Speech stamps- these are words and expressions devoid of imagery, emotionally dull, the meanings of which have been erased by frequent use without taking into account the context. They impoverish speech, fill it with stereotyped phrases, and kill live presentation.

These are stereotyped metaphors, comparisons, periphrases, metonymies - “the light of the soul”, “an indifferent and not indifferent person”, “an inexhaustible source of inspiration”, “their hearts beat in unison”, “a cloak woven from rags of darkness”, “eyes burning with a strange fire”...

From the book by Y. Parandovsky “Alchemy of the Word”:

“It’s sad to see what was once bold and fresh become stale and unbearable over time. “Painted carpet of flowers”, “emerald meadow”, “blue sky”, “pearl laughter”, “streams of tears” They could well refer to their noble pedigree and sigh for their lost youth, but now, if they happen to be touched by an irresponsible pen, they carry the musty smell of an old closet for a whole page.”

The ability to avoid cliches is very important. Here are the most common “newspaperisms”: “and things are still there”; “How long will they put up with this?”; “the answer was not long in coming”; “to be honest”, “you don’t have to look far for examples”, “field workers”, “counter workers”, “mineral prospectors”, “people in white coats”, “flagship of the industry”, “black gold”, etc. In addition to lexical cliches, there are also these: if the glances are attentive, they are cast; if the speeches are fiery; kisses - sonorous; gaits are courageous; sounds - alluring; what is in consciousness flashes by; on a chair - perched; we are overwhelmed by passion, etc.

Each time has its own stamped heroes and situations, but something remains from the past: as it was a hundred years ago, “turquoise and diamond eyes, gold and silver hair, coral lips, golden sun, silver moon, yakhont sea, turquoise sky.

What's the matter? What is the mechanism of stamp creation? A cliche is something that is hackneyed, hackneyed and repeated a thousand times. But how can we avoid repeating ourselves: if the sea is blue, you can’t call it orange, and if the moon is silver, it was like that a thousand years ago and will be the same, if not more! That is, not everyone who wrote “the blue sea” is a stamper.? Because repeatability is just an external sign of a stamp. But there must be some kind of internal one. A stamp is, first of all, a stereotype of thinking, a property inherent in people of little ability, little culture and little knowledge, a life-saving remedy, at least for those who cannot or do not want to think, who take what is ready.

Repeatability is not the main criterion for a stamp, it is just a consequence, the cause of which is a thinking stereotype, or more precisely, thoughtlessness and insensitivity. In addition, a stamp is an inability to imagine. According to a very precise definition by K. S. Stanislavsky, a stamp is an attempt to say something that you don’t feel. I think we can add: either you don’t know, or haven’t seen, or really haven’t imagined. Addressing the actors, Stanislavsky often exclaimed: “I don’t believe it!”, as the actor stamped the image.

The first one who compared a woman to a flower was a great poet, the second one who did it was an ordinary idiot.

Heinrich Heine

Yes... So be careful, don't fall into platitudes!

Other examples of clichés characteristic of journalistic style. (Attention future journalists!)

From the book by D.E. Rosenthal "Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing":

“The same combinations are found in different materials, turning into “erased nickels.” These are combinations with the word “gold” of any color: "White gold"(cotton), "black gold"(coal), "blue gold"(hydropower), "liquid gold"(oil)... Other examples of stamps: "big bread", "big ore", "big oil"(meaning “a lot...")... These “favorite” combinations also include: "people in gray overcoats", "people in green caps"(foresters, huntsmen, border guards?), "men in white coats"(doctors? salespeople?)".

In practical stylistics, the term “speech stamp” has acquired a narrower meaning: this is the name for a stereotypical expression that has a clerical overtone. And here, first of all, we can highlight the following formulaic figures of speech: “at this stage”, “at this period of time”, “today”, “emphasized with all severity” and so on. As a rule, they do not contribute anything to the content of the statement, but only clog up the speech.

Speech stamps also include universal words, which are used in a wide variety of vague meanings: question, event, series, carry out, unfold, separate, specific. For example, noun "question", acting as a universal word, never indicates what is being asked about. For example: “Nutrition issues are especially important in the first 10-12 days”(so what is the question? What is it actually about?) Word "to be", as a universal one, is also superfluous. Offer “It is very important to use chemicals for this purpose.” is completely replaced by a more definite statement “You have to use chemicals for this purpose.”

