Love You To Bits (LYtB)
By: Alike Studio

This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, solutions, and answers for the iOS and Android point-and-click adventure game Love You to Bits by Alike Studio. It includes all collectibles. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.

Note: The new levels are out! Scroll down to see them!

Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 (Cosmic Break-up, A Slimy Future, A Hero for All Seasons, Stuck in Time, in Time, in Time…, Matter of Perspective):

Level 1 — Make sure to grab the record off to the right.

Level 2 — While in the sewers, pull the skeleton out from the left and then take the necklace from it. The other is on the right side of the sewers.

Level 3 — The WANTED posted is inside the wheelbarrow full of leaves after you place both piles of leaves inside it. The second item is in the picnic basket.

Level 4 — One item lands in the garage after the spaceship explodes. The other one has gotten by turning off the scarecrow projector, letting the birds land, then turning it on again to scare them away so they drop a pen.

Level 5 — The coffee mug can be grabbed after using the lower left lever to rotate it so it’s upside-down and can be reached from underneath. The hourglass is inside the box above the bells. You need to ring them in this order to open it: middle, right, left.

Levels 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 (An Alien in the Playground, A Dungeon in Panels, A Shady Factory, The Quantic Library, Hide and Peek)

Level 6 — The dress is in the trash. The umbrella can be found on the second screen after you get the robot part.

Level 7 — One of them can be reached by using the lever to release two barrels and then climbing on them to reach it. The other can be found at the end of the level inside one of the skulls.

Level 8 — One can be found at the very beginning of the level if you just walk right. The other two are at the end of chains you can pull down. Be careful, though — one of them will be out of reach after a certain point.

Level 9 — For the moon, you need to rotate the painting upside-down so you can pull the cord on the box to the right and release the moon. Then rotate the painting back upright so you can grab the moon. The blanket is in the safe by the fireplace. Use the magic want to turn the owl into a potted plant. Then open the book to the right to water the plant to get the key to open the safe.

Level 10 — The seashell is in the well. After you use it to fill the bucket, lower the book again and it will pull up a seashell. The furby is under the nest on the roof. You need to tap each egg to hatch them first.

Levels 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 (Multiverse Bar, Yb Seog Emit Sa, The Big Bang Room, Time Goes Ape, R.A.M. Robots At Midnight):

Level 11 — The slinky is inside the sausage crate in the basement. The telescope is in the basement, too high to reach. You need to pile two pillows onto the cart and then climb on them.

Level 12 — The sword is inside the bush near the grumpy old man in the upper right corner of the screen. The painting is underground. You reach it by digging in the spot where the pink creature was after he leaves.

Level 13 — One is hidden so you only see it when you get close to the branch that sticks out on the left. The other can only be found at the end of the level. Climb up the right side and throw two snowballs at the forest creature. Then climb the left side and throw another snowball to make him drop the item.

Level 14 - This one is super annoying. Possibly the worst in the game? But both items can be found around the same time. First, pay attention to when the bunch of bananas appears in the leaves on the lower left of the screen. You can climb down there from the upper left of the screen. There’s an item inside the bananas. The other is inside the grass/bush where the barking creature stands guard. There’s a point where basically everyone’s gone and it’s quiet. The creature will run off for just a little bit. You need to grab the item from the bush at that moment.

Level 15 — The first one can only be found at the beginning of the level. After the guard kicks you into the trash, have him do it two more times before you pick up the box. You’ll knock a globe out of the trash on the third time. The other item can only be found at the very end. The bird is holding it. You need to rewire the street lamp a few times to get the bird to drop it.

Levels 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20 (Arcade Escape, Me, Myself and My Clones, Polterheist, Back and Forths, Assemble the Temple):

Level 16 — One is found by buying lots of gumballs until a blue thing falls out of it. Pick it up! The other is at the very end, after you use the three tickets. The guy upstairs near the broken ticket machine will run off screen. Go to the machine where he was standing and get the tickets from the machine. Use them to get the crown.

