The feat and fate of Kuzma Minin

Near Moscow, at the most critical moment of the struggle, when it was necessary to convince the “camps” of Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy to act against the common enemy - Hetman Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, the talent of Kuzma Minin, who knew how to carry other people along with him, was once again evident. The author of “The Tale of the Victories of the Moscow State” compared his speech to the Cossacks, who fought under the command of the boyar Prince Dmitry Trubetskoy, with a “light” candle lit in the dark:

“Now you are separated from your fellow believers,” said Kuzma Minin in his bright sermon, “from now on, to whom will you resort and from whom you expect help.” He did not stop there and took the saber in his hands and went together with hundreds of nobles to fight against the Lithuanian companies “at the Crimean courtyard” beyond the Moscow River.”

Such unusual participation in military affairs for a townsman did not escape the attention of the Polish-Lithuanian garrison besieged in the capital. Responding to the call for surrender sent by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky after the “hetman’s retreat,” the knighthood gave an arrogant rebuke to the “shpynyas” and “pancake makers” who had gathered near Moscow, in turn, indicating to Pozharsky: “Let the Kuzmas go about their trade.”

Kuzma Minin waited until Moscow was liberated, although in the united regiments of princes Dmitry Trubetskoy and Dmitry Pozharsky he no longer played the same role. One might even think that the Cossacks from the “camps” near Moscow continued to feel hostility towards him, which arose after the arrival of the militia from Yaroslavl to Moscow. The author of the “New Chronicler” wrote that when the zemstvo militia refused to unite with the Cossack “camps,” then “the Cossacks began to hold dislike against Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharskovo and against Kuzma and the military people.” The Cossacks should have been irritated by the fact that the Moscow boyars negotiated their exit with Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, so that they would “grace them, accept them without shame.” During the liberation of Moscow, Cossacks from the regiments of Trubetskoy and Pozharsky plundered the courtyard of the temporary worker under the Polish-Lithuanian administrators, clerk Fyodor Andronov. The clerk Mark (Marko) Pozdeev, who was sitting under siege in Moscow, testified that at that time he was “with Kuzma Minin and the Cossacks did not give them anything to have.”

After the liberation of the capital, Minin continued to remain in Moscow and carried out financial orders. Perhaps he was assigned to monitor the property confiscated in Moscow from different persons. It is known that people from Moscow robbed by the Cossacks and relatives of those who served King Sigismund III turned to him for intercession. Minin did not refuse help even to the sister of the odious clerk Fyodor Andronov, who was in prison, who later recalled how “after the devastation of Moscow under Kuzma Minin, she came to the Chyudov Monastery in a room where all sorts of luggage lay” and about “the dress that Kuzma Minin gave her in those times when she left Moscow." Another character trait or the usual order of the official who was entrusted with the confiscated property? For some reason, I believe that this inconspicuous deed reflected precisely “mercy for the fallen.”

When preparations for the electoral Zemsky Sobor began, Kuzma Minin was still visible in the Moscow administration. Captured after a battle with the advanced detachments of King Sigismund III near Moscow, the “Smolensk resident” Ivan Filosofov showed in his questioning speeches in November 1612 that the Moscow boyars were not allowed to sit in the Duma, “but Prince Dmitry Trubetskoy and Prince Dmitry Pozharskoy are doing all sorts of things, yes Kuzemka Minin." Then both main commanders of the militia, Prince Dmitry Trubetskoy and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, according to the “Tale of the Zemsky Sobor of 1613”, themselves joined the “ electoral process", and in Moscow the Cossacks began to predominate. Then, apparently, Kuzma Minin’s influence on management affairs began to decrease. For example, as we know, he was not among the members of the Zemsky Sobor embassy in Kostroma to Mikhail Fedorovich. His name is not mentioned in correspondence with the Boyar Duma, which again took power into its own hands after the election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom on February 21, 1613. But the role of Kuzma Minin in the liberation of Moscow was recognized by everyone. It is no coincidence that he was honored with a mention in the “Approved Charter” about the election of Mikhail Fedorovich to the kingdom. True, nothing was said in its text about Kuzma Minin’s call to the people of Nizhny Novgorod to collect the treasury to organize a militia. It was more important for the compilers of the “Approved Charter” of 1613 to write about what was happening near Moscow, and how the actions of the governors corresponded to parochial ideas.

