The Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the sixth convocation was formed in September 2016.

As a result of the elections on September 18, 20 deputies were elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory in 20 single-mandate constituencies: 16 deputies - members of the United Russia political party, 3 deputies - members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 1 deputy member of the LDPR party and 20 deputies by party lists: 9 deputies from the list of the political party "United Russia", 5 deputies from the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 4 deputies from the list of the LDPR party, 1 deputy from the list of the party "A Just Russia" and 1 deputy from the list of the party "Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice" .

On October 5, 2016, the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the sixth convocation took place. During the session, deputies elected Alexander Rolik as Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Sergei Kuzmenko as Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory and Lyudmila Talabaeva as the Representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory in the Federation Council. In addition, legislators approved the personal and numerical composition of six specialized committees and voted for their chairmen.

On September 18, 2016, elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation took place. Based on the results of voting in single-mandate electoral district No. 62, the boundaries of which include the territory of the Ussuri urban district, Sergei Andreevich Sopchuk was elected as a deputy of the State Duma.

Single-mandate constituency No. 62

On September 18, 2016, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation in single-mandate electoral district No. 62.

Electoral district No. 5

On September 18, 2016, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the sixth convocation in electoral district No. 5. On October 5, 2016, at the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the sixth convocation, he was elected chairman of the committee on regional policy and legality.

For a single electoral district

On September 18, 2016, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the sixth convocation on the list of the Regional Political Council of the Primorsky regional branch of the All-Russian political Party "United Russia". Since November 2017 - Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory on Economic Policy and Property.

Electoral district No. 12

On September 18, 2016, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the sixth convocation in electoral district No. 12. On October 5, 2016, at the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the sixth convocation, he was elected deputy chairman of the committee on fiscal policy and financial resources

In November 2018, she took office as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the sixth convocation on the list of the regional political Council of the Primorsky regional branch of the All-Russian political party "United Russia". She became a member of the Committee on Fiscal Policy and Financial Resources.

Electoral district No. 6

Since September 2018, she has been elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory in electoral district No. 6. Member of the Committee on Economic Policy and Property

7. The Legislative Assembly has the rights of a legal entity and has an official seal.

Article 2. Forms of activity of the Legislative Assembly

1. The forms of activity of the Legislative Assembly are its meetings, meetings of the council, committees, commissions of the Legislative Assembly, conciliation commissions and working groups created by the Legislative Assembly, parliamentary hearings, as well as other events held in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly, other events related to the activities of the Legislative Assembly .

(as amended, dated 07/06/2009 N 464-KZ)

2. The Legislative Assembly is convened by the Governor of the Primorsky Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Governor of the Territory) for the first meeting no later than 10 days from the date of official publication of the election results, as a result of which at least two-thirds of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly were elected.


The first meeting of the Legislative Assembly is opened and chaired by the oldest member of the Legislative Assembly. Subsequently, until the election of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly or deputy chairman(s), meetings are chaired in turn by representatives of factions as agreed between them.


3. Lost power. - .

Article 3. Powers of the Legislative Assembly

1. The powers of the Legislative Assembly are determined by federal legislation, the Charter of the Primorsky Territory, the laws of the Primorsky Territory and this Law. All issues related by federal legislation and the legislation of the Primorsky Territory to his powers. The Legislative Assembly decides independently.

The exercise of executive and administrative powers by the Legislative Assembly is not permitted, except for the cases provided for in Article 18 of this Law.


2. The Legislative Assembly does not have the right to independently accept for consideration issues related to the powers of other state authorities and local government bodies.

3. The Legislative Assembly cannot delegate its powers to the chairman and other officials of the Legislative Assembly.

4. The Legislative Assembly adopts the Charter of the Primorsky Territory (amendments to it), which has the highest legal force in relation to the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Primorsky Territory adopted on the subjects of jurisdiction of the Primorsky Territory as a subject of the Russian Federation, has direct effect and is subject to mandatory application throughout territory of the region. The laws of the Primorsky Territory and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly, adopted on subjects within the jurisdiction of the Primorsky Territory as a subject of the Russian Federation, cannot contradict the Charter of the Primorsky Territory. In the event of a contradiction between the Charter of the Primorsky Territory and the specified regulatory legal acts, the norms of the Charter of the Primorsky Territory apply.

5. The Legislative Assembly adopts laws of the Primorsky Territory and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly on subjects of jurisdiction of the Primorsky Territory and subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the Primorsky Territory within the powers of the Primorsky Territory.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

6. The laws of the Primorsky Territory and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly, adopted in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, are binding on all state bodies, local governments, officials, citizens, their associations and legal entities located or operating in the territory Primorsky Krai.

7. The laws of the Primorsky Territory and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly cannot contradict federal laws adopted on the subjects of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the event of a conflict between federal law and the law of the Primorsky Territory or a resolution of the Legislative Assembly, the federal law shall apply.

8. In the event of a conflict between federal law and the law of the Primorsky Territory or a resolution of the Legislative Assembly adopted on the subjects of jurisdiction of the Primorsky Territory, the law of the Primorsky Territory or the resolution of the Legislative Assembly shall apply.

