
Don't rush to cry into your vest. Despite all your disappointments in love, the astral position of the celestial bodies is very favorable. Be patient.

If you are from the first ten days of the month, you need a rest in good company. Take advantage of every opportunity to make new and interesting friends!

Dedicate this evening to your close friends. Organize a trip to the city. Don't forget to turn off your phone: today you are at their complete disposal.

The stars advise demonstrating your sincere feelings towards your loved one.

Horoscope for tomorrow:

Finally, a happy day has come in your life, filled with new acquaintances. For single people, today is a day of big discounts.

Those born in the third ten days of the month should remain calm. Their nervousness can be detrimental to their health.

Tonight, have a mini-golf tournament with your friends or just play some video games. Time will fly by.

Advice? If you want to be with your loved one, forget about your personal freedom!

Horoscope for singles today, December 31, 2019

You ask why consult the Singles Horoscope? We all, sooner or later, meet our soulmate. Until this time, any person simply needs to be alone in order to better understand themselves, their tastes, and outlook on life. After which your heart and mind will tell you when to start a new path, but with a partner. It is during this period that moments of doubt arise: is my partner right for me? Will I be able to put aside my shyness? Will he love me the way I want? The Singles Horoscope will help answer these questions. Click here to get our Bachelor Horoscope tips!

The Bachelors' horoscope will tell you how to charm the person you like, and will arm you with astrological forecasts on how to spend your day or evening, depending on your zodiac sign and decade of birth. The Singles horoscope will help you overcome some of the difficulties that arise at the beginning of life together with your partner. The Singles horoscope is designed especially for you: it will really help you. If you are lonely and you are looking for answers to questions that interest you, read the Singles Horoscope immediately!

After consulting the Horoscope of Bachelors, you can deepen your knowledge of love by reading the section! You will discover the strengths of your relationship with your partner and will be able to find out how much your zodiac signs coincide with your partner. So what are you waiting for? Love is always new discoveries!

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On Monday, the stars in love affairs advise Capricorn not to go ahead, but to show maximum flexibility. If you find yourself with your loved one in a conflict or even just a sensitive situation, he should try to remain calm and not be offended in response. It’s better to defuse the tension with humor - on Monday it will be Capricorn’s faithful assistant and best weapon. By making your loved one laugh, Capricorn will see that the problem will disappear by itself.

On Tuesday, Capricorn should think about what is preventing him from moving forward in his relationship with his loved one. Perhaps something in the past is holding him back: old disappointments or old love? Capricorn should try to shake off this unnecessary burden from their shoulders in order to start living and loving for today. Only by living in the present can he create for himself the future he deserves!

On Wednesday, the stars advise Capricorn to express his feelings in some definite and old-fashioned way - for example, on paper. Does it seem to him that he and his loved one are constantly in touch - calling back throughout the day, sending humorous SMS or communicating via ICQ? But paper has special, almost magical properties. If Capricorn trusts her with his feelings on Wednesday, he will be able to verify this.

On Friday, Capricorn will have to be creative in order to improve relations with their loved one. Perhaps not long ago there was a conflict or serious misunderstanding between them, and although everything seems to be behind them, something is preventing them from moving on. On Friday, the stars will help Capricorn not only understand the origins of his love doubts and problems, but also find a creative, unconventional approach to them.

Saturday is not the right time for Capricorn to think about the problems of their love relationships, much less try to solve them. There is a high probability that if he starts doing this, neither problems nor relationships will be left unturned! So on Saturday, Capricorn needs to relax and let everything take its course. If there really is love between him and his chosen one, then sooner or later everything will work out by itself.

On Sunday in love, Capricorn will finally be able to see the first fruits of his efforts! Perhaps recently it has already begun to seem to him that everything is in vain and the goal is unattainable. However, Capricorn acted in the right direction and already on Sunday, if he is attentive, he will be able to see progress in his relationship with his loved one. The main thing is not to give up, to act, and the task that Capricorn has set for himself will be up to him.

Horoscope for the week from October 9 to October 15: This week there is a high probability of unexpected situations appearing in the life of Capricorns. The week is full of contradictions between many interesting plans and an unstable situation that will require them to constantly change. If Capricorns can cope with emerging events, then they will be able not only to get out of unpleasant situations, but also to attract the favorable glance of management and business partners, and ensure their good opinion.