Speech cliches, relieving the speaker of the need to look for the exact words he needs, deprive speech of concreteness. “This season was held at a high organizational level”- this sentence can be inserted into a report on hay harvesting, and on sports competitions, and on preparing housing stock for winter, and on grape harvesting...

It should be distinguished from speech stamps language standards.

Language standards are ready-made means of expression reproduced in speech, used in a journalistic style. There is nothing wrong with using them. Unlike a stamp, they have a clear semantic expression, express ideas economically, and contribute to the speed of information transfer. These are combinations like “public sector workers”, “employment service”, “international humanitarian aid”, “commercial structures”, “law enforcement agencies”, “branches of Russian government”, “according to informed sources”, “welfare service”, “health service” etc. These speech units are widely used by journalists, since it is impossible to invent new means of expression in each specific case.

Find cliched expressions. Determine the stylistic function of these phrases. Make stylistic edits.

Who knows, maybe you will be the next president of our great and powerful country.

The unfading "Time Machine" is working on a new project.

We wish you good luck, lens brothers!

“This is our first defeat, but we still have everything ahead,” said the coach of the football team.

We change “white gold” to “blue”.

  1. What electrical appliances do you know that are used in housekeeping? What is their purpose?
  2. From what documents can you learn about the purpose of electrical appliances?
  3. What safety rules should be followed when using electrical appliances?

It is difficult to imagine our life without reliable helpers - electrical appliances. They are used to bake bread and prepare food, store food and clean the room. Without electrical appliances, we would not be able to quickly transmit and receive information, for example, get acquainted with technical achievements, sports and cinema news, and weather forecasts. They help process a variety of materials, illuminate rooms and streets, and perform many other useful jobs. Look at Figure 183 and explain what electrical appliances are shown on it and what they are intended for. What do they have in common and what are the differences? What similar devices does your family use?

Rice. 183. Use of electrical appliances in everyday life

Yes! What all household electrical appliances have in common is that they operate using electrical energy. Devices that operate using electrical energy and are used in everyday life to facilitate the performance of certain jobs and create comfortable conditions for work and rest are called household electrical appliances.

During labor training lessons and in the future in everyday life, you will use, and maybe already use, a variety of similar electrical devices. To do this, you need to know the purpose of such devices, the principle of their operation and, most importantly, the rules for their safe use. Regardless of its purpose, every household electrical appliance has an element that consumes electrical energy to operate its working part. For example: in an electric drill, electric energy drives a motor on the shaft of which a drill is fixed, in an electric jigsaw - a nail file, in a meat grinder - knives, in a washing machine - a drum with laundry, etc. Since such devices operate using consumed electrical energy , they are all called consumers.

Depending on their purpose, principle of operation and design, household electrical appliances are divided into types and types. The most common types according to the principle of operation are the following: electric lighting, electric heating, electromechanical.

Each type can have several types. For example: the type of device is electric lighting, and its types: floor lamp, sconce, chandelier, table lamp. Another group is heating electric appliances, and their types are: electric stove, electric iron, electric coffee maker, etc.

Electromechanical ones include electric meat grinders, food processors, sewing and washing machines, screwdrivers, electric drills and much more (Fig. 184). When using household electrical appliances for a long time, various types of problems may occur. The most common ones include: self-unscrewing of clamping screws, with the help of which the conductive cores of electrical sockets, plugs, and sockets are secured; broken wires; failure of electrical and mechanical parts of devices, etc. As a result, sparking may occur, heating of wires, melting of insulation can occur, resulting in a fire, failure of electrical devices (Fig. 185).

