One of the first questions when buying a treadmill is planning the space for installing the machine. If we are talking about your own home with a separate dedicated room for sports, then there should not be any special problems. In this case, the best option would be to purchase a treadmill with the largest possible treadmill size. It is also worth paying attention to the weight of the structure. Treadmills weighing over 100 kg have a sufficient margin of safety; the profile thickness will withstand the daily intensive loads of several users with above-average parameters.

When buying a treadmill for an apartment, you should pay attention to the dimensions of the model. The manufacturer must indicate the packaging dimensions and gross weight. For dimensions, the length usually does not exceed 130 cm, and the weight of such tracks is no more than 30 kg. As for, here the range of sizes is an order of magnitude wider.

The dimensions of treadmills depend on the size of the running belt. Taking into account the space for the power board, engine, console stands, the length of the treadmill can reach 225 cm. But this length is typical for the most advanced models, usually in the commercial class. The weight of such simulators reaches 180-190 kg. Moreover, with such size and weight, many exercise machines do not have a folding system.

The average length of a home segment treadmill in working condition is 160-190 cm. With packaging, the length increases by 15-30 cm due to foam supports, which protect the product from mechanical stress, fix the track, limiting movement from side to side during transportation. It often happens that the packaged treadmill does not fit into the elevator, so you have to disassemble the simulator and deliver it piece by piece to the top floor.

How to save space on a treadmill?

Many electric models in the home segment have a simple and reliable folding system using one or more gas closers. The system under consideration makes it possible to almost halve the space occupied by the simulator (see Fig. 1 - option 1). In such paths, the lowering of the running belt occurs slowly with a slowdown at the end of the unfolding cycle, which eliminates the possibility of injury. It is also worth remembering that it is necessary to transport the treadmill only with the safety belts installed, which eliminates the risk of the model unfolding during the transfer process.

Rice. 1 - Normal and compact folding of treadmills.

If the issue of saving space for a simulator is paramount, then a partial solution to this problem is to purchase. In this case, the simulator and console are transformed in a horizontal plane with the ability to remove the simulator even under the bed (see Fig. 1 - option 2). But such models are modest and should not be considered seriously: a user even with average parameters is unlikely to like this option.

Some brands have taken an unconventional route. For example, OXYGEN introduced a few years ago the F-CONCEPT model, which when unfolded is a treadmill, and when folded it turns into a banquette or coffee table.

Choosing a running belt size for comfortable training

Treadmill Belt Width

The width of the running belt ranges from 32 to 60 cm. The wider the running belt, the more comfortable the user feels, especially during intense running. If the user is taller than 180 cm, it is not worth buying a treadmill with a surface less than 40 cm, since it will not be possible to use the treadmill for fast running - you will have to limit yourself to walking.

If the running surface is narrow, you can easily step on the edge of the machine while moving and fall.

For a user with average parameters, the best option would be a canvas width of 42-45 cm. Do not forget that the concept of comfort is quite subjective and the best option would be a practical comparison of several models in the showroom.

Treadmill belt length

The length of the running belt directly depends on the height of the user. The taller a person is, the longer the length of his step. The following length options are available on the market: from 94 to 162 cm. For users with average parameters, the optimal length of the canvas will be 130 cm and above. For a height of 170 cm or more, it is not recommended to consider lower values, since during intense running the user will feel constrained, the step will be significantly smaller than during natural running, and the effectiveness of the training will decrease over time.


The comfort of the workout directly depends on the size of the treadmill belt and the design weight of the machine. The heavier the model, the more stable it is under severe dynamic loads. Fitness clubs have models with a powerful engine, a good shock absorption system and a comfortable running surface. Exercise on such tracks is convenient for users of different weights, heights and fitness levels. Home models represent some compromise in price, quality and comfort.

Of the many technical characteristics of treadmills, only a few of them are of key importance when choosing. By determining these parameters, you will significantly reduce the list of candidates for purchase.

In this article, we will consider choosing an electric treadmill as the most convenient and functional type of this exercise machine.

Running belt parameters

The treadmill belt has several characteristics:

  • width;
  • length;
  • thickness;
  • type of fabric (single-layer, two-layer, shock-absorbing).

The first two parameters (width and length) directly affect the comfort of training. The remaining parameters are not so important.

Width. Running belts are mainly from 40 cm to 51 cm in width. Professional exercise machines always use wide belts (51 cm or more), so if you have already worked out on a treadmill in a fitness center, you can roughly estimate how comfortable it will be for you to exercise with a particular width of the treadmill belt.

