The history of the “British” begins in the 19th century, when the first standards for short-haired cats of the “English type” were created. Back then, these large, powerful animals with rounded shapes and harmonious proportions often won first places at exhibitions. However, with the advent of new breeds - long-haired Persians, exquisite Orientals, dazzling white, silky long-haired Angoras - the British gradually faded into the background. Although lovers of this breed continued breeding work.

Thanks to enthusiasts, the breed was preserved until the beginning of World War II. Military actions not only distract the attention of the mass audience from pets. Bombings lead to the death of a large number of breeding animals, and some of them, left without owners, run wild or die, unable to adapt to a half-starved wandering existence.

In the post-war years, breeders discovered that the number of purebred British cats and male cats was catastrophically small for breeding work. Moreover, this is the situation not only in our native Britain, but throughout Europe. And then, to increase the population and reduce inbreeding, the British begin to be bred with Persians, European shorthair cats, and Russian blues. Uncontrolled matings caused the British standard to become blurred. The bones became thinner, the heads of some representatives of the breed lost their perfectly rounded shape, and the hair became less thick; animals with longer hair than required by the standard began to appear.

Purposeful selection work is still aimed precisely at making the British more uniform, recognizable precisely due to their bone structure, physique and quality of wool, because the breed has a wide variety of colors, which means color cannot be considered decisive.

The 70-80s in Europe and the United States are characterized by the emergence of a massive middle class. Wealthy people can afford to purchase purebred cats, which was previously considered only the privilege of the elite. And there is a need for a breed that is easy to keep, calm, so that the pet can spend most of the day alone while the owners work. At the same time, the breed must be friendly, healthy and at the same time look well-groomed with minimal effort and time. Thoroughbred British dogs perfectly meet all these criteria. It was the demand that ensured the real “boom” of the British breed at the end of the 20th century, which covered most countries not only in Western but also in Eastern Europe.

The first British came to Russia from Czechoslovakia. And in the 90s, the breed was actively gaining popularity. I really liked the massive, well-fed, plush cats with round eyes. They fit into the ideal of a pet and allowed them to feel like they belonged to the “elite”. The British are winning first places at numerous exhibitions, specialized clubs and communities of amateurs are appearing. Did this benefit the breed? Not really. Of course, a whole cohort of professional breeders has appeared in Russia who are conducting targeted breeding work and developing new colors. Breed diseases are carefully monitored.

And at the same time, increased demand led to the emergence of “specialists” who put British breeding on stream. Entire houses and apartments, where there are several floors of cages with animals that are more or less similar to British cats. Fictitious clubs that draw fictitious documents. And now advertisements like “purebred British kittens inexpensively” appear all around. A person who is far from breeding does not even understand that a purebred kitten simply cannot cost 5-7 thousand rubles, since such an amount does not even pay for its maintenance. A lot has been written about the risk of buying such kittens.

At the same time, inexperienced breeders, even with the best intentions, begin to uncontrollably breed their pets, finding partners through advertisements, without understanding anything about the genetics of colors and the transmission of breed characteristics. This has led to the fact that the British phenotype is now partially lost, and only a specialist who is well versed in all breed lines can purchase a truly thoroughbred show-class animal.

British Shorthair cat: description of the breed in accordance with the standard

The search for a thoroughbred Briton begins with familiarization with the requirements of the standards. We must, in the end, imagine what exactly we are looking for in order to weed out all those kittens that cunning businessmen are trying to sell to the ignorant as a Briton, a mixed-breed Briton, a Briton without documents (“His mom and dad are elite-class Britons, honestly , just an unplanned mating!”), a cross between a British cat and an ordinary cat.

The head of a true Briton

So, as the British say, “the breed is in the head.” For the cat breed called "British" this statement is literally true. Their head should be massive, round and located on a short, strong neck. It is important to make one clarification. A round head shape is common to many breeds. The difference between the classic British is a convex, rounded forehead, which goes into the back of the head in a smooth line, and between the ears there is an almost flat area. At the same time, both male and female cats have pronounced cheeks, there is a chin, and the nose is short, wide, straight, without a “stop”.

Beginners often ask the question of what a “stop” is, which a thoroughbred Briton should not have. The easiest way to see this sign is in Persians and exotics. Look at the profile photo of these breeds: between the line of the nose and forehead at eye level there is a pronounced dimple, a sharp transition; If you try to draw a line with your finger, your hand will involuntarily stop. This is “stop”. So, the British nose goes into the forehead without a break, in a smooth line.

