In winter, it may seem like a myriad of stars are shining in the sky. Reflecting with silvery reflections on the fluffy snow, they fill the world with a certain secret that only a select few can know. They say winter is the time of the wolf. A time of biting cold, hunger and icy hopelessness. During this period, you can find out who was right, who was wrong, and who secretly gives magic to others. And even in the description of winter nature you can find a secret sign of what to do next.


Winter is a time of expectation, a period when in a string of ingloriously passing minutes a person tries to find something special, dear and warm. Severe frosts, severe snowstorms, an ice-bound winter forest - a description of nature can take more than one page of text. But what does a person do in this overall picture? He's just waiting. Waiting for holidays, snow, spring, words and something special. After all, only in winter there are so many reasons for long-awaited meetings and fun.

But it’s not just humans who are waiting. To fall to the ground, a snowflake must fly for an hour at a speed of 5 centimeters per second. Looking at the snow-covered nature, we have no idea how much time it took for Her Majesty Winter to weave a fluffy blanket from tiny snowflakes and create a beautiful winter landscape. Describing nature at this time of year is a real pleasure. Artists, writers, poets - not one of them could ignore winter in their work. After all, no, there was not and there will not be a person who would remain indifferent while contemplating the snowy expanses.

About snowflakes

More than half of the world's population has never seen real snow - the main attribute of winter. Perhaps the hardest thing for these people is to imagine how literally overnight the entire world around them becomes enchantingly snow-white. The earth sparkles in the sun's rays, as if strewn with diamonds. Snow reflects 90% of the sun's rays, sending them back into space, thereby preventing the soil from warming up. There are 350 million snowflakes in one cubic meter of snow, and several billion of them fall in one short snowstorm. And even among such a quantity it is impossible to find two identical ones.

Winter in the city

It always comes suddenly. After a gray and dank late autumn, winter suddenly comes. It’s as if there is a click in nature, it seems as if someone pressed a switch and turned on the snow, along with which the long-awaited season comes.

Winter tends to change everything around us. Even the noisy streets of big cities, gray concrete houses and high-rise offices become simple, welcoming and festive. Snow hides all imperfections and turns everyday life into a fleeting fairy tale with a hint of deja vu. But still, the true essence of winter can be observed by contemplating nature.


Anyone can probably make a beautiful description of winter nature, especially those who have seen a forest at this time of year. Tall spruces covered with snow stand majestically on the slopes. The last rays of the sun break through their branches. Rare gray clouds are already beginning to cover the sky, but through them you can still see the azure dome. Under a thick layer of snow, the outlines of bushes, stones and fallen trees can be discerned.

As if painted by the hand of a talented artist, snow lies on every branch. From time to time a playful wind flies in, and he falls down, drowning in an untouched snow-white blanket. In the winter forest, even the air is different. It is fresh, cold and seems to have a blue tint. It's quiet here, so quiet that you can hear your own heartbeat. The usual rustles and sounds that can be heard at any other time disappear in winter. Everything stands still, as if plunged into a deep hundred-year sleep.


The winter day is drawing to a close. Nature, as described by an ordinary contemplator, will also change its form. From a fairy tale, the forest will turn into an eerie story. As soon as the sun touches the horizon, ominous shadows will immediately appear on the snow. Charming fir trees will instantly turn into multi-armed monsters, and the blessed silence will be perceived as an ominous omen. But one can describe winter nature in this way only before the moon rises. Then the world will change again.

The ominous shadows will immediately disappear, the spruce trees will turn silver, and numerous stars will begin to peer into the snow, trying to find their reflection in it. There can hardly be anything better than winter nature - a landscape in the description of which you can see so many changes.


But winter comes not only to the forest. A description of winter nature can be made by looking at an ordinary village, of which there are much more in the country than large cities. Here everything is different from the forest, and completely different from the big city. Winter in the village is completely different. This is a difficult time, but still it is completely filled with smoke and laughter.

The rustic winter nature, as described by professionals, resembles a completely different world: exquisite, magical and completely distant. But for ordinary people, winter in the village means work, everyday joys and the sounds of a blizzard, alluring with their careless sound.

There is much more snow in the village than in the city, sometimes the wind blows snowdrifts as tall as a person. And often it has to be cleared manually, since many villages do not have equipment specially designed for this purpose. But here the snow always remains white, without a touch of city and everyday dust.

Winter nature in the village provides many opportunities for pranks. Here you can make a big, high slide and not be afraid that you will fly onto the highway. You can also go to the forest to ski or just play in the snow. No matter how you look at it, village children always have more snow than city children.


