One of the most important events in a child’s life is the christening of a girl. The priest will tell you about the rules for parents and godparents before performing the ceremony. The baptism of a child is a great sacrament, after which the baby receives the protection and protection of God. He has a guardian angel who saves him from misfortunes and troubles.

Many people do not know at what age to baptize their daughter. Priests advise doing this in the first year of life, but there are no restrictions. Both infants and teenagers can be baptized. The only difference in the ceremony is that small children are dipped into the font, while older ones have water poured from it on their heads.

After 40 days from the moment of birth, the mother is already allowed to be present at the ritual. The Church advises not to delay the sacrament, since until it is performed the baby does not have a protector or patron. There are also practical explanations for this: babies easily tolerate immersion in water, react calmly and are not afraid when a stranger picks them up. It is difficult for an older child to withstand the entire duration of the ceremony.

There is a Slavic custom to carry out baptism for 8 or 40 days. On the first date, it was customary to name a newborn, and by the second, the mother could already visit the temple, since the natural purification after the birth of the baby had ended. If a child is born weak and sick, it is advisable to baptize him immediately.

Until the age of seven, the parents make the decision. Children under 14 years of age must consent to the ceremony. Older teenagers are baptized only if they have their own desire. If a child is in the hospital, there is a threat to his life, or there is no way to bring him from home to church, then you should contact the priest and ask to perform the ritual outside the church. As a rule, doctors and clergy do not refuse people in such a situation.

Preparation for the sacrament

Natural parents are not godparents for their child; they themselves choose where to baptize him. They need to agree with the priest about the time, it depends on the church schedule. It is advisable to choose godparents from among the believers: they bear responsibility before the Lord for the spiritual development of the child.

Choosing godparents

Godparents must be chosen for a girl. They meet the following criteria:

  1. profess Orthodoxy;
  2. are not in an official or civil marriage;
  3. are adults.

Pregnant women become godparents, but there are several nuances:

  • a woman must feel good in order to be able to withstand the entire ceremony;
  • she wants to take responsibility for this particular girl.

Parents need to know who cannot be godparents. These include:

  • unrepentant sinners;
  • young children;
  • unbaptized and unbelievers;
  • nuns, monks;
  • women who have recently given birth, if 40 days have not passed since the birth of the child;
  • persons leading an immoral lifestyle, violating the commandments;
  • alcoholics;
  • Gentiles.

For Orthodox Christians who regularly attend church, no additional preparation is required. For others it is obligatory to confess and receive communion. The priest conducts a conversation before baptism, explains how to behave during the ceremony and what is needed for baptism. Close relatives: sister, grandmother, aunt can also be godparents.

What is needed for the ritual

The godmother is responsible for raising the girl in the Orthodox spirit. Before the sacrament, you will need to visit the church and undergo an interview, during which they talk about God and the rules of the great sacrament. It is important that she is able to handle the baby as she will have to undress him and put on the christening set.

The christening kit includes:

  1. For babies, a kryzhma (large towel) or a baptismal dress for a girl. Godmother buys.
  2. The godfather acquires the cross. It can be put on a string or chain. For small children, it is advisable to choose a cross with rounded outlines without sharp corners to avoid scratches.

The cross and chain are chosen based on their capabilities: from plain metal or from gold, silver. There are no strict requirements on what to buy and for whom, so they can be purchased by parents, grandfather or uncle.

Preparation and rules for godparents:

  • visit the temple for confession and communion;
  • observe a short fast (3 days), giving up meat food, bad thoughts and words;
  • learn the text of the baptismal prayer “Creed”, “Our Father”;
  • acquire the necessary attributes for baptism;
  • Do not eat before the sacrament.

Church rules

During the sacrament of baptism of a girl, the godmother is considered the main recipient. Church rules for a godmother say that her main task is to read during the ritual of prayer. If you are not able to learn it by heart, you can take a prayer book. Traditionally, he buys a white towel (kryzhma) and a baptismal set. As a gift, he acquires an icon of the saint, whose name was given to the goddaughter during the ceremony. According to church rules for a godfather, he carries the child into the church and holds him in his arms until the time comes to hand him over to the clergyman.

Godparents and spouses often do not know on what days the sacrament of baptism is performed. There are no prohibitions on holidays, fasts or ordinary days of the week in church rules. Exceptions are made only for three great holidays: Christmas, Easter, Trinity. At this time, the priest is unlikely to have free time for the sacrament. Many churches have a set schedule; baptisms are held only on certain days, usually Saturdays. In a conversation with the priest, they clarify how the ceremony takes place and what is needed for it.

Parents and invited guests are welcome to attend the church. These include immediate relatives; photography and video filming are permitted, but it is time to secure the consent of the priest. Sometimes a professional is invited to record all the important moments of the ceremony.

How to dress correctly for a christening

When going to a ritual, you need to know what to baptize with. There are church rules that require festive clothing for everyone present. Allowed:

  • skirt below the knees;
  • closed jacket with long sleeves;
  • a scarf covering the head.