The wide running belt provides:

  1. comfort of exercise: there is no need to constantly concentrate on the position of the feet, as when running on a narrow surface;
  2. safety: the likelihood of stepping over the edge of a moving belt, which could result in a fall, is reduced.

Conclusion: the wider the running belt, the more comfortable the workout.

Length. The choice of this parameter depends on the person’s height and type of activity (running requires a longer running belt than walking) and is less important than the width of the belt.

Table 1 - Selecting the length of the running belt depending on height and type of activity.


Type of activities
Up to 180From 120 cmFrom 130 cm
From 180 to 200From 130 cmFrom 140 cm
From 200From 140 cmFrom 150 cm

Please note that the larger the treadmill belt, the greater the load on the treadmill motor.

Thickness. This parameter does not affect the ease of use of the treadmill, but it does affect the performance characteristics: the thicker the belt, the later it will wear out and the need for replacement will arise.

Engine power is measured in horsepower (hp) and the higher the power, the better. Weak engines can quickly overheat and fail. In addition, exercising on such a treadmill will be uncomfortable and dangerous, for example, at the moment when your foot touches the belt, a weak motor can slow down the treadmill belt, making movements intermittent.

The engines have sufficient power for the home segment from 2 hp Engines 1.5 liters. With. suitable for low user weight (up to 80 kg) and low intensity exercise. A typical portrait of such a user is a woman of normal build, jogging at an average pace.

Models for fitness centers use engines with a power of 3.5-4 liters. With. and higher, since they are designed for constant use, but for home training, such power, as a rule, is not needed.

Depends on engine power maximum speed that a treadmill can develop. For people seeking intense exercise, this indicator is the most important and is directly related to engine power.

Maximum user weight

The maximum user weight indicates the strength of the machine. It is recommended to select a track with a setting that exceeds your weight by at least 15-20 kg. This is necessary in order for the simulator to serve you as long as possible.

If several people plan to use the treadmill, the weight of the heaviest user must be taken into account.

The weight of the treadmill itself also matters: all other things being equal, a heavier treadmill is more reliable.


reduces the impact load on joints and spine while running. Almost all models of electric treadmills are equipped with a shock-absorbing system - the difference lies in the quantity and quality of shock-absorbing elements.

It is almost impossible to determine the quality of a shock-absorbing system only by description. The main guideline here is the number of shock-absorbing elements (elastomers, springs, pillows).

Conclusion: a good shock absorption system will not be superfluous, especially for people who have problems with joints and/or carry a lot of weight (in this case, the joints experience increased stress).

Additional Treadmill Options

Adjusting the incline of the running belt

Almost all electric models have an adjustment function.
There are 2 adjustment methods:

  • Mechanical (the user sets the angle of inclination independently);
  • Electronic (the angle of inclination of the belt is adjusted using control buttons or a training program).

There are also differences in the maximum lifting amplitude, which is from 4 to 15 degrees in most mid-priced models.

Conclusion: adjusting the incline angle is a fairly useful feature that is designed to diversify your workouts and increase the load.

Software package (number of programs)

This is by no means the most important feature to look for when purchasing a treadmill. Why? The vast majority of users prefer to independently set training parameters and control the training process.

However, for those who like to compose themselves, it is worth paying attention to exercise machines with the function user programs.

Possibility of connecting a wireless heart rate sensor

All treadmills have built-in heart rate sensors located on the handles. However, they are of no use, given that they take heart rate readings with a large error. For fans of heart rate-dependent training, there are special ones that are attached to the chest area. They are highly accurate and easy to use. As a result, you can conduct a full-fledged...

Warranty terms

Warranty conditions do not apply to the parameters of the simulator, but are an important condition when choosing a treadmill. note that different parts of the simulator have their own warranty period. For example, the warranty on the frame and motor is greater than on wear parts (blade, engine belt, etc.) and electronic components. Check with the seller for information about warranty conditions.

Do you want to lose weight, strengthen muscles or improve your breathing? Experts consider running to be one of the most effective types of cardio exercise; it is during it that all the muscles of the body are maximally involved.

Running outdoors or at home - the choice is yours. Each option has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at cardio exercises using home treadmills.

So, to choose the most suitable option for you, you need to highlight the requirements:

  • What width and length should you choose for a treadmill belt? (It is necessary to take into account the height and weight of all family members who are going to use the simulator).
  • What engine power and speed will be enough for your family?
  • What additional features do you need, and which ones can you ignore?
  1. Are you able to use a mechanical exercise machine? Are you strong enough to set the canvas in motion on your own? Are there any medical contraindications (varicose veins, etc.) for using this type of track?
  2. Will you be able to adapt to the given rhythm of the electric track? It works in a pre-selected or independently created mode, which you will have to get used to.
  3. How much are you willing to spend? The peculiarity of treadmills is that, due to different functions and characteristics, their price ranges from 6-7 thousand to 1 million rubles.
  4. Compare the list of your desires and capabilities; if they coincide, it’s time to finally decide on the model of the simulator. If not, determine what your mistake was. The following information will answer your remaining questions.

