Water sports are sports related directly to water and interaction with it. There are only purely summer water sports, but there are also some that take place in winter. Water sports can be carried out both outdoors in a natural water environment, for example, such as surfing, and in specially equipped rooms, various pools, hangars with water, and so on. Water sports can be either solo or team. This sport is also divided into classes: diving, sailing, water skiing, underwater, and so on. Each of which includes its own disciplines, which differ from each other according to different criteria

List of water sports

Water sports on a board

Surfing- sliding on a board along the waves

bodyboarding- similar to surfing only with a different board and athletes ride lying down on the board

windsurfing- the same surfing only a board with a sail

kitesurfing- gliding through the water using a board and a kite-kite

Longboard- a type of surfing, just the board has a different shape and size

Wakeboarding - an athlete rides behind a boat, holding on to a rope (halyard) and at the same time performs various tricks.

underwater sports - diving

Spearfishing- treats it mainly as a hobby and not as a sport, and competitions in this sport are held only in local places

Freediving - immersion in water while holding your breath

diving- diving into water using scuba gear

Underwater navigation - underwater navigation

Underwater hockey - hockey but only underwater

Underwater rugby rugby underwater

swimming with fins - swimming with fins at speed and at various distances

On open waters

Rowing- a team of rowers are sailing in a boat backwards

Canoeing and kayaking swimmers swimming backwards includes:

Rowing slalom- movement of an athlete with obstacles or descent through water in stormy rivers and places, which can also be carried out in swimming pools

Canopolo polo game only on water and boats

Rowing Marathon- overcoming long distances on boats can be either a team or an individual water sport

Rafting- descent along mountain rivers on an inflatable boat

sailing- may include not only water sports. Therefore, the so-called “Yachting” is mainly classified as water sports, which in turn includes such a sports discipline as Regatta, Sailing canoe.

other water sports

Diving- also include various disciplines that differ in evaluation criteria and equipment. For example, diving can be done from a tower or from a springboard.

Swimming - Swimmers - athletes must swim a certain distance the fastest. Swimming is divided into:

freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, medley medley relay

Synchronized swimming is one of the most beautiful water sports, athletes perform various figures to music, trying to do it synchronously (at the same pace)

During the warm season, most of the interesting activities are related to water. Although the most popular of them is simply swimming in the sea, why not also try water sports? Here are ten of the most popular ones.


10. Underwater hockey.

Playing hockey underwater is much safer than classic ice hockey, and no less interesting.

2. Kayaking.

Rowing is an excellent exercise for strengthening the muscles of the upper body. In addition, this is a great opportunity to spend time in nature.

3. Jet skiing.

Jet skis are very popular, especially among young people. Powerful and fast models allow you to feel real drive while riding.

4. Parasailing.

The ability to soar in the air on a parachute attached to a boat with a cable attracts many extreme sports enthusiasts.

5. Rafting.

Sports rafting on mountain rivers is a sea of ​​drive and vivid impressions, as well as serious training of the body muscles.

6. Fishing.

Although fishing is the most relaxing sport, its lovers claim that the pleasure of a successful catch cannot be compared with anything else.

7. Boat riding.

Boat racing is the perfect entertainment for those who love real speed.

8. Water skiing.

Water skiing is a pleasant and fun activity that is best practiced with friends.
10. Surfing.

Wave riding isn't for everyone, but it's the most exciting of all water sports. It’s not for nothing that many avid surfers are ready to go to the ends of the earth in search of their ideal waves.

We have prepared a review 10 new extreme sports, thanks to which your life will take on new bright colors.


Flyboarding (from English fly - flight, board - board) is a wonderful sport for people who have dreamed of learning to fly all their lives. True, in the framework of this lesson, you have to do this not over a hard surface, but over water.

Flyboarders must have a special water pump, a water supply hose, and water jet boots. Two manual stabilizers regulate the power of the water jet and control the flight.

As a result, a flyboarder can rise above the water to a height of ten to fifteen meters and soar there, performing incredible tricks. There are also shows where highly trained athletes demonstrate their amazing skills to impressed spectators.


Mount Cerro Negro is famous not only for being one of the youngest and most active volcanoes on the American continent. Recently, more and more people are talking about it due to the fact that a new extreme sport was born on its slopes - volcanoboarding.

Every day hundreds of tourists and real athletes descend on the ash-black slope of this volcano on special boards. In this case, the maximum descent speed can reach 80 kilometers per hour. To protect people from injury, the organizers dress them in special suits made of strong material.