You should not wear trousers, shorts, or a short skirt in church. Clothing must cover the neckline, back and arms. Men can be bareheaded in a shirt and trousers; women must wear a headscarf.

The color and pattern of outfits are not regulated, but for baptism it is advisable to choose something light, because this is a big holiday for the family.

How does the sacrament happen?

During the ritual, everyone must wear crosses. Church laws stipulate the sequence of the ceremony. When a girl is baptized, she is brought (led) into the temple premises by her godfather, and after immersing herself in the font, she is received and dressed by her godmother. The baptism process is long and takes place in several stages:

  1. Bringing a child into the temple by a godfather of the opposite sex.
  2. Reading prohibitory prayers to renounce the child from evil. At this time, the baby is wrapped in a diaper.
  3. Prayers against Satan, during which renunciation of him occurs. The priest asks the question about refusal three times, his godparents are responsible for the small child;
  4. Combination to Christ and reading of the Creed by the godparents.
  5. The receivers take the lit candles in their hands, and three more are placed on the font. The priest blesses the water and oil.
  6. The priest dips the child in a font of cold water three times, after which a cross is put on.
  7. During immersion, cleansing from sins and birth for spiritual life occurs.
  8. The godmother takes the baby in her hands and wraps him in a baptismal towel, then dresses him.
  9. The priest performs chrismation by applying oil to the cross on the child’s legs, arms, back, stomach and forehead.
  10. The godparents and the child follow the priest around the font three times, at which time he reads prayers.
  11. A small strand of hair is cut from the girl’s head and remains in the church, symbolizing the spiritual unity of the child with God.
  12. The priest takes the child in his arms and places it next to the icon of the Mother of God. This means that the sacrament has been completed and the child has been churched.

Christening is a long procedure, taking from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. It also depends on whether one child is baptized or several.

A week after baptism, you must come to church for communion; the clergyman will tell you the exact date.

Choosing a church name

During the ceremony, the child receives a new name. As usual, it is chosen from those that are in tune with the worldly or are included in the lists of saints. If there is no match for the name recorded on the birth certificate, you should seek help from a priest. It will tell you which saint is venerated on the girl’s birthday or baptism; her name will become her second name. Will be used in church ceremonies. Thus, children have another holiday - the day of the heavenly intercessor (saint), whose name was given during baptism. The church name is not disclosed to outsiders so as not to weaken the baby’s protection.

Responsibilities of a godmother

A woman who agrees to become a godmother takes responsibility for the life and spiritual development of the girl. Her responsibilities include:

  • pray for your goddaughter, ask God for help for her in a difficult situation;
  • attend church together, confess and receive communion;
  • take part in spiritual education and development;
  • be a worthy role model;
  • talk about God, attend church together;
  • congratulate you on your birthday, give gifts on Angel's Day;
  • give instructions, help with advice and practical deeds;
  • adopt a girl if her parents have died.

Cost of baptism

Not everyone understands why pay for the ceremony, because Jesus commanded not to take money for baptism, so that poor people would not be excommunicated from the church due to lack of funds. But before there was a tradition of giving a tenth of income to the church and donating funds. Now there are fewer contributions, so ministers are forced to draw up a price list in order to be able to pay the costs of maintaining the temple. The cost depends on the chosen church.

There is no single price, so you can find out how much to pay only in the temple that is chosen to perform the sacrament. In churches, boxes are installed for collecting donations; the clergyman may say that there is no fee, but you have the right to put any feasible amount into it. The estimated cost of the ritual is from 1500, there is no upper limit. For him you will need a baptismal set, which includes: a white dress, a kryzhma and a scarf (cap).

How to store baptismal items

There are no rules in the Bible for the use of things left after a christening, but clergy recommend that parents keep the kryzhma and baptismal cross. They can be put in a chest of drawers and stored with the child’s clothes so that they are not in front of strangers. If he gets sick or behaves restlessly, they cover him with kryzhma.

What not to do with a baptism towel:

  • wash;
  • throwing away;
  • used to baptize other people.

There is an opinion that a baptismal shirt is a healing amulet that is applied to a sore spot for a speedy recovery. Not all parents know whether a child should wear a cross all the time. This is desirable, but if the need arises, it is temporarily removed. This thing should not be thrown away, because it is the best amulet. Even if they bought a new cross and chain, they keep the old one.

Folk signs and traditions of celebration

After the holy sacrament, a christening celebration takes place in the family circle. It is customary to use it to prepare dishes from cereals and vegetables, poultry, pastries, and pies. Godparents and guests usually ask parents in advance what to give the girl. There are no special rules for choosing an item, but the following are considered a good present:

  • saint icon;
  • a silver spoon or a set of them;
  • children's clothing, toys;
  • Bible.

It is believed that love relationships between godfathers are a great sin; there are many other folk signs:

  • you cannot show the newborn to anyone before baptism, because at this time he is weak and defenseless, he is easy to jinx;
  • during christening, the child appears before God, so he is dressed smartly;
  • An odd number of guests present at a christening is considered a bad sign;
  • During the ceremony, the candle must be held firmly in your hands, covering it with your second palm so that it does not fall or go out;
  • After the christening, they immediately go home, without turning anywhere along the road, otherwise the child’s guardian angel will weaken.

