Safety precautions in physical education lessons are extremely relevant today. The injury rate of modern schoolchildren is quite high, because children spend a lot of time at home, sitting in front of computers and television screens. This means that it is worth paying more attention to conducting lessons that develop physical culture and activity in general education schools.

Safety in physical education lessons (instruction with students) will help to avoid injuries or reduce the number of accidents in the classroom. The teacher should not only follow the instructions himself, but also familiarize the students with it in order to ensure the correct execution of the exercises and safety in physical education lessons. Full briefing is carried out at the beginning of the year (introductory), at each lesson (depending on the assignments), target (if it is necessary to focus students on a specific element).

Attention should also be paid to the requirements for the state of the sports hall. Special standards have been developed, which the premises must comply with. They are spelled out in the safety instructions, which states that:

The hall for physical education lessons must be equipped with sports equipment;

The inventory should be in closed or special open places, in full working order and well secured;

It is advisable to conduct it 2 times a day and ventilate the room at the end of each lesson;

Students cannot be alone in the gym without teacher supervision.

Safety in physical education lessons is the main component of a modern lesson.

In accordance with this, the teacher is obliged:

Monitor the health of children by reducing or increasing physical activity;

Monitor the implementation of the safety instructions and, in case of violation, remove the student from the educational process for a gross violation;

Must provide insurance for the student when performing particularly difficult elements;

Respond to student complaints of discomfort and seek immediate medical attention.

There are also set requirements for students.

In physical education lessons, students are required to:

Wear sportswear;

Obey the teacher, follow all his instructions;

Be attentive and strictly follow the safety rules when performing a complex technical element;

Be responsible;

Strictly follow the rules of the game, avoid collisions.

Athletics begins with the students familiarizing themselves with the safety instructions. They need to know not to cross the road to someone running alongside them. You must not be in the sector of throwing or landing of the projectile, as this can lead to injury. When doing it, you should keep a distance in time. The sand in the jump pit must be clean and free of any sharp objects.

If the students began to study the topic "Gymnastics", then they should know the following:

Before starting work at the machine, a set of exercises should be done to warm up the muscles;

All exercises should be done only under the supervision of a teacher;

The log should be performed only with mats.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons are also important when studying the topic "Ski training". The instruction reads as follows:

It is necessary to work out in special sportswear;

In the process of skiing down the hill, you should monitor the interval between students;

Maintain a distance between skiers;

Engage in ski training in accordance with the norms under which such classes are allowed.

A student who knows the safety rules in physical education and strictly follows them will be able to protect themselves from injury and will be healthy.

Rules of behavior

in physical education lessons

1. Students who have been instructed in safety precautions are allowed to physical education lessons.

2. Students who have a doctor's admission (basic and preparatory health groups) are allowed to physical education lessons.

3. Students are required to have athletic uniforms and clean athletic shoes in class. Sportswear should be appropriate for the temperature in the gym and weather conditions (when exercising outdoors).

4. Students change clothes in a specially designated area - a sports locker room.

5. In the sports locker room, it is forbidden to stand on windowsills, open windows, stand on benches, litter, or behave rudely towards other students. In the event of a conflict situation, students must inform the teacher about it.

7. Exempt students must attend the lesson with the class. They are required to show the teacher a medical certificate of exemption.

8. With a call to the lesson, students are going to build in the gym. In cases where classes are held outdoors, students do not leave the premises without the accompaniment of a physical education teacher.

11. Students should not interfere with the teacher teaching the lesson and other students doing the activities in the lesson.

12. Students are required to behave in a correct manner towards other students. In the event of a conflict situation between students, immediately contact the teacher.

13. In the classroom, students are required to do only those exercises that are allowed to do the teacher.

14. During self-fulfillment of exercises (educational game, competitions, etc.), students should take into account their level of physical fitness, state of health and location of classes.

15. It is forbidden to independently take sports equipment located in the gym and the coaching room.

16. During exercises with balls (tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, stuffed), the student must control the fall of the ball in order to avoid intentional injury to other students.

17. During sports games, students are required to behave correctly in relation to other players.

18. It is forbidden to perform any exercises on the crossbar and wall bars without the permission of the teacher.

19. It is not allowed to hang on basketball hoops and basketball backboard fasteners.

20. Students are required to be careful when moving from one half of the room to the other when the room is divided into two parts for two groups (classes).

