Publisher: Logos (Moscow).
Year: 2003.
Pages: 304.
ISBN: 5-94010-092-9.

Textbook for university students.
For the first time, a holistic concept of active processes in the Russian language is given, based on the study of oral and written speech in various spheres of social life. The active processes in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century are covered. - in pronunciation and stress, in vocabulary and phraseology, in word formation and morphology, in syntax and punctuation. Language changes are considered taking into account the internal sources of language development against the background of historical transformations in the life of society. Linguistic variation is widely represented in its relation to the literary norm. Particular attention is paid to the vocabulary of the media as the most obvious source of changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language.
For students of higher educational institutions studying in the areas and specialties of “Philology”, “Linguistics”, “Journalism”, “Book Science”, “Publishing and Editing”. Of interest to linguists, philosophers, cultural experts, press workers, literary scholars, teachers and professors, as well as a wide range of readers.

Principles of sociological study of language.
Laws of language development.
Variation of a linguistic sign.
(The concept of variation and its origins. Classification of options).
Language norm.
(The concept of a norm and its characteristics. Norm and occasionalism. General linguistic and situational norm. Motivated deviations from the norm. Basic processes in the normalization of linguistic phenomena).
Changes in Russian pronunciation.
Active processes in the area of ​​stress.
Active processes in vocabulary and phraseology.
(Basic lexical processes. Semantic processes in vocabulary. Stylistic transformations in vocabulary. Determinologization. Foreign borrowings. Computer language. Foreign language lexemes in Russian vernacular. Extraliterary vocabulary in the language of modern press).
Active processes in word formation.
(Growth of agglutinative features in the process of word formation. The most productive word-formation types. Production of names of persons. Abstract names and names of processes. Prefix formations and complex words. Specialization of word-formation means. Intergradate word formation. Collapse of names. Abbreviation. Expressive names. Occasional words).
Active processes in morphology.
(Growth of analyticity in morphology. Shifts in forms of grammatical gender. Forms of grammatical number. Changes in case forms. Changes in verb forms. Some changes in adjective forms).
Active processes in syntax.
(Dismemberment and segmentation of syntactic constructions. Connecting members and parceled constructions. Binomial constructions. Predicative complexity of the sentence. Activation of inconsistent and uncontrollable word forms. Growth of prepositional combinations. Tendency towards semantic accuracy of the statement. Syntactic compression and syntactic reduction. Weakening of syntactic connection. Correlation of affective and intellectual in the field of syntax).
Some trends in modern Russian punctuation.
(Period. Semicolon. Colon. Dash. Ellipsis. Functional and intended use of punctuation. Unregulated punctuation. Author's punctuation).
Approximate program of the discipline “Active processes in the modern Russian language.”

M.: Logos, 2003. - 304 p. — ISBN 5-94010-092-9. Textbook for university students.
For the first time, a holistic concept of active processes in the Russian language is given, based on the study of oral and written speech in various spheres of social life. The active processes in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century are covered. - in pronunciation and stress, in vocabulary and phraseology, in word formation and morphology, in syntax and punctuation. Language changes are considered taking into account the internal sources of language development against the background of historical transformations in the life of society. Linguistic variation is widely represented in its relation to the literary norm. Particular attention is paid to the vocabulary of the media as the most obvious source of changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language.
For students of higher educational institutions studying in the areas and specialties of “Philology”, “Linguistics”, “Journalism”, “Book Science”, “Publishing and Editing”. Of interest to linguists, philosophers, cultural experts, press workers, literary critics, teachers and professors, as well as a wide range of readers. Preface.
Principles of sociological study of language.
Laws of language development.
Variation of a linguistic sign.
(The concept of variation and its origins. Classification of options).
Language norm.
(The concept of a norm and its characteristics. Norm and occasionalism. General linguistic and situational norm. Motivated deviations from the norm. Basic processes in the normalization of linguistic phenomena).
Changes in Russian pronunciation.
Active processes in the area of ​​stress.
Active processes in vocabulary and phraseology.
(Basic lexical processes. Semantic processes in vocabulary. Stylistic transformations in vocabulary. Determinologization. Foreign borrowings. Computer language. Foreign language lexemes in Russian vernacular. Extraliterary vocabulary in the language of modern press).
Active processes in word formation.
(Growth of agglutinative features in the process of word formation. The most productive word-formation types. Production of names of persons. Abstract names and names of processes. Prefix formations and complex words. Specialization of word-formation means. Intergradate word formation. Collapse of names. Abbreviation. Expressive names. Occasional words).
Active processes in morphology.
(Growth of analyticity in morphology. Shifts in forms of grammatical gender. Forms of grammatical number. Changes in case forms. Changes in verb forms. Some changes in adjective forms).
Active processes in syntax.
(Dismemberment and segmentation of syntactic constructions. Connecting members and parceled constructions. Binomial constructions. Predicative complexity of the sentence. Activation of inconsistent and uncontrollable word forms. Growth of prepositional combinations. Tendency towards semantic accuracy of the statement. Syntactic compression and syntactic reduction. Weakening of syntactic connection. Correlation of affective and intellectual in the field of syntax).
Some trends in modern Russian punctuation.
(Period. Semicolon. Colon. Dash. Ellipsis. Functional and intended use of punctuation. Unregulated punctuation. Author's punctuation).
Approximate program of the discipline “Active processes in the modern Russian language”. Quality: scanned pages + layer of recognized text.