The letter stated that the “Stolnik and Voivode of the Moscow State”, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, “gathered” together with all ranks and “military men”, “came to a gathering near Moscow to the boyar and Voivode” Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy. And only then did it remember the “service and zeal for the whole land” of princes Trubetskoy and Pozharsky, “and Kuzma Minin, an elected person from the entire Moscow state.” Let us remember that in the militia Kuzma Minin was still called “the elected person from the whole earth.” The replacement of the words “whole land” with “Moscow State” in the “Approved Charter” was not an accidental editorial change. Kuzma Minin’s new “title” reflected the changes that occurred after the transfer of power from the zemstvo militia to Tsar Mikhail Romanov and his Boyar Duma. After such a mention, Kuzma Minin did not have to worry about the presence of his signature on the copy of the “Approved Letter”, and there was no assault there. Nizhny Novgorod was represented at the Zemsky Sobor in 1613 by completely different people: archpriest Savva, nobleman Misyur Solovtsov, townsman Samyshka Bogomolov, archer Yakunka Ulyanov.

They paid tribute to Kuzma Minin on the days of Mikhail Fedorovich’s coronation. July 12, 1613 on the day of Mikhail Malein “on the sovereign angel” Kuzma Minich(as they began to call him respectfully since the liberation of Moscow) he was promoted from zemstvo elders to duma nobles. A completely unprecedented thing for the Moscow state! In the language of the order practice of that era, this was called “award granted beyond one’s measure.” According to his new rank, Kuzma Minich received a salary of “200 rubles” and a patrimony “for the Moscow cleansing” - the village of Bogorodskoye with villages “in the Zakudemsky camp of the Nizhny Novgorod district” on January 20, 1615.

Minin’s experience as a “financial administrator” was used in the first collection of five-year money in April 1614 for the needs of the government of Mikhail Romanov. He was entrusted with collecting pyatina in Moscow from townspeople, living room merchants and cloth hundreds, as well as guests. Kuzma Minin was also entrusted with other important assignments; in December 1615 he was sent to the Kazan district “to find out that Cheremis had been stolen.” Returning from the rebellion-ridden Kazan land, he died in the spring of 1616.

Kuzma Minin, whose name always stands next to the name of Prince Pozharsky (and sometimes even ahead of him), - folk hero. This is how he will forever remain in the memory of future generations. Over the past centuries, not without the help of historians, a myth has been created from his biography, which has successfully replaced real person. The mythological image of Minin is still alive today. I would like to hope that this essay will bring the reader closer to historical reality.

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Pravda.Ru 04.11.2007 at 3:00

On November 4, 1612, the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky took Kitai Gorod by storm, freeing Moscow from Polish invaders. After the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1584, the era of the deepest crisis began in the Moscow state caused by the suppression of royal dynasty Rurikovich. The united Russian state collapsed, and numerous impostors appeared. Power in Moscow was usurped by the “Seven Boyars” led by Prince Fyodor Mstislavsky, who allowed into the Kremlin Polish troops with the intention of placing a Catholic prince on the Russian throne. At this time, Patriarch Hermogenes called on the Russian people to defend Orthodoxy and expel the Polish invaders from Moscow. "It's time to lay down your soul for the House Holy Mother of God!” - wrote the patriarch. His call was taken up.

In September 1611, a small “trading man”, Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin, appealed to the townspeople to create a people’s militia. At a city meeting, he made his famous speech: “Orthodox people, we want to help the Moscow state, we will not spare our bellies, and not just our bellies - we will sell our yards, we will pawn our wives and children and we will beat our heads so that someone will become our boss. And what praise will all of us receive from the Russian land that such a great thing will happen from such a small city as ours.” At Minin’s suggestion, the 30-year-old Novgorod prince Dmitry Pozharsky was invited to the post of chief governor.

Pozharsky agreed to be a governor on the condition that the townspeople themselves would choose an assistant for him, who would be in charge of the treasury of the militia. And Minin became “the elected man of the whole earth.” More than 10 thousand serving local people, up to three thousand Cossacks, more than a thousand archers and many “dacha people” from the peasants gathered under the banners of Pozharsky and Minin. WITH miraculous icon Kazan Mother of God On November 1, 1612, the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo militia managed to take China Town by storm and expel the Poles from Moscow. On November 4, the command of the interventionist garrison signed a surrender and released the Moscow boyars and other nobles from the Kremlin; the next day the garrison surrendered.

