An official from the Takhtamukai district of Adygea, whose daughter was accused of receiving an undeserved medal, was fired; the graduate wrote an application for the voluntary return of the medal, the press service of the government of the republic reports.

On Wednesday, at a gala evening in the Takhtamukai district of the republic, one of the graduates awarded the medal said that her classmate - the daughter of an official in the district education system - undeservedly received the medal "For special achievements in learning." A special commission of the Republic's Ministry of Education and Science organized a review of the application, the results of which became known on Friday.

“Of course, it’s a shame when there’s a person standing on stage who hasn’t told a single lesson or a single answer all year. And by a lucky coincidence, this is the daughter of the district head of our district,” these revelations of the Adyghe schoolgirl Ruzanna Tako, posted online, received more than 50 thousand views in just two days. At the medal presentation, the graduate unexpectedly declares that the gold of her classmate Zaira Paranuk is not of the highest standard: supposedly the girl received the award through connections (her mother is the head of the district education department). Today she will tell you in front of the camera what she didn’t have time to talk about on stage. Interview - a few hours before the prom.

“The whole class found out that she was a medalist three days before the ceremony. I did what I had to do.. So that some would work, learn to earn everything through their own labor, through very hard work. And someone was just born like that and brazenly shows such things. She knew that no one would tell her anything because her mother was behind her. Our teachers simply had no choice,” says Ruzanna Tako.

Zaira herself does not communicate with journalists now, her phone is turned off, and she does not open the door. Her mother is sure that her daughter was simply disliked.

“I am, of course, a mother, but, first of all, I am also a civil servant. Therefore, I cannot comment now. The only thing I can say is that this is all untrue. I think that my words will be confirmed by the commission. They work in two schools all day, they don’t let me in, I hope the results will be good,” said Zaira Paranuk’s mother, Svetlana Paranuk.

Today is school graduation. But it will take place without presenting certificates; due to checks, they will be handed out later, no longer solemnly.

Zaira Paranuk was transferred to school No. 1 in the 11th grade. The director insists: no one put pressure on the teachers, the grades (and the final ones - all A's) are not fake.

“I repeat once again, I, as the director, declare quite responsibly, no one was pushing for her medal, neither my mother, nor I, no one put any pressure on me, nor on the teachers,” said the director of school No. 1 Saniet Shantyz.

However, she refused to show the magazine with ratings, citing the protection of personal data.

Meanwhile, the statement at the presentation of medals to some teachers was generally discouraging.

“I taught Ruzanna for seven years. I took her statement as a personal insult! Knowing this girl, I just didn’t expect this from her. Undo the work of the entire school, the entire team. Say thank you to the teachers and immediately pour out a bucket of dirt. And she answered the same. like Ruzanna: either 4 or 5. But to say that she answered with two marks is the height of impudence,” said the head teacher of the school, Tatlokh Marzietta Shamilyevna.

In this situation, the results of Zaira’s Unified State Examination, which the teachers spoke about today, are interesting.

“33 points for specialized mathematics, this is not a two, but a three. 27 is the threshold for specialized mathematics. This is a three. Yes, it’s bad that she got a C, but at least she didn’t fail her major in mathematics,” notes the head teacher of the school.

“Today, unfortunately, the situation is such that the results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the receipt of a medal. The legislation dictates that if the outcome of final tests, which is the Unified State Exam, is positive, and if the final grades are excellent, the child has the right to receive a medal,” explains the Minister of Education of Adygea Anzaur Kerashev.

There is a big meeting at the Republican Ministry of Education today. All school principals have been gathered. There is only one issue on the agenda - the scandal in the village of Takhtamukai.

For graduates of the Takhtamukai district of Adygea, which thundered throughout Russia, received an unexpected continuation the day before: the Ministry of Education of the Republic put an end to it - according to the announced results of the ministerial audit, the grades of graduates of Takhtamukai secondary school No. 1 were deservedly awarded. A day earlier, the guys received their certificates - later than everyone else in Adygea due to the resonant story.

How the scandal developed, which attracted the attention of the whole country, how it ended and what they are saying about it on social networks, the site tells.