21. If you find a breakdown in sports equipment, immediately inform the teacher about it.

22. In case of feeling unwell in the lesson, the student must immediately inform the physical education teacher about it. He is also obliged to inform the teacher about the injury or poor health that manifested itself after the physical education lesson.

1. In the sports hall, on the sports ground, students must be engaged only in sports uniform. 2. In physical education and sports, students should not wear watches, rings and bracelets. 3. Exercises on sports equipment are performed with the permission of a physical education teacher. 4. Before doing the exercises, warm up and warm up the muscles. 5. Do not push each other, do not trip. 6. Shoes should be on non-slip soles (sneakers, gym shoes). 7. If you feel unwell while running, move to a step and then sit down.

Safety requirements before and during gymnastics. and during gymnastics. 1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles. 2. Wipe the bar neck with a dry cloth and sand it with a sandpaper. 3. Check the reliability of the crossbar fastening, the fastening of the supports of the gymnastic horse and goat, the fastening of the locking screws of the bars. 4. In places where the apparatus jumps off, put gymnastic mats so that their surface is even. 5. Do not perform exercises on sports equipment without a teacher (teacher) or his assistant, as well as without insurance. 6. When performing jumps and dismounts from shells, land softly on the toes of the feet, springy squatting. 7. Do not stand close to the apparatus when other students are doing the exercises. 8. Do not exercise on sports equipment with wet palms.

Safety requirements before and during sports games lessons 1. Sports games are held on sports grounds and in halls with dimensions that meet the requirements of the rules of the game. 2. Classes should be held on a dry area. If the game is played indoors, the floor must be clean and dry. It is forbidden to conduct classes on the floor, rubbed with mastic. 3. It is forbidden to play with rings, bracelets on the hands, earrings in the ears and other jewelry. Nails should be cut short. 4. Warm up. 5. All sharp and protruding objects should be covered with mats and fenced. 6. In the classroom, it is necessary to strictly observe discipline, follow the requirements and instructions of the referee, teacher, coach, team captain. 7. All trainees must be in sportswear (tracksuit, T-shirt, shorts, sneakers, sneakers). 8. Practice games must be played in accordance with the rules of these sports. 9. Classes should be led by a teacher, trainer or community instructor.

Safety requirements before and during athletics classes 1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles. 2. Thoroughly loosen the sand in the jump pit - the landing site, check that there are no foreign objects in the sand. 3. Wipe the throwing shells (disc, cannonball, grenade) dry. 4. Warm up. 5. For a group start, run short distances only on your own track. The track must continue at least 15 m (beyond the finish mark). 6. To avoid collisions, exclude an abrupt "stopping" stop. 7. Do not jump on uneven, loose and slippery ground, do not land when jumping on your hands. 8. Before performing the throwing exercises, see if there are people in the throwing sector. 9. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher (teacher), do not leave sports equipment unattended. 10. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not stay in the throwing zone, do not go for shells without the permission of the teacher (teacher). Safety requirements before and during athletics classes 1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles. 2. Thoroughly loosen the sand in the jump pit - the landing site, check that there are no foreign objects in the sand. 3. Wipe the throwing shells (disc, cannonball, grenade) dry. 4. Warm up. 5. For a group start, run short distances only on your own track. The track must continue at least 15 m (beyond the finish mark). 6. To avoid collisions, exclude an abrupt "stopping" stop. 7. Do not jump on uneven, loose and slippery ground, do not land when jumping on your hands. 8. Before performing the throwing exercises, see if there are people in the throwing sector. 9. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher (teacher), do not leave sports equipment unattended. 10. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not stay in the throwing zone, do not go for shells without the permission of the teacher (teacher).

