The third legal wife of the legend of Russian rock Vladimir Kuzmin is Ekaterina Trofimova. She is 27 years younger than the musician. When they first got married, many assumed that this couple had no future and that the girl very soon realizes that she made a mistake by contacting a man who, by age, could well be her father. However, the years passed, but the couple did not even think to part. Constantly in the press there were publications that the wife of Vladimir Kuzmin, Ekaterina Trofimova and the aging star on the verge of divorce. However, they are still together today, in spite of all those who envy their all-consuming love.

Ekaterina Trofimova: biography

Katya was born in 1982 in Tatarstan in the city of Elabuga. Since childhood, she was considered a beautiful girl, and she always got the best roles in school plays. In high school, Katya had no end of fans. Tall, with a magnificent figure, incredibly beautiful long golden-blond hair. However, she devoted herself entirely to studying mathematics. She studied foreign languages ​​and dreamed of entering one of the best universities in the country and studying to be an economist. And so, in 1999 she entered the Moscow University of Economics, Informatics, Statistics (MESI). The girl was sensible beyond her years, and she did not like to communicate with her peers at all.

Life before Catherine

Before Ekaterina Trofimova met on his life path, the rock star had a more than eventful personal life. He had two legal and one common-law wives and many high-profile and hidden love stories. By the way, among the ladies of Kuzmin's heart was the prima donna of the Russian stage Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. Until recently, it was believed that the singer has three children, but in recent years more and more have begun to appear, which have been able to prove his paternity by a DNA test. Today he is the father of six children.

Wives: legal and not quite

He met his first wife, Tatyana, in his distant youth. Today he says that it was a marriage of convenience, since he needed a Moscow living space that would appear with him along with a stamp in his passport. With the second wife, it was almost the same story. She was an American model, and thanks to his marriage to her, he lived in the States for some period of his life. With the famous Russian actress Vera Sotnikova, he had almost a marital relationship. The couple lived together for about seven years. Vladimir's parents considered her the legitimate wife of their son. However, having lived under the same roof, they decided to part ways. And there was absolutely no point in staying together. They were both creative people, and each of them had not family in the first place, but work. Both Vera and Volodya's work schedule was so busy, and also different, that they practically stopped seeing each other. And she, taking her things, left him. Thus, the singer was left alone.

Acquaintance with Katya

And now a beautiful and young girl, Ekaterina Trofimova, appeared on the way of the 45-year-old rock star. Kuzmin met her on vacation. It was 1999. Together with his group, he rested at the Black Sea resort, beloved since childhood, in Anapa. And then one day she and the guys were sitting in a cafe on the embankment, drinking loudly, attracting the attention of vacationers. Every now and then the girls ran up to Volodya and asked for an autograph, and then lingered in the hope that he would invite them to sit at their table. However, Kuzmin did not want to violate the integrity of the male company and dispassionately signed autographs. And then a charming and very young blonde with a stunning figure approached them and also asked for an autograph. Vladimir was struck by her beauty and asked the girl to keep him company, to which she replied that she had no time at all and that the artist who was painting her portrait was waiting for her on the beach. And then she gracefully departed, swaying her slender hips regularly, and the wind blew her beautiful hair. Trofimova Ekaterina, a student of the Faculty of Economics at MESI, turned out to be so proud.


For some time after the girl left, Kuzmin sat as if paralyzed and watched her retreating gait, and then realized that he did not want to lose her, and went in the same direction. Soon he saw her posing for an artist, who painted her portrait. Meanwhile, the star of the Soviet and Russian screen, the beloved singer by millions, stood aside, like a 15-year-old boy, and admired the young beauty. After the session was over, he approached the artist and asked him to make two similar portraits (one for him) and paid generously for the work. He also found out when the girl would come for the portrait. At the appointed hour, he was already standing on the embankment and waiting for her. And then she came. Katya looked simply amazing, and then he realized how he wanted this young creature to become his muse, a woman. He did not yet realize that he was already head over heels in love with her. Then he went up to her and began to talk at ease about this and that. Then he found out that her name was Ekaterina Trofimova and that she was studying in Moscow. He asked her for her cell phone number, and thus they had a telephone affair.

Serious relationship

The more Kuzmin communicated with young Katya, the more convinced he was that she was the woman with whom he would like to connect his life. Once he even admitted that before her he had no love at all. There was sympathy, passion, etc., but not love. Only Ekaterina Trofimova was able to awaken in him those feelings that, in his opinion, were true love, passionate and all-consuming. In addition, he now knew for sure that love at first sight, about which there is so much debate, exists in reality. After meeting in Anapa, Katya first went with her parents to Elabuga and stayed there until the beginning of the school year. All this time Kuzmin called her, and they talked for a long time on the phone.