Federal emergency

Let us remind you that a scandal broke out at a graduation party in a regular school: after the presentation of medals “For special achievements in learning”, one of the excellent students, Ruzanna Tuko (diploma winner of the All-Russian competition of research works “Fatherland”, winner of the prize of the President of Russia and the head of Adygea, was awarded by the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation - ed.), directly from the stage accused her classmate, Zaira Paranuk, of receiving a gold medal undeservedly, only because Zaira’s mother is the head of the district education department. The girl posted a video of her speech on Instagram, and it immediately became public knowledge and the cause of heated discussions.

The news thundered throughout the country, and the very next day employees of the Ministry of Education and Science of Adygea already went to Takhtamukai to check the accuracy of the information presented on social networks.

Let us recall that the audit found that the head of the district education department, Svetlana Paranuk, violated federal law by failing to report a conflict of interest during the Unified State Examination. In addition, the official “did not have the right to be, as an organizer of the Unified State Exam, outside the classroom at the same point of the Unified State Exam where her daughter took the tests.” By order of the head of the Takhtamukai district, Paranuk was fired.

“The daughter of the former head of the education department of the Takhtamukay district passed the final test in three disciplines, earning the following points: mathematics - 33, social studies - 56, Russian language - 69. The girl decided to voluntarily hand over her medal, about which she wrote an application addressed to the director of secondary school No. 1 of Takhtamukaysky district,” said Minister of Education and Science of Adygea Anzaur Kerashev.

At the same time, the data from the video archive, verified by the commission, does not cast doubt on the objectivity of the Unified State Examination.

“Ministry specialists checked the school’s regulatory and current documents relating to other graduates, and recognized the grades as deserved. After this, the boys and girls received educational documents. The delay in receiving them was only a few days and did not affect the admission of school graduates to universities,” says the official statement of the ministry, which, in fact, puts an end to this story.

It turns out that the audit did not reveal any violations other than the “conflict of interest” described above. Does this mean that the schoolgirl, accused throughout the country of an undeserved medal, suffered in vain?

“If a medal is deserved, then it must be returned”

The results of the inspection of the Ministry of Education and Science of Adygea caused a mixed reaction from the public. The Internet audience is divided into two fronts: some continue to actively support the “fighter for justice” Ruzanna Tuko: “Well done Ruzanna! All the students understood that they were pulling for a criminal, but to get a medal straight away! This is the limit, well done girl. “I wasn’t afraid to tell the truth from the stage.”

Another part of the public is sure that Zaira Paranuk should return the medal that she deserved: “If the medal is deserved, then it should be returned. The girl refused under pressure. Before checking. And she did the right thing. Now we need to return it. There are no legal levers not to give it to her. And the refusal is unlawful.”

“I don’t know how the official’s girl, who caused the whole scandal, studied. But I know that many teachers, and most of them even very decent and honest ones, would not just give grades like that. There was a commission that checked whether the medal was deserved. Do you even know that notebooks with tests and test results for grades 10-11 are saved?”

By the way, on June 27, Ruzanna Tuko took part in the “Live Broadcast” program on the Rossiya 1 channel and told the details of the story, and also reiterated her position.

Someone is sure that the scandal was provoked by Ruzanna herself in search of fame: “The girl wanted PR throughout the country. Who needs these medals? If a person is smart in himself, he doesn’t have to follow others, otherwise he already appears on all the talk shows.”

Some Internet users believed that the medal scandal in Takhtamukai was a carefully thought-out move: “An ordinary PR campaign. For some reason, on television, this Ruzanna refused to retake the tests that were on the Unified State Exam. Why would this be? Yes, because she herself is no better than the one she accused.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education of the Republic emphasized that with these results of the audit, all previous decisions on the scandal with gold medals, when the school director and the head of the district education department were punished, remain in force. It is not known whether Zaira Paranuk will be returned the award she handed in.

The mother of the scandalous gold medalist from Adygea, Zaira Paranuk, is sure that her classmates are jealous of her. This is precisely what caused the accusations against her that she allegedly received top marks in all subjects thanks to cronyism.

Ruzanna Tuco. Photo: VKontakte

“I want to say that this is all untrue,” said the mother of the accused excellent student Svetlana Paranchuk, who heads the education department of the Takhtamukay district of the republic. “I think that my words will be confirmed by the commission. They work in two schools, they don’t allow me in, I hope that the results will be good." She explained all the malicious slander against her daughter by “personal hostility” on the part of students and teachers.