General criteria for choosing a treadmill

What to look for when choosing

Before finding out the characteristics, you need to pay attention to some external features:

  • The treadmill canvas should consist of several layers, in which case it will last much longer.
  • Extra benefit if it is reversible (can be reversed if necessary).
  • The deck should move and brake smoothly, without jerking.
  • If your apartment is not so large, choose a machine that can be moved or folded.
  • The functionality of the computer should be as simple and understandable as possible.
  • It is desirable that the frame be made of aluminum. Firstly, it will be much easier to move the exercise machine around the house. Secondly, its depreciation will be higher.
  • The less noise the track makes, the more enjoyable the exercise will be.

Let's proceed directly to the characteristics of the simulator. First you need to decide on the type: mechanical or electrical?

A mechanical track involves setting the canvas in motion due to your own efforts, i.e., pushing off with your feet, you make it spin around the frame. The advantage of such a system is that you have the opportunity to regulate your speed yourself, so your running is close to natural conditions.

But at the same time, it takes much more energy, so it’s not for nothing that people with sore legs are not recommended to buy such tracks. A mechanical simulator has fewer functions: as a rule, the liquid crystal display shows only the speed of movement, heart rate, number of calories burned, training time, and distance covered. Due to the minimum number of functions, the mechanical version has a lower price.

The electric track involves the use of a given rhythm (using certain programs on the display), i.e. you won't be able to change it during training without switching modes. Although this type of machine is easier to use, it has more advanced features: for example, you can choose a program according to your running goal. Separately, there are programs for weight loss, correction of certain leg muscles, and breathing training. More expensive models even have a built-in player (it may not be used at home).

Length and width of the canvas

Treadmills have a width of 30-55 cm, a length of 110-150 cm. What you need to take into account when choosing the size of the belt:

  • The choice depends on build, height, step length, running speed.
  • Basically, preference is given to exercise equipment with a width of 40 cm and a length of 120-130 cm. Their dimensions are quite sufficient for training, they do not take up extra space in the house.
  • If you still choose a machine with a larger deck length and width, remember: to set such a belt in motion, the power must be higher, therefore, you are overpaying for the size of the machine and motor power.
  • If you have the opportunity to test the simulator before purchasing, take advantage of it. Estimating the length and width of the canvas will not be a big problem.

Many models of modern treadmills require a special shock-absorbing system. Let's look at it in more detail:

  1. Cushioning is necessary to reduce stress on the legs while running.
  2. The movements during natural running and training on a simulator are radically different, and the load on the body is correspondingly different.
  3. Shock absorption is usually a special design of the deck. The fabric is multi-layered, thicker and more elastic. The top layer is softer and recovers faster when pressed.
  4. For people with sore feet or recovering from various types of injuries, shock absorption is necessary.
  5. Is it possible to use the machine without the shock absorption function? It is possible, but its presence will be an additional advantage.

Angle adjustment

Features of adjusting the angle of inclination and its choice for different training purposes:

  • The inclination angle of the treadmill belt varies from 3° to 40°.
  • The higher the inclination angle, the more effort is required to overcome the distance.
  • On mechanical models, the incline angle is mostly manually adjustable: just adjust it before you start training.
  • Electric models have the function of adjusting the angle of inclination from the display.
  • If you use specific modes, the incline angle may change during your workout.
  • Running for weight loss is mainly carried out at an angle of 8-10°, for muscle training - over 10°.

Safety precautions

For absolute safety when using a treadmill, you must both follow some rules yourself and be aware of the safety system created by the developers:

  1. Each includes an anti-slip coating that will protect the user from falls and injuries.
  2. There are two lanes on the sides of the track. It is from them that you need to start running (as soon as the canvas begins to move, carefully step onto it).
  3. The safety key is designed to prevent any injury from a fall. Insert the key into the exercise machine, attach the other end to your clothes, then if there is an unwanted fall, the key will be pulled out of the treadmill body, the belt will stop, and you will avoid any unpleasant consequences. Don't neglect this moment!
  4. Check the machine periodically for any malfunctions. If there are any, it is prohibited to use the treadmill until they are eliminated!
  5. Remember: you are responsible for your health; if you are aiming for grueling workouts, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor!