Ears are another feature of British cats. They must be small, and this applies not only to adults, but also to kittens. So if the seller assures you. That the proportions will change with age - make no mistake: burdocks will remain burdocks. A purebred British kitten has small, neat ears in the most tender childhood and during the period of teenage awkwardness. But too close placement in kittens improves a little with age. The size of the head increases and the ears move apart a little further.

Another note about the ears concerns a breed called the “British Fold”, which some so-called “breeders” still offer for purchase. Please note that the standard does not provide for the creases on the ears of cats of the British breed, which give a touching appearance to their Scottish “colleagues”.

Huge, round, widely spaced eyes give British kittens a special charm. Even mature, respectable cats look cute thanks to their eyes. And again, the kitten’s eyes grow proportionally, so the hope that the eyes will become larger with age is very illusory, since the muzzle will also grow. Coquettishly raised corners of the eyes may look charming, but... For a purebred British cat, this is unacceptable. The eye color of kittens is almost always blue or close to it, and with age it changes in accordance with the color.

Bones and physique

The British - both male and female cats - are quite large, with strong bones and a short, strong neck. However, the specificity of the British breed is that the animal develops quite slowly, fully gaining adult “conditions” only by the age of three. At the same time, kittens of different breed lines can develop unevenly, at different speeds. Some kittens at 4-5 months and even older (and it is at this age that good breeders usually actively offer them for sale) often look like awkward ugly ducklings. Some people's legs stretch out, and the back ones may seem longer than the front ones, while others have an incredibly small head. In general, from small fluffy two-month-old charmers, these babies turn into strange creatures that look like tramps. Do not be upset if a similar metamorphosis occurs with the cat you chose at a tender age and refuse to purchase a pet. After all, it won’t take long for the pet to level out. By the age of one year, the cat will become very similar to its worthy ancestors. And in a couple of years he can get a bunch of titles at exhibitions. And even if you are not interested in an exhibition career, you will still be proud of the huge plush Briton.

When choosing a kitten, experts advise paying attention, first of all, to its chest. This is where the future physique is most revealing. The chest should be wide, and the bones themselves should be thick enough. For comparison, look at the photo and “touch” several kittens of the same age - the difference is quite obvious even to a non-specialist.

The legs of a purebred kitten of the British breed, like those of an adult animal, should be short and strong, and the paws should be round and massive.

In general, little Britons resemble cute bear cubs - well-fed, round-headed, with thick paws and a short tail like a carrot. Moreover, this “carrot” should not be the classic one – triangular – but with a blunt rounded tip. An important detail is that the kitten’s tail should not be looked at, but felt, since its thickness should be determined not by the thick fur, but by the caudal vertebrae themselves.

The fur of a British cat

The main thing you need to know about the coat of British cats is that it should be short and have a very thick undercoat. When examining the litter, pay attention that the kitten should not have guard hairs sticking out above the undercoat. Otherwise, these hairs will later create excess fur length.

If you are interested in British cats, the description of the breed includes possible colors. However, in this case it is almost impossible to describe all the nuances of colors in one general article. The number of colors exceeds a dozen. Monochromatic, patterned, and pointed colors are allowed. Smoky and chinchilla British cats are very beautiful. The fashion for colors changes over time and often even depends on popular films in which British cats appear. For example, the popular “Whiskas” color became widely known due to the advertising of the food of the same name. Experts call this color black marble on silver.

When choosing a British kitten, you should pay attention to the color of its parents. So, if you want to get a pet with a beautiful bright pattern, then it is better to choose a baby from two patterned parents. In this case, there is a higher probability that the child will inherit good contrast, and the drawing will appear in all its glory. Same with monochromatic ones. It is better if both parents are monochromatic, otherwise in adulthood there is a risk of a ghostly, barely noticeable pattern appearing.

In general, it must be said that here, too, the British mature slowly - and the color fully “flourishes” only after 10 months of age. This especially applies to patterned kittens.

Metis - a mixture of a British cat and an ordinary cat

Sometimes, to save money or simply because they really like the baby, people take a kitten born from one of the purebred parents. What can you say about this?

