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Meaning of the word paragraph

paragraph in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


paragraph, m. (German Absatz) (special).

    Indent to the right at the beginning of a line to separate one part of the text from another; Red line. When typing, make a paragraph.

    The text between two such indents. Read two paragraphs.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    Red line, indentation at the beginning of the line. Start writing with a paragraph.

    The text between two such indents. Read the first a.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line. parts of printed or handwritten text; Red line.

    The part of the text between two such indents, characterized by unity and relative completeness of content.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


PARAGRAPH (German: Absatz)

    indentation in the initial line of text.

    A part of the text (a complex syntactic whole), representing a semantic unity and indented in the 1st line.


(German Absatz ≈ red line, literally ≈ ledge),

    indentation at the beginning line of printed or handwritten text.

    A part of the text connected by semantic unity and highlighted by indenting the first line.



Paragraph- a piece of written speech consisting of one or more sentences.

A paragraph, denoting a kind of “caesura,” is a unit of text division, intermediate between a phrase and a chapter, and serves to group homogeneous units of presentation, exhausting one of its moments (thematic, plot, etc.). Isolating a phrase into a special paragraph enhances the semantic emphasis falling on it. The paragraph contributes to the correct and quick perception of the text.

A paragraph is a little-studied component of a literary form that has a compositional, plot-thematic, rhythmic meaning and is associated with the style of the author. Characteristic, for example, are short paragraphs in impressionistic prose - symptoms of fragmentation, aphoristic thought; or, for example, a return to a long paragraph of several pages in M. Proust, associated with the Sternian, so-called “spiral cyclicity” of his presentation. Particularly expressive is the paragraph in A. Bely, who singles out even individual parts of a phrase into special paragraphs, thereby emphasizing the thematic significance and rhythmic development of the highlighted parts.

To highlight a paragraph, in addition to a new line, it is printed with red line, that is, separated by a vertical indent from adjacent paragraphs and/or indented.

Control of dangling lines- ensuring that when moving a paragraph to the next page there is no single line.

Paragraph (meanings)


  • Paragraph is a section, part of the text.
  • “Paragraph” is a publishing anti-prize.
  • "Paragraph" is a literary almanac.

Examples of the use of the word paragraph in literature.

I ask permission of the Court to announce the second paragraph from the note of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR dated April 27, 1942.

I would like to announce, with the permission of the Tribunal, the first paragraph this document, which reveals a lot both about the cooperation on the part of transport services and in relation to the terrible mentality of the Nazi authorities.

This paragraph indicates that even before they seized power in Germany, the Nazis hatched a plan to crush any potential opposition with terror, and the words Frick said to Seger are in full accordance with the statement he made earlier on October 18, 1929.

In this case, too, there is no objection to the spread of rumors about such additional punishment in accordance with the considerations set out in section 3 above, paragraph 3, if it seems appropriate to enhance the deterrent effect.

I want you to pay attention to the fourth paragraph, 11th page, paragraph 4 in the German document book, in which he gives some information about you.

Let's do it paragraph for a smoke break and outline some figures occupying some feeding chairs in Glukhomani.

Full paragraph, because I have never experienced anything like this in my entire twenty-seven year life.

No, we have to do it paragraph, have a proper and leisurely smoke break, and only then continue the story of where and how I met Kim.

Unpleasant paragraph, But paragraph You can no longer exclude it from the manuscript called life.

Trying to figure each one out paragraph one after another is a waste of precious time.

On the contrary, you need to choose one paragraph- the one that is of the greatest interest.

It is very rare that the first paragraph is given without a fight, without rattling nerves, without doubts and searches, easily and naturally.

Last paragraph So, having a theme and concept, collecting and processing material, drawing up a plan and thinking about the plot, protecting yourself from cliches, overcoming the resistance of the first paragraph and having thus found the right tone of the narrative, etc.

A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. They are united around one common theme. One of the sentences carries the main idea of ​​the entire paragraph, and all other sentences reveal the topic more broadly. A proposal with a main purpose is required. It is this that briefly conveys the general narrow meaning of the entire paragraph. Usually the main sentence, which is also called the topic sentence, is not the very first one.