Winter in the village has always been the most comfortable. Snow carefully covers low houses, covers wide fields, making them completely flat, and frost fetters the winding river so that it does not wake up sleeping trees with its noise. With the arrival of winter and snow, silence always comes to the village, which is so different from the silence of the forest. Once you listen, you can clearly hear what the neighbors are talking about at the other end of the street.

In winter, the smell of smoke that comes out of chimneys is always stronger. At night you can hear the blizzard whispering under the windows, and during the day you have to involuntarily cover your eyes with your hand to protect yourself from the bright light reflecting from the white fluffy mound.

From December to February, the world around us becomes completely different. The description of the winter landscape can be reduced to three words: cold, insensitive, cruel. He is magnificent in his sparkling silence, which conceals rustles, sounds, requests. And yet winter exists for a reason. She so diligently decorates the world. But for what? Perhaps it’s all about the person who is given the ability to look, think and think.

The beauty of the surrounding world fascinates, awakens warmth and high spirits in the soul. White snow, like a white sheet. You look at him, and it seems that everything can be changed, corrected, improved, achieved. A cold and unapproachable winter shackles the world, as if trying to tell a person to stop for a moment, look around and remember what is most important.

Music for happiness - gentle guitar

The first chord is light, a breath of wind, your fingers barely touch the strings. A vanishingly quiet sound, E minor, simpler and there is nothing...
The first snowflake is light, translucent, carried by an almost imperceptible wind. She is the harbinger of snowfall, a scout who was the first to descend to the ground...

The second chord – the fingers of the left hand are deftly rearranged, the right one confidently and softly leads along the strings. Down, down, up - simple and gives the simplest sound. It's not a blizzard or a storm - just snowfall. There can be nothing complicated about it. Snowflakes begin to fly more often - the vanguard of the main forces, sparkling ice stars.

Then the chords replace each other more viscously and tenderly, so that the ear almost does not notice the transition from one sound to another. A transition that always sounds harsh. Instead of a fight, it’s too much. Eight. The intro is played and even if it’s not an instrumental that sounds triumphant and joyful during a summer downpour or viscous and bewitching in a snowstorm, even if it’s just chords put together, the music surprisingly suits the snow outside the window, the white butterflies of winter, the icy tiny stars that are all dancing, dancing their dance in the night sky...

Singing is woven into the music - quiet, the words are indistinguishable, elude perception, mixed with the snowfall and the measured, natural beating of the heart. A clear rhythm and calm strength resound in them. The song has no end, it just softly intertwines with the dance of snowflakes and goes away imperceptibly, leaving the sky and snow alone...
Cold and darkness conceal sounds and movements, reconciling the city with winter...

And the Lord of Snowfall, having played his part on one of the roofs, gently puts his guitar, which has power over the elements, into its case. There is snow on his shoulders and hair, red cheerful sparks flash and go out - snowflakes reflect the light of distant lights. There is light in the windows of the house opposite. There are people there who don’t know how to weave the lace of the elements...

The staircase is an ordinary staircase of a nine-story building. Doors, an elevator always occupied by someone, the dim light of a light bulb on the landing... The Lord of Snowfall walks, holding his guitar, quietly and slowly walking up the steps. From the ninth floor to the first, carefully so as not to disturb the warm feeling of relaxed, trusting happiness that comes every time after completing the game...
And the usual angry question from the mother who opened the door:
– When will you stop playing your games and finally start thinking?
It hits the open soul like a knife. The soft snow wings given by the fulfillment of the present break and only misunderstanding and resentment remain.
Why does she hit where it hurts the most? For what?..

At night, a wild wind mixed with snow blew through the city. Broke tree branches, tore wires, swept roads...
It was the Lord of Snowfall's guitar singing again.

The winter season is a time of magic. Frost decorated the window of my room with amazing patterns. And outside the window, large flakes of snow are falling from the sky, quietly falling to the ground and tree branches. Our street is solemn and indescribably beautiful in winter. A walk to the nearest park gives me a lot of pleasure. How cozy and good it is there.

Essay about Winter

A fabulous and beautiful time of year is winter. It brings cold and frost, snow storms and meter-long snowdrifts to the world. But at the same time, it gives the opportunity to have fun during the winter holidays, sledding and playing snowballs. Winter is a favorite time for many people and children. I love her very much too. Every year I look forward to it no less than summer.

