34 year old Alsou is mother of many children. Last August, she gave birth to a long-awaited boy, who was named Rafael. The singer and her 39-year-old husband, businessman Yan Abramov, also have two daughters - 10-year-old Safina, nine-year-old Mikella. Photos of children on the artist’s Instagram page appear extremely rarely, and she completely hides her son from strangers. Not a single photograph of the boy, even with his face covered, has ever appeared on the Internet. Alsou voiced her position on this issue in a recent interview with OK! magazine, in which she said that she would continue to hide the heir.

According to the singer, she created pages on social networks solely for the sake of her creativity and pictures and videos not related to her work will not appear on her accounts. “I have never published his photo anywhere and in soon I'm not going to do this. First of all, I started social networks for my creativity. And that is precisely why I support them. My children are neither part of my work nor part of my PR, so this topic is closed to me. This was my and Jan’s absolutely thoughtful decision, our very clear and unchanging position,”- said the artist.

In addition, the young mother admitted that her son is growing up with character and already knows how to manipulate his parents. She noted that at such a young age there can be no talk of being strict and demanding towards the baby, but in the future, according to her, he will have to face refusals from his relatives.“He knows how to manage adults. And since there is no talk of any strict upbringing yet, he is allowed a lot. In general, I am a very demanding, strict mother,” Alsou said.


34-year-old Alsou and 39-year-old Yan Abramov have been married for more than ten years. The couple has three children: 10-year-old Safina, nine-year-old Mikella and son Rafael. In August, the boy turned one year old, but the singer still has not shown a single photo of the heir, not even a photo from the back or with his face covered with a sticker.


Alsou stated that she intends to hide Rafael in the future. “I haven’t published his photo anywhere yet and I don’t plan to do so in the near future. First of all, I started social networks for my creativity. And that is precisely why I support them. My children are neither part of my work nor part of my PR, so this topic is closed to me. This was my and Jan’s absolutely thoughtful decision, our very clear and unchanging position.”, - Alsou said in an interview with OK!


The singer also said that the baby has a wayward character, he knows perfectly well how to manipulate his mother in order to get what he needs. “He knows how to control adults. And since there is no talk of any strict education yet, he is allowed a lot. In general, I am a very demanding, strict mother,” the artist admitted.

07 September 2017

The singer considers herself a strict parent, but admitted that she allows little Rafael a lot.

photo: globallook

Alsou has said more than once that recently, but she believes that a lot depends on the woman. As you know, the singer is a mother of many children. In 2006, she married businessman Yan Abramov, and in the same year their daughter Safina was born. Two years later, another girl appeared in their family - Mikella, and already in August last year their son Rafael was born.

Recently Alsou gave frank interview, in which she talked about raising children. She did not hide that she considers herself enough strict mother, but so far it allows a lot youngest child Rafael. But she is very strict with the girls, because she wants to raise them correctly. Since her son’s zodiac sign is Leo, according to the singer, he is already showing his character. “He knows what he needs, and, most importantly, he knows how to achieve it,” she admitted and noted that one year old baby has already understood how to manipulate adults and is doing it to her.

At the same time, Alsou noted that, in her opinion, boys need to be raised in a tougher manner. She said that the main thing for her is discipline, since children should be well-mannered and polite. The singer not only serves her older children good example, but also conducts conversations with them, explaining what needs to be shared. She doesn't want her children to grow up selfish. The artist also teaches her daughters to work. They study languages ​​and play music, but Alsou does not hide the fact that sometimes she has to force them to do something. She also admitted that she herself has one drawback. The singer suffers from incontinence, and sometimes she is ashamed of it. “It’s probably from my father - he is a very hot-tempered person, but he quickly moves away,” Alsou opened up, giving an interview to the publication “

Alsou rightfully bears the title of the most exemplary mother Russian show business. The singer’s family has three wonderful children. My son turned one year old this year, but so far, the girl has not posted his photo on any social network. What is the reason?

Where did the star go?

