the number of items, but also to the quality of the product itself - it must be absolutely safe for the child.

The cost of Winx Club sets is about 300-900 rubles, Intellectico sets for bright manicure will cost 400 rubles, and Markwins cosmetics will cost 300-2000 rubles.

There are probably no girls who would not be delighted with such sets: beads of different colors, shapes and sizes, straps and ropes, elastic bands and rhinestones - what they have!

All materials for future decorations are located in convenient suitcases, real treasure troves for young craftswomen. Weaving will not only contribute to the development of creativity in a child, but will also help in the development of fine motor skills, taste, imagination, and perseverance.

After the child masters weaving bracelets, you can move on to bead mosaics.

The average cost of the sets, depending on the filling and packaging, is 400-2000 rubles.

Today such gaming complexes have become very popular among girls of this tender age.

A set for novice beauty salon employees may include the simplest items - a hairdryer, a comb, a hairpin, an unbreakable mirror on a stand.

For more professional stylists and hairdressers, modern manufacturers offer entire gaming complexes in which the child will find a stylist’s play table with a mirror, all the necessary tools, accessories and cosmetics, as well as shelves with a hair dryer, curling iron, etc.

No less popular is a set for hairdressers, which consists of a large doll head on a stand (mannequin). It usually comes with several wigs that can be dyed, cut, combed and styled. And also with a set of cosmetics for the first lessons of a makeup artist.

The average cost of the sets is 300-5000 rubles.

Very popular coloring books that sell like hot cakes in stores. The essence of the game is to color the picture in “pieces”, each of which is assigned its own number. The colors of these numbers are shown on the original drawing that comes with the kit (as well as paints and brushes). Every aspiring artist wants to create a masterpiece, but not everyone has enough experience and technique. Such paintings allow even the youngest creative individuals to paint masterpieces, even in oil and acrylic.

You can start with the simplest drawings (for example, your favorite cartoon characters), and then gradually move on to more complex works.

The average cost of such a “coloring book” for raising a genius, depending on the size of the canvas and the complexity of the drawing, is 400-4000 rubles.

It is also worth noting that coloring becomes a wonderful “anti-stress” for an overly emotional and capricious child, teaches perseverance and patience, instills a love of creativity and leads in the right direction from modern annoying gadgets.

A fantastic world of tiny charming animals, united in entire series with fully equipped houses.

This line of toys is popular all over the world, and our country is no exception. Even adults begin to involuntarily smile when looking at the inhabitants of the country Sylvanian Families, let alone five-year-old girls!

In this children's fantasy world, the child will find families of the forest animals themselves, houses with furniture and many elements. You can create a whole country of Sylvanian Families at home with markets and bakeries, with shops and markets, schools and cozy apartment buildings. Every forest family has a father and mother, four children, and even grandparents.

The materials used for toys are exclusively environmentally friendly and completely safe for children.

Such beauty will lighten the parent’s wallet by 2000-8000 rubles.

A very positive gift for an active, cheerful child. Almost all children at this age love to dance. A mat is a device with which you can not only have fun and express emotions, but also learn to dance, develop coordination and a sense of rhythm.

The device is a thick rubberized mat with arrows that you should step on in accordance with the program displayed on the TV screen. The sequence of steps is reflected on the screen, the child only has to repeat it. For correct movements, points are awarded, which the program gives at the end of the dance.

The price will depend on the size of the rug and the material itself. The average cost is 1,500-20,000 rubles. The most expensive are metal platforms with several levels of difficulty and the ability to dance directly in your shoes.

Also, in many modern rugs you can create your own melodies.

Many adults are familiar with this board game - but, unfortunately, not all children. It's a pity. After all, this game is a real magic wand for the development of children and exciting family evenings.

The game is a special platform with numbers (points) and mini-cubes with letters. There is Scrabble for children under 8 years old, and there are also more complex options.

The game promotes the development of vocabulary and literacy, attentiveness and logic, develops mathematical abilities and helps in mastering the alphabet if your child has not yet fully mastered it. An intellectual game for the whole family!

The average cost is 700-3000 rubles.

What child doesn't love to sing? All girls (including moms) love to sing at home! And not only. And wise mothers, who understand that any talent needs to be developed, use every opportunity for this. One of them is karaoke.

However, a lot depends on financial capabilities. A high-quality professional karaoke system can seriously hit a parent’s pocket (the average cost is from 30,000-45,000 rubles and up to 250,000-500,000 rubles), but a five-year-old girl who is just starting to hit her first notes does not need such a system.

You can get by with a regular DVD player with a karaoke function, DVDs with your favorite (child!) songs and, of course, a microphone. Its average price, depending on the set of functions and capabilities, is 400-3000 rubles.

Today, radios with alarm clock and starry sky functions have become fashionable. But this is not about them.

We are talking about real planetariums that you can set up right at home. Such modern “gadgets” allow you to see all the constellations and planets right from your bed. Any child – and even any adult – will appreciate such an optical gift in a stylish design.

To look at the starry sky, you just need to turn off the lights and use the remote control to find any constellation in the universe, see what the sky looks like over the Arctic, how a comet flies and a star falls, and just enjoy the beauty of space. The planetarium rotates, completely simulating the movement of stars.

It is worth noting the compactness of the device (you can take it to kindergarten and give a “lecture” to classmates), the ability to adjust latitude, time and date, and projection angle.

The average cost of this useful toy is 400-15,000 rubles.

An interesting new product for young artists that allows them to draw without paints. Tired of paint splashes on your carpet? Are you tired of washing children's dresses from gouache and watercolors? This tablet is your salvation!

The new product from Canadian inventors is created from a plastic base with a special coating on which you can create countless times - with ordinary water and a brush. As soon as the water evaporates, the masterpiece disappears, and you can start a new one.

An economical, educational and life-saving tablet for parents with an average cost of 2500-2900 rubles.

The kit should include the tablet itself, a convenient stand for it (note: water is poured into it) and a bamboo brush.

Another new product that children really want and that parents are curious about.

If it’s a gadget, then it’s educational! It is clear that in our time it is simply impossible to completely protect a child from gadgets, but parents have the power to instill in their child the right habit - to use them for business and self-development.

A 3D pen allows you to... draw in the air. Do you think this is impossible? How possible! Children's fantasies can finally take on real forms. With such a pen you can create three-dimensional characters, inscriptions and decorations, and exclusive items.

Pros of the pen: develops creativity and imagination, is easy to use, safe and compact, and quickly goes into sleep mode when inactive.

The average price of a gadget is 1500-12000 rubles.