As mentioned above, electric exercise machines have a greater number of functions, including built-in training programs:

  • Classic programs are the main list of built-in programs.
  • Manual control is a command that allows the user to independently adjust the load depending on individual capabilities.
  • Quick Start – A program that starts your workout immediately (usually used as a pre-warm-up).
  • Interval is a routine commonly used for cardiovascular training that combines intense running and relaxation.
  • Fat burning - a program designed for long-term training with low load, the most effective method for burning subcutaneous fat
  • Gluteal muscle training is a program aimed at specifically loading the buttocks.
  • Strength development is a regime aimed at gradually increasing the load, which is then applied 25% of the time of the approach and then decreases again.
  • Random Sequence is a program for those who do not adhere to a specific goal, trying to simply keep their body in shape.
  • Cool-down is a program that gradually reduces the intensity of the load at the end of the workout.
  • Hilly - a mode that simulates running or walking in mountainous terrain. Involves regular changes in the inclination of the canvas.
  • Route (or track) – a mode with a specified distance, allows you to track the results of running over certain distances.
  • Heart rate-dependent programs are modes aimed at maintaining heart rate by regulating the load throughout the entire running time.
  • Weight loss with heart rate control - the heart rate rises no more than 65% of the maximum possible value. Long-term, low-impact workouts.
  • Fitness test is a mode for assessing your own physical fitness. The degree of fitness of the body is determined by the time during which a person’s pulse returns to normal.
  • Custom programs are training modes previously set by users of the simulator. They are saved in the menu for subsequent use. You can choose your own speed, slope and time.

Other parameters that influence the choice of treadmill

  • Pay attention to the maximum possible weight, it should be 10-15% higher than yours.
  • It is not the peak power of the motor that needs to be taken into account, but the constant power, which is responsible for maintaining a certain speed. Be guided by your goals and physical fitness.
  • The warranty on the exercise machine must be at least 3 years; for higher quality, more expensive models it can be lifetime.

Prices for treadmills range from 8-9 thousand rubles to 1 million. As a rule, the cheapest models are mechanical; reliable electric exercise machines cost over 20 thousand rubles. More expensive models are equipped with additional programs, are made of more expensive materials, and have a long warranty period. They are often classified as semi-professional or professional simulators.

The most trusted manufacturers

The most competitive manufacturers can be identified in the treadmill market. It is their technology that is the most durable, reliable, and pleasant to use:

  1. Horizon Fitness
  2. Torneo
  3. House Fit
  4. Atemi
  5. Carbon
  6. Bronze Gym

So, let’s highlight the most proven, favorite simulators among users. In the lowest price category, the brands in greatest demand are:

  1. HouseFit HT-9110 HP– a mechanical treadmill that costs only 10 thousand rubles, can withstand weights of up to 100 kg, has a pulse meter, and the ability to change the angle of inclination. The main drawback is that the canvas is not too large.
  2. Torneo Linia T-203– the price ranges from 19 to 21 thousand rubles, the speed reaches 13 km/h, the engine power is 1 hp, there is a shock absorption system, the weight can reach 100 kg.
  3. Carbon Yukon– price 23-25 ​​thousand rubles, the treadmill is intended for a novice user, speed up to 10 km/h, weight up to 90 kg, one of the disadvantages is the lack of a pulse sensor.
  4. HouseFit HT-9087HP– cost about 29 thousand rubles, quite a suitable option for amateurs weighing up to 100 kg, speed of the belt – up to 12 km/h.
  5. Carbon T404– cost from 30 thousand rubles, there is a shock absorption system, 12 different modes, possible speed – up to 10 km/h.
  1. Horizon Evolve– price from 50 thousand rubles, maximum speed – 10 km/h, weight – 120 kg, folding option, 1.5 hp engine, 3 built-in programs.
  2. Carbon T604– cost 47 thousand rubles, weight up to 130 kg, speed – up to 14 km/h.
  3. HouseFit HT-9120 HP– price is about 45 thousand rubles, user weight is up to 120 kg, speed is up to 14 km/h, there is a shock absorption system, the ability to change the angle of the blade.
  4. Carbon T754 HRC– 52 thousand rubles, 15 different programs, speed up to 16 km/h, there are additional modes and functions
  5. CARBON T756 HRC– 55 thousand rubles, constant power 2.5 hp, weight up to 140 kg, 22 programs.