Some use the board as a sled, while others cut through the volcanic slope while standing on the board, as if it were a snowy surface, while they themselves use a snowboard.

Parkour on trampoline

More and more people who practice trampolining have begun to pay attention to their new variation, which contains elements of other sports, mainly parkour.

Parkour on a trampoline is not just perfectly timed jumps with acceleration, it is a special type of tricks in the air, as well as interaction with external objects and surfaces.

The stunts of people who practice this unusual sport are very similar to the performances of aerial acrobats from the famous Cirque du Soleil show. They look just as incredible, defying physical laws and gravity.

Jumping from the stratosphere

For real extreme sports enthusiasts, even ordinary skydiving seems boring and not worthy of attention. They conquer completely different horizons for themselves, going into free fall from a height of tens of kilometers.

Jumping from the stratosphere appeared as experiments in the mid-twentieth century. However, now this activity has turned into a full-fledged sport. Extreme sportsmen from different countries compete with each other in height and speed of fall.

The current record belongs to the American Alan Eustace, vice president of Google. In October 2014, he jumped from a height of 41,424 meters, thereby beating the previous maximum by two kilometers. The maximum fall speed was 1322 km/h.


Kitewing is a universal sports equipment that allows you to conquer not only the ground, but also water, air and snowy peaks. This is a small universal wing that allows extreme athletes to significantly expand their capabilities, regardless of the specific sport.

will be useful wherever you can accelerate or get off the ground under the influence of wind force. An extreme athlete will be able to ride faster and jump higher with the help of this wing.

At the same time, the diving wing itself has very small dimensions. And when folded, its dimensions are no larger than those of a ski bag.

Water Climbing (Psicobloc)

In the United States of America and some other countries of the world, a new extreme sport with the name under which water climbing is hidden has recently become increasingly popular.

The athlete's task in Psicobloc is not only to climb up an inclined wall with ledges, but also to fall gracefully down into a pool filled with water. And the judges count both of these disciplines into the final score of the water climber.

Psicobloc as a type of dispute was born within the framework of ordinary rock climbing, when athletes conquered slopes protruding into the water and from time to time fell down from them. Now this is a very popular sport, in which even the most famous rock climbing athletes take part in official competitions.

Surfing on skis

In recent years, unspoken hostility between snowboarding and skiing enthusiasts has even spread beyond the snow-covered mountain slopes. Now the debate about which is better: one big board or two small ones has also moved into the field of surfing.

After all, a new water sport has appeared - ski surfing. It was invented by Californian skiers who, given the eternal lack of snow in this region, decided to conquer the huge tidal waves for which the coast of American California is famous with their favorite sports equipment.

True, for this it was necessary to create a new type of ski, combining elements of mountain and water skis. But in ski surfing, athletes still have to use special ski poles for better balance. In this case, the speed of sliding along the wave can reach 50 kilometers per hour.


Looking at the photographs of people engaged in kayaking, it may seem that these are some jokers who decided to play a good joke on us. After all, it would seem that there is nothing stupider than jumping out of a plane in a small kayak boat.

Nevertheless, this is quite an interesting and promising sport. It turns out that using a boat when jumping with a parachute significantly reduces the speed of free fall. A man flying flat down accelerates to 193 kilometers per hour. The kayak reduces this figure to 157 km/h, while giving new opportunities in terms of balancing and performing tricks.

The main problem with kayaking is that the vast majority of parachute business owners refuse to arrange jumps for people on boats.


Horseboarding is a sport for those people who live in rural areas far from mountains or oceans with huge waves, but dream of surfing or snowboarding. Horseboarders use a special board with large wheels as their main sports equipment. And in this case, live horses act as the driving force.

By attaching a rope to the mount, the athlete can then ride behind the horse across the field, performing a variety of maneuvers and tricks. This sport is especially spectacular when using additional springboards. True, falling to the ground during an unsuccessful trick is much more painful and traumatic than falling into water or onto snow cover.

Metrosurfing (hooking)

This incredibly dangerous sport was born in Russia. For a long time, on our railways there have been daredevils devoid of a sense of self-preservation, running on the roofs of cars while the trains are moving.

But in recent years, this activity has moved to the underground world of the metro. Crazy adrenaline junkies cling to the back cars of metro trains at stations, and some even climb onto the roof. They call themselves “hooks.”

True, the percentage of deaths in metrosurfing is several times higher than that of any of the new extreme sports listed above.

However, in India, such an activity is not even an extreme sport, but a familiar way of traveling by train for many poor residents of this country.

Do not forget that not only sports, but also travel can be extreme. You can read about this in our review.

