- this is also a common occurrence, but in order to sell it, you need to make a lot of effort. And the first thing you need to know is how to correctly compose an ad so that the transaction is successful and effective.

Where is the best place to place advertisements for the sale of an apartment?

To successfully complete a transaction to sell an apartment based on an advertisement, you need to choose the place where it will be placed most effectively. There are many places where an ad can be placed, and the more places you place, the more likely you are to get a call and a successful transaction soon. You can leave an ad on special notice boards, in a newspaper, on the Internet, etc.

What to include in your ad

What may be of interest to buyers in the ad, what data needs to be provided:

  • How many rooms are in the apartment that is for sale?
  • In what area of ​​the city is the apartment located, on what street or station, you must also indicate the distance to the nearest stop
  • How many floors are there in the house, and on which of them is the apartment located?
  • How many square meters are in the apartment, and in each of its rooms?
  • Specify which bathroom
  • Is there a balcony or loggia
  • At what price are you willing to sell your apartment?
  • Please indicate that you are not an agent, that you are the owner of the apartment
  • And, of course, don’t forget to leave your contact phone number

You can write all this data, logically arrange the sentences and the ad will be ready. The reader will see all the information about the apartment immediately. He shouldn't have any questions left. If there are any nuances, then it is advisable to immediately indicate them (where the windows face, the presence of car parking, etc.) This is how all advertisements that you are selling an apartment are compiled; thousands of similar advertisements are replete with boards, in newspapers and on the Internet . In order for your ad to stand out from the crowd of others, you need to add something to it that may be of interest.

How to make your ad stand out

To sell an apartment faster, the ad must be able to interest the reader immediately. Otherwise, it will get lost in the mass of others. The first advertisements on the boards are viewed carefully and thoroughly, the rest are literally skimmed through. And only those who are hooked by something can deserve attention. Therefore, at the beginning of the ad you need to indicate very interesting information in beautiful words.

How to create a mood in an ad

When reading an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, the reader often pays attention to the mood of this advertisement. If it is boring and faceless, then most often it attracts absolutely no attention. Therefore, your ad should be diluted with phrases like this:

  • Cozy clean kitchen
  • Luxurious bedroom
  • In the morning, a ray of sunshine will enter the bedroom and delight you
  • Etc., there are many variations

It is important to use beautiful words and expressions that will emphasize the beauty, comfort and best aspects of your apartment. It is important that after these words the reader can feel inspired by your apartment, feel like a master, and feel the emotions described. If your ad meets these requirements, then there is a good chance that they will call you.

What size should your ad be?

As such, there is no standard for writing advertisements for the sale of an apartment, and there is also no special form. Therefore, you can create at least a dozen advertisements of different shapes and sizes and publish them. The text can be absolutely anything, taking into account the nuances written above, most importantly, do not forget to provide contact information so that you can be contacted. The more ads you plan to write on different boards, the more options you will have to present, because... different boards have different requirements. In some places the size should not exceed 500 characters, but in others you can go up to 3000 characters.

What's most important in an ad?

The information that you consider the most valuable in the ad should be highlighted in capital letters, but such selections should not exceed 50 characters.

Examples of phrases to highlight:

  • And etc.

The description of your apartment does not have to be clear and strict; there must be a twist that will brighten up your ad and make it interesting. But you shouldn’t overload it with unnecessary information either, otherwise they won’t read it to the end. Information should be in moderation.

True Ads

When writing such an advertisement, write only the truth, but not the whole thing. There is no need to write why you decided to sell the apartment, but during a personal conversation you will still have to tell the reason, but only in such a way as not to frighten the buyer. If your relative died there, it is better to report that an elderly grandmother lived there, who spent the last six months in the hospital, where she died. And any reason must be presented correctly. Sometimes it is better to remain silent about some nuances, while others, more significant ones, are painted in all colors.

Using abbreviations in advertisements

It’s better, of course, to avoid abbreviations when composing an advertisement for the sale of an apartment. A reader who is not very well versed in buying and selling will have difficulty deciphering your abbreviations and acronyms. He can simply scroll through such an ad without paying due attention to it. When there are no abbreviations in the text, it seems more lively and colorful.

More specifics

Your ad should contain a lot of specific information so that there are more potential buyers. For example, if you write that you have, then describe what is included in this concept (plastic windows, new wallpaper, etc.). Also, if you wrote that the condition of the apartment is good, then also explain why it is good. All descriptions must be clear and detailed.

Availability of photos

Photographs must be present, no matter what the apartment is. The main thing is that these photos look beneficial to you; choose an angle from which you will have a simply gorgeous view. Also take a photo of the plan with notes and explanations. This will be of interest to the buyer. It is not necessary to arrange a whole photo session, 5 photos will be enough, but the most successful ones.

What not to write in an ad

Under no circumstances write that you urgently need to sell an apartment; this word tells the reader that the price of such an apartment should be quite low due to lack of time. The phrase “in connection with the move” carries the same meaning; it should also not be used. If you suddenly mentioned that bargaining is possible, you openly stated that the price is too high. These words also do not need to be used in your advertisement for the sale of an apartment.

The right words

If you are selling an apartment not through an agency, then this should be indicated. Write that you are the owner and sell without intermediaries.

How to end an ad

It is best to end your ad with a phrase that will make the reader want to call you immediately, without looking at other ads. Finish it with phrases like this:

  • Call now
  • The apartment doesn't wait long
  • You will have another chance like this
  • This is the best offer

You can come up with any phrase that is not standard. And don't forget to include your contacts.

Selling an apartment is not an easy task, and for the transaction to be successful, it is necessary to write the ad correctly and competently. And how successful it will be depends only on you and your non-standard thinking.

Often, owners, wanting to attract maximum attention to their advertisement for the sale or rental of an apartment, get carried away and unleash their unbridled creativity on applicants, which is not always good for the business. The RIA Real Estate website asked realtors to tell us how to correctly compose an ad so as not to scare off the client.


The text of any advertisement for the sale of an apartment must necessarily indicate all the necessary information about the property: address, number of rooms, footage, living area of ​​the apartment (both general and residential), size of the kitchen, details and bathroom, notes the head of the city real estate department and rental "NDV-Real Estate" Svetlana Birina.