Level 17 — When controlling the fat clone for the main puzzles, stand on the second floor all the way to the left to make the pocket watch fall. Then pick it up after using the original guy. For the other item, use the grabber at the end of the level.

Level 18 – One is on the roof, hidden in the dark. The other is the lava lamp that appears near the fire escape that leads to the basement.

Level 19 — One item is found by changing the machine on the left to the nuclear symbol and pulling the lever. When you time travel again, there will be a man-eating plant, but it will only eat the flies. You can pass it to get the item. The other one is in the attic. You need to move all the boxes left when they’re empty and lower the tire swing so you can then use it to get up to the broken ladder.

Level 20 — The first one is found right away by arranging the monkeys on the rocks and hitting the banana tree so the banana hits the ground. Pick it up and give it to the king to get a crushed soda can. The other one, ice cream, can be annoying to get. The three statues in the jungle scene represent the three columns in the temple. Each one has a symbol under it for air, mountain, or water. If you look at each animal on the three totems, one has fish, another has winged animals, and the third has mountain animals. So the totem with fish (bat room) should be set to one, the one with flying creatures (rock giant room) should be set to two, and the one with mountain animals (dragon room) should be set to three. Then you should be able to get the ice cream in the jungle.

Levels 21, 22 & 23 (Trapped in the Lab, The Colossal Statue, The Worm Hotel):

Level 21 — One item can be missed if you don’t make a change early on. When you have access to a weird machine that changes the colors of four dots, it seems pointless. But if you change it to three orange dots and one green, you’ll be able to get a game console in another room later. The other one is a sudoku book you get by kicking over the garbage can after all hell has broken loose.

Level 22 — For the rotating discs puzzle, this is the order to press the switches:

Another one is found by standing on the platform near where you found the bird, until all lights on the other platform below turn on. And the last one is found at the very end of the level, after the statue crumbles. Climb down the big ladder to find it.

Level 23 – The bonsai tree is in the dark room in the hotel. But you can only get it if you pick it up before turning on the lights! The second one is inside the ice machine. And the last one is in the treasure chest at the end of the level when you get back on the ship and the monkey’s running around.

Levels 24, 25 & 26 (A Lively Deadworld, Nest in the Forest, An Adventure in Black and White):

In Level 25, this is how the mushrooms should look before you jump on them:

And for the frogs in the cave, use the colored etchings on the outside of the cave together with the dots above the bear to figure out the right order. It goes yellow, blue, purple, green, pink.

Level 24 — The first one is at the end of the level. U se the fishing rod a few times to get it. The other is a wand, and you need to climb up all the way to the upper right corner of the screen and turn the handle to make the wand come up out of the toilet. Turn it again to shut the water, then climb down and get the wand.

Level 25 – Get the paper airplane by pulling on the worm all the way to the left. Get the sunglasses by making the frogs croak two or three more times, then walking all the way to the right to find them. And last, get the kite by jumping on the mushrooms at the end of the level, then pulling up the one the guy is standing on so he drops the kite.

Level 26 — The first one, a backpack, can be found by pulling the boat’s horns in the order of left, left, right, left, as seen from the arrows in the barn. The second one, a fishing rod, is in a cave underwater, which you can only access after you pull the treasure chest up.and the last one is a roller skate that you get by climbing up on the roof of the barn and going right so you slip into the windmill. Do this three times to get the item.

Levels 27, 28 & The End (A Mall of Zombies, The Last Piece & The End):

In level 28, this is the order to pull the levers:

And this is the matching memory game:

In level 27, you get the flashlight in the Sports Zone by using the basketball in the cannon after using the teddy bear head.

The other two items are only available after picking up the robot leg. Go back outside to get the sticky notepad.

For the other, you need to go back to the Coffee Time cafe to grab a coin. Then insert the coin in the ride and a zombie will get distracted by it. Go through the Toyland toy store wall back to the Bross clothing store, leave through the door and get the hat by the car. Now you should have all three of them!