In winter, the next Olympic Games were held in South Korea, and the time has come to think about a new summer Olympics. The center of which will certainly be water disciplines. In addition, Russia will soon have an Olympic Aquatics Center, which will become one of the most modern in the world.

It is unknown why these competitions on the water are so attractive, perhaps because our whole life began with water. Scientific studies have shown that people who exercise on the water get much more satisfaction from their workouts than people who prefer to sweat in the gym. Exercising in water prevents excessive stress and fatigue of the body. This allows you to achieve greater efficiency and duration of training, and the satisfaction from such training is many times greater.


Water sports is a general definition for a set of sports competitions carried out on water. The first competitions on water were recorded back in the 15th century. They began to invent special types of swimming back in Ancient Egypt. This helped people in hunting, as well as military affairs. With the development of mankind, water disciplines have become increasingly popular.

What water sports are there?

There are a huge variety of sports related to water. Among them it is customary to highlight the following competitions:

  • individual,
  • team

Competitions come in various sizes:

  • of local importance,
  • national,
  • regional,
  • international.

They can take place both outdoors, in ponds or open-air pools, and under roofs. All aquatic competitions are usually divided into technical (those that require additional equipment) and classical (included in the Olympic program). Classic Olympic water sports include several disciplines. In addition, there are active sports, such as water aerobics, and extreme sports (sports that involve health risks). The latter include activities such as surfing or diving.

Olympic disciplines

Competitions are regularly held in water disciplines. Especially for the Universiade in 2013, the Aquatic Sports Palace was built in Kazan, where Russian and foreign athletes continue to train, as well as international competitions.


The program of the first modern Olympic Games, held in Athens in 1896, included swimming.

Swimming is a sports discipline that requires a swimmer to cover a distance in the shortest possible period of time. Compliance is monitored by the International Swimming Association (FINA). She also sets the rules for athletes and judges. The first World Swimming Championships were held in 1973.

Swimming is divided into types depending on the style of swimming:

  • breaststroke,
  • freestyle,
  • crawl,
  • ovar-arm,
  • Trejen,
  • fables,
  • butterfly.

Water polo

Water polo is a water sport that is a team game with a ball. The main task is to throw the ball into the opponent's goal as many times as possible. American football (rugby) is considered to be the ancestor of water polo. A team consists of six players and one goalkeeper. The game is divided into four periods of eight minutes. This sport is practiced both indoors and in open water.

Synchronized swimming

Synchronized swimming is a performance performed by swimmers in a pool to the music of figures. This sport is characterized by grace and sophistication. It’s not for nothing that synchronized swimming was previously called water ballet. Synchronized swimming was included in the Olympic Games program in 1984. Only women's teams consisting of two or more people take part in the competition.

The program is performed to a musical composition selected in advance. The performance itself is called a program.


Triathlon can hardly be fully described as a water sport. The competition program includes swimming, running and cycling.

The following distances are considered the standard Olympic triathlon distances:

  • running - 10 kilometers,
  • bicycle race - 40 kilometers,
  • swimming - 1,500 meters.

The change of distances occurs in a strict order: swimming, cycling, running. Judges supervise the athlete's change of equipment and distances.


This sport uses equipment such as a platform or springboard. The Olympic program uses platforms of five to ten meters, as well as springboards ranging from one to three meters in length. Judges monitor the execution of jumps, their cleanliness and correct execution of elements. In addition to individual jumps, there are also pair (synchronized) diving.

Water skiing

The essence of this sport is the athlete sliding at high speed on skis. When moving, the athlete holds a cable that is tightly fastened to a watercraft, for example, a boat. Skis are divided into monomodels and pairs. It’s easy to guess that the inventor of water skis was inspired by alpine skiing, which he later decided to try on the water.

Canoeing, kayaking, rowing slalom

It is a rowing sport that involves covering a distance in the shortest time using kayaks or canoes. Both women and men engage in rowing. Rowing slalom differs in distance. As a rule, an artificial distance is used, marked with gates; it is possible to pass the course with obstacles, such as water rapids.

In the Novgorod region there is one of the best in its class water sports schools for rowing slalom, and the water rapids on which athletes train are considered unique in the world.


This sport also uses watercraft. It differs from canoeing and slalom in that athletes swim the distance while sitting backwards, without overcoming artificial obstacles. The main task is to cover the distance in the shortest possible time, ahead of your opponents.


