The family of Yana Rudkovskaya has three sons. However, the eldest of them, Andrei, is not the birth child of the 41-year-old producer: the 14-year-old boy has a different biological mother, Viktor Baturin's ex-wife Yulia Saltovets. For many years, the woman dreamed of seeing her heir, and now, finally, the meeting between mother and son took place. However, Andrei was not particularly happy about this meeting and is not eager to continue communicating with his real parent.

Yana Rudkovskaya allowed her adopted son Andrei to see his biological mother. In the photo, Yana Rudkovskaya with children. From left to right: Andrei, Nikolai, Alexander

In 2001, the second wife of businessman Viktor Baturin, Yulia Saltovets, gave birth to a son. At the time the boy was born, the couple had already broken up, but this did not stop the man from taking the child from his former lover. A month after the incident, the billionaire married Yana Rudkovskaya. The producer accepted little Andrei as her own and began to raise him along with her own son, Nikolai, who was born in marriage to Baturin 2 years later.

For many years, no one knew that Andrey's biological mother was not Yana. In 2011, this information became public. In 2012, Yulia Saltovets gave an interview to one of the Russian TV channels, telling her tragic story.

Yulia Saltovets told how her long-awaited meeting with her own son went. The woman admitted that the boy was reluctant to talk to her

The woman said that she was trying by all means to negotiate with Baturin about a meeting with the heir, but to no avail - the boy's father did not want to meet his ex-wife halfway. And only when the billionaire was in prison for fraud, his ex-wife managed to establish at least some contact with his own son.

Julia Saltovets and Yana Rudkovskaya were once friends in the 90s

In an interview with StarHit magazine, Saltovets admitted that she did see her child. The meeting took place last summer, but the woman decided to tell about it only now. Yulia managed to chat with Andrey in Sochi, in the lobby of the hotel, where Plushenko and Rudkovskaya lived with their children at that time. The figure skater came on a date with the boy and was present when the son spoke with his mother. From the outside, a security guard looked after the company.

Yulia Saltovets was the second wife of Viktor Baturin. Their marriage lasted only six months. After the break, the billionaire took the child from the ex-wife

“In my dreams, I painted everything differently. I thought we would talk heart to heart ... But it turned out somehow officially. There were 3 hours for communication. She asked me how you were doing, how you were studying. Andrei answered, but somehow in monosyllables ... It was felt that he was uncomfortable. I asked to call on Skype, Andrei did not want to, said that he was talking with friends there, did not agree to take a picture for memory, they say, he does not like to be photographed, ”Julia told reporters.

But the ex-wife of Viktor Baturin was still happy to meet her son. Saltovets does not lose hope someday to hear the word "mother" from Andrey. However, while the boy does not make contact and does not really want to continue to communicate with the real parent.

Yana Rudkovskaya often went out with Nikolai (left) and Andrey

Yana Rudkovskaya is a charming blonde who paved her stellar path with small but confident steps, a woman who went through her thorny period in her life to achieve her personal happiness.

A businesswoman, TV presenter and producer on her own achieved the simply impossible, a fragile-looking girl with a steel character. Her life motto was “Tanks are not afraid of dirt”, what circumstances were forced to temper Yana Rudkovskaya, who is her adopted son and how she found her love, read below.

On the World Wide Web, it is not difficult to find information about the parameters of a TV presenter, as well as height, weight, and age. It is unambiguously difficult to answer how old Yana Rudkovskaya is, because the girl herself claims that she was born on January 2, 1975, which means she is now forty-three years old. However, her former classmates claim that Yana was born in 1968 and her name was Alla during her school days. But we won’t figure it out whether it’s true or not, the main thing is that Rudkovskaya is so careful about her appearance and style of clothing that you won’t even give her thirty-five. With a height of 165 cm, Yana weighs 48 kg, and this is not surprising, because the girl has a young husband who needs to match. When a good man is around, women next to them only bloom over the years. And this is a vivid example - Yana Rudkovskaya. The photo in his youth and now leading is a little bewildering. It's like time has reversed.

The forty-year-old presenter looks much better than twenty years ago. Slender, well-groomed, stylish Rudkovskaya knows how to look so that it was impossible to tear yourself away from her.