Safety requirements before and during ski training sessions 1. Having received the equipment, check its serviceability and adjust the ski mount to the boots (felt boots) in the base room. 2. Watch your comrades and if signs of frostbite appear (whitened skin, loss of sensation of exposed parts of the body - ears, nose, cheeks), immediately rub the surface of the body near the frostbitten area until it turns pink, then lightly rub the frostbite area directly. 3. To avoid scuffs, do not ski or skate with tight or loose shoes. 4. If during the class you for any reason dropped out of the race, be sure to warn the teacher or friend. 5. Listen carefully to the teacher's explanations, observe the interval when skiing at a distance of m, when descending at least 30 m. 7. When descending, do not put ski poles forward, do not stop at the foot of the mountain, remember that a friend is following you. 8. Do not ride without gloves (mittens). 9. In severe frost, lubricate the exposed parts of the face with grease. Safety requirements before and during ski training sessions 1. Having received the equipment, check its serviceability and adjust the ski mount to the boots (felt boots) in the base room. 2. Watch your comrades and if signs of frostbite appear (whitened skin, loss of sensation of exposed parts of the body - ears, nose, cheeks), immediately rub the surface of the body near the frostbitten area until it turns pink, then lightly rub the frostbite area directly. 3. To avoid scuffs, do not ski or skate with tight or loose shoes. 4. If during the class you for any reason dropped out of the race, be sure to warn the teacher or friend. 5. Listen carefully to the teacher's explanations, observe the interval when skiing at a distance of m, when descending at least 30 m. 7. When descending, do not put ski poles forward, do not stop at the foot of the mountain, remember that a friend is following you. 8. Do not ride without gloves (mittens). 9. In severe frost, lubricate the exposed parts of the face with grease.

Safety requirements before and during swimming activities 1. Enter the water quickly and do not stand still while swimming. 2. If you feel chills, quickly get out of the water and inform the teacher (leader). 3. Do not swim immediately after eating and exercising (playing football, wrestling, running, etc.). The break between meals and bathing should be at least min. 4. Do not swim for more than 30 minutes; if the water is cold, min. 5. On hot sunny days, swim in a swimming cap or cover your head with a white handkerchief. 6. Do not jump into the water with your head down if you have ear problems, especially if your eardrum is damaged. 7. Do not dive long underwater. 8. Coming out of the water, wipe yourself dry and dress immediately. 9. Feeling tired, calmly swim to the shore. In case of convulsions, do not get lost, try to stay on the water and call for help. 10. When proving assistance to you, do not grab the rescuer, but help him to tow you to the shore. Safety requirements before and during swimming activities 1. Enter the water quickly and do not stand still while swimming. 2. If you feel chills, quickly get out of the water and inform the teacher (leader). 3. Do not swim immediately after eating and exercising (playing football, wrestling, running, etc.). The break between meals and bathing should be at least min. 4. Do not swim for more than 30 minutes; if the water is cold, min. 5. On hot sunny days, swim in a swimming cap or cover your head with a white handkerchief. 6. Do not jump into the water with your head down if you have ear problems, especially if your eardrum is damaged. 7. Do not dive long underwater. 8. Coming out of the water, wipe yourself dry and dress immediately. 9. Feeling tired, calmly swim to the shore. In case of convulsions, do not get lost, try to stay on the water and call for help. 10. When proving assistance to you, do not grab the rescuer, but help him to tow you to the shore. Content

About the author: Minkina Tatyana Yuryevna Minkina Tatyana Yuryevna physical education teacher physical education teacher Regional state special (correctional) educational government institution for students with disabilities special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type in Vikhorevka. Regional state special (correctional) educational government institution for students with disabilities special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type in the city of Vikhorevka. Minkina Tatyana Yurievna physical education teacher Regional state special (correctional) educational government institution for students with disabilities special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type in the city of Vikhorevka.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons assumes that students will be familiar with it even before they begin classes. Safety regulations are aimed at minimizing injuries during lessons and are mandatory for all participants in the learning process.

Here we provide only the basic safety rules for physical education. Each educational institution can modify or supplement the list of prohibited or permitted actions in accordance with local conditions.

Introductory provisions of safety precautions in physical education lessons

  • During physical education classes, students are likely to be affected by such factors: injuries when falling on hard surfaces or ground, injuries when in the throwing sector, injuries due to poor warm-up, injuries in a collision and violation of the rules of sports games or handling sports equipment. To minimize risks, you must adhere to safety precautions;
  • Only students who have been instructed in safe behavior techniques are allowed to physical education classes;
  • Physical education lessons are attended only by students who have the appropriate level of admission from a medical institution and have provided the teacher with a document;
  • Pupils with full or partial exemption from physical education classes must be present at the lesson.
  • After illness, students are required to provide the teacher with a certificate from a medical institution;
  • Pupils for physical education classes are required to bring clean athletic shoes and sportswear, which must be appropriate for the location of the class. If the lesson is held outdoors, sports clothing and footwear must correspond to the current weather conditions;
  • Chewing gum or eating food is prohibited during physical education;
  • After physical activity, students should not drink cold water in order to avoid colds.