In level 28, press the button below the giant dinosaur head near the end of the level, then walk back all the way to the beginning to pick up the book of memories.

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Love You to Bits, a popular arcade game on iOS, has finally come out on Android. True, it’s not entirely official yet, the game has not yet reached Google Play, but it can already be downloaded and installed on third-party sites. For example, here:

What is Love You to Bits?

Love You to Bits is a kawaii love story between a human and a robot, or more precisely between a human guy and a robot girl. During their journey through the wilds of space, they were attacked by some adversaries. As a result of the treacherous attack, an explosion occurred, which is why the protagonist’s beloved was broken into several parts and scattered across different planets.

Now our hero has to visit each world and, with the help of his resourcefulness, collect all the parts of his mechanical girl in order to bring her to life again. This is the premise of Love You to Bits.

The characters' pasts will be told through special manga-style inserts. After passing key levels of the game, we will be told about the intricacies of the relationship between the robot girl and the main character. They will talk about how the robot girl was created and how they met. The story is touching, reminiscent of the immortal Machinarium.

In terms of gameplay, Love You to Bits is reminiscent of the great game Tiny Thief. Here, too, there is a two-dimensional world and approximately the same control scheme. That is, this is a typical platformer where you need to click on certain interactive zones, collect objects, and interact with various devices. NPCs in locations are also interactive, you can interact with them. Often, it is NPCs that become the main obstacle on the way to new parts of the robot girl.

Complex puzzles complete the picture. Love You to Bits will feature a lot of logical puzzles and intricate quest-style puzzles.

There are a huge number of games, but only a few are truly amazing among them. They are born with violent reluctance and extremely rarely. This is very bad, but here you can find positive aspects: when you encounter such games, you remember them in the most incredible way, since they are able to give cool emotions from the gameplay. This is exactly what happened with the game or, and this is exactly what will happen with the game Love You To Bits, which recently appeared in the App Store.

The plot of the game is deeply imbued with tragedy and romance. Love You To Bits is about two lovers named Cosmo and Nova. In their free time, they loved to ride on their spaceship, cutting through interplanetary space at high speed. On one of these days, they were destined to survive a merciless attack by aliens. The lovers almost managed to escape from their pursuers, but a vile ray of death pierced the defenses of the ship and blew a good part of it, as they say, to hell.

The guy escaped with a slight fright, but his girlfriend was a little less lucky - on the spaceship Cosmo managed to find only her head, but everything else flew away in an unknown direction. The heroes of the story were unearthly creatures, at least Nova was a robot, and their love was appropriate. It was this great feeling that forced the surviving protagonist to gather all his will into a fist and go in search of parts of his beloved’s body. They are scattered across various planets and getting them will not be so easy.

Each planet is a separate and distinct level, and somewhere within it there is one of the components of Nova: it could be an arm, a leg, or some kind of mechanism, without which no robot can exist. To complete the level, it is enough to find a part of the body, but that is not all that is hidden in the location. The game has a huge number of accessories and items that belong to lovers, with which they have the warmest feelings. If you dare to look for these items, you will be rewarded with a touching video for each of them. These videos are truly amazing and can tap into deep emotions.

What makes this game stand out is not the complexity of the proposed puzzles and logical tasks. With this, everything is simple here - there is a lot of interactivity in Love You To Bits, all objects available for interaction are highlighted, which greatly simplifies the gameplay. This game is amazing thanks to its visual and graphical implementation: each level is unique and different from the others, and the soundtrack written for the game is generally beyond praise. The game costs only 299 rubles, and the developers also promise free replenishment of levels in the near future.

Name: Love You To Bits
Publisher/Developer: Alike Studio
Price: 299 rub.
In-App Purchases: Yes
Compatibility: Universal application

Relatively recently, a new travel game with a lot of puzzles and puzzles appeared in the Apps Store - Love you to bits, which has a simple interface, simple tasks and exciting puzzles. Love Every Bit of You is a sci-fi toy with a point-and-click interface that makes it easy to control characters. It's free today, free until the middle of next week.

