What do the aspects of the axes of the nodes to each other and the aspects of the planets to the nodes in synastry mean?

2) The planets of one are in aspect to the nodes of the other.

The owner of the axis helps the owner of the planet in working through it. In the example, the Moon in Aries was worked out in a relationship (the owner began to allow himself to show emotions, became less stubborn, more open and ready for dialogue) and the Sun and Mercury in Pisces (the native became more self-confident, proactive, got rid of swearing, struggles with inaccuracy of speech). Development occurs painfully - through failures and scandals. Also, the owner of the nodes perceives his partner in a certain way, stereotypically. In the example, the girl perceives the guy, the owner of the Sun in Pisces, as a father (the Sun is in her 4th house) - she expects guardianship and care, and the guy, in turn, depends on her qualities as an “active mother” - the Moon in Aries falls into his 12th house. Hence the misunderstanding in the relationship, because both want to be in a subordinate position.

There is also positive sides. Firstly, if the aspects are harmonious, everything happens softer and more pleasant. Secondly, working through the planets has its own advantages for relationships: personal planets help you become a more pleasant, reliable person, social planets help you achieve certain successes in society, higher planets help you overcome difficulties. In addition, people have something to experience together, and this always brings them closer together. Collaboration over problems leaves a feeling of deep gratitude on the one hand and affection on the other, and psychological stress does not allow feelings to fade away.

3) The planets of one are in conjunction with the node of the other.

There is an opinion that such an aspect in synastry speaks of a connection between two people in past lives. Since this is extremely difficult to verify, I will talk about how he can manifest himself in the current incarnation.
The axis of nodes is our karmic guideline. In classical texts it is compared not only to cups, but also to the head and tail of a dragon. The connection of another person's planets with our North Node can open our eyes to something that we did not understand or notice before, think about something important, push us to new experiences and new sensations. A connection with the South Node will allow a person to receive a piece of our past experience, we share our experiences with him, and he learns from our mistakes. Much also depends on how well the planet is located in the chart and how developed the native is. In the example, Neptune is on the North Node, the Moon is on the South Node.
In the example, the owner of Neptune expanded the boundaries of the religious perception of the owner of the Nodes (thanks to strong Neptune, he served in the church in his youth). The owner of the nodes, in turn, helped the owner of the Moon in identifying and solving emotional problems.
Ideally, if a person in such a relationship achieves the goal of his incarnation, the partner’s planets should also be worked out as much as possible.

More articles on the topic of karma in natal and synastry.

Conjunctions with fictitious planets have a special, fateful character. Many situations and phenomena in the lives of people that have such mutual aspects are not random and are always of great importance.

One person's Sun or Moon conjunct another person's North Node indicates that they life paths are closely related, they strongly influence each other’s evolution and can significantly accelerate it. At the same time, mistakes and wrong actions of one person can distort, correct in an undesirable direction the fate of another person, and create worse prospects for him.

The connection of one person's North Node with the planets of another person makes these planets brighter, stronger, accelerates all processes associated with their functions, and makes many things in life easier and more achievable.

The connection of the Sun or Moon of one person with the South Node of another suggests the mutual working out of karmic problems, the completion of old programs (which, perhaps, extend from past lives), and the repayment of debts. In this case further development is unthinkable without a thorough review of all the factors that aggravate and burden life together, while evolutionary progress slows down somewhat.

The connection of the South Node of one person with the planets (with any, not just luminaries) of another person makes their characteristics more significant and deeper, but at the same time somewhat reduces their brightness and emphasis, and creates certain difficulties for their external manifestation.

The connection of the Black Moon of one person with the Sun or Moon of another is often a certain temptation for both, a test of the purity of thoughts, and sometimes a very difficult test. In this case, people have to fight external, and most importantly, internal evil, otherwise they may fall under its influence. This is a karmic aspect, which suggests that in past lives relations between people were not cloudless, something bad, dark from the past casts its shadow on the present, and this needs to be dealt with.

The connection of the Black Moon with any other planet of the partner somewhat darkens its manifestation, makes it sound an octave lower, awakens in it the dark, instinctive nature or dark sides of sexuality.

The connection of the White Moon of one person with the Sun or Moon of another person has a general ennobling, enlightening effect on both, strengthening the most best qualities, makes the bright path of development more accessible.

The seal of happiness and unhappiness in synastric astrology

The seal of happiness is Jupiter in harmonious aspect (including conjunction) to the partner’s Sun or Moon. Orb - eight degrees.

The seal of misfortune is Saturn in a tense aspect (including conjunction) to the partner’s Sun or Moon. Orb - six degrees.

The note about orbs is important; as you can see, “happiness” and “misfortune” have different orbs in synastric astrology.

Print data has great importance, however, again, the presence of a seal of misfortune in itself does not indicate a breakup. If there are not three or more tense aspects between conflicting planets, an unhappy union will result, but without divorce. Moreover, one person will be unhappy - the one whose Moon or Sun is suppressed by the partner’s Saturn. And the “owner” of Saturn may consider that they generally have an excellent relationship.

If they contact me for a compatibility analysis and I see a sign of unhappiness, I do not recommend such a union. Why should a person suffer all his life? This is not humane.

Question: what if he is entitled to it due to karma?

Answer: if it is supposed to, then he simply will not get a consultation with a synastric astrologer; no one will be able to warn him.

I had interesting case. The husband's Jupiter is in good aspect to the wife's Moon, and the wife's Saturn damages the husband's Sun, i.e. the wife is happy in the union, but he is extremely unhappy. I already talked about this case, the husband is a complete henpecked man, his wife influences him like a boa constrictor influences a rabbit. I believe that such unions are impossible simply for ethical reasons.

Question: what if there is a stamp of happiness and unhappiness at the same time?

Answer: then everything is situational, depending on the transits, what is turned on at the moment, the aspect of Saturn or Jupiter. Those. a person lives in stripes, sometimes happy, sometimes unhappy.

Ultimately, you and I can formulate the conditions for an ideal union from the point of view of synastric astrology:

1) There are no tense aspects between conflicting planets.

2) There are harmonious aspects between sexual planets.

3) There are harmonious aspects between the Suns, Moons and Venus of the partners.

4) There is no sign of misfortune.

5) There is a seal of happiness.

But in practice I have not met such couples. IN real life a happy union is, as a rule, three out of five conditions, and conditions 1) and 4) are necessarily present.

Plus, each of the partners has individual horoscope- Natal chart. And if it says that marriage will never be perfect, then so be it, you simply won’t be able to find such a match for yourself for one reason or another. You can only try to find a relatively acceptable marriage (i.e., for example, choose the lesser of two evils). Princes on white horses, despite all the tricks, only happen in fairy tales. An option to solve this problem is to move, then the radix will take on a different appearance, and you can get more favorable indications for marriage. You can even move with an existing partner - he will change, he will behave differently.

So, we have briefly reviewed the first part of the astrological analysis of relationships and are moving directly to synastry.
Synastry is like a bird that has two wings (individual cards of partners). She can be beautiful and fly high, she can be important and pompous, she can have a sharp beak and claws. After all, when people unite in a union, they create a certain third being that is common to both of them. They combine their qualities together harmoniously or inharmoniously, and teach their bird to fly in the hope that it will become the Bird of Happiness.
How can you determine what kind of bird you will get and where it will fly?
Many famous authors have written on the synastric topic. Everyone has their own approach and their own methods. I don’t want to repeat what has already been written a long time ago and dwell on the position of the planets of one in the houses of another (Podvodny) or a detailed presentation of how synastric aspects between planets work (Vronsky). I will try to outline the principles of synastry analysis, set priorities, and tell interesting points that are little described in the literature.

1. Sun-Moon interaction.
The first stage of analyzing a synastric chart is to assess the interaction of the luminaries - the Sun and the Moon. This is not my know-how. Ptolemy wrote about this and, believe me, it is of great importance in the synastric chart. The most favorable is a trine between the partners' Sun and Moon. Moreover, it is better if the Sun is in the female chart, and the Moon in the male chart. We remember that the Sun in a woman’s chart is the ideal image of a husband. And the Moon in a man is the ideal image of a wife. When there is a trine or conjunction between these planets, the ideal images interact harmoniously and the partners see in their chosen ones what they consider their ideal.
If there are tense aspects between the luminaries, then at first people are very attracted to each other. They get married, but it is difficult to call their life happy. Conflicts, irritation, and misunderstandings are possible. There is a high probability of divorce.
A tense aspect between the Moons can be especially problematic. This is our physiology, habits, lifestyle. This is something that is very difficult to control. The harmonious interaction of the Moons will give the feeling that the partners are on the same energetic wavelength, they easily get along together. Disharmony between the Moons complicates life, since the biological cycles of the partners are very different. While people are just dating, this is not very noticeable, but living together activates the Moon to the fullest. And then the borscht will be tasteless, and the wallpaper in the bedroom is too bright/dull, and there will be irritation from the fact that one is a night owl and the other is a lark.
A separate case is the conjunction of the Moons of partners. At first it may seem like you have met a kindred spirit. Complete coincidence of biorhythms, physiological reactions, similar habits. But in the future, such similarity becomes a quagmire of relationships. Partners cannot help each other get out of painful, fearful, psychological breakdowns, but only strengthen them, entering into resonance with the Moon.
Tensions between the Sun partners are more easily experienced than with the Moon. This is a conscious level. Partners understand that they are different, but that is why they are interesting to each other.