Before we begin to consider the topic “Active processes in the modern Russian language,” two reservations should be made. The first concerns the understanding of the term “modern Russian language”. Some linguists associate its origins with the work of A. S. Pushkin, others limit it to the chronological framework of recent decades, while others take intermediate positions on this issue, which is reflected in the presentation of educational material by different authors. The second caveat concerns the levels of language that are described in this section. Since the changes that took place in the field of phonetics (spelling) and vocabulary of the modern Russian language, as well as spelling and punctuation, were disclosed in sufficient detail in the relevant sections of the textbook, it seems possible here to describe the active processes that occurred only in word formation, morphology and syntax.

Changes in word formation

Place of word formation in the language system

Word formation is a special subsystem of language, the specifics of which are determined by two factors. Word formation is not a special level of language, but together with morphology constitutes one of its levels - morphemic, which consists of two sublevels - inflectional and word-forming. At the same time, word formation is closely related to vocabulary: derived and non-derivative words form the vocabulary (lexical) composition of the language. The replenishment and development of the vocabulary of a language is determined by the needs of reality. These two features of word formation determine the specifics of its historical development.

The connection with morphology leads to the stability of those aspects of word formation that rely on morphology: the composition of word-forming morphemes, their cohesion with inflectional morphemes (for example, the suffix -tel produces only nouns m.r. 2nd declension, and the suffix -ness- nouns only w.r. 3rd declension), a set of word formation methods are not subject to sudden historical changes.

The connection with vocabulary determines another feature of word formation - responsiveness to the demands of reality. Therefore, historical processes are revealed more clearly in the lexical-semantic aspect of word formation, i.e. in the filling of word-formation types with new derivative words, in the activation of certain semantic categories of derivative words and basic stems.

This is especially clearly revealed when studying short moments of history. Let's consider the historical period 1945-2000, which falls into several subperiods: the Stalin era, the Khrushchev thaw, the Brezhnev stagnation, the era of perestroika and post-perestroika. There is no correlation between these short historical periods and changes in the word-formation system. Only individual changes in the system of word formation can be correlated with phenomena in the history of society. Therefore, this chapter will be structured as a characteristic of certain processes that indicate changes in the word formation system.

During this period, of the five functions performed in language by word formation: nominative, constructive, compressive, expressive and stylistic [Zemskaya, 1992], three functions are especially intensive - nominative, expressive and compressive.

The high activity of word formation is evidenced by calculations of the quantitative ratio of the two main methods of producing one-word nominations - borrowings and derivative words. The calculations were carried out based on one of the issues of the dictionary “New in Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials-81” (1986). The following ratio was revealed: 2900 derived words - 135 borrowings. It can be assumed that this ratio reflects the situation characteristic of the language of the late 20th century.

The most effective is the nominative function of word formation. It can be argued that every new important phenomenon in the political, economic, cultural, etc. life of society, as a rule, receives a name associated with the use of word-formation means of the language, for example: geek, alternative, security officer for the defense industry, statist, sovereign, beneficiary, state employee, carpenter/free worker and etc.

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Valgina N.S.

Active processes in modern Russian language

Valgina N.S. Active processes in modern Russian language. - M.:Logos, 2003. - 304 s. . - (Textbook of the XXI century)EBook. Slavic languages. Russian studies. Russian language

Abstract (description)

For the first time, a holistic concept of active processes in the Russian language is given, based on the study of oral and written speech in various spheres of social life. The active processes in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century are covered. - in pronunciation and stress, in vocabulary and phraseology, in word formation and morphology, in syntax and punctuation. Language changes are considered taking into account the internal sources of language development against the background of historical transformations in the life of society. Linguistic variation is widely represented in its relation to the literary norm. Particular attention is paid to the vocabulary of the media as the most obvious source of changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language.
For students of higher educational institutions studying in the areas and specialties of “Philology”, “Linguistics”, “Journalism”, “Book Science”, “Publishing and Editing”. Of interest to linguists, philosophers, cultural experts, press workers, literary scholars, teachers and professors, as well as a wide range of readers.

