Each person's feet have a large number of reflex points. These points are responsible for the functioning of a certain organ of our body. By massaging these points, whether manual massage or using a foot massager, you can significantly improve the functioning of the entire body and organs in particular. Also, during the procedure, the overall emotional state improves, because even with the lightest massage you can get rid of pain and help your muscles relax.

Of course, you can do a foot massage yourself, but the position for this is not very comfortable. And to get a good result, you will first have to study how the acupuncture points are located on the leg. An electric foot massager will make this procedure easier and more effective. Today, their choice is huge, which allows you to buy exactly the device that suits each specific case and person.

The benefits of foot massagers

An electric foot massager can perfectly replace self-massage with your hands, since its use allows you to:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • strengthen the body's immune system;
  • quickly get rid of some diseases;
  • relieve fatigue and heaviness in the legs;
  • relieve fatigue and headaches;
  • relieve swelling in the legs;
  • to avoid varicose veins in the future.

A number of advantages that the massager has

A foot massager has many advantages, but the main ones are:

  • compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • there is no need to find specialists to perform a massage;
  • There are many options to choose from (for example, you can choose a massager for the feet, or for the whole leg).

Experts recommend a foot and ankle massager for those who, due to their professional activities, spend a lot of time on their feet. This applies, for example, to teachers, athletes, sales consultants, postmen and many others. Massagers are also recommended for women and girls who love high heels. People who move little or have extra pounds, as well as those who suffer from swelling of the legs, should also purchase a foot massager.

To summarize, we can confidently say that more than half of the population fits this description, but we must not forget that even a foot massager has its contraindications. For all types of massagers, the general contraindications will be approximately the same. So, it is better not to use them when:

  • heart diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • bleeding and various blood diseases;
  • organ diseases, and especially during exacerbations;
  • birthmarks;
  • various tumors.

The magnetic attachments on such devices are very dangerous for people with low blood pressure. Massagers on a vibration platform are contraindicated for pregnant women, people who have an inguinal or umbilical hernia, bladder disease or kidney stones.

Types of massagers according to the principle of their operation

All massagers differ in purpose, that is, they act on different surfaces of the leg. For example, a massager for the feet, for influencing the joints of the legs, for a full massage of the leg, etc. Massagers can also be divided according to their mechanical action:

  • compression;
  • hydration;
  • roller;
  • vibrating massagers;
  • combined;
  • mechanical;
  • wooden.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Compression and hydration foot massagers

The compression foot massager works on the principle of alternately inflating the pillows. These pillows compress different areas of the leg in turn with maximum delicacy. This is how massage happens. Some devices have an additional heating function. It helps to achieve the greatest relaxation, and this massage becomes as pleasant as possible.

With the help of a hydration massager, leg fatigue is quickly relieved and the overall tone of the body is increased. This type of foot massager is presented in the form of a small foot bath. The bottom is a ribbed surface with additional holes. In the middle of such a bath there are usually built-in rollers, which rotate around their axis while the massager is operating. In working condition, the massager is filled with water, and bubbles fly out of special holes under high pressure, which have a good relaxing effect. Some foot massagers work with or without water. Contrasting foot baths are also made with the help of a hydromassage. The way this massager works is that hot and cold water act on the legs alternately.

Roller and vibrating foot massagers

The roller foot massager perfectly relieves pain in the feet and headaches. The stores have a large selection of units that affect both the calves and only the feet. This device consists of many rollers. Their work is regulated depending on how intense the massage is and how long the procedure is. Also, with the help of this massager, muscles are warmed up (this is facilitated by infrared radiation), pulse massage and pressotherapy are performed on the legs. These additional effects during a massage session are only possible if special functions are built into the device.

The vibrating massager works on the basis of vibrations, affecting the nerve endings. Moreover, if the amplitude and frequency of vibrations are relatively small, then nervous sensitivity decreases. Therefore, if, for example, leg cramps occur, then the intensity of the massager’s operating tempo should be set higher. If the reaction at the nerve endings is inhibited, then the device should be programmed for moderate vibrations. Also, with the help of vibrating massagers, the work of the sebaceous glands is perfectly stabilized, and the muscles become toned. Thanks to this, you can quickly say goodbye to cellulite.