On the one hand, such a “misalliance” is most likely the result of the owners’ disregard for their pet. The breeder will never allow a truly valuable sire to undergo an unplanned mating. Of course, accidents cannot be ruled out... And at the same time, if you just need a pet, of course, you can buy or get a baby of any blood for free. However, in the case of a “half-British” baby, there is a fairly high risk of subsequently developing hereditary diseases and anomalies. This is due to the history of the breed described above, in which closely related inbreeding was quite common, when pairs were created from direct relatives in order to preserve certain breed traits.

It is much worse when mestizos are sold under the guise of purebred kittens, and inexperienced lovers buy into the tales of breeders. It is not for nothing that professional breeders and simply cat lovers hate this type of dealer. And the point is not that they “bring down the price” on the market. Maintaining and especially breeding purebred British dogs is not cheap. Therefore, the cost of a kitten in a nursery cannot be very low.

Another thing is divorcees. They usually do not care about the health of their pets. Animals are kept in cages in inhumane conditions. Often their pupils are wild, unaccustomed creatures, accustomed from birth to a half-starved existence in cramped conditions and unsanitary conditions.

That is why you should not buy a British cat or a cross between a British cat and an ordinary cat from an advertisement, arranging a meeting near the metro. At the very least, it’s worth visiting the pet owner and seeing the conditions in which their cats and kittens live. If this is a domestic cat, loved and caressed, even if outbred, then there will be kittens, not at all British, but quite adequate, cute, accustomed to a tray and a scratching post.

How to buy a British cat?

Just a few tips for future British Shorthair owners. First, decide why you need a pet of the British breed:

  • Do you want a cute home “bear cub”, a decoration for a sofa cushion, or are you planning a dizzying career or exhibition?
  • Will you “continue the lineage” of your pet or is there no need for you to take care of kittens?
  • Are you ready to raise a kitten from a very young age or do you not have the energy and time for this?

If you have no ambitious plans and you are happy with a pet, but are not interested in breeding, it is quite enough to purchase a “pet”. Responsible breeders will sterilize such kittens immediately, so there will be no problems with the cat’s heat – screaming at night, tattered corners – there will be no problems. And the cat will be calmer and will not mark doors and upholstered furniture.

Many nursery owners are happy to hand over “pensioners” to good hands for a purely nominal fee or even for nothing. These are animals that, due to age or other reasons, no longer participate in the breeding program. Don’t be alarmed by the word “senior” – such a cat may be only 6-8 years old. And she still has a long, happy life ahead of her. In addition, an adult cat will cause virtually no trouble to the new owner. But they get used to their new home quite quickly. Literally a week or two - and you will not imagine how you ever lived without a cat.

You should only carefully approach the choice of a pet for exhibitions - this is a potential show class. If the question is fundamental, then it is better to look at the grown-up kittens - here all the characteristics of the future champion are better visible. And be sure to travel to exhibitions, track the growth of kittens in different lines using photos and videos. They approach the choice of a pet for breeding in a similar way, only here pedigree comes to the fore. It would be a good idea to consult with several specialists and complete felinological courses.

In all feline systems, interbreed matings are prohibited. A purebred animal, in particular the Maine Coon, has distinctive characteristics. With uncontrolled reproduction, these qualities are lost. It is impossible to predict what kind of cross between coons and their yard brothers will be, but genetics has long identified several rules for the inheritance of traits.

Read in the article:

General concepts

A mixed breed is a cat from parents of different breeds or without one at all. In principle, any kitten without documents is called this all over the world. This does not make him worse or better, but the breed cannot be recognized in him. There are conditions that by the exterior at the exhibition you can determine whether you belong to the coon phenotype. There are two main definitions - genotype and phenotype. The first is “internal content,” the set of genes that was passed on from parents. From each of them, kittens receive half a set.

Phenotype – external characteristics. It is also passed down from ancestors and depends on combinations of genes. Color, length of the body, limbs, shape of the skull are inherited, like other parameters, but assumptions about the appearance of the future offspring are usually not justified. You can delve into the laws of genetics and calculate what color kittens will be born. Character and temperament will remain a secret until the individual fully matures.

The breed was bred naturally. Breeders cultivate those qualities that are characteristic of the Coon:

  1. Friendliness;
  2. Equilibrium;
  3. Flexibility;
  4. Caution;
  5. Lack of aggression;
  6. Loyalty.

When mating with an ordinary representative of the cat family, these features are transformed and sometimes disappear altogether. According to the rules, a real Maine Coon is considered purebred if its ancestors are known in 4 generations. That is, he must have a pedigree with the specified parents, etc.