Article 4. The right of legislative initiative in the Legislative Assembly

1. The right of legislative initiative in the Legislative Assembly belongs to deputies of the Legislative Assembly, committees of the Legislative Assembly, the Governor of the region, representative bodies of municipalities, a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - a representative from the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory, a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - a representative from Administration of the Primorsky Territory, as well as the prosecutor of the Primorsky Territory, the chairman of the Primorsky Regional Court, the chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Primorsky Territory, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Primorsky Territory, the Election Commission of the Primorsky Territory and the Federation of Trade Unions of the Primorsky Territory on issues of their jurisdiction.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of October 20, 2008 N 321-KZ)

The paragraph is no longer valid. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ.

(clause 1 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

2. The procedure for exercising the right of legislative initiative is determined by the laws of the Primorsky Territory and the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of October 20, 2008 N 321-KZ)

3. Bills on the introduction or abolition of taxes, exemption from their payment, on changing tax rates, the procedure and deadlines for paying taxes, on tax benefits, the grounds for their use by taxpayers, on changing the financial obligations of the Primorsky Territory, other bills providing for expenses covered by at the expense of the regional budget, are considered by the Legislative Assembly on the proposal of the Governor of the region or in the presence of his conclusion.

(as amended, dated 02.02.2016 N 765-KZ)

4. The Legislative Assembly has the right of legislative initiative in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

(clause 4 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)


Article 5. Meeting of the Legislative Assembly

1. A meeting is the main form of activity of the Legislative Assembly. It resolves issues referred by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Primorsky Territory to the jurisdiction of the Legislative Assembly. The meeting may be organizational in nature, regular, extraordinary or extraordinary.

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

2. Regular sessions of the Legislative Assembly are held at least once a month.

An extraordinary meeting of the Legislative Assembly is convened by the chairman of the Legislative Assembly on the initiative of a committee of the Legislative Assembly, one third of the established number of deputies, on his own initiative, as well as at the request of the Governor of the region and is held no later than 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request (proposal) for convening.

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

3. A meeting of the Legislative Assembly is valid if at least two-thirds of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly is present.

During a meeting of the Legislative Assembly, eligibility is determined based on the number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly registered before the start of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly. The temporary absence of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly (a group of deputies of the Legislative Assembly) at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly after registration does not prevent the further holding of a meeting of the Legislative Assembly, provided that a sufficient number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly are present in the meeting room at the time of voting to make a decision on the issue under consideration.

(paragraph introduced by the Law of the Primorsky Territory dated December 27, 2006 N 26-KZ)

If less than 50 percent of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly is present in the meeting room, the meeting is closed.

(paragraph introduced, as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

4. The procedure for convening and holding a meeting of the Legislative Assembly is determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 6. Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly

1. The Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly are a document defining, organizing and regulating the activities of the Legislative Assembly.

2. The Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly establish detailed legally binding rules that ensure a uniform order of the legislative process, its democracy, transparency and quality of normative legal acts adopted by the Legislative Assembly.

Article 7. Transparency in the work of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly

1. Meetings of the Legislative Assembly are held openly, publicly and may be covered by the media. On the initiative of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, a committee of the Legislative Assembly, the Governor of the region, the Legislative Assembly has the right to decide to hold a closed meeting of the Legislative Assembly in order to preserve state, commercial, official and other secrets protected by law, ensure privacy, non-disclosure of issues containing confidential information.

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

2. The Governor of the Territory (plenipotentiary representative of the Governor of the Territory in the Legislative Assembly), the chief federal inspector for the Primorsky Territory of the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District, the prosecutor of the Primorsky Territory, as well as persons specially invited may take part in a closed meeting of the Legislative Assembly for a meeting of the Legislative Assembly, the person responsible for maintaining, drawing up minutes and maintaining a sound recording of the meeting.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

3. Representatives of state bodies, local self-government bodies, labor collectives, public and other organizations, the media, as well as citizens have the right to attend an open meeting, provided that this does not interfere with the work of the Legislative Assembly. The visiting procedure is established by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly.

(clause 3 as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

Article 8. Minutes of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly

1. The minutes of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly, prepared by the secretariat of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly, are signed by the secretary of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly and the chairman of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly no later than seven calendar days after the end of the meeting.

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

2. The protocol is drawn up on the basis of the phonogram, as well as other materials prepared for the meeting of the Legislative Assembly and transferred to the secretariat during the meeting itself.

3. The transcript of the meeting is kept by decision of the Legislative Assembly.

4. The head of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly is obliged to ensure the completeness and quality of magnetic or other recordings of the meeting and their safety before transfer to the State Archive of the Primorsky Territory.

