Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution, combined type kindergarten No. 76, Sochi


physical education

"Winter fun with the Polar Bear"

for older groups

Educational areas

(Physical development, Cognitive development, Artistic and aesthetic development).

Compiled by:

Physical education instructor

Krutikova N.I.




1. Strengthen children's knowledge about winter sports;

2. Practice accuracy, running, jumping, developing agility, speed, and coordination of movements.

3. Cultivate interest in sports, team qualities: feelings of empathy, responsibility and discipline.

Material and equipment:

Tape recorder and audio recordings. Gymnastic sticks, small plastic balls, metal arches, clubs, chips, ring throws, tunnels, snowflakes (fake).

Use of non-standard physical education equipment.

Location: sports hall of MDOU No. 76.

The date of the: January 22, 2016.

Start of the competition: 09:30 hours

The course of physical education.

To the music of “If only there were no winter,” teams enter the hall in one column and each line up near the mark (group number).

Leading: Hello guys, today you have physical education. In winter, winter fun is organized, children go sledding and play hockey.


Guess the riddle:

Sitting on a block of ice,

I catch fish for breakfast.

I am known as snow-white

And I live in the North (Polar Bear)

The children answer.

To the gym A polar bear skis in.

Polar bear: Open the doors wider!

Welcome the winter guest!

I came to you from the North on a sled.

Tell us what fun games they play in winter. And play them with you.

The children answer.

Polar bear: I see you love winter. Then let's start our winter fun.

The polar bear demonstrates and participates in relay races.

Leading: Now let's check how you're doing! Guess my riddle:

Red nose, a broom in hand.

Lives next to the Christmas tree.

I've been used to the cold for a long time

Our merry (Snowman)

The children answer.

Relay race No. 1 “Hit a snowball into a snowman’s bucket.”

Teams stand in a column one at a time. The participant has one snowball in his right hand. At the signal, the participant runs in a straight line to the mark and throws a snowman into the bucket. Then he runs in a straight line and passes the baton with his palm and stands at the end of the column.

The team that throws the most snowballs into the snowman's bucket wins.

Polar bear: They handled the task deftly. We continue our winter competitions.


On the ice platform there is a cry,

A student is rushing to the gate.

Everyone shouts: “Puck! Stick! Hit!”

Fun game (Hockey)

The children answer.

Relay No. 2 “Dexterous hockey players.”

Each participant must carry a small ball with a stick in a straight line and score a goal into the goal. Return to the team, run in a straight line with a stick in your hands, pass the baton to the next participant and stand at the end of the column.

The team that scores the most goals into the goal wins.

Polar bear: In the North they organize skiing competitions.

Relay No. 3 "Ski race".

At the start, the participant puts on skis (fake plastic skis made from bottles). The participant imitates skiing with two gymnastic sticks in a straight line, runs around the chip and runs back in a straight line, passes the sticks and skis to another participant and stands at the end of the column.

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Leading: Polar bear. Our kids are very fast and dexterous. They cope with all your tasks.

Polar bear: Well done, then the next fun for you guys. This is the winter sport of Curling.

Curling - team sports game on an ice rink. Participants of two teams alternately launch special heavy granite projectiles (“stones”) across the ice towards a target marked on the ice (“house”). Each team has four players.

Relay race No. 4 "Curling".

Each participant leads (with a brush with a handle) a sliding plastic plate to the mark, then returns to the team running in a straight line with a brush and plate in his hands, passes the baton to the next participant and stands at the end of the column.

The team that completes the task faster wins.

Polar bear: When it snows in the North, the snowflakes swirl so beautifully that if you take them in your palms, the warmth quickly melts from your hands.

Relay race No. 5 “Carry a snowflake on your palm.”

Each of the participants must run in a straight line on his right palm, carry a snowflake (dummy), run to the mark (chips), run around it and run in a straight line, carrying a snowflake on his palm, run to the team. Pass the snowflake to the next participant and stand at the end of the column.

The team that drops the snowflake the fewest times wins.

Polar bear: Well, you kids are fast. They completed all my tasks. Our holiday has come to an end.

I wish you, friends,

Don't be afraid of snow and wind,

Be hardened like me!

And it's time for me to go to the North. Goodbye friends.

The polar bear sits on the sled and leaves the gym.

Leading: Our physical education time has come to an end. Today youconsolidated knowledge about winter sports,showedagility, speed, coordination of movements. You did an excellent job with all the tasks that White Bear prepared for you. Our holiday is over. D meet new friends.

Participants leave the gym to the music.