Combined foot massagers

The combined foot massager is the most multifunctional and multitasking of all of the above. That is why such devices are considered the best in their field. They usually contain a huge number of additional functions. This includes heating, infrared radiation and much more. True, the price of such devices will be significantly higher than that of other massagers.

Wooden and mechanical massagers

A wooden foot massager, like a mechanical one, is quite common today. And its popularity lies in its low price, silent operation, a wide variety of materials, and in addition, it does not require electricity.

An additional advantage is that these massagers are small in size. In a mechanical massager, the force on different areas of the legs is independently regulated. The most common mechanical massager is a roller device, which can vary in the number of moving parts in it. The latter can be either round or multi-faceted. Most often, such massagers are made of wood, but sometimes plastic ones are also found. This type of massager includes needle devices, which are found in the form of mats or rollers of various sizes. They perfectly relieve pain and fatigue in the legs. This device is used to massage the joints.

How to choose the right massager

Initially, it is important to determine in which area of ​​the legs a massage is needed. Here you will need to choose between a foot massager and a massager for the whole leg. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the scope of its tasks and the number of functions performed. For a good massager, the following functions are simply necessary:

  • ability to select a program;
  • possibility to choose the intensity of massage;
  • Setting the massage time.

At the same time, the choice of manufacturer is also important - it is best if it has already proven itself in the market, because even if it breaks down, it will be possible to repair it free of charge at a service center. Typically, such centers are located in all major cities, which reduces repair costs.

Having chosen a specific massager model, you need to choose the size of the device for your foot. If the purchased product comes with attachments, then there should be as many of them as possible. For example, a massager for the feet can be equipped with an attachment with large rollers, and for the fingers - an attachment with smaller massage elements. If the device has replaceable nozzles, then changing them should be done quickly and easily.

The weight of the massager also matters. It will be impossible to take a heavy device with you anywhere. An important criterion is the cost of the device. The price here is influenced by the functionality of the device, the declared characteristics and, of course, the manufacturer. All of the above criteria are basic; they will help you choose the right device.

The most common massager

The Bliss massager for legs, feet and ankles is the most popular today. He massages biologically active points on the legs using special rollers located on the massager platform. The shape and size of the rollers are identical to the fingers of the massage therapist. Here the feet are treated as comfortably as possible, and for additional comfort the device is equipped with a built-in heater.

Using this massager is quite simple. Operating rules are described in the instructions for the device. But here it is important to remember the precautions: do not stand on the platform itself, use it in a dry room, and do not insert foreign objects into the “Bliss” while the rollers are working.

This type of massager was developed with a classic design. The foot platform here has special indentations for massaging the feet and ankles. Its size and weight are quite small, and the glossy body makes the massager look elegant and unforgettable.

Foot massager. Reviews

In general, reviews about this category of devices are positive. The Bliss massager for legs, feet and ankles is praised for its affordable price, ease of use and high quality massage.

According to medical research, the result of a session of a hardware procedure is comparable to an entire course of massage performed by a specialist.

Types and principle of operation

Pressotherapy is a type of hardware physiotherapy that the patient can use independently at home.

The essence of the operation of the devices is to massage the walls of lymphatic and blood vessels, as well as the skin and muscles, with compressed air entering special cuffs applied to various parts of the body. The air exerts wave-like rhythmic pressure on the tissue. As pressure decreases, blood vessels dilate and blood supply increases.

Therefore, lymphatic drainage massage improves the condition of the skin, its nutrition, and accelerates the breakdown of fat. Rhythmic alternation of pressure improves lymph circulation, squeezing out excess fluid from the intercellular spaces along with accumulated waste.

The devices relieve puffiness and improve the appearance of the skin, rejuvenate it, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Benefits of lymphatic drainage massage:

  • adjusting the intensity and duration of exposure;
  • positive effect on deep-lying tissues and blood vessels;
  • compatibility with other treatment methods;
  • You can massage both limbs at the same time.

Types of pressotherapy: influence on the entire body - wear a suit that completely covers the body or influence a specific area using special cuffs.

Lymphatic drainage massage solves the following problems: treatment of pathologies, prevention of disease, warm-up and recovery after injury in sports, improvement of the appearance of the skin.