Article 9. Procedure for the adoption, promulgation and entry into force of regulatory legal acts

1. The Charter of the Primorsky Territory, the laws of the Primorsky Territory, resolutions of the Legislative Assembly are adopted by the Legislative Assembly at its meeting by open or secret vote. Open voting can be quantitative or rating. By decision of the Legislative Assembly, a roll-call vote may be held.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

2. The Charter of the Primorsky Territory, amendments to it are adopted by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

3. Laws of the Primorsky Territory are adopted by a majority vote of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

4. Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly are adopted by a majority vote of the number of elected deputies of the Legislative Assembly, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

5. Laws of the Primorsky Territory adopted by the Legislative Assembly are sent for promulgation to the Governor of the region within seven calendar days from the date of adoption. The governor of the region is obliged to promulgate the Charter of the Primorsky Territory, the law of the Primorsky Territory, certifying the promulgation of the Charter of the Primorsky Territory, the law of the Primorsky Territory by signing it, or reject the law of the Primorsky Territory within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the said law, returning it to the Legislative Assembly with a reasoned justification for it rejections or with a proposal to make changes to it.

6. If, upon re-examination, the law of the Primorsky Territory is adopted by two-thirds of the votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly in a previously adopted wording, or if it is adopted in the wording proposed by the Governor of the Territory, in the wording proposed by the conciliation commission, by a majority vote of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly, such a law of the Primorsky Territory cannot be repeatedly rejected by the Governor of the Territory and is subject to promulgation within seven calendar days from the date of its receipt by the Governor of the Territory.


If a law of the Primorsky Territory is adopted, taking into account the proposals of the Governor of the region, it is sent to the Governor of the region for promulgation as newly adopted.

(clause 6 as amended)

7. Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly are signed and published by the chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

8. Regulatory legal acts adopted by the Legislative Assembly come into force in the manner prescribed by federal law and the law of the Primorsky Territory.

Article 10. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly

1. The work of the Legislative Assembly is organized by its chairman.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly is elected by the Legislative Assembly at a meeting from among the deputies by secret ballot for the term of office of the Legislative Assembly.

2. The Chairman is accountable to the Legislative Assembly and can be recalled by secret ballot at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly.

3. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly has the right to voluntarily resign his powers.

4. The procedure for electing and dismissing the chairman of the Legislative Assembly is determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly.

(clause 4 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

5. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly:

5.1. Represents the Legislative Assembly in relations with federal government bodies, government bodies of the Primorsky Territory, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, officials, citizens, their associations and legal entities;

(clause 5.1 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

5.2. Convenes meetings of the Legislative Assembly, brings to the attention of deputies and the population the time and place of their holding, as well as the draft agenda;

5.3. Manages the preparation of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly and issues submitted for consideration by the Legislative Assembly;

5.4. Conducts meetings and is in charge of the internal regulations of the Legislative Assembly;

(clause 5.4 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

5.5. Signs resolutions of the Legislative Assembly, minutes of the meeting (together with the secretary of the meeting), and other documents of the Legislative Assembly of a non-normative nature;

5.6. Manages the work of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly, serves as a representative of the employer (employer) for employees of the apparatus, in agreement with the council of the Legislative Assembly, approves the structure and staffing of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly;

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated December 3, 2012 N 139-KZ)

5.7. Provides assistance to deputies of the Legislative Assembly in the exercise of their powers, organizes provision of them with the necessary information, considers issues related to the release of deputies from performing official or production duties for work in the Legislative Assembly;

5.8. Gives instructions to committees of the Legislative Assembly to implement resolutions of the Legislative Assembly;

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

5.9. Takes measures to ensure transparency in the work of the Legislative Assembly;

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

5.10. Ensures public discussion of draft laws of the Primorsky Territory and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly, organizes the reception of citizens in the Legislative Assembly and consideration of their appeals;

(clause 5.10 as amended)

5.11. Lost power. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ;

5.12. Opens and closes personal accounts of the Legislative Assembly in the Federal Treasury Department for the Primorsky Territory and is the manager of these accounts, approves the budget estimate of the Legislative Assembly;

(clause 5.12 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of December 3, 2012 N 139-KZ)

5.13. Lost power. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ;

5.14. On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, signs statements of claim sent to the court or the Arbitration Court in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.15. Participates in the work of the conciliation commission on disputes between the Legislative Assembly and the Administration of the Primorsky Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Administration of the Territory);

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ; as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of August 2, 2010 N 656-KZ)

5.16. Resolves other issues that may be entrusted to him by the Legislative Assembly or assigned to him in accordance with the legislation of the Primorsky Territory.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

6. On issues within his competence, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly issues orders. The Legislative Assembly may cancel any order of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

7. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly annually submits to the Legislative Assembly a report on the activities of the Legislative Assembly over the past year. Based on the results of the discussion of the report, the Legislative Assembly adopts a resolution.

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated October 20, 2008 N 321-KZ)

Article 11. Deputy Chairmen of the Legislative Assembly

1. At the first meeting, the Legislative Assembly decides on the number of deputy chairmen of the Legislative Assembly.

(clause 1 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

2. Deputy chairmen of the Legislative Assembly are elected at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly from among the deputies for the term of office of the Legislative Assembly. The procedure for electing and dismissing deputy chairmen of the Legislative Assembly is determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly.

