The Mordovian Nature Reserve was created in 1935 and is located on the territory of the Temnikovsky district, in the north-west of the republic. The purpose of creating the Mordovian Nature Reserve was to protect and restore the forest of the southern part of the taiga zone with spruce plantations, preserve and enrich the animal world by acclimatizing their most valuable species in this area.

In the vicinity of the Mordovian Nature Reserve, many settlements and human sites of the Neolithic era have been discovered. In the XVII - early XX centuries. The owners of the southeastern edge of the forests were monasteries, the treasury and private individuals. In the eastern part of the reserve there is still a point where the borders of three provinces meet, called the “golden pillar”. In 1936, after the definition of the protected boundaries, it was named after the well-known political figure in Mordovia, Pyotr Germogenovich Smidovich, who made a huge contribution to the protection of the country’s nature. During the Great Patriotic War, in the Mordovian Nature Reserve, the local rubber plant, the euonymus, was harvested, and workers in a special laboratory searched for mushrooms containing penicillin.

The original area of ​​the Mordovian Nature Reserve was 32,933 hectares; currently it has decreased slightly and amounts to 32,148 hectares. The protected area lies in the interfluve of the Moksha River and its right tributary Satis. In addition to them, other rivers flow here, but the main one in the Mordovian reserve is considered to be Pushta. The climate in this territory is moderate, the relief is poorly dissected with small elevations between the floodplains of rivers and ravines. The area is wooded: birch and aspen trees grow in the west and east, linden and spruce trees in the center, and pine groves in the rest of the territory. The flora and fauna of the reserve are characteristic of mid-latitudes. There are oaks that are 140-150 years old, and some are over 300 years old. There are plants and animals, birds listed in the Red Book - the real lady's slipper, the red pollenhead, the reviving moonflower, which has not yet been found anywhere else in Mordovia; birds - saker falcon, golden eagle, little bustard, black stork. The river beaver, which was practically exterminated in the region, brought and restored to the population, lives here, as well as the Russian muskrat, sika deer, Askanian deer, Siberian roe deer and bison.

Unauthorized stay on the territory of the Mordovian Nature Reserve is strictly prohibited! A special permit is issued free of charge by the administration located in the village of Pushta. There is also the Museum of Nature of the Mordovian State Nature Reserve named after. P.G. Smidovich. Nearby is an Orthodox landmark - the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Sanaksar Monastery.

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Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 120 of general education" in Saransk

“To protect nature means to protect life”

Mordovian State Reserve named after P.G. Smidovich

Year of foundation - 1935 Total area - 32,140 hectares. The reserve was named after the oldest Bolshevik P.G. Smidovich, who did a lot to protect the nature of Mordovia

Location: Republic of Mordovia, Temnikovsky district /on the right bank of the Moksha River, on the border of the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests and forest-steppe/

The most common type of vegetation is pure pine forests and coniferous-deciduous forests. A small area is occupied by spruce forests. Centuries-old oak forests and black alder forests grow in the Moksha floodplain

Rare plant species

Lady's slipper

Lunar coming to life

Chilim /water chestnut/

Pollenhead red

Fauna The fauna of the reserve is diverse: - wild animals: brown bear, elk, squirrel, pine marten, fox, mountain hare, forest ferret, mole, European mink, forest and hazel dormouse, dormouse, yellow-throated mouse, bank vole; - birds: shrews, black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse, jay, oriole, pied flycatcher, clintbird, green woodpecker, roller, bee-eater, hoopoe); - large jerboa, steppe pied, gray hamster, common hamster, muskrat, beaver, the number of which has been restored by long-term protection.

Rare animal species

In the muskrat

B big jerboa

With onya garden

Forest Dormouse

European mink

Brown bear


Dappled deer

Noble deer


Crested newt

Red-bellied Firebird

Predator birds

Common auklet

Sparrow owl

Eagle - dwarf

The reserve contains birds listed in the Red Book of Russia, including saker falcon, golden eagle, little bustard, black stork and others.

Black stork

Water resources

Several small rivers (Pushta, Arga, etc.) and streams flow through the reserve. In the southwestern part there are about twenty lakes, which are oxbow lakes of the Moksha River (Inorka, Taratinskoye, Valza, Picherka, etc.).

Water resources

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