Marina Tsvetaeva - Russian poetess Silver Age, whose fate was rather sad. Her love for Russia was boundless, but life circumstances Things developed in such a way that there was an urgent need to emigrate for more than 20 years, due to which she experienced incredible homesickness, misunderstanding from others and loneliness. She was able to convey her experiences in the poem “Longing for the Motherland,” written in 1934 in Paris. This period was especially difficult for Tsvetaeva; her husband’s illness, lack of money and the death of Mayakovsky had an extremely negative impact on her condition.

Marina Tsvetaeva is difficult to attribute to any literary movement. Her work is original, but no less significant and beautiful. The main theme of the poem is reflected in the title - the author feels absolutely alone, unaccepted in the new society, but does not strive to assimilate into it:

I don't care at all -

Where all alone

To be on some stones to get home

Wander with a market purse

To the house, and not knowing that it is mine,

Like a hospital or a barracks.

The poem does not have a plot as such, but readers are presented with individual images from the author’s life, which show us how indifferent the poetess is to her surroundings.

All her thoughts are only about her homeland, she misses and dreams of returning to where she belongs.

The former is dearer than anything.

All the signs are from me, all the signs,

All the dates are gone:

A soul born somewhere.

Every house is foreign to me, every temple is empty to me,

And everything is the same, and everything is one.

But if there is a bush along the way

Especially the mountain ash stands up...

The contrast of an ordinary rowan bush with a stately house and temple makes us understand that Tsvetaeva is ready to exchange everything for a small symbol of Russia, she is so attached to it.

In terms of vocabulary, the poem clearly belongs conversational style, everything to express feelings in simple words and convey to a wide range of readers: “trouble,” “meth,” “stunned like a log.” “Longing for the Motherland” is written in iambic tetrameter, characteristic of the lyrics of Russian poets, but this poem is special. His composition is heterogeneous, the quatrain is not the boundary of thought, this is what gives the work an unusual rhythm. The author uses various means of expression, especially comparisons and metaphors: “Like a hospital or a barracks”, “A Kamchatka bear without an ice floe”, “bristling with a captive Lion”. A few phraseological units help Tsvetaeva make the work more accessible to readers: “as if by hand.” The list of figures of poetic speech is dominated by antithesis-contradiction to the real joyless life memories and image of the Motherland, which does not accept Tsvetaeva. It is this syntactic device that conveys the author’s melancholy and alienation. When writing a poem, Marina Tsvetaeva resorts to the use of assonance (letters G, L, V, B) and to a lesser extent alliteration (letter O).

In those years, it was necessary to remain firm and steadfast in everything, so as not to break under the pressure of society, repression and a radical change in the previous way of life. Marina Tsvetaeva certainly succeeded in this. In addition to feelings of hopelessness and indifference, the reader perceives notes of Tsvetaeva’s hope to return to her homeland again. It is the poem “Longing for the Motherland” that can be considered an artistic reflection of an entire period in history and a huge contribution to Russian literature.

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Marina Tsvetaeva had a very difficult life. She had to live abroad in exile for several years. However, she carried her love for her homeland through all the troubles that befell her. The rejection of Tsvetaeva’s poetry, as well as the poet’s desire to reunite with her emigrated husband, became the reason for Tsvetaeva’s departure abroad. In exile, Marina was very lonely. But it was there that she created her wonderful poem “Longing for the Motherland!”, so we can absolutely say that the theme of this work is the Motherland, and the idea is Tsvetaeva’s love for her Fatherland.

The composition of the poem is quite unusual. Contrast plays a special role in it. The heroine's inner world is contrasted with the indifferent and cynical world around her. Tsvetaeva is forced to exist among the “newspaper tons of swallowers” ​​and “gossip milkers” who belong to the twentieth century. However, the heroine says about herself: “And I – until every century!”

In this poem by M. Tsvetaeva there are many visual and expressive means. For example, these are contextual antonyms: homeland - “hospital or barracks”, native language- “it doesn’t matter what kind of misunderstanding you meet!”, “the dearest of all is the former” - “the most equal of all.” The poem is also full of comparisons: “a a hospital or a barracks,” “ Kamchatka bear without an ice floe,” “stunned, like a log left from an alley.” In addition, in this work by Tsvetaeva, a large role (in my opinion) is played by the words “all the same”, “ever more equal”, “to be completely alone”, “from which human environment to be forced out - without fail”, “where you can’t get along”, “where humiliate yourself." It is with the help of these words and other means of expressiveness that the loneliness of the heroine, her dislike for a foreign country, as well as sadness and suffering from the break with her native land are most clearly emphasized. And the words “a soul born somewhere” generally convey complete detachment from specific time and space. There was no trace left of any connection with the homeland.

The intonation of this work is also interesting. From melodious and smooth it turns into oratorical, even breaking into a scream:

I don't care which one

To be misunderstood!