When winter comes, the whole world becomes magical. Snowflakes sparkle in the sun, icicles hang from the roofs of houses and huts, and trees dress in original snow-white outfits. Many birds are still flying to warmer climes. And those who remain fly to the feeders in severe frosts and eat grain and bread there.

Essay about Winter

The snow-white beauty of winter has arrived - the favorite season of children. Sledding, skiing, ice skating, snow battles, snow fortresses, well-fed watchmen in every yard with carrots instead of a curious nose - how can you not love this time of year?

Winter is a very beautiful time of year. All the roads are covered with snow, which creaks so displeasedly underfoot, the trees seem to have dressed up in new snow-white dresses and stand without moving, and when a breeze accidentally runs through, a fluffy cloud silently falls from the branches to the ground. Everything sparkles and shimmers in the bright rays of the sun. On frosty winter days it shines brightly, but does not warm, it is not supposed to.

Essay on the theme Winter forest

The winter forest is like the enchanted kingdom of the Snow Queen. There is silence here. A fluffy snow-white cover covers the ground. It is also draped over tree branches like fur coats. It seems as if the trees in the winter forest are dressed in fairy tale outfits. Everything around is decorated with blinding snow, transparent ice and silvery frost. The forest is full of fragile winter jewels.

Essay - miniature on the theme Winter

Autumn slowly turns into early winter. In some places the first frost can already be seen, and in the morning you can feel a light frost. Closer to lunch, the sun warms up a little, but the warmth from its rays is practically not felt. You can feel the frosty breath of the coming winter in everything.

During the night the sky became overcast with gloomy clouds, and by morning, like fluff, the first flakes of snow fell from above. Whirling in this enchanting dance, the snowflakes slowly descended onto tree branches, the ground and roofs of houses, covering everything around with a white fluffy carpet. There is joy in my soul, and at the same time a slight sadness, watching this magical snowfall.

In the morning the clouds cleared and the sun came out. The snow has gradually melted in some places. This is what usually happens, because winter is just coming into its own.

Essay on the topic First snow

The first snow this year fell completely unexpectedly. On this day the weather in the morning was cloudy but quiet. Somewhere in the afternoon, large snowflakes began to fall from the sky. Before we even had time to look back, they turned into large white flakes. They fell on the asphalt and did not melt at all, because it was frosty.

Mini-essays about Winter(3,4,5 grade)

Option 1. Winter is a wonderful time of year. A time of holidays, joy and fun. Everything in the area is covered with snow, as if it were a fluffy and soft white carpet. There are so many activities in winter: you can play snowballs with friends, sledding, skating and skiing, sculpting snowmen and building snow castles! And there are many more fun winter games. I always look forward to winter coming!

Option 2. Winter forest Winter is a wonderful time of the year. To understand how beautiful it is, you need to visit the winter forest.

At first glance, it may seem that everything in the winter forest has fallen asleep until spring. But as soon as the sun appears, the forest seems to transform and come to life again. Although many forest animals have fallen into hibernation, there are still those who do not sleep and are looking for something to feed themselves in the winter forest. Here is a hare tearing off a piece of bark from a birch tree, a squirrel galloped with a nut in its teeth, dropping snow from the branches. A fox flashed between the trees. In the distance, importantly and slowly, an elk wanders through the forest in search of food. Bullfinches, like rowan berries, perched on a branch, watching everything from above. Beautiful in the winter forest, everything around is covered with a snow-white carpet, sparkling in the rays of the sun.

Option 3. Winter has come. It has become cold. Soft, fluffy snow covered the ground with a white blanket.
Rivers and streams froze. Many birds flew to distant hot countries. Hamsters, chipmunks and even bears went to sleep until spring.
But in winter we are delighted with bright bullfinches and cheerful titmice. It is not the cold that is terrible for birds in winter, but hunger. We made bird feeders. Every day we pour grains there, and the birds sing their sonorous songs to us for this.
There are many wonderful things in winter: skiing, skating, and sledding, but the most fun thing in winter is the New Year holiday. He comes with a Christmas tree, chocolates and gifts. All the children have fun with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden at school matinees.
We all love winter very much: dad, our cat, and of course me.

Option 4. Winter came. Today is a clear winter day, the sun is shining dazzlingly bright. Everything around was white and white: soft fluffy snow covered the ground in an even layer. Snow is everywhere: on benches, on the roofs of houses, on trees. The trees stand in the snow, like apple trees in blossom. White-white. And only here and there red clusters of rowan berries are visible. There are many bird tracks under the rowan trees. The highway has shed its snow-white outfit, and it seems that the road is meandering like a black snake between tall houses in snow-white caps. People are in a hurry somewhere, leaving chains of their footprints in the snow that are intertwined with each other. And the guys with joyful shouts go down the hill on sleds: they have fun even in the cold. And the snow glitters in the sun, sparkles and shimmers.