Goal: Strengthening health, developing children's interest and value attitude towards physical education.
Objectives: Create a joyful mood, cultivate friendly feelings, develop dexterity, speed and ingenuity.
Equipment: 4 hoops, 2 clubs, 2 sleds, 2 skis, 2 baskets, 2 signal cones, snowballs, medals according to the number of children.

Progress of entertainment:


Winter has come, dressed the fields in white,
There are trees with white caps.
Winter is for the strong, dexterous, and brave.
(Winter is coming.)

Hello kids!
Hello, squirrels and bunnies!
I came to you with frost
With frosts, with blizzards
Crispy snowdrifts
And ringing Christmas trees!

Hello, guest Winter!
We ask for mercy!
(The presenter asks Winter to help hold the competition.)

A fun warm-up to the song by Yuri Verizhnikov: “Winter has come.”

Attention attention!
Sports competitions begin.
Today there are two teams participating -
"Squirrels" and "Bunnies".
(Winter asks riddles before each relay race).

I squeeze the snow in my mittens,
I'm in a hurry to form a lump,
You won't have time to deviate
Will it fly towards you...? (snowball)

Relay No. 1 - Hit a snowball into the basket. The team that throws the most snowballs wins.

Like a soldier without a gun
There is no hockey player without... (stick)

Relay race No. 2 - Use a stick and puck to circle a landmark. The team that finishes the fastest wins.

Oh, it's snowing!
I'm bringing out my friend horse
I'll lead you by the rope
I'm flying down the hill on it,
And I’m dragging him back! (sled)

Relay race No. 3 - Toys (squirrel, bunny) are transported on a sled around a landmark. The team that finishes the fastest wins.

Two stripes in the snow
Left on the run
I fly away from them like an arrow,
And they are after me again! (skis)

Relay No. 4 - A one-legged skier runs around a landmark on one ski and passes the ski to the next one. The team that completes the task first wins.

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain
He goes and paints it white
Everything he sees on the way! (snow)

Relay No. 5 - Carry the snowballs. From one hoop you need to transfer snowballs at speed to another. The team that gets through the snowballs first wins.

Winter sums up the results of the competition and awards medals to the winners.

Let the frost crackle
The blizzard is circling in the field
For tough kids
The cold is not terrible!
Well done guys
Strong and brave
Friendly, cheerful
Fast, skillful!

Winter organizes the game: Two Frosts!
There are two frosts in the middle of the playground - the children are on one side of the playground. Frosts address the players:

We are two young brothers,
Two frosts are removed.
I am Frost Red Nose,
I am Frost Blue Nose.
Which one of you will decide
Hit the road!
Children answer:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost!
(run to the other side of the site)

Frosts try to catch and freeze children. The game continues until there are so many frozen that it will be difficult to run through. The one who is not frozen wins. The game repeats itself.

Winter offers a low mobility game: “Christmas Trees”
A variety of fir trees grow in the forest, tall and low, wide and narrow.
Children stand in a circle. Winter says “wide”, the children make the circle wider, the narrow ones make the circle narrower, the tall ones raise their arms up, the short ones squat down. There are no losers.

Winter says goodbye with the words:
It's a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye,
It's time for me to go home
Don't forget me
Goodbye, kids!
Winter goes away to the music: “If only there were no winter.”

(In preparatory groups)


  1. Improve the skill of running with changes in direction.
  2. Strengthen the skill of throwing at a target.
  3. Develop speed and agility.
  4. Develop ingenuity, camaraderie, and teamwork.
  5. Give children positive emotions and good mood.

Inventory: rope , 2 massage balls, 2 cones, 2 baskets, snowballs, hoops according to the number of children, soft toys, 2 sleds, a large basket, small balls, cubes, music.

Characters: Snowman, Zimushka-Winter, Fox, physical education instructor, teachers, preparatory group children.

Leisure activities


It's winter

I froze it at home.

There is frost on the trees,

The ice on the river is blue!

The guys are running to the skating rink,

They are rushing down the mountain on a sled.

The snow is creaking...

And we are now

Let's start training!

Well, the long-awaited winter has arrived. And with it came winter fun, winter games and entertainment! Why do you love winter? What winter games and winter sports do you know? (children's answers). Well done! Oh, who's that screaming there?

Snowman: “Help, help, I failed! Get me out quickly, I’ve failed!”

Leading: Who is that screaming there? Oh, it's a snowman! Let's help the snowman, guys!

The leader throws the end of the rope behind the snow figure (snowman), and the children begin to pull on the other end (one, two, three...).


Guys, I'm a snowman

I'm used to the snow and the cold

I was in a hurry to get to you

But, unfortunately, it failed!