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated November 8, 2000 N 115-KZ, dated November 15, 2001 N 173-KZ, dated July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ, dated December 3, 2012 N 139-KZ)

3. Deputy chairmen of the Legislative Assembly perform the functions determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities and instructions of the chairman, and in cases of absence of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly, perform his functions.

1. The Council of the Legislative Assembly is a coordinating and advisory body and is created to prepare and consider individual issues of the activities of the Legislative Assembly.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

2. The Council of the Legislative Assembly includes, ex officio, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly, deputy chairmen of the Legislative Assembly, chairmen of committees of the Legislative Assembly, and heads of permanent deputy associations.

(as amended, dated October 13, 2010 N 682-KZ, dated July 3, 2014 N 442-KZ)

3. The procedure for the work of the Council of the Legislative Assembly is determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 13. Committees of the Legislative Assembly

1. Committees of the Legislative Assembly are the main working bodies of the Legislative Assembly, created for the preparation and preliminary consideration of issues within the competence of the Legislative Assembly.

Committees of the Legislative Assembly are formed for the term of office of the Legislative Assembly and consist of a chairman, no more than three deputy chairmen, and members of a committee of the Legislative Assembly.

2. The procedure for the formation, powers and organization of work of committees of the Legislative Assembly are determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly, the Regulations on the committees of the Legislative Assembly and the regulations on the committees of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 14. Deputy associations

Permanent parliamentary associations - factions - are created in the Legislative Assembly. The Legislative Assembly may also create permanent or temporary deputy associations - deputy groups. The procedure for formation, powers and registration procedure of deputy associations are determined by federal law and the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of April 15, 2009 N 409-KZ)

Article 15. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly

1. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly have full rights to participate in the work of the Legislative Assembly, its council, committees, commissions, conciliation commissions and working groups created by the Legislative Assembly, parliamentary hearings, as well as other events related to activities of the Legislative Assembly.

2. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly exercise their powers on a permanent basis or combine participation in the work of the Legislative Assembly with other activities.

3. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly, their spouses and minor children are prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments. The concept of “foreign financial instruments” is used in this Law in the meaning defined by Federal Law No. 79-FZ of May 7, 2013 “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments."

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of April 6, 2017 N 111-KZ)

4. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly are subject to the restrictions and responsibilities established by Federal Law of October 6, 1999 N 184-FZ “On the general principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”, Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” and other federal laws.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of December 1, 2015 N 725-KZ)

5. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly are required to provide information on income, expenses, property and liabilities of a property nature in accordance with the Federal Law “On the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation” and the Primorsky Territory Law “On the Status of a Deputy Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of December 22, 2015 N 751-KZ)

6. The procedure for deputies of the Legislative Assembly to carry out parliamentary activities is determined by the Law of the Primorsky Territory “On the status of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory” and the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 16. Apparatus of the Legislative Assembly

1. The Staff of the Legislative Assembly is a structural unit of the Legislative Assembly that provides legal, organizational, information, logistical and financial support for its activities, providing advisory assistance to committees, commissions, other bodies created by the Legislative Assembly, deputy associations and deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

2. The structure and staffing of the apparatus are approved by the chairman of the Legislative Assembly in agreement with the council of the Legislative Assembly.

3. Expenses for the maintenance of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly are provided for as part of the cost estimate of the Legislative Assembly.


4. The head of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly is appointed by the chairman of the Legislative Assembly on the basis of a resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the approval of his candidacy for appointment to the position.

5. The rights, duties and responsibilities of employees of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly are determined by federal legislation and the legislation of the Primorsky Territory on the state civil service, labor legislation, the Regulations on the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly, regulations on the structural divisions of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly and official regulations.

Article 17. Guarantees of deputy activity

1. The salary of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly and his deputies, chairmen, deputy chairmen of committees and deputies of the Legislative Assembly working on a permanent basis is established by the Law of the Primorsky Territory “On public positions of the Primorsky Territory”.

(clause 1 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

2. Other guarantees for the activities of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly are established by the Law of the Primorsky Territory “On the status of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory” and the Law of the Primorsky Territory “On public positions of the Primorsky Territory”.

(clause 2 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of December 3, 2012 N 139-KZ)

3. Lost power. - .

Article 18. Financial basis for the activities of the Legislative Assembly

1. The Legislative Assembly is financed from the regional budget.

2. The cost estimate of the Legislative Assembly is approved by the Legislative Assembly. Expenses for ensuring the activities of the Legislative Assembly are provided for in the regional budget separately from other expenses in accordance with the budget classification of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of 08/07/2013 N 229-KZ)

The Legislative Assembly independently manages and disposes of the funds of the regional budget allocated to support the activities of the Legislative Assembly.

(paragraph introduced by the Primorsky Territory Law of October 20, 2008 N 321-KZ)

3. Financing of the Legislative Assembly in the process of executing the regional budget is carried out in full in accordance with the law of the Primorsky Territory on the regional budget in accordance with the corresponding financial year and planning period.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of December 20, 2012 N 145-KZ)

4. A reduction in the amount of budget funds allocated to finance the Legislative Assembly in the current financial year or to be allocated for the next financial year can only be carried out with the consent of the Legislative Assembly.