The most popular models:

  1. MATRIX T1X – 300 thousand rubles
  2. Bronze Gym T800 LC – 145 thousand rubles
  3. Bronze Gym T900 Pro – 258 thousand rubles
  4. Vision Fitness T60 – 310 thousand rubles
  5. Horizon Elite T5000 – 207 thousand rubles

So, having understood the characteristics of treadmills, let’s highlight their main advantages:

  • They allow you to train your breathing, keep your body in shape, and monitor your weight at home (i.e. in absolutely any season, regardless of weather conditions).
  • It is possible to use the program to solve a specific problem.
  • Many exercise machines offer a shock-absorbing system that allows even people with sore feet to exercise.
  • Using a treadmill can be combined with other activities: watching a TV series, listening to your favorite music or lectures.

However, it is worth remembering that the treadmill also has several disadvantages:

  • Running on a treadmill will not replace natural running in the fresh air, no matter what exercise machine you choose.
  • Some treadmill models are quite large and can take up a lot of space in the room.
  • Cheaper brands wear out quickly and require funds.

Modern realities have placed a person in an environment where walking and running are not necessary components of survival. But these activities are one of the main sources of physical strength and health. Treadmills should help correct this depressing situation. These devices can be placed both in a home environment and in a professional sports club.

It is a misconception to think that one model is similar to another and there is no difference which simulator you use. Manufacturers of sporting goods annually improve their products, adding new technological changes. Well-known companies HouseFit, Body Sculpture, Carbon, Spirit, Clear Fit, Brumer and others compete with each other, trying to make their contribution to the improvement of humanity. It is difficult for consumers without experience to navigate among the many product characteristics and choose the right option. Our rating is intended to help everyone who wants to understand this diversity.

Best Magnetic Treadmills

Users will appreciate the magnetic treadmill's smooth running and quiet operation, even during high-intensity workouts. This will allow you to conduct classes at any time without worrying about causing inconvenience to your household. When exercising on such simulators, the athlete is free to choose the speed of movement; to do this, it is enough to increase or slow down the running pace. The small dimensions of magnetic tracks make it possible to fold them and store them in specially designated places without taking up free space in the room.

2 Brumer TF2002

Small dimensions and weight
Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 15,034.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The second position in the rating is occupied by the Brumer TF2002 model, which has the best price-functionality ratio. This home exercise machine is equipped with a large, intuitive display, from which you can read information about energy spent, distance traveled, and current speed at any time. The device has eight load levels, allowing the user to choose the optimal exercise mode for themselves. But there is no possibility of programming the training process.

The design of the treadmill is foldable. It has small dimensions (135 × 75 × 124 cm) and weight (30 kg), so it can be easily moved. Additional convenience during operation is provided by wheels, floor unevenness compensators and a shock absorption system. Brumer TF2002 is equipped with a heart rate sensor located on the handle, as well as the ability to measure pulse. The case has a stand for a glass. The maximum weight that the simulator can support does not exceed 100 kg.

Which is better: a treadmill or an exercise bike? The main advantages and disadvantages of these simulators are given in the following table.

There is a possibility of injury

Type of simulator




Lots of workout options

Naturalness of movements

Effectiveness of weight loss

Muscle strengthening

Exercise bike

Less dangerous

Allowed for varicose veins

Can be used when running and fast walking are prohibited

Lower price

No load on the back muscles of the shoulder girdle

There are medical contraindications

1 Starfit TM-201 Versus

Lots of positive reviews
Country: China
Average price: 11,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

An ergonomic treadmill from Starfit, which has earned a positive reputation in the sporting goods market, is equipped with a magnetic load system. The speed of the belt directly depends on the pace of the runner. The durable steel frame will provide a reliable support during exercise. Users weighing up to 100 kg can safely purchase this model. There is also a screen displaying data on heart rate, time, distance, speed and calories burned.

Both the laconic design, developed by the Australians, and the dimensions, only 60 cm wide and 119 cm long, will allow the track to fit into any interior without taking up the space of the room. The manufacturer had to sacrifice the dimensions of the running belt: its length is 95 cm and width is 34 cm, but this is quite enough for amateur training. The simulator weighs no less than 21 kg. If not needed, the track can be folded. Although the exercise machine does not weigh that much, Starfit did not forget about rollers that make transportation easier.

The best mechanical treadmills

A mechanical treadmill has many advantages. The designs of such exercise machines are simple, and the design is laconic and pleasant, while the price of the models is affordable, which means that a lot of people can afford to buy such a device for their home. The running belt of these devices is controlled by the user himself by changing the pace. The low weight characteristic of this type of track allows you to easily move it around the room, and, if necessary, fold it and put it away until your next workout.