You helped me, friends,

I am very grateful!

Leading: Do you guys agree? Then form into two teams! 1 team - “Snowflakes”, 2 “Ice”.

Snowman: Let's have fun winter games with you!

Do you know how real penguins walk? Let's be penguins too!

Penguin relay

The first participant jumps with the ball between his knees to the landmark and back and passes the ball to the next player. The team whose players completed the task faster wins.

Snowman: Do you like to play snowballs? And I love it very much! Let's get more snowballs!

Relay race "Let's collect snowballs"

The first participant runs to the hoop with “snowballs”, takes one “snowball” and runs back, puts it in the basket, after which the next one runs, and so on until all the snowballs are in the basket.

Snowman: Well, it’s time for me to go, I’m somehow feeling hot! Goodbye, guys! I hope I don't fail again! (The snowman leaves.)

After the snowman, Winter comes to the children (an adult in appropriate clothing). She greets the guys, asks them to look at her outfit and guess who she is. After listening to the children's answers (some say Snegurochka).

Winter explains that Snegurochka is her daughter, and she herself, Zimushka, is winter.

Winter: What does Winter bring to People?

Children: Winter fun, games...

Winter: Would you like to play with me?

Children: Yes!

Winter: Animals got lost in a distant snowy forest. Here they are, sitting and freezing. Let's help them get home together!

Sled relay race

The teams stand on one side, on the other there are animal toys.

The first participant runs with a sled on a string, takes one of the animals, puts it on the sled and takes it to his team. After that, the next one runs, and so on until all the animals get home.

Leading: Well done! The animals are very happy. Let's take a ride on the sled ourselves.

Relay race “Rolling each other on a sled”

Children line up in pairs. One player sits on a sled, the other rolls it to a landmark. They change places and run back.

Winter: Thank you guys! I have to go. And I will take the animals with me. (Winter is leaving.)

Lisa appears. She has a basket in her hands. And in the basket there are cubes and small balls.

Fox: Hello guys! What are you doing here?

Children: Let's play and have fun.

Fox: Can I play with you, otherwise I’m cold. I want to test how dexterous you are.

Relay: “Whose team is faster”

Small objects (cubes, balls) scatter on the site. 2 or 3 children from each team participate. They are given baskets in which they must collect scattered objects (team 1 - cubes, team 2 - balls). The one who collects the items faster wins.

Fox: Well done boys! You did a very good job. Now let's all play a game together "Find yourself a house."

There are hoops on the court. Each couple chooses a house - a hoop. At a signal, children run out onto the playground and run easily and quietly in different directions. At the signal “find your house” they return to their place.

Fox: It was a lot of fun with you. And it’s time for me to go to the forest. Goodbye, children! (Lisa leaves.)

Leading: Guys, did you enjoy playing? While you were having fun, I summed up the results of the competition. Team “Ice” became the fastest, and team “Snezhinka” became the most friendly!

Tasks: improve children’s motor abilities, practice running, walking, rolling and throwing balls into baskets; give children a feeling of joy.

Equipment: bag; letter; two balls; two skittles; two arcs (height - 50 cm); two baskets; footprints; two inclined boards; silhouette of the Snow Maiden; drawn on paper and cut into several parts.

Leisure activities

Children enter the hall to the music and line up.

Instructor. Guys, look, we received a letter from Santa Claus. He tells us that something bad has happened. The Wolf and the Fox kidnapped the Snow Maiden, and without her he won’t be able to go to our Christmas tree! What to do?

Children. Rescue the Snow Maiden.

Instructor. Aren't you afraid? It will be difficult for us. You will need to outwit the Fox and the Wolf. How should we dress for the road? (Children list the types of winter clothing.) So we have gathered. It's time to hit the road.


1. “The wind and blizzard help the Fox and the Wolf, they want to knock us off our feet. Let's try to move on all fours."

Walking on all fours.

2. “The path goes uphill, crawl carefully, don’t slide down.”

Crawling up and down inclined boards.

Instructor. Oh, what is this? Some kind of bag. These are probably the gifts that Santa Claus prepared for the guys. Let's get a look. There's some kind of letter here. “We hid the Snow Maiden, you will only be able to find her when you complete all our tasks. Wolf and Fox." So, guys? Can we complete their tasks? Let's help out the Snow Maiden?

Children's answers.


1. Roll the ball, knock down the pin (distance - 3 m).

2. Roll the ball into the goal (arches 50 cm high).

3. Throw the ball into the basket.

4. Follow the tracks.

Instructor. All the tasks were completed, but the Snow Maiden was nowhere to be seen. Did the Wolf and the Fox deceive us? You need to read the letter carefully again. Maybe they didn't notice something.