Biography of Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana Rudkovskaya was born in Kazakhstan in a family where her father, Rudkovsky Alexander Evgenievich, was a military pilot. Dad was strict but fair, the daughter recalls, and his word was law. A girl grew up and graduated from school in Barnaul, as her father was transferred on duty. Yana studied well, so it was not difficult for her to enter and graduate from a medical university and leave for an internship in Holland. Moreover, her mother, Svetlana Nikolaevna, worked in medicine by profession as a neurologist.

After Rudkovskaya moved to Sochi and founded her own business - beauty salons based on medical cosmetology and expanding throughout the country. The girl does not stop there and, having concluded agreements with foreign investors, opens a network of stores of famous brands. Yana is famous not only in her own country, even European publications wrote that Rudkovskaya is the first businesswoman who works in the field of fashion and beauty. In 2005, the future producer takes Dima Bilan under his wing and the intended goals achieve more and more success - in Eurovision 2008, the singer won first place. Also, Rudkovskaya was a producer not only of singers, but also of music shows, starred in videos and launched her own television project. And who is interested in a more detailed biography of Yana Rudkovskaya, we advise you to read the book “Confession of a kept woman. This is how the steel was tempered, ”which the producer published in 2009.

Yana, like many celebrities, is involved in charity work. As a caring mother, she, like no one else, knows what separation from children is and how difficult it is to be separated between mother and child. Therefore, children are sacred to her and she finances orphanages, trying to at least slightly alleviate the fate of orphans.

Personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya

The personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya was not always as happy as it is now. Having met her first husband, Viktor Baturin, he seemed to the girl a tough man, but she attributed all this to the costs of the profession. Later, when their son was born, Baturin squeezed the vise even more and became generally some kind of despot and tyrant. Rudkovskaya more than once recalled the years she lived with him with a shudder: “I felt like a thing, not a beloved woman,” recalls Yana.

Later, when Rudkovskaya freed herself from the shackles of marriage, her life sparkled with new colors. Even in appearance, one could say that Yana was happy. They even say that she had an affair with her ward - Dima Bilan. Why not. Who can resist such a gorgeous blonde.

Now the star is married to Evgeni Plushenko and has three sons. When the news “Yana Rudkovskaya is pregnant with her third child 2016-2017 photo” appeared on the network When to give birth? - questions from the fans rained down, to which Yana jokingly replied that everything was the will of God. Although Plushenko admitted that the couple wants another child.

Family of Yana Rudkovskaya

The family of Yana Rudkovskaya is large, friendly and strong. Yana lives like in a fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with her dearest men. But only Rudkovskaya knows how much she had to endure in pursuit of this well-being.

Apparently, fortunately, there is no easy road. Recently, the family vacationed on the island and Yana shares that it was an unforgettable vacation. “I look at my husband, at my three sons and do not believe my happiness. After all, it is not in vain that they say that a happy woman is the one who is called mother and beloved.

Children of Yana Rudkovskaya

The children of Yana Rudkovskaya are the most valuable thing in her life, and this is confirmed when, during the period of the divorce proceedings, she fought like a tigress with her last strength so that the law was on her side and the children stayed with her. Although the forces were not equal, however, justice still exists.

First of all, Yana is a friend for her children, so the guys share their innermost with her and ask for advice. As a loving mother, she supports her sons in any endeavors, is very worried about them, but also notes that Rudkovskaya's husband has great authority for boys, so her boys are real men.

Adopted son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Andrey Baturin

The son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Andrei Baturin is an adopted child in the family of a TV presenter. A boy was born in 2001 in the marriage of Viktor Baturin and Yulia Saltovets. After the mother's refusal from the child, the boy's father and later Rudkovskaya, who married Baturin, became the guardians of the boy.

Andrei always believed that Yana was his real mother. The boy is very attached to his family, loves his adoptive parents and gets along with his brothers. He calls Rudkovskaya mom, and Yana, in turn, loves all the children equally, and only in 2011, due to forced circumstances, she admitted that Andrei was not her own son.