2 Sport Elite TM1556-01

The most popular
Country: China
Average price: 8,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The budget treadmill from Sport Elite is very practical in functionality and easy to use. A running belt with a length of 103 cm and a width of 32 cm is quite enough for home training. Thanks to the smooth belt loading system and the manually adjustable inclination angle of the running belt, the load on the leg joints is kept to a minimum. An undoubted advantage will be the ability to fold the simulator, and to simplify the transportation of the structure, rollers are thought out.

Computer monitoring, powered by a battery, displays information on the LCD screen about the actual distance covered, speed, heart rate of the runner, lost calories and the duration of the entire workout. Reviews often note that the treadmill looks fragile in appearance, however, as the company claims, it can easily withstand body weight up to 100 kg. Those who are afraid of reviews about the fragility of the track will be reassured by the manufacturer’s guarantee for 18 months.

1 Bradex ECLIPSE SF 0058

Quiet in operation
Country: China
Average price: 6,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The weight of the ECLIPSE SF 0058 treadmill is only 12.5 kg, which is really not much for a treadmill. Even when unfolded, the simulator boasts of its compactness. The running belt is also distinguished by its small dimensions - only 100 cm in length and 35 cm in width, but these dimensions are quite enough for amateur, home jogging. The simulator is almost silent, has a smooth ride and antistatic properties. The angle of the track can be adjusted manually.

There is also an LCD display that displays calories burned, activity timing, running speed, and distance traveled. Although the manufacturer states that the maximum permissible user weight is 120 kg, reviews of the product indicate advice not to exceed the load of more than 90-100 kg. "ECLIPS SF 0058" has gained great popularity, so it will not be difficult to find a treadmill in sports stores.

Best Electric Treadmills

Electronic treadmills became a revolution in their time. They are directly aimed at combating excess calories, which means they are perfect for weight loss. Many load programs allow the user, using the display, to independently control and regulate speed, pace and monitor changes in his body. This equipment is distinguished not only by its progressive functionality, but also by its thoughtful design. Models usually do not take up much space, so they can be purchased for home use.

3 Carbon Fitness Yukon

Best in compactness
Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 21,490.
Rating (2018): 4.6

In third place is the inexpensive Carbon Fitness Yukon model, which has the best price among its competitors. You can purchase a simulator at a price starting from 19,000 rubles. The central place on the body is occupied by a wide display. On it, the user can monitor changes in the body, the existing speed and the distance that has already been covered. The running belt is equipped with a high-quality shock absorption system that makes training easier.

This treadmill has compact dimensions (138 × 55 × 113 cm, with a weight of 22 kg), so it will be the best option for the home. The design is folding, equipped with wheels for easy movement, as well as compensators for floor unevenness. The device’s engine provides the belt with a speed of up to 10 km/h. The maximum weight that the model can support should not exceed 90 kg.

2 AppleGate T10

Price quality
Country: Sweden
Average price: RUB 26,490.
Rating (2018): 4.7

In second position in the rating is the AppleGate T10 model, which has gained popularity among users. The presented treadmill has a modest set of functional characteristics, which does not prevent it from perfectly performing its main tasks. The device has a central display that displays parameters of energy expended during training, the amount traveled and speed.

The movement of the running belt is provided by a Schneider Electric engine, which reaches speeds of up to 10 km/h. The design is designed for a maximum weight of 110 kg. The dimensions of the device itself are compact (157 × 70 × 119 cm) and will not take up much space in the room. If necessary, the user can use the folding mechanism by putting the exercise machine away for storage.


Rich functionality. High power
Country: France
Average price: RUB 34,990.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The first place was taken by the FAMILY TM 400M model. This electric treadmill has the best price-function ratio. The design is equipped with a comfortable shock absorption system that allows your legs not to get tired, as well as manual adjustment of the angle. A wide range of features includes a heart rate sensor built into the handrail and chest strap. The simulator is equipped with an intuitive display, with which you can select any of thirteen programs, as well as monitor the distance traveled, speed and energy consumption. When the maximum load is exceeded, an alarm will sound.

The device has a powerful motor operating at a speed of 14 km/h. The running belt, 40 × 120 cm wide, is designed for a weight of no more than 130 kg. There are sides with rubber pads on the sides: you can stand on them during breaks. The folding mechanism and medium dimensions of the model (160 × 67 × 136 cm) will allow you to easily store the exercise machine in a closet or pantry. Additional features include speakers that broadcast music, and stands for glasses and books.

The best professional treadmills

Professional treadmills are adapted for use in specialized gyms. These models have an extended warranty period and increased durability. The parts used in their designs are wear-resistant and designed for long-term training with prolonged loads. The prices for such devices are several times higher than for devices purchased for home use.