Unexpected situations will arise not only in the professional, but also in the personal sphere of Capricorns. During this period, your support and help is very important for loved ones. The unstable situation this week will benefit lonely representatives of the sign. A variety of interesting acquaintances await them; many new faces will appear in life, who may be worthy of closer attention on your part. Capricorn: Weekly Horoscope
General characteristics of the horoscope

When compiling a weekly horoscope for Capricorn, a professional astrologer can spend his entire life on it. Making an astrological prediction can be compared to searching for the truth: decisions and calculations, after all, must be put into words that will be understood by everyone, and this can take a very long time. The weekly horoscope is popular for a reason: seven days is a complete weekly cycle, called a seven-day week, or work week, with its beginning and end, with days of varying intensity. Over the course of a week, a number of events occur that were planned in advance, as well as situations that suddenly befall a person. Weekly events, as a rule, have a well-traced pattern; many things flow into one another. A week is a real life cycle, only with a shortened period. The weekly horoscope for Capricorn is good because it gives a person time and opportunity to prepare for the expected events of the next week. In order for the horoscope to work and not remain just entertaining reading, you need to carefully read the phrases, trying on the situations described in it for yourself. In astrological prediction, it is not the meaning of the words that is important - what is important are the feelings that arise in a person when reading a horoscope.

Very often in life a person acts by inertia, or according to patterns accepted in society, without even trying to listen to inner feelings. Persistent stereotypes lead to the fact that a person is simply afraid to start acting differently than usual, and turns his life not into a unique gift, but into a faceless process of existence, devoid of creativity. It is more convenient and easier to act “like everyone else” - if something happens, you can remove all the blame from yourself and justify your failures by saying that “everyone does it this way.” Actions according to a template do not need to be explained to others - they do not distinguish a person from the general mass of people and do not make his life original and unique. But life gives a person many chances, many of which remain unrealized. A person can try himself on a new path - the builder of his own destiny - by regularly reading the weekly horoscope for Capricorn, and following the minimum recommendations and advice that are given in it. In this case, a grand discovery awaits a person: the minimum of actions that are proposed to be performed within seven days can radically change one’s destiny, make life richer and more interesting, and give a person a complete sense of one’s own uniqueness, self-confidence and freedom.

Even if you don't know what awaits you this week, you still need to make plans for the coming days. To some extent, you will be able to influence the situation and turn it in your favor. And even a small foundation for important things will be a great start for more promising projects in the future.

Capricorn Man

The period will come to make your desires come true. If you are looking for a job, do not despair - you will find it. And if you want to have a vacation on the seashore, where there is a lot of sun and warmth, then this will not be a problem for you. Everything will depend only on your decisions. Be responsible and reasonable.

Capricorn Woman

You will have to trust your first impression, since all other thoughts may turn out to be very unfair to your loved one. You will have to hear a lot of approving words and support addressed to you this week. You will look good and get along well with people.

All in your hands. And how good this week will be depends only on you. Try to fill this week with positive emotions and joyful events.

General weekly horoscope for Capricorn

Issues of maintaining reputation for Capricorns may come to the fore this week. Attempts to discredit you secretly or openly are not excluded. Keep your distance from government officials. If you are running a business, there may be checks and audits. Motorists may suffer penalties. Public people may face defamatory publications in the media and on the Internet. Don’t give a reason to ill-wishers, stay in the shadows. The second half of the week is favorable for career advancement and the settlement of relationships with influential people. An influential patron may support you. This is a good time for executives - the decisions you make will be effective and accurate. Not a bad time for those who engage in spiritual practices, study and use yoga and autogenic training. Internal composure and self-discipline will help you resolve issues.

Weekly love horoscope for Capricorn

A “moment of truth” awaits Capricorn lovers. Relationships with a foreigner or with a person who has been absent for a long time may become clearer. The achievement of the week may be overcoming an obstacle that has long prevented you from reuniting. It can end in disappointment if your views differ too much, or if a key point was hopelessly missed by both. It is worth fighting for happiness if there is unity of temperaments, hobbies and beliefs. There may be doubts, but by the end of the week you will successfully overcome them.