At the end of February 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected Mikhail Romanov, the first Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty, as the new Tsar. By decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, a holiday was established in honor of this great event (celebrated until 1917). IN church calendar this day came to be known as the Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612.

November 4, 1784 (October 24, O.S.) Osip (Giuseppe) Ivanovich Bove was born (1784-1834) - Russian architect, famous for the reconstruction of Moscow after the fire of 1812. Beauvais was born in St. Petersburg in the family of the Neapolitan artist Vincenzo Giovanni Bova, who came to Russia in 1782 to work in the Hermitage. The name Giuseppe was later changed in the Russian manner to Osip Ivanovich. Soon after Osip's birth, the family moved to Moscow.

From 1802 he studied at the architectural school at the Kremlin Building Expedition, under Camporesi. Start creative activity the young architect passed under the guidance of M.F. Kazakova and K.I. Rossi in Moscow and Tver. During the war, Beauvais joins the militia.

To restore the burned Moscow, a special Commission was created, in which Bove was included as the architect of the fourth section and was responsible for central areas cities: Tverskaya, Arbatskaya, Presnenskaya, Novinskaya and Gorodskaya parts. In 1814, Beauvais was appointed chief architect of the "facade part", overseeing the projects and their "production exactly according to the projected lines, as well as the issued plans and facades."

Beauvais managed to update his appearance ancient capital with a new scope and according to a single stylistic plan. Under the leadership of Bove, in the center of Moscow, the shopping arcades in the classicist style opposite the Kremlin were rebuilt (not preserved), Red Square was reconstructed, the earthworks around the Kremlin were demolished and the ditch was filled in, the Kremlin (Alexandrovsky) garden was laid out, the Manezh was built, Theater Square with the Bolshoi Theater was created (Mikhailov’s initial project). According to Bove's design, the Triumphal Gate was built at the Tverskaya Zastava (recreated in 1968 near Poklonnaya Gora).

Among public buildings, built by Beauvais, one of the most significant is the City Hospital on Bolshaya Kaluzhskaya Street. It was the first public hospital in the city, which was supposed to “accept for use people of all conditions.”

Among Bove's religious buildings, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Kotelniki has been preserved. In 1822, Bove built a church in the village of Arkhangelskoye, the estate of his wife, Princess Trubetskoy. One of the latest creations is the rotunda of the Church of All Who Sorrow on Bolshaya Ordynka. Beauvais died in Moscow and was buried in the Donskoy Monastery cemetery.


On this day in 1873 gold crowns for teeth were patented. This was done by a dentist from San Francisco, John Beers.

November 4, 1879 was the first to be patented cash machine. James Ritty did this to put an end to the theft of bartenders in his saloon in the town of Dayton, USA, Ohio.

On this day in 1890 The world's first subway line opened in London. The first passenger and discoverer of the movement was the Prince of Wales, future king Great Britain Edward VII.

On the same day, but in 1922 Englishman Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Egypt. The excavations lasted two years and allowed us to make amazing finds - for thousands of years this burial was miraculously not plundered.

November 4, 1946 UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, was founded in Paris.

On this day in 1970 The Human Rights Committee was organized in the USSR. The organization's charter was signed on this day by academician Andrei Sakharov, young theorist Andrei Tverdokhlebov and Valery Chalidze.


November 4, 1577 (430 years ago) was born Joseph (Francois Leclerc Du Tremblay)(1577 - 12/18/1638), famous French diplomat and clergyman. He was one of the main court intriguers of his time and after he became the secretary of Cardinal Richelieu in 1611, he received the nickname "Grey Eminence".

On this day in 1840 was born Dmitry Vladimirovich Karakozov(1840 - 15.9.1866), revolutionary who unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate Alexander II.

November 4, 1897 (110 years ago) was born Alexandra Sergeevna Khokhlova(11/4/1897 - 8/22/1985), famous silent film actress of the 20s.

On this day in 1934 was born Nikolai Alfredovich Plate, famous chemist, academician, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

On this day in 1956 was born Igor Talkov(1956 - 6.10.1991), singer, songwriter.

November 4, 1972 was born Luis Filipe Madeira Coeiro Figo, famous Portuguese footballer, midfielder of the national team. Winner of the Cup Winners' Cup and Super Cup 1997, "Golden Ball" as best footballer Europe 2000, and in 2002 won the Champions League.

Sorrowful dates:

On this day in 1847 (160 years ago) died Felix Mendelssohn(3.2.1809 - 1847), great German composer, founder of the first German conservatory in 1843 - in Leipzig.