2. Interaction Venus - Mars

Venus-Mars relationships most often arise just as quickly and die out just as quickly. This is a flash that amazes and deprives you of your mind. This is a strong sexual attraction, passion, eros. Particularly vivid experiences occur during trines of these planets in synastry and conjunctions. Squares, although they introduce tension, also cause intense passions.
But it is impossible to build a long-term relationship only on the Venus-Mars aspects. Most often, after 9 months of frenzied passion, some cooling occurs. Partners feel good together, but sex alone is not enough for them. And at this moment other planets should connect - the Sun, Mercury. If there are no connections between them, then eros will be replaced by boredom and indifference. Mars will begin to pay attention to other objects of the opposite sex, and Venus will switch to money issues, beautiful clothes, delicious food...
Aspects of Venus and Mars are important in the first stages of a relationship; they do not let you pass by, do not leave you indifferent, and make your heart beat faster. When they interact harmoniously, partners feel like they have met “the woman of their dreams” or “a prince on a white horse.” People around them tell them that they look great together, that they are a great couple. Relationships can develop rapidly and people get married.
But, from the moment the partners live together, the Moon and the Sun gradually take on the main role. Now the partners are no longer just lovers, they are husband and wife. If the Sun and Moon are inharmoniously connected, then the marriage may fail. Although, couples often adapt to living “without the Sun and Moon.” For example, partners live in different apartments (although the marriage is concluded) and meet only on weekends, or when they are bored. Or the wife completely switches to Venus (doesn’t do housework, doesn’t give birth to children, doesn’t walk around in front of her husband “in curlers and slippers”). Then the interaction bypasses the Moon and the alliance continues to develop.
I can assume that various versions of the “Swedish family” or inviting a third partner to diversify sexual relations in marriage happened precisely in those unions where the main aspects of interaction were Mars-Venus. The partners felt that if they did not feed this couple of planets with new erotic infusions, the connection might cease to exist.

3. Interaction of Mercury

Strange as it may seem at first glance, the influence of Mercury is very significant in love unions. When Venus and Mars have cooled down their initial ardor, interesting communication, mutual understanding, and common hobbies can become an excellent basis for a long-term relationship. People who understand each other more easily forgive everyone’s mistakes and shortcomings, resolve conflicts more easily, and quickly find a way out of difficult situations.
No matter what happens, no matter how hard it is, they always have the opportunity to talk and understand each other. They hear what their partner says exactly the way he wants to say it. They speak the same language!!!
Unfortunately, there are very frequent cases when unions fell apart precisely because people did not understand each other, distorted the meaning of what was said, or invented something of their own. Most often this will happen when Mercury does not have aspects to each other, Mercury is in opposition or square, Mercury interacts inharmoniously with the Neptunes of partners.

4. Saturn interactions

Sometimes you look at a chart and think, it would be better if the Saturns of the partners did not interact at all, rather than being in square or opposition. Almost always these are irreconcilable points of view and principles. And everyone sincerely considers only themselves to be right. It's useless to explain anything!!! If Saturn of one is in Capricorn and the other in Libra, these are eternal ideological opponents. Both Saturns are strong, and it is impossible to overcome them.
Even if at the initial stage of the relationship Venus and Mars close the eyes of Saturn, then over time they will still take revenge.
Saturns educate, teach, criticize, tell “what is right” and “what is good and what is bad.”
And the result of such re-education can be depression, low self-esteem, and impotence. Of course, for things to go this far, the Moon is needed. And if Saturn “beats” the partner’s Moon, then it is better to break such a connection. But it’s not up to us to decide, because these people clearly didn’t come together by chance, and they will learn their lesson to the end.

5. Lunar Nodes

Ah, knots, knots! How tightly you tighten the synastric nets, and how difficult it can be to understand the lessons you offer.
Any meeting, any relationship is not accidental. But when in synastry the Nodes are tied to the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn, you understand that there is a special “non-accident” here. If one of the listed planets of a person is in conjunction with the partner’s South Node, then we can assume that this is a meeting from the past. And your partner came to remind you of your past relationship, and at the same time stir up your South Node. ABOUT! Native swamp! How calm and cozy it is. True, the water is all overgrown with duckweed and smells slightly... But sometimes everyone wants to sit in their favorite puddle.
The partner’s planet in conjunction with the North Node will pull you out of your favorite puddle by the collar and throw you into the deep hole of the North Node. If Venus, Sun, Moon, Jupiter give support, then you will enjoy the new experience. And you will understand more and more which direction you need to move.
If there is no support from benefactors, then you will run away from this person wherever you look. At best, you will say indignantly - I don’t understand what he needs from me?! There will be some vague attraction, but more like towards an alien than like to a loved one.

6. Similar aspects
This is an infrequent case, but quite indicative of how people intuitively select partners with similar problems.
Woman - Sun-Uranus square
Husband - Sun-Uranus conjunction
Lover - opposition Sun - Uranus.
Why do people choose partners with similar problematic aspects? Is this the will of fate or a person’s choice? Probably, these partners are the very mirrors for each other that psychologists talk about. They are unable to see their shortcomings and therefore find themselves next to a person who has similar difficulties, but with a slightly different sauce. They teach each other by example, although these are difficult lessons.
By the way, such connections can be quite strong and long-lasting.

7. Completing the configuration.

Another case when one of the partners becomes an unwitting teacher for the other. Moreover, he sometimes teaches quite painfully.
Imagine a chart with the opposition Sun - Saturn. This gives a person lack of self-confidence, pessimism, despondency, and self-criticism. And then he comes across a partner who makes a trine and sextile to the opposition with his Sun and thereby closes it. How do you think their interaction will go?
What if his Sun becomes a square to this opposition? Will there be a difference?
Naturally, the first option is more pleasant. The owner of the opposition will gradually become more confident in his abilities, pessimism will be replaced by realism, and despondency will visit him less and less.
The second option, on the contrary, will exacerbate the problem. The partner will drive the person with the opposition even further into a corner, will constantly poke his nose at his shortcomings, and say that he is a loser.
There is no need to think that it will be easy and simple for a person with a “closer” planet. The tension of the partner's opposition will fall on him with all its force, especially when building a tense configuration. He will be accused of all mortal sins, of ruining life and finding fault with little things.
The created configuration will be very sensitive to the transit situation. And as soon as a planet passes through its points, the partners will experience a “transit aggravation.” They will sort things out, get offended, quarrel, and at the same time work out their difficult parts of the horoscope. It was not for nothing that fate brought them together and locked their planetary aspects into a chain.

8. Aspect of painful points of the horoscope

This point is somewhat similar to the previous one, but we're talking about not about configuration, but about certain aspects to difficult points of the horoscope. Remember at the beginning of the article we talked about filled signs and houses? It is not customary to call these painful points of the horoscope; to put it mildly, they are energy-filled places. The person himself most often sees these sectors of the horoscope as his strength, his virtues. A filled Virgo gives a person the ability to work with details, the ability to maintain order in the information around him or in the objects that surround him. He has everything laid out on shelves in his head or in his closet. And the person believes that this is correct, this is exactly how it should be for all other signs.
And suddenly a partner comes who makes a square or opposition to this Virgo with his planets from Sagittarius or Pisces. For him, the girl’s cleanliness and meticulousness are completely incomprehensible. He lives in other categories - creativity, flights of fancy, high motives. At the same time, he scatters his socks around the apartment, cannot find his things for hours and does not remember where he put his car keys yesterday. Virgo's world could collapse! And the future of this relationship will depend on how strong the partners’ feelings are or whether there is support from other aspects. If the relationship continues, then gradually Virgo (albeit with great reluctance) will be forced to admit that besides Virgo there are other signs of the Zodiac and they also have the right to exist.

9. Enabling planet miners

The miner planet often has problems with its manifestation in human life. It seems to exist, but it stands apart and does not participate in the general conversation of the planets. She is like a person in a team who sits on a separate chair and remains silent. Sometimes he suddenly breaks through (transits) and starts saying something, but mostly out of place or when the rest of the team has already finished work and gone home.
And suddenly synastry! Some planet of a partner sits down next to us, hugs our miner and says:
- You are so smart, but no one understands you. You are so charming, but no one sees it. You best specialist, but no one appreciates it. I was the only one who saw and appreciated all this.
What reaction do you think the person with the miner will have? He will grab at this straw with his feet and hands. After all, his partner will show him something that he always had, but he did not see and could not use.
All other synastric aspects may be difficult, but the harmonious inclusion of a miner planet is a happy occasion for the owner of this planet. Especially if the miner is Venus for a woman and Mars for a man.
A woman will say that with this partner she first understood what it means to love and feel loved. And the man will say that it was with this girl that he felt like a real man.

These are the main points that I wanted to present in the light of synastric analysis. If, during your study of the interaction of two horoscopes, you pay attention to them, then a huge layer of information will open to you, which is not always evident the first time.

Now I want to talk a little about such a point as the moment of meeting or the beginning of a relationship. This moment can be considered the birthday of the relationship and it will have a certain impact on the course of development of the relationship.
What is considered the beginning of a relationship? Usually the partners themselves can best answer this question. The cases are completely different, and a relationship can begin either at first sight or after ten years of dating.
You can take the moment of first intimacy or the first date as the beginning of a relationship, or you can take the moment of the first letter on the Internet. It all depends on the circumstances.
Well, have you figured out this magical day and what to do with it? You can, of course, study in great detail the position of the planets at the time of the meeting, the aspects between Mars and Venus, the Moon and the Sun. But, to be honest, I don’t do this.
The main thing I look at:
-Lunar cycle
-Movement of Venus
-Movement of Mercury
The moon has a huge influence on our lives. And when she finishes her monthly cycle, many programs are curtailed and completed. If the relationship began in the last days of the lunar cycle, then you cannot expect that the relationship will be long-lasting. But there are exceptions. For example, when partners have been eyeing each other for a long time, sympathize, but do not dare to approach each other. And finally, someone took the first step towards rapprochement. In this case, the end of the lunar cycle will indicate that the first period of “watching” is completed and begins new round relationships.
Venus is the planet of love. It is unfavorable for future relationships if they began on retro Venus. Usually this is evidence that people are learning some of their old lessons, or that these relationships have already taken place in people’s lives. The prospects for such relations are very bleak. Although there are exceptions.
The same applies to retro Mercury. Although the prognosis here may be favorable. Retro Mercury can slow down the development of relationships, or separate partners for a while, and then connect them again. Relationships can develop slowly, “one step forward, two steps back.” But if people survive the period of inhibition, then in the future the relationship can be quite successful.

In conclusion, I would like to say that an astrological analysis of relationships will reveal, first of all, the opportunities that partners have. How they use these opportunities will depend only on them. No synastry will guarantee love and marriage. After all, love is not an astrological category, but a spiritual one. And its occurrence is a very subtle and inexplicable thing. Well, marriage is one of the stages in the development of relationships between people. Whether the partners reach this stage in their relationship will depend on themselves.