The scandal at the presentation of gold medals at secondary school No. 1 in the village of Takhtamukai occurred on June 22. One of the graduates, Ruzanna Tuko, while being awarded a gold medal for excellent studies, accused her classmate Zaira Paranuk, also a gold medalist, of using connections to obtain the award.

“Of course, it’s a shame when there’s a person standing on stage who hasn’t told a single lesson or a single answer all year, and by a lucky coincidence this is the daughter of the district governor of our district,” Tuco said in her accusatory speech. A video of the performance was posted on the Internet.

Later on my page in Instagram the medalist wrote: “Each person has different facets. But, to be honest, I don’t even know where the edge of arrogance is in my classmate, Paranuk Zaira and her mother. You know, everyone understands that every parent will try to pull up their child, but pull the poor student "towards a medalist - super-arrogance. When such things happen, I cannot react calmly. And if every person did exactly the same, then we would live in a completely different country."

The graduate also told reporters that her performance was spontaneous: she was provoked by the rudeness of Paranchuk and the school principal. “If she had been quietly awarded the medal and she had not gone up on stage with other medalists, perhaps I would have remained silent. But when I saw her in the hall at the award ceremony, I asked: “What are you doing here?” In response I heard swearing. Then I couldn’t stand it, I warned her: “If you go up on stage, I will disgrace you.” She didn’t care, she didn’t even listen to me. I also asked our director the question: “What is this girl doing here?” She replied: “Shut your mouth,” Ruzanna told Tuko.

The correctness of the excellent student’s words was later confirmed by other students, as well as the teachers of this school, who greeted the girl’s performance with applause. According to their stories, there was a special attitude towards Zaira. She was transferred to this school in the middle of the year, specifically to improve her grades. She did not answer in class and took practice exams alone in a separate room. None of her classmates thought that she was going to win a medal, but three days before the awards ceremony it turned out that the official’s daughter was also an excellent student. The parents of Ruzanna and other students wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office in connection with the incident.

The scandal reached the Ministry of Education and Science of Adygea. The head of the department, Anzaur Kerashev, promised to check all the works of the 2017 medalists.

“My order has created a special commission of department employees, which today is leaving for the Takhtamukai district to conduct an unscheduled inspection related to the scandalous statement of a graduate of secondary school No. 1. We will analyze all the results of the interim certification and interview all teachers. I will personally monitor the situation,” said minister

Meanwhile, other students of school No. 1 claim that the head of the department was well aware of the procedures in the educational institution. Thus, they did not want to allow one of the graduates with weak grades to take the Unified State Exam so that he would not spoil the school’s statistics. The young man had to defend his right to take the exam at the prosecutor's office.

“Today I had a meeting with the Minister of Education, and they want to hush up this matter. And he told me that if I remain silent, he promised to place me in the second year of the university. There, he said, I will study, he will allocate a dormitory,” the young man said Human.

The medal that graduate Zaira P. was supposed to receive was recognized as deserved based on the results of the inspection. This was stated by the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea Nadezhda Kabanova.

Based on the results of the inspection, we did not identify any violations that would not allow us to issue this medal. She herself refuses the medal due to the current situation,” Life’s interlocutor explained.

According to Nadezhda Kabanova, the criteria for issuing an incentive award are determined by the procedure approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Thus, a medal is issued if the graduate successfully passes the final certification and has excellent grades for a high school course. Zaire meets the criteria.

Let us recall that some time ago, the gold medalist of one of the Adyghe schools, Ruzanna Tuko, was that she had never answered in class during the entire year and received the award only due to the fact that her mother heads the education department of the Moscow Region. Takhtamukaisky district.

Posted by Ruzanna Tuko (@miss_ruzanna_) Jun 21, 2017 at 5:32 PDT

Later, Ruzanna, in an interview with Life, said that Zaira’s fake successes are supposedly not a secret to anyone, but all the daughter of an official.

It also became known that Zaira’s mother, because she acted as the organizer of the Unified State Exam at the same state exam point where her daughter was tested.