Danko and his wife Natalya broadcast the entire trip to the Chinese medicine center and the procedure itself on social networks. “We are going for acupuncture. To prick this baby. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a little bit of a mosquito biting and flying away,” Natalia said on the way to the doctor.


At the same time, the woman tenderly held her daughter Agatha in a backpack attached to her. Danko helped his wife in everything: he put shoe covers on her feet and calmed the excited baby. During the procedure, the girl, surrounded by the care of her parents, remained very calm. Immediately after acupuncture, the baby fell asleep.

“This is the best remedy in the world today. We are telling you this as people who have studied a thousand doctors over three years. By the way, the needles are stuck all the way to the brain,” StarHit quotes Danko.

According to Natalya, after several procedures, positive changes are visible. Agatha began to smile. In turn, the doctor promised to do everything to ensure that the baby starts developing normally for her age.

The singer's fans were shocked by the courage of the girl who never cried. "Agatha is beautiful and smart!! 😍😍😍 And how much strength and patience she has! 😘😘😘 Everything will be fine with you!!! Happiness to your family, and a speedy recovery for Agatha!!! You are wonderful parents!!! Agatha is a beauty and a smart girl!! 😍😍😍 And how much strength and patience she has! 😘😘😘 Everything will be fine with you!!! Happiness to your family, and a speedy recovery for Agatha!!! You are wonderful parents,” wrote one of Danko’s subscribers (here and further the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved – editor’s note).

Let us recall that three years ago Alexander Fadeev, performing under the pseudonym Danko, had a second daughter. Doctors immediately diagnosed cerebral palsy and reported that the girl would not be able to live a full life. "Agatha needs constant care, she cannot walk, talk, she has no sucking reflex. Neither me, nor Natasha, nor Sonya ( eldest daughter artist. – Approx. ed.) does not recognize - Agatha has been blind since birth. She is like a flower in a pot. Living body, but without a soul, without emotions,” the singer said sadly. However, the loving parents did not give up.

From birth youngest daughter Agata singer Danko (real name Alexander Fadeev) and his wife Natalya are fighting for the health of their child. The girl was born with a diagnosis of multicystic brain disease and cerebral palsy. As obstetricians reported, Agatha would never be able to talk, walk, eat on her own, or even recognize her loved ones. However, the baby’s parents do not lose hope, and the treatment is already producing the first results: Agatha has learned to eat from a bottle, hold her head up and laugh. This is for the baby great achievement. Now the girl is learning to walk independently.

On April 16, a charity concert was held at the Vegas shopping center, which Danko organized in support of Agatha. During the performance of the song “Baby,” the singer’s eldest daughter Sophia came on stage with younger sister on hands. This touching moment left no one indifferent.


Later on Instagram, the artist thanked everyone for their support and said that they managed to raise more than 60 thousand rubles for Agatha’s treatment.


"Yesterday, our charitable foundation“Open Hearts” installed four boxes to collect donations to help Agatha. Yesterday I personally saw what huge and kind hearts our people have!!! I especially remember when a boy and his mother came up to the box and put five hundred rubles in there and said, “I know what this is.” And then, I saw their dad approach them with a wheelchair in which his little sister was sitting.
I also remember when a man approached one of the boxes and simply threw a wad of 5,000 bills there and silently, without stopping, disappeared into the crowd... During the concert and after it, people simply came up to the boxes and put money there. As a result, three boxes worth the concert collected 63,991 rubles during the evening,” shared Danko (Spelling and punctuation are copyrighted. — Note edit.).


Alexander and Natalya’s care for their daughter became an example for many parents who found themselves in a similar situation. The spouses assure that you need to believe in the best and not give up. Danko and his wife often resort to unconventional methods of treatment. Agata recently underwent music therapy and a session

Some time ago, news appeared in the media about the singer’s family Danko, who stopped being an active participant in social life, choosing to work in a commercial business. As it turned out, the artist was forced to leave the stage due to terrible diagnosis youngest daughter Agatha. Celebrity wife Natalya had a difficult birth and the baby began to breathe while she was still in the womb. Due to the lack of oxygen, the brain began to turn into a cyst. Doctors reported that the girl has a total multicystic transformation of the cerebral hemispheres.

Agatha will soon turn two years old. Caring parents Every day they fight for her life and spend huge sums on rehabilitation procedures and treatment. “My daughter has damage to both the cortex and subcortex of the brain. But we are constantly working. She learned to breathe through her nose, eat on her own, and knows how to move her arms forward as needed. Successes that parents of healthy children do not pay attention to are a father's joy for me. Agatha lives in her own world. But she lives! We don’t have a cold that can be cured in a week. Any change, even the slightest, is a victory. Successes are measured in microns,” Danko told the Teleprogramma.pro portal.

The spouses spend large sums on the maintenance of the baby. Because of such expenses, the singer is at work from morning to evening, but there is still not enough money. “I spent all the savings that I had accumulated over these two years, but the four of us somehow need to exist. Considering that there is a crisis now, I have a maximum of one concert a month. It’s difficult to break through: I go to the radio and offer to take a new song - they ask for money, but I don’t have it... One of these days I’m flying to Cyprus. Thanks to the people who donated 200 thousand rubles for Agatha’s rehabilitation, and for this I am giving a concert. But I don’t get such offers often,” said the artist.

Recently Danko and his family took part in the program Andrey Malakhov “Tonight”, where the singer turned to TV viewers asking for help. As it turned out, after the release of the program, they managed to collect 100 thousand rubles, but this is not enough to treat the baby.

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