She was called Brezhnev's favorite granddaughter. The birth in the family of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU seemed to guarantee a comfortable life and a happy fate. But it turned out differently ... Victoria Filippova died

January 5, 2018 at the age of 65 from cancer. The granddaughter of the Secretary General lived modestly and did not tell anyone that she had the last stage of the disease. Before the New Year, she asked to bring her daughter Galya to her, with whom she had not talked for a long time, she said that she wanted to make peace with her. And it turned out - said goodbye ... Meanwhile, the death of Brezhnev's granddaughter gave rise to an unexpected scandal, as familiar families told us about.

From the funeral made exclusive

Vika, the granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich, was born in the family of Galina Brezhneva and her first husband, circus artist Yevgeny Milayev, who had two children from a previous marriage, Natasha and Alexander Milayev, Igor Shchelokov, the son of the former Soviet Interior Minister and friend, told KP the Brezhnev family of Nikolai Shchelokov. - Brother and sister Vicki decided not to tell anyone about her death. They buried her quietly. None of her friends knew that she had died. And I would certainly come to say goodbye to Vitusya.

I am outraged by what happened, ”actress Victoria Lazich told KP. - I was friends with Galina Brezhneva, I have great respect for the family of Leonid Ilyich and his granddaughter Victoria. I and many of my friends would definitely come to the funeral. But the Milayevs, by their silence, actually forbade everyone who loved Brezhnev and his family to see his granddaughter on their last journey! I was shocked when I saw the funeral service in the church on TV. There are only three people at the coffin - Sasha and Natasha Milaev and Victoria's own daughter Galochka. Excuse me, only the homeless or criminals are buried like that! The Milayevs gave this exclusive farewell to the TV channel, not for free, of course. They called the television and asked to help them with the funeral. We learned in fact - everything is buried! These are the new realities of our time, when even death can be sold. I have no questions for Victoria's daughter Galina, she is inadequate, she has not yet recovered from the alcohol syndrome. The same Milayevs sold an interview of Galina Brezhneva to the BBC channel many years ago, exposing her to ridicule when she danced the cancan drunk on the table. Victoria was offended by her mother and did not speak to them for many years.

The BBC channel then went out to Alexander Milaev, Igor Shchelokov assures. - They gave him and his sister a thousand dollars, bought a box of champagne and without warning came home to Galina Leonidovna. Then the Milayevs left, supposedly they had business. Galina Leonidovna drank with the reporters for the meeting, then another. And then they start filming the drunk woman. Naturally, after this, Victoria did not communicate with her brother and sister for a long time.

"Drank, and very hard"

Shortly before her death, Victoria Filippova gave an interview, which, after her funeral, was shown in the program "Let them talk." The Secretary General's granddaughter spoke about her relationship with her grandfather, family problems, and why she sent her mother Galina Brezhnev and her daughter Galya to a mental hospital.

From my seven months I lived with my grandparents in the country, - said Victoria Evgenievna. - Grandpa was a very affectionate person. If he did not occupy this difficult post and did not devote all his time to work, then he would constantly take care of his grandchildren ... I do not like it when they say "the last days of Leonid Ilyich." He just fell asleep - and he was gone. And the day before was cheerful, as on all other days. I remember how on that last evening he wanted to listen to the record, I sat on the bed next to him, and we listened to the songs of the war years for a very long time. I kissed him goodnight and he went to bed. He didn't wake up in the morning...

The girl was actually raised by her grandmother - the wife of Secretary General Victoria Brezhnev. Vicki's mother was busy organizing her turbulent personal life. With Vika's father, circus performer Yevgeny Milayev, Galina Brezhneva lived for five years and divorced because of his betrayal. This was followed by a series of stormy novels - with magician Igor Kio, ballet star Maris Liepa ...

Mom had real relationships and feelings with two men - my dad and Liepa. Mom was an ideal wife under my father: she cooked and cleaned herself. There was not a single housekeeper then. She did all the housework herself, because my father ordered so, - Filippova said in a television interview. - Mom was a smart woman until she started drinking. It happened early, when she began a relationship with Maris Liepa, she began to take alcohol. He didn't like it very much. It did not work out for them, because Maris Eduardovich was not going to leave the family.

Then my mother drank. I drank very hard. Something had to be done about it, otherwise it would have ended badly. I sent her to a psychiatric hospital - I couldn't let her die under the fence. She didn't want to live with me. I was called to the house where she lived, and they said: take her away from here or we will evict her. She was not alone for a single day: all the time her friends were in the apartment, who flocked from everywhere, and there were strangers from the street ... Therefore, they disappeared, jewelry was stolen ...