When Vladimir's friends found out that he was going to marry a girl who was 27 years younger than him, there were, of course, a lot of conversations. At first, the older children did not quite understand what was happening to their father. However, he did not want to hear anything, because he was 100 percent sure of the correctness of his deed. As for Catherine's parents, they were also a little dumbfounded, because they did not want such a future for their daughter - a clever and beautiful woman. However, 10 years later, Katya's dad admitted that if he were asked for consent again, he, without hesitation, would again agree to the marriage of his daughter with Vladimir Kuzmin. Nevertheless, many dismissed it and said that as soon as it began, this unequal marriage would break to smithereens, but they were wrong.

Romantic proposal

By the beginning of the school year, Catherine flew to Moscow, where she was met by a loving Kuzmin with a giant bouquet of red roses. Here at the airport, he could not resist and confessed his love to her. In the waiting room, all eyes were on the couple. Not to mention the fact that Kuzmin, by his mere appearance, and even with flowers in his hands, has already alarmed the entire staff. Then everything went as in the most romantic stories: dates, vigils in front of the university building, restaurants, clubs, concerts, gifts, flowers, sweets, etc. And one day the girl found on the fence of her house, right in front of her windows, a giant inscription: “ Katya, marry me! " Here is such a “youthful” marriage proposal made by the famous musician to the young blonde Ekaterina Trofimova. Kuzmin's wife - young and beautiful, besides very wise and cordial - soon won the hearts of all members of his family.


After they played a wedding in one of the luxurious casinos near Moscow, which was attended by Russian pop stars and even politicians and businessmen, the couple healed happily and peacefully. And the thing is that they have a lot in common: they like the same music, the same books, they like to walk, work out in the gym, etc. Vladimir taught his young wife to ride a motorcycle, and at night they go out to the track together. They live in the suburbs. Here they have a rather large house, studio, garden, farm (chickens, piglets, etc.). A young woman takes care of her husband's health, feeds him delicious, and most importantly, healthy dishes. She has been a vegetarian for a long time, but for her husband she is not too lazy to cook meat delights. In a word, Ekaterina Trofimova is a more than exemplary wife. This is the kind of wealth that Volodya inherited in his declining years. She is not a beauty, but she is also a clever and wonderful hostess.

Family relationships

By the way, Katya gets along well with Kuzmin's children. They maintain friendly relations with his daughter, who is 3 years younger than her. Catherine is wise beyond her years. Immediately after they got married, grief happened in the family: Volodya's father died. There could be no question of any honeymoon and travel. She never once showed her displeasure about this. She was always there and supported him. A year later, a misfortune happened to the eldest daughter of Vladimir: she was stabbed to death by her own lover. The blow for the father was too great, but the faithful Katya was always there. How could he not appreciate his young wife after all this! The girl proved that she knows how to be a good wife. Unfortunately, the couple still do not have children, although publications have appeared in the press more than once that the young wife of V. Kuzmin is pregnant. And recently, they are increasingly talking about the breakup of the couple, however, the wife of Vladimir Kuzmin told about the divorce, that, despite the fact that many want to see the collapse of their marriage, they are not going to leave each other. They also do charity work with the singer and help sick children.

The 55-year-old singer changed his 28-year-old wife after ten years of marriage to a younger concubine

The story of the novel by Vladimir KUZMIN and a simple student Katya TROFIMOVA is like a fairy tale. Seeing the 18-year-old blonde beauty, the singer called her "his main and last love." For ten years, the couple practically did not part, appearing everywhere together. From time to time there were rumors that young Katerina was pregnant, but, alas, they never had a common child. Now Vladimir more and more often sees one, and often - drunk ... What happens in the family of a popular musician?

Volodya and Katya are no longer together, - the singer's first wife, a poetess, stunned Express Gazeta Tatiana Artemieva.
After the tragic death of the Kuzmin children - Liza and Stepana Tatyana Borisovna lives only with memories of her former large family and passionate love with Volodya, which, according to Artemyeva, she destroyed Alla Pugacheva.
- I think that Kuzmin will finally part with Katya and will soon marry again. Katya no longer suits him, he found himself younger, - Tatiana is sure.
These are the times! But what about "love to the grave" and songs dedicated to a young beautiful wife, for example, "A Tale in My Life" ?!