Rice. 184. Types of household electrical appliances

Rice. 185. Possible malfunctions of electrical equipment

The use of faulty electrical appliances can lead to electric shock and, as a result, serious health consequences. To prevent this, the following safety rules must be observed:

  1. Before using an electrical appliance, carefully read the instructions that come with each electrical appliance.
  2. Use electrical appliances only with permission and in the presence of adults.
  3. It is prohibited to touch the levers, buttons of equipment located in the workshop and turn them on.
  4. Do not check for voltage in an electrical circuit by touching bare wires with your fingers.
  5. In case of any minor effects of electric current on the body (tingling, warming) and if a sign of damage to the electrical wiring is detected, the smell of the melting insulating sheath of wires, or the appearance of smoke, it is necessary to turn off the source of electric current and immediately inform the teacher, and when performing work at home, adult family members.
  6. When using electrical appliances, it is necessary to ensure that the current-carrying wires are not taut or twisted.
  7. To prevent electric shock to a person, when connecting electrical appliances to the electrical network, it is prohibited to hold your hand on metal water heating pipes, the wall of a building, or the body of another person (Fig. 186).
  8. Do not hold or pull the electrical plug from the socket using the cord (Fig. 187).
  9. To avoid electric shock, do not touch bare wires with your hands or carry out any work while consumers are connected to the electrical network or other power sources (Fig. 188).
  10. If another person has been electrocuted, you must place a rubber mat or dry wood stand under your feet and with one hand pull the victim by the collar or other part of dry clothing away from the electrical conductive network (Fig. 189).
  11. If you get into a falling zone of electrical wires, you must urgently get out of it, not by jumping, but in small steps, moving your feet without taking them off the road, as shown in Figure 190.

Rice. 186. Possible cases of electric shock to a person

Rice. 187. Incorrectly pulling the plug out of the socket

Rice. 189. Method of releasing the victim

Rice. 190. Exit from the zone of falling electric wire

New terms

    electrical engineering, sources of electrical energy, consumers of electrical energy, household electrical appliances.

Basic Concepts

  • Sconce– wall lamp or lamp holder.
  • Chandelier– a pendant lamp with several light sources.
  • Floor lamp– lamp on a high stand.

Fixing the material

  1. What types and types of household electrical appliances are divided into?
  2. What are the similarities and differences between the types and types of electrical appliances?
  3. What safety rules must be followed when using household electrical appliances?

Test tasks

1. Why is it necessary to save electrical energy?

    And to avoid failure of household appliances
    B to reduce energy costs
    To reduce the consumption of natural resources for its production

2. What household appliances operate using electrical energy?

    And the chandelier
    B hairdryer
    In a meat grinder

3. Using faulty electrical appliances can lead to

    And excessive consumption of electrical energy
    B electric shock
    Failure of an electrical appliance

4. Why should you not touch exposed wires?

    An electrical appliance will fail
    B the supply of electrical energy will stop
    You may get an electric shock

Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but, in any case, it is inevitable: any woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen. And if there are children in the family, or someone in the household is on a diet or special food, then the responsibilities of cooking become almost the main part of the housewife’s routine. Motherhood.ru will tell you about the 10 most useful kitchen appliances, the use of which makes life easier and reduces the time spent in the kitchen.

Let’s say right away that every woman is a chef in her own kitchen, so we all have different “technological” preferences. Some people prefer to make do with the minimum, others respect the most fashionable and advanced new products and rush to get them as soon as they go on sale. The rating is based on online surveys, and perhaps you will rank the devices differently in terms of importance and usefulness.

10th place: food processor

This device replaces graters, knives, a mixer, a blender; it chops vegetables and fruits, beats eggs, kneads dough - in general, it is an excellent housewife's assistant in the kitchen. Critics remind us that the combine takes up quite a lot of space and requires careful care: after each use you have to disassemble it and rinse every large and small part. In general, both critics and supporters agree that a food processor is justified if the family is large and you have to cook food often and in large quantities.

9th place: multicooker

In fact, this is an electric saucepan with a wide range of capabilities: you can cook soups, porridges, pilaf and even baked goods (muffins) in it. Disadvantages - it takes up a lot of space, requires careful care, and still cannot cook complex dishes. Pros - food does not burn, food is cooked at the optimal temperature. The most important advantage of a multicooker is its “independence”: the housewife can do other things while the food is being prepared, which saves a lot of time. In advanced, more expensive versions, there are quite a lot of modes and functions, there is the possibility of delayed cooking and keeping the finished dish hot.

8th place: juicer

More and more families are switching to a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition. The growing popularity of juicers is probably related to this fact. There are two main types: for everyday use and industrial-type juicers (for preparations for the winter). The main advantage of this device is its ability to quickly and efficiently squeeze fresh juices, which are much healthier than packaged juices.

