Valentina Rubtsova - Ukrainian and Russian singer, parodist, actress, presenter. Acts as a judge and expert on various television shows. Born on October 3, 1977 in Eastern Ukraine, Donetsk region. Graduated from GITIS.

Valentina Rubtsova was born in the town of Makeevka, Donetsk region in October 1977. This is not to say that her family had nothing to do with creativity. Once upon a time, her grandfather very fruitfully directed an amateur theater. In this theater, the mother of the future star also tried her hand at theater stage. However, my parents worked in a completely different field. Mom was a teacher, and then went to work in the police, and dad worked as an ordinary miner. Already with early childhood the girl was sure that she could truly express herself only in art. This confidence gave her strength. Actually, this is what happened later.


The parents saw that the child was growing up in real creative personality, so they encouraged such cravings in every possible way. The girl attended gymnastics and achieved great success, having successfully passed the standards for a candidate for master of sports. Subsequently, flexibility and the ability to control her body came in handy in her acting profession. She loved to come up with acrobatic acts. She also sang, danced, parodied those around her, and came up with different scenes on the fly. People liked it, and many came to see the little artist.

In parallel with studying at a regular school and doing gymnastics, she also attended a theater studio, managing to study everywhere and making progress. It was obvious that the baby had a great future. In the ninth grade, the grandmother decided to help her granddaughter and together they went to Moscow to scout out the situation on the spot. They really liked the capital and gave them confidence that it was worth coming here and trying their hand at acting.

Photo: Valentina Rubtsova in her youth

It seemed that everything was going according to plan, but all that was left was to finish school. However, almost immediately after graduating from school, the girl ended up in car accident, which seriously undermined his health and forced him to postpone his dreams of conquering the capital for an indefinite period. But in her native region they already knew about her talent, so immediately after her recovery she received an offer from the Donetsk Regional Theater for Young Spectators, where she began performing.

Professional activity

Practice has shown that even without a diploma she looks very convincing on stage, but dreams of conquering the capital and the famous GITIS did not leave her. In 1996, at the age of 19, when she had fully recovered from the accident and had gained sufficient experience in working on the stage, she again went to Moscow, where she was included in the number of lucky students. However, admission took place in the unstable 90s, when studying at budgetary basis It was almost impossible even for talented students. All the highest educational establishments, especially theatrical ones, began to move en masse to a commercial basis.

As a result, the talented student was told that in any case, her studies would be paid. She did not have such opportunities, because Valentina's parents simple people from Eastern Ukraine. But the girl desperately wanted to study. She looked for sponsors, patrons of the arts, collected newspaper clippings, articles, certificates about herself and tried to find financial assistance. The opportunity turned up unexpectedly. Mom told about her ordeals talented daughter to the head of the Makeyevka Department of Internal Affairs, Pyotr Dyachenko, who was imbued with the situation and acted as a sponsor.

When she was a student, she accidentally saw an advertisement that the famous production center of Igor Matvienko was holding a casting to recruit new members for the “Girls” group.

She was not at all sure that she should go to the casting and that this project was serious. However, a friend convinced her to try her hand. The competition was really big, but the charm of the miniature girl was appreciated. We can say that Valentina was created by this very group, and after 5 years of fruitful work she has already confidently declared herself as an artist and singer. Another future star, Irina Dubtsova, performed with her in the group.

Subsequently, Igor Matvienko made efforts to have the girl transferred to the budget department at GITIS. Of course, the conditions were tough, she had to pass the exams with flying colors and prove that she was truly the best student and worthy of special learning conditions. After 5 years of working in the group, having gained not only acting, but also singing experience, she auditions for popular musicals, in which she also works fruitfully. For example, the musicals “Cats” and “12 Chairs” are still remembered by many. These are some of the most important milestones in the biography of the artist.

Film career

The charming Valentina Rubtsova also distinguished herself in films, which finally secured her star status. She started with episodes. Director Tigran Keosaryan entrusted her with a small role in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley 2”. It is his artist who considers her godfather in cinema.