Weekly career and financial horoscope for Capricorn

In the first half of the week, Capricorns are advised to pay maximum attention to compliance with the law and official instructions. Increased attention to your work from the fiscal authorities may lead to the detection of violations. Don't let yourself get caught, don't give reasons for penalties. The second half of the week favors leaders and managers. You may receive important information that will make your decisions more effective.

The most accurate love and financial horoscope for Capricorn for the week

Read the most truthful and most accurate Capricorn weekly horoscope: Capricorn weekly love horoscope, Capricorn weekly financial and business horoscope, Capricorn weekly horoscope for free. True Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Capricorn's heart is like a stone on Monday. Even the most heartfelt passionate message or desperate declaration of love is unable to evoke almost any emotion in him. In order not to offend loved ones with his coldness, Capricorn should be more attentive to their requests and suggestions. On Monday, you should not shy away from frank conversations with your loved ones - an attempt to do this may cause resentment or even conflict. In addition, the horoscope is unfavorable for first dates and new acquaintances, so Capricorn, who is in search, better reconsider his romantic plans for this evening.

Tuesday, December 31

On Tuesday, the love affairs of a close friend or relative of Capricorn may require his intervention. Perhaps you have to become a vest for tears, an adviser, or even a truce between two loving parties in a state of conflict. What to do: Friendship comes with obligations. The horoscope does not recommend Capricorn to take sides; try to remain objective. In the personal life of Capricorn himself, everything promises to be without surprises. Free Capricorn can try to renew an old connection, even if it did not end very well: on Tuesday, at least you will be listened to.

Wednesday, January 1

Wednesday is the day for Capricorn when it’s time to leave the room, so that, as they say in fairy tales, “to see people and show yourself.” Don't trust Brodsky and don't be afraid to make a mistake! Go where your soul takes you - to a crowded bar or to a quiet park. It is there that Capricorn will be able to find the necessary inspiration and surge of energy, and maybe even meet a like-minded person with whom he will begin an affair. There are days when just one tiny change (like going outside) transforms your entire life. On Wednesday, the horoscope promises fateful changes for Capricorn - try not to miss them!

Thursday, January 2

Capricorn on Thursday has a chance to feel like in Pelevin’s books - the concentration of absurdity and absurdity can go off scale, conspiracy theories line up one after another... From Capricorn’s point of view, his loved one is behaving either suspiciously or not too adequately, which can lead to to outbursts of jealousy and clarification of the relationship with the chosen one on this day. The horoscope promises an end to this carnival of absurdities as soon as Capricorn realizes that he himself is the source of strangeness and suspicion. On Thursday, Capricorn vitally needs to sleep well, eat plenty and stop pushing himself in an effort to complete all the tasks in the world. Relax, switch gears, and your personal life will improve!

Friday, January 3

On Friday, the horoscope stars do not advise Capricorn to make romantic plans for the evening in advance, as they may be disrupted by some unexpected events and even obstacles. For example, a pre-planned love date will fall through, or Capricorn at a party will not be able to meet anyone. However, if Capricorn moves forward on Friday, no matter what, he will be able to overcome the trend of this day. The main thing is that Capricorn adheres to the motto “Everything will be fine”, does not give up and does not give in to emotions. Optimism, determination and self-confidence are the key to Capricorn’s victories in love!

Saturday, January 4

On Saturday, Capricorn may have butterflies fluttering in his stomach all day, fireworks exploding in his head, and a rollicking melody playing in his thoughts! All this can make it very difficult to concentrate on business, but it will bring excitement and sparks of electricity into relationships with the opposite sex. Well, Capricorn is a bright personality, and his soul asks for a holiday on Saturday! The horoscope calls for restraining spontaneous desires until free time arrives - a good mood should not prevent Capricorn from solving current affairs. But in the evening, you can have a lot of fun, letting yourself be carried away by a passionate whirlpool of feelings, desires and bright emotions!

Sunday, January 5

Even if Capricorn wants to hide in a quiet love nest on Sunday, friends and relatives will most likely demand his attention, so a tete-a-tete evening with his other half is hardly possible. There is only one way out - try to unite everyone into a big company. This will help bring people who are dear to Capricorn closer together: on Sunday he will subtly sense the mood of others and will be perfectly able to direct communication in the right direction. The horoscope on this day also does not advise Capricorn, who is in a romantic search, to become a recluse, so as not to miss a fateful meeting!