5. The paragraph is no longer valid. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ.

If the regional budget for the current financial year has not been approved, the Legislative Assembly is financed monthly in the amount of one-twelfth of the amount provided for its maintenance by the law of the Primorsky Territory on the regional budget for the past year.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

The paragraph is no longer valid. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ.

6. Lost power. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of March 15, 2005 N 227-KZ

7. When executing the regional budget, the regional administration cannot use its powers to reduce expenses for financing the Legislative Assembly depending on the receipt of funds in the revenue side of the regional budget, except in cases and in the manner provided for by current legislation.


Article 19. Powers of the Legislative Assembly on the socio-economic development of the region

The powers of the Legislative Assembly on the socio-economic development of the region include:

1. Adoption of the Charter of the Primorsky Territory and amendments to it;

2. Adoption of laws of the Primorsky Territory, introducing amendments to them and monitoring their implementation;

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated 07/06/2009 N 464-KZ, dated 12/03/2012 N 139-KZ)

3. Interpretation of the Charter and laws of the Primorsky Territory;

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

4. Adoption of the Primorsky Territory Law on approval of the procedure for implementing strategic planning in the Primorsky Territory in accordance with Federal Law of June 28, 2014 N 172-FZ “On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”;

(clause 4 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of 02/06/2018 N 234-KZ)

4(1). Consideration of draft state programs of the Primorsky Territory and proposals to amend the state programs of the Primorsky Territory;

(clause 4(1) introduced by the Law of the Primorsky Territory dated December 3, 2014 N 513-KZ)

5. Approval, upon the proposal of the Governor of the region, of the regional budget, the budget of the territorial fund of compulsory health insurance of the Primorsky Territory and reports on their implementation;

(clause 5 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of July 3, 2014 N 442-KZ)

6. Establishment of taxes and fees, the establishment of which is assigned by federal law to the jurisdiction of the Primorsky Territory, as well as the procedure for their collection;

(Clause 6 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

7. Establishing the amount of the part of the profit of state unitary enterprises, the property of which is owned by the Primorsky Territory, remaining after paying taxes and fees and other obligatory payments, and the procedure for determining it;

(Clause 7 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of October 20, 2008 N 321-KZ)

8. Excluded. - .

8. Approval of the conclusion and termination of contracts in the Primorsky Territory;

(Clause 8 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

9. Establishing a procedure for managing and disposing of the property of the Primorsky Territory, including shares (shares, shares) of the Primorsky Territory in the capital of business companies, partnerships and enterprises of other organizational and legal forms;

(clause 9 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

10. Lost power. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ;

11. Creation of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Primorsky Territory, adoption of the Primorsky Territory law on it;

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated August 2, 2010 N 656-KZ, dated October 6, 2011 N 817-KZ)

12. Adoption of laws of the Primorsky Territory on the conditions and procedure for the ownership, use and disposal of land and other natural resources owned by the Primorsky Territory;

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

13. Adoption of laws of the Primorsky Territory in the field of organization, protection and use of state natural reserves, natural monuments, natural parks, botanical gardens, dendrological parks and other specially protected natural areas of regional significance;

(Clause 13 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

14. Resolving issues of the administrative-territorial structure of the Primorsky Territory;

15. Appointment and, in cases established by law, dismissal of the chairman, deputy chairman and auditors of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Primorsky Territory;

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated 06.10.2011 N 817-KZ, dated 03.12.2012 N 139-KZ)

16. Lost power. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ; in ed. Law of Primorsky Territory dated 02.08.2010 N 656-KZ;

17. Hearing of the annual reports of the Governor of the region on the activities of the Regional Administration, including on issues raised by the Legislative Assembly; hearing reports on the implementation of the laws of the Primorsky Territory, the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the Primorsky Territory;

(Clause 17 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of 02.08.2010 N 656-KZ)

17(1). Hearing information on the activities of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Primorsky Territory;

(clause 17(1) introduced by the Primorsky Territory Law of November 7, 2017 N 192-KZ)

17(2). Consideration of the annual public report on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services by organizations in the field of culture, health, education, social services, which are located on the territory of the Primorsky Territory and the founder of which is the Primorsky Territory, and measures taken to improve the activities of these organizations, presented by the Governor of Primorsky the edges;

(clause 17(2) introduced)

18. Change in financial liabilities of Primorsky Krai;

19. Lost power. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of October 20, 2008 N 321-KZ;

20. Adoption of laws of the Primorsky Territory in the field of use and protection of lands in the Primorsky Territory, protection and rational use of natural resources, their conservation and restoration;

(clause 20 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

21. Legal regulation in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation of regional and municipal significance;

(Clause 21 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

22. Implementation of legislative regulation of relations arising during the privatization of property owned by the Primorsky Territory;

(clause 22 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

23. Exercise of other powers provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, the Charter and laws of the Primorsky Territory.