(Reader, newspaper tons

Swallower, milker of gossip...)

Twentieth century - he,

And I - until every century!

The poem “Homesickness!” It is written in iambic tetrameter, and the rhythm of the poem is very unusual. There is no regularity and calmness in it, rather the opposite! There is a special Tsvetaevsky rhythm here, which is dictated by the feelings and only the feelings that the poet experiences at the moment of inspiration.

The rhyme of this work by M. Tsvetaeva is also interesting. It lacks precision and consistency:

Homesickness! For a long time

A hassle exposed!

I don't care at all -

Where all alone

You can notice that in the first and third lines there is an exact rhyme (long ago), and in the second and fourth lines there is an inaccurate rhyme (trouble-lonely). However, this testifies to the sincerity of Tsvetaeva’s speech, which characterizes the poet only from the best side!

The end of the poem is very unusual. Before him, all works were permeated with denial of the homeland, but here are the last lines:

But if there is a bush along the way

Especially the mountain ash stands up...

And that’s all... A simple ellipsis... But how much love, how much tenderness for the Fatherland in these lines! The heroine understands that a piece of her Motherland will forever remain in her soul. She is forever connected with her native land.

Analysis of the poem by M.I. Tsvetaeva “Longing for the Motherland!..”

* * *
Homesickness! For a long time
A hassle exposed!
I don't care at all -
Where - completely alone

To be on what stones to go home
Wander with a market purse
To the house, and not knowing that it is mine,
Like a hospital or a barracks.

I don't care which ones
Faces bristling captive
Leo, from what human environment
To be forced out is certain -

Into oneself, in the sole presence of feelings.
Kamchatka bear without ice floe
Where you can’t get along (and I don’t bother!)
Where to humiliate myself is the same.

I won’t flatter myself with my tongue
To my dear ones, by his milky call.
I don't care which one
To be misunderstood!

(Reader, newspaper tons

Twentieth century - he,
And I - until every century!

Stunned like a log,
What's left of the alley,
Everyone is equal to me, I don’t care;
And perhaps most equally -

The former is dearer than anything.
All the signs are from me, all the signs,
All the dates are gone:
A soul born somewhere.

So the edge didn’t save me
My, that and the most vigilant detective
Along the whole soul, all across!
Birthmark won't find it!

Every house is foreign to me, every temple is empty to me,
And everything is the same, and everything is one.
But if there is a bush along the way
Especially the mountain ash stands up...


Reading the lines of M.I. Tsvetaeva, we are restoring her spiritual world, her pain, her Russia.

    There are repetitions in the poem. The words “it’s all the same”, “everything is one” are constantly repeated. “It doesn’t matter”, “where to wander”, “to be forced into oneself”, “where not to get along”, “where to humiliate yourself”. Everyone is equal, there is no blood connection with anyone, no spiritual kinship, no attachment to anything, no faith: “Every house is alien to me, every temple is empty to me.” No homeland: “Longing for the homeland! A long-debunked problem!”

    We meet in the text cognates to the word “homeland”: native (more native - the form of this adjective), born (soul), birthmark (spots).

    They are opposed contextual antonyms: homeland - “hospital or barracks”, native language - “it doesn’t matter what incomprehensible language you meet!”

    In terms of meaning, the ellipsis is also eloquent. Its role is especially noticeable at the end of a sentence. But if along the way there is a bush/Arises, especially a mountain ash...

    The intonation is interesting: the poetess moves from a melodious and spoken intonation to an oratorical one, breaking into a scream.

I don't care which one
To be misunderstood!
(Reader, newspaper tons
Swallower, milker of gossip...)
Twentieth century - he,
And I - until every century!

    The acuteness of M.I.’s worldview is important. Tsvetaeva. S. Efron, husband M.I. Tsvetaeva writes: “Marina is a person of passions... Surrendering herself headlong to her hurricane became a necessity for her, the air of her life.<...>One naked soul! It’s even scary.”

    The rhythm of the poem. There is no clear sequence of stressed and unstressed syllables; there is a special Tsvetaeva rhythm, which is not characterized by regularity.

    In the poem we see a special Tsvetaeva technique - the use emphatic pause, required not by syntax, but by the pressure of feelings.

    At the beginning of his work, M.I. Tsvetaeva is more of a romantic. We see the features romantic hero: feeling of loneliness, opposition to other people, confidence in one’s own exclusivity.

    Some literary scholars also argue that M.I. Tsvetaeva became the successor of futurism in the 30s. It is no coincidence that her lyrics combine a romantic worldview with futuristic techniques. One of them - anti-syntactic metrical system:

...Where - completely alone
...To be forced out is certain -
Into myself...

    No precision in rhyme. If in the 1st and 3rd lines there is an exact rhyme, then the 2nd and 4th are inaccurate: “home - market - my - barracks”, “among - prisoners - environment - certainly.” This “imprecision” is evidence of the immediacy of speech and sincerity.