In 2015, Alsou, unexpectedly for her fans, stopped giving concerts and taking part in various shows. For fans, it was a big surprise when information appeared that the star was pregnant again.

The singer's fans assumed that she would give birth in the best Moscow clinic. But this statement was not true; literally in the last days, Alsou left the country and went to Israel. It was there that the long-awaited son Rafael was born. This joyful event happened on August 10, 2016.

The child's name was not chosen by chance. They named him after his paternal grandfather. And astrologers predict a bright future for the child; it is possible that it will be connected with a creative career.

Personal life is not for the general public

This year the baby turned one, but Alsou never showed a photo of the child. The paparazzi began to say that something was wrong with Rafael, but the girl quickly denied the rumors, saying the following: “Social networks are only needed to promote my work, the child has nothing to do with it.”

“Besides,” said the singer, “Ian and I decided that our personal life should remain behind the scenes.”

And although the singer promised to show a photo of her son after he turns one, this event has not yet happened. It seems that the star still adheres to the principle that there is no point in showing small children to the general public.

Alsou herself says that Rafael has a rather difficult character. According to her, he is growing up as a wayward, domineering man. We hope that the boy will follow in his mother’s footsteps, and soon we will see him on stage, as was the case with the singer’s older daughters.

Alsou, the mother of many children, has finally come out into the world. The singer appeared in public a year after the birth of the baby. About how she managed to recover in such short term, the artist said in exclusive interview"Light it up!"

A few months ago, fans put Alsou on the wanted list. After the birth of her son, the artist stopped writing anything about herself on social networks. Fans suspected something was wrong.

I just had no desire to go out social media, says the singer. “A son appeared in my life, and I paid all my attention only to him.

According to Alsou, during her absence from show business she did not yearn: other priorities had long been outlined in her life.

I never got bored without increased attention from fans,” continues the artist. – For almost twenty years – those that I have been on stage – I, on the contrary, have always been embarrassed by excessive attention to myself. Of course, I missed the audience, the performances, and the new songs. But, I repeat, I wasn’t at all worried about my absence. These year and a half I experienced completely different sensations that cannot be compared with anything. Become in Once again mother - this is the greatest happiness that no new hit will give. No offense to the fans, but children and family are the most sacred and most important things for me. I enjoyed family life and his new role. Between the girls and the birth of my son, I succeeded a big difference. That's why I've already forgotten what it's like to be a mother. infant. I remembered everything again - it can’t be compared with anything.

The artist has already fully recovered after the birth of her child. Looking at her, you can’t tell that she has three children.

“I didn’t follow any diets,” she told “Light It Up!” star. – My usual form returns by itself. This happened to me even after the birth of my first children. Within a few months I got into my usual shape without much effort.

Alsou shows his Rafael only to those closest to him. Television people have repeatedly invited her to take part in shows on TV, but the singer is in no hurry to do so.

We need to wait about two years until the son himself wants to give an interview,” says the artist. – Quite recently an interview came out where they wrote that my son is a manipulator. My words were paraphrased: it turned out a little rude. Manipulator is a strong word. It's just that little children are very cunning. From birth they know how to get what they want. And our son is no exception.

The singer’s eldest children, 11-year-old Safina and 9-year-old Mikella, greeted their brother’s appearance with great joy. According to Alsou, she did not notice any jealousy on their part.

“I try to spend all my time with children,” continues the artist. “It’s hard to say yet whether the girls will follow in my footsteps.” They go to school, practice music and singing. We watch children's "The Voice" with the whole family. And sometimes we even dream of taking part there. But I believe that until the children are one hundred percent ready for the stage, let them go on television project doesn't make sense. I wouldn't want them to come out at the expense of my name!

Correspondents of “Light Up!” asked the star how their relationship with her husband changed when they became parents of many children. She assured: only for the best.

When a family grows, it’s wonderful,” Alsou says. “With the birth of my son, the family became even more friendly. When there are many children in a family, it brings spouses together. And very strongly.