The Est-a-Tet company reminds that when describing an apartment it is also important to focus on transport accessibility.

“An important point in the description of the apartment being sold is the legal status of the apartment: how long the apartment has been owned, how many owners, and how many people are registered in the apartment, whether the transaction is alternative,” emphasizes the deputy director of the company’s new buildings department, Alexey Olenev.

As for the advertisement for renting an apartment, as noted by the general director of the Metrium Group company, Maria Litinetskaya, it is built on the same principle as when selling an apartment, however, here it is necessary to emphasize some nuances that are not so important when selling. First, you need to write about the rental period: daily, several months, long-term. Secondly, describe in detail the condition of the apartment: renovation, availability of furniture and appliances, cable or digital television, Internet.

And in order to reduce the number of unnecessary calls, it is advisable to immediately indicate the wishes for future tenants: “I will rent the apartment to a married couple,” “no animals,” “can be with children,” adds the Metrium Group expert. If necessary, you should indicate the maximum permissible number of residents, the attitude towards the accommodation of small children, elderly people and pets. It is imperative to indicate at the end or beginning of the ad the seller’s contact information: name, phone number, desired time to call.

Anchor rule

The text of an advertisement for renting or selling an apartment must have an “anchor,” that is, a description of the features of the apartment or house that can be focused on by buyers, notes the general director of Metrium Group.

For example, if the apartment has undergone a good renovation, this must be emphasized, notes Olenev, but do not forget to indicate the date of the repair work and give a short list of them.

Often buyers are interested, for example, in where the windows of the apartment face. “You can make a positive emphasis, for example, that the apartment is bright because the windows face the sunny side, or quiet if they overlook the courtyard,” adds the agency’s interlocutor.

Linguistic aspect

According to Litinetskaya, when describing the “anchor” it is better to abandon dry language and use short emotional phrases. With their help, you can quickly “reach out” to the client.

In order to emphasize the advantages of the property, it is advisable to use the following epithets: “spacious, cozy, bright apartment”, “inexpensive 24-hour supermarket on the ground floor”, “furniture and appliances as a gift” or “wonderful view of the evening sunset”.

Olenev insists that the description of the apartment for sale should be concise and structured; it is better to save all complex phrases for literary research. The main principle is nothing superfluous, but present everything necessary with a positive attitude.

“For an ad to attract buyers, it must be unusual, memorable and unformatted. For example, an ad with the headline “I’m selling an apartment and a cat as a gift” will at least attract the attention of a potential buyer, and he will go to the page to read the description of the property,” says Olenev .

However, not all phrases can be used when writing an ad, says Litinetskaya; some will have the exact opposite effect and scare off the buyer.

For example, if you indicate that “there is a multi-lane road nearby without traffic jams,” which means there is constant noise from cars and air polluted with exhaust gases, then this is unlikely to be of interest to the buyer, says the expert. The same situation applies to the label “windows overlook a school playground”, “promising, actively developing area”. In the latter case, “the truth” most likely will not work, since no one wants to live on a construction site for several more years.

In addition, you need to be careful with wording like “walking distance to the station, from where you can easily go in any direction.” This phrase seems to indicate good transport accessibility, but on the other hand it can be associated with dirt, large flows of people, or even worse - with the complex crime situation of the place.

Playing with fonts

Often, a buyer, viewing advertisements, perceives them as a picture, including the text part, provided that the fonts are chosen correctly. Therefore, it is best to use regular and easy-to-read fonts in your ad, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri. It is better to avoid exotic options, since such advertisements are simply difficult to read,” warns Olenev from Est-a-Tet.

He also adds that standard methods of emphasis, such as italics, underlining, or bold, are preferred. It is better to show creativity in the presentation itself, as has already been said, this is what sets the buyer in the right mood.

Not all sites can allow their customers to change the ad font. For example, in the Avito interface there is no way to change the font or even its style, say company experts.

“You can beautifully design explanatory inscriptions on the photo, say, pointing to the desired house, but here it is important to be careful, because attracting attention with the help of motivating words in the photo, for example, “urgent”, “attention”, “cheap” is prohibited here ", they say in Avito.

The agency’s interlocutors warn that only Russian must be used in advertisements, and transliterations like “Sdam kvartiru v Moskve,” as well as unreasonable use of capital letters and special characters, are also not allowed.

The fact is that the phrases written in capital letters "URGENTLY! 2ND APARTMENT IN YAROSLAVL!" or “I’ll rent out an APARTMENT for $$$$!!” are poorly perceived by the reader and will cause more wariness than interest.

Price list with reservation

Price is one of the most important points in an advertisement for the sale or rental of an apartment. For a successful sale, it should be average or slightly lower than in the area, Litinetskaya believes.

“If you need to quickly sell an apartment, you should not write about “urgent sale” in the advertisement. On the one hand, this is perceived by buyers as possible fraud on the part of the owner. On the other hand, clients may ask for an additional discount,” explains the expert. According to her According to him, it is obvious that neither one nor the other option is beneficial to the seller.

“If you write “bargain” in the ad, you will immediately declare that your apartment is not worth the specified price,” adds the general director of Metrium Group.
Here she notes that you can also use the same “anchor”. For example, if the price of the property is slightly lower than the market, you can write in the ad “the best price in the area.”

Photos are attached

An advertisement for both the sale and rental of an apartment must be accompanied by a good quality photograph.

“The most common mistakes that occur in every second sale advertisement are either there are no photographs, or they were taken on a phone and the image is blurry, or the photographs were taken in the evening,” notes Olenev from Est-a-Tet.

To avoid various incidents, he advises that before photographing an apartment, you must clean it, because photographs of rooms where things are scattered and disorder reigns make a repulsive impression.

“The photographs should show all the rooms in the apartment, the house itself, preferably if there is a good view from the windows. It is also not possible to take a photo of the adjacent space,” the expert notes.

Plus, he continues, the photos should reflect the presence in the apartment of built-in furniture, pantries or dressing rooms, storage niches, loggias and balconies, if any.