Essay on winter | November 2017

Did not you find what you were looking for? here's another

Winter is the coldest of all seasons. However, many are looking forward to it. The bitter frost freezes the rivers with ice, forming a skating rink. A white blanket of snow covers the ground to prevent it from freezing. All nature falls asleep for the winter, the trees are freed from foliage, the grass dries up, most representatives of the animal world hide in holes, stocking up on supplies, or go into hibernation.

The landscape in the courtyards of residential buildings is changing. Many ice slides appear. A wonderful activity is sledding or riding on mats from such a slide. The only noise is from the joyful cries of the children. There is a ski track here and there. Skiing is not for the weak; it requires certain skills and physical fitness.

On thaw days, when the snow becomes sticky, many snowmen appear. They are all very different, large, small, with buckets, carrots, brooms and various additions that are located right nearby. And what kind of snow fortresses can you see in winter? Using their imagination and using their acquired knowledge, children build real snow castles.

Feeders made from various available materials are hung on the trees. This is for birds that did not fly to hot countries for the winter, but remained in their homeland. After all, in the winter season it is very difficult to find food for yourself. But very often from the window you can see important red-breasted bullfinches, which, thanks to their bright colors, are very noticeable in winter.

The days in winter are very short, but this does not stop you from enjoying the beauty of winter nature. On a frosty, clear day, when the sun shines especially brightly, everything around sparkles and shines. The clear, frosty air makes breathing difficult and stings your nose. Birch trees are beautiful in their silver decoration. There are days when everything is covered with frost: wires, benches, tree branches. On such days, wonderful patterns are formed on the windows. They make windows fabulously beautiful, looking like a product made of delicate crystal.

There is a stunning array of icicles of various shapes hanging from the roofs. In the sun they shine and shimmer in different colors. But you can’t look at them for a long time, when everything around is white and silver, it blinds your eyes, even if you wear dark glasses.

Option 2

How amazing nature is in winter. A fairy tale turns into reality. The world is plunging into a white veil. She envelops everything from head to toe with her amazing appearance. It is not without reason that many poets and artists describe the beauty of snow-covered distances in their works.

Residents of Russia are incredibly lucky, since not many countries can see the winter creation of local beauties. Every snowflake, every crunch of a shoe in the snow conveys the feeling of imminent joy. One of the most beloved holidays is the New Year, which comes to every home in winter. Thanks to this, everyone loves winter so much.

Nature transforms in winter; this time of year is the most “Russian” time. The severity of winter frosts is similar to the character of the inhabitants of the Great Country. Winter beauty shows strength, resilience and humility in the face of the mesmerizing elements. An example would be spruce. A cap of snow presses on it, the branch bends under the weight, but does not break, but only throws off excess weight. This is the nature of nature, which manifests itself in all its glory only in winter.

Winter is a time of rest for many inhabitants of fields and rivers. Animals, fish, amphibians - everyone is resting, gaining strength for further existence. Winter reboot provides an opportunity to feel solitude. Silence in the forest, clean frosty air, the impenetrable surface of fluffy snow - all this brings a feeling of peace and serenity.

But nature is unpredictable. Her mood may deteriorate and then new outlines of winter pictures are drawn before her eyes. Blizzards and blizzards, endless snowfalls and severe frosts - all this brings with it not only beauty, but also great danger. On such harsh days, local residents of cities and villages need to wait out the bad weather at home.

But no matter how the weather plays tricks on everyone, in any case, winter is a wonderful time. Time for long evenings. The opportunity to be with loved ones a little more than usual. Enjoy the winter holidays not only for children, but also for adults. Three months of fairy tales will give you the warmth of a cold paradise.

Short essay

On the spruce trees the snow lies in large white caps. You can approach them with caution. After all, if by chance one such cap falls out of its place, then there will be a snow block under which you can find yourself. Then you will have to experience the cold of snowflakes penetrating your collar.

Many poets and writers were fascinated by the enchanting beauty of the winter sorceress. Inspired by the beauty of winter days, many of them created unforgettable literary works.

Essay Nature in winter

Winter covered the entire city with white, fluffy snow. The dim winter sun sometimes peeks through the carved lace of the branches. Tireless street cleaners clean the sidewalks.