Safety regulations in physical education lessons during the educational process, as well as before and after classes

Safety precautions in physical education lessons before the start of classes

  • Pupils should change their clothes in a room specially designated for this purpose - a locker room. Boys and girls must dress in separate rooms. The student must go to the lesson in sports uniform and shoes;
  • Before the lesson, it is necessary to take off and remove from your pockets all objects that can be dangerous during physical education - bracelets, rings, watches, and so on.;
  • With the permission of the teacher, students can come to the place of the lesson;
  • Before a physical education lesson, with the permission of the teacher, students can carefully prepare sports equipment;
  • After hearing the command, the students must stand in line to begin the physical education lesson.

Safety instructions in physical education lessons during class

  • It is necessary to listen carefully and strictly follow the instructions of the teacher on safety measures in physical education lessons;
  • It is possible to perform exercises and take sports equipment only after the appropriate permission of the teacher;
  • When doing a group short distance run, run only on your own track;
  • During the race, to minimize the risk of falling and collision after crossing the finish line, the student should not stop abruptly;
  • You cannot perform jumps on loose, slippery or uneven ground, and you also cannot land after a jump on your hands;
  • Before performing throwing exercises, it is necessary to make sure that there are no people or foreign objects in the throwing sector. Also, you cannot stand to the right close to the thrower, is in the throwing zone during the exercise and walk for shells without the teacher's permission;
  • During exercise, follow the appropriate safety rules: keep a distance, avoid unauthorized falls, collisions, and so on;
  • Pupils are prohibited from unauthorized changing the trajectory of movement, making dangerous movements or throwing objects, performing exercises on the uneven bars and a bar with wet palms, indulging in and interfering with the lesson;
  • In the event of a deterioration in health or injury, the student must immediately stop exercising and inform the teacher about it.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons after class

  • If necessary and with the permission of the teacher, students remove sports equipment;
  • Students, after the permission of the physical education teacher, leave the place of sports activities in an organized and calm manner and go to the locker room;
  • Students change into school clothes and shoes;
  • Schoolchildren wash their hands and face well with soap and water.

Safety precautions are an important element of the educational process, therefore, first of all, each of the teachers should take it seriously, carefully checking the condition of the equipment and monitoring the behavior of schoolchildren.

Teacher MBOU SOSH number 28

Krasnodar Territory, st. Taman

in physical education classes, schoolchildren are at risk, which is prone to injury, because physical culture lesson differs from others by high physical activity of those who go in for training, with the use of various sports equipment, inventory.

Although sports injuries do not occupy the first place in the overall structure of injuries, however, in terms of severity they are in second place after road traffic injuries. Therefore, children's injuries (especially when doing physical education and sports) require the closest attention, study and implementation of preventive measures at all stages of physical education.

Prevention of child injuries is one of the most important tasks of modern society, which must be achieved, first of all, by observing safety measures in physical education classes.

    Basic safety rules

in physical education classes.

For younger students, the following general safety requirements for physical education classes are provided, which require the teacher to do the following:

    Enter the hall after the teacher's permission;

    The student must be familiarized with the safety rules;

    Provide students with a changing room (separately for boys and separately for girls);

    Make sure that all students have changed, lock the locker rooms with a key;

    Monitor compliance with the rules of behavior for students in the locker rooms;

    Ensure the safe conduct of the educational process;

    Conduct a thorough inspection of the lesson site;

    Provide safety measures when doing physical exercise;

9.Check the serviceability of sports equipment, the reliability of installation and fastening of equipment;

    In case of insufficient natural light, turn on the lighting devices;

    Check the condition of the emergency exit when exercising in the gym.
  1. Everyone should remember this!

Along with the safety rules that are presented to the teacher, a lot also depends on the actions of the students themselves.
1. In the sports hall, on the sports ground, students must be engaged only in sports uniform. 2. In physical education and sports, students should not wear watches, rings and bracelets. 3. Exercises on sports equipment are performed with the permission of the teacher physical culture. 4. Before doing the exercises, warm up and warm up the muscles. 5. Do not push each other, do not trip. 6. Shoes should be on non-slip soles (sneakers, gym shoes). 7. If you feel unwell while running, move to a step and then sit down.