Each of us in our lives has had to repeatedly write all kinds of advertisements - in a newspaper, on some website, or even paste information about our offer on the doors of other people's entrances, lamp posts. And, as we can see, composing an advertisement correctly is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Incorrect and ineffective content will inevitably lead to either a complete absence of buyers, or incomprehensible calls and messages from people who, having read your “writing”, present the situation a little differently, ask the same stupid questions and, ultimately, from the offer refuse. That is why it is very important to understand how to write an ad correctly by learning a few simple rules and becoming familiar with well-written samples and examples.

So how do you write these ads?

After analyzing dozens of spectacular offers on message boards, I have prepared for you five tips that will help you quickly find buyers. So let's get started.

  • The description must be detailed. Provide the most truthful information about your product. Yes, the main emphasis should be on the advantages, but you should not forget to point out the disadvantages. This will save you and your customers time and stress. Try to be literate and not overdo it with abbreviations. It won’t be very pleasant to read something like “2 km. sq. in Leninsky district, pl. 45.5". And vice versa, by describing in detail the apartment, the furniture located in it, transport links, etc., you have a better chance of attracting the interest of a potential buyer.
  • Add photos. An ad without a photo is like a pig in a poke. A high-quality photograph will show that the advantages of the product you described are not fiction, but fully correspond to the real state of affairs. It is advisable to take several photographs from different angles so that the information is as complete as possible.
  • Set reasonable prices. Before you break the bank on an item for sale, take a look at similar offers from other sellers. It is quite possible that somewhere you are going too far. There shouldn’t be any significant differences, either up or down. In the first case, you will have to wait forever for a sale, and in the second, it will simply be a loss for you. For the same reason, you should not succumb to the persuasion of resellers who, in an attempt to reduce the price, do not disdain any methods.
  • Try to make an impression. When posting advertisements on forums, websites or bulletin boards, remember that although not written on paper, they are still business proposals. This means avoiding a ton of exclamation points, emoticons, and nicknames. Once I happened to see an advertisement for the sale of an apartment - at the bottom was written a mobile number and the signature “Murzik”. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t buy a home from a person who introduced himself as Murzik.
  • See through the buyer's eyes. By imagining yourself in the shoes of a person who decides to buy your product, you can choose exactly the ad content that he expects to see. Write the selected phrases and phrases into the text. If the ad is written specifically for the Internet, you can insert keywords there, thanks to which your offer will be seen not only by regulars of the forum or board, but also by Internet users passing by who decide to “Google” this or that request.

Of course, no one forces you to adhere 100% to the canonical ad writing system. Sometimes, for example, it is appropriate to say a few words about the positive emotions that are associated with a particular product, about the fact that you really don’t want to, but have to sell it. Helps add zest to the ordinary and attract attention.

Examples of correct ads

Frankly, no theory can help you write a better ad than copying the successful sentences written by other sellers. Let me give you a few typical examples.

Advertisement for the sale of an apartment sample

Written in simple and accessible language. The content provides answers to the most common questions, which eliminates the need to discuss them with each potential buyer.

Sample advertisement for the sale of a car

Composing this kind of proposal is quite difficult. When selling a car, it is necessary to tell the buyer a number of its characteristics, such as mileage, year of manufacture, condition, engine size and a lot of other important points.

Reviews from people

It's too perfectly written for me. The ad can be significantly shortened by indicating one or two competitive advantages (price, I think, will be the most interesting of them), but such a huge ad will cost many times more money, but whether it will give the same effect is a question.

I can say about the advertisement for the sale of an apartment - I had to draw up a lot of them at a real estate agency - this advertisement was actually compiled by the seller. Why? He points out first of all those details that are unlikely to interest the buyer.

It is very good if there are photographs of the objects being sold on the Internet. Even in a standard apartment, redevelopment can be done, or you can agree to sell an apartment with furniture and household appliances, having seen all this in the photo, especially since many sellers seek to sell an apartment with furniture and household appliances, for example, when traveling abroad.

The ad is written in great detail, but no description can replace photographs of the object itself. For example, if, when selling a private house, you indicate that there is a vegetable garden of 10 acres and a garden of 5 acres. In the photo the buyer can see the condition of it all. After all, a garden and vegetable garden can be well-groomed, or it can be an impenetrable jungle.

This is the first impression and in order to attract the buyer and generate income, naturally, during the inspection, a more in-depth examination was already done there, you need to take a good mechanic with you, if you have one. I give a minimum announcement, only important ones, and at the meeting all the details. I bought my car from an ad.

lenorstar, when writing an ad, in addition to the basic parameters, we also indicate which meters are available, or whether there are apartments on the first floor of a residential building where there is a descent to the basement, which is equipped as a cellar, which is also a desirable option for many.


I believe that in an advertisement for sale it is necessary to honestly indicate all the advantages of the object for sale and its obvious disadvantages, competently justifying the proposed price. In this case, you will immediately win over a potential buyer. However, you should not follow his lead and agree to all his conditions and not give in on the price more than the pre-established discount.

A friend of mine was selling one car, a normal medium sedan. She sold it for a long time, the times of crisis had just begun, although we had everything covered, both of us had been driving since 2005. As a result, one day she freaked out and wrote an ad in the style of “here, the hostess betrayed me, chose someone else, and I’m good, take me in, I don’t eat much” and everything in that mi-mi spirit. By the evening, a queue of 4 men lined up, and this was only from Avto.ru. So go understand these buyers.

The market is a place where two fools meet, one sells. The other one buys. Describing everything honestly and pointing out all the shortcomings means deliberately underestimating the price of the product. Besides, not everyone will appreciate your honesty.

No one writes about the shortcomings when selling a property, but only all the positive things. They will not read the large text, since in addition to your ad there is a lot more, they also need to be viewed. There are rules for writing advertisements that realtors are taught. For example, if the ad does not indicate a floor, this means that it is either the first or the last.

And hiding the obvious shortcomings of a product, which significantly affect its quality, is deception and fraud, if you call a spade a spade. Moreover, if the buyer detects an attempt on your part to deceive him, then the deal will probably fall through, and you will receive the status of a swindler, including on the Internet, and are unlikely to sell anything at all.