The paragraph begins with a sentence on a slightly different topic. With each subsequent statement the topic is clarified. By the end of the paragraph, sentences have a specific function. They help clarify the details and nuances of the topic. The right paragraph should talk about one specific topic. The paragraph must contain all the necessary information for a full disclosure of the topic. All sentences that make up the paragraph must have the correct location. Each of them, in turn, should be directly related to the main topic. Also, each previous unit should prepare the reader for the next one.

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  • Caspian Sea - report message (grades 4, 8. Geography. The world around us)

    The Caspian Sea-lake is the largest enclosed body of water in the world. It can be called both a lake and a sea. Due to its isolation and lack of access to the ocean, it can be considered a lake, but due to its properties, namely, size, it can be considered a sea

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indent; typing text on a new line at the beginning of a new chapter, section, etc.

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


‘beginning of the first line of text or a separate fragment of text shifted to the right’

Syn: indentation

encyclopedic Dictionary


(German: Absatz),

  1. indentation in the initial line of text.
  2. A part of the text (a complex syntactic whole), representing a semantic unity and indented in the 1st line.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m.
    1. Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line. parts of printed or handwritten text; Red line.
    2. The part of the text between two such indents, characterized by unity and relative completeness of content.

Explanatory translation dictionary


1. A segment of text expressing a complex statement in which the sentences forming it are connected in meaning and formally.

2. A segment of written language from one red line to another, functioning as a superphrase unity or complex syntactic whole.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

Asphalt plant A C, A, m.

1. Red line, indentation at the beginning of the line. Start writing with a paragraph.

2. The text between two such indents. Read the first a.

Ushakov's Dictionary


paragraph c, paragraph, husband. (German Absatz) ( specialist.).

1. Indent to the right at the beginning of a line to separate one part of the text from another; Red line. When typing, make a paragraph.

2. The text between two such indents. Read two paragraphs.

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(German Absatz from verb. absetzen - move away).

1) Indent to the right at the beginning of the line (red line).

2) A segment of written or printed text from one red line to another, usually containing a super-phrase unity or part of it, less often - one simple or complex sentence.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


A, m.

1. Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line; Red line.

* Write from a paragraph. *

2. The text between two such indents.

|| adj.(to 1 value) paragraph, -th, -oe.

* Paragraph line. *

Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


German – Abzatz (ledge, platform).

This word came into Russian at the beginning of the 18th century. from the German language, almost at the same time it appeared in other Slavic languages. Such, for example, as Belarusian and Ukrainian.

In German, the word “paragraph” meant “draft”, as well as “indentation”, “platform”, “department”, etc. In Russian there is an equivalent to this foreign word, which is known to everyone as “red line”.

Derivative: paragraph.

Pedagogical speech science. Dictionary-Directory


(German Absatz - ledge) - a unit of text, which is, as a rule, a unity of thematically united sentences, one of which indicates the topic or main idea of ​​A. The presence of a thematic or conceptual sentence in each A. is important for both the writer and the reader. Such a sentence allows the writer or speaker to clearly define the topic (see:) and strictly adhere to it when developing it in other sentences, and it helps the reader or listener to identify the subject of speech and keep it in memory until it is replaced by another subject of speech.

When we write, we must begin each A, slightly retreating from the main line from which the lines begin. This draws the reader in and shows him that there is a transition from one idea or topic to another.

A correctly constructed A. must satisfy the following requirements:

1. In A. only one topic should be presented. It should include everything that is necessary to develop the topic outlined in the topic sentence and should not contain anything that is not related to that topic.

In literary texts, the theme of A. can be expressed not in one, but in several sentences. If A. does not have “its own” thematic sentence, this means that it is a “provider” of a topic or idea reflected in the previous part of the text.

2. The arrangement of sentences within A. must be thoughtful. The connection of each sentence with A’s topic sentence should be clear to the reader, and each sentence should prepare the reader for the perception of the next sentence.

Sentences within A. should be arranged in such a way that the most important sentence is highlighted. The beginning and end of an essay are most capable of emphasizing the expressed idea. Therefore, you should strive to express the main idea at the beginning or end of the A.

