Protective magic plays a very important role in the life of every person. important role. It occupies a special place in the lives of people whose work is associated with danger and risk. Being a police officer or firefighter immediately comes to mind. However, even an ordinary driver risks his life every day. After all, the number of accidents and accidents on the roads is constantly growing. Using a driver's amulet, a person can protect himself from accidents on the road and ward off misfortunes and dangers.

The magical protection of the driver and the car may be different. It can be expressed in the form of magical objects or in prayers and spells.

Magic item
Such an item is constantly in the car and is used to protect both the car and the driver. Such protection is provided against thefts, thefts, accidents and other troubles that can happen to a person and his vehicle.

Prayer or conspiracy
Prayers and conspiracies can be read both immediately after purchasing a car, and with some frequency. They will help protect the car and driver from problems on the road and losses associated with theft or theft.

Charms for drivers
Drivers should always carry such magical things with them. This can be either a talisman made with your own hands, or a purchased or gifted magical item.

Using amulets, the driver attracts good luck on the road and reduces the likelihood of getting into an accident, theft, theft or punctured tires. Strict adherence to all recommendations regarding performing a ritual, reading a spell or creating a magical protector will guarantee safety on the roads.

Prayer for the blessing of the car

When a person buys a car, it is considered mandatory to perform a ritual to neutralize the energy of the previous owner if the car was used. You will also create favorable energy if the car is brand new. To perform this ritual you will need one church candle and some holy water. You can replace holy water with clean spring or river water.

The ritual is performed in all alone, and the prayer for the consecration of the car is read aloud. With a lit candle, you need to walk around the car three times, saying the magic words:

“I bought a new car, found a new assistant,
He will serve me faithfully,
It won’t break or work poorly,
He will serve me faithfully.
My word is law, my prayer is strong.

The prayer is repeated three times for each circle, going around the vehicle. After this, you need to place a candle near the car and sprinkle holy water on the vehicle with the words:

“I dedicate you with holy water,
So that nothing happens to you or the driver,
So that the roads are all fast and smooth,
To avoid all troubles.

The prayer is repeated five times, after which the car is ready for use.

Protective prayer

This prayer can be used as a powerful magical protection not only the driver but also the car. It is recommended to read a prayer of protection once a month.

“Help me, Lord, save me!
Cover me, servant of God (name), with your amulets,
From mutilation, bruises, fracture, deformity,
Protect from scarlet blood, terrible wounds and fierce death,
Keep my body from burns, bruises, save and save.
My words are strong, my faith is strong,
Now and forever.

If you decide to find an effective and efficient amulet, then you should pay attention to an ordinary cross. It will create favorable energy and protect you from troubles on the road.

A wooden or metal cross hung in a visible place in the car will be an excellent protection against accidents. It is important to periodically pick up your amulet and think about something good. After this, hanging the cross in its usual place, you need to cross yourself three times.

Horseshoe – Slavic amulet, which protects a person from troubles and troubles, attracting good luck.

A horseshoe with its horns facing upward will protect the driver from problems on the road. Remember that the amulet in the form of a horseshoe should not turn over during movement, so it should be attached and immobilized.

Quartz can be used as a stone amulet for the driver. You can buy this mineral in a specialized esoteric store.

However, the creation of a magical item does not end with the purchase of a gem. When choosing quartz, give preference to a stone without unnecessary inclusions, chips and cracks. Since defects can be sources negative energy and have a bad impact on protective properties stone

When a mineral is purchased, it needs to be charged. To do this, you need to perform a certain ritual. The stone is picked up during the week for several minutes at the same time and the prayer is read:

“Keep God’s servant (name) from everything bad on the road, in the car and on the street,
Protect from everything evil and bad,
I charge you with my strength and energy,
I dedicate you to faithful service!”

A do-it-yourself amulet for a driver is characterized by enormous power and great potential.

To make such an item, you will need a small fabric bag, three acorns and red thread.

Acorns are placed in a bag with the words:

“I put safety, health and peace of mind in a bag!”

When the acorns are in the bag, it is tied with a red thread with the words:

“With luck and luck, I tie you up and unite you!”

This bag should always be kept in the car in a place inaccessible to prying eyes. In addition, it is not recommended to show this amulet to anyone.

Amulet for the driver and for vehicle may be in the form of a magical object that is constantly in the car. It can also be in the form of a conspiracy, which is periodically pronounced by the owner of the car.