Then there was the series “Univer”, which I watched most of youth audience. And of course, Valentina became famous thanks to her sparkling parody. Everyone remembers the videos of the program “ A big difference”, which were based precisely on the actor’s ability to transform and do it with humor. While participating in this project, Valentina parodied many, including her more famous colleagues. But she invariably did it kindly, funny and very organically.

There were also parodies of cult films, which were also performed by the performer with obvious comic talent. She also participated in parodies of advertising, as well as social aspects our lives, which, it would seem, are completely unfunny. For example, she and her colleagues easily played up the process of paying off a mortgage by an ordinary Russian citizen in a comical form. And although mortgages make few people smile, watching such funny parodies, viewers couldn’t help but smile.

Personal life

Admirers of talent are interested not only in the biography, but also in the personal life of Valentina Rubtsova, although she is reluctant to share this with journalists. It is known that the actress Once again invited to a casting, where she went, dressed in ordinary sports suit. Many people came to the casting, but it so happened that all the girls dressed up as if they were going to the podium. Compared to them, Valentina stood out in her simple attire, but this is precisely what attracted increased attention to her. She was noticed by Arthur Martirosyan, a creative person, DJ, and entrepreneur. He asked their mutual friend, the red-haired “Ivanushka,” to introduce him to a pretty girl. Soon a relationship began between the young people. The couple dated for quite a long time, for 8 years, after this time, by mutual desire, it was decided to legalize the relationship. We can say that the long test of time has been successfully passed.

Photo: Valentina Rubtsova with her husband and daughter

The young people formalized their relationship in 2009, and almost 2 years later the couple had a charming daughter, Sofia. The age difference between Valentina and her husband is 10 years, but they are kindred spirits and understand each other perfectly. They often appear together at events and creative events.

Despite the birth of the child, she did not intend to stay long in maternity leave. As always, Valentina once again proved that she can successfully combine everything: personal life, motherhood, creative career. Since 2013, the actress has been playing in the series “Sashatanya”, she has the main role of Tanya Sergeeva. This is a long-running series that has been successfully running on screens for more than 5 years. In addition, the performer is engaged in dubbing foreign animated television series, television series, musicals, and films. She also appears on television, acting as an expert, for example, in “Repair School.” You can also see her in plays, musicals, and parody shows.

Selected filmography

  • 2004 Silver Lily of the Valley 2
  • 2005 Insider
  • 2006 Who's the boss?
  • 2008-2011 Uni
  • 2011 Men's women's game
  • 2011-2014 University New dorm
  • 2012 Happy New Year, moms!
  • 2013-2018 Sashatanya

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Valentina Rubtsova became the third child in a big and friendly family. In total, the Rubtsovs had five children. Valentina's father worked in a mine, her mother was a teacher at a school for the deaf and dumb, at a factory, and in the police. My grandfather worked as a director of an amateur theater. Valyusha’s mother also tried her hand at the stage in the same theater.

Valentina Rubtsova's childhood

Becoming an actress was Valentina Rubtsova's biggest childhood dream. Already at the age of three, together with her friend, she gave concerts in the yard. Moreover, the concerts are diverse: songs, skits, acrobatic performances. The little girl was especially successful with the song “Robins Hearing a Voice.” Neighbors from all over the yard, and often people from nearby houses, gathered to listen to the girl. An artistic child even in a nursery and kindergarten they respectfully called Valentina Pavlovna.

The actress remembers the teacher of the Makeevka theater studio, Alexander Kozachka, with great warmth. It was he who taught his students to overcome themselves, not to be afraid of anything, and to achieve their goals.

Gymnastics was another serious childhood hobby of the future actress. Rubtsova even fulfilled the norm of a candidate for master of sports in artistic gymnastics.

In the 9th grade, during the holidays, Valentina and her grandmother went on “reconnaissance” to Moscow and immediately fell in love with this city. As the actress herself recalls, she couldn’t wait to finish school and go to Moscow.

Long road to the capital

A day after graduation, Rubtsova had an accident and the trip to Moscow did not take place. As a regular participant in various theater competitions and festivals, Valentina was invited to work at two theaters in Makeevka. She chose the Donetsk Youth Theater and in a year she played all possible animals on stage.