Report to the 2005 conference “Uranus in Pisces”

The task this study is to designate the paths along which the karmic themes of the Genus pass, and not to interpret specific provisions in the natal charts of all representatives of the Genus.

By identifying connections along the Family Tree, we can discover one, and sometimes several, repeating stories passed on from generation to generation. They are the most significant, one might say: the key tasks of Karma, by accepting and solving which a person automatically activates the entire plan of Karma. In turn, this plan offers a person a series of events that corresponds to most of the tasks assigned to him, and thereby helps to actively solve many life problems. And even if, in terms of Karma, the main task turns out to be very difficult and is repeated in the family Tree for several generations, when a person begins conscious work with this task, then all other life topics and plots are resolved as if on their own quite harmoniously. This is explained by the fact that, subject to such a conscious acceptance and implementation by a person of the main plots of Karma, it is from the karmic plane that natural support comes in solving all other problems. This phenomenon of facilitating the process of realizing many life themes is explained by the “interest” of karmic flows in changing our original qualities. This is understandable, because the more we change, the more we create new experiences that help us actively come into contact with the moment of Time (naturally, this refers to the positive aspect of work). In other words, when our Consciousness comes into contact with the plan of Karma, and we begin to act in Time, then, figuratively speaking, the delighted Lords of Karma send us their support, for they are always interested in our advancement and in the speedy and successful completion of any task.

When entering the karmic plane, we must first of all consider the Lunar nodes, Selena and Lilith. This is the minimum indicator with the help of which we can penetrate into the deeper layers of our Karma. Moreover, taking into account that the Nodes, Selena, and Lilith are fictitious points, we can always combine them in any combination in our studies, after which we will receive additional information about the most significant fragments of Karma.

Moreover, if we consider the connections of the Nodes with Selena, we will enter a flow that provides information to a greater extent about the individual Karma of the Soul. If we begin to look at the connections between the Nodes and Lilith, we will go into the karmic flow of our Family, for Lilith is still more related to generic programs and mainly determines the quality and capabilities of the flows that fill the Family Tree.

Thus, by uniting Lilith and the Nodes with each other, we can learn about the characteristics of our Clan and the problems that accompany most members of the Clan. It must be said that such work is very interesting, since it opens up opportunities for us to work not only with our individual tasks, but also to help both Ancestors and Descendants in solving the most complex problems.

Often, isolating fictitious programs formed by the connections of the Lunar Nodes and Lilith and understanding them helps us navigate life and understand where certain complex problems come from. Moreover, by focusing on them, we can, in some cases, significantly soften the blows of fate.

When studying the relationships of fictitious points, it is necessary to take into account several conditions.


General provisions

Since we are dealing with generic programs that pass from generation to generation, then:

· we should consider only blood ties and examine the horoscopes of blood relatives only;

· we must remember that when studying the karmic picture of Rod, it is necessary to have data from at least three or four generations (even if not full). This is the very minimum at which you can avoid gross errors in your conclusions;

· we must know what is most full information gives a study of seven, eight tribes, which in our Time can be very difficult to “get”;

· we must take into account that the transfer of special “karmic” qualities and programs along the family Tree can sometimes be interrupted in one so-called “free knee”, or the transfer can be skillfully veiled;

· we must accept the condition that most often the rhythm of the disclosure and interruption of manifestations of the same qualities and programs is as follows: two, three knees contain the same qualities. As a result, the trunk of the Family Tree is filled and compacted with these qualities, forcing representatives of the Family to actively use them in practical work in order to change the initial level of these qualities as much as possible. Then the Tree is offered a rest from the too bright manifestation of any “intrusive” quality (which sometimes still manages to penetrate into the fourth generation). Then again two or three tribes clearly designate and convey certain qualities and programs, then these qualities are again hidden, and it can be very difficult to detect them. Sometimes they change significantly, which is good sign, since this is exactly what is required of us when working with generic programs. It is much worse when the qualities are not transformed, passing from one generation to another and, gradually becoming denser, giving rise to severe disorders expressed in hereditary diseases. Sometimes information about particularly “outstanding” qualities and programs is very carefully hidden, and we can learn about them through the positions of the planetary rulers of the signs of the Nodes, or by the position of the real ruler (rulers) of the house involved in solving generic problems.

Here it must be added that sometimes the same programs and qualities are passed on in several generations in a row almost without changes, which indicates that the Karma of the Family is becoming heavier and that it is time for all representatives of this Family to be attentive to such programs.


Lunar nodes

Considering the Lunar nodes in connection with ancestral Karma, we must accept the condition that the Northern lunar node is a force that transmits from generation to generation the qualities designated:

· planet-ruler of the sign of the North Node;

· a planet conjunct the North Node;

· a planet located in the same sign as the North Node.

When there is a conjunction, we take both conditions into account, considering both the planet of the ruler of the sign and the planet connected to the Node.

The southern lunar node accepts qualities from the Ancestors and introduces them into the lifestream of the Descendant, demanding attention to them and their use in practical work. In this case, information about these qualities is given:

· planet-ruler of the sign of the South Node;

· a planet conjunct the South Node;

· a planet located in the same sign as the South Node.

If there is a conjunction of any planet with the South Node, we also take into account both conditions.

If a sign has two rulers, then we must work with both planets and take into account their positions in the horoscope. Although, of course, the first ruler is the most significant in our research, and sometimes only his information is enough for the rest of our lives.

Sometimes it happens that the same planet, being in conjunction with one or another Node, can transfer this aspect from knee to knee until specific conditions are formed for the practical implementation of the program designated through this planet.

Moreover, if in one of the generations we observe such a picture in connection with the North Node, then this is most likely just an indication of Karma to transfer the ancestral program to the Descendants, i.e. for future work. In this case, as soon as one of the Descendants has this planet on the South Node, this will indicate that its qualities have entered the lifestream and require their practical use in solving current problems and to transform the basic properties of the planet. This is one of the indications of the need to implement the debt program on an eventual basis. This may also be an indication of the end of one of the debt programs located in the trunk of the family Tree, or that the program should be completed in a given tribe. Also, such a provision can be considered simply as a recommendation to complete the program and not transfer it further.

Sometimes it happens that in several generations the same planet ends up on the South Node. Such a planet tells about some special qualities of the Ancestors, repeating these qualities in each subsequent generation and requiring thorough practical development of some of the tasks outlined by it. The same planet may then appear on the Descendant's North Node. In this case we can assume that:

· in this knee there are no conditions for an active change in root qualities to in practical terms, and they must be passed on to subsequent generations (although, of course, it is necessary to strive to master the themes offered by the planet in any case, since the individual North Node and the planet in conjunction with it indicate not only generic themes, but also the need to use this provision in connection with the disclosure of individual karmic tasks);

· these qualities will manifest themselves most actively in the next generation. Here we can consider such a transfer of the program through the connection of the planet with the North Node as a warning that the Descendants will be forced to come into contact with this program.

Here you need to add the following. If the same planet, connected to one or another Node, accompanies three generations or more, then it can be considered a “conductor” working in the trunk of the family Tree. It carries an additional load in the horoscope, and it must be considered not only in connection with the psychological portrait of a person, but also as a planet that shapes and shows the karmic paths of the Soul and focuses on specific life themes typical for a given Genus. Such a planet conveys through itself one common quality that binds several generations with debt obligations, and with its specific position in the natal chart it communicates certain features characteristic of several generations.

Such a planet requires special attention when it passes in a row in four tribes as a guide. In this case, she emphasizes the same quality four times, filling the trunk of the family Tree with increasingly heavier substances (qualities) and forming a strong dependence on it in a person.

By fixing itself in the trunk of the Tree and using the conditions indicated by the generic rhythmic pattern, which allows for the repetition of certain qualities in several generations in a row, the planet can form difficult-to-solve problems in the fourth generation. Accordingly, starting from the fourth generation, there is a need to necessarily transform planetary qualities and remove them from the fragment of Karma accentuated by such a planet. On the event plan, this looks like an emerging obligatory and, as a rule, very unattractive life plot (like two peas in a pod similar to grandma’s, aunt’s, uncle’s, dad’s, etc.), which has to be dealt with very carefully and with which it is impossible don't understand. Here we come into contact with the fatal necessity of solving a problem almost always under difficult conditions.

For example, if the Moon turns out to be the guide, then, in addition to its usual natal “responsibilities,” it indicates some lunar problems inherent in several tribes. This can be expressed in the form of excessive vulnerability of nature, emotional dependence, sentimentality, which is inherited, intensifying or gradually disappearing. Also, the Moon can transmit information to several tribes about the need to work specifically with lunar programs, perhaps to harmonize relationships with the mother, or any woman who is a blood relative. The Moon also tells us that there may be excessive dependence on the mother and a lack of understanding of this dependence, manifested in several generations. Sometimes the inability to sort out your home becomes fatal in one of the knees.

It must be said that there are often several guide planets, which provides a lot of additional information about the tasks of the Rod and significantly complicates the Karma of the Rod. Sometimes you can observe how the guide passes the baton to another planet, freeing himself from karmic responsibilities.


When studying Lilith, we must consider the connections of the fictitious point with the planets through the aspects of conjunction, opposition and square. Very often, this particular set of aspects is inherited. Moreover, this can be a direct transfer of an aspect. For example, the father has Lilith in conjunction with Uranus, and the daughter or son has Lilith in conjunction with Uranus. But more often we can find that the father’s connection has turned into an opposition or a square, etc. for the son.

If any planet has a connection with Lilith, then this indicates a specific mission of this planet. Accordingly, we must consider it not only as revealing to us specific facets of a person’s psychological portrait and not only as a manager of certain life themes, but also in connection with ancestral Karma. Accordingly, such a planet will always carry an additional load, and we must take this into account when considering the paths formed by the family tree.


When studying connections between fictitious points, we need to use the following aspects:

· we must take into account the connections of planets with the Nodes, as well as squares to the Nodes;

· in connection with Lilith (as already mentioned), we need to use conjunction, opposition, Lilith square to the planets, as well as conjunction and squares to the Nodes;

· all planets located in the signs of the Nodes and in the sign of Lilith should be considered as a kind of conditional connection with fictitious points. For, being in one sign, although not in the aspect of connection with the Node or Lilith, the planet, nevertheless, very actively influences any fictitious point, offering to use its capabilities to form karmic programs.