I present to your attention orthodox prayers on the road, intended for the driver of the car.
If you drive a vehicle, you must understand that driving is directly associated with increased danger.
The roads are a mess these days, and avoiding a traffic accident is becoming increasingly difficult.
When going on a long journey or just driving out by car, do not be lazy and read at least several times the special prayers addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
And make sure to bless your dashing car as soon as possible.

Prayer for the road to Nikolai Ugodnik

Before you get behind the wheel, say these prayer lines to yourself:

1. Wonderworker Nicholas, protect me from reckless driving. On the road and on the way, at stops and stages, let Guardian angel protects me. Protect me from injuries and abrasions, from collisions and reptiles. Thy will be done. Amen.

Another prayer, also addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, will protect you from meager people on the high road.
Consider it before a responsible route and long distance.

2. I turn to you, Nikolai Ugodnik, and pray for miraculous help. Save me from deep holes and ditches, from accidents and collisions. Turn drunk drivers and overzealous pedestrians away from me. Thy will be done. Amen.

The third prayer for the driver will help him avoid car breakdowns and inspectors stopping him.
It must be said when getting ready to travel and fearing being punished.

3. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Pleasant and Savior. Help me overcome a long distance and don’t bother me with an accidental breakdown. Don't let the inspector stop me, don't let the tire burst, don't let the car get damaged. Protect me from swift persecution and from the lumpy stone. Let it be so. Amen.

Now you know that there are Orthodox prayers that a driver should read before a dangerous road.
And then nothing will happen to you.
Take care of yourself on the roads!

Before a challenging trip, visit Orthodox church and submit a simple note indicating the names of everyone involved in the trip.
Place 3 candles each at the icon of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
While standing at the sacred image of the Pleasant, say these prayer lines to yourself:

4. Wonderworker Nicholas, protect travelers from evil incidents. Amen.
Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

Additionally, buy 12 more candles for your home and the icons listed above.
Collect some holy water for good.
The ideal option would be for each of the travelers to pray heartily in secluded silence.
Otherwise, pray for yourself and others.

5.Nicholas the Wonderworker, Defender and Savior. Before the long journey, let me turn to you. Traveling by land and water, by car and everywhere, by air and on an airplane, take care of the pilot. Help me not to go astray, protect me from terrible things. We have enough resources to keep the engine from burning out. Let our dashing fellow travelers not cause us any harm. Reject the evil misfortunes that are promised to us on the road. Thy will be done. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and drink holy water.
Put out the candles. Take away the cinders. You take icons with you on the road.
Be sure to give holy water to the rest of the travel participants to drink.

Detailed description from several sources: “the driver’s prayer before dear Nicholas the Wonderworker” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

I bring to your attention Orthodox prayers for the road, intended for the driver of the car.

If you drive a vehicle, you must understand that driving is directly associated with increased danger.

The roads are a mess these days, and avoiding a traffic accident is becoming increasingly difficult.

When going on a long journey or just driving out by car, do not be lazy and read at least several times the special prayers addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

And make sure to bless your dashing car as soon as possible.

Prayer for the road to Nikolai Ugodnik

Before you get behind the wheel, say these prayer lines to yourself:

Wonderworker Nicholas, protect me from a reckless ride. On the road and on the way, at stops and stages, may my guardian angel protect me. Protect me from injuries and abrasions, from collisions and reptiles. Thy will be done. Amen.

Another prayer, also addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, will protect you from meager people on the high road.

Consider it before a responsible route and long distance.

I turn to you, Nikolai Ugodnik, and pray for miraculous help. Save me from deep holes and ditches, from accidents and collisions. Turn drunk drivers and overzealous pedestrians away from me. Thy will be done. Amen.

The third prayer for the driver will help him avoid car breakdowns and inspectors stopping him.

It must be said when getting ready to travel and fearing being punished.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, Pleasant and Savior. Help me overcome a long distance and don’t bother me with an accidental breakdown. Don't let the inspector stop me, don't let the tire burst, don't let the car get damaged. Protect me from swift persecution and from the lumpy stone. Let it be so. Amen.

Now you know that there are Orthodox prayers that a driver should read before a dangerous road.

And then nothing will happen to you.

Take care of yourself on the roads!

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Orthodox prayer for a driver driving a car on the road

The road for a motorist has always been considered a test and difficulty. That is why it is necessary to pay due attention to prayer - communication human soul with the Creator of the World.

Prayer on the road by car is the most important stage preparation for traveling any distance. An equally important point is a visit to the confessor to receive a blessing. After all, it is the priest-priest who will pray for the good outcome of the journey.