3. Safety requirements before starting and during classes gymnastics.

2. Wipe the bar neck with a dry cloth and sand it with a sandpaper. 3
... Check the reliability of the crossbar fastening, the fastening of the supports of the gymnastic horse and goat, the fastening of the locking screws of the bars.
4. In places where the apparatus jumps off, put gymnastic mats so that their surface is even. 5. Do not perform exercises on sports equipment without a teacher (teacher) or his assistant, as well as without insurance. 6. When performing jumps and dismounts from shells to land softly on toes feet, springy squatting. 7. Do not stand close to the projectile while performing exercises for other students. 8. Do not exercise on sports equipment with wet palms.

4. sports games.

1. Classes in sports games are held on sports grounds and in halls with dimensions that meet the requirements of the rules of the game.2. Classes should be held on a dry area. If the game is played indoors, the floor must be clean and dry.3. It is forbidden to play with rings, bracelets on the hands, earrings in the ears and other jewelry. Nails should be cut short.4. Warm up.5
... All sharp and protruding objects should be covered with mats and fenced.
6. In the classroom, it is necessary to strictly observe discipline, follow the requirements and instructions of the referee, teacher, coach, team captain.7. All trainees must be in sportswear (tracksuit, T-shirt, shorts, sneakers, sneakers).8. Practice games must be played in accordance with the rules of these sports.9. Classes should be supervised by a teacher. 5. Safety requirements before and during classes on ski training. along a distance of 3 - 4 m, with descents of at least 30 m.

    Do not push your ski poles forward when descending,

do not stop at the foot of the mountain, remember that a comrade is following you.

7. Do not ride without gloves (mittens).

6. Safety requirements before and during classes onathletics.

1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles.2. Thoroughly loosen the sand in the jump pit - the landing site, check that there are no foreign objects in the sand.3
... Wipe the throwing shells (disc, cannonball, grenade) dry.
4. Warm up.5. For a group start, run short distances only on your own track.6. To avoid collisions, exclude an abrupt "stopping" stop.7. Do not jump on uneven, loose and slippery ground, do not land when jumping on your hands.8. Before performing the throwing exercises, see if there are people in the throwing sector.9. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher (teacher), do not leave sports equipment unattended.10. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not stay in the throwing zone, do not go for shells without the teacher's permission.

7. Rules of conduct in verse.

With the rules it became clear
But it's still dangerous to play
To avoid injury,
The warm-up must be respected.

you take care of your inventory,
Do not break or tear. It will benefit you: The lesson will be fun!

V jackets, fur coats and coats Nobody comes to us. In dirty shoes, friends, You can't go to our gym!

start work strictly
With the permission of the teacher. You first knead. Do not strive immediately into the "battle"!

The rest is known to all: So that they do not jump up from their seats, Didn't shout, didn't push And, having quarreled, did not fight!

To sleep better at night Have a good dream We advise to walk We'll be fine in the evening.

Kohl you came to the lesson Hang the lock on your tongue. But don't hide your keys far Where necessary - do not be silent.

It is forbidden to chew chewing gum in physical education lessons.

Folk wisdom.

Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.An idle youth is a dissolute old age.The head is gray, but the soul is young.Health is more valuable than gold.Do not ask health, but look in the face.You can't buy health.In a healthy body healthy mind.You will be healthy - you will get everything.Sick - get well, but healthy - beware.You ruin your health - you can't buy a new one!Move more and live longer!

Marathon of riddles

What will help us to maintain and strengthen our health? Guess riddles.

The rain is warm and thick This rain is not easy. He is without clouds, without clouds. Ready to go all day. He has two wheels And the saddle on the frame. There are two pedals at the bottom They twist them with their feet ... Do you want to break the record? This will help you ... To become a great athlete, There is a lot to know. And skill will help here And of course, … Smoothly, fragrant, Washes clean. Everyone needs to have it. What it is? I do not wander through the woods, And on clean hair. And my teeth are longer Than wolves and bears. Helps us always Sun, air and ... I lay down in my pocket and roar on guard, crybaby and dirty. They will have streams of tears in the morning, I will not forget about the nose.

We wish you guys to be always healthy!

But it is impossible to achieve results without difficulty.

We have discovered all the secrets of how to maintain health.

Follow all the tips, and it will be easy for you to live!