A special condition regarding working only with generic programs: all planets located within thirty degrees of the Nodes and Lilith must be considered as directly related to fictitious points. The qualities of these planets and their characteristics must be taken into account, because they participate in the formation of tasks related to generic Karma.

· Direct connections between the Nodes and Lilith formed

1) connection aspect;

2) or squares - Lilith, “tightened” by Knots.

· Aspects between Lilith and the ruler of the sign of one of the Nodes (much less often than both Nodes, which indicates a significant strengthening of debt programs).

· Aspects between the ruler of the sign of a Node and the Node itself.

· Aspects connecting the guide planet with Lilith or the Nodes.

· Aspects connecting the guide planet with the ruler of the sign of a particular Node, or associated with the ruler of the Lilith sign. (The latter is less significant).


Union of Nodes and Lilith

When studying the connections between the Nodes and Lilith, it is necessary to understand that all these connections form debt programs through which we enter the plan ancestral Karma. Actually, the plot can only be considered debt when there are connections between fictitious points. And it must be said that, as a rule, when the Nodes are connected with Lilith, we mainly come into contact with difficult programs that always require from us a lot of attention, delicacy and some, sometimes very significant, “energy” investments in the form of patience, perseverance, etc. Usually these are programs that distort the process of a person’s external manifestation in an event, or do not allow him to fully realize some of his imperfections. These are also programs that distort a person’s idea of ​​the most promising possible ways to solve a problem and interfere with his active practical implementation of any karmic task.

So, in order to find out about the karmic tasks of the Family, we need to combine fictitious points into a single information system, consisting of two main positions.

First. Direct connections between Lilith and the Nodes

As already mentioned, they manifest themselves through aspects of Lilith’s connection with one of the Nodes or through squares to the Nodes (Lilith, “tightened” by the Nodes). Moreover, such connections will indicate that the program they have outlined has obvious flaws, that the Ancestors were unable to form a stable positive experience on the topics of Lilith’s house and that it is necessary to pay special attention to these topics, because they can greatly inhibit the natural development of all other themes of incarnation , and will also hinder the harmonious development of certain qualities in the Descendants.

In connection with the aspect of connecting fictitious points, it can be assumed that the owner of Lilith on the North Node transmits information to the Descendants that in future generations the incomplete root program is expected to be repeated and that it, most likely, will become heavier, more complicated, and working with it is more likely In all, it will require significant effort from the Descendant.

Considering the connection of Lilith with the South Node in connection with ancestral Karma, we can assume that in the cup of the South Node with the participation of Lilith there is some very difficult experience (or it is completely absent), which the Ancestors could not (did not want) to deal with. As a result, a persistent misunderstanding of the meaning of the tasks he once proposed was formed, which they passed on further along the Family, placing “their” Lilith in the South Node of the Descendant. Perhaps the holder of such a position must learn again, with “ clean slate» work with tasks indicated by the position we are studying.

Second. Indirect connections between Lilith and the Nodes

Such connections arise when Lilith connects with the planet-ruler of the sign of a particular Node. And although we call such connections “indirect,” nevertheless, they often work no weaker than the direct connections of Lilith with the Node. (Here we must take into account both the first and second rulers of the sign).

Moreover, if Lilith is connected to the ruler of the North Node, then in connection with individual Karma, such an aspect usually relates to the implementation of goals, plans, and clarification of the main karmic direction. In this case, he warns that when implementing a plan, errors may occur, and a person may constantly choose the wrong guidelines when solving problems. Perhaps their priorities will be set incorrectly, or there will be distortions in the value system.

In connection with ancestral Karma, here you can also trace the path of such a planet-ruler of the North Node along the ancestral Tree and discover many similar combinations confirming the presence of the same program passing from generation to generation. Moreover, in this case there is always a danger of further transmission of problems associated with the planet and distorted Lilith.

If Lilith is connected with the ruler of the South Node, then she talks about the fact that perhaps the person brought with him a very unattractive “inheritance”, and it will have to be dealt with very carefully. Such a connection warns that there are some flaws in past experience, and its activation is not always useful.

In connection with ancestral Karma, such a planet can provide information about some past shortcomings and mistakes made by the Ancestors. Moreover, this position recommends dealing with tasks that came from the past and not passing them on.

Required condition. When working with the Nodes and Lilith, it is necessary to take into account the signs and houses in which the fictitious points are located.

Additional condition. If there is no exact Time of Birth, you can place the Ascendant on the North Node, or be content with a cosmogram.

So, in order to understand how karmic paths are formed in the family tree, we need to study the positions of the Nodes and then examine the position of Lilith.

Consider the following generic composition: mother, son and two grandchildren.

No. 1. Mother - 03/19/1924, time unknown.

No. 2. Son - 05/01/1947, Leningrad. Time 14:45:00.

No. 3. Senior grandson – 01/18/1972, Moscow. Time 17:00:09.

No. 4. Junior grandson – November 25, 1987. Moscow. The time is 11:30:00.

We need to find out what programs are transmitted in this particular Family. Let's look at the oldest known representative of the Genus - in this example, it is the mother.

Card No. 1

The Moon is near the North Node. It can be assumed that the mother transmits lunar programs further along the Rod. We study her South Node and see what was transmitted to her by her Ancestors. It turns out that in the sign of the South Node - Pisces - there is Uranus, then Mercury and the Sun. Having no more information about the ancestors, we can assume that the Uranian, Mercurian, or solar principle should be emphasized in the root system. Moreover, any of these planets may turn out to be a conductor, passing on its qualities to subsequent generations and reminding that it performs additional functions of connecting the branches of the family Tree. As already mentioned, one should always pay attention to such planets when considering the generic programs.

We can also consider the Moon, which has an aspect of conjunction with the North Node. It is quite possible that in the future she will guide the Descendants, pointing out some details of their ancestral Karma.

Next is Lilith in Taurus. Venus is in the same sign, which gives us additional information about the most significant generic problems. Moreover, Lilith makes squares to the Nodes, actively introducing Venus themes into the plan of generic Karma and demanding a lot of attention to them. This is also information that these topics have already been “sounded” in the past, and that these topics will be emphasized in future generations. It is likely that the themes of Venus will be most pronounced in the lives of the Descendants, and they may also become the most complex during their immediate implementation. Further, Lilith may have (subject to the exact time) a square to the Moon - a planet that transmits information about itself to the Descendants through the North Node, which may turn out to be a conductor. Thus, the themes of Venus and the Moon are tied into karmic debt knots and with the help of their qualities debt programs are formed. After which it becomes clear that the themes of Venus and the Moon and the problems associated with them will certainly be repeated in the Descendants, since there are corresponding aspects between them, the Nodes and Lilith.

If we return to the South Node, we must take into account Uranus, Mercury and the Sun, which are also involved in the formation of stable karmic connections. This is especially true for Uranus, as the planet closest to the Node, leading to the root system.

Here it is necessary to clarify the following. We do not have an exact Time of Birth. Nevertheless, the Moon in the chart we are studying in any case turns out to be either in the sign of the North Node or in a fairly precise conjunction with it. This is quite enough to talk about the belonging of lunar programs directly to the tasks designated by both Lilith and the Knots, since Lilith herself is tied up by the Knots.

Having examined the mother’s chart, we turn to the son’s horoscope – the second generation.

Card No. 2

The nodes along the axis Sagittarius are Gemini, and interestingly, Uranus is located in the sign of Gemini. Thus, Uranus, located in the mother’s sign of the South Node, turns out to be connected with the son’s North Node. Here we can speak more confidently about Uranus as a possible guide along the family Tree, which requires great attention to this planet.

Further, Lilith in the IV house of her son makes a square aspect to Venus (VII house), which further enhances the themes of this planet and forces us to conclude about possible shortcomings of the Ancestors related to the theme of Venus. On the other hand, there are no enhancing karmic debt aspects between Lilith and the Nodes or Venus and the Nodes. Accordingly, it can be assumed that, despite the fact that the map is very loaded with information, nevertheless, the conductor Uranus on the North Node allows for the transfer of debt further along the family Tree. We can say that Uranus offers its owner some freedom in working out karmic tasks, showing that part of the debt program is passed on to the next generation. On the other hand, the planet warns that this program is very difficult, and one generation cannot cope with it. Actually, that’s why it “stretches” along the trunk of the Tree and requires the attention of several generations.

The next very important position is the Sun within thirty degrees of the North Node. It allows us to assume that the luminary can become a guide in the future and play important role in the formation of karmic paths.

It should be noted here that, naturally, our research is very incomplete, because we cannot consider all the connections formed by the positions of the Nodes and Lilith, since we do not have information about the father of the card owner - the mother’s wife. However, studying even such incomplete tribes using the proposed method will help any representative of a given Genus see the causes of certain problems that are repeated from generation to generation, and will also help solve them as harmoniously as possible, consciously penetrating into the depths of the ancestral Karma.

It must be said that, having studied even two incomplete tribes, we can already say a lot about the problems that will accompany representatives of the Genus being studied. One of these problems is related to the theme of partnership, and it really is present in the lives of both mother and son. Moreover, as we will see later, it intensifies in the Karma of grandchildren.

So, we found connections in two tribes between the Nodes and Uranus - a possible conductor of Karma, as well as connections formed by Lilith and Venus, confirming karmic meaning Venus. These connections allow us to assume that Uranus will carry out the tasks indicated by Venus further.

Now let's look at the card of the eldest grandson. And, since we have instructions regarding the transmission of some Uranian qualities further down the line through the North Node of the son, then, when studying this map, we must first of all pay attention to the Uranus of the grandson.

Card No. 3

It turns out that the Nodes in this map are located along the Leo-Aquarius axis. The North Node in Aquarius speaks of the direct interaction of karmic tasks with Uranus, as the first ruler of the sign. Next, the North Node is conjunct the Descendant. Uranus is in Libra in conjunction with Lilith in the 4th house, which further enhances the debt obligations associated with the Venus theme.

Thus, we have a situation in which Lilith is in conjunction with Uranus, the ruler of the North Node and the Descendant, significantly complicating the task of partnership. Moreover, being in the IV house, it reminds us that this program belongs specifically to generic Karma.