The Lord is present in a person’s life under any circumstances, so a driver’s prayer before the road will help a Christian find mood and blessing on the road.

Which saints should you pray to when going on the road?

  • when sitting behind the wheel, cross yourself and mentally ask the Almighty for a blessing for a successful trip;
  • read the prayer request three times;
  • sign yourself with the sign of the cross and hit the road with a light heart.

It is advisable to memorize the text of the prayer appeal, but you can write it down on a piece of paper and keep it in your car at all times.

All-merciful and All-Merciful God, who protects everything with His mercy and love for mankind, we humbly pray to You, through the intercession of the Mother of God and all the saints, save us, sinners and people entrusted to me, from sudden death and help us deliver unharmed to everyone according to his needs. Dear God! Deliver us from the evil spirit of recklessness, evil spirits, alcoholism causing unhappiness and sudden death without repentance. Save and help us, Lord, to live with a clear conscience to a ripe old age without the burden of people killed and maimed due to my negligence, and may the name be glorified Your Sacred now forever and ever. Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God, the true and living way, you willed to travel with your imaginary father Joseph and the Most Pure Virgin Mother in Egypt, and with Luca and Cleopas in Emmaus! And now we humbly pray to Thee, Most Holy Master, and travel with Thy servant by Thy grace. And like Thy servant Tobiah, send a Guardian Angel and mentor, preserving and delivering them from every evil situation visible and invisible enemies, and instructing in the fulfillment of Your commandments, peacefully and safely and healthily forwarding, and again returning safely and serenely; and grant them all their good intentions to please You safely and fulfill them for Your glory. It is Yours to have mercy and save us, and we send up glory to You with Your Beginning Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

ABOUT Holy Lady my, Virgin Mother of God, Hodegetria, patroness and hope of my salvation! Behold, on the journey that lies before me, now I want to leave and for the time being I entrust to You, my most merciful Mother, my soul and body, all my mental and material powers, entrusting everything to Your strong gaze and Your all-powerful help. O good Companion and My protector! I earnestly pray to Thee, that this path may not creep; guide me on it, and direct it, O All-Holy Hodegetria, as She herself did, to the glory of Thy Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, be my helper in everything, especially in this distant and on a difficult journey, protect me under Thy sovereign protection from all the troubles and sorrows that come our way, from enemies visible and invisible, and pray for me, my Lady, Thy Son Christ our God, that He may send His peaceful, faithful mentor and guardian to help me. of old gave to His servant Tobias Raphael to eat in every place and at all times, who kept him on the road from all evil: thus he successfully guided my path and preserved me by heavenly power may He return me to health, peacefully and completely, to my dwelling for the glory of His Holy Name, glorifying and blessing Him all the days of my life and magnifying You now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master, make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds, but according to his own He will reward us with goodness. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O servants of God, Schema-monk Kirill and Schema-nun Maria! Hear our humble prayer. Even though your temporary life has naturally ended, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord, teaching us and patiently bearing your cross, helping us. Therefore, together with our reverend and God-bearing father Sergius, your beloved son, we naturally acquired boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother. Even now, be prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy servants of God (names). Be our intercessors of strength, so that by living faith, by your intercession, we may remain unharmed from demons and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O passion-bearers of Christ, who courageously suffered in the city of Sebastia, we earnestly resort to you as our prayer books and ask: ask the All-Bountiful God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our lives, so that in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, having lived together, we will boldly stand before the terrible judgment of Christ and through your intercession we will stand at the right hand of the Righteous Judge. To her, pleasers of God, awaken us, the servants of God (names), protectors from all enemies visible and invisible, so that under the roof of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until last day our life, and thus let us glorify the great and revered name of the All-Effective Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O holy passion-bearer of Christ Procopius! Hear us sinners, who now stand before your Holy Icon and tenderly pray to you: let us pray for us (names) to Jesus Christ our God and His Mother, our Lady Theotokos, to forgive us the sins we have committed. Ask the Lord for the benefit of your soul and body for mercy, peace, blessing, so that we may all be delivered on the terrible day of judgment, and that we may be saved, and stand at the right hand with His chosen ones to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, as to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship. His beginningless Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words. His cloak will overshadow you, and you will trust under His wing. His truth will surround you with a weapon, you will not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies in the days, from the thing that passes in darkness, from the cloak and demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you. Look before your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not come close to your body. As His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone. Tread on the asp and the silisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver; I will cover and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him and glorify him; I will fill him with long days, and show him My salvation.