The essence of the game is to help the explorer of the universe - Cosmo, who is looking for his beloved Nova. The task becomes more difficult when the robot girl falls apart and scatters into space, and Cosmo must collect every element of her to restore love. Therefore, the main character will have to defeat aliens, find new objects and planets, open levels, and learn about the history of Cosmo and Nova.

4 arguments to download the game Love you to bits

If you want to have a fun time, admire the cute interface and take part in restoring the relationship between lovers, then you should download Love you to bits. In addition, the toy offers you:

  • exploring new planets and completing puzzles at each level, meeting bizarre creatures;
  • visual effects, sound and a true love affair with special effects;
  • the opportunity to collect a collection of souvenirs dedicated to the love of Cosmo and Nova;
  • constant updates and the emergence of new levels without additional in-app purchases;

You can download the game only; it will be released for Android and Win a little later.

To make the game enjoyable and go faster, you should use a couple of simple tricks. It's so important to collect every element along the way, solve puzzles and activate switches. Next, follow every detail that ultimately leads to the Nova part. Explore every corner of the universe to discover new planets, get souvenirs, and understand the love story of robots.

Most of the levels take place on the territory of a small planet, in interaction with funny creatures. As for the gameplay, the player only has to move objects in the right direction and thus move to new levels. But the difficulty lies in the fact that some objects are behind the back of the big slug and then you need to figure out how to get around it.

Despite the simplicity of the tasks and the small number of levels, the game will appeal to all those who love arcade games and love stories. And the funny music and great interface will be remembered for a long time!


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10 Responses

    Is the image walkthrough for “A Mall of Zombies” done yet??


    • Working on it as we speak! Videos should be up very soon with images close to follow.

    This is so helpful! Pictures with descriptions and video?! Best walk through ever. Thanks so much!

    Thank you so much for this walk through! Super helpful when I got stuck c:

    (People need to chill, you’ve done an incredible job with this)

    Thank you, I love this guide:D good luck

    • I had THE hardest time locating the walkthrough as well. The author neglected to tell us where to find the walkthroughs in the actual Overview post so I was going back and forth between here and the overview not seeing any links to any walkthrough. So anyway, John, on the “Overview” page, scroll down a bit farther after the post (if you're on your phone) until you see a blue box that says “More” and below that is a navigational menu of the levels …he put each level on a separate page so just look for the level you want by name and click on its box. If you're viewing the Overview page on your computer, the navigational menu of levels is to the right of the post (which I initially thought was just a list of other games because that's usually what other game sites do…its unclear that those are actual levels of Love You To Bits). Vladimir, you should say clearly in your post on the Overview page that you listed the walkthroughs as a navigational menu, with EACH level having its OWN walkthrough page then DIRECT us to that menu by saying where on the overview page it is. The way you’ve done it makes it look like links are to other games rather than the walkthroughs; our eye just passes over them without knowing those are the actual levels. Either that, or link each walkthrough CLEARLY in the ACTUAL POST proper so people don’t need to scroll around the page looking for a link to the walkthrough. Even when I was on my laptop, it wasn’t clear that was navigational menu to the actual walkthroughs. You need to direct the reader to it, not just say “The walkthrough is complete” and leave it at that. Hope that helped, John...maybe you found them already but it seems all of us had a hard time locating the walkthroughs so Vladimir, you should really think of changing it to make it much more CLEAR.

  1. Wow. What a great walk through. I’m so glad you completed it, uploaded it, and linked to it from here! Where would we be without it? Can you imagine someone just posting an article saying “the walk through is complete” without actually posting a walk through? Because that would just be cruel.

    • Welcome to the world of SEO where to be noticed you need to structure your content as “posts” with a date. The walkthrough uses pages, which is hell on search engines/discover-ability and this post serves a landing page for readers. Granted, it could be better. I'll try to clean it up.