Lit.: Zarubina K D. On the issue of linguistic units of text // Text syntax / Ed. G. A. Zolotov. - M., 1979; Zarubina N. D. Text: linguistic and methodological aspects. - M., 1981; Sevbo I. P. Structure of a coherent text and automation of abstracting. - M., 1969; Solganik G. Ya. Syntactic stylistics. - M., 1973; Solganik G. Ya. Stylistics of the text. - M., 1997.

V.N. Meshcheryakov

Sentences containing "paragraph"

Andrey turned his gaze to the very bottom of the page, where long columns of listings ended with a short final paragraph:

In particular, paragraphs 2, 4, paragraph 1, Art. 6, which do not meet the constitutional requirements for clarity of criteria of a legal norm and, therefore, do not allow protecting the constitutional principle of equality of all before the law.


paragraph, m. (German Absatz) (special).

1. Indent to the right at the beginning of a line to separate one part of the text from another; Red line. When typing, make a paragraph.

2. Text between two such indents. Read two paragraphs.

Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ushakov. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of words and what a PARAGRAPH is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • PARAGRAPH in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    a piece of writing between two red lines. A., denoting a kind of “caesura” (see), is the 643rd unit of division, intermediate between ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (German: Absatz) 1) indentation in the initial line of text. 2) Part of the text (complex syntactic whole), representing a semantic unity and highlighted ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (German Absatz - red line, literally - ledge), 1) indentation in the initial line of printed or handwritten text. 2) Part of the text, ...
    [from German absatz] 1) part of the text from one indent to the next; 2) indentation in the initial line of text (paragraph...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. 1. Left indentation in the initial line of text. 2. Part of the text from one indent to the next.||Cf. PASSAGE II, PERIOD…
  • PARAGRAPH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. Red line, indent at the beginning of the line. Start writing with a paragraph. 2. Text between two such indents. ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PARAGRAPH (German: Absatz), indentation in the initial line of text. A part of the text (a complex syntactic whole), which represents a semantic unity and is indented...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    (German Absatz from the verb absetzen - move away). 1) Indent to the right at the beginning of the line (red line). 2) A piece of written or...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. 1) Indentation at the beginning of the first line. parts of the text. Write from a paragraph. Synonyms: red lines 2) Text between ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • PARAGRAPH in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (German absatz) 1) red line - indentation in the initial line of the text (in publishing practice, a design is found when a. begins ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [German absatz] 1. red line - indentation in the initial line of the text (in publishing practice, there is a design when a. begins from ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    ‘beginning of the first line of text or a separate fragment of text shifted to the right’ Syn: ...
  • PARAGRAPH in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
  • PARAGRAPH in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    indentation, paragraph, verse, line, finish, fragment, ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1) Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line. parts of printed or handwritten text; Red line. 2) Part of the text between...
  • PARAGRAPH in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    paragraph, -a, tv. -em, r. pl. ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    paragraph, -a, tv. -em, r. pl. ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Spelling Dictionary:
    paragraph, -a, tv. -em, r. pl. ...
  • PARAGRAPH in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    text between two such indents Read the first a. paragraph red line, indentation at the beginning of the line Start writing with ...
  • PARAGRAPH in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (German: Absatz), 1) indentation in the initial line of text. 2) Part of the text (complex syntactic whole), representing a semantic unity and highlighted ...
  • PARAGRAPH in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    paragraph m. 1) Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line. parts of printed or handwritten text; Red line. 2) Part of the text...

PARAGRAPH, -a, m. 1. Red line, indent at the beginning of the line. Start writing with a paragraph. 2. Text between two such indents. Read the first a.

View value PARAGRAPH in other dictionaries

Paragraph- Red line
synonym: indent
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Paragraph- paragraph, m. (German: Absatz) (special). 1. Indent to the right at the beginning of a line to separate one part of the text from another; Red line. When typing, make a paragraph. 2. Text between two such........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Paragraph M.— 1. Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line. parts of printed or handwritten text; Red line. 2. The part of the text between two such indents, characterized by........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Paragraph- -A; m. [German] Absatz].
1. Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line. parts of the text; Red line. Start with a paragraph. Do a. when typing.
2. Part of the text between two such........
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Paragraph— This word, denoting an indent at the beginning of a line or text between two such indents, was borrowed in the 60s of the 19th century. from German, where the word Absatz has the same meaning.
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