In the singer's team, we were told that Katya and Vladimir have been living apart for six months and the singer behaves like a real bachelor. For example, recently at a concert in Kiev, Vladimir openly flirted with fans. One of them handed him a note. Volodya passionately kissed the girl, inviting her to the dressing room after the performance.
- That girl's name is Masha, - a longtime fan of the rocker told us Marina Glushko, entering the company of a star. - She is from Odessa, one of the fans. Volodya has known her for a long time and often calls her on tour. He had close relationships with fans before.
- Does his wife allow it?
- They have Katya Trofimova As far as I know, things are not right now. He found out that Katya was cheating on him with another man. Volodya was shown photographs of Trofimova kissing some guy in a Moscow cafe - they were filmed there by the paparazzi. He was shocked!
- Katya married him with cunning! - says one of Vladimir's assistants Alina Mavromatis... - Ten years ago I witnessed their acquaintance. Then, after one of the concerts in a Moscow club, Kuzmin asked our director to bring him the girls - he wanted to have some fun. The girl was a certain Katya Trofimova. It turned out that the 18-year-old lady had just arrived in the capital and dreamed of catching herself here. She powdered Volodya's head, assured that she fell in love at first sight, or rather from the first night, that she would be with him always and everywhere. Kuzmin has always had a weakness for cute "young people". So he got hooked ... But time is ticking, he is now 55, Katya is only 28. Besides, Volodya is drinking - it's not a secret for anyone. Katya gave him ultimatums - it didn't help. In the end, she realized that with Kuzmin she would not have a normal family, she could not give birth from him in any way. In general, she got everything she could from him. And she started another. I do not think that they will make peace with Volodya - he himself told me more than once that he would divorce.

In June 2018, it became known that 63-year-old Vladimir Kuzmin broke up with his wife Katya, they lived together for 17 years. The age difference between the former spouses is 27 years. When they met, he was 45 and she was 18. The acquaintance took place on the beach, the artist painted a portrait of Katya, Vladimir was noisily relaxing in the company of close friends in a cafe before the next concert. Katya decided to take an autograph from Kuzmin, went to his table, the musician was amazed at her beauty. At that time, she was quite a girl, she collected calendars, among the copies were cats and dogs and only one calendar with a human face, this face was the face of Vladimir Kuzmin. I myself collected calendars for a long time, and in those days when Katya Trofimova first met Vladimir Kuzmin, I was seriously fond of the works of this musician, I had all of his cassettes and records, I listened to his songs every day for many hours, I knew them all by heart. Katya Trofimova met Vladimir Kuzmin in 2000, and this year I was at his concert, his new album "Networks" was just released, in between songs I went up on stage and got an autograph, even kissed my idol on the cheek, gave some flower, bought with my little scholarship, it was in Minsk. I got out to the concert with a sore throat. Rather, I recovered urgently in order not to miss the performance of Vladimir Kuzmin. The prospect was this - either to defeat the follicular sore throat and go to a concert, or to thunder into the hospital and be treated there, I naturally chose the brilliant singing of Vladimir Kuzmin. At that time, I vaguely imagined what was happening in the life of an artist, but all the same I heard out of my ear that he had met his new muse. Yes! Their meeting took place in 1999! At that time, Vladimir Kuzmin had two official marriages behind him, one civil, high-profile romance with Alla Pugacheva and a lot of love stories. Vladimir Kuzmin gave birth to five children at the age of 46. But Katya Trofimova sincerely fell in love, she is only two years younger than me. I, too, would have lost my head if Vladimir Kuzmin had begun to fool me. But Katya Trofimova is a gorgeous blonde, a muse - a dream girl, and I'm just an ordinary provincial. The marriage of Vladimir and Katya,by the standards of the creative world of artists,was long. Vladimir Kuzmin claimed that before Katya he did not love anyone, that is, at the age of 45, he was first covered with such a bright feeling, if before music was in the first place for an artist, now there was a place for his beloved. At the age of 19, Katya Trofimova became the wife of 46-year-old Vladimir Kuzmin. Wife Ekaterina was excellent: she went on tour with her husband, supported him in the most difficult periods of life, because over the years of their marriage, Vladimir had to endure the deaths of four people dear to him: parents and two children.

But everything comes to an end, so Kuzmin's third marriage fell apart. The famous artist at the moment is hardly alone, young girls always hover around him, and Katya will not be left alone with her beauty and incredible femininity. And I suggest you look at the photographs of Vladimir Kuzmin, as well as all his wives and children. As they say. sit comfortably, there will be a lot of photos!

Such Katya Trofimova (Kuzmina) was in childhood.

Wedding photos of Vladimir Kuzmin and Katya Trofimova.