The son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Nikolai Baturin

The son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Nikolai Baturin was born on June 28, 2002. When the child was five years old, his parents began divorce proceedings, which had a severe impact on the child too. Only after Rudkovskaya married Evgeni Plushenko did the boy have a friend and his hero.

Nikolay started playing football and has achieved a lot in three years in the world of sports, because he is trained by the coaches of the Spanish club Barcelona, ​​​​and they have a lot to learn. Not so long ago, Kolya started an Instagram page, where Yana Rudkovskaya, under one of the pictures, noted that what an adult son she already had.

The son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Alexander Plushenko

Yana's son, Alexander Plushenko, was born on January 6, 2013. The boy has a really stellar life from birth. After all, it is difficult to remain in the shadows with such parents as Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko. The kid is a public figure, because he is registered in social networks, starred in commercials and family photo shoots.

And recently, five-year-old Andrei, who, apparently, became bored, turned to his parents with a request - to give him a sister, Masha. Yana Rudkovskaya herself said that she had wanted a daughter for a long time and would think about the desire of her son.

Former husband of Yana Rudkovskaya - Viktor Baturin

The former Yana Rudkovskaya, Viktor Baturin, is a Russian billionaire, having lived with Yana for seven years from 2001 to 2008, they decided to disperse. The spouses had a long and scandalous divorce process, in which they argued with whom the children would remain - Alexander, Baturin's son from his first marriage, and Nikolai, a common child. The trial was won by Rudkovskaya, and two years later Viktor was imprisoned for large-scale fraud. In 2016, Baturin was released, and on one of the TV shows he admitted that he was looking at Rudkovskaya with loving eyes. No wonder they say: "From love to hate is one step and vice versa."

At this time, the couple communicates and this is the reason for common children. Baturin, as the producer put it, changed his worldview and became more adequate. Yes, he caused her a lot of grief, and this once again proves what a bright person Yana Rudkovskaya is, if after all she didn’t forgive, then she let go of this situation and went to a truce for the sake of the children.

Husband of Yana Rudkovskaya - Evgeni Plushenko

The husband of Yana Rudkovsky, Evgeni Plushenko, is a famous figure in sports, and for Yana, the long-awaited love of her life. "I learned what love is - a pure and sincere feeling." It was with this man that Yana acquired female happiness. An exemplary family man, caring husband and role model. In 2011, the couple signed, and eight years later they got married in a church before God.

The initiative came from Plushenko, and this once again proves the true love between Yana and Evgeny, because not everyone can take such a serious step. It remains only to wish the couple to always be loving and loved!

Many fans, watching Yana, noticed how prettier she was after meeting with Evgeni Plushenko. She began to look younger than before, it seems that the years are beyond her control.

Some sources posting the material “Photo of Yana Rudkovskaya before and after plastic surgery”, assure that the girl has worked on her face more than once. However, Rudkovskaya claims the opposite, saying that love made her like that. But having considerable opportunities to improve her appearance, it is hard to believe that the TV presenter did not have such a temptation. But everyone has their own, apparently, the truth.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yana Rudkovskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Yana Rudkovskaya is very popular among her fans and subscribers, because visiting the page of the producer's social network is like visiting her. To the smallest detail, you can find out what is cooked for breakfast at the star family, see photos of the table setting and the interior of the house, what outfits the family members choose for the presentation, and so on.

There is also a video from the holiday, where the spouses have fun on the beach and dance, funny videos with children. They have a very close-knit family and always joke with each other, for example, the younger Sashenka is usually called Dwarf Gnomych. Yana is a very positive person in life and always gives positive emotions to her fans.

The son of Yana Rudkovskaya and her ex-husband Viktor Baturin, 14-year-old Nikolai is taking the first steps in building a singing career. The young man has already recorded his debut track called Enough Spirit. Nikolai performs the composition in a duet with the ex-soloist of the MBAND group Vladislav Ramm.

The novice singers are going to conquer the Russian stage under the pseudonym Kolyas. According to Nikolai, he has already shown the song to his famous mother and received approval. “I used to play football seriously, but now I decided to try myself in a different role. I already have demos for the upcoming album, so I have many plans for the future,” Baturin said in an interview with

Vladislav was pleased with the cooperation with Nikolai. Soon they will start working on the video. All creative undertakings of young men are supported by Yana Rudkovskaya, who agreed to be their producer.