Article 20. Powers of the Legislative Assembly on organizational issues

The powers of the Legislative Assembly on organizational issues include:

1. Election and dismissal of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly and his deputies, chairmen of committees of the Legislative Assembly;

1(1). Approval of a candidate for appointment to the position of chief of staff of the Legislative Assembly;

(introduced by the Primorsky Territory Law of July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ; as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of December 3, 2012 N 139-KZ)

2. Formation and abolition of committees and commissions, other bodies of the Legislative Assembly, changing their composition, hearing reports on their work;

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

3. Approval of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly, Regulations on committees of the Legislative Assembly, regulations on committees of the Legislative Assembly;

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated October 20, 2008 N 321-KZ)

4. Publication of resolutions of the Legislative Assembly:

5. Implementation of legislative initiatives in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

6. Adoption of the Primorsky Territory law on the establishment of a system of executive bodies of state power in the Primorsky Territory;

(Clause 6 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

7. Making decisions on requests from the Governor of the Territory with a proposal to amend the resolutions of the Legislative Assembly or to cancel them, protests, demands for changes in regulatory legal acts and representations of the prosecutor of the Primorsky Territory;

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated 03/18/2008 N 233-KZ, dated 07/06/2009 N 464-KZ, dated 08/02/2010 N 656-KZ)

8. Cancellation of orders of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly;

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

9. Lost power. - Law of Primorsky Territory dated December 3, 2012 N 139-KZ;

10. Approval of the cost estimate of the Legislative Assembly;

(Clause 10 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of 08/07/2013 N 229-KZ)

11. Making decisions on appeals from the Legislative Assembly to the President of the Russian Federation, to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, federal state bodies, state bodies of the Primorsky Territory, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, to officials, citizens, their associations and legal entities ;

(Clause 11 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

12. Consideration of appeals from deputies of the Legislative Assembly, recognizing them as deputy requests, making decisions on them;

13. Early termination of powers of deputies of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with current legislation;

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

14. Establishment of awards, establishment of honorary and special titles, prizes and scholarships of the Primorsky Territory and approval of regulations for them;

15. Expression of no confidence in the first vice-governors of the Primorsky Territory (hereinafter referred to as the first vice-governors of the region), in whose appointment the Legislative Assembly took part;

(Clause 15 as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated October 8, 2002 N 8-KZ, dated April 29, 2013 N 196-KZ)

15(1). Expression of no confidence in the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Primorsky Territory;

(clause 15(1) introduced)

16. Participation in the formation of the Election Commission of the Primorsky Territory;

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

16(1). Participation in the formation of the Public Chamber of the Primorsky Territory;

(clause 16(1) introduced by the Law of the Primorsky Territory dated December 3, 2013 N 322-KZ)

17. Coordination of candidates for appointment to the position of first vice-governors of the region;

(clause 17 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of April 29, 2013 N 196-KZ)

17(1). Approval of a candidate for appointment to the position of Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Primorsky Territory;

(clause 17(1) introduced by the Law of the Primorsky Territory dated 05.08.2014 N 461-KZ)

18. Appointment of justices of the peace in the Primorsky Territory, appointment of public representatives to the qualification board of judges of the Primorsky Territory, election of representatives from the Legislative Assembly in the qualification commission at the Bar Chamber of the Primorsky Territory, appointment and dismissal of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Primorsky Territory and approval of the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation on the appointment to the position of prosecutor of the Primorsky Territory;

Article 21. Powers of the Legislative Assembly to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of local government and citizens

The powers of the Legislative Assembly on issues of ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of local government and citizens include:

1. Lost power. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of December 27, 2006 N 26-KZ;

2. Approval of interbudgetary transfers from the regional budget to local budgets, as well as subsidies to legal entities (with the exception of government agencies), individual entrepreneurs, as well as individuals - producers of goods, works, services;

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated December 3, 2012 N 139-KZ, dated August 7, 2013 N 229-KZ)

3. Adoption of laws of the Primorsky Territory on vesting local government bodies with certain state powers of the Primorsky Territory;
(clause 6(1) as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of December 3, 2012 N 139-KZ)

7. Appointment of a referendum in Primorsky Krai;

8. Establishment of administrative liability for violation of laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Primorsky Territory, regulatory legal acts of local government bodies;

(Clause 8 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

9. Establishment of a print media outlet for the promulgation (official publication) of legal acts of the Legislative Assembly and other official information.

(clause 9 as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of October 20, 2008 N 321-KZ)

10. Hearing reports from political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly.
(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 15, 2005 N 227-KZ, dated July 6, 2009 N 464-KZ)

the paragraph is no longer valid. - Law of Primorsky Territory dated December 1, 2016 N 42-KZ;

implementation of socio-economic development programs of the Primorsky Territory;

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ, dated August 2, 2010 N 656-KZ)

compliance with the established procedure for managing and disposing of the property of the Primorsky Territory.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)

The Legislative Assembly also exercises control during the consideration of individual issues of the execution of the regional budget and the budget of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund of the Primorsky Territory at its meetings, meetings of committees, commissions, working groups of the Legislative Assembly, during hearings held by the Legislative Assembly and in connection with deputy requests.