Indications and contraindications

The use of devices is indicated in the following cases:

  • swelling of the lower extremities caused by lymph stagnation and prolonged immobilization;
  • joint diseases in remission;
  • prevention of arterial insufficiency of leg vessels;
  • feeling of tiredness in the legs after physical activity;
  • prevention;
  • treatment of the initial stages;
  • diabetic angiopathy in a stable compensated form;
  • obesity;
  • subcutaneous vascular mesh;
  • prevention of bedsores in bedridden patients.

The devices also improve the condition of patients with gout, chronic constipation, adhesive disease, and Parkinson's syndrome.

Typically, with use, patients note an improvement in their psycho-emotional background and quality of sleep, and their immune defense is enhanced.

Lymphatic drainage massage can be used for cosmetic purposes. It is effective at the first signs of cellulite and postpartum changes in leg tissue. The procedures help improve the shape of the lower extremities due to some reduction in volume and tightening of tissues.

Hardware massage has limitations in use:

  • history of thrombosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • chronic diseases of various organs and systems in the stage of decompensation;
  • leg fractures;
  • extensive wound surfaces;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • acute inflammatory processes of any localization;
  • mental disorders;
  • tuberculosis.

Review of models and cost

Experts recommend performing pressotherapy daily or every other day, the course of treatment is 10 sessions. Initially, the procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes, and the pressure used should be minimal in accordance with the instructions. Gradually, the session time and pressure increase.

All devices are simple and easy to use and have instructions in Russian. An important advantage is the ability to individually adjust the pressure (from 20 to 300 mm Hg) and the procedure time - from 15 minutes to half an hour.

Manufacturer: Korea. The product is certified and has a 12-month warranty.

The choice of device, method of application and duration of the course must be agreed with the treating specialist.

The disadvantage of such devices is their relatively high cost.

Lymphatic drainage device Power-Q 1000 PLUS

The device is highly effective, so procedures can be carried out once every three days. The device has a number of advantages:

  • pressure up to 300 mm Hg. Art.;
  • low power consumption;
  • easy to carry, since the weight of the device is 2 kg;
  • massage insoles included.

The cost of the device is from 16 thousand rubles.

This lymphatic drainage foot massager has the following features: 7 pressotherapy programs, 4 pressure levels, silent processor operation. It has a pronounced relaxing effect on the entire body and significantly improves the local condition of tissues.

The device costs at least 22 thousand rubles.

It is most popular among the Unix Air series massagers. Optimally suitable for home use, combining effectiveness and affordability.

Advantages of the device:

  • The weight of the device is only 3 kg, it is convenient to move it around the apartment and take it with you on trips;
  • nice design;
  • presence of a universal connector - you can connect any cuff or accessory of this series.

The device for lymphatic drainage massage of the legs has a built-in microcomputer that controls a compressor that smoothly pumps air into the cuffs. A special program regulates the pressure, which can be increased in 4 stages starting from 50 mm Hg. Art. and increasing to 200.

Each cuff consists of four chambers, which are alternately filled with air supplied under pressure.

The device has 2 operating modes: air flows from bottom to top, in the opposite direction. A manual mode has also been developed. In this case, one chamber is filled first, then the patient switches the control button and fills the upper chamber.

The set also includes two insoles for acupressure. They tone the body, gradually eliminate heel spurs, corns and cracked heels.

An electric massager costs from 20 thousand rubles.

Lymphatic drainage boots GAPO 900 Plus

Used for foot massage. The cuff can cover the entire limb from the feet to the thigh. Each boot has 4 chambers, into which pressure ranges from 10 to 180 mm Hg. Art. air is pumped in.

The kit includes 2 hoses (single and double line), a compressor for air compression.


  • you can purchase additional cuffs for massaging the waist, buttocks, and arms;
  • prevention of prostate adenoma and prostatitis;
  • accelerated rehabilitation after liposuction.

Compressed air is pumped into the cuffs one by one, starting from the bottom and gradually filling the top. The device weighs about 7 kg.

The average price of a massager is 27 thousand rubles.

The pressure is regulated using a special sensor in the range from 20 to 220 mmHg. Art. It is possible to add cuffs for the arms and waist to the device, which also have 4 sections, like boots.

The price of the device is from 22 thousand rubles.

The device is distinguished by separate cuffs worn on the lower leg, foot and thigh. Maximum pressure - 140 mm Hg. Art., so the session proceeds comfortably, the device produces a good relaxing effect.

