A dream about acquaintances whom you see in a dream usually carries information about events or news that are closely related to your everyday life.

An unexpected meeting or a chance conversation with them that surprises you in a dream, in reality means unexpected news and an unexpected turn in the relationship. Whatever impression you have about the meeting in a dream, so it will be in life. Quarreling with them in a dream means harm and experiences that will have a detrimental effect on your health.

A lively conversation with a familiar person in a dream is a sign that your business, thanks to this person, will go uphill. A rude conversation with an acquaintance in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business and a breakdown in relationships.

Feeling awkward when meeting friends in a dream means that your deception will be revealed. Trying to get to your friends in a dream foretells that you will have to endure a lot of suffering and humiliation in order to achieve their level of well-being and equal their status.

If you dream that someone you know with whom you are in a quarrel is friendly towards you, then beware of a conspiracy against you for selfish purposes. Seeing your friend handsome in a dream is a sign that he thinks badly of you and will denigrate you anywhere, trying to damage your reputation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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A dream about acquaintances whom you see in a dream usually carries information about events or news that are closely related to your everyday life.

An unexpected meeting or a chance conversation with them that surprises you in a dream, in reality means unexpected news and an unexpected turn in the relationship. Whatever impression you have about the meeting in a dream, so it will be in life. Quarreling with them in a dream means harm and experiences that will have a detrimental effect on your health.

A lively conversation with a familiar person in a dream is a sign that your business, thanks to this person, will go uphill. A rude conversation with an acquaintance in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business and a breakdown in relationships.

Feeling awkward when meeting friends in a dream means that your deception will be revealed. Trying to get to your friends in a dream foretells that you will have to endure a lot of suffering and humiliation in order to achieve their level of well-being and equal their status.

If you dream that someone you know with whom you are in a quarrel is friendly towards you, then beware of a conspiracy against you for selfish purposes. Seeing your friend handsome in a dream is a sign that he thinks badly of you and will denigrate you anywhere, trying to damage your reputation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Meet

Getting acquainted - If you dream about how you meet someone, it means that in real life you have an unusually modest character and it has always been very difficult for you to start a casual conversation with stranger. For some reason, you tend to underestimate yourself, although there are no objective reasons for this.

Most likely, you stubbornly keep in your memory long-past events that are dear to you in your relationship at that time. Understand that it is impossible to return that time and that person, and besides, it is not necessary, because in history nothing repeats itself twice.

You should not think that if you meet him now, you will definitely correct the mistake you made several years ago. Delusion and arrogance. You live in the past, although you can and should live in the present and future.

Pay attention to that person who has patiently existed next to you all these years as true friend and think about whether he is satisfied with the role of a friend imposed by you and wouldn’t he want something more from your relationship?

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about familiar people? The dream book gives several interpretations of such a vision, depending on the details accompanying the dream. The plot may be a harbinger of new meetings with good people, love relationship, success or to warn about separation, quarrels, and upcoming difficulties.

Relationships with loved ones

If you dreamed that she came to visit you big company friends - the dream book promises a new one great love which will result in a happy marriage.

When in a dream a feast is organized for a group of acquaintances and they sit at the table, this promises excellent income. Also, a feast among cheerful, sociable friends means: the dreamer will meet pleasant, sincere interlocutors in reality.

Have you seen people you know fight? The dream book recommends: you need to take a closer look at your surroundings, in case your new friends are not at all what they seem. Another interpretation of a dream about a fight is also possible: there are domestic troubles ahead, irritation, loss of mutual understanding between household members. For lovers, the vision promises separation.

Who is your new friend?

Remember who you met in your dream. If these were:

  • a man is a harbinger of a new business, task;
  • woman - spiteful critics will weave intrigues around the dreamer;
  • child - plans will come true, but you need to make a lot of effort for this;
  • an elderly man - a troublesome task will appear that will not bring satisfaction;
  • old woman - there will be disappointment or the fading of a certain feeling.

Why do you dream of meeting a person you already know? The dream book states: in reality, the course of affairs will be successful.

Listen to important messages

Did you dream about dead people you know? A dream should warn you about something, so you need to remember everything they told you. After talking with the dead in a dream, analyze the information received in reality to understand its meaning more clearly. If you saw dead alive friend - that means he will live long life in good health.

When you dreamed about the deceased close person in a depressed mood, sad - this is a harbinger of difficulties, even serious troubles. But joyful, happy deceased friends promise the sleeping person well-being and prosperity.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Why does a girl dream of seeing a lot of familiar people? Success in society awaits her. However, after dreaming about a lot of them, it is better for her to refrain from frivolous relationships, so as not to regret later.

For a young woman, many familiar people in a dream foretell a successful personal life and mutual love. True, to achieve happiness you will have to overcome obstacles, but the result is worth it.

Other interpretations

Why do you dream of meeting a person of the opposite sex? The dream book says: you definitely need to realize your creative potential, otherwise you may be very disappointed. A new acquaintance foreshadows the fulfillment of agreements, the return of debts, and the success of the business started.

Seeing unfamiliar or unfamiliar faces in a dream means that in reality the sleeper will experience fear. An event will occur, which will frighten him, but everything will end relatively well.