So, along the trunk of the family tree, in three generations in a row, the same theme-plot is carried out. Accordingly, karmic debt, designated as a partnership problem, is in the phase of its natural development and some consolidation through the repetition of the Venus theme in a row in three generations. Naturally, such a debt plot requires mandatory implementation in practical terms, i.e. a person needs to work thoroughly on the topic of partnership and solve the problem, consciously harmonizing relationships. Moreover, we already have every right to consider Uranus a conductor, since it identified the same problems three times (twice the planet found itself next to the Node, then moved into the phase of ruling the sign of the North Node).

In addition, in this chart we again have the Moon next to the North Node, like the mother, which is a reminder of the presence of certain lunar qualities in the trunk of the Tree of a given Family, which are repeated through the generation. Accordingly, we can assume that the transmission of programs designated by the Moon may extend over several generations. Perhaps these programs are very “ancient”, and two or three generations cannot cope with them.


In this chart, the Sun is within thirty degrees of the North Node. If we remember that the mother has the Sun in the sign of the South Node, and the son has it within thirty degrees of the North Node, then we can assume that the luminary also plays a very important role in the formation of karmic paths in the family Tree. Moreover, in the future it may turn out to be not only a guide, but also a planet forming new debt programs of the Family, since the grandson has a square of the Sun to Lilith. In addition, the Sun is the ruler of the sign of the South Node, and this alone already suggests that the solar programs of the Ancestors are stored in the bowl of the Node, which cannot be ignored.

Now we need to examine the map of the youngest grandson.

Card No. 4

The axis of the nodes is Libra - Aries. Here you can immediately draw attention to the fact that Karma again came from Venus - the ruler of Libra and the South Node, although there is more significant confirmation of this through other positions in the horoscope.

First. Venus directly conjunct Uranus. Thus, the guide was united with a representative of one of the main debt programs of the Rod (we must remember that grandmother has Venus in the sign of Lilith).

Second. There are hidden squares of Venus and Uranus to the Nodes.

Third. Lilith is in the 7th house, which indicates the need to go through the partnership plot without fail, because this plot is super-debt, and it is impossible to escape from it.

So, we have examined one karmic path along the trunk of the family Tree. However, in the Karma of any of us there are always several lines of debt. If we return to our genealogy, or rather to its three incomplete generations, we can discover another vivid debt plot.

Again we consider the mother’s chart, taking into account that the connection of a planet with the Node is a specific indication of certain karmic predispositions. In other words, such a planet has the status of a karmic indicator in the horoscope. In our case, the Moon is near the North Node. This position tells us that we must pay attention to the lunar programs that are transmitted further along the Rod.

Accordingly, we can consider the son's chart not only in connection with the themes of Venus, but also with the themes directly suggested by the Moon and all its complements: the 4th house, the sign of Cancer, the real ruler of the IC, as well as the house whose cusp is in Cancer.

First. Lilith is in the 4th house.

Second. The Moon rules the 11th house - again the theme of Uranus.

Third. IC in Sagittarius, South Node also in Sagittarius.

Moreover, Jupiter itself is close to the South Node in a distant conjunction through the sign. But, as we remember, our research began precisely with the mother’s South Node, which is located in Pisces, the second ruler of which is Jupiter.

Continuing our research, we can consider the card of the eldest grandson. Here we also find confirmation of the second karmic theme.

First. Just like her son, her grandson’s Lilith is in the 4th house in conjunction with Uranus.

Second. As already noted, the Moon in the sign of the North Node - Aquarius - is directly related to Uranus.

Third. IC is in Libra, which again enhances the Karma of Venus.

Fourth. The Moon is the real ruler of the XII house, which indicates an even greater karmic load on the night star.

Fifth. We can see the hidden connection through the sign of the Moon and Venus.

In the youngest grandson you can also find many karmic “coincidences” associated with lunar programs.

First. IC is in Taurus, which speaks of hidden connections between the Moon and Venus (grandmother has Venus in Taurus).

Second. The Moon is in the 1st house, like his father.

Third. The Moon is the real ruler of the 7th house - DSC in Cancer. Here again we have a connection with Venus on themes of partnership.

Fourth. Lilith is in the 7th house, whose real ruler is the Moon.

In addition to all that has been said, we can add the themes of the 12th house, Neptune, since our research began with the sign of Pisces and the South Node of the mother. We can trace very subtle connections of Neptunian themes throughout all the tribes, and this will be a very useful addition to our research.

Everything described above can be turned over and consider the birth streams in reverse side, starting with the grandchildren and going back to their grandmother. In this case, our research may be provoked by a question from the eldest grandson: “Why don’t my relationships with partners go well, why am I alone and can’t (can’t) get married?”

After this, we will look at his chart and see that his Descendant, which describes the question posed, is ruled by Uranus, which is in conjunction with Lilith in the 4th house in Libra. And this is information for serious thought, because the position of Lilith in Libra in the IV house is more than enough to understand that there are problems in the root system related to the topic we are studying. Examining this situation, we see that the representative of the partnership program – Uranus (the real ruler of the 7th house) – is “lowered” into the 4th house. This gives us the right to think that the designated program is located in the trunk of the Family Tree and carries significant distortions.

In addition to the above, we can study connections through the Sun, since it is located next to the North Node and rules the sign of the South Node, showing us the path to the Ancestors through the Sun (remember that grandmother has the Sun in the same sign as the South Node). We note that the Sun is in conjunction with the North Node. This means that there is an instruction from Karma to be sure to deal with the partner topic and root programs, because these programs can be transmitted further along the Family, and they must be cleaned out as much as possible. Moreover, this is an indication that the owner of the horoscope can adequately implement these tasks, because the solar principle presupposes the active participation of Consciousness in solving all kinds of problems. At the same time, this is a warning that laziness and reluctance to deal with partner problems can provoke negative manifestations of solar programs (one of them concerns the continuation of oneself in children).

After this we can explore the Ancestor cards. In them we will see that in the first knee the Sun is located directly in the sign of the South Node, in the second knee the connection with the luminary is indicated by its position within thirty degrees from the North Node. And, as it has already turned out, the grandson’s Sun is in conjunction with the North Node. All these “coincidences” once again confirm how tightly all representatives of one Genus are connected into a single karmic “composition”.

It must be said that all the information discovered is already enough for a conversation “on topics” with a young man. But this information should also lead us to a conversation with his father and grandmother, because they are his guides to the root programs.

The following should be noted here. If there are several children in a family, then each child can receive their own piece of Rod’s overall debt program, i.e. one may manifest to a greater extent a program associated with the guiding planet, another will have a very accentuated program indicated by a planet that has connections with Lilith, a third may combine these programs, etc.


If we consider the themes of astrological houses in connection with generic programs, we can assume the following.

The first house always talks about our capabilities in the development of basic personal programs. This is the “I” that manifests itself very actively and is also actively developing.

The 5th house invites the “I” to continue itself in children. And this is the second knee from the “I” itself.

The IX house proposes to strengthen the program of continuation of the Family in the person of grandchildren. Here we can consider this house as a derivative of the V house, i.e. children of children, or conditionally “distant children”, or more precisely “distant “I”. We can say: the twice extended “I” is the third generation.

If we look further, the fourth knee will again be described by the 1st house, since the 1st house is twice derived from the 5th house. In this case, we are forced to admit that our great-grandchildren actually demonstrate our basic qualities, but at a new level and in a different Time. Any great-grandchild is our “I” in the future, having apparently received the maximum number of new infusions over three generations and retaining only the most important and most viable qualities. It is these qualities that we need to keep in mind.

Thus, the thrice extended “I”, expressed by the generation of great-grandchildren, tells how the work with the qualities of our “I” took place, how it reacted to the infusion of new qualities, and in what direction they changed. By the way, by the level of these changes one can determine how successful the new infusions into the family tree were and how successful the work with them was. If in our great-grandchildren the programs known to us turn out to be strengthened in the direction of worsening the problems, then we can assume that our “I” was very careless about these tasks in “our Time.” And this is information for us that we urgently need to get down to business before it’s too late.

In connection with all of the above, it can be assumed that it is the fourth knee that is very significant for the development of generic interactions. Actually, this may be why the 3:1 generational rhythm works so actively. Probably, it is in the fourth generation that the main qualities of the ancestors are most clearly identified and fully revealed. Moreover, probably three knees are enough to change the initial level of qualities as much as possible. It is also possible that the fourth knee is a kind of quintessence of the “I”, i.e. We can learn through our great-grandchildren about the most important programs of the Family and about those qualities of ourselves that have been “processed” by Time and have experienced the influence of other qualities, interacting with other blood. In addition, we can “admire” them from the outside and evaluate ourselves with all rigor and objectivity.

So, now it becomes clear that the trunk of the Family Tree is a unique and very complex system of relationships that uses mechanisms for preserving and transmitting the basic qualities of the Family to change and improve them. These mechanisms, their capabilities and their operation are described by fictitious points. By exploring the relationships of fictitious points, we receive information that helps us consciously work with root programs, thereby helping all representatives of the Family correct the mistakes of their Ancestors, and creating favorable Karma for their Descendants.

Synastry in astrology is an analysis of the compatibility of partners' natal charts. This section has two important tasks: assistance in choosing a partner at the selection stage and advice on harmonization of interaction in case of conflicts.

The first direction is the most significant. Because it allows you to avoid mistakes, especially in such an important area as starting a family. If the choice has already been made and is unsuccessful, then knowledge of the “problem” areas in the relationship helps to minimize the emotional intensity. But essentially not much. Because even when two people are simply silent, the mutual tension generated by the conflicts of the planets in the charts literally hangs in the air and puts pressure on everyone equally. And simply KNOWING that it is better not to touch such and such a topic does not greatly relieve the couple from problems of misunderstanding and mutual insults or irritation.

If the choice has already been made, it is better for the astrologer to direct the analysis to discuss the winning synastric moments. After all, a couple already exists, and if they are also a family, then people should not look for a justification for betraying a partner, but learn to see the best in him and bring this best to the forefront.

At the selection stage, the task is different - to warn about all possible problems, so that the person is aware of the burden and does not hope for a “sudden miraculous transformation” after the registry office (the birth of a child, moving away from parents, etc.).