The price of the device is at least 13 thousand rubles.

Lymphatic drainage massage reduces swelling by removing excess fluid, promotes detoxification, freeing the body of toxins, and activates blood circulation and local metabolism. It is necessary to select a device in accordance with the goal that the patient sets for himself: treatment, prevention or improvement of appearance.

Useful video reviewing the Power-Q 1000 lymphatic drainage massager

In Japan, the feet are called a smaller copy of the body. That is why, when your feet are tired, you wear uncomfortable shoes or stand on your feet for a long time, you feel weak and tired throughout the body, but your well-being is quickly restored after a 15-minute foot massage.

Is this possible? In the 6th century BC, the Chinese discovered that irritation of certain areas of the foot changes the functioning of internal organs, this has been confirmed by time. Modern scientists have proven that there are biologically active points on the feet, which are the projection of all organs of the body.

The slightest disturbance of blood circulation in the legs affects the functioning of the brain and changes the tone of blood vessels. We feel these changes in the form of weakness, weakness and bad mood. Therefore, foot massage can be called a kind of whole body massage.

Initially, massage involves the treatment of some ailment, but this is only possible with regular procedures. It is not always possible to constantly visit a professional massage therapist, but foot massagers have been created so that a person can take care of his feet with ease and convenience.

They are compact and can be used at home, in the office, and some models in the car and while traveling. Easy to use, save time and replace a full massage. Modern design does not harm the interior of the home.

Initially, only mechanical massagers were used. They are still widely used today. These are rotating rollers on the handle and movable elements of various diameters strung on spokes in the form of an abacus.

Fit studio rugs with plastic pebbles applied to the surface, imitating sea pebbles. UFOOT slippers with elastic granules.

All of them have a mechanical effect on the reflexogenic zones of the foot, have virtually no contraindications, are quite effective and can be used at home, in the office and while traveling.

They are used without fear by women who constantly walk in high heels, children with impaired motor function, athletes undergoing rehabilitation after injuries, overweight people and pensioners with serious health problems.

Modern electrical massage devices, in addition to mechanical effects on acupuncture points, also reproduce other massage techniques - kneading, vibration, compression.

Allows the use of infrared radiation, magnetic therapy, and the beneficial effects of water, salts and minerals. They can be hand-held, no heavier than an umbrella, or stationary, massive; act only on one part of the leg or simultaneously on the feet, legs and thighs.

In order not to harm yourself, you need to know the contraindications for using electric massagers.

General contraindications for massage:

  • Acute inflammatory and febrile conditions.
  • Diseases of internal organs and joints in the acute stage or significant dysfunction.
  • Implanted pacemaker.
  • Blood diseases and bleeding tendency.
  • Cerebrovascular accidents and seizures.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Acute pain.
  • Pustular skin diseases and birthmarks on the massaged area.

Most foot massagers come with a vibration platform. They are contraindicated for gall or bladder stones, inguinal or umbilical hernia, pregnancy and during menstruation.

Endocrine diseases are a contraindication for massage with infrared heating.

Massagers equipped with magnetic attachments are not suitable for people with labile or low blood pressure.

Manual massage devices

Hand-held electrical massage devices are very popular. They are versatile, inexpensive, compact, aesthetic and highly effective. They can be used for any part of the body, but do not always have attachments for the foot, lower leg and thigh.

The Dolphin, MAGIC and IREST massagers have a comfortable handle and several attachments:

  • Anti-cellulite, which, thanks to high-frequency vibration, improves lymph and blood circulation and ensures good skin drainage.
  • Acupressure, affecting the active points of the foot.
  • An attachment that allows for therapeutic procedures for arthrosis of the knee, ankle and small joints of the legs.

Stationary foot devices

Roller massagers FITSTUDIO, BEURER and HoMedics FM affect the reflexogenic zones of the foot. The effect is enhanced by infrared heating of tissues. There are disc rotation speed regulators that change the intensity of the massage. After a 15-minute massage, fatigue goes away and muscle tension is relieved.

The US MEDICA OMEGA massager has embossed massage rollers, the direction and speed of which are adjustable. They effectively stretch your feet.