7th place: bread machine

This device is quite expensive, but supporters consider the price justified. Most bread makers are capable of not only baking fresh bread on their own (from kneading to baking), but also know how to knead dough for dumplings and dumplings, as well as make jam. Housewives have the opportunity to experiment with the composition of bread (add bran, cereals, corn flour, etc.). And most importantly, the bread turns out delicious, and its composition is precisely known.

6th place: microwave oven

This device captivated us with its ability to quickly heat up food, but it is capable of much: you can cook in a microwave oven (even baking in some models), as well as defrost food. Types of microwave ovens: “solo” (microwaves only), “solo + grill” (microwaves and grilling function). Advanced, more expensive versions of ovens are multifunctional - they have convection heating and are capable of processing products with steam.

5th place: mixer

A modern kitchen is indispensable without a mixer. Mixers can be submersible (manual) or stationary with a bowl (for small volumes, these can be used in “manual” mode by unfastening the moving part). This device has many attachments - whisks for beating, mixing products, hooks for kneading dough, blender attachments (with chopper blades), chopper glasses. It is possible to set different speed modes, which helps to obtain different results. Advanced, more expensive versions of mixers have noise minimization systems, scratch protection systems on dishes, and splash protection systems.

4th place: electric kettle

The device is certainly not new, but modern electric kettles have become more powerful, thanks to disk heaters they boil and heat water faster. “Smart” models are able to maintain a constant water temperature and turn on on a timer.

3rd place: meat grinder

Meat grinders are available mechanical and electric. Mechanical ones were also used by our mothers and grandmothers, and electric ones are becoming increasingly popular, as they take on the main work. Meat grinders process meat quickly, efficiently and in different ways (up to 4.5 kg per minute). They have self-sharpening knives, different attachments not only for minced meat of different consistencies, but also for homemade sausages, homemade sausages. Modern meat grinders are easy to disassemble (sometimes automatically), have compartments for storing small parts, and are compact. Advanced, more expensive versions of meat grinders are combined with food processors (there are grinders for slicing and shredding, grating products - vegetables and fruits), as well as with juicers.

2nd place: kitchen stove

Stoves can be gas or electric (including electric stoves and hobs), and may or may not have a built-in oven. There is no dispute about tastes, and in some situations, the installation of electric stoves is determined by the situation (for example, in multi-story buildings). The advantage of gas stoves is their efficiency, the advantage of electric stoves is the absence of open fire. In most cases (and this is certainly more convenient and expands culinary possibilities), stoves are combined with ovens (gas or electric). Electric ovens have more features: several heating modes, convection heating (the best option for various baked goods), built-in grill, etc. They can also be combined with a steamer or microwave oven. Many modern stoves and ovens have built-in programming functions, timers, various cooking modes (simmering, gentle stewing, fermentation, defrosting, etc.), as well as rapid cooling systems.

1st place: refrigerator

This is the most energy-intensive appliance in the kitchen and, according to the unanimous recognition of housewives, the most useful. It keeps meat frozen, vegetables fresh, and drinks chilled. Modern refrigerators are optimized for storing different products, in different modes, have built-in LCD screens with various indicators, and are combined with freezers (top, bottom or side-by-side). Shelves in refrigerators are adjustable in height, drawers and baskets are fully retractable, there are containers for storing certain products, and compartments with humidity control (for fruits and herbs). Energy-saving refrigerator models are labeled Energy Star.

Also popular with housewives are:

- coffee maker

This is a compact, easy-to-use and relatively inexpensive (compared to a coffee machine, for example) device. Instant coffee does not have such a rich, rich taste as brewed coffee, and a coffee maker brews coffee quickly and independently. Removable parts are easy to clean; in advanced, more expensive versions, you can set the mode to keep the coffee hot; they also have a so-called “anti-drip” system, often supplemented with coffee grinders.

- toaster

This device is very popular in the West, but, according to experts, it has not taken root in Russia. Many housewives believe that it is unjustified to occupy limited kitchen space with equipment that can perform only one function - frying and drying bread. Proponents of toasters claim that it helps to diversify the menu and is also good for health (nutritionists recommend eating dried bread). All toasters have thermostats - they regulate the degree of toasting of the bread; advanced, more expensive options can heat buns, croissants, and toast frozen bread.