Main traditions :

  • choose believers and reliable people as godparents;
  • do not argue with the priest over the choice of name;
  • do not purchase a gold cross for newborns;
  • after the christening, the child is brought into the house by the godmother;
  • baptize the child as early as possible;
  • don't have drunken parties;
  • invite the minimum possible number of people.

An Orthodox Christian becomes a godfather any number of times; there are no limiting rules. Christening is the second most important holiday for a person after his birthday. The ritual belongs to one of the seven Orthodox church sacraments. After it, original sin is removed and God’s grace and protection descends on the baptized person. It cleanses and gives eternal life, meaning spiritual birth.

The birth of a child is a great joy for parents. If the family is Orthodox, then the relatives have many religious questions, among them: “what name to name the baby”, “who to take as godfathers” and “how is the child’s baptism carried out”. The material will tell you what mom needs to know about the last ritual.

Happiness in the spiritual world

With the birth of a baby, close people try to protect him from all the dangers and troubles of life. They buy environmentally friendly items, warm clothes, and educational toys. Parents surround the little one with boundless love and care. For this, the child pleases them with new smiles every day.

But without the help of the Lord it is impossible to protect the baby from the evil and misfortune of the whole world. In order for the baby to grow up healthy not only in body, but also in soul, the child is baptized. What do mom and dad need to know about this ritual? The first and most important thing is that in this way parents introduce their child to God’s world.

Orthodoxy explains this Sacrament as the spiritual birth of a baby. The ceremony is done once in a lifetime. The ritual is carried out by lowering the body into water three times. At the same time, the Lord, Son and Holy Spirit are invoked. The baby is forgiven the sins of his parents that were passed on at birth. The sacrament means that a person now lives according to the laws of the Almighty and renounces carnal pleasures. But he will seek happiness in the spiritual world of light and goodness.

The deep essence of custom

The rite also means that the new Christian will dedicate his existence to God. A righteous life will give him joy and pleasure. If an adult joins the Orthodox world and is aware of the responsibility that he takes upon himself, then he must sincerely repent of all sins.

Today, parents are trying to quickly carry out an important task - the baptism of their baby. The priest can tell you what mom and dad need to know in order for their baby to become a full member of the Church. He will explain in detail all the intricacies of the ritual. If parents do not understand the essence of the tradition and its role in a person’s life, then, perhaps, it is better not to conduct the ritual at all. After all, Orthodoxy is not a simple formality, but a way of life. After the Sacrament, parents are obliged to raise their child in the faith, teach him prayers, attend church, receive communion and confess.

It should be noted that for the Church it makes no difference whether to baptize an elderly person or a baby. In this regard, many priests believe that it is better to conduct the ritual of the Sacrament in adulthood, when the layman realizes what he is doing.

Day for the ritual

There are no rules about when to hold the ceremony. Most often, a ritual is performed on the baby on the 40th day after birth. Although the procedure may occur earlier. However, many note that there is no point in delaying the Sacrament.

Questions also arise regarding the dates when they will be held. What does mom need to know about the days? The main mistake that parents make is believing in the myth that the Sacrament cannot be performed during Lent. Actually this is not true. Usually the ceremony is more difficult to carry out on such days, because the services at this time are longer than usual. Accordingly, the breaks between the morning and evening liturgy are shorter. Consequently, the confessor simply physically will not have time to allocate time for the ritual. On Saturday and Sunday the services are not so long, so the Sacrament can be celebrated on these days.

A modest celebration

In any case, you should ask the priest about the rules of the temple in which the service will be held. In general, if there are no technical obstacles, then baptism can take place on any day.

But there is a logical explanation for the talk that it is undesirable to fast. What does a mother need to know if she has planned a holiday on a day when religion asks to abstain from fatty foods, drinks and fun? The first and most important thing is that you can carry out the ceremony, but you should not organize a banquet or noisy celebrations. If you want to celebrate this event with your family, then the celebration can be moved to another date that does not contradict Orthodox traditions. And on the day when your baby is christened, you can set a modest table of Lenten dishes and spend time in simple conversations.

The Temple of God is like a home

A child requires a lot of knowledge and details). What does mom need to know about the place where the ritual will take place? The most correct answer is everything. The fact is that parents who decide to introduce their child to Christianity must be believers and, therefore, constantly attend church. Typically a family goes to the same church for years. There are cases when a person is baptized, married and buried in the same church.

When a layman often attends services, goes to the shrine not only on holidays, but also on Sundays, receives communion and confesses to one priest, then the church turns not just into a building with domes, but into a home. In this case, parents know all the necessary rules. They must tell their godfathers about the nuances in their temple.

Sometimes fate develops in such a way that a child has to be baptized in an unfamiliar church. What do mom and dad need to know about the priest and the shrine? The main thing is that they correspond to the Orthodox faith.

Straight Talk

But, besides this, you should have a preliminary conversation with the priest. Today, many churches themselves practice meetings with parents. In conversation, they learn about people's true intentions.