If marriages really are made in heaven, then on Monday Capricorn will have a chance to check it out! If he is single and ready for a new relationship, on Monday fate can bring him together with his soulmate at any moment - even when he is not expecting it at all. Therefore, so that Cupid’s love arrows do not take Capricorn by surprise, it is a good idea to be “fully armed” all day. Even at home, he needs to try to look seductive, and in the evening he needs to go out somewhere in full dress. Fate is fate, and as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone.

On Tuesday and in the near future, the stars advise Capricorn to be more careful with spending. Of course, saving is not the most romantic topic in the world, but now without it it will be difficult for him to save money for what Capricorn and his loved one dream of doing. Whether we are talking about a joint vacation, dinner at a restaurant, or renting an apartment, Tuesday is the time for Capricorn to take the first step towards this by discussing the practical side of the issue with his partner. Otherwise, joint plans will remain only in dreams.

On Wednesday, the stars advise Capricorn to do household chores with their loved one - clean up together, cook dinner, dismantle a shelf on the mezzanine. Perhaps housework may not seem like a very romantic task, but it’s enough to approach them creatively, and they will bring many pleasant and fun moments! Capricorn may find a small treasure in his apartment on Wednesday: old and long-forgotten things from his childhood. Broken toys and faded photographs will tell a Capricorn's partner more about him than a thousand words.

On Thursday, the stars urge Capricorn to pay attention to relationships that for some reason did not work out for him. Perhaps it was a date gone wrong. Or a meeting after which an acquaintance never called back. Or maybe we are talking about a loved one with whom Capricorn broke up? In any case, if, having failed, he would like to return this person to his life, on Thursday it makes sense to remind him of himself. Don't be afraid to take risks! Perhaps he feels the same as you, but is afraid to take the first step?

On Friday, Capricorn, in a conversation with the person he loves, is capable of being in the most disheveled feelings! Capricorn may not feel too confident, while fearing that this uncertainty is evident and does not characterize him from the best side. However, on Friday you shouldn’t try to put on an impassive mask - it still won’t work. Capricorn needs to be as he is. His weakness is his weapon, with which he can conquer even the most impregnable fortress.

On Saturday, Capricorn should keep his eyes and ears open to the most unconventional ideas coming from outside! He can find the answer to a question that he has been thinking about a lot lately only if he considers all points of view and options. Perhaps a loved one will suggest a ready-made solution to Capricorn on Saturday. The main thing is not to immediately say “no” to him, no matter how strange or unacceptable it may seem to him. Most likely, the partner’s proposal will contain a rational grain.

On Sunday, the stars encourage Capricorn to engage in introspection, using past relationships as an example. He should try to answer the question: what went wrong in them and at what point? What did he do right, and what (if there was such an opportunity) would he like to change in his actions? After this, Capricorn must return to today: does his relationship with his loved one resemble that past situation? If there is a similarity, then Capricorn can draw a conclusion about how to proceed.

Capricorns are like red wine, they can improve with age when the inner stiffness disappears. At first, they are alienated from people due to a distant connection with instincts. They resist infatuation out of fear of loss and suffering. Capricorns want a minimum of pleasure because of a minimum of pain, but a mask of icy indifference can hide the most painful passions that are suppressed in order to avoid submission to the feelings. The consequence is breakdowns of various forms. Some Capricorns try to fill the inner emptiness with a thirst for power and collecting, others retreat into silence or nervous quirks, and sometimes become physically ill in the desert of selfishness and stinginess. Others, accepting such a fate, live unhappily in solitude, as if indifference were the natural human condition, or pretend to be reconciled to fate, proclaiming their loneliness as proof of their spiritual merits, hiding dogmatism and bilious corrosiveness under a cover of false kindness. Others may be susceptible to memories of past losses and refuse to forgive betrayals. They are faithful, loyal and live inconsolable, sad and deeply vulnerable lives. Many Capricorns can live alone, without love, almost until they are 45-50 years old, then they open up, submit to everything they fought against and rejected, and give themselves entirely to it. Many Capricorn men are misogynists and remain old bachelors. If they look at a woman, they look for honesty, reliability, completeness, usually among colleagues in their circle. More often they prefer an older woman, preferably with money, not capricious, who would be calm, maintain order well and spend little. They don’t allow scandals, they don’t get divorced. His wife will never know about his lady love. On the other hand, there is no better companion for a woman in old age than him. Capricorn women are sometimes very hard-hearted. They hate the role of a housewife, prefer to make a career and achieve independence rather than get carried away by a seductive romance, and often remain cold in the arms of a partner. They get married for financial and social reasons. Some of them have a Cinderella complex; they want to be loved because they consider themselves attractive enough. Other Capricorns are calm and attractive wives. If a Capricorn lover is unlucky, he can reconcile. The remoteness of instincts serves as his internal weapon. Capricorns suffer less than other signs. Emotionally, Capricorn should look for Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and collaboration with Scorpio is especially good. Gemini and Cancer should be avoided.

