Logic is a person’s ability to quickly find an answer in difficult situation. It is formed in a person as he grows up, but it can be trained by solving problems and tests. One of the simplest and most accurate tools for measuring it is psycho logic test, compiled by psychologists taking into account the diverse orientations of individuals.

Features of the logic test

Unlike mathematical problems, logical questions involve a complex thought process. It must be consistent, with a chain of reasoning that leads to the correct conclusion. It does not have a clearly formulated formula, and each person may have his own type of thinking; it is important whether the person managed to achieve the correct answer.

Evaluate your intelligence here and now. On our website you will find many interesting logic tests and tasks that will not only help you better understand yourself, but will also allow you to have a good time. The tests are made up of psychological issues, which were thought out by experts in the field of studying human personality characteristics.

For exact result you need to be relaxed, feel good and put all worries aside. According to the results psychological research people who took these tests in a depressed, angry state missed important points. They scored lower than those in the calm condition. If you are distracted and cannot concentrate on the test, it is better to postpone it until another day. Think about each question carefully, do not rush to give an answer until you are absolutely sure that the chosen option is correct. At the end of the test, you will not only find out how many points you scored, but also receive a detailed description logical thinking, and find out the correct answers to the questions.

Why take a logic test:

  • you have never taken such tests, but are interested in your abilities;
  • you need to decide on a profession, place of work, choice of specialty for admission;
  • find out about your child’s abilities before going to first grade;
  • This is a great mental workout that doesn't take much time.
To take a logic test online, you do not need to register. You simply go to the site, open the required section and answer the questions. After the test, you receive a detailed answer, without SMS. Everything is absolutely free, open and clear.

Test No. 1

Answer quickly without hesitation. And don’t peek at the answers!

1. You are competing and have passed the runner in second position.
What position do you take now?

<< Answer to the question >>

Try to answer the second question of the test

2. You passed the last runner, what position are you in now?

<< Answer to the question >>

3. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

<< Answer to the question >>

4. Mary's Father has five daughters: 1. Chacha 2. Cheche 3. Chichi 4 Chocho. Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter? Think fast. The answer is just below.

<< Answer to the question >>

Test No. 2

This test is very simple. You need to answer one question...
Why is honey golden?

P because flowers receive a lot of sunlight.

P because flower pollen is naturally golden in color.

P because bees enrich it with enzymes that have such a shade.

P because that’s how people make honey.

I Don't know.

Mini-test for intelligence No. 3

Want to test your intelligence? A little test!
1. So - the deaf-mute decided to buy toothbrush. He goes to the store and gestures to the seller that he is brushing his teeth. The seller guesses what it is about, and the deaf-mute gets his brush.
Now the blind man decided to buy himself sunglasses. How can he inform the seller about this?
Think and then look at the correct answer...

<< Answer to the question >>

2. Make one word from the given set of letters - L O S O N D O V

<< Answer to the question >>

3. The pilot jumped out of the plane without a parachute. How was he able to remain unharmed after landing on solid ground?

<< Answer to the question >>

Test No. 4

1. There are two bottles of 5 and 3 liters. How to use them to measure exactly a liter of water, without using any other containers.

<< Answer to the question >>

2. There are 5 mushrooms in the basket. How to divide mushrooms between five mushroom pickers so that everyone gets an equal share and one mushroom remains in the basket?

<< Answer to the question >>

3. In 1970 a person was 30 years old, and in 1975 he was 25 years old. How is this possible?

<< Answer to the question >>

4. Guess how many cats are in the room, if there is 1 cat in each of the 4 corners of the room, 3 cats are opposite each cat, 1 cat is sitting on the tail of each cat.

<< Answer to the question >>

5. Many of you have seen bottles of alcohol in liquor stores that also contain some large ripe fruit: apple, pear, etc. Now tell me how to place a fairly large ripe fruit (not dried) into such a bottle with a narrow neck without damaging it or separating it.

<< Answer to the question >>

6. Not far from the shore there is a ship with a lowered rope ladder. The staircase has 15 steps. The distance between the steps is 45 cm. The lowest step touches the surface of the water. Suddenly the tide begins, due to which the water level rises by 15 cm every hour. Question: after what period of time will the water level reach the third stage?

<< Answer to the question >>

7. There are two traffic police inspectors standing by the road. One looks to the left to see if a car is approaching from the north, and the other looks to the right to see if a car is approaching from the south. Suddenly one asks the other: “Why are you smiling?” How could he know that the other inspector was smiling?