It is easy for a buyer to identify shortcomings, even by asking a question about the floor on which the apartment for sale is located, if such information is not in the advertisement. If unscrupulous sellers hid shortcomings in an advertisement for the sale of real estate, this will easily be discovered during an inspection of the house or apartment. But when buying a car on the market or through an advertisement, you need to be very careful. Many hidden shortcomings may surface immediately after the start of operation.

Svintus, if the shortcomings are not hidden, then the apartment may not be sold at all. For example, a friend of mine had an excellent apartment that suited her, but one day, “she crossed the path of her neighbor,” on the landing, who began to intrigue her in every possible way, throw curses after her, and she was forced to move to another place and sell her apartment, while hiding what her neighbor is like.


Well, this goes both ways. If your friend would honestly tell the apartment buyers everything about the conflict that led to the change of housing. then perhaps they would have been less surprised by the new neighbor’s story about how dishonest the previous owner was. So it turns out that she ruined her reputation with her secrecy.

Unfortunately, not all ads can be adjusted to the canons proposed by Topicstarter. For example, in a number of cases, when selling an apartment, you should not indicate the price, because you can bargain quite decently (sometimes up to 100-200 thousand rubles), and options for one or another amount, with which an interested buyer comes to select (for example, with furniture, which costs a little more or not). But it’s worth describing the surroundings in more detail, in my opinion: public transport routes will tell little to an inexperienced buyer in the area!

In an advertisement for the sale of a car, it is not always necessary to indicate the mileage: it can be incredibly low, and the car is “killed”; the mileage should be judged by indirect signs, which will be indicated by a friend who knows about cars, prudently taken with you for viewing (if you yourself, Of course, you don’t understand cars that well).
But in general, such dry, restrained advertisements are, of course, good and evoke a response.

Ostrovitjanin, how can you not write the mileage? Look from the buyer's point of view - I won't even go and call if such important characteristics are not indicated. Moreover, I successfully sold my “implausible” car - it had 18 thousand miles in 6 years. People didn’t call, they were afraid that the mileage was too long, and I won’t prove to everyone that situations in life are different.
There is always something to be said against “friends” too, to be honest. Especially when such friends try to reduce the price, pointing at me in front of the buyer that you have a lot of sealant here, the car is broken. I've never laughed so much before.

The advertisement for the apartment is too strange. It looks like a specially written selling text, which is used by all sorts of resellers who save their time answering frequently asked questions. The car ad does not contain all the important data, namely the mileage is missing. Well, and finally, there are exclamation marks everywhere. I have always been amazed by people who put the same symbol everywhere. They get this feeling: you don’t know what sign to put up? - put it!!! or or …

alyans, and I’ll go, if only out of interest, what kind of “swallow” is there without mileage. I repeat: mileage is not always an indicator of the “health” of a car. But to prove or not to prove is your business; if you don’t want to prove anything to anyone, that’s your problem, which means you’ll be selling for much longer. About friends.

I didn’t write that I use their advice, because I already understand the nuances of the car market quite well, I think that this is a matter of experience (I’m now driving my fifth car, so I have experience!). Approximately the same can be said regarding the purchase of apartments, however, with the adjustment that most people change apartments, naturally, much less often than cars, and therefore “understand” them worse.

My personal opinion is that the advertisements presented here are designed for people who are not particularly knowledgeable about either real estate or cars, and therefore they are “tempting” in nature and a little “show off” in the eyes.

Any advertisement must not only be attractive to the buyer, but also truthful. Of course, it should describe all the advantages of the product being sold, but some disadvantages, if of course they exist, should also be outlined. Then the potential buyer may gain confidence in the seller and a mutually beneficial transaction will take place.

Step 4. Prepare the apartment for sale, and ourselves for negotiations with the buyer

If your ad was written correctly, and the price of the apartment was not inflated, then you will soon start receiving calls and viewings of your property.

And even before you invite people to show your apartment, you should prepare a little.

Pre-sale preparation - an integral stage of a successful transaction!

What should you do before showing an apartment to potential clients?

Below we will consider 5 important points immediately before showing the apartment:

1. Clean the entrance and surrounding area. The entrance is the first thing the client sees. If there is a mountain of garbage lying next to him, the door is covered with graffiti, or a dead cat is lying nearby, then the person is unlikely to have positive emotions and the first impression will be spoiled. Even if you have a very nice apartment with a new renovation, then either this type of entrance will completely discourage the desire to buy your property, or the buyer will ask for a big discount, which will be unprofitable for you, because you and I want to sell the apartment at the highest possible price, right? ! Therefore, don’t be lazy and put it in proper shape: wash the windows in the entrance, replace burnt out light bulbs, erase the inscriptions left by vandals, keep the entrance to the entrance clean.

2. Clean up your apartment. Clean the inside of your premises, wash the windows. Remove excess furniture from the apartment if possible. Empty apartments sell best, since the buyer does not feel out of place and, when inspecting the property, often begins to think about what furniture to put and in what place.

3. Cover up all visible imperfections. If you have scratches on the floor or cracked plaster on the wall, then it is best to disguise these “jambs”, because they will not show your apartment from the best side and the buyer will have many more questions. Lay down a rug where your floor is scratched, hang a picture to cover a crack in the wall, and so on. Of course, by hiding the flaws, you will sell your property faster and more expensively, but at the same time, the moral and ethical side of such a disguise remains entirely on your conscience.

4. Give the room an aesthetic appearance. If you have weathered curtains hanging on your windows, yellowed from time to time, or the furniture was purchased during the reign of “Tsar Pea”, it is falling apart or does not look modern, then you will need to get rid of this “antique”! Spend some money to update the curtains, buy cheap but nice paintings for the walls (you can even take them with you after the sale), just to make the room look more modern and aesthetically pleasing. In large cities, where hundreds of real estate transactions are carried out in one day, there are even special services for pre-sale preparation of apartments, where 30-50 thousand rubles even an old ruin will be made into “candy.” For example, selling an apartment in Moscow or St. Petersburg for 5-10 million rubles, you can easily afford to invest in pre-sale preparation of the property up to 100,000 rubles. After all, this amount will speed up the transaction and increase the value of the property.