Possible offspring

No significant changes are expected in terms of coat color. Most domestic cats without admixture from other breeds have the colors acceptable in Maine Coon Cats. But genetics suggests unexpected results. Mutations, such as polydactyly, which is common in coons, are likely to affect part of the litter. Coat color and pattern are inherited according to established laws.

Science knows interesting facts about eye color. Usually it does not depend on the color of the coat, but blue pigment accompanies color-point colors (Siamese cats), and less often white. In practice, if you cross a green-eyed coon with a blue-eyed female, the offspring will most likely take after the father for this trait. This happens because green is dominant to blue. When white kittens are born, the situation may change.

All Maine Coon cats have medium-length fur. If you cross a representative with a smooth cat, the litter will be short-haired. The birth of kittens with long hair is possible if there are two long-haired parents.

Character and behavior are unpredictable in this combination. Street cats are more aggressive by nature, this is dictated by the laws of survival in difficult conditions. Pedigree cats are softer, because purposeful work has been carried out for decades to consolidate behavior that is comfortable for humans.

Metis requires the same careful attention as a purebred animal. A balanced diet, walks, and the love of the owner are mandatory criteria for the happiness of any pet.

Problems and breeding

A decent breeder will never approve of the meaningful mating of a coon and an outbred female. This often leads to the following consequences:

  1. A cat may die in childbirth if the kittens are very large;
  2. The purity of the breed is lost;
  3. You cannot conduct breeding activities with a half-breed;
  4. Unpredictable animals in terms of mental health and health.

As a rule, mestizos are sold at low prices. They are of no interest and lose value for breeding. The work of the breeder is highly appreciated. The price for a purebred kitten cannot be below a certain level.

Differences between a coon and a purebred kitten:

  1. Large sizes;
  2. Recognizable muzzle profile;
  3. Large ears, possibly with a tassel;
  4. Semi-long topcoat;
  5. A long tail;
  6. Strong bones;
  7. Wide chest.

Usually a cross between Coons and nobles looks simpler. Even purebred animals with minor defects or weak types are sterilized to prevent them from producing offspring. Sometimes even experienced people have unforeseen circumstances when a Maine Coon mates with a noblewoman. Even in this situation, animals are given away free of charge or for a symbolic amount, with the condition of mandatory sterilization in the future.

Before buying a coon, you should look at his parents, find out their origins and study pedigrees. The breeder always hands over the documents (metrics) of his graduates. Otherwise, there is a risk of acquiring an outbred animal. Kittens move to a new home no earlier than 3 months, after vaccinations and other necessary procedures. Mestizos are usually given away earlier due to the high costs of raising them.

In the recent past, there have already been attempts to register non-purebred coons. Several breeds were used to breed them:

  1. Siamese;
  2. Bengal.

A similar situation is observed in the dog world, but there designer breeds have become successful due to their cute appearance and clever advertising. Both types of kuna hybrids have remained unrecognized by the felinological community. The work did not live up to the hopes of the breeders. The resulting kittens turned out to be of different types, without the desired characteristics.

Problems also arise when cat owners realize they don't have a coon. Many raised animals end up in shelters or worse, on the street. Growing up at home, they cannot withstand the difficulties they encounter on their own. In addition, uncontrolled reproduction begins, and the number of street children is rapidly increasing. They are susceptible to infections, their immunity is weakened, and the infection spreads further.

Participation in exhibitions, documents

This American cat breed was formed many years ago. The task of breeders is to preserve and improve the gene pool. The participation of a simple cat in breeding negates their efforts.

Due to such factors, owners of hybrids cannot exhibit their pets in the breed ring. However, exhibitions where animals of unknown origin are judged are open to them. There they can show the pet and get a description if the cat is healthy, has a beautiful exterior, and an easy-going character. When the kittens grow up, it will become clear how large they will grow and what their show potential will be.

They are allowed into the ring upon reaching 10 months of age. The rules are the same as at regular exhibitions. Separate rings, strict judging. A mongrel pet is prepared with full responsibility: grooming, purchasing accessories. This is a great chance to show your favorite cats to specialists and get a lot of positive emotions from communicating with like-minded people.

Outbred cats are not registered anywhere. They cannot have a pedigree, only a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and treatment against worms, which the owner obtains at his own request. Subsequent mating with a coon will still result in his phenotype, and not a true Maine cat.