(paragraph introduced by the Primorsky Territory Law of December 1, 2016 N 42-KZ)

2. The control activities of the Legislative Assembly are carried out in the following forms:

hearing reports;

sending parliamentary requests;

conducting a parliamentary investigation;

requesting information;

consideration of the issue of expressing no confidence in the first vice-governors of the region, in whose appointment the Legislative Assembly took part, in the commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the Primorsky Territory.

(as amended by the Laws of the Primorsky Territory dated April 29, 2013 N 196-KZ, dated August 5, 2014 N 461-KZ)

The Legislative Assembly annually hears a report from the Regional Governor on the activities of the Regional Administration, including on issues raised by the Legislative Assembly. The Legislative Assembly, at the proposal of the chairman, committees, at least one third of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly, has the right to hear a report from officials of the Regional Administration, heads of executive authorities of the Primorsky Territory on the implementation of the laws of the Primorsky Territory, the implementation of socio-economic development programs of the Primorsky Territory.

(paragraph as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of 02.08.2010 N 656-KZ)

The Legislative Assembly considers an annual public report on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services by organizations in the field of culture, health, education, social services, which are located on the territory of the Primorsky Territory and the founder of which is the Primorsky Territory, and measures taken to improve the activities of these organizations, presented Governor of Primorsky Krai.

(paragraph introduced by the Law of the Primorsky Territory dated 06/07/2018 N 291-KZ)

The paragraph has been deleted. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of October 8, 2002 N 8-KZ.

3 - 4. Lost power. - Law of the Primorsky Territory of April 29, 2013 N 196-KZ.

5. The procedure for carrying out the control activities of the Legislative Assembly, its organization in the Legislative Assembly, in cases where there is no legal regulation of these issues in this article, is determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly and the orders of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly issued in accordance with it.

(Clause 5 was introduced by the Primorsky Territory Law of March 18, 2008 N 233-KZ)


Article 23. Interaction of the Legislative Assembly with executive authorities of the Primorsky Territory

1. The Legislative Assembly and the Regional Administration interact in the forms established by federal legislation and the legislation of the Primorsky Territory in order to effectively manage the processes of economic and social development of the Primorsky Territory and in the interests of its population.

2. The governor of the region addresses the Legislative Assembly with annual messages about the situation in the Primorsky Territory, about the main directions of socio-economic policy in the Primorsky Territory.

3. Legal acts of the Governor of the Territory, regulatory legal acts of the Regional Administration, regulatory legal acts of other executive authorities of the Primorsky Territory are sent to the Legislative Assembly within seven days from the date of their publication. The Legislative Assembly has the right to appeal to the Governor of the region. The administration of the region or other executive body of the Primorsky Territory with a proposal to amend the acts adopted by them or to repeal them, and also has the right to appeal these acts in court or, in the prescribed manner, apply to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request regarding the compliance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the indicated regulatory legal acts. The governor of the region has the right to appeal to the Legislative Assembly with a proposal to amend the decisions of the Legislative Assembly or to cancel them, and also has the right to appeal these decisions in court.

4. The Legislative Assembly sends to the Governor of the Territory an approximate program of legislative activity of the Legislative Assembly and draft laws of the Primorsky Territory.

(as amended by the Primorsky Territory Law of April 15, 2009 N 409-KZ)

5. The heads of the executive authorities of the Primorsky Territory or persons authorized by these heads have the right to attend meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its bodies with the right of an advisory vote.

6. Deputies or, on instructions from the Legislative Assembly or its chairman, employees of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly have the right to attend meetings of the executive authorities of the Primorsky Territory.

Article 23(1). Participation of the Legislative Assembly in the formation of the Regional Administration. Expression of no confidence in officials of the Regional Administration

(introduced by the Primorsky Territory Law of April 29, 2013 N 196-KZ)

1. The Legislative Assembly takes part in the formation of the Regional Administration by agreeing on candidates for appointment to the position of first vice-governors of the region.

2. The decision to approve a candidate for appointment to the post of first vice-governor of the region is made by a majority vote of the number of elected deputies of the Legislative Assembly and is formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.

3. The resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the approval of a candidate for appointment to the post of first vice-governor of the region is of a recommendatory nature.

4. The Legislative Assembly has the right, at the proposal of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly, committees of the Legislative Assembly, at least one third of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly, to express no confidence in the first vice-governor of the region, in whose appointment the Legislative Assembly took part, in the following cases:

improper performance of his duties by the first vice-governor of the region;

a gross violation of the current legislation established by the court by the first vice-governor of the region, if this entailed a violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

5. The resolution of the Legislative Assembly on no confidence in the first vice-governor of the region is adopted by a majority vote of the number of elected deputies of the Legislative Assembly and sent to the Governor of the region to resolve the issue of dismissing the said official from office.

Article 24. Interaction of the Legislative Assembly with local government bodies

1. The Legislative Assembly carries out legal regulation of issues of organizing local self-government in the Primorsky Territory in the cases and in the manner established by federal law, and provides assistance to local government bodies in the exercise of their powers.