5. Scent your apartment. Smell is an important component of sales psychology. For example, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or hot pastries on a subconscious level has a positive effect on making a positive decision about buying an apartment. Now you know this and I recommend that you use this “aromatic” technique.

Buyer questions and objections

Let's look at exactly what questions (objections) a buyer may have and how to handle them correctly.

Question 1. In principle, I like the apartment, but the price bothers me (I only have this amount)

Answer: I can give you a little or leave such and such furniture (household appliances) as bonuses if the payment is made within 3 days.

Question 2. We need to move in literally tomorrow. How quickly can you vacate the apartment?

Answer: As soon as we draw up a deposit agreement, I will immediately begin the process of checking out of the apartment and will transport things, because we are all people and I understand your situation.

Question 3. I am confused by such and such a parameter (small kitchen, area of ​​the city, condition of the house), and therefore I doubt whether I should buy your apartment?

Answer: I understand you, there are no ideal options, and I suggest you buy my apartment, since its other parameters (footprint, cozy yard, developed infrastructure) are much more important for you, because you said it yourself, right?

As you can see, it is worth speaking the client’s language, being attentive to his wishes, but also not immediately agreeing to his terms.

In any case, your task is to receive money in the form of a deposit as quickly as possible by concluding an appropriate agreement. Of course, at a price that suits you.

Wipe dust, floors, straighten curtains, tulle;

Remove all unnecessary things that clutter the space. Ideally, the rooms should resemble a hotel room before guests arrive;

Ventilate the premises, do not start the hassle of preparing specific-smelling food on the eve of the viewing: hodgepodge of sauerkraut, salads with garlic, fried fish. By the way, if the house smells of vanilla or freshly brewed coffee, then this, on the contrary, can have a positive impact on the opinion of potential buyers;

Take care of lighting- a dark hallway or bathroom with a frail “Ilyich light bulb” will ruin the first impression;

Try to organize your home- it won’t be good if, while watching, a granny peeks from behind the door or a baby with a dog is running around underfoot. Try to sit the old lady in a chair in front of the TV, entice the child with some board game, and, if possible, take the dog for a walk.

The main text must be a logical continuation of the title. Therefore, never end your title with a period. For example, continue the headline “Excellent, bright and warm apartment” as follows: in such and such an area of ​​the city it is sold at a remarkably low price. The main text turns the first impression (the one that arose in the notorious one and a half seconds of reading the headline) into real interest in the advertised property and encourages a person to take a specific action: look at the apartment, clarify information about it, call the seller. The ideal advertising text must answer the basic questions of a potential buyer: What? What exactly is being advertised and sold? Where? The exact address of the advertised property. Why? Why should a buyer buy this particular apartment and not another? How many? Housing price. Who? Who posted this ad, the owner or the realtor. Where? Phone numbers or other contact details of the seller where you can contact him. When? A specific time when you can call or make an appointment. The end of an ad is a call to action. The “correct” final part, in turn, consists of two mini-parts, the first of which calls for action, and the second explains how to perform this action. For example: first part: “Call us without delay...” second part: “... at such and such number.” Thus, you make his task easier for the buyer and explain how he can purchase an apartment, what number to call back to get more specific information, or what address to come to to view and evaluate the property for sale.

Example of a GOOD advertisement for the sale of an apartment

Headline: Cozy 2-room apartment for sale in the city center

Announcement text: Spacious, 55 sq. m., 20 sq. m. hall, 15 sq. m. bedroom. The apartment is equipped with household appliances, a large kitchen - 11 sq. m. m.

The apartment is located on the middle floor (5th floor, 12 storey building), the building has clean entrances and elevators, good neighbors.

Favorable layout (vest), rooms are located to the right and left of the corridor.

Spacious and cozy loggia with new double-glazed windows, heated. It is quite suitable for creating an office or storage room for any things.

The house is in good technical condition, not old, built in 1995.

The apartment has a nice renovation, there is a built-in wardrobe, a kitchen set, the sale of all furniture is discussed separately.

The convenient location in the city center will allow you, as the new owner, to take advantage of all the advantages of the developed infrastructure.

Central stores, clinics, educational institutions, administrative buildings, and public transport stops are within walking distance.

Dear customers, I grew up in this apartment and love it with all my heart, it has very good energy.

He always monitored the condition of the apartment, changed everything in a timely manner, it was even a pity to leave. My apartment is looking for a new caring owner:)

Price:2,300,000 rubles .

Apartment seller:Sergey, tel: 8-999-999-99-99.

Call right now and come to view, we will agree on the price.

A warm, sunny, very bright 2-room apartment is for sale. The apartment is cozy, in good condition, not corner, isolated rooms, PVC windows, glazed balcony, separate bathroom, cold and hot water meters installed, metal entrance door. Tambour for two apartments. Clean, well-kept entrance, good neighbors. Quiet courtyard with a large playground. The house is located in a very good area of ​​the Left Bank. Near the public transport stop “Universum (Dianova St.) and Lukashevich routes, which allow you to go to any area of ​​the city. Within walking distance are schools No. 28 and No. 49, kindergartens No. 198 and No. 183, a post office, a branch of Sberbank of Russia, TC Magistral, TC Leto. Documents are ready, pure sale.

Documents are ready, exchange option. Possible mortgage, military mortgage, mortgage with maternity capital


Headline: A warm, sunny, very bright 2-room apartment for sale in the center of the Left Bank.

The apartment is cozy, in good condition, not corner, isolated rooms, PVC windows, separate bathroom, in good repair, cold and hot water meters installed, new radiators installed in the kitchen and bedroom, metal entrance door.

Advantageous layout, spacious, 53 sq. m. m., 19 sq. m. hall, 14 sq. m. bedroom. The apartment is equipped with household appliances and built-in furniture. Cozy glazed balcony, pleasant view from the window.

The apartment is in good repair, there are built-in wardrobes in the hallway, a kitchen unit with a built-in dishwasher and a built-in hob.