Care, maintenance, nuances

According to many people, the mestizo is unpretentious in food and does not require veterinary care. This is a misconception that is completely wrong. These animals are fed no worse than purebred representatives. Their internal structure of the body is no different. Food must contain all the necessary microelements, vitamins, sufficient amounts of proteins and carbohydrates.

From birth they carefully monitor their character. The temperament of such babies can be completely unpredictable.

  • Russian name: Outbreds and mestizos
  • International name: no breed
  • Country of origin: any
  • FIFE classification: 0
  • Size: average
  • Weight: 2.0 - 4.0 kg.

Description of the breed:

Despite the variety of cat breeds, the most common type of this animal in Russia remains the so-called yard cat. A mongrel cat has neither breed nor pedigree. However, many people prefer it. The point here is not only that you can take a kitten into your home completely free of charge. If you want to adopt one or already have a “commoner” cat, some advice from the Internet portal “Petovod” will not be of any use to you.

“Mongrel,” of course, is better to have for the soul, since it will not participate in any exhibitions and does not require a lot of expenses. It will not require unnecessary waste of nerve cells, which, as is known, are not restored, because preparing for any exhibition is extremely stressful not so much for the animal itself, but for its owner.
It is well known and no one has disputed for a long time that outbred cats are healthier than purebred cats. “Mongrels” have stronger immunity and are less likely to catch an infection. Consequently, less money will be spent on going to the veterinarian, or nothing will be spent at all. In addition, such cats are much easier to train; it is easier to teach them to use the toilet, walk independently on the street and, most importantly, return home.

“Simples” are not picky about food and are almost omnivorous. However, if you start pampering cats with expensive food, the animals will never look in the direction of fish waste, for example, or stale meat.
Non-pedigreed cats have one, but very significant, disadvantage: breeding them will not bring you any material benefit. The only thing you can get moral satisfaction from is that you gave the kitten “in good hands” and, thus, warmed someone’s lonely soul, or made a small child happy. The “fruits of love” of mongrels, in worst cases, will be drowned due to the impossibility of placing them anywhere.

As a rule, “mutts” are quite loyal to children if they do not particularly bother them. They love to play, especially at a tender age. The character of the “simple girl” cannot be described, as they say, “with one brush”: she can bite and be softer than velvet. It all depends on upbringing and parental genes. In any case, a cat will bring you a sea of ​​love and affection, provided that you respect and love it.

Any animal is the best and most faithful friend. Cats, of course, are willful and freedom-loving creatures, but in response to the sincere love of their owner, they give even greater love and affection. A sweet cat that follows you on the street can become the most devoted creature in the world. Advice from the Internet portal “Petovod” - you shouldn’t chase expensive and fashionable cat breeds, it’s better to just find yourself a true friend who will be there regardless of the circumstances and time. Picking up a homeless kitten is the highest manifestation of humanity, since it is precisely such animals, according to one of the writers, “our last angels on Earth.”

Domestic cats are very sensitive to traditions. They may become seriously upset and worry for a long time because the furniture has been rearranged, because many guests have come to the house, or because the owners have gone somewhere for several days. Perhaps you just laid a new beautiful carpet on the floor in the living room, but the animal did not like its smell. Many cats experience stress if they were taken out to the country in the summer, where they led a completely free lifestyle, and then suddenly locked up again in a city apartment and left alone for all days of the working week. This can lead to any changes in the pet’s behavior, even to the point where it suddenly refuses to use the toilet. Nervous cats can begin, for example, to endlessly lick their sides, to the point that all the hair comes out and non-healing ulcers form. We'll have to come up with some kind of entertainment for furry pets. An indoor cat needs toys all the time. These can be the usual balls and balls, and various animals stuffed with catnip (they are sold in pet stores), and various play towns and houses for cats, which, however, can only be placed in a spacious apartment.
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Aristocrats and intellectuals, representatives of this breed will be excellent companions for busy people. Their plush coat and perpetually surprised expression, combined with their calm, even-tempered nature, have made the British Shorthair one of the most popular cat breeds. They are unobtrusive animals that are easy to care for.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • independent, do not require constant presence next to the owner
  • easy to care for, short hair does not cause any trouble
  • good health, good heredity
  • large selection of kittens
  • quite willful, require education

Description of the breed

You can list for a long time the advantages of the British Shorthair cat - intelligence, intelligence, easy care, attractive appearance. These animals are widely known throughout the world, having spread from England in the 19th century. Representatives of the breed are credited with mystical properties, compared to the Cheshire cat, and called “the favorite of housewives.”