There is an easily removable cover and the ability to work from a car cigarette lighter. The healing effect of the massager is especially felt with constant use. The quality of sleep improves, headaches disappear, immunity and performance increase.

The CASADA INTERAPED foot massage device, unlike previous models, has not only a mechanical effect, but also a vibration effect and infrared heating.

Thanks to this, the relaxing effect occurs quickly and blood circulation in the extremities improves. A two-week course helps well with the symptom of “cold feet” and has a significant analgesic effect.

The infrared vibration foot massager PROMEDIC MNK-101 has 4 automatic programs with different intensities of massage movements. Thanks to built-in magnets, vibration and infrared radiation, the deep-lying tissues of the foot are worked out.

When using this device, microcirculation improves. Inflammation decreases, pain in arthrosis and arthritis subsides, and joint mobility is restored. The well-being of people suffering from obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities and with signs of venous insufficiency improves.

The ACUPUNCTURE FM massager combines acupressure, compression massage and infrared irradiation. 192 elongated massage elements operating at three speeds work well on the toes and the plantar surface of the foot. Air compression pillows, alternately squeezing and releasing the foot, eliminate swelling and heaviness in the legs.

Various materials are used in the manufacture of rollers. In 2009, CASADA series massagers with jade rollers were released, which have an additional healing effect on the body.

Massage therapists have long used the healing qualities of this mineral - it activates metabolic processes, improves tissue regeneration and vascular elasticity, relieves aggression, and restores strength.

The Chinese call jade a stone that gives longevity, health and youth. Such devices are successfully used to treat diseases of the leg joints, depression and preserve youth.

Massage devices for feet, legs and thighs

If you move little, have to stand for a long time, are overweight and in the evening you feel tired, heavy legs, exhaustion, weakness and a bad mood, you need to pay attention to your legs and perform a 15-minute full massage once a day.

Compression massage of the foot, leg and thigh can be done at home using massagers such as BLISS. Thanks to the built-in rollers, acupressure of the plantar surface of the foot is simultaneously carried out.

Infrared heating makes the procedure very comfortable. Movable rollers, rotating drums and compression pads relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation in the legs.

Massagers OTO POWER PF, TAKASIMA TK and RT-1980 provide deep kneading of the muscles of the lower leg and thigh, as well as targeted action on reflexogenic zones. The different filling rates of the air cushions create pulsating pressure, which promotes the outflow of stagnant blood not only from the extremities, but also from the pelvic organs.

Therefore, massagers that create compression can be used to treat and prevent diseases such as:

  • cellulite;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prostatitis;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • osteoarthritis of the extremities;
  • prevention of varicose veins.

OSIS uPLATO and RestArt boots perform not only compression massage, but also intensive kneading of the lower leg with heated rollers. During the session you will get the feeling of the warm palms of a professional massage therapist. You can set the speed and intensity of disk rotation yourself, or trust the automatic program. On the display you can see an image of the manipulation being performed.

The combined effect of mechanical kneading, vibration and compression on the feet, legs and thighs creates the effect of a full massage. Blood circulation in the legs is restored, swelling goes away, and the contours of the legs improve. Already after the first session of this massage you feel lightness, freshness and vigor.

Hydromassage foot baths

These devices combine the action of several factors:

  1. Vibration relieves fatigue, fatigue, restores performance and relieves pain.
  2. The bubble effect, gently massaging the skin, relaxes.
  3. Mechanical effects on acupuncture points have a positive effect on the entire body and emotional state.
  4. A brush, pumice stone and water remove the stratum corneum of the skin, promoting its healing and regeneration.
  5. Warm water relieves muscle tension and increases the pain-relieving effect.
  6. The chemical action of sea, mineral water or aromatic oils improves tissue trophism, joint mobility, skin elasticity and softens scars.

Foot massage baths BOSCH PMF, SENSUIS MP1 and BEURER operate in 3 modes: vibration, bubble massage and their combined action. In addition, the textured bottom and roller attachments massage the active points of the foot. The relaxing and calming effect is enhanced by infrared heating. Removable attachments: brush and pumice stone - will make your feet perfectly well-groomed.

The Medisana WBB bath allows you to use aromatic oils that enhance the healing effect.