Now the Sacrament of wedding or baptism is perceived as something ordinary and necessary. In turn, many people do not even understand the essence of rituals. Each ritual for them is a kind of tribute to fashion. Others are forced to perform these ceremonies by older relatives. Because of this, the great rituals lost their festivity.

That's why priests talk. Important topics are raised in conversations that parents did not even think about when planning the baptism of their child. What do mom and dad need to know to pass the “test”? At least the main dogmas, commandments. Of course, you should recite at least two prayers by heart: “Our Father” and “I Believe.”

Religious rules and folk myths

Sometimes it emerges from a conversation that parents are as incompetent in religious matters as their children. Then the priest agrees to perform the ritual only on the condition that the unreasonable mother and father reform. After all, people who do not understand the foundations of their faith will not be able to give the necessary knowledge to a child. Accordingly, the Sacrament will be nothing more than a formality.

In addition, other questions are raised, for example, the topic of In a conversation with the priest, one on one, you can understand where the border of religious rules and folk superstitions is.

There are many nuances that prohibit certain persons from even watching the baptism of a child. What the godmother and father who have been invited to become godmothers need to know is that they will not be able to fulfill their mission if they profess a different religion. No matter how much the priest’s parents may ask in this case, he will not agree to perform the sacrament with people of other faiths. The fact is that such people will not be able to teach the child Orthodox traditions. If this nuance is kept silent, then the sin will fall on everyone who was in the conspiracy.

First couple's mission

In the case when such a situation occurred due to ignorance, no one will re-baptize the child. This ritual is performed only once in a lifetime. But the baby can still communicate with the receivers.

There is another topic that is often raised before a child is baptized. What do godmothers and fathers need to know if they are participating in the Sacrament for the first time? People often say that a woman should be the first to hold a boy, and a man should be the first to hold a girl. Otherwise, adults transfer all their happiness to the child. Orthodox people should not rely on such superstitions. Moreover, in fact, everything is the other way around. From a religious point of view, only the person from the first couple (the gender must be the same as the godson) is perceived by heaven as a true recipient. That is, only the first godfather is the named mother for the girl, and the godfather is for the boy. These people bear the greatest responsibility for the fate of the child.

Family and spiritual connection

Priests who are not closely acquainted with the family will not be able to clearly monitor compliance with all the rules. Therefore, this mission falls on the godfathers. All recipients are responsible for the baptism of the baby. What does a godmother need to know? That she cannot complete such a mission if her husband or fiancé is standing next to her. The fact is that in this way people are united by a spiritual connection. In fact, they become relatives. And such a union is worth much higher than marriage. If young people baptized one child, and then fell in love and decided to get married, then this is possible. But all information should be honestly told to the priest.

People living in a civil marriage can also become recipients. From a religious point of view, such persons sin because they do not legitimize their relationships. But they are not family before the Lord. On the other hand, what can people who spread fornication teach a child?

Great responsibility

Not only friends, but also any relatives can be godfathers of parents. It doesn’t matter whether the person is old or young, the main thing is that the person you choose is a good layman and aware of her responsibility.

The baptism of a child is not without unforeseen situations. What does a godmother need to know at baptism? She cannot participate in the ritual during her period. On such days, a woman should abstain from the Sacraments. If menstruation falls on this day, you need to honestly tell the priest everything. He will suggest the best way out. A tolerant priest will never get angry, but will praise you for your honesty.

But before calling someone to be their child’s foster child, parents should think it over carefully. Godmothers and fathers should be people who will take part in raising your baby, take the baby to church and teach him prayers.

Purity of soul

Usually a woman cannot enter the temple when a child is baptized. What does a mother need to know at the time of baptism, if she is at home or nearby at that time? You can read scripture in your mind. But the ban on the mother’s presence during the ritual applies only to the first 40 days. Next, the priest can read a special prayer over the woman, and then she is allowed to watch the ceremony.

After the parents decide on the location of the Sacrament and settle all the formalities, they should take care of the purity of their own souls. The ceremony that will be performed on your baby is very important. On this day, everyone - mom, dad and adoptees - will receive new responsibilities. An absolutely pure and sinless Orthodox man will be under their protection. Before you begin an important mission, you should prepare thoroughly.

general information

Before the ritual, you should devote several days to spiritual reflection. People taking part in the process must remember that they are preparing not only for a holiday, but also for a responsible mission. It is best to fast and abstain from sex for several days before baptism. It is also worth confessing and receiving communion the day before.

You should dress modestly for the ceremony, but in new, light clothes. Women should not wear makeup. You need to bring a kryzhma (white cloth), a cross and a chain. These attributes are purchased by recipients.

The ritual itself lasts 30-40 minutes. Each godfather must know the “Creed” by heart.

A big event in the life of parents is the baptism of a child. What mom needs to know (the photos partially reflect the ritual) - everything is described in the text. The main thing is that your thoughts and intentions on this holiday are pure.

To baptize a child, you need to properly prepare for this event. It is important to know who to choose as godparents, what is needed for this, when to perform the sacrament and how it goes.

When is Orthodox baptism performed?