November 4, 1987 (20 years ago) died Mikhail Ivanovich Tsarev(12/1/1903 - 1987), actor of the Maly Theater, National artist THE USSR.

On this day in 1995 died Yitzhak Rabin(1.3.1922 - 1995), Prime Minister of Israel, assassinated by a Jewish extremist.

Name days:

Today by Orthodox calendar Name days are celebrated by Alexander, Anna, Anton, Anfisa, Vasily, Vladimir, German, Grigory, Denis, Elizaveta, Zakhar, Ivan, Irakli, Konstantin, Maximilian, Nikolai, Pavel, Seraphim and Fedor.

The issue was prepared by Gulya Brik and Max K*.

Municipal budget educational institution Perevozsky municipal district Nizhny Novgorod region

"Dubskaya basic secondary school"


“The roots of history go to the future”


“Historical figure: a feat in the fate of Russia”

Creative work

“The feat of Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky”


6th grade student Vlasenko Vladislav


The feat of Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky

Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky is one of the outstanding leaders of the liberation movement of the early 17th century. According to reviews of his contemporaries and according to historical documents, he was distinguished by justice and generosity, modesty and decency, courage and the ability to self-sacrifice. The main thing in his life was to protect his homeland from enemy invasions. This is a military duty, and he performed it conscientiously and honestly. The patriotic feat of Dmitry Pozharsky became a symbol of selfless service to the Fatherland.

Let's imagine Russian state V early XVII century. In the State of Troubles. Russia at this time fell into decline. Impostors, Lithuanians and Poles literally ravaged the country. When False Dmitry II tried to capture Kolomna, baptism of fire received by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. He belonged to an honorable noble family, was educated and purposeful. He was not indifferent to the fate of his state; the spirit of patriotism was strong in him!

Tired of the endless Troubles, Russia dreamed of firm power, but at that time there was no one to restore order in the state. The idea of ​​a people's militia came up.

“Orthodox people,” elder Kuzma Minin addressed the residents of Nizhny Novgorod, “we will not spare our bellies. We will mortgage our yards and liberate the Russian land...” Dmitry Pozharsky was asked to lead the army. There were legends about the generosity and generosity of the Grand Duke. Even though Pozharsky was seriously wounded, he agreed to be the leader. Dmitry realized all the responsibility for the fate of the state. He was a true patriot of his Motherland. The Nizhny Novgorod militia moved to liberate Moscow. Along the way, local peasants joined the militia, and the war became a people's war! The prince entered the city with his troops and surrounded the Kremlin. Here he founded his camp. Under siege, the Poles were deprived of provisions and experienced severe hunger. But Pozharsky’s offer to surrender was refused. An army of fifteen thousand came from Poland to help the enemy. On August 24, 1612, the Poles began to storm Dmitry’s fortress, he had to fight in unequal battle. Pozharsky saved most infantry and retreated. When Minin appeared on the horizon with reinforcements, a counterattack began. Some of the enemy troops retreated, while the other was trapped in Moscow. Two months later the Poles surrendered to the Russians. The liberation of Moscow, the heart of Russia, caused a powerful upsurge in the nationwide struggle against the invaders remaining on Russian territory.

With the liberation of Moscow, the Time of Troubles finally ended, and the Russian principalities united again. The reign of the Romanovs has begun! Dmitry Pozharsky is truly a national hero and liberator of Russia from Polish oppression!

12 years in Rus' Troubles. For 12 years, after the death of Ivan the Terrible, Rus' has been shaking as if in a fever. There has been no permanent ruler or government for 12 years. There is famine and crop failure in the country. Countless numbers of impostors and those simply wishing to take possession of the empty throne appear. A hundred years Crimean Tatars They didn’t attack, but they took advantage of the moment and reached Moscow and robbed everything along the way. Both Swedes and Poles come to claim the throne. Gangs of robbers are rampaging along the roads and forests. In such a situation, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky gathered to save the country.

Tsar Boris

After the death of Ivan IV, his sickly son Fyodor Ivanovich, married to Irina Godunova, occupied the throne for some time. A “guardian council” consisting of boyars works under him. But its members quickly quarrel among themselves. As a result, the queen's brother, Boris Godunov, gains great power. He is a statesman, but unlucky.