Finally, in 1996, the girl’s dream came true - she entered GITIS for a course acting. The joy was overshadowed by the statement of one of the teachers that it was necessary to find money for study.

Valentina Rubtsova in the Girls group. Clip

Looking for a sponsor, the beginning of Valentina Rubtsova’s career

Returning from Moscow, Rubtsova began looking for sponsors. She collected newspaper clippings, diplomas (she was a local celebrity, after all) and with these “documents” went to organizations, trying to find bosses. In some places they sympathized with her, but could not help, and in some places they said: “Earn money yourself!”

Valentina continued her search, and her mother told the head of the Makeevka Internal Affairs Directorate, Pyotr Nikolaevich Dyachenko, about her daughter’s ordeal. Father of many children I was so imbued with the girl’s problems that I allocated money for her studies from my personal savings!

Lucky case

Once, student Rubtsova read an announcement on a stand in the dormitory that Igor Matvienko’s production center was recruiting girls for a women’s team. Valentina didn’t want to go to the casting, but her friend persuaded her to join her. Not counting on success, Rubtsova behaved relaxed at the casting - she sang and talked about herself, and then left and forgot about the screening. A month later she was informed that she was enrolled in the “Girls” group. Matvienko treated the singer with respect and understanding. When Valentina again needed money to pay for her studies, he promised to help with the transfer to the budget department of GISIS. Only one condition had to be fulfilled - to pass the specialty with excellent marks.

Five years in the Girls group turned out to be happy for Valentina. On joint tours with “Lyube” and “Ivanushki” she was so carefully looked after that, as the actress recalls, it seemed to her that this could not happen. When the group “Girls” broke up, Rubtsova was again lucky with the announcement - there was a casting of actors for the musical “12 Chairs”. Valentina auditioned and played in the musical for a whole year. Then there was the legendary musical “Cats,” in which Rubtsova worked for two years.

Filmography of Valentina Rubtsova

Like all beginning actors, Rubtsova began acting in episodes. At one of the auditions, Valentina Rubtsova met director Tigran Keosayan. The actress considers him her “godfather” in cinema. It was Tigran Keosayan who offered Valentina her first significant role in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley.”

Real success came to Valentina with the TV series “Univer” and the role of Tanya Arkhipova. And here Rubtsova was helped by a lucky chance. At the birthday party of her friend Sati Casanova, she met Garik Martirosyan, who invited her to try her hand at a new series. Valentina auditioned and was approved for the role of Tanya. Today it is difficult to imagine that this role could be played by another actress.

Minute of fame Valentin Rubtsov impromptu

In “Univer” Rubtsova plays the role of a sensible and serious girl. Valentina admits that she really enjoys acting in this comedy series.

Valentina Rubtsova is also involved in film scoring. Her voice can be heard in the films “The Enchantress”, “Hannah Montana”, “Mamma Mia!”, “Pride and Prejudice”.

Valentina Rubtsova's work on television

In 2006, Rubtsova appeared on television. At first it was the STS channel and the program “Thank God, you came!” Then Valentina Rubtsova began starring in the Channel One program “Big Difference.” In this program, Rubtsova acted as a parodist. She has parodied such famous artists and singers as Liya Akhedzhakova, Victoria Daineko, Anzhelika Varum, Angelina Vovk, Natasha Koroleva, Yulia Savicheva, Madonna and others.

Personal life of Valentina Rubtsova

Valentina Rubtsova is a vegetarian, hosts healthy image life: does yoga and visits a fitness club. Many viewers simply do not believe that the actress is much more years than her heroine Tanya Arkhipova.