Location of auto icons

Most often, drivers stick icons on the front panel of the car, some attach them to the windshield, facing the road.

Commandments for drivers

  • check if there is any left pectoral cross at home (this rule applies only to those baptized in Orthodox faith of people);
  • sign yourself with a cross, cross the path and say out loud or silently “Lord, bless”;
  • do not try to reduce travel time by exceeding the permissible speed limit (this can cause an accident);
  • thank the drivers who let your car through;
  • give way to rushing traffic or aggressive drivers;
  • at the end of the journey, cross yourself and thank God for your help and the successful (and even unsuccessful) completion of the trip, say “Glory to God for everything!”

How to pray correctly to an Orthodox driver

  • it is necessary to turn to the Lord and His saints passionately and from the heart;
  • the prayer request before the road should be read out loud, but on the way the prayer should be done silently;
  • You should not cross yourself while driving; the driver’s hands should firmly hold the steering wheel;
  • the auto-icon must be treated with respect, it is the same shrine as the faces of the saints in the temple;
  • The icon in the car does not have magical properties; it is not a talisman or emergency protection.

On the way, you need to rely not only on help from Above, but also on your own attentiveness.

But it should be remembered that in the event of an accident there is always a culprit and a righteous person. Even an ideal driver can be harmed by a drunk driver. It is in such critical situations that the intercession of the saints is more important than ever.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

The driver’s prayer before the road in a car (car) is strong

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Complexity modern life is that it does not allow people to live in peace and relax a little. After all, problems and difficulties await us at every step. And one of the most dangerous places is the road. And in general the machine is the source increased danger. The main confirmation is traffic police reports. There are a lot of tragic accidents on the road every day that occur due to certain circumstances. And in order to protect yourself from the machinations of fate, you need to use strong prayer on a road that will protect you from various dangers of this kind.

An Orthodox person constantly prays before starting an important task, so special attention should be paid to prayer requests in such moments of danger. After all, such an appeal to the Heavenly Forces is strong, and most importantly reliable protection for those who spend a lot of time on the road.

Prayer for the driver on the road

A distinctive feature of prayers on the road by car is that they can be read not only by the person to whom they are directed. Who can perform such rituals?

Every believer can protect himself from various kinds of problems along the way. To do this, you need to make a prayer request to the Almighty or the Saints. This is great for those people who are not used to relying on luck, but do everything for sure.

Prayer for the journey of a son and a loved one

In this case, the prayer appeal is read for a person who sets off on a journey. Anyone can do this: daughter, wife, aunt, godmother, brother, mother-in-law or just a loved one.

Be careful and before you get behind the wheel of your car - do not be lazy to turn to God or the Saints for protection or assistance. Or if your car breaks down, turn to the Lord and you will see his power. Of course, you shouldn’t hope that at your first word all the mechanisms will start working again, but the Almighty will never leave us, because he always takes care of us and always rules wisely.

Prayer for a long journey by car

To always return home safe and sound, you can turn to Nikolai Ugodnik. He will take you away from any troubles and difficulties that may await you along the long journey. After all, as you know, it was during the journey that the gift of miracles and insight was revealed to the Pleasant.

During his lifetime, he was able to cope with a terrible storm with his strength, and dispelled all the menacing clouds. Since that time, Nikolai Ugodnik has been considered the patron saint of travelers. And for almost two thousand years, many people pray to him on the road with requests for well-being on the road.

If you are traveling to long journey, then read the following prayer several times before driving your car:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, protect me from a reckless ride. On the road and on the way, at stops and stages, may the Guardian Angel protect me. Protect me from injuries and abrasions, from collisions and reptiles. Thy will be done. Amen"

How to pray correctly?

  1. Turn to the Lord or Saints fervently and sincerely, pray from the heart;
  2. It is better to read the driver’s prayer before the road several times out loud, but you need to pray silently while on the road;
  3. If you pray while driving, then under no circumstances should you be baptized. The driver should not take his hands off the steering wheel;
  4. If you have been given an icon for your car, treat it with respect. Fasten it to a place convenient for you, where you can do it technically correctly (depending on the type of fastening);
  5. Always treat the icon with respect, because it is a shrine (even small or small);
  6. Never attribute magic or magical properties. This is not a talisman.
  7. Remember that an icon is not a guarantee of the absence of breakdowns or some kind of divine emergency protection;
  8. An icon can be protection for people sitting in a car, but not for the body or other mechanisms.