2. The Legislative Assembly does not have the right to limit the rights of local self-government bodies established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation.

---elected May 30, 2012 Deputies 40 Political groups (factions) EP (22),

Communist Party of the Russian Federation (7)
LDPR (4)
SR (4)

Year of foundation 1995 (as Duma of Primorsky Krai) Latest elections December 4, 2011 Web site

Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai- legislative (representative) unicameral body of state power of the Primorsky Territory, is a permanently operating highest and only legislative body of the region. The Legislative Assembly consists of 40 deputies elected for a term of five years.


5th convocation (2011 - 2016)

4th convocation (2006 - 2011)

Fraction Supervisor Places % Vote
United Russia - 13 48.27% 281 073
Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 3 12.14% 70 719
Pensioners Party - 2 9.13% 53 171
Freedom and Democracy Cherepkov Viktor Ivanovich 2 8.67% 50 495
Other parties could not pass, among them
  • LDPR → 5.86% (34,098)
  • Party of Life → 4.40% (25,603)
  • Rodina Party → 2.26% (13,174)
  • Apple Party → 2.02% (11,748)
  • Patriots of Russia → 1.82% (10,622)
  • People's Will → 1.04% (6,058)

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An excerpt characterizing the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory

As the enemy approached Moscow, the Muscovites’ view of their situation not only did not become more serious, but, on the contrary, became even more frivolous, as is always the case with people who see a great danger approaching. When danger approaches, two voices always speak equally strongly in a person’s soul: one very reasonably says that a person should consider the very nature of the danger and the means to get rid of it; another says even more wisely that it is too difficult and painful to think about danger, whereas it is not in the power of man to foresee everything and save himself from the general course of affairs, and therefore it is better to turn away from the difficult, until it comes, and think about the pleasant. In solitude, a person mostly gives himself to the first voice, in society, on the contrary, to the second. So it was now with the residents of Moscow. It's been a long time since we had as much fun in Moscow as we did this year.
Rastopchinsky posters with the image at the top of a drinking house, a kisser and a Moscow tradesman Karpushka Chigirin, who, having been in the warriors and having drunk an extra hook on a poke, heard that Bonaparte wanted to go to Moscow, got angry, scolded all the French with bad words, left the drinking house and spoke under the eagle to the assembled people, read and discussed along with the last burima of Vasily Lvovich Pushkin.
In the club, in the corner room, they were going to read these posters, and some liked how Karpushka made fun of the French, saying that they would bloat from cabbage, they would burst from porridge, they would choke from cabbage soup, that they were all dwarfs and that one woman would throw a pitchfork at the three of them . Some did not approve of this tone and said that it was vulgar and stupid. They said that Rostopchin expelled the French and even all foreigners from Moscow, that among them there were spies and agents of Napoleon; but they told this mainly in order to convey on this occasion the witty words spoken by Rostopchin upon their departure. The foreigners were sent on a barge to Nizhny, and Rastopchin told them: “Rentrez en vous meme, entrez dans la barque et n"en faites pas une barque ne Charon.” [enter yourself and into this boat and try so that this boat does not became Charon's boat for you.] They said that they had already expelled all government posts from Moscow, and immediately added Shinshin's joke that for this alone Moscow should be grateful to Napoleon. They said that Mamonov's regiment would cost eight hundred thousand, that Bezukhov would cost even more spent on his warriors, but the best thing about Bezukhov’s action is that he himself will dress in a uniform and ride on horseback in front of the regiment and will not take anything for places from those who will look at him.
“You’re not doing anyone any favors,” said Julie Drubetskaya, collecting and pressing a pile of plucked lint with thin fingers covered with rings.
Julie was getting ready to leave Moscow the next day and was having a farewell party.
- Bezukhov is est ridicule [ridiculous], but he is so kind, so sweet. What pleasure is it to be so caustique [evil-tongued]?
- Fine! - said a young man in a militia uniform, whom Julie called “mon chevalier” [my knight] and who was traveling with her to Nizhny.
In Julie's society, as in many societies in Moscow, it was expected to speak only Russian, and those who made mistakes when speaking French paid a fine in favor of the donations committee.
“Another fine for Gallicism,” said the Russian writer who was in the living room. – “The pleasure of being not in Russian.
“You don’t do anyone any favors,” Julie continued to the militiaman, not paying attention to the writer’s remark. “I’m to blame for the caustique,” ​​she said, “and I’m crying, but for the pleasure of telling you the truth I’m ready to pay more; I’m not responsible for Gallicisms,” she turned to the writer: “I have neither the money nor the time, like Prince Golitsyn, to take a teacher and study in Russian.” “Here he is,” said Julie. “Quand on... [When.] No, no,” she turned to the militia, “you won’t catch me.” “When they talk about the sun, they see its rays,” said the hostess, smiling kindly at Pierre. “We were only talking about you,” Julie said with the freedom of lies characteristic of secular women. “We said that your regiment will probably be better than Mamonov’s.”