The actress really doesn’t like talking about her personal life. A happy accident also brought Valentina together with her future husband. Rubtsova, the lead singer of the group “Girls,” was invited to the premiere of the film “From Hell.” Unlike all the invited representatives of the fair sex, who were dressed to the nines, Valentina came to the screening in sportswear. This amazed businessman Arthur Martirosyan. His friend, “red-haired Ivanushka,” introduced Arthur to Rubtsova. The couple began an affair, which eventually grew into marriage, but they had to wait a long time for the wedding. The couple spent more than 8 years testing their feelings and only in 2009 they officially formalized their relationship. In 2011, Arthur and Valya had a daughter, Sophia. The actress's boyfriend is 10 years older than his wife.

Sharing her plans for the future, the actress laughingly declares that she dreams of having a house in the mountains in Sochi, an apartment in Moscow, a dacha in the Moscow region with a cozy courtyard where her children - at least five of them - would run around!

Valentina Rubtsova is an actress whom everyone knows as Tanya from the youth television series “Univer”. It was with him that the girl’s enormous popularity began and her dream came true - to become famous actress. Valya is very close in temperament to her on-screen heroine, so she really regrets that “Univer” is coming to an end. Valentina Rubtsova's husband is Arthur Martirosyan.

Biography of Valentina Rubtsova

Valentina was born on October 3, 1977 in Makeevka (Donetsk region). Valya became the third child in the large, strong and friendly Rubtsov family. In total, the Rubtsovs gave birth to five children. Vali's dad worked in a mine all his life, his mother was a teacher at a boarding school for children with disabilities, namely the deaf and dumb.

Arthur Martirosyan's future wife Valentina Rubtsova dreamed of acting in films from early childhood. According to her mother, the girl, together with her friend, organized concerts in the yard at the age of 3. There they sang children's songs, staged dance numbers and showed humorous skits. Not only children from all over the yard, but also adults came to Valya’s ringing voice.

Valya was already noted in kindergarten as a very artistic girl, which made her parents very happy. They were proud of their daughter. The teachers jokingly called Arthur Martirosyan's future wife Valentina Rubtsova Valentina Pavlovna.

Actress today nice words talks about a teacher from a theater school, who, in her words, gave rise to the fighting character of the girl and many of her friends.

What else was Valentina Rubtsova interested in?

Besides acting, young actress She mastered artistic gymnastics well. She even passed the standard to receive the title of candidate master of sports in this industry. Valentina also loved to travel with her grandmother. So, once they visited Moscow, after which the girl had another dream - to move to live there after graduating from school. Valentina Rubtsova's husband later brought this to life.

The further fate of Valentina

After the long-awaited receipt of her diploma, Valentina had an accident. Which was the reason for postponing the trip to Moscow. How to active public figure, Valya received several job offers. The first of them was from the Donetsk Youth Theater, where the actress went with pleasure. There, literally within a year, she performed the main roles in all kinds of performances and productions. In 1996, Arthur Martirosyan's future wife Valentina Rubtsova became a student at GITIS - she entered the acting department. However, the girl was very upset by the amount she had to pay for her studies.

Looking for a sponsor

Valentina, taking advantage of her “position”, because she was already famous, began to look for a sponsor who would help pay for her studies. She collected a complete collection of her achievements, starting with clippings from local newspapers, ending with a diploma, and went through the wealthy people she knew. But none of them could enter into the position of the desperate girl and help her. To the question: “How old is Valentina Rubtsova?”, which she was often asked, she reacted sharply.

One day, Valya’s mother at work shared her daughter’s story with the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, who was a very sensitive and responsive person. He felt Vali’s situation so much that he offered to help, allocating money from his own pocket.

Group "Girls"

Valentina is not deprived of artistic talents either. She sings and dances well. As a student, she accidentally saw an advertisement for the recruitment of young girls in music group. The girl was skeptical about what she read, but her friend insisted that she go to the casting. Without any hope of success, Valya went to auditions, where she behaved naturally, performed songs and talked about her hobbies. After that, she immediately forgot about what happened.

A few weeks later, she found out that she had passed the audition and was approved for the Girls group. The group's producer was a tolerant person who helped and supported everyone. He promised to help Valentina transfer to the budget department at GITIS if she graduated with honors. She, of course, had no choice. As a result, she received a red diploma.

Valentina Rubtsova’s husband remembers the period when the girl sang in a group very often.