From the frozen window of the bus into a small thawed patch you can see passers-by hurrying along the street, wrapping themselves in collars, shivering, hurrying, dreaming of quickly getting into the cozy warmth of home. The bus travels along snow-covered lanes, performing its very important job. At every stop, people eagerly await him, looking out for him in the whirlwind of snow, and blow into their folded palms.

A cold, angry wind will blow in, howl, pick up snow flakes, spin, carry along the icy street and get lost between the houses. And in the calm that follows, the snow slowly and smoothly falls on the road, houses and trees.

Having let the frozen passengers in, the bus closes the doors and again floats in this snowy sea, illuminating it with headlights. Gradually, high-rise buildings are replaced by one-story wooden houses.

This is the outskirts of the city. The highway makes a sharp turn among huge snowdrifts, and behind it a majestic picture opens up. The fields are covered with a huge, white blanket, with blue folds on it. The clouds have cleared and the snowfall has stopped. In the endless blue of the sky - the sun, orange, like a huge orange.

The forest darkens in the distance. Huge, fabulous spruce trees are sleeping in anticipation of spring. The branches bend to the ground under white, snowy caps. But it is only from the outside that the trees look frozen; inside them the strength for life is accumulating. As soon as the spring wind smells, the first thawed patches will appear, their juices will begin to move, bringing stimulation to the branches and buds.

In February, the days become longer and longer, the nights recede, and although winter has not yet given up its rights, according to many signs, spring is already halfway there. Birds chirp especially loudly, icicles cry on the roof eaves, on sunny days like these. The tops of the snowdrifts here and there shine dazzlingly with thin, lace-like plates that are showered with crystal fragments at the first breath of wind. Nature works its magic.

The birch branches bent under the weight of the bullfinches crouching on them, an amazing sight, like crimson apples on thin branches. One careless movement and the flock fluttered up, disappeared among the trees, disappeared, as if it had never existed.

But now another winter day is coming to an end, the last slice of sunny orange remains above the horizon, a thin, bright strip. The sky is frowning, either a snowstorm is approaching, or night is approaching. The walk is over for today, it’s time to head back.

I love dogs very much and I am sure that they are the best friends! They can be different. They are small and large, shaggy and smooth-haired. The dog may have a pedigree, or it may be a simple mongrel. But she is also a man's friend

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    This holiday, which appeared recently, expresses a very important idea for modern society. Celebrating it, we remember not only the glorious pages of Russian history, but also the harm of disunity.

  • Essay Good in winter 3rd grade

    Winter is a time of magic and miracles. New Year celebrations, holidays, Christmas - all this happens in winter. I like long winter walks along snowy streets, there is a lot of snow around, and beautiful snowflakes fall from the sky.

  • Winter comes immediately. The description of winter in the folk calendar begins with Plato and Roman on December 1. Prolonged cold sets in gradually, alternating with sudden thaws and sudden frosts. December is a snowy month, the snow will cover the roads, the slopes of the banks of the frozen river, and will give the winter forest a snowy shy look. Nature is quiet and calm in winter, sleeping comfortably, wrapped in snowdrifts of a white blanket, and by December 4 - Introduction, the rivers in Rus' are bound with tenacious ice. The rivers are freezing, and now the ice will last all winter until the warmest days of spring.

    The real and cold winter begins in the third week of December and will last until mid-February. Winter nature in December is completely immersed in sleep, the sun spends less time in the sky and rises low above the horizon. At times, several December days, especially closer to the new year, can become quite frosty. The sky on such days crystallizes and becomes clean and bright. From the end of the month, the sun begins to add more daylight per minute, and from this time nature is already setting its course for the upcoming, albeit distant, summer.

    “Plato and Roman show winter to us. The snow is setting, don’t be afraid of anyone”

    The second half of December in the folk calendar

    With the fall of a large amount of snow, the first short frosts set in. In winter, nature puts on a white coat, covers once-blooming meadows with snow, trees dress up in lush white outfits, forest paths become impassable, and a blanket of snow falls on the ice. Winter nature is quiet and silent, only the rare chirping of winter birds can be heard, and the dry crunch of branches in the winter forest. The weather in December is not yet the most wintry and severe, thaws occur from time to time, but the temperature is consistently negative with rare frosts and drops to -20 ° C. And despite frequent thaws and instability of negative temperatures, cold Arctic winds will increasingly cool the air. Winter will still show its harsh character.