Contents (table of contents)

Principles of sociological study of language
Laws of language development
Variation of a linguistic sign
(The concept of variation and its origins. Classification of options)
Language norm
(The concept of a norm and its characteristics. Norm and occasionalism. General linguistic and situational norm. Motivated deviations from the norm. Basic processes in the normalization of linguistic phenomena)
Changes in Russian pronunciation
Active processes in the area of ​​stress
Active processes in vocabulary and phraseology
(Basic lexical processes. Semantic processes in vocabulary. Stylistic transformations in vocabulary. Determinologization. Foreign borrowings. Computer language. Foreign language lexemes in Russian vernacular. Extraliterary vocabulary in the language of modern press)
Active processes in word formation
(Growth of agglutinative features in the process of word formation. The most productive word-formation types. Production of names of persons. Abstract names and names of processes. Prefix formations and complex words. Specialization of word-formation means. Intergradate word formation. Collapse of names. Abbreviation. Expressive names. Occasional words)
Active processes in morphology
(Growth of analyticism in morphology. Shifts in forms of grammatical gender. Forms of grammatical number. Changes in case forms. Changes in verb forms. Some changes in adjective forms)
Active processes in syntax
(Dismemberment and segmentation of syntactic constructions. Connecting members and parceled constructions. Binomial constructions. Predicative complexity of the sentence. Activation of inconsistent and uncontrollable word forms. Growth of prepositional combinations. Tendency towards semantic accuracy of the statement. Syntactic compression and syntactic reduction. Weakening of syntactic connection. Correlation of affective and intellectual in the field of syntax)
Some trends in modern Russian punctuation
(Period. Semicolon. Colon. Dash. Ellipsis. Functional and intended use of punctuation. Unregulated punctuation. Author's punctuation)
Approximate program of the discipline “Active processes in the modern Russian language”

N.S. Valgina Active processes in the modern Russian language From the publisher. A textbook for university students. For the first time, a holistic concept of active processes in the Russian language is given, based on the study of oral and written speech in various spheres of society. The active processes in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century are covered. - in pronunciation and stress, in vocabulary and phraseology, in word formation and morphology, in syntax and punctuation. Language changes are considered taking into account the internal sources of language development against the background of historical transformations in the life of society. Linguistic variation is widely represented in its relation to the literary norm. Particular attention is paid to the vocabulary of the media as the most obvious source of changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the areas and specialties of “Philology”, “Linguistics”, “Journalism”, “Bookmaking”, “Publishing and editing". Of interest to linguists, philosophers, cultural experts, press workers, literary scholars, teachers and professors, as well as a wide range of readers. Contents of the book: PrefacePrinciples of the sociological study of languageLaws of language developmentVariance of a linguistic sign (The concept of variation and its origins. Classification of variants)Language norm (The concept of a norm and its signs. Norm and occasionalism. General linguistic and situational norm. Motivated deviations from the norm. Basic processes in the normalization of linguistic phenomena )Changes in Russian pronunciation Active processes in the area of ​​stress Active processes in vocabulary and phraseology (Basic lexical processes. Semantic processes in vocabulary. Stylistic transformations in vocabulary. Determinologization. Foreign borrowings. Computer language. Foreign lexemes in Russian vernacular. Extraliterary vocabulary in the language of the modern press) Active processes in word formation (Growth of agglutinative features in the process of word formation. The most productive word-formation types. Production of person names. Abstract names and names of processes. Prefix formations and complex words. Specialization of word-formation means. Intergradational word formation. Collapse of titles. Abbreviation. Expressive names. Occasional words) Active processes in morphology (Growth of analyticism in morphology. Shifts in forms of grammatical gender. Forms of grammatical number. Changes in case forms. Changes in verbal forms. Some changes in adjective forms) Active processes in syntax (Dismemberment and segmentation of syntactic constructions. Connecting members and parceled structures. Binary structures. Predicative complexity of a sentence. Activation of inconsistent and uncontrollable word forms. The growth of prepositional combinations. Tendency towards semantic accuracy of statements. Syntactic compression and syntactic reduction. Weakening of syntactic connection. The relationship between the affective and the intellectual in the sphere of syntax) Some trends in modern Russian punctuation (Period. Semicolon. Colon. Dash. Ellipsis. Functional and purposeful use of punctuation. Unregulated punctuation. Author's punctuation) ConclusionLiterature Sample program of the discipline “Active processes in the modern Russian language”