This article will focus on the topic of CHOICE. That is, opportunities prevent problems.

We must proceed from the fact that if a question about compatibility is asked, then people are already strongly attracted to each other by something. And you just need to exclude dangerous moments. And with a good one, the couple will figure it out on their own. In the absence of downward pressure, two people simply on a healthy attraction of the sexes will be able to be happy and distribute roles in the family. After all, nature itself provides for an attraction to different types of stress and the desire to give pleasure to a loved one.

The main thing in synastry EXCLUDE: weak aspects between planets, aspects to planets “not native nature", connections with fictitious points. Now let's look at why in detail:

Weak aspects between planets

There are such cards when between the natal planets of spouses practically no aspects. And this has an extremely negative impact on marriage.

Traditional scenario: my personal life was not going well for a long time and then someone appeared. The hormones played each other. A natural attraction to a person of the opposite sex has arisen and is strong. Both actually think that this is love. They run to the registry office while everything is going so well. Or they are simply already making plans for the rest of their lives. But the problem is, the hormones quickly calm down. They can feed for a maximum of a year. And then people simply have nothing to talk about. The absence of aspects does not result in a reaction to each other. The husband is completely indifferent to the behavior (opinion, appearance, etc.) of his wife, and the wife is equally not worried about the manifestations of her husband. Everyone just lives their own separate lives. Until he meets someone else with whom there will be a bright synastry. And then a sharp longing for African passions and envy of other people's happiness arises. Which is most likely to lead to divorce.

It is highly desirable for a woman to have female planets aspected in her synastry - Moon, Venus, Saturn. And the man has men's - Sun, Mars, Jupiter. It is fundamentally important that at least one female planet in a woman’s chart has a positive aspect from any planet in her husband’s chart. And also, so that at least one male planet is positively perceived by some planet from the female chart. The ideal situation is when the husband's chart has a positive aspect to his Sun, and the wife's chart has a positive aspect to her Moon.

In practice even tense aspects according to the above principle are much better than their complete absence.

The absence of an aspect to the Moon of a woman or to the Sun of a man is not critical in itself, but then it must be compensated for by something else.

The fact is that we look for the opposite nature in a marriage partner. And we must develop our own.

And therefore the husband must be perceived by his wife as a man. This means that she must respond to his external achievements (Sun), the ability to concentrate energy (Mars) and the desire for progress (Jupiter). With your reaction and your expectations, develop in him precisely these traditionally masculine qualities.

And in a wife one should first of all see a woman. Which means her husband should notice her efforts around the house (Moon), respond to her beauty and charm (Venus) and appreciate her loyalty and devotion (Saturn). This will help him develop correctly feminine qualities character.

If this is not in the synastry, then it does not mean a “medal tap”. A man must be a man in this life, and a woman must be a woman. But the closest person chosen as a couple does not help. He just doesn't do anything at all not interested in these qualities of his partner. Which in itself will create a “lack of conditions for progress.” And as you know, in the absence of positive expectations, everyone begins to show the most negative things, that is, to degrade. In practice, this will push a man towards a certain effeminacy in behavior, immaturity and hysteria (emotionality and vulnerability), and on the contrary, make a woman rude and arrogant. You will have to confront this alone, without the help and approval of your partner. If you're smart enough to understand what's going on...

Situations when in a woman’s synastry the male planets are predominantly aspected (her Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto), or a man has female planets (his Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune) will push the person into the opposite side from its original nature. And this can never, under any circumstances, lead to success and progress. We must try to exclude this, or we must very well set up a person to resist such intra-family pressure and independently stimulate himself to CORRECT gender behavior. Otherwise, the course will be taken towards the formation of an irresponsible weak man and a coarse, powerful woman.

Tense aspects (squares and oppositions), but to the right planets, create criticism and disbelief in the partner’s ability to progress and show his best side. In small doses, this can stimulate you to work on yourself. And in conditions of the preponderance of negativity over the positive, it is exclusively possible to crush and break a person by instilling complexes.

We must remember that aspect is a double-edged sword. And he stabs everyone with equal force. When you crush your partner, you destroy yourself at the same time. It's better to just avoid it.

Conjunctions of planets of one partner with fictitious points of another

Such a situation must be categorically excluded. Even alone the only planet, connected to any of the Lunar Nodes or Lilith (Black Moon) opens Pandora's box. Further only troubles. There is absolutely nothing positive in this aspect. The orb should be taken up to 5 degrees. From 5 to 8 you need to “feel out” and discuss with the person how this is now manifested in communication. If it nevertheless manifests itself and is noticeable, try to get out of such a relationship while it is possible to do so without loss.

I wrote about fictitious points in sufficient detail, I won’t repeat myself here. We must understand that they exist in our character, but are not supported by reality. And this is the big problem.

Everyone, deep down in their souls, is sure that somewhere a chance to get ahead awaits them (Northern Lunar Node), there will definitely be retribution for something or, on the contrary, reward for patience must come (Southern Lunar Node), and of course there is a feeling of complete self-sufficiency and personal freedom (Lilith). The only trouble is that in our lives there are still no chances for a breakthrough, God’s payment for patience and the right to complete freedom actions.

Do you feel how shaky and dangerous condition business? There is a feeling and expectation, but no real possibilities. Because in our natal charts, where these insidious currents stand, in fact does not exist no physical objects capable of emitting and receiving light rays and radio waves. There are none, nope. These points are just an illusion. But if something real got into them...

And suddenly the real planets of another person fall into them.

North Lunar Node

In practice it will look something like this:

The connection of the SLU with the Sun means subordination of the partner’s behavior (decisions). Opportunity to profit from your partner's career. The owner of the Sun will be provoked into taking risky and rash decisions.

The connection of the SLU with Mercury is the subordination of speech. The partner will broadcast thoughts. Can write abstracts scientific works or even explanatory ones that will be submitted by the Node bearer. He can make excuses everywhere for the one whose SLU card is on it.

The connection of the SLU with Venus - the classic version will manifest itself through lust, unlimited use of the partner’s beauty and body. Or some other capacity for pleasure. This aspect can provoke the owner of Venus to start making money through beauty or sensuality, on the advice of the owner of the SLU and in the interests of the owner of the SLU, naturally.

The connection of the SLU with Mars means the use of physical data and abilities in the work of a partner for one’s own interests. The strength and energy of the partner with Mars will be put at the service of the egoism of the owner of the SLU.

South Lunar Node

This is the point of final settlement with God. When the South Lunar Node is turned on, the situation ends. And if a person has accumulated sins (which is almost always) - there is a reckoning, suffering for the sake of purification. And only if, as a result, a person did not take anything for himself and acted strictly in the interests of his neighbor, will he receive reward for righteousness and asceticism. This also happens, but in practice it’s quite a rare event. This is not the world we live in, gentlemen.

The connection of the South Lunar Node with the partner’s planet will create such a reckoning. For manifestations of the principle of the planet in a partner, the carrier of the Node will suffer greatly. But at the same time, he himself will provoke the partner to continue.


The connection between Yulu and the Sun means suffering from the decisions (or career) of the partner.

The connection of Yulu with the Moon means suffering from emotions or from the domestic habits of a partner.

Conjunction of Yulu with Mercury - it is painful (shameful) to listen to what your partner says.

The connection of YLU with Venus means pain through the sensual sphere, suffering from intimacy is possible, due to the promiscuity and vices of the partner.

Conjunction of Yulu with Mars - suffering will be caused by physical actions.

We must understand that this will not necessarily be a direct infliction of pain. Perhaps indirect, but that doesn’t make it any easier. For example, shame about a partner's behavior towards others. Or despair because you cannot help a loved one in some matter. Options may vary.

It happens that the South Lunar Node will work with the sign «+» , How reward from higher powers. This configuration can result in great happiness. But it cannot be created artificially, by simple targeted selection of an “ideal” partner (for example, by analyzing dates of birth on the Internet or on dating sites).

There is only one mechanism for this. A person is not destined to have something, because at the time of birth the soul did not possess the corresponding piety. And from birth a person has a horoscope with some kind of limitation. Well, let's say, according to fate, he should not have a good child, or poverty is prescribed, etc. But already in this life a person leads such a righteous and humble life (with absolutely no claims to benefits and recognizing the justice of his suffering) that fate changes. And then, in order to fill the corresponding void in his chart, a partner will be sent with the corresponding potential and capabilities, expressed through the planet connected to YLU in the chart of the righteous. Sadness alone is impossible to imitate. Therefore, you shouldn’t count on such synastric luck. People with such a fate are completely humble and will not come to consult an astrologer. They are already at the level of accepting ANY options for their destiny and are not looking for help from specialists.

Lilith or Black Moon

Lilith is the apogee of the lunar orbit. The point at which the Moon is farthest from the Earth. Therefore, its influence (gravity) is minimal. And the Moon is responsible for our unconscious, for communication with subtle invisible laws. The subconscious gives us a sense of edge and protects us from what could cause harm. It is like loving parents with an unreasonable child. It seems that they limit freedom, control, manipulate, but exclusively for the good.

Lilith in the horoscope is the point at which we are most unreasonable. We are intoxicated by illusory freedom and believe in impunity.

The manifestation of Lilith is somewhat similar to the action of the Northern Lunar Node. But only “in some way.”

The Lunar Nodes connect the orbits of the Sun and Moon, uniting our will with our desires. And Lilith is related only to the Lunar orbit. It's clean emotional sphere. But both have something in common - a manifestation of our expectations, an outlet for our egoism.

Lilith differs from the Northern Lunar Node as much as a cynical, hardened businessman differs from a spoiled child. If the Northern Lunar Node prudently uses the energy of the partner’s planet in its own interests, then Lilith is simply very eager to take advantage of it and does not want to hear about “not allowed.” In case of refusal, the partner with Lilith will simply begin to be capricious, freak out, and take offense. He really wants it and doesn’t understand what it will be like if now you (together) consume the capabilities of your planet, or let him play with your resources. After all, such a good chance is coming up.

The result is that either the partner with the planet will constantly restrain the expectations of the partner with Lilith, receiving in return resentment, anger, empty arguments tied to emotions and devoid of logic. Or he will give up, and then chaos and chaos will begin in his life, like after a child is left in a room unattended. But children themselves don’t like to clean up. Then the planet's carrier will have to restore order.