The British deservedly took the palm from everyone's favorite Persians, whose fur is quite difficult to care for. The plush thick fur, good-natured disposition and unusual appearance of the British cat appealed to many cat lovers. In England, this breed rightly ranks first in popularity.

The Briton is a real aristocrat. He is distinguished by restraint and intelligence. These animals are not at all aggressive, and prefer affection to games. The ideal choice of a pet for busy people - if you stay late at work, this cat will not be offended by you for it.

The defining characteristics of the British Shorthair breed are its massive build, rounded body shape, bright golden eyes and thick, plush fur.

British Shorthair breed standard

As a result of painstaking work to eradicate shortcomings, today the following breed standard is officially recognized:

    animal weight from 4 to 8 kg;

    short coat with a thick undercoat of double texture;

    a huge number of acceptable colors (more than 60);

    British Shorthair body description:

    compact, powerful, with well-defined bones, a wide chest and large paws;

    The head is round, on a thick wide neck. The chin is dense and well rounded. The cheeks are also round;

    the eyes are large, round in shape, traditionally golden in color, wide open, giving the muzzle a simultaneously unapproachable and interested expression;

    the nose is medium-sized, the same along its entire length, the bridge of the nose is well defined;

    limbs of medium length, stable, massive, with round paws;

    the tail is thick and rounded.

Coat and color of the British Shorthair cat

To date, more than 60 different colors of British cats have been officially registered, each of which is unique in its own way. The most famous varieties of colors:

    The solid color of the British Shorthair is considered classic. The most famous are blue (silver), lilac, black and white cats. Red and gold shades are quite rare;

    Tortoiseshell is a contrasting combination of two or more shades. For example, a tortoiseshell cat is considered to be a cat whose fur contains black and red shades, distributed in the form of noticeable spots and tints of color. As a result of the chaotic appearance of the color, fewer requirements are placed on it than on others;

    Chinchillas are a type of color in which the guard hair of the British Shorthair is colored only on top, remaining unpigmented below. The undercoat is also light. Such animals are also called smoky;

    Tabby is a pattern with a characteristic arrangement of stripes on the back, rings on the tail and an M-shaped pattern on the forehead. The fur pattern should be clearly visible and stand out brightly against the background of the main color. There are marbled tabbies, spotted tabbies and mackerel (tiger);

    Two-tone British or bicolor - any shade goes well with white. If part of the ear and one eye are painted, this pattern is called harlequin. Bicolor should not have white hairs on the colored part. Both colors are approximately the same in ratio;

    The point color, characteristic of Siamese cats, is rare among the British.

    Ticked. Experimental matings of the British with the Abyssinian cat produced kittens with ticked colors, where each hair is colored in several colors.

The British Shorthair's coat has a unique texture. It is very short and very thick, “plush”. This is achieved by equal length of guard hair and undercoat. This type of fur hardly gets tangled or clumps, and always looks neat and elegant.

The breed line contains genes for long hair, which is why sometimes unusually fluffy kittens appear. Previously, they were discarded, but now they form a separate line - the British Longhair cat or British Highland.

Character and behavior of the British Shorthair cat

The most important character trait of the British is their independence. These are incredibly patient cats that will endure a lot from children and even adults. According to numerous reviews from their owners, they are brave and decisive, but without aggression. They have a strong sense of self-esteem.

From an early age, these pets behave as if they were invited to a reception with an important person - their movements are sedate and leisurely, but without laziness or excessive imposingness. Left alone, the British will not sit sadly under the door waiting for the owner - he will find something to do that will not allow him to get bored. It’s not for nothing that these animals received the nickname “businessman’s cat.” But don’t think that your cat’s cool reaction to your care means indifference. Like any pet, these plush pets will be very happy to have their owner back and will immediately take a place on their lap.

For strangers, these are cautious and distrustful animals that do not allow strangers to pet them. Earning the trust of a British aristocrat is quite difficult and will require some effort and time. If you suddenly exceed the limit of what is permitted and tire your pet, he will gently but persistently get rid of the annoying affection.

Aggression is alien to these animals. They easily accept new pets into their territory, but without much hospitality. They do not like children very much, being careful of importunity.

An interesting feature is that the British do not like to meow at all. If they happen to vocalize, they produce a slightly strange, hoarse sound that surprises their owners.

History and origin of the breed

These amazing cats are associated with many legends, but their origin and modern appearance are the result of the painstaking work of many felinologists.