It is one of the most spectacular competitions of the Summer Olympic Games. Refers to technical sports. Typically, athletes use yachts to travel on water. That's why sailing is often called yachting. It supposedly originated in the Netherlands, the first mentions date back to the 16th century. The main goal is to get ahead of the opposing team. This is a pursuit race. The distance consists of small segments marked with buoys. The yacht must round the buoys in a certain sequence.

You can often hear the phrase “chess on the water.” This is due to the fact that yachting requires not only physical effort from athletes, but also significant mental effort. It is important to be able to predict your opponent’s moves in advance and make decisions in conditions of changing winds and currents.


Not long ago it became known that this water sport will be included in the program of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, which will be held in 2020. This is due, firstly, to the high level of popularity of the sport in Japan, and secondly, to the availability of suitable conditions for holding competitions.

Surfing competitions will be included in the program as an experiment, and their further fate remains unknown. There is a high probability that after 2020 they will disappear from the official program. This is due to the fact that not all countries have the opportunity to host these competitions. In addition, skeptics expect that the competition will not be as spectacular due to changing weather and waves that may be too small to allow athletes to fully demonstrate their skills.

Surfing is an extreme sport and involves sliding on a board along the surface of the waves. Surfing is usually divided into several types. The most popular: surfing, windsurfing (distinguished by the use of a sail for movement).

World Championship

In addition to competitions in certain types of disciplines, there is also a championship in water sports. The ideological inspirer and creator of the games was FINA in 1973. Not all Olympic disciplines are included in the championship program. The championship includes synchronized swimming, diving, high diving, water polo and swimming.

Water sports (aquatics) is a sport involving water. Water sports are carried out both in open water and in special premises - swimming pools. Since this site is dedicated to the sea, we will be interested only in those types of water sports that take place directly on open water. These include such types as: surfing, diving, snorkeling, regatta, kayaking or canoeing, kayaking, water skiing, swimming. Let's look at each in more detail.

C urfing– one of the extreme sports. This is the name of riding on sea and ocean waves, standing on a special “board”, which is actually made of various synthetic materials. Surfing requires courage, good coordination and patience from the athlete. After all, to master the art of conquering waves, you will need to spend several months, or even years.

This sport first appeared in the Hawaiian Islands and was the entertainment of kings and their entourage. At that time, surfboards were made of wood, they were very heavy and large (up to 6 meters in length). Even then, the first surfing competitions were held. Much has changed now, but Hawaii is still a favorite destination for surfers becauseThese places have the highest waves.

Nowadays there are a large number of surfboards. The choice depends on the level of professionalism, as well as on the types of surfing. For example, beginners are usually offered long (up to 3 meters) boards that are easier to handle. There are shorter boards (about 2 meters), and tau surfing professionals use very short boards with leg attachments. There is also a type of surfing - boogieboarding, in which athletes ride while lying on a board.

In the second half of the twentieth century, another type of surfing appeared - windsurfing. The first windsurfing board was patented in 1968 by Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer. It was a board with a small sail. You can move freely on it on a smooth surface. The great availability of this type has ensured windsurfing enormous popularity. And in 1984 this sport became an Olympic sport.

Diving(from English) diving - diving) is scuba diving with special equipment. The beginning of mass diving as a form of entertainment and sport was laid by Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It is to him and his friend, the French engineer Gagnan, that we owe the creation of scuba gear. While diving you can touch underwater objects and get to know the flora and fauna of the seas and oceans.

Now the world is familiar with several types of diving, some of which are considered to be entertainment or sport, while others are professional activities. The first is recreational diving, as well as sports and technical diving, which involve diving to great depths and using gas mixtures. The second is commercial and military diving, performing ordered underwater work, such as installation and dismantling of equipment, lifting ships, searching, installing and destroying mines, anti-submarine barriers, etc. These types of diving are considered the most high-tech and, as a rule, are classified.

Snorkeling(or snorkeling, from the English snorkel - snorkel) is scuba diving with a mask and snorkel for the purpose of independently exploring the underwater world, obtaining aesthetic pleasure, photographing its landscapes, inhabitants, etc.

In tropical latitudes, snorkeling is very popular. After all, a large number of different marine inhabitants live in warm waters. That's why scuba diving attracts people. After all, everyone wants to look at strange fish and corals. The underwater world simply captivates with its beauty.

Unlike diving, snorkeling does not require special expensive equipment. A mask and snorkel are the most important equipment for snorkeling. You can also purchase fins, with which you can swim and dive much faster. Some people also use a wetsuit for snorkeling, which protects against hypothermia, cuts, and burns.