Katya Trofimova (Kuzmina) is a very beautiful girl.

In the photo there is a young Vladimir Kuzmin. My idol, by the way!

In the photo, Vladimir Kuzmin with Vera Sotnikova, these two have been in a civil marriage for 7 years.

In the photo, the first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin, the poet Tatyana Artemyeva.

And these are two childhood photos of Kuzmin's first wife Tatyana Artemyeva.

In the photo from left to right: Sonya Kuzmina (the youngest daughter from her first marriage, born in 1985), Marta Kuzmina (illegitimate daughter born in 1986), Andryusha Malakhov, Kuzmina's third wife Katya, Vladimir Kuzmin, his other illegitimate daughter, Nicole (Born 1987)

In the photo, Vladimir Kuzmin and Alla Pugacheva.

In the photo, the first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin, Tatyana Artemieva, their daughter Sonya, Vladimir Kuzmin, son Stepan (he tragically died at the age of 26, fell from the 18th floor during a fire, trying to move through the balcony to the neighboring apartment).

In the photo, the first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin, Tatyana Artemyeva, and their children Liza and Stepan. Unfortunately, these children are no longer alive, both died tragically. Lisa is 25 years old, and Stepan is 26.

In this photo, Vladimir Kuzmin and his mother, as well as his sister and brother.

The first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin is Tatyana Artemieva.

In this photo, one of the daughters of Vladimir Kuzmin, this girl's name is Marta, she is very similar to her dad!

In this photo, Vladimir Kuzmin with his youngest daughter Nicole, this beauty was born from the mulatto Tatiana Muingo.

Daughter Martha.

With three daughters: Sonya, Martha and Nicole. He loves everyone, supports them materially and spiritually!

Two already ex: Vera Sotnikova and Katya Trofimova.

With four children.

In this photo, Sonya Kuzmina.

Vladimir Kuzmin and his second wife, American Kelly Curzon, were together for only two years.

Vladimir Kuzmin and his third wife Yekaterina Trofimova announced a divorce: the couple is breaking up after 17 years of marriage. Rumors that the marriage of the 63-year-old singer and his 36-year-old wife is not all right have been circulating for a long time. It was rumored that Catherine had already tried more than once to leave her husband. And he, after another quarrel with his wife, allegedly sought solace in alcohol and even allowed himself to go on stage very drunk. However, the musician's entourage unanimously denied all the news about the problems in his family life. And then Kuzmin and his life partner, as if nothing had happened, again appeared on stage together. The artist performed his hit "You are a fairy tale in my life", which he wrote for Catherine, and in return she thanked him with a tender kiss in front of the moved audience.

But the fairy tale in Kuzmin's life still ended.

With great respect and love for each other, remaining close friends, Katya and I announce the divorce, - Vladimir Kuzmin wrote in his. - It's time for everyone to move their own way. We decided not to give any comments in the press on this matter. We ask for your understanding.

Vladimir Kuzmin met his future wife in 2000 on the beach in Anapa, where young Katya was vacationing with her parents. The difference of 27 years did not bother the stage star at all: the artist began to show attention to the spectacular blonde from Yelabuga. Vladimir invited the whole family to a concert, and then, when his beloved returned home to Elabuga, persuaded her to fly to him in Moscow. The couple got married a year later. The spouses did not have children in this marriage.

But from previous relationships, Vladimir Kuzmin has four heirs: daughter Sonya from her first marriage with poetess Tatyana Artemyeva - 32 years old, Martha, middle daughter from relations with Irina Miltsina - 31 years old, the youngest daughter of the singer Nicole from relations with fan Tatyana Muingo - 30 years old ... The adopted son Nikita (a young man lives in the USA) is also 30 years old.

Two more older children of Kuzmin, who were born in a marriage with Tatyana Artemyeva, died tragically. Daughter Liza was found murdered in 2002 in her apartment - a 24-year-old girl had her lover slit her throat. In 2009, her brother Stepan passed away: a young man fell out of the window of his own apartment in the South-West of Moscow, fleeing a fire. According to neighbors, 26-year-old Stepan used drugs and was registered at a psycho-neurological dispensary.

Vladimir Kuzmin was officially married three times. From 1979 to 1985 - at Tatiana Artemyeva. In 1990, in the United States, the singer married the American model Kelly Curzon. In 2001, the artist played a wedding with his current wife, Ekaterina. In addition to official visits to the registry office, Kuzmin had numerous hobbies and civil marriages, the most striking of which was with the actress Vera Sotnikova. Kuzmin and Sotnikova were together for seven years, from 1993 to 2000.