Baptism is a sacrament after which a person is a full member of the Church. As a rule, a baby is baptized 40 days after birth. There may be a deviation of a couple of days. It is believed that during this period the baby will get stronger and calmly endure the ceremony. Children under 3 months can more easily tolerate plunging their heads into the font, since at this age reflexes that hold their breath are still preserved. However, there are no strict rules. You can baptize your child whenever you see fit.

Baptism of a child is carried out once in a lifetime

40 days after birth, a prayer is also read over the woman, which symbolizes purification. It is believed that due to physiological characteristics, she cannot enter the temple before 40 days. Purification occurs before or after the child is baptized.

If the baby’s health is in danger and he is placed in intensive care, then the child can be baptized in the ward in which he is located. A priest is invited for this. In emergency situations, a mother or father can baptize the baby themselves.

After discharge from intensive care, Confirmation is performed in the church.

For self-baptism you will need water. The fingers are dipped into the water and the child is baptized three times, saying the following words:

Servant of God (NAME) is baptized

In the name of the Father. Amen (we make the sign of the cross and sprinkle some water).

And the Son. Amen (we make the sign of the cross and sprinkle some water).

And the Holy Spirit. Amen (we make the sign of the cross and sprinkle some water).

Baptism is performed on any day, even on holidays. However, each church has its own routine. Therefore, it is better to clarify it in advance.

Rules for preparing for the sacrament

Before a child's baptism, parents and godparents must read the Gospel, confess to a priest and receive communion. Godparents fast for three days before baptism. The priest holds 1 or 2 conversations with them on certain days. Therefore, prepare for this event in advance. During these conversations, the priest tries to convey the essence of the Orthodox faith. Godparents can attend such conversations not only in the church where the baptism will take place, but also in any other.

Orthodox baptism is usually performed by a priest

If the child already speaks and understands a lot, then they explain to him what will happen. Bring him to the temple in advance and show him the place where the sacrament will take place. This way the baby will not be afraid of the ceremony.

Agree in advance with the priest about the baptism and decide which saint you will name the child after. Usually a newborn is given the name of the saint on whose day the baby was born. You can also give the name of one of the saints whose memory is honored in the coming days after birth.

If the child’s name is not in the calendar, then it is better to choose a name in advance that will be close in sound. For example, for the girl Zhanna you can choose the name Anna, Karine - the name Ekaterina, etc. After this, when performing church sacraments, the name that was received at baptism is used. Then it is determined when the child’s Angel Day is, and who will be his heavenly patron.

How to choose godparents

When baptized, the faith of the parents is not important. They may not be baptized and have a different faith. But godparents are required to be baptized into the Orthodox faith. They are the ones who are next to the child if something happens to the father or mother. Therefore, the child's parents cannot be godparents. A husband and wife or a couple about to get married also cannot be godparents of the same child. However, close relatives can become godparents: an aunt or uncle, a grandfather or grandmother. Most often, godparents are chosen from the circle of close friends of the child’s parents.

Godparents must take part in the child’s life and teach him church rules. Their task is to mentor their godson or goddaughter in life and be an example to them. They show how to live a good Christian life.

Godparents can be unmarried or pregnant women. You shouldn't listen to superstitions. They have nothing to do with the Christian faith.

Tradition suggests that baptism requires at least one godparent of the same gender as the child who will be baptized. However, parents usually invite two people at once: a man and a woman. If it is not possible to find godparents, then you can do without them. However, you should discuss this issue with your priest.

What is needed for the sacrament

There is no official fee for baptism. However, there is a set donation amount. She helps pay the temple for electricity, water, etc. If you really don’t have money, then the child will be baptized for free.

Cross and candles can be purchased directly in the church

For baptism, prepare the following:

  • a new white baptismal shirt;
  • a new baby vest;
  • towel;
  • several candles;
  • cross;
  • birth certificate.

If you don’t have your own cross, the church will give it to you for free. If you wish, you can then buy a cross, for example, made of precious metal, and consecrate it. Candles are purchased there in the temple.

A headdress or scarf is required for the godmother and mother of the child. Girls under 7 years old do not need it.

How does the sacrament work?

During the sacrament, the godparents hold the baby. Parents watch the process. The girl is held in the arms of the godfather, and the boy is held by the godmother. After the immersion in the font takes place, the godparents change places. Until the end of the sacrament, the woman now holds the girl, and the man holds his godson. If a baby is baptized, the priest immerses him in the font 3 times. At the same time, prayers are said. The water in the font is warm. However, if you are worried, then it is better to find a temple where baptism takes place in a separate room, and not in the temple itself.

The priest also anoints the child with myrrh. Through this action, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are transmitted to a person. After baptism, the child needs to receive communion as soon as possible. After the sacrament, the priest or godparents walk around the font 3 times with the child in their arms. The boy is also brought to the altar, and the girl is bowed before the icon of the Mother of God. After this, with a cross-shaped movement, the priest cuts off a couple of curls from the child’s head. This is his first sacrifice of thanksgiving to God. The sacrament itself takes 1 hour.