The apartment is located on the middle floor (7th floor, 9 storey building). Tambour for two apartments. Clean, well-kept entrance, kind neighbors. Quiet courtyard with a large and beautiful playground.

The apartment is located in a landscaped area. The convenient location will allow you, as the new owner, to take advantage of all the advantages of the developed infrastructure.

Within walking distance are Lyceum No. 74, Lyceum 149 with a preschool department, Gymnasium 139, two kindergartens, clinics, Magnit, Holiday stores, the Obi construction hypermarket, the Mayak entertainment center, the recently opened Lenta hypermarket, the Omsk Arena entertainment complex, a bus station, two public transport stops transport. Nearby is Zarechny Boulevard, where you can stroll along the alley with your children.

Price:2,500,000 rubles .

Apartment seller: Ksenia, tel: 8-999-999-99-99.

Call now and come see it.

Related information.

Hello! Today we'll talk about how to quickly and profitably sell an apartment yourself (without intermediaries) or with the help of an agency.

At first glance, it seems that selling an apartment is very simple, but people who had to deal with selling real estate on their own do not think so. This is a rather labor-intensive process that can take years. In this article we will tell you step by step how to quickly sell an apartment at the maximum price for you.

Do the selling yourself or involve specialists (realtors)

It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously, but we will try. If you need to sell your property urgently, then it is better to contact a real estate agency. If you have several apartments and you just decided to sell one of them, then you can try to sell it yourself. In case of failure, you can always turn to realtors.

Each option has its positive and negative sides.

To make it easier for you to decide which one to choose, here are their comparative characteristics:

If you decide to contact realtors at a real estate agency, then you need to remember that you need to choose such an organization very carefully.

Give preference to trusted realtors with a good reputation. You should not contact several agencies. This will not speed up the sale, but will only scare away potential customers. This is due to the fact that all agencies place advertisements in the same newspapers or online resources, and when buyers see the same offer from a large number of intermediaries, they bypass them.

If you decide to sell your apartment yourself, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our recommendations that will help you sell your apartment quickly and profitably.

How to sell an apartment yourself. Step-by-step instruction

Step 1: Set a goal

The first step in the process of selling an apartment is setting a goal. The timing of the sale of your property, the form of payment, the size of the deposit and the price of the apartment itself depend on it.

Each person may have completely different goals for selling their square meters, so we tried to divide them into groups:

  1. Selling living space in order to buy a more spacious apartment (by paying an additional amount);
  2. Selling an apartment in order to buy a new one with a smaller area;
  3. Sale of an apartment associated with a change of residence (moving to another city);
  4. Sale of residential real estate related to the owner’s desire to change the apartment to a private house;
  5. The need for cash related to urgent needs, such as surgery;
  6. Sale due to uselessness (if there are several apartments);
  7. In order to invest the money received in another area (buying a car, land, etc.).

If you need to sell your apartment urgently, its price will be significantly lower. The goal affects the timing, and the cost of living space depends on the timing.

Step 2: We evaluate the apartment

Once you have decided on your goal, you can move on to assessing your living space.

The market value of an apartment is influenced by many factors, so here is a list of the main ones:

  1. Number of rooms. The more there are, the higher the price of the apartment. But it is worth remembering that one-room apartments are more in demand, and four-room apartments are the least in demand.
  2. Meterage or square footage. The larger the area, the higher the price. For example, if we consider a two-room apartment with an area of ​​40 m² and 60 m², then the price will be higher in the second option.
  3. Layout. A successful layout allows the owner to increase the cost of the apartment by 10%. The best option is considered to be an apartment with a “vest” type room arrangement. This is when the rooms are on opposite sides of each other. Apartments with adjoining rooms are less in demand.

Adjacent rooms- these are rooms that have one entrance.

That is, in order to get to the second, you need to go through the first. In fact, one of the rooms is a passage.

  1. Kitchen area. The kitchen is a place where housewives spend a lot of time. Therefore, its size sometimes plays a decisive role in choosing an apartment. Especially if buyers have a large family. A kitchen is considered normal if its area is 10 m² or more. Kitchens with an area of ​​7 m² are considered obsolete, and such apartments sell less well.
  2. The presence of balconies and loggias. If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, but they are not glazed or the glazing is in poor condition (rotten frames, cracked glass), then the price of the apartment will not increase. Newly glazed balconies and loggias can increase the cost of an apartment by 5%.
  3. Bathroom type. Apartments with a separate bathroom are more expensive than apartments with an adjacent bathroom.
  4. Heating type. Buyers prefer apartments with autonomous heating, although they are more expensive. But in the future, the owners will have to pay utility bills, because with central heating they will have to pay a “tidy” amount every month.
  5. Availability of repairs. If your apartment is located in a good area and the house was built less than 20 years ago, then a “fresh” renovation can increase the cost of the apartment by 10% or more.

If the house was built a long time ago, then renovations will not increase the market value of your living space, but will only speed up the sale. Therefore, before making expensive repairs, weigh the pros and cons.

  1. Amount of utility bills. If the apartment has meters for water, gas, heating, then this significantly reduces the amount of utility bills. And this is a factor that absolutely all buyers look at.
  2. Number of floors of the house and floor. Apartments on the first and last floors lose about 10% in price. This is because people are reluctant to buy them. Middle floors can be considered optimal. Sometimes developers sell apartments on the top 2 floors at a big discount. But the higher the apartment, the cleaner the air and the less noise.
  3. Year of construction and type of structure. The price of apartments in brick houses is an order of magnitude higher than in similar apartments, but in panel buildings.
  4. Location area. In our country, real estate located in the city center is valued higher than on the outskirts. Therefore, if your apartment is located in the central areas of the city, then the price can be raised a little.
  5. Infrastructure. If the property is located in an area with developed infrastructure (there are kindergartens, schools, medical facilities, shops, parking lots nearby, etc.), then they are more willing to buy it at higher prices.
  6. Adjacent territory. The presence of a cozy courtyard and playgrounds have a positive effect on the assessment of the apartment, i.e. raise it.
  7. Developer. If your home was built by a reputable developer, this fact will slightly increase the value of your living space.
  8. Object readiness. If the house is not completed, then its price is much lower than similar houses that have already been put into operation. Sometimes people invest money in apartments that are just starting to be built, and after the house is put into operation, they sell the property for many times more.