<< Answer to the question >>

8. Imagine two cities, in one of which people tell only the truth, and in the other only lies. People from one city often visit people in another city and vice versa. If you find yourself in one of the cities, what is the only question you should ask a passerby to find out which of the two cities you are in?

<< Answer to the question >>

9. A motorist in the parking lot this morning discovered that his car had one tire that was flat. Despite this, he got into the car and drove 50 km to work and drove 50 km back in the evening again, without carrying out any repairs or replacing the wheel. How is this possible?

<< Answer to the question >>

10. Tool for measuring time with minimum quantity moving elements are sundial. Which instrument for measuring time has maximum amount moving elements?

<< Answer to the question >>

11. At a sports car competition, two of the best drivers made an unusual bet - whose car comes slower, the winner takes the prize fund for himself. At the start, when the start gong sounded, both cars did not even think about moving forward. Everyone is confused, the competition breaks down. To young people (racers). Came up old man and said something to both of them. After a short pause, both accelerated, whoever was faster, trying to overtake each other. The rules are unchanged - the fund will be taken by the one whose car arrives second. Question: What did the old man say to the racers?

They can be simple tasks, when, for example, there is a sequence of figures with an increasing number of vertices, that is, a triangle, square or rhombus and so on, and the answer is a geometric figure with the required number of vertices. However, it is possible that within one figure there are several other smaller objects, and they alternate in a certain sequence.

Where are logic tests found?

Such tasks are often used to test intellectual ability, and many job seekers have encountered an IQ test when applying for a job, even if employers did not call it that. More precisely, candidates solved problems inherent in IQ, and not the entire test.

When solving abstract logical problems, the intellect is used to the maximum, because it is necessary to find the connection between a set of circles, stars, and all sorts of lines extremely quickly. The person who solved this test best is not necessarily smarter than others, he is simply able to quickly process incomprehensible, previously unknown information, and find a solution based on it. Such abilities are important for all professions, but companies place special emphasis on sales managers, sales managers, marketers, etc.

We can almost certainly say that the applicant will meet in companies in the FMCG sector, that is, in large corporations that produce consumer goods. Procter&Gamble, Unilver, Mars, and other well-known companies with revenues of tens of billions of dollars require their employees to be able to process unknown data, and do it quickly, and find the right answers.

Of course, attentiveness tests when hiring are also used by domestic employers, most often when recruiting sales representatives, managers for the sale of wholesale products, etc.

In general, there is only one piece of advice for preparing for testing - you need to devote some time to solving problems, but there are some nuances.

Training fast visual coverage. Since the time for a task is usually limited to one minute, it is necessary to leave as many seconds as possible for analysis, so it is advisable to review the test with figures as quickly as possible when applying for a job. It is not necessary to use logic tests; you can practice on anything: remember signs on the way to work, faces, clothes of people you meet, etc.

"Identification". The key to successfully solving a problem is finding the principle used, because when the relationship between changes in the figures is found, it costs nothing to choose the correct one for the answer. However, finding addiction is the hardest part. Unlike the previous point, it is not the visualization that is important here, but the logical component, so you should train logic using any means. Available logic tests can be used.

"Repeatability". Of course, the hiring test " Geometric figures"includes many tasks, and there is no point in learning them by heart, but if you solve dozens, hundreds of such problems in advance, it will be easier for the applicant real testing. The main thing is that the available examples are varied, and the person understands on what principle the tasks are composed and how the sequences are built.

"Abstraction". A variety of abstract figures, both from painting and from “jokes”, of which there are many on the Internet, will help in preparation. It is important to teach the brain to recognize other information hidden under a layer, and such experience and skill can only be acquired through constant practice.

Collectionsfrom the Internet. Ever since Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians encountered newfangled Western-style tests, examples of such tasks have appeared on the Internet. Usually these were single tasks that applicants wrote down from memory, but later specialized collections appeared that presented up-to-date information. Before purchasing test books, you should study reviews about them, as sometimes sellers are cunning and give outdated examples or tasks that are much simpler than those found in interviews.

In principle, before testing, or more precisely, before applying for a vacancy, the applicant must study everything there is about this company, especially in terms of selection and testing. There are specialized forums, where “colleagues” share their successes or failures, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you can learn unique information.

Geometric tests when applying for a job are quite difficult for an unprepared person, even if he is an intellectual, but practice and solving many examples will help you successfully cope with the task.

The test consists of 30 points. Each item looks like:

a. first consequence
b. second consequence
c. third consequence

“Condition” is the condition of the problem, some circumstances that are considered previously somehow proven and always true.
"Consequence" is a logical consequence of a condition. Of the three corollaries, one and only one is correct. Your task is to test your ability to separate correct logical consequences from incorrect ones.