Choose a temple that you like, where the priests and staff are friendly. Christenings are celebrated at home. Krupenik with berries or fruits, as well as sweet pies, are prepared for the festive table.

Orthodox believers know about the seven Christian sacraments, one of which is baptism. The teaching says that every Orthodox Christian needs to be baptized in order to save his soul and gain the Kingdom of Heaven after physical death. God's grace descends on those who are baptized, but there are also difficulties - everyone who accepts the ritual becomes a warrior of God's army, and the forces of evil fall upon him. To avoid misfortunes, you need to wear a cross.

The day of baptism is very important for a believer - it is like the day of his second birth. This event must be approached with full responsibility. Let's talk about what the baby needs to perform the sacrament, what to buy and take with him, what godparents should do, how to celebrate this holiday at home.If the godparents (godparents) take on part of the responsibility for organizing the ceremony, this will be correct. Preparations for the holiday are carried out by all its participants, especially the baby’s relatives.

It is believed that wearing a pectoral cross protects a person from the forces of evil, and also strengthens his spirit and directs him to the true path. The appearance or cost of the material of the cross does not matter at all - as long as the cross is Orthodox and not pagan

When is the best time to baptize a baby?

According to custom, the baby is baptized on the 8th or 40th day after birth. There are circumstances that can affect the timing of the baptism of an infant: if the baby is sick, the illness poses a threat to life, you can baptize him earlier. Orthodoxy says that after christening a person has a guardian angel who is always behind his right shoulder. He will protect the baby and can save him. It is believed that the more prayers addressed to an angel, the stronger he will be.

Some people prefer to wait until the little man grows up and becomes stronger. The other side of the coin is that while the child is an infant, he sleeps in the arms of his godmother and calmly endures the sacrament. The older he gets, the more difficult it is for him to serve quietly. At 2 years old, the baby is spinning, wants to run, go outside. This creates difficulties for the priest and godparents, because the action can last more than an hour. Bathing a baby in the font is also easier.

The first thing mom and dad do before the sacrament is choose a spiritual name for the baby. In our country, a tradition has developed of calling a baby in the world by a name other than the one given to him at baptism in the church - this is a custom justified in Orthodoxy, since it is believed that only the mother and father, the priest and the recipients can know the church name.

Then the little man will be more protected from life’s adversities. In the church, you can agree that the baby is named after the saint on whose day the baby’s birth date falls.

Recommendations for preparing for the baptism ceremony of a small child

How to organize a child's christening? You need to visit the temple where the procedure will take place. In the church shop you can ask any questions you may have. The church minister in the shop will offer you to read a brochure about baptism, which describes all the rules. The date of birth of your baby will be written down, and the desired church name of the baby and the names of his godparents will be asked. For the ceremony, a voluntary payment is made in the form of a donation, which goes to the needs of the temple. How much should I pay? The amount of donation may vary from church to church.

Before the sacrament of baptism, godparents must be sent for an interview with the priest. If the baby’s mother and father come along with them and take part in the conversation, this will only be a plus. The priest will tell you how the baptism of a young child is performed, and what you need to take with you. He will definitely ask during the conversation whether the mother and father and the baby’s adoptive parents are baptized. If not, then the unbaptized should be baptized before the sacrament is performed on the baby. During the conversation, the priest will give recommendations to the baby’s family and set a day and time for the child’s baptism. On this day, you should arrive early in order to have time to get your bearings and prepare. Many parents invite a photographer to their child’s christening and take photos and videos. You need to know that to record videos and take photographs, you must ask permission and blessings from the priest.

The priest will be able to tell you more about the sacrament and instruct the godparents, with whom a preliminary conversation must be held. Parents of the baby can also attend.

Who to choose as godparents?

Usually, godparents are people of the same sex as the baby: for girls it is a woman, for boys it is a man. You can invite two godparents of different genders. Then the baby will have a spiritual father and mother.

The question of who is worthy to become your baby's godfather is very important. Godparents become the baby's second parents. Think about who treats the little man better, who is ready to bear responsibility for him, give him a spiritual example, and pray for him? Most often, relatives and family friends become recipients.

It is best if the godfather is a deeply religious person who knows and observes church traditions and laws. This person should often visit your home, since he is responsible for the upbringing of the little man, primarily spiritual. He will be next to your baby all his life.

You can choose your mother’s or father’s sister or brother, a close friend or family friend, or the baby’s grandmother or grandfather as your godfather.

The recipients must be baptized themselves - this must be done in advance. Parents need to understand that the issue of choosing godparents must be approached very seriously.

Who can't become a godfather?

The laws of baptism in the Orthodox Church are such that the following cannot become a godparent:

  1. atheists or non-believers;
  2. monks and nuns;
  3. mentally ill people;
  4. children under 15 years of age;
  5. drug addicts and alcoholics;
  6. promiscuous women and men;
  7. spouses or sexually close people;
  8. baby's parents.

Brother and sister cannot be godparents to each other. If you are baptizing twins, you must not do it on the same day. Twins may well have the same godparents.