There's something else written on the back. “Guess, guys, what kind of snow can the Snow Maiden be made from: raw or crumbly?” (Children's answers.) Let's blind the Snow Maiden ourselves, and then Santa Claus will revive her. (Children assemble a “mosaic” - put together the silhouette of the Snow Maiden from parts.)

Well, we rescued Snegurochka from trouble. Now Santa Claus will definitely come to us for the holiday with gifts and take Snow Maiden with him! It's time for us to go home!

Children leave the hall to the music.

« Winter fun»

(for senior and preparatory groups)


Instill a love of sports and physical education;

Develop physical qualities: agility, speed. Ability to perform sports exercises;

Foster a sense of friendship and mutual assistance;

Equipment: 10-12 modules, 2 cones, snowballs, 10-15 large balls, 2 tunnels, 2 pairs of skis, 3 fitballs, 2 keys, 2 trays, a chest, a jar of jam, a spoon, 2 artificial Christmas trees, a set of Christmas tree decorations (unbreakable ).

It's winter

I froze it at home.

There is frost on the trees,

The ice on the river is blue!

The guys are running to the skating rink,

They are rushing down the mountain on a sled.

The snow is creaking...

And we are now

Let's start training!

1 child

If you want to become skillful,

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Do physical exercise

And douse yourself with water,

Never be discouraged!

2 child

Hit the target with snowballs,

Rush quickly down the hill in a sled

And go skiing -

That's the secret of health!

Be healthy! Physical education -...

All:- Hello!

Competition 1

Relay race"Snow Tower". Two teams of 5-6 people participate, each child has a large cube (module), you can put all the modules in one basket. Each team must build a tower by moving one module at a time; the last player places a cone-roof on top. Who is faster.

Competition 2

"Hit the target". Team captains participate. Everyone is given 5-6 “snowballs”; the first one to knock the cone off the tower wins.

Competition 3.

“That’s how strong we are.” On one side of the hall there are 10-15 large balls (“snow balls”). A line is drawn at a distance of 5-7 steps; three guys are chosen from each team to stand behind it. At the signal, they collect the balls, trying to take as many as possible. The one who brings the most balls to the line wins.

Competition 4.

Relay "Snow Tunnel". Two teams are participating. Each participant must crawl through the tunnel, run to a landmark and run back to his team, passing the baton.

To cheerful music while ridingfitballappearsCarlson.


Carlson has come to you, friends,

Congratulate everyone on the fun,

I wish you success in sports

And all the luck!

I am the most dexterous, the strongest in the world! I can do everything!

Leading: What can you do, Carlson?

Carlson: Here I can ski (sits on skis).

Leading: Well, Carlson, you're doing it wrong. You have to use two skis.

Carlson: Oh, it's even easier! (kneels, pushes off with hands)

Leading: Who drives like that?

Carlson: Why are you laughing and laughing? The world's best skier just needs to refuel! Then take a look! Do you have any jam?

Leading: There is, it’s locked in the chest, but there’s no key, we don’t know where to find it.

Carlson: But the key is hidden in a snowdrift, I need to get it and bring it to me.

Competition 5.

Relay "Magic Chest". Two teams are participating. A tray with “snowballs” is placed on the table opposite each team, a key is hidden under the “snowballs”, each team member must bring one “snowball” to the basket, the last player brings the key to Carlson.

Carlson: Well done boys! Now let's eat and I will be the most dexterous and strong!

Host: Yes, yes, Carlson, while you refresh yourself, the guys will show you how you really need to ski.

Competition 6 .

Cross-country skiing relay. Two teams are participating. Each team member runs on skis to a landmark, returns back and passes the skis to the next player. The fastest team wins.

Carlson: You're doing great! But I gallop faster than anyone else on my snow horse, and no one can catch up with me! (points tofitball).

Leading: Guys, let's show Carlson that we can also ride snow horses (fitballs) no worse than him.

Competition 7.

Relay "Snow Horses". Who can ride the fitball faster to the landmark and back?

Carlson: Well done guys, ride almost like me, just learn a little more and everything will be fine. Do you know what my favorite holiday is? (children answer) My favorite holiday is, of course, birthday and New Year! And on my Christmas tree I only hang sweets, lots and lots of sweets! And although the New Year holiday has already passed, let's remember it and decorate the Christmas tree.

Competition 8.

Relay race “Dress up the Christmas tree”. Whose team will decorate the Christmas tree faster?

Carlson praises the guys, gives them sweet prizes, says goodbye and leaves the holiday to cheerful music on a fitball.

The presenter sums up.