Types of prayers for travelers and motorists

If you need to go on a short trip, move or a very long journey, then a daily prayer service while you are on the road is suitable. It is best to pray early in the morning (meaning before eight in the morning). It is also worth noting that the motorist or traveler himself needs to read it. The words of this appeal must be read three times. You need to pronounce it in a whisper and with your eyes closed.

“Lord Almighty, Our God, I turn to you for support! I ask You for help, I pray for Your condescension! On the road I find it difficult, there are many obstacles on my way: bad people, crappy thoughts, pressing problems! Protect me, save me, guide me on the true path and help me not to leave it. Make sure that my road is smooth and even, problems and misfortunes are bypassed. So that this is how I set out on the road, and this is how I returned! I trust in Your help, I call for your support! I glorify Your name! Amen!"

The main thing is to remember that there have never been and never will be any consequences to prayers. The thing is that prayer is not a spell. Also, do not think that if you bless your car and also read a prayer while driving, this will automatically insure you against breakdowns, accidents, etc. The best recipe from all this - carefully look at the road!

God bless you!

Also watch the video from which you will learn prayers for the journey.

Every morning, many people get behind the wheel or into the passenger seat of a car and go about their business. Most dangerous look movement is at the same time the most common, not to mention those whose profession is related to transport management. A driver’s prayer before the road will help protect those behind the wheel and on the road.

Strong protection for car driver

In order for any trip to be successful, before the journey you should sincerely pray and ask the Lord for protection. You can recite the words of sacred texts before starting your trip or after you have set off. You should remember prayer in tense moments on the road or in case of any danger. For protection when traveling by car, there is a special prayer for the driver on the road; a strong request is a sincere appeal to the Lord to protect the life and health of people on the road.

It is best to memorize the sacred text or write it down in legible handwriting on paper and store it directly in the car. Before you go on the road, you need to do the following:

  • sitting behind the wheel, cross yourself and mentally ask the Lord for blessings on the trip;
  • read the text of the prayer three times without haste or mistakes;
  • sign yourself with the sign of the cross and hit the road.

This prayer for a driver on the road is a strong and reliable protection of his life and health. Numerous eyewitness accounts confirm this. A prayer read fervently at a critical moment saved many believers from imminent death. It should, however, be remembered that the words of the sacred text are aimed at protecting people, not vehicles. You should not try to protect your car from breakdowns, theft and accidents using this ritual.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The famous patron saint of travelers and sailors, St. Nicholas, also helps to successfully complete any car trip. Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker on the road will protect you from accidents and injuries, from evil and aggressive people, from breakdowns and collisions.

When getting ready to set off, you should recite the sacred text three times, making the sign of the cross. The especially revered patron of wanderers will definitely protect the driver and passengers of the vehicle and grant the trip a successful outcome.

Prayer will also help those who do not have their own car, but use taxi services every day or travel by car. public transport. The sacred text, recited three times before the trip, will protect against a road accident.

Many drivers take the image of St. Nicholas on the road, installing it on the car panel or hiding it in a secluded place. The illuminated icon protects the health and life of the driver and passengers of the vehicle, and the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, read in front of the icon, has more strong effect. It is very important to remember that an icon installed in a car requires careful and respectful treatment and is not a decorative item.

In the rapid flow of modern life, a person lies in wait for a large number of dangers. Road accidents are, unfortunately, a common occurrence, so do not forget to pray before your trip, entrusting your fate To higher powers. A sincere request made with a pure heart will never go unanswered. The driver’s prayer and prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the road will help to avoid troubles while traveling and will protect the life and health of people along the way.

The road for a motorist has always been considered a test and difficulty. That is why it is necessary to pay due attention to prayer - the communication of the human soul with the Creator of the World.

Prayer while traveling by car is the most important step in preparing for a trip of any distance. An equally important point is a visit to the confessor to receive a blessing. After all, it is the priest-priest who will pray for the good outcome of the journey.

The Lord is present in a person’s life under any circumstances, so a driver’s prayer before the road will help a Christian find mood and blessing on the road.

Which saints should you pray to when going on the road?

You should mentally turn to the Heavenly Powers only a few times during the entire journey.

  • sitting behind the wheel, cross yourself and mentally ask the Almighty for a blessing for a successful trip;
  • read the prayer request three times;
  • sign yourself with the sign of the cross and hit the road with a light heart.

Other prayers for travelers:

It is advisable to memorize the text of the prayer appeal, but you can write it down on a piece of paper and keep it in your car at all times.