If twins are growing up in a family, then they need to be baptized on different days, but another pair of godparents is not needed for this - it is enough to find two reliable and pious people

Memo for godparents

  • Appearance. The baby's adoptive parents must come to church with their crosses around their necks. If it is a woman, she wears a skirt that is below the knee and a jacket with sleeves to the temple. A headdress is required for the godmother. The rules for being in church also apply to a man’s clothing: you cannot expose your knees and shoulders, that is, even in hot weather you will have to give up shorts and a T-shirt. A man is in the temple with his head uncovered.
  • Purchases and payment. People often ask, who should buy a cross for a child’s baptism? Who pays for the procedure? There is a certain procedure for baptizing a newborn child and preparing for it.
    1. It assumes that the godfather buys a cross for the godson and also pays for the baptism. The godmother buys a cross for her goddaughter. It is best to choose a cross made of ordinary metal or silver. It is not customary to use a golden cross at a ceremony. When choosing a cross, make sure that it cannot injure the baby; let the cross have oval edges.
    2. In addition to the godmother's cross, you need to buy a towel, baptismal shirt and sheet in advance. She buys kryzhma - the material in which the baby is baptized. Caring mothers keep the material for many years, as it helps to cure the child from illness. The sick little man is wrapped in kryzhma, and he begins to recover. It should be stored in a place hidden from prying eyes, since it is believed that through it it can be used to damage the baby.
  • Preparation. People appointed as spiritual parents are obliged to prepare themselves for the baptism ceremony of a small child. Preparation includes strict fasting, starting a few days before the event, and refusal of entertainment and pleasure. The day before, it’s a good idea to take communion in church, before going to confession. You must take your child's birth certificate with you to church. You can watch the video of the baptism in advance to roughly understand the sequence of events.
  • Prayer. Recipients are required to learn the “Creed” prayer. This prayer is read by the priest three times during the sacrament of baptism of the child; the godfather may also be asked to read it by heart.

Nuances of christening

  • A little man can be baptized on any day of the week - on holidays and weekdays, on Lent and on an ordinary day, but most often christenings take place on Saturday.
  • The foster children are supposed to pick up the child from the parents in advance and go with him to church on the appointed day and time. Their parents follow them. There is a sign that the godfather should chew a clove of garlic and breathe in the baby’s face. In this way, evil forces are driven away from the baby.
  • Only the closest people are present at the ceremony in the temple - the parents of the boy or girl receiving the sacrament, maybe grandparents. The rest can come to the house of the baptized person after the ceremony and celebrate this event at the festive table.
  • Baptism of an infant does not always take place in the church itself. Sometimes the priest conducts the ceremony in a specially designated room.
  • If necessary, parents can arrange a ceremony at home or in the maternity hospital. To do this, you need to come to an agreement with the priest and pay all his expenses for organizing the sacrament.
  • The priest reads prayers and anoints the newborn. Then he cuts a lock of hair from his head, as if making a sacrifice to God. Then the baby is lowered into the font three times, the priest says: “Here is the cross, my daughter (my son), carry it.” Together with the priest, the godfather says: “Amen.”
  • The child's parents also come to church, observing Orthodox customs. They dress as is customary in the temple. During the ceremony, the mother can pray for her child. Such prayers will surely be answered.
  • In the evening, relatives and friends come to the holiday with gifts. Their choice depends on wealth and imagination: toys or clothes, baby care items or an icon of the baby’s patron saint.

Traditionally, baptism takes place on the premises of a church, but in some circumstances parents may request an outdoor ceremony - for example, at home or in the maternity ward

Features of christenings for boys and girls

The christening of a girl and a boy differs little. During the ritual, the godfather carries the male child behind the altar, but the godmother does not carry the female child there. The christening of a newborn girl requires the presence of a headdress, that is, a headscarf is put on her. When a little boy is christened, he is in the temple without a headdress.

If both godparents participate in the ritual, then first the godmother holds the boy, and after bathing in the font, the godfather picks him up and carries him to the altar. The girl is held in her arms only by her godmother. This is the main difference in the ritual for children of the opposite sex.

If the procedure for baptizing a small child is followed, the child’s blood and spiritual parents will prepare for christening, and the child will grow up healthy and cheerful. When he grows up, he will become a highly spiritual person striving for a righteous life.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Baptism of an infant is a sacrament during which a small person is accepted into the fold of the Orthodox Church. This sacrament is considered the spiritual birth of a baby, one of the main events of his life on our planet. When a child is baptized, a guardian angel appears, invisibly present with him and protecting him for the rest of his life. Believers should take the rite of baptism, choosing godparents and preparing for this sacrament seriously.

Preparing for the baptism of mother and baby

Before performing the sacrament of baptism, you need to discuss with the clergyman all issues related to the ritual. The presence of the mother at baptism is discussed separately. It is believed that a woman who has given birth is purified only after forty days after giving birth. If the sacrament is performed before this time, then the mother cannot be present at the ceremony. When baptizing a child who is over forty days old, the mother can be present in the church if she wishes, but for this, the priest must read a special prayer over her in advance.