In general, in fact, it is very tiring to live for a long time with someone who considers some of your abilities to be his toy, given to him for pleasure. Moreover, without the need to thank for it or somehow repay with kindness in return. Moreover, he categorically does not accept refusals, being sincerely offended, considering them unreasonable and cruel.

Conclusion based on fictitious points in synastry:

In addition to eliminating dangerous moments, a number of other methods should be used:

Comparison of potential and problems in maps

Need to be done separately overall assessment cards of each partner. Paying special attention to assessment corner houses and identifying lesions.

I read in a book by K. Daragan as an example that “there is a legend that the future emperor of Byzantium, Theodosius, chose a wife for himself with indispensable indications in the horoscope that her husband would become emperor.” Moreover, the origin and other characteristics of a potential wife did not interest him. I don’t think that this method should be chosen as the BASIC one for solving the tasks, but it is definitely strong and weak sides partners' cards will change each other's realities.

Popular wisdom says: “don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.” So you can enjoy the advantages of your partner’s card, but don’t rely too much on them. But the partner’s problems are guaranteed to enter the other’s life.

In practice, there was recently a case when in a woman’s chart the 4th house was empty and with a harmonious ruler. And her husband is severely affected. As a result, such a marriage did not last long (since a woman was not destined for such a fate). And throughout the entire period of their life together there were constant scandals, showdowns, tension and the feeling that they couldn’t carry themselves home.

With the defeat of the 7th house it will not be much easier. The only advantage is that this can be understood immediately, during the courtship period. When people start dating, the 5th house first turns on, usually not for long, then there is a stage of serious premarital relationships (7th house), and only after the start of life together the 4th turns on. This means that the 4th house is capable of presenting an unexpected surprise, but the 7th house is not, it is felt before marriage.

During marriage, the 7th house continues to affect the life of the family. The 4th is responsible for the general family environment, living conditions, relationships with close relatives. And the 7th is active in terms of load distribution (gender roles). Who is responsible for what, and who expects what from them. The defeat of the 7th house of one of the spouses will result in constant dissatisfaction with the partner’s contribution to the common cause, a regular search for someone to blame, and the identification of slack in the performance of family responsibilities.

The defeat of the 1st and 10th houses in a spouse is not so critical, but it will also become very noticeable. At a minimum, the astrologer is obliged to warn about what awaits the couple after the registry office.

In general, practice shows that you can’t fool fate. And even without any consultation with an astrologer, stable stable unions develop when the main parameters of the spouses coincide. These are issues of children, external success, material well-being and, of course, tension or harmony in family life. If there is no coincidence, then it is almost certain that people’s paths will diverge further, and there is no power to hold them back.

Working with houses

This is an assessment of which houses of the natal chart the spouse’s planets fall into. There is no universal rule “what is good and what is bad.” It all depends on what people strive to get from this life. If material conditions are improved, one thing is needed. If joint spiritual growth is completely different.

But you need to understand that the partner’s planets, having affected the houses that were empty in the native natal chart, will thereby constantly make them active and important.

Planets entering a house with an afflicted ruler is not the best option for happy life. Although it may just lead to progress and work on yourself.

You just have to talk to people and match their expectations of marriage with what the house grid says. To eliminate disappointments and unpleasant surprises.

When analyzing houses in synastry, it is important to understand the principle that the grid of houses is purely personal. I'll explain now. It gives an individual division of the celestial hemisphere into zones of activity, and felt only by the person himself, but not his surroundings. In other words, we all feel our houses, or rather the signs on which they are superimposed and the planets that fall into them. But we don’t feel our partner at home. This means that if your partner’s planets are in your 7th (or 4th, 5th, etc.), then these planets will constantly include these houses in you. But your behavior within these houses will not in any way affect your partner’s planets.

It’s simpler with an example: a man’s Venus fell into a woman’s 7th house. This means that every time he expresses his desires, his sensuality, his tastes, she will definitely turn on in his 7th house. And the 7th house, as you know, is responsible for the distribution of roles and workload in a couple. Every time she will either accept the Venusian behavior of her partner and feel extremely womanly (for example, “I am pleased when he tells me about his desires”), or, on the contrary, will protest like “I’m actually a woman, and I shouldn’t allow this.” " But this will not work in reverse. That is, when she raises questions about what he should do as a man, and what she should give in response as a woman, the man will not perceive this at all from the point of view of his Venus, evaluate whether this gives him pleasure or, on the contrary, causes sensory discomfort and rejection. He will perceive these moments from the perspective of his 7th house, but this will not somehow additionally excite and excite him, which Venus brings.

It's the same with negative houses. For example, some planet came to you in the 8th house. This means that the partner’s manifestations of the planetary principle will constantly require your patience and humility, otherwise a conflict is likely. But when you limit yourself in some way, for example, fasting or dieting, this will in no way engage this partner planet.

The placement of our partner’s planets in our houses allows us, through our partner’s behavior, to understand our reactions and patterns of behavior in the areas governed by the houses. But after some time it becomes addictive and dulls the receptors. Like: “I already know that watching football makes me angry, general relaxation always makes me happy, I’m happy with his attitude towards the children and am constantly annoyed by his company in the garage, etc.”

Another topic. Everyone is afraid of heavy ones ( evil planets). Everyone has Saturn and it will definitely end up in some house with a partner.

Let's take an example right away: You have Saturn in your, say, 2nd house. You yourself spend your money carefully and consider yourself entitled to make comments to others on this topic. And that's all. You yourself will not go further than the topic of spending and handling material things with your Saturn to people.

But with my husband, mother-in-law, colleagues at work, there is synastric compatibility with everyone.

And everyone in some house will sense the presence of your Saturn. And he himself, in his head, will expect reproaches from you, and will be afraid to break the laws in this place of his map (in your presence). Expecting your condemnation or comments, giving you the right to prohibitions in this area. And at the same time, you and your Saturn do not interfere in other people’s houses. Apart from money issues and handling things (your natal 2nd house).

Synastry is the PERCEPTION of a partner, not the behavior of a partner. His behavior is described by his chart, but each of the 7 billion people on this planet will see it from the perspective of perceiving individual synastry compatibility with him. Some in pink, some in black. But the person is still the same.

The grid of houses must be taken into account in synastry, I do not beg its significance. But you shouldn’t attribute too much to her. Over the years, it will act less and less, despite the fact that the aspects between real planets never weaken.


Success in family life is determined solely by the level of wisdom and morality of the spouses. Synastry only describes perception partner cards. What will the reaction be and how harmonious or intense will it be, what temptations can it turn into. Where can help be provided? And only people themselves decide what it will bring into their lives.

No one can stand still. When a person degrades, then with any partner every year is worse than the previous one. When it progresses, it will inevitably only get better every year. This rule is ABOVE any synastry.

Last and most important: in In a person's life, everything is determined by PURPOSE. And this is not encoded in the map in any way. Remember that in Old Church Slavonic the word “spouses” meant oxen walking in one team. Try going through life with someone who is going in a different direction? Whose goals are not clear or even unpleasant to you.

Synastric aspects simply show harmony or tension in interaction. Don't be afraid of the most difficult aspects if you are on the same path. You will be able to be happy. And run away if there is ease of communication, but the road is alien. Because every day without a goal will be lived in vain.

Never forget that simply fitting in with someone in life is not the goal. The goal is what will remain after you, which justifies your stay on planet Earth.

Alla Kudlyuk, Voronezh, 2017

One of the most popular topics on our wall: what does my node mean, Lilith or Selena falling on the nodes or planets of a partner in synastry? Is this really a karmic relationship, a fateful meeting and he is my, the only soul mate in the whole world?

Undoubtedly, it is very pleasant to think so, but in search deep meaning among everyday things you can go too far. Therefore, we will have to disappoint you a little - almost every first relationship is fateful, every person in your life has already played on the same stage with you, you just played different roles in relation to each other. Usually it goes something like this: in this life you are a guy and a girl, in the previous life you are a son and a mother, and in the next you will become a victim and a killer. But the infusion of new characters into the current cast is much less common. So the souls around you remain the same, but the spacesuits and parties are new. What is this for?

No one will give a 100% answer; the process of creation is a fascinating and very controversial thing. But personally I am of the opinion that big Bang from an esoteric point of view, it was the splitting of the creator into many cells (horcruxes, if you like)) with the goal of, as quickly as possible, collecting experience in this dimension. Thus, each of us is a piece of the creator, whose task is to try out a bunch of different roles, to gain a bag of trial and error experience, skills and talents in each.
During the gathering process, you tour with one cast, where all the souls gradually become familiar to you and thanks to them, you also get to know yourself in a variety of forms, staging various plays with each other and exchanging roles with each new incarnation in order to feel all the strings of your souls. When you have played enough lives in one lineup, then move on to the next one, where new people are waiting for you, new kind, new conditions and even the time dimension may be completely different (you can calculate how long you have been hanging out in the current cluster-genus by lunar day: http://www.oculus.ru/blog.php?id=9429)

Thus, it is quite natural that we constantly meet “karmic” partners, stew among the same characters in new masks. If you carefully study the synastry with all your loved ones, you will find many karmic connections in each. Let's discuss them in a little more detail.

✅Connections with the South Node in synastry = one makes the other subconsciously “remember” those pleasant or unpleasant moments that you experienced together in past lives, and this becomes a reason for revenge, rejection or, conversely, interaction in this life. Usually it is the owner of the south node who triggers all the pain, hatred or gratitude in the soul of the partner, which is associated with natal aspect his planets. It is in this aspect that lies the key to the current relationship of the owner of the planet to the owner of the node; it is like a scar-reminder in his soul, which has been stirred up.