When asked if she loved her mother Galina Brezhneva, Victoria Filippova replied: "I loved my childhood idea of ​​her. My mother and I were strangers, we rarely saw each other. I had a different life."

"Under Gorbachev, our family was persecuted"

While grandfather was alive, Victoria's life flowed well. The problems began after Brezhnev's death. The granddaughter of the General Secretary told how her family was persecuted under Gorbachev. It was at this time that Victoria became a victim of "black realtors" and lost her property and money.

She exchanged her apartment for two small ones: for herself and her daughter, but she didn’t receive her part of the money, Filippova said. - It was Gorbachev's time. And no one stood up. Why was it us, grandchildren, to poison? We were not in politics, the country was not robbed. They poisoned us, and with us our children. My Galya was not accepted into the Komsomol, they threw us out of all polyclinics, from everywhere. In the end, I was laid off - kicked out of the State Committee for Publishing. When Boris Nikolayevich (Yeltsin. - Ed.) came, it became easier ...

Victoria's daughter Galina drank herself and became homeless: in the summer she spent the night on playgrounds, in the winter - in the porches. A few years ago, Victoria sent her daughter to a psychiatric clinic. Just like she did with her mother Galina Brezhneva.

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Both marriages were unhappy.

Victoria Filippova (Milaeva) was born in the family of the daughter of the USSR Secretary General Galina Brezhneva and circus performer Evgeny Milaev. They named her in honor of her grandmother - the wife of Leonid Ilyich Victoria Brezhneva. When the girl was five years old, her parents separated. Her stepfather in the future was Yuri Churbanov (Colonel General of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs).

After school, Victoria studied at Moscow State University, but transferred to GITIS. The first husband is Mikhail Filippov, a former employee of Vneshtorg. In marriage, a daughter, Galya, was born. The second husband is Gennady Varakuta, Lieutenant General of the KGB.

Victoria was a housewife, then she worked at the State Committee for Publishing. In Gorbachev's times, she was left without a job. To provide for herself, she began to exchange apartments with a surcharge. I fell for the bait of "black realtors" and was left without a home. Her only daughter, Galya, was a wanderer. For the last ten years, Victoria has lived in Pavlovsky Posad in the house of Dmitry's common-law husband.

Daughter identified in a psychiatric clinic. A few years ago, Galya left the hospital. An apartment in Moscow was helped by a Moscow deputy who saw on television a report about her miserable situation. Shortly before her death, Victoria Evgenievna nevertheless began to communicate with her daughter. Her daughter found out that her mother had cancer six months ago. It turned out that Victoria Evgenievna was diagnosed with cancer late, she knew that she was doomed, but she held firm.

She was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Until now, many are interested in how Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina lives, whose biography is filled with tragic events. People were sure that she was destined for a good fate. Galina was grandfather's favorite, a darling from birth. Everyone was sure that a bright future awaited the girl, but they were deeply mistaken. In return for a prosperous life, Brezhnev's great-granddaughter had to endure the betrayal of her mother, poverty and a mental hospital.

Galina Filippova, great-granddaughter of Brezhnev: biography

The fate of a woman has cracked since childhood. Already small, Galina had to participate in family dramas, more than once. In the future, everything was even worse.

Childhood, study, work

Filippova Galina Mikhailovna was born on 03/14/1973. Her father was a banker, and her mother, Victoria Milayeva (granddaughter of the General Secretary of the USSR). When Galina was five years old, her parents divorced. After some time, Gennady Varakuta became her stepfather. He loved Galina and raised her like a real daughter. At first, peace and harmony reigned in the new family, but then problems began and eventually a divorce followed.

Since childhood, relatives surrounded Galina with affection, love and care. The girl even had a personal nanny - Nina Ivanovna. Galina attended an elite school, with a bias in English. Then she entered the Moscow State University, the philological faculty. Everyone with whom Galina studied, she was remembered as very wayward and capricious.

As soon as she received her diploma, her stepfather helped her get a job as a secretary in a Moscow company. Galina answered calls, kept documentation and brewed coffee for the boss. All this quickly got boring. Galina went to work reluctantly, and when the layoffs began, she quit altogether.

Personal life

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter remained unmarried until the age of 25. Then her mother found the groom's daughter through an agency. Oleg Dubinsky, who worked as an engineer, became the chosen one. According to Galina's mother, he suited his daughter. She, in turn, did not even resist and married him. The wedding was played in 1998, however, without luxury.