3 Spirit CT800

The best ratio of price and functionality
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 299,990.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The last place in the rating was taken by the Spirit CT800 model, which has the best price-function ratio among analogues. The machine has nine programs that include time and distance training, as well as a fitness assessment. The ability to program allows you to create individual training modes for each user.

The device is equipped with an electric belt that reaches a speed of 19 km/h. The shock absorption system and smooth automatic angle adjustment make it possible to use the treadmill as a tool for moving not only on flat terrain, but also on hills. The presence of several cardiac sensors (built-in, chest, wireless) will allow you to track the body’s performance under different loads.

2 Horizon Elite T5000

Practical functionality
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 196,890.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The second position was taken by the popular model Horizon Elite T5000. It is easy to set up, allowing even a beginner to use it. The intuitive display shows speed, incline, pace, distance traveled and energy consumption. It also allows you to select training programs, twelve standard and three heart rate-dependent, or customize individual ones.

The simulator is equipped with automatic angle adjustment, where the maximum value reaches 15 degrees, and a shock absorption system. This allows the athlete to artificially recreate walking/running on different terrain, without getting pain in the legs. The speed of the belt does not exceed 20 km/h, which is quite enough for intensive training. The design of the treadmill can withstand a weight of no more than 170 kg.

1 Clear Fit Enjoy TM 8.25

Best price for professional model
Country: France
Average price: 74,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The leader in the rating was the Clear Fit Enjoy TM 8.25 model. This treadmill has the best price among the products presented in the category. The device is equipped with a shock absorption system and smooth automatic adjustment of the blade tilt. Using a large display that occupies the entire central part of the body, you can select any of twenty-five training modes, program classes, and also monitor speed parameters, inclination angle, distance mileage and energy expended. The side rails have built-in sensors that allow you to monitor your heart rate.

The design is durable and can withstand heavy user weight (180 kg). It has considerable dimensions (194 × 83 × 127 cm, with a weight of 79 kg), so installing it in a small apartment will be problematic. The speed of the running belt, driven by a powerful engine, reaches a maximum speed of 22 km/h. This model is perfect not only for losing weight, but also for maintaining muscle tone.

A treadmill for the home is most often purchased in order to get rid of extra pounds, give your figure the desired shape, or simply to improve your health and improve your physical condition. Why is this type of cardio equipment so popular for home use and how to choose the right treadmill? Let's try to figure it out.

What are the benefits of running

Running, along with walking, has been one of the most natural ways of transportation for humans since the immemorial moment when our ancient ancestors stood on their hind limbs.

Regular jogging can strengthen your leg muscles, increase functional endurance, strengthen your cardiovascular system, get rid of excess fat and develop beautiful posture.

Modern research has scientifically proven the beneficial effects of health-improving running on the human body. Running is one of the most effective ways to improve your health, along with swimming and cycling.

During running training, the body actively uses all resources, organs are supplied with oxygen. With an adequate increase in intensity, the heart muscle is significantly strengthened, and the ability to pump blood to supply nutrients to the muscles of the entire body increases.

Deep breathing during exercise increases the working volume of the lungs, allowing them to pump more oxygen, which has a positive effect on the overall condition of the circulatory system.

Running has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, relieves stress and helps get rid of accumulated excess fat deposits, and running is also good for posture.

Of course, it is much more pleasant to run along forest or park paths and breathe fresh air. However, unfortunately, not everyone has such an opportunity. The pollution of our cities, the lack of specially equipped places for training with good coverage and illumination at night, forces the majority of those who want to run to purchase cardio equipment for home workouts.

Benefits of running on a treadmill

Modern manufacturers of sports equipment offer many models of treadmills to suit every taste and budget. These exercise machines will serve as an excellent alternative to outdoor exercise and have a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Modern models of exercise equipment for home use are quite compact, do not take up much space and can be folded. are reliable and, with proper care, will last a long time.
  2. Exercising on a treadmill helps keep the muscles of the whole body in good shape, without making any special demands on the complexity of the workout.
  3. Additional electronic options of modern exercise machines allow you to clearly monitor your heart rate, mileage traveled, calories burned and many other parameters. And ready-made training programs will help even beginner runners conduct classes more effectively.
  4. Many modern models of exercise machines allow you to change the angle of inclination of the belt, which allows you to simulate running on terrain with ups and downs. This feature increases the load during training, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of losing excess weight.
  5. Availability of training. The ability to run at home allows you to manage your time more effectively, because you don’t have to figure out favorable weather for training or waste time traveling to the stadium. All you have to do is put on the right shoes and start exercising.

Main types of simulators

Modern models of treadmills for home are divided into two main types - mechanical and electrically powered.