Regatta - a large, usually traditional, sailing or rowing competition, consisting of a series of races for ships of different classes.
One of the first famous regattas was the Venice Gondolier Regatta, which took place in 1740. From the middle of the 19th century. Regattas in sailing and rowing began to be held in Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, from the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. — in the Scandinavian countries, Russia, USA, Canada, Latin American countries, etc.

The sailing competition included in the Olympic Games program is also called a regatta.
Regattas are designed to identify the strongest among yachtsmen. Since sailing is a technical sport and much of the results depend on the yacht, the main task is to correctly compare the results in order to reveal the actual skill of the yachtsman.

Kayaking - sport for the brave

Initially, a kayak was a small fishing boat of the peoples of Kamchatka, which was a lattice frame covered with leather. The rower was attached to the boat using a belt and steered the kayak using a single-blade oar. On such boats they usually hunted sea animals or fished. Today's kayak serves completely different purposes - it is a means of active recreation, sports and tourism. In the modern classification, the following types of kayaking are distinguished:

Recreational kayaking (Touring / recreationalkayaking) are walks on smooth water (lakes, lowland rivers) on fast, stable kayaks for the purpose of relaxation and rest. Recreational kayaking is becoming increasingly popular among tourists and is being successfully adopted by advanced hotels in exotic countries. If the same recreation takes place along the sea coastline, then this is already sea kayaking;

White water kayaking (Whitewaterkayaking) is associated with overcoming obstacles in a water flow, be it a mountain river, rapids or their elements in lowland rivers or sea waters. The key point here is to enjoy the passage of all these obstacles, and concepts such as “heroism”, “feat”, “conquest”, in general, are not important.

The programs of international sports competitions include the following types of kayaking:

Rowing slalom - its essence is to pass the path between the pegs in the shortest possible time on a turbulent section of the river. Rowing slalom was included in the Olympic program in 1992.

Kayaking and canoeing is a classic Olympic sport on smooth water, the highest speed in a straight line is important.

Downhill racing is a popular type of competition in Europe and America, but practically undeveloped in our country, which consists of passing a turbulent section of a river downstream."race".

Canopolo is a variant of kayak water polo.

Water skiing - a popular sport and entertainment - movement on the surface of the water on a specially shaped ski, on a cable (called a “halyard”) connected to a boat or other floating device that provides forward movement.

Water skis come in singles and pairs. Pairs include: figure and jumping. For singles: figure and slalom (mono) skis. At first glance, water skiing vaguely resembles winter skiing. But water skis are wider, have a special geometry and are made of a special material.

Most water skis are made from foamed plastic - polyurethane foam, since it has significantly less weight and has better glide than wood.

Water skiing first appeared in 1922, when an American from Minnesota, Ralph Samuelson, experimenting with regular winter skis, decided to try them on the water. He equipped two wide pine boards with fasteners for the legs. After which the inventor successfully tested the skis on the waters of the lake in Lake City.

Not knowing about Samuelson’s invention, in 1925 Fred Waller (USA) received the first ever patent for a water ski model he had invented, also made of pine, “DolphinAkwa- Skees».

In 1928, Don Ibsen of Bellevue, Washington, unaware of previous discoveries, invented his water ski and thus became the third person recognized as the inventor of this sport.

The three pairs of skis that appeared were very similar to each other: they were all made of pine, with special impregnation, and had rubber fastenings for the feet.

Water skiing in the USSR began to develop in the late 50s - early 60sXXcentury. In 1964, largely on the initiative of the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yu. A. Gagarin, who was an ardent fan of water skiing, the country's Water Ski Federation was created, and in 1965 the first USSR water skiing championship was held.

Today this sport has become so spectacular and popular that in 1998 the Greek Olympic Committee recommended introducing water skiing into the program of the 2004 Olympics in Athens. In 2000, the Professional Association of Towing Water Sports was formed (PTWA), once and for all separating amateur records from professional competitions.

One of the most popular sports isswimming.

Swimming is rightfully considered the most effective sport that has no competitors in its health-improving effects on the human body. Swimming has a particularly strong positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, muscles, joints, and musculoskeletal system. In addition, swimming is one of the types of hardening and has a positive effect on the immune system.

This sport is also relevant for those who want to get rid of excess weight, because during swimming, excess calories are “burned” very quickly (2-4 times faster than during exercises of similar time and strength in the gym).

A huge advantage of swimming is that it has virtually no side effects or contraindications.

Swimming helps develop body flexibility, increase endurance, increase efficiency, improve mood and effectively combat stressful situations.

The effectiveness of swimming depends, first of all, on the correct execution of swimming movements and proper breathing. Minimum movements – maximum efficiency.