The test does not require special mathematical knowledge. All words in the test must be interpreted as they are in ordinary everyday Russian, but not as in mathematics or another special field. All words in the test must be interpreted literally; no metaphors or allusions are provided in the test.

In the test you may find unfamiliar words such as "kuzdra". These words are intended to evaluate your ability to think logically, separating it from your other knowledge about the world around you. Consider that these words can mean anything, but so that the phrase in the condition is true in meaning. For example, if it is written that “the kuzdra runs”, this means that the kuzdra really knows how to run and, apparently, has legs or paws, it could be, for example, a person, an animal or a walking mechanism :)

Sometimes in the test there are words and expressions that have opposite meanings, for example “can” and “can’t”, “big” and “small”, etc. In all such cases, it is assumed that the intermediate options “can, but poorly”, “average”) are not considered.

1. Shmurdik is afraid of both mice and cockroaches.
a. Shmurdik is not afraid of cockroaches;
b. Shmurdik is afraid of mice;
c. Shmurdik is more afraid of mice than cockroaches, but he is also afraid of cockroaches.

2. It is known that the grymzik is necessarily either striped, or horned, or both.
a. the grymzik cannot be hornless;
b. the grymzik cannot be monochromatic and hornless at the same time;
c. The grymzik cannot be striped and hornless at the same time.

3. If you poison a clot, it will immediately begin to blow bubbles.
a. if the plug blows bubbles, then it has been poisoned;
b. if the zapyrka is not poisoned, it will not blow bubbles;
c. If the plug does not blow bubbles, then it is not poisoned.

4. All the coolies know how to play checkers
a. there are no idiots who don’t know how to play checkers;
b. everyone who knows how to play checkers is a loser;
c. There are no idiots who know how to play checkers.

5. Dubarators are either good or bad. It is not true that this dubarator is not bad.
a. this dubarator is good;
b. this dubarator is average;
c. this dubarator is bad.

6. More than a dozen tials have been found in nature. All discovered tials are solid red.
a. at least some of the tials are red;
b. at least some of the tials are green;
c. some tials (of those already discovered) may not be red.

7. There are jackals with muhropendia.
a. not every jackal can boast of a healthy mohropendia;
b. not every jackal can boast of suffering from muhropendia;
c. There are jackals with healthy muhropendia.

8. It is not true that our tumelina is large and round.
a. our tumelina is small and non-round;
b. our tumelina is small, or non-round, or both;
c. our tumelnitsa is small, or non-round, but not both.

9. John is always either mumbling or purring.
a. John sometimes speaks Urd;
b. John sometimes rants and sometimes purrs;
c. John never does both humming and purring at the same time.

10. The journalists lied that the swamp idiot was illiterate and impudent.
a. in fact, the swamp bzdysh is educated and tactful;
b. in fact, the swamp bzdysh is illiterate, but not impudent;
c. those journalists lied.

11. If you shake the bottle, shooting will begin. They shook the bottle.
a. the shooting has already begun;
b. the shooting will start someday;
c. the shooting will begin someday or has already begun.

12. If you shake the pepper, shooting will immediately begin. There have been no shootings in the last hour.
a. during last hour they did not shake the pepper;
b. during the last hour they shook the quail;
c. but there was no point in shaking anything.

13. A huge butryak frightened the village elder.
a. the headman had a nightmare;
b. the headman tried some low-quality booze;
c. the elder was scared.

14. If you scratch the sponge behind the ear, it will begin to hiss contentedly. If the sponge hisses contentedly, the milk nearby will sour.
a. if you don’t scratch the lip behind the ear, the milk nearby won’t turn sour;
b. if you scratch the sponge behind the ear, the milk nearby will turn sour;
c. Milk in the distance never turns sour from scratching your lips.

15. Anyone who drills loudly is sure to be eaten. All the smirks are constantly loud.
a. everyone who shouts loudly is grinning;
b. all grinners are sure to be eaten;
c. Some grinners don't get eaten.

16. Both roach and pike live in the rivers near Timugrad.
a. there is no roach in the rivers near Timugrad;
b. pike lives in the rivers near Timugrad;
c. The rivers near Timugrad are inhabited only by roach and pike.

17. All dolls delight with their intelligence or beauty, and sometimes even both.
a. the baby doll cannot be stupid;
b. there are no stupid ugly little puffs;
c. There are no smart, beautiful little puffs.