She loved the girls very much, their tours took place together with the most popular groups at that time. Valya sometimes thought that this was happening in a dream.

Filmography Rubtsova

The actress's first roles were episodic, like many beginning actors. At one casting, where Valya auditioned for short role, she met Tigran Keosayan. He later helped the actress break through to more serious heights.

Valentina was offered to play main role in the youth television series "Univer". She came to audition and was approved. The actress also became famous thanks to such works as “SashaTanya”, “Male Female Game”, “Airport”, “The Insider” and “Bachelors”.

The film “Silver Lily of the Valley” was not easy for Valentina, but it became one of her favorite works.

Biography of Arthur Martirosyan

It is clear from this man’s last name that he is Armenian. But he is not a relative of Garik Martirosyan, as many people think. Accurate information about his biography cannot be found anywhere. All we know is that he was born in Sochi and works as a DJ in one of the Moscow clubs. Also, according to his wife, he runs his own business, which he does not tell anyone about. The name of this man first began to appear in public circles when he met his current wife Valentina Rubtsova.

Personal life of the actress

The girl has been leading a healthy lifestyle for many years, eating right and doing yoga. This is probably one of the secrets why she looks so young. When asked how old Valentina Rubtsova is, she boldly answers: “40, and I’m absolutely not shy about it.”

Personal life, as well as information about the wedding of Arthur Martirosyan and Valentina Rubtsova, is mostly hidden. Since the couple prefers to keep their happiness away from prying eyes. Only the dates of the beginning of their relationship (2001) and marriage (2009) are known.

Arthur Martirosyan is a Moscow DJ, actor and businessman. Is the husband of a famous Russian actress Valentina Rubtsova.

Arthur Martirosyan with his wife

Childhood and youth

Arthur Martirosyan was allegedly born in 1967 in. It is unknown who his parents were and where the actor studied.

However, we can say with certainty that Arthur is not a relative of the famous humorist Garik Martirosyan.


The fact that Arthur is a businessman became known from the press. In addition, the media has repeatedly mentioned that he allegedly works as a Moscow DJ.

In 2017, Martirosyan’s wife Valentina Rubtsova stated that her husband had never been associated with show business. She also said that Martirosyan has an education in the IT field, so his business is related to the computer industry.

Arthur Martirosyan in his youth

Moreover, Rubtsova clarified that her husband Arthur Martirosyan has nothing to do with music, and all rumors that he works as a DJ are fake.

Personal life

WITH future wife Arthur Martirosyan met in 2002. At that time, Rubtsova was part of the pop group “Girls”.

An interesting fact is that they were introduced by Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov from the group “Ivanushki-International”. The meeting took place at the premiere of a film.

Arthur really liked that Valentina was dressed simply and did not try to attract unnecessary attention to herself. She came to see the film straight from gym, as a result of which she was dressed in a regular tracksuit.

When the girl took her place in the cinema, Martirosyan decided to sit next to her. As a result, throughout the entire film the young people actively communicated with each other.

Martirosyan and Rubtsova

After the film ended, Arthur asked Valentina for her phone number. Arriving home, he immediately called her, as a result of which they talked on the phone half the night.

The second time Rubtsova met with Martirosyan was when she came on tour to Sochi. After the concert they again for a long time communicated, and soon realized that they fell in love with each other. From that time on, the couple never separated again.

Arthur Martirosyan and Valentina Rubtsova

Initially, Valentina Rubtsova and Arthur Martirosyan lived in civil marriage. They rented housing and were in no hurry to have children. During that period of biography, Martirosyan and his chosen one began saving money for an apartment.

In 2009, they decided to legalize their relationship. 2 years later, Arthur and Valentina had a girl, Sofia. An interesting fact is that immediately after the birth of her daughter, Rubtsova spent all her time on the set.

In this regard, Arthur Martirosyan had to take care of the child. Sometimes his mother-in-law and father-in-law helped him with this.

Arthur Martirosyan with his family

Martirosyan and his wife try not to expose their personal life to the public. Periodically they post in in social networks family photos, allowing fans to follow their lives.