The main prayer of the driver

All-merciful and All-Merciful God, who protects everything with His mercy and love for mankind, we humbly pray to You, through the intercession of the Mother of God and all the saints, save us, sinners and people entrusted to me, from sudden death and help us deliver unharmed to everyone according to his needs. Dear God! Deliver us from the evil spirit of recklessness, evil spirits, alcoholism, which causes misfortune and sudden death without repentance. Save and help us, Lord, to live with a clear conscience to a ripe old age without the burden of people killed and maimed due to my negligence, and may he be glorified your name Holy now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Appeal to Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ our God, the true and living way, you willed to travel with your imaginary father Joseph and the Most Pure Virgin Mother in Egypt, and with Luca and Cleopas in Emmaus! And now we humbly pray to Thee, Most Holy Master, and travel with Thy servant by Thy grace. And like Thy servant Tobiah, send a Guardian Angel and mentor, preserving and delivering them from every evil situation of visible and invisible enemies, and instructing them in the fulfillment of Thy commandments, peacefully and safely and healthily, and returning them safely and serenely; and grant them all their good intentions to please You safely and fulfill them for Your glory. It is Yours to have mercy and save us, and we send up glory to You with Your Beginning Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Petition to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O my Most Holy Lady, Virgin Theotokos, Hodegetria, patroness and hope of my salvation! Behold, on the journey that lies before me, now I want to leave and for the time being I entrust to You, my most merciful Mother, my soul and body, all my mental and material powers, entrusting everything to Your strong gaze and Your all-powerful help. O good Companion and My protector! I earnestly pray to Thee, that this path may not creep; guide me on it, and direct it, O All-Holy Hodegetria, as She herself did, to the glory of Thy Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, be my helper in everything, especially in this distant and on a difficult journey, protect me under Thy sovereign protection from all the troubles and sorrows that come our way, from enemies visible and invisible, and pray for me, my Lady, Thy Son Christ our God, that He may send His peaceful, faithful mentor and guardian to help me. of old gave food to His servant Tobias Raphael in every place and at all times, who kept him on the road from all evil: thus, having successfully managed my path and keeping me healthy by the heavenly power, may He return me peacefully and completely to my dwelling for the glory of His Holy name, glorifying and blessing Him all the days of my life and magnifying You now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Request to Nicholas the Wonderworker

O Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master, make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds, but according to his own He will reward us with goodness. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Appeal to Rev. Kirill and Maria

O servants of God, Schema-monk Kirill and Schema-nun Maria! Hear our humble prayer. Even though your temporary life has naturally ended, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord, teaching us and patiently bearing your cross, helping us. Therefore, together with our reverend and God-bearing father Sergius, your beloved son, we naturally acquired boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother. Even now, be prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy servants of God (names). Be our intercessors of strength, so that by living faith, by your intercession, we may remain unharmed from demons and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

O passion-bearers of Christ, who courageously suffered in the city of Sebastia, we earnestly resort to you as our prayer books and ask: ask the All-Bountiful God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our lives, so that in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, having lived together, we will boldly stand before the terrible judgment of Christ and through your intercession we will stand at the right hand of the Righteous Judge. To her, God's servants, awaken us, God's servants (names), protectors from all enemies, visible and invisible, so that under the shelter of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until the last day of our life, and thus glorify the great and venerable name of the Almighty Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the road to Saint Procopius

O holy passion-bearer of Christ Procopius! Hear us sinners, who now stand before your Holy Icon and tenderly pray to you: let us pray for us (names) to Jesus Christ our God and His Mother, our Lady Theotokos, to forgive us the sins we have committed. Ask the Lord for the benefit of your soul and body for mercy, peace, blessing, so that we may all be delivered on the terrible day of judgment, and that we may be saved, and stand at the right hand with His chosen ones to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, as to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship. His beginningless Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words. His cloak will overshadow you, and you will trust under His wing. His truth will surround you with a weapon, you will not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies in the days, from the thing that passes in darkness, from the cloak and demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you. Look before your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not come close to your body. As His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone. Tread on the asp and the silisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver; I will cover and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him and glorify him; I will fill him with long days, and show him My salvation.

Location of auto icons

Most often, drivers stick icons on the front panel of the car, some attach them to the windshield, facing the road.

The icon in the car of a Christian believer should be located facing the worshipers!

Commandments for drivers

  • check if the pectoral cross is left at home (this rule only applies to