The powerful LC 8010 device allows you to use salt solutions and herbal decoctions instead of plain water. The additional effect of ozone has an antiviral, antifungal effect, soothes pain and reduces inflammation. There is a protection function against overheating and insufficient water (a sound signal sounds).

When choosing such a device, consider some factors:

1 The power of the device must be at least 200 W. A low-power one will not maintain the desired water temperature.

2 The embossed bottom must be free of burrs, otherwise you will injure your feet.

3 It is better if there is a regulator for the intensity of bubbles and vibration.

4 The legs of the bathtub must be rubberized (to prevent slipping).

5 There should be no gaps in the housing. Water ingress may cause a short circuit.

How to choose a foot massager

To avoid making a mistake in choosing a device, ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Why do you want to buy a massager (foot care, treatment of diseases, for prestige)?
  2. Which parts of the limb do you want to massage (just the feet or all parts of the leg)?
  3. Where do you plan to use it (at home, in the office, in the car)?
  4. Who will receive the procedures (a child, an elderly person, a charming girl or a muscular man)?

Whichever option you choose, consult your doctor first. Having a medical condition may remove some massage devices from your list.

Foot massagers are popular among young women who care about the beauty of their feet, employees who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and among people with chronic diseases. And for all categories in the given description of massagers, you can choose the appropriate model.

Experts say that 95% of the active points responsible for the condition of the body are located on the foot. Therefore, foot massage leads to a general improvement in well-being and normalization of the functioning of all internal organs. This fact has been proven by the centuries-old use of technology in Eastern practices. Among other things, foot massage relieves spasms of muscles and blood vessels, is an excellent prevention of varicose veins, and eliminates the feeling of heaviness and stiffness.

For an ideal oriental massage, as in the best SPA salons, a foot massager is suitable, which can be bought in Moscow or throughout Russia in Constellation of Beauty stores. When choosing a device for foot massage, it is important to determine the purpose of its use. For a relaxing effect and relieving fatigue, roller devices with a Shiatsu massage function are best suited. To eliminate swelling, lymphatic drainage massage of the legs will be optimal; a pressotherapy device will help remove fluid stagnation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. And to prevent muscle spasms and relieve fatigue, special slippers with massage elements are indispensable.

Benefits of using foot massagers.

  • Improvement in general condition, return of vigor and excellent well-being.
  • Stimulates local blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.
  • Activating the removal of stagnant fluid is therefore an excellent decongestant.
  • Relieving muscle spasms, eliminating the feeling of heaviness and rumbling in the legs.
  • Deep study of active points, increasing the body's protective resources.
  • A comfortable, relaxing procedure that will quickly relieve stress and fatigue.

Types of foot massagers:

  • Roller foot massager with Shiatsu massage function is an indispensable device for relaxing muscles after a hard day spent on your feet. By deeply kneading active points, the massager improves well-being, restores strength and removes heaviness.
  • Massage Slippers is a means for daily massage of the active points of the foot, maintaining excellent health and mood. Just a few minutes a day relaxes your leg muscles, relieves tension and fatigue.
  • Lymphatic drainage apparatus for foot massage Focused on relieving swelling and eliminating the feeling of heaviness in the legs. This massage stimulates blood and lymph flow and prevents blood stagnation in the veins.

The foot is the center of the nerve plexuses and has a large number of acupuncture points, which allows, with proper massage and other influences on them, to treat certain diseases. However, there is absolutely no need to rush to make an appointment with a doctor or yoga master.

In the age of high technology, doctors together with engineers invented, just for such cases, a foot massager, which can be bought in almost any specialized store.

If you properly influence the surface of the foot, you can not only improve the overall well-being of the body, but also get rid of many ailments. Each point is responsible for one or another organ or their system. Many representatives of the medical community believe that using a foot massager improves immunity and its resistance to external influences, and can even prolong life.

Massagers, depending on the purpose of their use and the mechanism of operation, can improve the physical condition of the body as a whole, treat foot diseases of various medical natures, improve the body’s blood circulation, and prevent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections.

Which massager should you choose?

Before you buy a massager, you need to determine for what purpose you are preparing to purchase it and become familiar with the functions of the device. The entire selection of modern leg exercisers can be divided into mechanical and electrical devices. The mechanical device works on the principle of influencing acupuncture points and relieving discomfort.