“We tried to make the song as fashionable as possible and, so to speak, for girls. When I met Kolya, I did not immediately realize that he was 14 years old. He is a completely grown man. We recorded a demo and decided to show Yana. She really liked it and we asked her for help with the production. Yana also helps me, in particular. I am very grateful to her for being such a sincere person and giving me a helping hand in a difficult period for me, ”said Vladislav.

Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko are raising their two-year-old son Sasha, their common child. Also, producer Dima Bilan has two more children. Nikolay Rudkovskaya gave birth to her son Nikolai Rudkovskaya from her ex-husband, billionaire Viktor Baturin, who recently got out of prison. Andrei is Yana's adopted child. The boy is the son of Viktor Baturin and his second wife Yulia Saltovets.

In an interview with StarHit, Yulia said that she tried to return the boy, but after a series of trials she decided to let go of the situation and wait until Andrei grows up and understands everything himself. “I have Yana’s phone number, I sent congratulations on the holidays to him, words about my son taking care of himself. On the eve of 2015, Rudkovskaya answered me for the first time in all these years, saying, why do you rarely write, do you want to meet your son? — shared Saltovets.

Rudkovskaya with her sons Andrei (left), Nikolai and Sasha


Now Julia lives in Spain with her youngest daughter Polina. Due to a contract at work, she was able to meet her son only six months later in Sochi. Then Saltovets saw Andrei for the first time in six years.

“In my dreams, I painted everything a little differently. I thought we would talk heart to heart ... But everything turned out somehow officially. At the station, the driver of Rudkovskaya met me and my daughter and took us to the hotel. Andrei was waiting in the foyer along with Evgeni Plushenko and a security guard. I hugged my boy and kissed him. He is so handsome and mature. It looks like me, ”said Yulia.

According to Saltovets, she had three hours to communicate with her son, but their conversation did not go well. Evgeni Plushenko, who was present at the meeting, tried to defuse the situation, but Andrei was still restrained and laconic. “He felt uncomfortable. Although this reaction is quite understandable: he grows up in a different family, maybe there is resentment. I asked to call on Skype, Andrei did not want to, said that he was talking with friends there, did not agree to take a picture for memory, they say, he does not like to be photographed, ”added Yulia.

In an interview with the site, the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and aspiring hip-hop artist Nikolai Baturin, aka Kolyas, spoke about his work, relationship with his mother and self-confidence.

The name of Nikolai Baturin has been known for more than a year. But only if earlier the media wrote about the guy as the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Viktor Baturin, today the young man is ready to curl about himself. Yes, so that they will definitely hear him - and not only in Moscow.

Not so long ago, Nikolai took the pseudonym Kolyas and switched from football, adored since childhood, to music.

His track Enough Spirit, recorded in a duet with ex-MBand member Vlad Ramm, quickly became popular on the Web. We decided to get to know the aspiring artist better and asked him about the famous mother, plans for the future and, of course, star disease.

website: Kolya, you have been playing football professionally for many years, but last year you decided to become a hip-hop artist. Do you want more attention?

I can't say it's all about attention. I just don't think football would make me happy. At first, I had a passion for exercising, but over time, daily workouts ceased to be a thrill. I realized that this is no longer mine. And I have always been drawn to music. And I decided: “Why not!”. In addition, I had every opportunity to try.

website: Now you are 16 years old. This is the age when preferences change rapidly. Aren't you afraid that the music will get boring?

N. B.: No, I’m not afraid at all, because I have already identified for myself the activity that I want to do. I plan to devote my life to her.

“I don’t think that music will ever bore me - there are so many opportunities for development in this direction!”

website: Many people know and perceive you first of all as the son of Yana Rudkovskaya. Are you afraid that people will be biased towards your work?

NB: This is already happening. I often hear in my address: “You do everything only thanks to the famous mother and the money of your parents.” What should I tell them in response? This is their opinion. I will prove something not with words, but only with my creativity. And nothing else. Now I have almost completed my first solo album, which will contain tracks written by me. I'm a beginner musician, I write songs, and you can't argue with that.