The official history of the British Shorthair began at the end of the 19th century, when the inhabitants of Foggy Albion decided to develop a national breed of cats with the laconicism and restraint inherent in England. The most suitable phenotypes were fixed through crossing and selection. The most famous breeder of the breed is Harrison Weir. It was he who organized the first cat exhibition and attracted public attention to the hardy, massive animals that formed the backbone of the future breed. This happened in the 30s of the last century. As a result of the addition of Carthusian, Persian and American blood, the breed acquired its modern appearance.

However, until 1966, the British Shorthair was not recognized as a separate breed, participating in competitions along with European Shorthairs at shows. Only in the 70s they officially received breed status and began to spread throughout the world.

Like all short-haired animals, the British are unpretentious. Their thick, luxurious coat does not require extensive grooming, with minimal brushing once a week to remove the thick undercoat. But during the molting period (spring-autumn) they require more frequent brushing. It is recommended to first comb your hair in the direction of its growth, and then against it. The comb teeth should not be too fine.

Ear care involves cleaning once every two weeks. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the ear canal. A cotton swab works well for cleaning your ears. In a healthy animal, earwax is odorless and there is little of it.

To prevent your cat from scratching the furniture, purchase a scratching post. You can make a special post on which he will sharpen his claws. Nail care involves careful trimming every 2-3 weeks. If the cat sharpens its claws on its own, trimming may not be necessary.


A proper diet is the key to a long life for your pet. To avoid mistakes, follow these small feeding tips:

    Feed should be given 2 times a day. For weakened, young and pregnant animals, the frequency of feeding increases to 3-4 times a day.

    Food for British shorthair cats must be of high quality - cheap food will affect the health and appearance of the pet. Premium and super premium types are recommended, among which Royal Canin especially stands out especially for British cats - Royal Canin British Shorthair. This food is specially created for British and Scottish breeds, and will provide your pet with all the necessary substances and microelements, taking into account the structural features of the animal. In addition, Hill’s, Nutro and Petreet foods have proven themselves well.

    You should not overfeed a cat - obesity greatly increases the load on internal organs, shortening its lifespan.

    You cannot mix industrial feeds from different manufacturers, or add food additives and vitamins to them. In most cases, this threatens with indigestion or hypervitaminosis.

    Some representatives of the breed are prone to obesity. Limit fatty foods when breastfeeding.

Thanks to the diverse influences on the breed, the British have good health and excellent immunity. The only problem that these animals may have is a tendency to obesity. However, with proper nutrition, lifespan can reach 20 years.

If tears accumulate in the corners of your eyes, wipe them away with a clean, damp cloth. Otherwise, the characteristics of these purebred cats are no different from other breeds. British Shorthairs, like others, are susceptible to diseases such as panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calcivirus and others. To protect an animal from illness, it requires annual vaccination.

Estrus and mating of the British Shorthair cat

The pregnancy of a British Shorthair cat lasts on average the same number of days as other breeds - from 64 to 70 days. The beginning of pregnancy is considered the second day of mating. The number of matings does not affect the number of offspring. If you want to get many kittens from one cat, you should take into account her age, health, breeding day, breed fertility and favorable conditions. However, British women are among those who bear a large number of kittens - there can be up to 7 babies in one litter. The first mating is considered successful when 2-3 kittens are born.

British cats go into heat on average at 6 months of age. The moment of the onset of estrus is characterized by increased irritability of the cat, anxiety, and inviting meowing. To determine the likelihood of estrus occurring at an early age, find out about its characteristics from the animal's mother. It is believed that the age of first heat is most influenced by heredity.

Mating of a British Shorthair cat can only occur after reaching a year. Early pregnancy will have a negative impact on health, and too late (after two years) can disrupt hormonal levels and lead to diseases of the genital area. It is best to carry out mating in the cat's territory. If you bring a cat to a cat, she will not accept him as a potential partner and may defend the territory.

Pregnancy and kittens of the British Shorthair cat

If you decide to get a kitten, be sure to purchase the necessary items before moving it into the house. First of all, take care of the animal's bowls - they should not be too high and slippery.

Little kittens are very playful. To entertain your pet, buy him toys or make them yourself. The main rule is the right size and safe materials.

The chosen tray and filler must match the one the kitten is accustomed to in the nursery.

It is also advisable to purchase a scratching post so that the kitten does not decide to use your furniture as a claw point.