18. When you sleep, you always cheat.
a. if you are fidgeting, it means you are sleeping;
b. if you don't sleep, you don't cheat.
c. If you're not fidgeting, it means you're not sleeping.

19. All fans love the game.
a. there are no fans who don’t like ygu;
b. everyone who loves ygu is rooting for someone;
c. There are no fans who love Ygu.

20. There are only two types of zdunts: red and blue. As for this particular zduntz, it turned out to be not blue at all.
a. this buzzer is blue;
b. this one is blue-red;
c. this little guy is red.

21. Many remains of rednecks have been found. But they are all very poorly preserved.
a. some remains of rednecks are very poorly preserved;
b. at least some remains of rednecks are in excellent condition;
c. Some of the found remains of rednecks are well preserved.

22. Some lapuchondria are not stable.
a. not every lapuchondria is unstable;
b. there are stable lapuchondria;
c. Not every lapuchondria is stable.

23. They said that duknis were both sharp and hard. It turns out that this is not true at all.
a. in fact, dukni are blunt and soft;
b. in fact, dukni are blunt or soft or both;
c. in fact, dukni are either blunt or soft, but not both.

24. Kaflya is always either running or breathing.
a. The tile breathes as it runs;
b. Kaflya does not breathe while standing;
c. The caflya doesn't breathe while running.
25. The information that tomorrow’s meeting will be devoted to scarlet ducklings turned out to be false.
a. the information turned out to be false;
b. the meeting will not be about ducklings;
With. The meeting will be dedicated to ducklings, but not ducklings at all.

26. If you pour water on a bottle, it will spoil immediately. This tie is not spoiled. Now I'll pour water on her.
a. no need to offend the narrow-minded;
b. the tightness will deteriorate;
c. the tightness will not deteriorate.

27. If you pour water on a bottle, it will spoil immediately. This tie was not spoiled.
a. the bottle was not doused;
b. the bottle was doused;
c. Yes, leave me alone from the bottleneck.

28. Vasya quit taking this test after answering only 28 questions.
a. Vasya was tired while taking the test;
b. Vasya hesitated while taking the test;
c. Vasya did not finish the test.

29. If you feed the bush, it will calm down. A calm bush can be milked.
a. if you don’t feed the bush, it won’t be possible to milk it;
b. You can milk a bush, but not feed it; it will find and eat something on its own;
c. After feeding, the bush can be milked.

30. If you make your grandmother happy, she will give milk. Bushka will be happy if you pull her tail.
a. if you pull the bush by the tail, it will give milk;
b. no one will be happy if you pull his tail;
c. If you don't pull the bush by the tail, it won't give milk.

You have dialed...
26-30 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. If you make errors in reasoning, it is mainly by accident or fatigue, but not due to inability. However, remember that everything good can always be improved - if, of course, you need it.

20-25 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. However, you may make mistakes in unusual or confusing cases. Having received any conclusion as a result of reasoning, do not rush to accept it as truth. Make it a rule to double-check your conclusions, look for errors in them, and simply weak spots. Don't be surprised, don't be indignant if you are corrected: perhaps that's the point.

14-19 points:
Option 1.
You didn’t have the patience to take the entire test, you only completed part of it, and chose the remaining items at random.
Option 2.
Your logical thinking is undeveloped. If you try to reason publicly, you may well be ridiculed. You'll have to turn to others strengths your personality if you want to convince someone of something or find out something. However, maybe you are not completely hopeless if you try to learn.

6-13 points:
Option 1.
You took the test by pointing at random items.
Option 2.
You have no logical thinking at all. The result you got can be obtained by simply poking at random. You should not try to “reason logically,” especially in public. You may be mistaken for crazy.

3-5 points:
You didn't want to take the test.

1-2 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. If you make errors in reasoning, it is mainly by accident or fatigue, but not due to inability. However, remember that everything good can always be improved - if, of course, you need it. In this case, you decided to show off and answer the questions deliberately incorrectly.

Logic tests may be of interest to those who want to find out the depth of their own logical thinking, explore their way of thinking and, of course, determine the level of their logical abilities.

And here the most interesting thing is revealed - not everyone is able to “correctly” pass these same logical tests. That is why this instruction appeared on the use of tests to determine logical thinking, as well as unique tips for passing them.

How to pass logic tests

In such a matter as passing logical tests, it is important to remember that an excessively long delay on one task is a sign that something is wrong with logical thinking or, alternatively, with the willingness to pass logical tests.

Most of the tasks in extensive test collections, such as G. Eysenck, can be solved quickly, if you show even a little persistence. It should be remembered that the further from the beginning, the more difficult the tasks.