    Comparisons that abound in the work give rise to variations of one thought: “a house... is like a hospital or a barracks,” “... bristling with a captive lion,” “a Kamchatka bear without an ice floe,” “a log left over from an alley.”

    The last 2 lines completely turned the poem upside down, and homesickness, declared a fiction, “an unmasked mess”, becomes a living, inescapable pain. Russia, fate, homeland, Marina - this semantic series is closed by the concept of “rowan”. The “homeland-rowan” relationship fits into the synecdoche formula. We understand that there is no topic more painful than the topic of Russia, the topic of unity with the spirituality and culture of our people.

History of creation. The poem “Homesickness” was written by Tsvetaeva in 1934, when she was already for a long time lived abroad. Forced emigration seriously affected the poetess. The work became an expression of Tsvetaeva’s great melancholy, who could not stay in Russia, but also did not take root abroad.

The genre of the work is a lyrical poem, a passionate cry of the soul of the poetess.

The main theme of the poem is reflection on one's place in the world and in time. The poetess felt her monstrous loneliness. Having escaped from Soviet power, Tsvetaeva hoped to find peace in “civilized” countries. But even abroad she ran into a wall of misunderstanding.

The lyrical heroine is trying to understand herself, to understand why she has no place anywhere. Painful thoughts lead her to a terrible conclusion. Tsvetaeva’s tormented soul admits that she has completely lost interest in the concepts of her homeland and her home. Along with the loss of her sense of home, the heroine lost her place in time (“And I - until every century!”). Tsvetaeva understands that she is eking out a miserable, timeless and spaceless existence. Pessimism and loss of hope are imbued with great pain.

Nevertheless, the last lines, which suddenly end the poem, show true feelings Tsvetaeva. Through the anger and fatigue, a painful longing for the homeland still breaks through. They help to understand why the poetess nevertheless decided to return to the USSR. But Tsvetaeva’s hope for reassurance did not come true. Only in suicide did she see a way out of the mental conflict that had tormented her all her life.


The poem is a confession of a tormented heroine, who gradually becomes more and more emotional coloring. Towards the end, the monologue breaks down into a fierce scream and ends with an exhausted confession of incessant homesickness.


The poem is written in iambic tetrameter. The rhythm is jagged with imprecise rhyme.

Expressive means

Tsvetaeva practically does not use epithets. Main expressive means The nervous rhythm of the work and an abundance of exclamation marks appear. The poem contains many comparisons (“exposed hassle”, “like a hospital or a barracks”, “Kamchatka bear”). The strength and magnitude of the feeling experienced is reflected by words such as “all”, “all”, “all the same”, “any”, “every”, etc.

The main idea is that a person whose homeland was taken away by force becomes a mental cripple, an indifferent person to everything. His suffering is unbearable, it cannot be hidden or hidden.

Plan analysis of the poem Homesickness

  • History of creation
  • Genre of the work
  • The main theme of the work
  • Composition
  • Work size
  • The main idea of ​​the poem

Marina Tsvetaeva captivates every reader with her poetry. She has a special worldview. Tsvetaeva’s style is recognizable. Much attention in creativity is paid to relationships with the world, people, and homeland. Like most poets of the twentieth century, Marina Tsvetaeva had difficult relationships with not only with your own inner world, but also with the power of the Soviets.

Her works were not published, considering the poetess’s work not worthy of attention. The poetess tried to publish while knocking on the doors of publishing houses. But the attempts were unsuccessful. Then Marina Tsvetaeva decided to leave Russia, and the poetess emigrated to Prague.

In 1934, in Prague, Marina Tsvetaeva wrote the poem “Longing for the Motherland!” It is saturated with pain and a sense of uncertainty. It contains all the bitterness of parting with one’s native land, and the feeling of being useless to one’s people. Disappointment and melancholy in the tossing of thoughts. Reading the poem you can’t help but feel the pain of your soul. talented person, not recognized by their country.

So the edge didn’t save me
My, that and the most vigilant detectives
Along the whole soul, all across!
He won’t find a birthmark!

There is so much loneliness in the words, the heroine’s separation from her homeland deprives her of roots and support: “... bristling like a captive lion,” “a Kamchatka bear without an ice floe,” “a log left over from an alley.”
But the ending of the poem turns it upside down and fills it with a completely different meaning. If throughout the entire work there is a feeling of detachment, and even a little irritation, then

But if there is a bush along the way
Especially the mountain ash stands up...

Just two lines give a feeling of hope, aspiration, memories. Tsvetaeva survives in a foreign land; it is no easier for her away from home. Despite the apparent indifference, the poetess retains hope of returning home.
Her dreams are destined to come true, Tsvetaeva will return to her homeland. But only a few souls will survive and touch with their creativity.

Analysis of the poem Homesickness according to plan

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