Methods for determining the price of an apartment

Knowing what exactly influences the formation of the price of real estate, you can try to determine the price of your own apartment.

This can be done in several ways:

  • In every city there are several printed publications where advertisements for the purchase/sale of real estate are published. You just need to buy such newspapers and analyze the cost of apartments in your area. Select several options and set the price of your apartment based on them. You can use not only newspapers, but also information resources. Nowadays, most purchases are made not through newspapers, but through specialized websites;
  • You can set the price for an apartment using a trial method. Place an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, indicating an inflated price. If no one calls you within two weeks, then you will reduce the price slightly;
  • If you entrust the sale of an apartment to a realtor, then they will help you set the real price of your square meters.

Every buyer who wants to buy your apartment will bargain. Therefore, you can increase the cost of the apartment in advance and then give a small discount to the future owner of your residential property.

Step 3: Advertise the apartment

Once you have decided on the goal and assessed the living space, you can advertise the apartment.

  1. Post advertisements. This is an ineffective and outdated method. To implement it, you will have to post about 500-1000 advertisements. Very often they are torn down before a potential buyer reads the ad. The ineffectiveness of this method also lies in the fact that perhaps the future buyer does not live in the area where you distributed the advertisements. We would not focus attention on it, although posted advertisements would not hurt.
  2. Place advertisements on the Internet. There are a large number of sites on the World Wide Web where you can post your proposal. It is on the Internet that the audience of potential buyers is maximum. Therefore, this is perhaps the most effective way.
  3. Place an ad in print media your city, who specialize in real estate sales.
  4. Tell everyone you know, that you are planning to sell your living space. If your apartment is in a cooperative, then be sure to inform the chairman about the sale. Very often it is this person who helps with the search for the future owner of the apartment. Maybe thanks to word of mouth a buyer will be found.
  5. Advertising on the windows of your apartment. Place a poster or banner with the words “For Sale” and your phone number on the windows or balcony of the apartment you are selling. Perhaps a potential client lives near you, but has not seen your ad online or on message boards.

Ad structure

In order for an ad to interest a person, it must be as informative as possible and at the same time interesting.

An advertisement for the sale of an apartment must contain the following information:

  • Number of rooms (1,2,3, etc.);
  • Quadrature. Here they indicate the common, living and kitchen area;
  • Layout (adjacent rooms, “vest”, etc.);
  • Floor and number of floors of the building (6th floor/10-story building);
  • Type of building and year of construction (panel or brick house, for example, 2000);
  • Type of heating (individual or central);
  • Type of bathroom (adjoining or separate);
  • Loggias and balconies. Here you need to indicate whether they are glazed and in what condition they are. (For example, the balcony was glazed 3 years ago with metal-plastic windows);
  • Repairs (cosmetic or major and how long ago they were done);
  • Information about the surrounding area (for example, a small courtyard with a playground);
  • Infrastructure (availability of shops, kindergartens, clinics, transport interchanges, etc.);
  • A district of the city;
  • Amount of utility bills.

It is mandatory to include up to 10 photos in your ad. They must be of high quality and made from favorable angles. It is better if you first remove all the trash and old furniture. Empty apartments sell better because... the buyer subconsciously begins to arrange furniture and appliances in your apartment. People should not be in the frame.

Ad examples

Now about the announcement itself. It should be bright, memorable and interesting, that is, so that you want to read it to the end. If you plan to post an ad, try to print it on colored paper. This way it will definitely not get lost among the mass of white and faceless proposals.

Make indents, paragraphs, address the buyer, fill your ad with positivity and warmth.

Below we will give an example of a successful and not so successful ad so that you understand the difference and avoid mistakes when creating yours:

Example of a failed ad

One-room apartment for sale

There are 7 floors/16 floors in this area. Square 40/25/10. The bathroom is adjacent, the balcony is glazed, cosmetic repairs, convenient transport interchange. Price 2,000,000 rubles.

Phone: 8 – 111-111-11-11-Andrey

Example of a successful ad

A cozy one-room apartment is for sale in the most ecologically clean area of ​​the city.

Spacious apartment with a total area of ​​40 sq. m. m. The room is bright, warm, 25 sq. m. m., large kitchen – 10 sq. m.

The apartment is located on the middle floor (7th floor/16 storey building). A clean entrance, always working elevator and kind, helpful neighbors will delight you every day.

The apartment has a glazed, insulated loggia, from which you can make a cozy office or a greenhouse for flowers.

The house is in excellent technical condition, built in 2000.

The apartment has been renovated and has a built-in wardrobe. Possible sale with all appliances and furniture.

Thanks to the convenient location of the house, within walking distance of supermarkets, a school, a kindergarten, a clinic, and convenient transportation.

This is the apartment in which I was born and raised, so I associate the brightest moments of my life with it. I hope that you will be as happy there as my family. My apartment is looking for an owner like you!

Cost: 2,000,000 rubles.

Contacts of the owner and seller of the apartment: Andrey, tel. 8-111-111-11-11

Call and come to view. We'll agree on the price.

Step 4: Prepare documents

Here is an approximate list of all necessary documentation:

  • Identification document of the owner (passport, birth certificate, military ID, etc.);
  • Consent of the spouse, certified by a notary (if the property was jointly acquired);
  • A document confirming ownership (apartment, agreement on transfer of ownership and certificate of ownership of the apartment, gift agreement, rent agreement, certificate of inheritance, etc.);
  • Extract from the house register (valid for a month after receipt);
  • Certificates from the BTI (cadastral passport and floor plan of the apartment);
  • Permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (if at least one of the owners has not reached the age of majority);
  • Power of attorney for the representative, certified by a notary (if the sale is not carried out by the owner of the apartment, but by a third party);
  • Certificates confirming the absence of debts on utility bills (it is better to take them after drawing up a deposit agreement).