In addition, for the information of perfectionists, no one is able to complete all the tasks in half an hour. But every will solve at least some of them.

The answer to the task can be numerical, alphabetic or verbal. Sometimes there are several options, sometimes you need to give an exact answer. You shouldn’t write at random, but if some idea still glimmers on the horizon of your consciousness, it’s better to write it down, so to speak, just in case.

The test does not contain tricky questions, but it will not hurt to consider several ways to solve the problem presented to you, in the form of a problem. Before you begin, you should delve into the essence of the proposed task and make sure that you understand it correctly, otherwise you can only waste time by going down the wrong path, solving something that is not exactly what is in front of you.

However, as elsewhere, there are pitfalls here, hidden, however, not in the tasks themselves, but in internal factors, relating rather to general psychology than to formal logic.

The influence of giftedness on logical thinking

This is talent, and, as you know, it can be different - I’d like to add liquid and gaseous, but let’s not talk about that.

Different in the sense that similar people, people with giftedness in some area may even be not entirely interesting solve problems of a certain type.

Yes, yes, strange as it may be, this also happens - we know, we have observed it! his/her intelligence, which means there is a catch here somewhere. Well, it can’t be that easy!..

In addition, gifted people should be perceived in conjunction and unity of the categories “I want” and “I can”. Because, psychologically, of course, any of these factors can cause you to talk.

2 types of behavior of children with giftedness during testing

There are instrumental and motivational aspects. Instrumental lies in the elaboration of the methods of its activity. And motivational characterizes both the subject’s attitude to the world as a whole, and to some specific part of it... As well as to his own activities.

TO instrumental aspect applies:

  • Any specific strategies of action, activity and decisions that are capable of providing their own, special, and therefore specifically for him, high-quality productivity in passing the test.

That is, if in the middle of a test someone starts laughing, this does not mean that he is hysterical; perhaps he has some strange associations associated with such tasks and questions that can help him in this matter.

  • Individualism in the style of activity, expressed in the desire to do everything in one’s own way.

This can turn out to be nothing, or some kind of own method for solving the same theorems. But the main thing here is to be able to convey to others that “your own method” is not a mistake.
And then there are cases when, due to non-standard solution If the answer is correct, the entire action is crossed out and declared incorrect, regardless of the answer. The truth here is that the point lies in the fact that sometimes teachers, known to the whole world, find it necessary to understand the strange paths laid by others.

  • If you, the test taker, in general, the one who is taking the test, are able to structure everything acquired about the task, and knowledge in general, in such a way, then, undoubtedly, you will see the subject being studied in the system.

And this is something capable of providing such great help, in as a last resort, psychological support in the form of confidence that everything will work out for you, coming from the knowledge that you have similar... oddly enough, knowledge. Here “I know that I don’t know anything” won’t work. Here such a philosophy will most likely show lack of confidence in one’s own abilities.

  • There are also special types-paces of learning, consisting of both a high pace and ease of assimilation of information, and slower understanding, however, with it, sufficient changes in the structure of knowledge, ideas or skills are possible.

However, it should be understood that broad erudition can slow down the speed of problem solving. Here the problem lies either in the unsystematic nature of knowledge and the inability of the subject to connect them into one, or in the inability to choose any option, despite the apparent equivalence-probability, scrolled through the consciousness of answers. It also happens that the task question is formulated in such a way that the test taker finds another possible correct answer not provided for by the formal test. But this also happens!.. It’s rare, of course, but it’s worth taking it into account.

Let's move on to motivational aspects behavior of gifted children, both large (adults) and small (those who are really children). And they are characterized by the following signs:

  • Increased sensitivity to any aspects of reality (all sorts of signs, both their own special, almost NLP anchors, and generally accepted ones, sounds, colors, technical devices, plants, etc.), or to certain forms of one’s own activity.
  • A large share of immersion in a certain topic.
  • Increased need for knowledge. Taking it to the point of absurdity, I won’t start the task until I’ve read the entire test.
  • Rejection of the standard nature of the task and preference for any paradoxes.
  • Increased self-criticism while striving for good, most complete fulfillment, a sort of “” or “Mr. Ideal”.

All this can both slow down and facilitate the decision...

Examples of logical graphics tests

And now a bonus for those who read to the end the article about logic tests, but did not solve the problem in the very first picture, where the logic test for preschoolers is located.

9/10 of their 5-6 year old children completed the task with flying colors. The bus goes to left side, since the doors are not visible. For some reason, it seems to me that even half of the current confused adult population will not be able to solve this children’s logic problem at once...