- kitchen scales

Many housewives cook intuitively or “by eye,” but for complex dishes and baked goods, kitchen scales are useful. Modern electronic scales are supplemented with functions for storing weight, sequential weighing of ingredients, calculating the volume of liquid to be weighed, and a tare compensation function (products are weighed without taking into account the weight of the bowl).

- blender

This device is often built into other kitchen appliances (for example, a food processor) and has similar functions and the same attachments as a mixer, so housewives, as a rule, choose one thing.

- air fryer

A fashionable device among lovers of fried foods. Allows you to fry in a relatively harmless way, with a minimum of fat.

- freezer

It is considered necessary by those housewives who freeze large quantities of food (fresh fruits and vegetables) for the winter.

- Dishwasher

A dishwasher is the dream of mothers of large families, but this dream is not cheap and takes up quite a lot of space.

What kitchen appliances do you consider the most useful?

The terms established by the standard are required for use in all types of documentation, textbooks, teaching aids, technical and reference literature.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as a reference and are designated “NDP”.

Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

General concepts

Household heating electrical appliance Household heating electrical appliance. Household combined electrical appliance A household electrical appliance that has heating and mechanical parts. Stationary household heating electrical appliance. Stationary household heating electrical appliance. Built-in household heating electrical appliance A stationary household heating electrical appliance that is an element of furniture or other structure. Portable household heating electrical appliance. Portable household heating electrical appliance. Manual household heating electrical appliance. Manual household heating electrical appliance.

Household electrical appliances for cooking

Frying electric cabinet A chamber-type household heating electrical appliance for cooking food inside its working volume. Electric stove A household heating electrical appliance with electric burners and an electric frying cabinet. Electric stove-panel Built-in household heating electrical appliance with electric burners. Electric stove A portable household heating appliance with one or more electric burners. Electric grill A combined household heating electrical appliance for cooking food inside its working volume using infrared heating. Electric roaster Electric grill for frying portions of meat and sandwiches. Electric frying pan Electric frying pan. Electric waffle iron Electric waffle iron. Electric fryer A household heating electrical appliance for frying food by contact method on both sides simultaneously. Electric barbecue maker Electric barbecue maker. Electric toaster A household heating electrical appliance for toasting slices of bread using infrared heating. Electric saucepan Electric saucepan. Electric pressure cooker NDP. Electric pan-autoclave Electric pan for cooking at high pressure. Electric pan-steamer Electric pan for steaming food. Electric juice cooker Electric juice cooker. Electric food warmer A household heating electrical appliance for maintaining a constant temperature of heated food. Electric fryer A household heating electrical appliance for cooking food in heated oil. Electric cabinet for drying food Electric cabinet for drying food. Electric egg cooker Electric egg cooker.

Household electrical appliances for heating liquids

Electric water heater NDP. Electric boiler A stationary household heating electrical appliance for heating water to a temperature of 85 °C. Electric baby food warmer A household heating appliance for warming baby food bottles. Electric water heater for aquariums Electric water heater for aquariums. Submersible electric boiler Submersible electric boiler. Electric kettle Electric kettle. Electric samovar Electric samovar. Electric coffee maker Electric coffee maker. Percolation electric coffee maker NDP. Geyser electric coffee maker An electric coffee maker in which coffee is prepared by repeatedly passing hot water or steam through a layer of ground coffee. Compression electric coffee maker An electric coffee maker in which coffee is prepared under a set pressure with a one-time passage of hot water or steam through a layer of ground coffee.

Household electrical appliances for heating

Heating electrical appliance A household heating or combined electrical appliance for heating premises. Accumulation heating electric device An electric heating device for accumulating heat with heat transfer to the surrounding space. Electric convector NDP. Electric heater An electrical heating device with heat transfer predominantly by natural convection. Infrared electric heater An electrical heating device with heat transfer predominantly by infrared radiation. Electric fireplace Infrared electric heater of directed radiation. Electric fan heater An electric heating device with heat transfer predominantly by forced convection. Electric radiator An electrical heating device with heat transfer by radiation and convection from the external working surface.