On his advice, Fedor exempts the nobles from paying duties, strengthens the status of the highest ranks of the church and, finally, improves the position of merchants and artisans by building new cities. Tsar Fedor, dying, has no children, and his younger brother Dmitry at mysterious circumstances dies in Uglich. There is no more Rurik dynasty. The Zemsky Sobor elects Boris Godunov as Tsar. A chain of accidents and patterns prevented the new king from founding a dynasty. The totality of events that occurred after this caused the feat of Minin and Pozharsky. Three years in Russia natural disasters and famine: rains flood the crops, early frosts destroy the harvest. There is a rumor going around the country that new king not pleasing to God. Many peasants flee to the south, retaining hatred for their former owners. The old Moscow nobility, jealous of Godunov, interferes with his actions in every possible way, and finally, the neighbors - the Poles and Swedes - perked up, seeing the country's weakness. They actively interfere in its affairs, sending troops to Rus'. This will subsequently determine the feat of Minin and Pozharsky as saviors of the Fatherland.

Who is the first contender for the throne?

An adventurer who appropriated the name of Tsarevich Dmitry who died in Uglich. Having promised the Polish king Sigismund III to bring Orthodox Rus' converted to Catholicism, I invaded Russian territory with troops.

He did not skimp on promises to give away Russian cities and lands to those who gave him money for the militia, and therefore gathered a significant army. Besides, luck was with him. Tsar Boris, who was preparing his replacement, died suddenly. But the young Tsarevich Fyodor Borisovich was weak and, as circumstances would show, did not retain the throne. The minions of False Dmitry I who entered Moscow will simply kill him.

And False Dmitry himself was afraid of the Russian boyars. Tsar Boris is no more, and he is superfluous.

The boyars themselves need power. Strengthening his position, he marries the Catholic Marina Mniszech, counting on the help of her father, the governor. An Orthodox Tsar and a Catholic woman are too much. This is the last straw, followed by the indignation of Muscovites. Subsequently, this will also cause the feat of Minin and Pozharsky.

Vasily Shuisky

From of the most ancient kind, listed in velvet books, he became a boyar tsar while they went to Moscow to save False Dmitry I. Shuisky’s supporters killed the Polish protege in the Kremlin chambers, buried him, but did not calm down, dug up the body and burned it. Vasily Shuisky was elected tsar. But Rus' did not become calmer. The south and southwest, favored by the impostor, did not swear allegiance to the new king. Moreover, there were rumors spread by Yuri Mnishek that Dmitry was alive, but the king’s double was killed. He ordered that he show up in Sambir new Dmitry, who will later be called both the second and the “Tushino thief.” It was sent from Moscow large army to suppress the southern rebellion. But more and more new detachments joined the rebels, and the royal army was defeated. The main task was to capture Moscow. Muscovites, realizing what kind of blood this threatened them with, united around Shuisky. A very precarious balance of power has arrived. The rebels, suffering defeat both near Kaluga and Tula, very much hoped for the appearance of the miraculously saved “Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich.” And if it were not for Minin and Pozharsky, the saviors of the Fatherland, who appeared later, it is unknown how this would have ended bloody history. Meanwhile, False Dmitry II began a campaign against Moscow. Bryansk, Karachev, Kozelsk - everything was in his power. He set up a camp in Tushino, not far from Moscow.

Its siege began. Muscovites began to starve. The people believed in the resurrected “good king”, and the cities of Vladimir and Pskov joined him. Marina Mnishek immediately recognized the new Dmitry as her husband.

However, a young relative of the tsar, a very gifted commander, with a pitiful detachment of 3,000 people, won victory after victory over the Polish-Lithuanian troops. The Polish king Sigismund himself was approaching Moscow, who intended to place his son on the Moscow throne. Not a country, but a bloodbath, and if it were not for Minin and Pozharsky, the saviors of the Fatherland, the Russian people would have suffered for a long time.

They would completely stop cultivating the land, trading, and leading a calm, peaceful life.

Conspiracy against Shuisky

The young winner was poisoned, and the Shuiskys began to suffer defeats. The king was overthrown and forcibly tonsured a monk. They seized power. They committed betrayal - they allowed Polish troops into Moscow and agreed that a Catholic would be the Orthodox king. At this time, False Dmitry II fled to Kaluga, where he was killed. The residents of Moscow did not want to see foreigners and wanted an Orthodox Tsar. The Poles, saving the situation, set Moscow on fire. The uprising against them was stopped.