“If I don't like a track, I won't release it. Now I want to do what is really fun"

website: What is it like to be the son of a famous producer?

N.B.: There are two sides of the coin. I have everything, and above all, endless possibilities. On the other hand, there are also many restrictions. For example, I cannot commit a rash act. If I mess up, then everyone will decide that it was my parents who raised me wrong. And so I live like everyone else, and the thought does not sit in my head that, since I am the son of Rudkovskaya, then others compared to me are nobody. I'm an ordinary kid, of which there are many.

website: Are you proud of your mom's success?

N.B.: Yes, of course. She is very hardworking. I know what show business is and how hard everything is given to her. Therefore, I am certainly proud of her achievements.

website: With the release of your first track, for sure, you have not only fans, but also haters. How do you feel about harsh statements addressed to you?

N.B.: I'm so used to it that I don't care anymore. They write and write.

"The more people hate me, the more successful I become."

They have the right to do whatever they want. And in general, if you think about it, the haters themselves are already to some extent dependent on the fact that they are following me.

website: Do you read comments?

N. B .: Not all, but it happens, I run my eyes. Sometimes I look there to see if people like what I do or not. Sometimes I see something pleasant, and it also makes me feel warm in my soul.

website: That is, do you listen to criticism?

N. B.: If it is objective, then why not. Only I try to listen to those who understand something in music. Sometimes guys my age write to me that I'm gay and ugly: it makes me very happy. Such comments are of no interest to me. And if someone says something like that personally, then we will understand it differently. (smiles - approx. site).

website: You represent a new generation with your views. And yet you listen to your mother's advice as an experienced producer?

N. B.: My mother and I have slightly different views on creativity - we listen to different music. Despite this, I know that my mother understands much more about the promotion of artists and sees this market on a much larger scale. So I always try to listen to her.

“But I'm not one of those who will do what he doesn't like. Neither my mother nor anyone else can influence my decision.

If I don't like a track, I won't release it. Now I want to do what is really fun.

website: How advanced is mom in terms of music?

NB: In this sense, our tastes certainly differ. She is a fan of pop music and Russian hits. But I'm still a representative of the new school.

website: Today there are new bright artists who are ready to compete with you. How will you win the audience?

N. B .: I think I will be one of the youngest representatives of the hip-hop genre. This fact in itself should arouse the interest of the listeners, so that they ask themselves the question: “What is he capable of at that age?” And there has always been and always will be competition. You just need to constantly surprise people with something new. And I will try to do it.

Vlad Ramm, Yana Rudkovskaya and Nikolai Baturin

website: Today there are 46 thousand subscribers on your Instagram, and the clip “Enough Spirit” has one and a half million views. Do you feel the growing popularity?

N. B.: I just like it when people listen to my music, I can influence people and their mood. If someone felt bad, but my work made it easier, I am pleased. Soon I will release a solo album, as well as a video. I think they will arouse the interest of many.

website: Do you think star disease does not threaten you?

N. B .: I live in a family where, wherever you look, there are celebrities, so I am not afraid of star fever at all. I grew up in this society, I saw the industry from the inside, so I will remain who I have always been.

website: Have there been cases when fans confessed their love or waited for you after the performance?

N. B.: Yes, of course, my entire direct on Instagram is filled with messages from them. After performances, especially in shopping centers, they always wait for me at the exit. But it's cool and even nice. I like (smiles - approx. site).

website: What feelings did you experience when you first went on stage?

N.B.: It was unrealistic. Last year, at the beginning of the summer, Vlad Ramm and I performed at the Vegas City Hall at the Party Zone. On that day, it seemed to me, we were greeted very violently. The audience knew the words to almost all the songs, and it was very cool. I'm looking forward to going on tour so that I can experience those emotions again. It's moments like these that give you the motivation you need to keep doing something new.

website: Tell us about your creative plans.

N. B.: In the near future I will release a solo album “Unknown World”, now we are starting to shoot a video for the title single from the album, and after that I want to completely immerse myself in concert work. My listeners are waiting for a lot of new and interesting (smiles - approx. site).