IN free time Martirosyan, along with his wife and daughter, likes to visit various sights in Sochi.

In an interview, Valentina admitted that Arthur is a very balanced and reliable person. She is very happy living with him and has never regretted becoming his wife.

The girl also admitted that her husband knows how to cook well, so he often surprises her with original dishes.

However, in 2016, Rubtsova visited the television project “House 2”, where she shared her family problems. She said that scandals periodically occur in her family.

After this, the actress’s fans thought that her marriage to Martirosyan was a mistake.

But soon Valentina admitted that her arrival in “House 2” was a clearly thought-out scenario that had nothing to do with real life. After that, she once again expressed many compliments to her husband.

Arthur Martirosyan today

Martirosyan is still developing his business and is also raising his daughter.

From time to time he can be seen at various social events with his family. Arthur loves his wife very much, who radically changed his life.

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Valentina Rubtsova is the same Tanya from Univer and SashaTani. Before the premiere of the new season of the series about the life of a young Moscow family, which starts on September 2, we found out from Valentina how things are going in her personal life, and also talked a little about the secrets of beauty and raising her daughter Sophia, who, by the way, is going to college this year. first grade!

Do you consider the role of Tanya in “Univer” on TNT to be your most significant?

Of course yes. And I am grateful to the chance that brought me to this project. It was Sati Casanova’s birthday, which was attended by Zhanna Levina, the wife of Garik Martirosyan. She told me that they are now looking for actors for a new sitcom. They auditioned me for the role for a long time, and to be honest, I was already tired of going to this casting. And when I was once again invited to try out in some scene, she said: “You either take me or not, I’m already tired of walking!” “Of course we’ll take it, we’ve approved you!” I wanted this role, I realized from the script that this was a very good comedy story.

Why did you agree to star in the series “SashaTanya” on TNT?

It would be strange to disagree! When I was offered the role, I found out that I was pregnant. And, to be honest, I was very upset that they wouldn’t film me and would refuse me. And I want to say thanks a lot producers for allowing me to calmly give birth to a child. Filming began after I became a mother.

The new season of the series “SashaTanya” - tell us about it?

The heroes are growing up, there will be a lot of funny things! There will be paradoxical and unexpected turns, there will be love, there will be friendship and everything that the viewer loves so much in our series.

Is your daughter Sophia already showing some acting skills?

Sophia is a very creative girl. I will support my daughter if she expresses such a desire, and I will help her in every possible way, because I believe that talented people need help. But so far Sonya has not had such a desire. She has already performed on stage as a ballerina. But she didn’t talk about the stage anymore.

all slides

You look much younger than your age, do you have any special beauty secrets?

The secrets are simple: genetics, love and conscious discipline in nutrition. Because at my age (yes, I say so) it is still important to watch how you eat. I eliminated all refined sugar, fast food, bakery products. At the same time, I can afford coarse wheat pasta and potatoes - I will never refuse them, but I prefer, for example, boiled ones. Fruits and dried fruits instead of dessert. I drink a lot of water, about 2.5 liters a day. It was difficult for me to give up sugar; it took me almost a year to get used to it.

You happy wife and mother. How did you meet your husband?

We met by chance, as is usually the case. It happened in the cinema, at the premiere of the film “From Hell” with om. I was straight from the gym looking the part, no makeup. Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov from “Ivanushki” was at the presentation, and my husband Arthur was his good friend. We met and exchanged phone numbers. And then I believe that fate itself decreed it. As soon as we entered the auditorium, Arthur called me and asked if there was any free space, since everything was occupied. And surprisingly, there was one empty seat next to me. We talked for a long time that evening, then went home, again chatting on the phone until the morning, until it ran out of charge. And then we didn’t see each other for six months. We saw each other again in Sochi and continued communicating. In fact, we didn’t have a bouquet-candy period as such, because we often had to separate due to touring. But we have been together for 17 years! How do we maintain romance? I have an amazing, wise husband with an excellent sense of humor, which allows him to tolerate my difficult acting character!