Psychosexual horoscope of Capricorns

Under the influence of Saturn, Capricorn is sexually shy and reserved. Saturn is a slow planet, completing the first cycle of the zodiac in 29.5 years, and Capricorn is similar to it. Capricorn's sex life can be divided into three periods.

Youth years. At this time, he is very reserved regarding sex, prefers to think more about his studies and profession. Like people of the opposite sign - Cancer - Capricorns can be shy, but behind their calm appearance lies a strong passion. Their passion is not as open and free as Scorpio's, but restrained and disguised. Capricorn's sexual impulses are not regulated by their love object. Capricorn is an earth sign, his desires are realistic and practical.

In the second period of Capricorn's sexual life (let's say, from the age of thirty), they usually achieve some success in business. And then, already more confident, they begin to experiment in the field of sex. Afraid that they might lose a lot of precious time, they try to catch up with their astrological brothers and sisters and really let loose. Capricorn men rarely have the alluring mannerisms of Aries and the sexual dynamism of Gemini. But they feel calm in the financial world, they know the price of affection and what they want to pay with. And they approach love affairs from the position of money and power. Capricorn does not know how to act out beautiful love, does not know how to flatter, although he is smart enough to outwardly somehow formalize his interest, for example, sending flowers, sweets, theater tickets. In a relationship with the woman he loves, he relies on his status and dignity, hoping that this will earn her approval. He pursues women the same way he would pursue a promotion. If he is also handsome, then the woman will definitely hope that she has found her ideal. But let's be honest - Capricorn is not the most passionate lover. He is quite lustful, but cold and reserved and is unable to create a romantic atmosphere of love.

In the third period, Capricorn shows itself. After forty years, he usually achieves long-awaited prosperity and decides to destroy the façade of moderation and restraint in his sexual life. To sum it all up, we can understand that very few people achieve harmony between the romantic and sexual aspects of their personality; these two areas collide all the time.

Non-sexual maneuvers of the zodiac sign Capricorn

To say that Capricorns are adept at non-sexual manners is to underestimate them. Because Capricorn invented non-sexual manners. If we were to determine which sign the luckiest people were born under, we would find that the largest percentage of them are born under the sign of Capricorn, followed by Cancer in second place. An ambitious Capricorn man in an isolated world of business and secret love affairs. Non-sexual behavior of a Capricorn is always associated with the price that Capricorn offers. Capricorns are very patient and can wait a long time to get what they want, in other words, they can “wait out” the competition. Capricorn women are no less adept at non-sexual maneuvers. They need their husbands to succeed in business, their friends to cater to their desires, their relatives to support them in all activities. They are tireless workers. When they are involved in non-sexual intrigues, they are extremely cautious and reserved.

How to please Capricorn

First of all, you need to remember that the romantic aspect in a relationship with Capricorn rarely lasts more than three months (a long enough time to strengthen the relationship). Then sex. The aspect will be reduced to simple necessity. Capricorns need to be able to brush aside the cold embrace of Saturn and show everyone that red blood still flows in their veins.