A vision of the death of someone you know, according to the dream book, warns: you must steadfastly overcome some test. The death of a friend foretells the loss of something you value. The death of a stranger is a symbol of the end of one period of life and the beginning of another.

Usually in our dreams we most often dream of our relatives, friends or simply acquaintances. Dreams about strangers are much less common, and this is understandable, since most often we communicate with those who are nearby or remember them.

A familiar person can show not only a person you know well, but also prototypes of those you will meet in the future. Moreover, these can be people who have influence on your life and destiny. Often she depicts an unfamiliar, new face in the form similar person and type, and only after a long time the analogy is revealed in reality. This is what a person you know most often dreams about to different people in different situations.

Reminders and memories

Often, even in a dream, we remember someone or think about how life turned out for a classmate or someone we haven’t seen for a long time. And often, a day later, he reminds us of himself by calling or we accidentally meet him in the store. Telepathy can also be associated with the fact that we dream about him, often unexpectedly or in an unusual form.

If you unexpectedly dreamed of a long-time acquaintance in a dream, then the dream book writes that you will learn news about him or from him. Often such a dream predicts an unexpected meeting with him, a conversation or resumption of cooperation or activity with him.

Why do you dream of a familiar person with whom you are currently working or actively spending your leisure time? The dream book writes that such a dream shows the real state of your affairs. Especially if you dream about people you know in a completely unexpected way or with behavior that is unusual for them. Often such a dream reveals the true state of affairs or thoughts of a person. The fact is that in a dream the subconscious awakens and, with the help of signals that we do not notice in reality, gives a true picture of a person’s behavior, thoughts and feelings, which often differs from his real behavior.

If you suddenly dreamed of an acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time, then what is this for? The dream book writes that he may remember you or you will unexpectedly learn news about him or meet him. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes a conversation with him, an unexpected message or call. Often someone or something will remind you of him again.

Pay attention to whether this person was pleasant to you or not. If this ex-lover or just an acquaintance or neighbor whom you know, then such a dream means meeting him or hearing about him, if the dream happened unexpectedly. If you dream unpleasant person someone you can’t stand, expect similar problems and troubles in your life or meeting him.

Often, familiar people with whom some important period of your life was associated show circumstances when you have to remember what was important and necessary at that time. You may even find something that you used then or you will have to remember your lessons acting skills, which you were studying then.


Very often it is difficult to understand why a familiar person is dreaming unless you analyze your associations with him. As a rule, what attracts attention is the brevity and unexpectedness of his appearance, words and actions. If an acquaintance is simply not the central symbol of your dream (that is, the plot does not unfold around it), then the dream book writes what it is about in your dream. Such a person may show your concerns, fears, warnings, or unexpected help or advice in a difficult situation.

Sometimes an acquaintance can show you an area of ​​activity in which you strive to succeed. Why do you dream about this? Depending on your interaction, results in life can come. If a person you know with an unpleasant appearance warns you against something and doesn’t want to talk to you, then why do you dream about this? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts negativity and troubles for you. If an acquaintance smiles sweetly and you hug him, then the dream book writes that you will soon have a rapprochement or new stage building relationships.

An anxious, frightened acquaintance who knocks on your door dreams of troubles and disturbing news.

It is possible that someone will actually ask for help or you will be in danger, which also concerns this person. Seeing a deceased acquaintance in a dream is a sign of rare luck.

There is no clear interpretation for dreams in which a person appeared. It will depend on the personality of the character in the dream, on the attitude of the sleeper towards him and many other details of the plot. Various options for what a person dreams about are discussed below.

Interpretation in different dream books

Miller says that a dreamed acquaintance can demonstrate the attitude of the sleeping person towards him.

  • If the dream character turns out to be aggressive or angry, most likely the dreamer in reality is afraid of this person for some reason.
  • If you had to run away from a friend, it means that in reality, on the contrary, there will be a need to face your problems face to face and defend your own opinion and interests.
  • Does a person who is attractive to a sleeping person seem disgusted and repulsive in a dream? In reality, a major quarrel will arise between people. Most likely, it will not be the dreamer himself who is to blame, but main character dreams. The same plot may suggest deception and bad deeds on the part of the dreamed character.
  • It happens that in a dream a person suddenly becomes very small size. Such a night vision plot promises serious disappointment to a man or woman. If the stranger was shrinking, it means soon you should be wary of new acquaintances. As a result of any of them, an unworthy person may appear in the sleeper’s life, who will change his life for the worse.

Tsvetkov’s dream book says that a very favorable plot is one in which you have to hug or even kiss your enemy. This means that in reality the sleeper will find an approach to him. The long-awaited reconciliation will take place.

Some dreams about familiar people may turn out to be prophetic. For example, did a friend hit a sleeping woman? You should expect similar behavior from her in real life. Most likely, the blow will not be physical, but moral.

If a friend sobs loudly in a dream or expresses suffering in any other way, most likely in reality he needs the dreamer’s support.

Even if a person does not ask for it, it is worth offering him your help. It will certainly be relevant.