In the mechanical type of exercise machine, the belt is set in motion with the help of the leg muscles of the person exercising on the exercise machine. The advantage of this type of simulators is their independence from the power grid: During training, there is no electrical energy consumption and there is no need to have a power outlet next to the treadmill. This ensures complete mobility of mechanical treadmills and allows them to be used in rooms without an electrical outlet.

As a rule, tracks of this type are compact, easy to disassemble and fold, which is an additional advantage for home use.

The main disadvantage of mechanical type simulators is the principle of their operation. By pushing off from the canvas during training, the practitioner not only gives it speed of movement, but also receives additional stress on the muscles and joints of the legs, which many are not happy with, and the effectiveness of the training.

This problem has been partly solved in a more advanced subtype of mechanical treadmills - magnetic simulators. Just like in conventional exercise machines, in magnetic track models the belt is driven by the athlete’s feet, but powerful magnets integrated into the mechanism make the movement of the belt more even and smooth. There are no unnecessary jerks during movement, and the load on the runner’s ankles is reduced.

An additional disadvantage of mechanical tracks is the minimum information output. The design of such simulators provides only basic heart rate sensors, information about the distance traveled and calories burned.

The best option when choosing a treadmill for your home would be a more modern type of machine, equipped with an electric motor. When running on such a track, you do not need to make any additional effort to rotate the belt; the electric motor will do this for you, and you can concentrate only on.

Modern models of electric tracks, as a rule, are equipped with a built-in on-board computer with ready-made training programs, which significantly increases the effectiveness of training even in the absence of sports experience.

As you train, your physical condition and running speed will steadily increase. Electric exercise machines allow you to develop a much higher running speed compared to their mechanical counterparts. Thanks to this, as you progress in training, you will not hit the ceiling of the technical characteristics of the simulator, as can happen with a mechanical type.

What to look for when choosing

Modern treadmills consist of six main components:

  1. electric motor;
  2. supporting surface (deck and running surface);
  3. frames;
  4. suspensions with shock-absorbing system;
  5. racks;
  6. built-in computer and (or) control panel;

The electric motor is the main component of the treadmill. The duration of operation of the simulator depends on its reliability and power. When choosing a track, pay attention to the peak and continuous engine power. The higher these indicators, the better.

The running surface (deck) is available in various thicknesses. If you are planning intense workouts or your weight is significantly higher than 80 kilograms, choose a machine with a deck thickness of at least 3 centimeters. The width of the running belt should be chosen based on the dimensions of the exerciser and the width of his steps. When running, your feet should not touch the edges of the stopper.

The shock absorption system plays a very important role in the design of the simulator, since it serves for shock absorption when the foot lands. The better and more modern the suspension system, the less damage to the runner’s joints and spine will be caused during training.

In modern treadmill models, the shock-absorbing suspension system is located directly under the deck, rather than on the frame, as in previous generation models. This allows you to absorb shocks much more effectively.

The treadmill frame supports the entire structure. Frames differ according to the material they are made of. Low-price exercise machines are made with metal frames, while more expensive treadmills are equipped with aluminum alloy frames. Aluminum in the design of the exercise machine allows you to more effectively absorb foot impacts during running, it is less susceptible to corrosion, is durable and is lighter in weight.

The main purpose of the racks is runner hand support. In modern models of exercise machines, heart rate sensors are built into the racks.

The control panel of modern treadmills includes a built-in on-board computer that allows you to select ready-made training programs or set your own, control the inclination of the belt and the speed of movement. The panels of modern simulators are equipped with color informative displays that can display many parameters during training.

In addition to the main components listed above, there are several universal recommendations on what to look for before purchasing:

  1. Note what restrictions exist on the maximum weight of the student. If desired, this will allow your family to train on the treadmill.
  2. The system for controlling the functionality of the simulator should be friendly and intuitive even for a novice user.
  3. Before purchasing, plan and measure the space in your apartment where you plan to install the treadmill. If you don't have enough free space, you can purchase a compact treadmill for your home that can be folded. On days free from training, such a simulator can be hidden under the bed or in a closet.
  4. Be sure to test the treadmill in action before purchasing. Listen to the engine - it should not be too noisy. Check that the blade moves and stops smoothly. There should be no jerking during movement.
  5. Read the simulator's passport about the power of the power unit. If possible, purchase a simulator whose passport indicates an engine power of at least two horsepower. This indicator will increase the life of the simulator, especially if one of the trainees weighs more than 80 kilograms.
  6. Ask the seller to tell you about the programs available in the on-board computer of the simulator. In advanced class models, in addition to the mandatory information about heart rate, exercise time and distance traveled, it is possible to use ready-made interval or