Economics of love for the zodiac sign Capricorn

Capricorns usually know the price of everything, they often buy things in advance, and sex is also on this list. Capricorns seem to have a strong sense of inferiority and therefore they manage to acquire money as compensation, as power over what they simply cannot achieve - over love. A large percentage of Capricorns live to a ripe old age and occupy good positions in recent years. And they use this power mercilessly, but they rarely do it openly; they do not like to be the center of attention. But they want and will act in their own way. It seems that they are trying to make up for lost time in their teenage years.

The most suitable partners for the zodiac sign Capricorn

Until the age of 29.5, Capricorn should look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Taurus and Virgo. All three are earth signs. The relationship between them is easy and a little passive, but usually stable. After 29.5 years they begin to lose their restraint and become less strict. Here they are often compatible with the sign of Aquarius and Scorpio. Aquarius teaches them to be noble and kind, to look at life humanely. However, Scorpio is the best choice because... They are smart and cunning, business Capricorns admire them. After 41.5 years, Capricorns usually achieve their goals and the heights of their minds. They are then often compatible with the sign of Pisces, the other "self-sacrificing" sign that brings spirituality to Capricorn.

Assessing the fidelity of the zodiac sign Capricorn

In their younger years - good, especially before the age of 30, at this time they are modest and take care of business. In marriage - very good, up to 35 years. Saturn, the ruling planet, forces people of this sign to walk the narrow path of fidelity. However, they are always a little reserved.

Erotic horoscope and compatibility of Capricorns

Capricorn woman

Those born under this sign are often tormented by contradictions between her desires and the possibility of satisfying them. She is erotic and amorous, but at the same time strict in maintaining external decency. Because of this, her passion often does not find a way out, which can be the cause of numerous complexes. Men strive for her, feeling a desirable partner, but remain perplexed when they encounter the virtuous image she created. The attraction that accumulates in her from time to time crushes all barriers, and she rushes headlong into a short adventure, throwing away her principles and striking her partner with temperament and sophistication. During her marriage, the horns of Capricorn often go to her husband. Tormented by remorse, she again takes the path of virtue, but her temperament again seeks a way out. In old age, such women turn into withdrawn and grumpy old women.

Capricorn man

Capricorn tends to clearly define his aspirations. He is a realist and always correctly finds the way to the goal. In relationships with women, he almost always achieves success. But this does not at all characterize him as a collector. The object of his passion is also the object of worship. He remains faithful to him for a long time, he knows how to listen to a woman’s erotic experiences. Sex for him is always colored by feeling, which is very highly valued by women. Capricorn is closed and carries his erotic secrets within himself. But he is able to open up and show all the passion of his nature. Attempts to persuade him to marry often do not lead to any result. His personal independence is dear to him; he creates a family only if he himself comes to such a decision. In marriage, he becomes an excellent father, and his attraction to his wife intensifies even more over time. Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces are ideal for you. To a greater or lesser extent, Aries, Cancer, Libra are suitable for you. Aquarius and Leo are contraindicated and definitely not suitable for you.

Support in the life of Capricorns

These women believe that success is the result of hard work and sacrifice. They don't nag their husbands for slow promotions. They not only love success, but also work for it, are thrifty and economical. Extraordinarily hardworking.

Life partners of the zodiac sign Capricorn

According to the proverb “To love is to rule the world,” when we fall in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology, the most important role in love is played by Venus - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The Sun in a woman's horoscope indicates the man who is preferred; in a man's horoscope, the Moon plays a similar role. The position of Saturn in relation to the Moon is associated with divorce. CAPRICORN - blooms late, but retains its charm until old age. He is practical in everything, even in love. Having many novels, it is difficult to fall in love. Very critical, the choice is often successful. Capricorns cannot stand being alone. Women are Capricorns. They are not easily confused and will not succumb to charm and flattery alone. They strive to have influential and practical husbands. Capricorn husbands are reliable, although they often strive for autocracy in their home. They have difficulty expressing feelings. They lack any hint of romanticism. They are too laconic and you won’t hear any praise or approval from them. Many Capricorn husbands believe that they express their love by supporting their family, and their wives by cooking and cleaning the apartment. Capricorn has a great need for stability. As a rule, they are stingy, save money, adhere to all kinds of conventions, and do not like extravagance either in clothing or in thoughts. They converge with Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Difficult - with Aries, Cancer, Libra.