Galina Filipova with her father, mother and husband

However, the marriage was unsuccessful. A year later, the couple divorced, but their relationship did not end. After a while, the young people reconciled. Then they lived in a civil marriage for 4 years. However, Galina failed to become a mother. Regular disputes flourished in the family. Galina was tired of such a life and the ex-spouses decided to finally leave.

Galina was left alone. Her husband, on the contrary, very quickly found a replacement for her. He started a relationship with another relative of the ex-General Secretary and became the owner of a personal car, in addition, he received a promotion. He also had a country house at his disposal.

Psychiatric hospital - first treatment

After the final separation from her husband, Galina returned to her mother. Started drinking out of grief. Victoria Evgenievna did not like this much and, in order to save her daughter from a bad habit, she sent her to a mental hospital named after him. Kashchenko. Galina at that time was already 28 years old. While she was being treated for alcohol addiction, her mother (due to real estate fraud) lost two expensive apartments and, left homeless, went to live in the suburbs, to her fiancé.

During the time that her daughter was in a psychiatric hospital, Victoria Evgenievna did not come there even once. Galina, leaving the hospital, turned out to be unnecessary to anyone, and she had to wander. For a year, a young woman walked through the doorways, eating leftovers from garbage cans. In the summer, she lived next to the Tretyakov Gallery, behind the garages, and in the winter she slept in houses on the playgrounds.

And again in Kashchenko

During the wanderings, Galina has changed beyond recognition. She was only 33 years old, but many teeth had already fallen out, her head was shaved baldly so as not to catch lice. Once a woman went to the entrance of her ex-husband to warm herself. The mother-in-law, seeing her, did not recognize her daughter-in-law and called an ambulance. So, Galina again ended up in Kashchenko.

She told her story, said that she was Brezhnev's great-granddaughter, but they did not believe her.

Then Galina gave the number of the nanny, who recognized her. Attitude towards women has changed. The hospital understood that she did not belong here, but they were in no hurry to drive her back out into the street. Galina was allowed to temporarily stay.

She started working as a cleaner, delivering meals. The medical staff loved her, but no one could leave Galina for permanent residence in the hospital. The alternative was to return to the doorways again. In order to avoid such a turn of events, the head of the psychiatric hospital helped Galina apply for disability and settle in a boarding school for mentally ill people.

As a result, the woman spent 7 years in the hospital. During all this time, her own mother never remembered Galina, although her daughter regularly wrote letters to her and begged her to take her away. However, the requests remained unfulfilled. His own father, who was already living in Malta at that time, also did not respond to calls.

The man married a second time, and he was not worried about the fate of his eldest daughter. Only one person in the world always remembered Galina - her nanny. She sent out gifts and letters as much as possible.


An unexpected help came to Galina from the circus performers Milayevs. They were my aunt and uncle. They lived in America for many years and did not even know what their niece had to endure. When the Milayevs returned to Russia, they found Galina in a psychiatric hospital and decided to help. Achieved that a new examination was carried out. As a result, Galina was declared healthy and able-bodied.

Uncle and aunt helped with paperwork and housing. To provide Galina with her own apartment, Natalya Milayeva appeared on television, describing the tragic fate of her niece. As a result, wealthy and compassionate people were found who were ready to help Brezhnev's great-granddaughter.

As a result, Galina became the owner of a one-room apartment in Zvenigorod and moved in there in 2014. However, another problem remained - work, since from childhood Brezhnev's great-granddaughter lived on everything ready and knew how to do practically nothing. Galina is ready to clean the floors, her pension of 14,000 rubles is not enough to live on. Most of it goes to pay utility bills, coffee and cigarettes.

In 2015, Galina turned 42 years old. She can still arrange her personal life, but is in no hurry to look for a soul mate. A woman is very afraid of being left without a roof over her head again and rejoices at what she has at the moment. Despite what she had to endure, Galina believes that there are still many good people in this world.

At the beginning of this year, sad news came: on the eve of Christmas, Leonid Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria Filippova (Milaeva) died. The woman was 65 years old and was diagnosed with the fourth last stage of cancer. Victoria was the beloved granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich ... See the release of the program Let them talk - Last confession: Brezhnev's granddaughter died 01/09/2018

Victoria Filippova was born in the family of the daughter of the Secretary General of the USSR Galina Brezhneva and circus performer Yevgeny Milayev. She received the name in honor of her grandmother - the wife of Leonid Ilyich Victoria Brezhneva. While mom and dad were touring with the circus, little Vika spent all the time with her grandparents. It was not customary to talk and write about Brezhnev's children and grandchildren in newspapers. They were called celestials.