But how can you find out which of the above you have experienced with each other in the past, who you were for this person and who he was for you, what you might owe him - a detailed analysis of the planet on your partner’s southern node will tell you. There are many options for each of them, so you need to start with the natal karmic analysis of each of you. Briefly:
🔅South node + dispositor, their signs, houses and aspects = circumstances of past lives, for example, the south node at 9 in Leo, its dispositor Sun in Taurus at 6 squared with Saturn = it looks like past life you have experienced a number of restrictions from the law, superiors and authorities, they tried to break your will, property and position in society, and in this life this square forces you to collect yourself piece by piece, severely damages your self-esteem, gives you a lot of fears, excessive caution, you want to sit and don’t show your nose so as not to be noticed again.
🔅Lilith and the cross of fate, their sign and house = the cause of the most memorable death in this cycle of incarnations and the most pressing problems of past lives. For example, Lilith in Capricorn in the 12th house - death most likely occurred in prison, alone, in shackles, poverty, hunger, cold.
🔅More details about aspects between dispositors and nodes, planets on nodes in Natal: https://vk.com/wall-31915057_390741 and https://vk.com/wall-31915057_132012

Now you can move on to the connections of your South Node with your partner’s planets and vice versa: it is important to take into account which of your houses his planet is in, what sign this connection is in and how it is aspected in his natal chart. All this specifies the role of the owner of the planet in the past life of the owner of the Node.

Let's briefly go through the roles of the planets:

🌟YU conjunct the Sun- the owner of the Sun was for the owner of the node either a father, a child, or a husband. For example, your mother’s Sun conjunct your south node in your 11th house may indicate that in a past life she was the child of your husband or your friend, or may be your stepdaughter. How the relationship unfolded between you - aspectation of your mother’s Sun in natal. Let's say she has a square with Saturn - it looks like you were a strict and cold teacher towards her, you often blamed her for something, limited her, pulled her back, etc. In this life she will probably do the same to you.

🌟YuU conjunct the Moon- the owner of the Moon played for the owner of the node the role of a wife, mother, older sister or older friend, and maybe an unborn child.
For example, your husband’s Moon on your South Node in the 10th house in Cancer may indicate that in a past life he was your mother, while in his natal chart his Moon has a trine with Jupiter, which means you could be very generous and kind towards him in the role of a mother, and now she, in the role of a husband in this life, is trying to be the same towards you.

🌟YU conjunct Mercury- the owner of Mercury visited the owner of the node in trade relations, could be his servant, customer, doctor or just an acquaintance, classmate, student or sister/brother.
For example, a guy’s Mercury on your South Node in the 12th house in Virgo may indicate that there was some kind of trade, but secret connection between you, maybe it was illegal trade, maybe he communicated with you on the sly from someone, maybe he a servant in your husband's house, his driver or doctor, most likely he seemed to you to be poor or too simple a person; in this life, by inertia, a similar impression was preserved that he was too simple for you.

🌟YU conjunct Venus- the owner of Venus was for the owner of YU in the role of a lover or girlfriend, perhaps a daughter.
For example, his Venus is on your South Node in your 5th house in Libra - in a past life this guy could play the role of your lover, but this is how it ended - the aspect of Venus in his natal will tell. If she is beaten by Uranus, then he remembers how he was abandoned, this incident was postponed so much that he brought it in the form of an aspect of this life. And since part of this aspect is on your node, it means that it was you who could cause such troubles. Now don’t be surprised if he does the same to you in this life - it’s his turn to return the favor.

🌟YU conjunct Mars- the owner of Mars played the role of an enemy or even a murderer for the owner of the Node, at best the role of a son or brother.
For example, your stepson's Mars is on your South Node in Pisces and you can't understand why this cute boy annoys you so much, to the point of wanting to kill him. Blame yourself, move away from him, and your relationship with your husband deteriorates. But it would be worth visiting a regressologist, because most likely an innocent baby in a past life in the role of Mars caused you a lot of trouble and pain from the back, especially if Mars in his chart badly aspects Venus, the moon, etc. It is natural that in this life you are itching to take revenge on him for your past pain. AND good option elaboration will do this regularly in a game, computer, airsoft or any where you can legally kill him for fun.

🌟YU conjunct Jupiter- the owner of Jupiter could be an idol, teacher, authority, just generous person for the owner of YU. What exactly are the aspects of Jupiter in the natal of its owner. For example, your brother’s Jupiter is on your South Node in Gemini and in a past life he expanded your worldview in every possible way, maybe he was your mentor at school, but this Jupiter strains Mars in his chart, which means you often argued with his point of view, were rude to him, contradicted , rejected his views, so in this life the brother expresses his point of view in a particularly coercive form, and it is very difficult to argue with him, he is accustomed to expecting contradictions to his views and begins to aggressively defend them in advance.

🌟YU conjunct Saturn- the owner of Saturn could be a grandfather, boss or murderer in every sense for the owner of YU. In what way exactly did he play the role of a manager/cruel person with you - his aspects in natal.
For example, your father’s Saturn on your South Node in Pisces reports that in the past he could have been your grandfather and also limited him in some ways and forced him to grow up, so from childhood you treat him with coolness, maintain subordination and avoid close, warm people relationship, even if in this life dad is already trying to behave completely differently with you.

🌟YU conjunct Uranus- the owner of Uranus played the role of a friend, like-minded person, ally, liberator, in the worst case, an extremist or abandoner for the owner of YU. In what situation - aspects of Uranus in the natal. For example, your friend’s Uranus is on your South Node in Scorpio and in a past life he left you to the mercy of fate in some very unpleasant situation, you remember this and try to stay away from him, but he sincerely does not understand why you don’t want to be with him be friends.

🌟YU conjunct Neptune- the owner of Neptune could be a grandmother for the owner of YU, or a secret enemy (swindler, robber, deceiver, etc.), or maybe just one of the crowd of strangers. What does this person's Neptunil mean to you - aspecting with him in natal. For example, your Neptune is on the YU of your son in the 2nd house in Capricorn in a square with Venus in the natal: perhaps in a past life you, as a boss, deceived him for money and in this one he also secretly steals change from your purse and pockets in revenge for your past jambs.

🌟YU conjunct Pluto- the owner of Pluto could be a rapist, murderer, lover or politician in the country where you lived, you may not have personally encountered him, but the memory of him has been preserved. Why you remember him so much is the aspectation of his Pluto in his natal chart. For example, a man’s Pluto is in opposition to Mercury and is in your 4th house: perhaps in one of his lives he killed all your relatives, but not himself personally, but simply was a warrior of the country with which your country was at war then.

🌟YU in conjunction with Lilith— the owner of Lilith could play for you the role of a seducer, a tempter, an aborted child, someone else’s spouse, a forbidden fruit, or simply a person who caused a lot of unpleasant torment. For example, your Lilith in conjunction with your husband’s South Node in his 4th house in Leo means that in a past life you could have been for him an employee of a brothel, a bad mother, an unborn child, etc. And he will most likely be strongly drawn to you in this life, because in the past you remained an unsolved problem for him.

🌟YuU conjunct the White Moon- the owner of the white moon could play the role of a mission for you, but punitive or salutary - you need to analyze everything as a whole. If your partner’s white Moon is in conjunction with his own Mars on your southern node, then most likely he was playing a punitive mission for you.

As you understand, we are not talking specifically about the last life, perhaps it was in one of many lives, especially if we talk about generational planets. It is better to take the orb for them from this angle no more than 1 degree. For others, within 5.

✅Now let's say a few words about connections in synastry with the North Node. The principle is essentially the same - the owner of the planet plays a certain role in this life for the owner of the node that can lead to his tasks according to the SU. In other words, for the owner of the North Node, the owner of the planet is a flashlight, a guide, a beacon, a signpost on the road of life; it helps him gain the necessary experience in the current incarnation. True, by what means the delivery to this experience is organized will be determined by the analysis of the planet in conjunction with the SU. If she is affected or is a malefactor, then the way may not be the most pleasant, for example, through a conflict, a breakup, illness or even death, but it is precisely such situations that will bring you closer to the necessary destination, where you will gain experience. In total, the sign of the conjunction informs about the direction, and the symbolism of the planet, its aspect and connection with the houses in natal specifies how the owner of the planet will bring the owner of the SU to the solution and knowledge of his karmic tasks.
For example, your partner’s Jupiter is in conjunction with your SU in Pisces - he is a teacher for you, a reason for a broader knowledge of the meanings of the sign in which the connection is located. If it is Pisces, thanks to him you can plunge into esotericism, or by interacting with him you can learn compassion, or maybe thanks to him you will decide to go on a long journey.
Or, say, the affected Sun of a person on your northern node will teach you by example what not to do, for example, a conjunction in the sign of Taurus and you see how a person with this interrupted channel on your node plays Plyushkin, hoards unnecessary rubbish and spends all the money for shopping, while his things don’t last long, watching his degradation, you understand that such floors of Taurus are definitely not suitable for you, and you try to choose other more sensible angles of this sign.
Or, your North Node in Virgo in conjunction with your son’s Saturn and his serious illness forces you to turn to a medical reference book, begin to study treatment issues more closely, and even go to study to become a doctor. Yes, the situation is terrible, but it was thanks to it that you began to follow the SS.

✅Connections with Lilith in synastry have already been discussed here: https://vk.com/wall-31915057_16497. This hole is essentially a conductor tube between the horoscopes, as if you are forming a connecting channel. Who will pump energy through this channel depends on the nature of the planet with which Lilith connects. If the planet is yin, that is, absorbing energy, such as Venus, Pluto, Moon, Neptune, Saturn, then it is its owner who will fall into emotional, material, everyday, intellectual dependence on you - whatever - depends on the symbolism and house of the planet in natal . If the planet is yang, that is, giving off energy, such as the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Mercury, then the owner of Lilith will adapt to the flow of the partner’s energy and will not want to leave. Whether this is good or bad is an ambiguous question. For example, for the student-teacher synastry, the connection between the student’s Lilith and the teacher’s Jupiter or Sun is simply magnificent - the teacher should be a donor of knowledge and energy, and the student should absorb it like a sponge. If we are talking about love relationships where the husband supports his wife and this is the norm for them, then again it’s great if the wife’s Venus, in conjunction with the husband’s Lilith, sucks money from him through this black tube. But if Lilith is a friend on your Mercury, then such communication can exhaust you faster, and you will clearly not be enough for her.

Thus, no matter what kind of karmic connection we are talking about, the moral of this fable is that every relationship in our life teaches us something through thorns and troubles or love and goodness - from any situation we need to learn from experience, recognize ourselves and this life from new perspectives, grow and become wiser.