Continued Russian losses

The Poles took besieged Smolensk, the Swedes took Novgorod lands and announced that the Swedish prince would be on the throne in Novgorod. In such conditions, in Nizhny Novgorod, the zemstvo elder (1568-1616) announced a collection of funds for the militia. But the merchants refuse him. Minin gathered the wives and children of merchants from the courtyards and suggested to the merchants that they ransom their households.

This trick is used to raise money for the militia. An experienced governor was also found - Prince Pozharsky (1578-1641).

Militia actions

The militia stayed in Yaroslavl for several months, preparing forces for a campaign against Moscow. The militia of Minin and Pozharsky was under threat. During this time, an assassin was sent to Prince Pozharsky. It was only by chance that the prince remained alive. Moscow is waiting for the militia forces. Minin and Pozharsky fight with the Poles on the streets of the city, knocking them out of the Kremlin and Kitai-Gorod. As a result, after stubborn fighting and a siege, the Poles in Moscow surrendered.

But the King hurries to Moscow and demands the throne for his son. Several battles, and the king failed and went to Poland. There remained a large rebellious detachment of Ataman Zarutsky, who became the third husband of Marina Mnishek, who retreated to Astrakhan, and then was defeated on the Yaik River and executed.

National heroes

If it had not been for the feat of Minin and Pozharsky, who, in short, saved the Russian land from enemies, it is unknown how long the bloodshed would have lasted, and how the situation would have developed in the future. political situation, which was extremely acute and tense, with large territorial losses: Zaporozhye, Smolensk, Chernigov, part of Karelia, access to the Gulf of Finland. The economic life of the country also fell into decline. It is unknown how many times intriguers of all stripes would want to seize Russian lands and turn the Russians themselves into obedient slaves. Prince Pozharsky gathered representatives to choose a new king, and after much debate he ascended the throne young Mikhail Romanov. was proclaimed a Duma nobleman. Prince Pozharsky was elevated from stolnik to boyar. Thus ended the turmoil.

About some historical figures It is customary to speak together, uniting them into a single whole. Herzen and Ogarev, Marx and Engels, Minin and Pozharsky. Without the last pair is unthinkable Russian history Time of Troubles.

The fugitive monk Grishka Otrepyev appeared under the name of Tsarevich Dmitry, becoming the first Russian impostor. After the murder of B. Godunov, Fyodor, his mother and Grishka himself, the second False Dmitry appeared. The country was in a deep dynastic crisis. Cities, including Moscow, were burned and destroyed, crime and looting flourished. The plight provoked the intervention of the Poles and Swedes.

Prince Pozharsky and his heroic role in history

Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky belonged to the Rurik family. During the reign of Boris Godunov he was a solicitor with a dress, False Dmitry - a steward. At the beginning of the 17th century he defended Kolomna and the outskirts of Moscow from bandits. While heroically fighting against the Poles who captured the capital in 1611, he was wounded. He was sent to the Nizhny Novgorod Puretsk volost for treatment. By order of Minin, ambassadors came here with an offer to lead the local militia, which rose up to defend Moscow. In response to this, Prince Pozharsky expressed the desire to have in him an elected person from the townspeople in the person of Minin.

Posad man Kuzma Minin is a heroic personality

Kuzma Zakharyevich Minin, popularly nicknamed Sukhoruk, was an ordinary person middle-income from Nizhny Novgorod. He sold meat without standing out in any way. Like other townspeople, he took part in military campaigns. However, from the autumn of 1611, the humble merchant became the main person in the city. A simple Russian person, grieving over the difficult fate of his fatherland and thinking about helping him, began to call for people to take care of Russia. He personally donated his funds to hire military men. Subsequently, it was Minin who was in charge of the treasury of the militia, providing the warriors with salaries and supplies. He was also a valiant warrior, having shown himself in the battle with Khodkevich near Moscow.

It was these two people who played a central role in the liberation of the fatherland from foreigners. Other detachments, dissatisfied with the invaders, joined the Nizhny Novgorod militia. Having pacified the riots in the Volga region, Pozharsky went to Moscow. In October 1612, Kitay-Gorod and the Kremlin were taken by storm. The Poles left the city, and Minin and Pozharsky became heroes of the nation.

Grateful descendants, using money raised by the whole world, erected a monument to the heroes on Red Square. At first, in 1818, it stood in the very center of the square. Then in 1930 it was moved to St. Basil's Cathedral.

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