Let them talk - The last confession: Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria Filippova died

In this episode of the program Let them say - The last confession: Brezhnev's granddaughter died. Victoria Filippova's mother, Galina Brezhneva, was constantly credited with having affairs with the most prominent Soviet men. Only she could then easily get all the decorations of the Jewelery Trade and go to secular parties, visit expensive restaurants and drive foreign cars. However, after the death of Galina Brezhneva, the granddaughter of the Secretary General was on the sidelines of life ...

Various rumors began to circulate about Victoria Filippova: allegedly the granddaughter of the Secretary General hid her mother in a psychiatric hospital, and then her daughter. But of course, only she knew the truth. Did Victoria feel that this interview would be her last in her life? On the program "Let them talk" - the memoirs of the granddaughter of Leonid Brezhnev:

I remember my grandfather's funeral. But I don't like it when they say "the last days of Leonid Ilyich." He just fell asleep and he was gone. And the day before, he was the same as always - he was normal and cheerful, like on all other days. I remember how that evening he wanted to listen to the record: songs of the war years. I sat down and we listened to the songs for a long time. I kissed him goodnight and he went to bed. He didn't wake up in the morning...

“I never felt offended watching my grandfather being parodied on TV. But, in general, the very atmosphere of it all was unpleasant. People, figuratively speaking, spat at us and tried to push us into a dark corner as soon as possible, sprinkle with earth so as not to leave any memories of him.

Brezhnev's granddaughter died: Victoria Filippova and her last confession in "Let them talk"

In the talk show studio Let them talk (issue “The Last Confession: Brezhnev’s granddaughter died”), Victoria Filippova frankly and in detail talks about her famous grandfather and life during his reign:

- At that time, all families of the Politburo lived the same way. Leonid Ilyich was a golden grandfather ... he was a wonderful and charming person. If he did not occupy this difficult post and did not give it all his time, then he would constantly take care of his grandchildren. He was very kind to us.

- In fact, they were my mom and dad: grandfather and grandmother. My parents were touring all the time. They didn’t take me with them, but my grandfather wouldn’t have given me away. When Leonid Ilyich died, I was at the funeral, despite the fact that there are other rumors about it.

During the exclusive interview, I had to interrupt the conversation more than once, since Victoria Filippova was in poor condition and it was difficult for her to speak. But the desire to speak out overpowered the pain and weakness. Victoria Evgenievna answered the presenter's question about her attitude to her mother Galina Brezhneva and daughter Galina Filippova:

“I'm not mad at my mother. It's just the way life is. As for my daughter, she has now become completely different and we constantly keep in touch.

She broke her hermit way of life and decided to tell the whole truth in Let them tell the whole truth: about her daughter, mother, beloved grandfather. At the end of the broadcast, you will see relatives and friends of Victoria Filippova: after the death of the granddaughter of the Secretary General of the USSR, Evgeny and Natalya Milaev, daughter Galina Filippova, came to the program to talk about what Victoria Evgenievna was like. Watch the online free release Let them talk - The last confession: Brezhnev's granddaughter (Victoria Filippova) died, aired on January 09, 2018 (01/09/2018).

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Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev held the highest post of the Soviet Union - the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU from 1966 to

Family secrets of Secretary General Brezhnev

02:00 April 22, 2017

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev held the highest post of the Soviet Union - the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU from 1966 to 1982. For so long, no one had the opportunity to stand at the helm of the USSR. Who were the people who surrounded the leader in the most intimate, family, atmosphere?

Big Brezhnev family. In the first row: wife Viktoria Petrovna and Leonid Ilyich himself with great-granddaughter Galya, in the second row: son-in-law Yuri Churbanov, grandchildren Victoria (Galina's daughter) and Leonid (Yuri's son), Galina with her brother Yuri, Elena (Leonid's wife), daughter-in-law Lyudmila (wife Yuri), grandson Andrey.


Father and mother of Leonid Ilyich - hereditary workers Ilya Yakovlevich Brezhnev and Natalya Denisovna Mazalova - were born in the current Kursk region.

Brother and sister

The younger brother is Yakov Ilyich Brezhnev (1912-1993). He bore little resemblance to Leonid Ilyich: short, reddish. He worked at a metallurgical plant as the head of a rolling shop, then at the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. He was successful with women. He had the nickname "wedding brother" - he was invited to feasts, undertook to solve the personal affairs of petitioners. He was forcibly treated for chronic alcoholism and the deviations in the psyche that arose on this sad basis. Jacob has two daughters from his first marriage, Elena and Mila, and a daughter from his second.