Household sanitary and hygienic electrical appliances, power tools and electrical appliances for household purposes

Electric curlers Household heating electrical device for curling hair. Electric hair curling iron Electric hair curling iron. Electric hand dryer NDP. Electric towel Electric hand dryer. Electric shoe dryer Electric shoe dryer. Electric clothes dryer Electric clothes dryer. Hair dryer Household heating electrical appliance for drying hair. Electrical device for gluing polyethylene film Electrical device for gluing polyethylene film. Electric wood burner Electric wood burner. Electric soldering iron Electric soldering iron. Electric soldering iron with forced heating Electric soldering iron with forced heating. Pulse heating electric soldering iron Pulse heating electric soldering iron. Electric iron Electric iron. Electric iron with steam humidifier An electric iron, the design of which ensures automatic moistening of the fabric with steam during ironing. Electric iron with spray An electric iron, the design of which ensures automatic moistening of the fabric with water splashes during ironing. Electric blanket Blanket with a flexible electric heater. Electrobandage Electrobandage. Electric cushion Electric cushion. Heating pad Electric heating pad. Electric mat Electric mat. Electric belt Electric belt. Electric mattress Electric mattress. Electric granny House shoes with a flexible electric heater.

Components and elements of household heating electrical appliances

Electric heater for a household appliance A device for a household heating electrical appliance that converts electrical energy into heat. Open electric heater of a household appliance An electric heater of a household appliance, the current-carrying heat-generating part of which is in direct contact with the environment. Replaceable Electrical Appliance Heater An electrical heater for a household appliance that can be separated from the electrical appliance for replacement and repair. Protected electric heater for a household appliance Replaceable electric heater for a household appliance, the current-carrying heat-generating part of which is protected by electrical insulation. Non-replaceable electric heater of a household appliance An electric heater of a household appliance that is integral with the electrical appliance or part thereof. Closed electric heater of a household appliance Non-replaceable electric heater of a household appliance, the current-carrying heat-generating part of which is isolated from the environment. Concentrated electric heater of a household appliance An electric heater of a household appliance in which all overall dimensions of the working part differ slightly from each other. Linear electric heater of a household appliance An electric heater of a household appliance in which one of the overall dimensions is significantly larger than the other two. Reflector of a household heating electrical appliance A device for a household heating electrical appliance that creates directed radiation from an electric heater. Electric burner An assembly unit of a household heating electrical appliance, the main element of which is an electric heater. Tubular electric burner Electric burner with a tubular electric heater. Cast iron electric burner An electric burner whose body is made of cast iron. Automatic electric burner An electric burner that provides automatic transition from the heating mode to the specified thermal mode. Express burner An electric burner in which accelerated heating to operating temperature is carried out due to additionally installed power. Electric curler roller A removable part of an electric curler designed for curling hair. Soldering rod The metal part of an electric soldering iron that accumulates the heat necessary for soldering. Soldering tip The working end of the soldering rod. Electric iron soleplate The flat surface of the electric iron that is pressed against the material when ironing. Center of the sole of the electric iron A point on the axis of symmetry of the sole of the electric iron, located midway between its top and base. Steam humidifier for an electric iron An electric iron device for generating and supplying steam to the soleplate of an electric iron. Sprinkler for electric iron Sprinkler for electric iron.

Parameters of household heating devices

Operating temperature of a household heating electrical appliance The arithmetic mean value of the temperature of the working surface or working space of a household heating electrical appliance. Steady-state temperature of a household heating appliance The value of the temperature of a household heating appliance that does not change at regular intervals. Warm-up time of a household heating electrical appliance The time during which the temperature of the working surface or working space of a household heating electrical appliance reaches the set value. Uneven heating of a household heating electrical appliance The maximum temperature difference at any two points of the working surface or working space of a household heating electrical appliance at a steady temperature. Specific volumetric power of a household heating electrical appliance The power of a household heating electrical appliance per unit of useful volume of the working space of a household heating electrical appliance. Specific surface power of a household heating electrical appliance The power of a household heating electrical appliance per unit area of ​​the working surface of a household heating electrical appliance. Specific energy consumption of a frying electrical cabinet Electricity consumption per unit of internal volume of the electrical cabinet, spent on heating it to a given temperature. Average temperature of the soleplate of the electric iron The arithmetic average of the temperatures at the established points of the soleplate of the electric iron at a given control stage. Steam generation time The time during which the water in the electric iron tank is completely consumed for steam generation


  1. GOST 15047-78 Household electrical heating appliances. Terms and Definitions