If you are afraid of being deceived, or cannot collect all the necessary documents, then you can use the services of realtors. 90% of the cost of their services falls on finding a buyer, and 10% is supporting the client during the purchase and sale process. Therefore, think about it: maybe it would be rational to use the services of professionals?

Step 5: We do pre-sale preparation

Before showing an apartment to potential buyers, it is necessary to carry out pre-sale preparation.

It consists of several stages:

  1. Cleaning the entrance and surrounding areas. Even if you don’t litter in the hallway, but others do, we strongly recommend that before the buyer arrives, you should tidy up not only the apartment, but also the yard. It’s unlikely that anyone will like a seed-splashed entrance with painted walls. And scattered trash in front of the house will scare off buyers with children.
  2. Cleaning the apartment itself. Try to remove all the old furniture and empty the apartment as much as possible. Clean windows and floors. A clean apartment without renovation looks better than a dirty one with cosmetic renovations.
  3. Masking flaws. If there are some flaws in your apartment, then they must be disguised. For example, an ordinary painting will help hide a hole in the wall, and a carpet will hide defects in linoleum on the floor.
  4. Presentation of aesthetic appearance. In order for an apartment to be liked, it must be cozy. Therefore, try to create this very comfort. Hang curtains, pictures, a chandelier (you can pick them up later).
  5. Fill your apartment with a pleasant aroma. A correctly selected aroma puts a person in a positive mood and lifts one’s mood. Flavor your apartment with the smell of brewed coffee or fresh bread.

The purpose of pre-sale preparation is to force the buyer to leave a deposit and sign a preliminary purchase and sale agreement.

Step 6: We negotiate with the buyer

Making your apartment look presentable is not enough. You need to be able to negotiate and learn to convince people. To do this, you just need to speak to the buyer in his language.

Don't be afraid of questions, but answer them boldly. Now we will show an example dialogue with the buyer.

Buyer: The apartment is not bad, but the small kitchen bothers me.

Salesman: I understand you perfectly, this is a small minus, but the apartment also has a lot of advantages. These are kind, calm and responsive neighbors, good layout, separate bathroom, high-quality glazing of windows and balconies, close proximity to a kindergarten, school, and clinic. Agree, this is important for the comfortable life of any family.

Buyer: I liked your apartment, but I don’t have the required amount.

Salesman: I can give you a discount and leave some appliances or furniture if we close the deal within a week.

Buyer: I will need to move in as quickly as possible. When can you vacate the apartment?

Salesman: If you and I draw up a deposit agreement today, then tomorrow I will begin to work on checking out of the apartment and vacating it. We are all human and I understand you perfectly.

Step 7: Take a deposit

Once the buyer agrees to buy your apartment, you must ask him to make a deposit and sign a deposit agreement or a preliminary purchase and sale agreement.

Most often, a deposit is left in the amount of 2-5 percent of the cost of the apartment. This is a kind of guarantee that the buyer will not change his mind. If the situation changes and the buyer refuses to buy your property, the deposit will not be returned. If you, as a seller, decide to sell your property to another person, you will be required to return double the deposit.

The deposit agreement is drawn up in any form, which indicates the full cost of the apartment, the amount of the deposit paid, the availability of equipment and furniture that the seller promises to leave.

Step 8: Check out of the apartment and collect certificates about the absence of debts on utility bills

After the deposit agreement has been signed between the seller and the buyer, you can begin to check out of the apartment. To do this, the owner of the apartment must appear at the passport office and tell the administrator the purpose of his visit. After which you will be directed to the desired office.

If minors were registered in the apartment, then permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities must be provided for discharge.

At the same time, you can begin to remove your belongings so that the buyer can move in as quickly as possible (after concluding the purchase and sale agreement).

In addition to the extract, you need to collect all certificates from utility services stating that you do not have any debts.

Step 9: We draw up a purchase and sale agreement and receive a full payment

On the agreed day, the seller with a full package of documents and the buyer with the entire amount meet at the notary, where the latter draws up a purchase and sale agreement. It is drawn up in triplicate and, after checking that all data has been entered correctly, it is signed by the buyer, the seller and the notary.

The main conditions for the sale of residential premises are:

  • The presence of an item, i.e. apartments;
  • Her price;
  • The conditions on the basis of which, at the request of one of the parties, an agreement will be reached;
  • List of persons who retain the right to use the residential real estate being sold.

The further procedure is as follows:

  • After signing a contract for the purchase and sale of residential real estate, money is transferred;
  • The seller, after receiving the entire amount, writes a receipt confirming receipt of money on account of the sold apartment;
  • Money can be transferred in cash or through a safe deposit box;
  • In addition, the buyer must pay a state fee (the receipt is issued by a notary);
  • After signing all the documents and transferring the money, the new owner of the apartment is given the keys;
  • The purchase and sale agreement must be submitted to the relevant registration authorities, where the fact of transfer of property is confirmed and the relevant documents are issued;
  • Sometimes the buyer and seller also sign a transfer document. It indicates all the furniture, appliances, etc. that the seller promised to leave. On its basis, the residential premises are transferred by the seller and accepted by the buyer;
  • Such a document is drawn up in free form. Its presence is not a mandatory condition of purchase and sale.

Features of selling an apartment in a building under construction

If you bought an apartment from a developer in a building that has not yet been put into operation, then in fact you are not the owner of the residential premises. Such people have either a share participation agreement or an agreement on the assignment of rights from the developer.

After the house is handed over, apartment owners receive an extract from the registration chamber. It is this extract that is the title document that confirms ownership of residential real estate.

After taking ownership, the algorithm for selling an apartment in a new building is no different from selling real estate on the secondary market.


As you can see, selling an apartment without intermediaries is difficult, but possible. This may take a lot of time and effort, but this way you will save a lot on the services of real estate agencies.

The main thing is to avoid the most common mistakes:

  • Incorrect assessment;
  • Unprepared apartment;
  • Inability of the seller to communicate with buyers;
  • Incorrectly completed documents.

All these factors slow down the sales process and discourage buyers. We hope that our recommendations will help you avoid any troubles and that the purchase and sale transaction will go smoothly!