Sister - Vera Ilyinichna Brezhneva (1910-1997). Since moving to Moscow in 1966, she has not worked, she was married to Nikifor Andreyevich Grechkin, an engineer.

Lyubov Yakovlevna Brezhneva

Daughter of Yakov Ilyich from his second marriage. She became famous for her connections with foreigners. In 1990, she emigrated to the United States, in 1999 she published a book of memoirs, The Secretary General's Niece.

Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva (Denisova)

In 1925, a student at a technical school, Leonid Brezhnev, met Victoria, a student at the Kursk Medical College. In 1928 they signed. Despite her husband's career, Viktoria Petrovna devoted all her time to housekeeping, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
In 1929 their daughter Galina was born, in 1933 their son Yuri was born.

Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva

She was distinguished by an unusually strong, passionate, restless character. Over the years of her life, the leader's daughter worked in the circus, in the Novosti press agency, in the archival department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an adviser-envoy, at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Galina Leonidovna was only officially married three times and became famous for high-profile novels.

The first husband, an acrobat-strongman Yevgeny Milaev, was 20 years older than Galina and raised two children. For his sake, the daughter of the first secretary (at that time) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova ran away from home and traveled around the country as a circus dresser. From this marriage, the only daughter of Galina Leonidovna, Victoria, was born. The second husband, 18-year-old illusionist Igor Kio, was 15 years younger than Galina. However, their official marriage, which infuriated Leonid Ilyich, lasted only 10 days ...

In 1971, Galina Brezhneva married Lieutenant Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuri Churbanov, who was 7 years younger than her, left his wife and children for her, and became his second wife. For her, this marriage was the third.

In 1987, Churbanov was arrested on suspicion of corruption and expelled from the ranks of the CPSU, sentenced by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. While he was serving time, Galina Brezhneva filed for divorce and division of property.

During the third marriage, Galina started a high-profile romance with the artist of the Gypsy theater "Romen" Boris Buryatsa. At that time, the Secretary General's daughter was already over 50, and her lover was 17 years younger than her.

Galina abused alcohol, after the death of her father she was under virtual house arrest in the country. She went to a psychiatric clinic for treatment, where she died in the summer of 1998.

Victoria Milayeva

In the photo: Brezhnev with his granddaughter Victoria (to the left of the Secretary General), her second husband Gennady Varakuta and great-granddaughter Galya.
Victoria's first husband, Mikhail Filippov, worked at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, then at a bank. Today he lives in Malta. The second husband, Gennady Varakuta, rose to the rank of Lieutenant General of the KGB. After 1991, he divorced Victoria, a businessman.

Galina Filippova

Victoria Evgenievna in 1973 had a daughter (great-granddaughter of Leonid Brezhnev) Galina Filippova. In the photo she is on her knees with her grandmother and namesake Galina Brezhneva.

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev with his wife Victoria Petrovna and great-granddaughter Galya.

Galina Filippova today

She graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University, was married, became addicted to alcohol ... After many years of treatment in a psychiatric clinic, she lost all her property. Today she lives in a modest apartment in the Moscow region, which one of her relatives bought for her.

Yuri Leonidovich Brezhnev

Yuri Brezhnev was born in 1933. Pinnacle of career: Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR. All my life I have been collecting porcelain dogs. There are four grandchildren and a great-granddaughter. He died in 2013 at the age of 80.

His wife: Lyudmila Vladimirovna Brezhneva, in her youth was a pretty snub-nosed blonde with delicate pink skin. She behaved modestly. Unlike other nomenklatura wives of the Soviet elite, she is smart and well educated.

They had two sons: Leonid (born in 1956) is a teacher at the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University, a businessman, he has three daughters (Alina, Maria) and a son, Yuri, a businessman.

The youngest is Andrey Yuryevich Brezhnev (born 1961), economist and Russian politician, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Social Justice.

Andrey Yurievich Brezhnev

Grandson of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev, son of Yuri Brezhnev, Soviet economist and Russian politician. In 1983 he graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

His first wife, Nadezhda Lyamina, later became the wife of the banker Alexander Mamut. Son Leonid works as a translator in the military department, and son Dmitry graduated from Oxford University. The second wife's name is Elena.

Leonid Ilyich with his wife and grandson Andrei at the dacha, 1971.

Leonid Yurievich Brezhnev

Grandson of General Secretary Brezhnev, son of his son Yuri. Doing business. In the early 2000s, he lived in his grandfather's apartment at 26 Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Entrepreneur. Married four times, three children.