What is needed for a baby's baptism

What to take with you to your baby's christening

Preparation for the ceremony also includes collecting things for the sacrament. When baptizing your baby you need to take with you:

  1. Cross for a child. It is believed that it should be given as a christening gift by the future godfather. A silver cross is suitable for a baby, which according to signs will protect him from the evil eye.
  2. Special shirt or dress. Today, children's stores sell many different options for baptismal shirts and dresses. You can sew this outfit yourself. According to tradition, it should be given to the baby by the future godmother.
  3. Kryzhma or towel. The child is wrapped in it after the bath. According to popular belief, such a towel cannot be washed after baptism. If a child is sick, then he needs to be covered with kryzhma.
  4. Birth certificate of the baby and parents' passports.
  5. A blanket to change your baby on.
  6. A bag in which a cut strand of hair is placed during the sacrament.
  7. Things the baby needs, such as diapers, pacifiers, wet wipes, etc.
  8. Money. It is better to discuss the cost of the ceremony and other financial issues in advance with the priest performing the sacrament.

How to dress a baby for baptism

When choosing a christening shirt for a baby, you should give preference to soft, comfortable and natural outfits. It is better if the chosen clothing allows easy access to the baby’s body. Clothing can be light colors or white. When deciding how to dress a baby for baptism, you should also take into account the time of year when the ceremony takes place and the temperature in the church where the child will be baptized.

Adults who are going to be present at the baptism of a baby should also pay attention to their clothing. There is no need to choose overly festive attire. Women, and especially godmothers, should wear a skirt or dress of sufficient length and cover their head with a scarf or headscarf. For men, it is better to choose a strict, classic version of clothing, for example, trousers and a shirt.

Baptism of a baby: rules

The rules for infant baptism include the following points:

  1. The most important condition for the ceremony is the sincere faith of the parents.
  2. When choosing the date of baptism, it is worth checking the church calendar; it is better to refuse the sacrament on major holidays and during periods of strict fasting.
  3. Parents and godparents need to know at least the Lord's Prayer.
  4. Choose believers as godparents for your baby. It is advisable that they undergo the rite of confession and communion before the sacrament.
  5. All people who are going to attend a baptism should dress appropriately.
  6. Future godparents must not be married to each other; they also cannot be the child’s father, mother, sister or brother.
  7. At the ceremony itself, only one godfather is allowed to be present.
  8. If the child’s secular name is not in the Orthodox canons, then it is worth choosing a suitable or consonant name for him, under which the child will be baptized. Subsequently, this name is used in all church rituals.

How is the baptism ceremony performed?

The duration of the baptism ceremony can be up to one and a half hours. The baby is brought into the church by his godparents: usually the girl is brought in by the godfather, and the boy by the godmother. The child must be completely undressed and wrapped in a baptismal towel or kryzhma.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the godparents pronounce their vows. They must answer the priest’s questions, since the baby is still too small for this. During the sacrament, the priest applies oil to parts of the baby’s body, and then, symbolizing the protection and patronage of God, places his hands on the child. After this, the godparents read the “Creed” prayer while standing near the font. It contains vows to fulfill the commandments and not give in to the devil. Then the priest sanctifies the water in the font and immerses the baby in it three times, accompanied by reading prayers.

Next, the ritual of anointing takes place, during which a cross-shaped application of chrism is performed on the baby’s head. Afterwards, the child is given to his godparents, and they dress him in a pre-consecrated cross, shirt or dress, and for girls - a cap or scarf. The priest also cuts a lock of the baby's hair as a symbol of submission. During the process of churching, the first communion may take place, in which boys are carried through the altar, and girls are applied to the icon of the Mother of God and brought to the gates.

The sacrament of baptism ends with the making of appropriate entries in church books and the issuance of a baptismal certificate.

After the end of the ceremony, parents usually invite all relatives and friends present at it to visit. The feast should not be too rich and it is better if it is not accompanied by the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Communion of a baby after baptism

Children of any age can receive communion after their baptism. Quite often a lot of time passes between the sacrament of baptism and the infant’s communion. Parents explain this by the impossibility of explaining to their child the rules of behavior during communion and the foundations of faith and the Orthodox Church. However, belonging to God is not tied to age, gender and other characteristics of a person; even infants can and should be given communion. The first communion should take place a few days after baptism.

How infants receive communion after baptism

During church services, diluted wine and a bowl containing pieces of bread are brought out. Above them, the priest reads the necessary prayers, invoking the spirit of Christ. Before communion with bread and wine, you need to receive the priest’s blessing for it. In this case, infants should be placed on the right arm of an accompanying adult; older children should have their arms folded on their chest, with the right one on top. It is necessary to try to explain to the baby that a piece of bread needs to be swallowed. Children are usually given communion first, and the priest should be told the child’s church name.

  1. Infants should be fed approximately one and a half hours before the sacrament. It is better not to feed children over three years old at all before this.
  2. Depending on the age, it is worth trying to explain to the child the procedure for communion and its meaning. During the ritual, you need to cross your arms over your chest, not talk, not play around or laugh, calmly tell the priest your name and swallow a piece.

When going to church for communion, you must wear a cross around your baby’s neck.