Electric foot massage devices provide a wider range of functions. There are the following devices depending on the principle of operation:

  • air;
  • hydromassagers;
  • vibration;
  • and others.

Benefits of using it at home and purchasing a foot massager

These devices have the following advantages:

  1. Compactness, which allows you to enjoy massage even in small apartments and easily transport the device from place to place.
  2. Several operating modes - automatic and manual. The remote control is very convenient for switching operating modes of the device.
  3. Saving money. If you decide to purchase a foot massager, you will not need to constantly visit a certified massage therapist for appropriate procedures.
  4. Electric massagers consume a minimum of energy (for example, in the countryside it is possible to connect it to a battery) and have a long service life.

What you need to know when purchasing a foot massager

Here are a few more nuances:

  • The electric foot massager must be comfortable so that the foot fits freely on a special platform. If a person has too large or, on the contrary, small foot size, then carefully study the instructions for use.
  • The choice and number of attachments of the electric massager determine which area of ​​the foot we want to massage (for example, toes or heel).
  • The number of modes makes it possible to choose the most comfortable and suitable mode for you.
  • The more modes, the better foot massage procedures you can perform.
  • The price of massagers varies greatly on the market (from the expensive Stealth to the budget Bliss). The cost is determined by the brand of the manufacturer, the number of modes, the therapeutic effect, and the size.
  • Dimensions of the device: size and weight. If you want to take your foot massage device with you all the time, the small size will come in handy more than ever.
  • Company manufacturer. Although devices from China have recently begun to please with their quality, it is still better to buy a device from other manufacturers. If you absolutely do not need the wide functionality of an expensive and branded device, then there is no point in paying a lot of money to buy it.
  • The foot massager must be stable, otherwise it will be problematic to use and injury may occur.

Types of massagers and customer reviews

As promised, we provide a list of the most famous massagers for their effectiveness.

An electric massager is a portable device for relieving foot stress, with a set of all the necessary functions. Bradex Foot Masseger is very suitable for busy people who cannot afford to visit a professional massage therapist. It has a built-in system for heating the feet, it can be adjusted according to desire and desired comfort.

For those who often suffer from colds, this exercise machine is perfect as a means of prevention. It has several operating modes, each of which is responsible for a specific part of the feet. For style lovers, the Bradex foot massager has an interesting design. You can buy Bradex Foot Masseger at a price starting from 5190 rubles.

Customer Reviews

  1. The presence of several operating modes allows you to completely relax your foot after work (Victoria, 36 years old, teacher).
  2. Worth the money, it gives your legs a great rest, the price is reasonable (Anton, 35 years old, driver).
  3. You can buy it at a low price, which makes you think (Elizabeth, 26 years old, photo model).

Foot massager Casada FootInn

Heated roller massager. Perfect for girls and women who like to wear high heels, older people, and athletes of various sports. Excellent for relieving numbness in the feet.

Customers' opinions

  1. According to its characteristics, it is an average massager, not bad, and cannot be classified as an elite one (Anton, 20 years old, photographer).
  2. Convenient for small feet, I want to buy it for my brother as a gift (Marina, 29 years old, sales manager).
  3. A good massager for treating feet, it helped my elderly mother a lot (Sergey, 46 years old, electrician).

Electric foot massager Yamaguchi Hybrid

Produced in Japan. It has 3 options of operation, relieves muscle tension and swelling of the feet. The device is a stylish device that is controlled using a remote control. The main mechanisms of operation are heating, compression and roller massages. The Yamaguchi Hybrid foot massager does a good job of eliminating swelling of the feet.

What are buyers saying?

  1. No need to visit beauty salons anymore. I bought it and am very pleased, it’s perfect for my feet (Elena, 30 years old, sales manager)!
  2. It relaxes my legs, but I haven’t felt any other effects yet. You probably need to wait a while (Ilya, 25 years old, programmer).
  3. A good massager at a good price, very convenient (Elena, 33 years old, housewife).

Air compression foot massager Crazy Egg

It is shaped like an egg (hence the name of the device) and has holes for the legs. It carries out three types of massage - it affects the points of the body, it has special rollers and an air-compression mechanism. Provides a complete and high-quality massage of all parts of the foot surface. It has a heating mode, which improves blood circulation in the body. The original massager is made in Germany! Beware of Chinese counterfeits!