Good height is like a gift from nature, which, of course, beautifies any person. But, as we know, there is a little of a good thing, and in this case too. Abnormally high growth can significantly complicate life and “present” a lot of problems, especially for women.

Today's selection includes 12 of the tallest women in the world, who you definitely won't envy!

1: Zeng Jinlian

At 243 centimeters, Zeng Jinlian is the tallest woman ever recorded in medical history. She was born in 1964 and lived until 1982.

2: Yao Defen

For some time, Yao Defen was recognized as the tallest woman in the world, but the Guinness Book refuted this, listing Sandy Allen instead. In 2011, she officially became the tallest (233 cm). Unfortunately, Yao passed away a year later.

3: Sandy Allen

Sandy Allen was born in 1955, and her height reached 231 cm. She performed in the circus and was also an actress. Sandy became the Guinness Book record holder as the tallest woman in the world.

4: San Feng

Today, San Feng is the tallest woman in China with a height of 221 cm. She is often mistaken for Yao Defen, who died in 2012.

5: Małgorzata Dydek

Małgorzata Dydek was a professional WNBA basketball player, playing for several teams including the Utah Starzz and Connecticut Sun. Her height is 218 cm. Unfortunately, Małgorzata died at the age of 37.

6: Zainab Bibi

Zainab Bibi sought asylum in the UK because she feared for her life in her home country of Pakistan, as she believed her height (218cm) was to blame for all her troubles.

7: Caroline Weltz

With a height of 205 cm, Caroline Welz is one of the tallest women in Germany.

8: Geetika Shrivastava

Former Indian professional basketball player Geetika Srivastava is 210 cm tall.

9: Rita Miniva Besa

Rita Miniwa Besa once lived in Zimbabwe, but then moved to the United States of America. It reaches a height of 203 cm.

10: Lindsay Kay Hayward

A professional actress and wrestler, Lindsay Kay Hayward grew to 203 cm and entered the Guinness Book of Records due to her height.

11: Mali Dangdi

With a height of 205 cm, Mali Dangdi was also recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest woman in the world. However, she died at the age of 24 from chronic health problems.

12: Maria Alexandrovna Stepanova

Maria Aleksandrovna Stepanova is one of the most famous basketball players with a height of 2.03 cm. In the United States of America, she played for the Phoenix Mercury team in the WNBA.

Tall height for a woman is an advantage and a disadvantage in one bottle. On the one hand, this causes a lot of difficulties, especially in communicating with the opposite sex, choosing clothes and shoes. On the other hand, thanks modeling business, tall women have become the new standard of beauty. But everything is good in moderation, and if for women with a height of 175-180 there are no problems yet, taller young ladies have a number of difficulties. But what about those whose height has exceeded two meters? But the tallest woman significantly exceeds this threshold.

Yao Defen, 233 cm

We are accustomed to the fact that Chinese women are quite petite, but there is an exception to any rule, and the title of the tallest woman on the planet belongs to a resident of the Celestial Empire.

Yao Defen was born into a poor rural family, perhaps this is what prevented her from receiving a qualified qualification in a timely manner. medical care, because the reason for her incredible growth is a pituitary tumor. It was already discovered in mature age, and today, when she has become famous, doctors can only study her phenomenon, as well as contain the consequences. After all, such a high growth cannot but affect the state of health in the most detrimental way.

And if in her youth Yao performed in the circus and also played basketball, now even simple steps cause her problems. Not surprising, because with her height she weighs more than 180 kilograms. Because of this, during the examination of an unusual patient, doctors had to order a particularly strong and long bed for her, as well as a special medical equipment.

She died several years ago, in 2012 at the age of 41. Unfortunately, the human body is not designed to withstand such stress, and such people rarely live to old age.

Sandy Allen, 232 cm

The Chinese woman held the palm for only a few years. Prior to this, since 1974, this unique title belonged to the American Sandy Allen. Like many tall women, she suffered from hormonal diseases - acromegaly, i.e. gigantism.

She was born of quite normal height, but by the age of 10 she had outgrown not only her classmates, but also her teachers. It’s hard to imagine what difficulties she had to face in her life, but this did not stop her from maintaining a cheerful, kind and friendly character.

Sandy participated in various shows, but later got busy educational activities, in particular, gave lectures to schoolchildren on tolerance and equal treatment of people with their own characteristics.

Sandy died in a nursing home in 2008, when she was just 53 years old. But by this age she had acquired big amount severe chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney and respiratory failure.

Margo Dydek, 218 cm

Tall girls are often jokingly called basketball players, because it is in this sport that height is an important advantage. But Margot is not only one of the tallest women in the world, but also a professional basketball player. Surely, such height gave her a solid advantage over other players. In addition, she is still the tallest player in the Women's National Basketball Association.

IN professional teams she played from 1992 to 2008, then went into a coaching career. Unfortunately, this participant in our anti-Thumbelina rating has already passed away. This happened in 2011, when the Polish woman was 37 years old.

Zeinab Bibi, 218 cm

Many people who are different from others experience certain difficulties because of this. But Zeinab Bibi had to deal with them beyond measure. Miss Gulliver from Pakistan was very tall since childhood, which could not but affect the attitude towards her. The teenagers did their best, throwing stones at her right on the street.

In the end, Zeinab could not stand the persecution and asked for asylum in Britain. This is where she still lives. In a civilized modern country, where tolerance is not just an incomprehensible word, surprised and interested glances are thrown at Zeinab, but at least these are no longer stones.

Ulyana Semenova, 213 cm

Ulyana is not only one of the most prominent players in women's basketball, but also the tallest woman in the post-Soviet space. Her case is unique, because with a height of 213 centimeters, she does not have the diseases and pathologies common to many people suffering from gigantism. This allowed her to be actively involved professional sports and lead an active lifestyle.

After finishing her career, she took up social activities and for more than 20 years has headed the Olympic social fund Latvia. On this moment She was 62 years old, which automatically makes her one of the oldest female giants.

Gritika Srivastava, 211 cm

For some reason, many very tall girls come from not the most prosperous countries. The leader is primarily Asia: China, Pakistan, India and so on. And Gritika Srivastavi was born and lives in the latter.

Gritika plays sports professionally, naturally, basketball. But her colossal (literally and figuratively) height makes her stand out not only among ordinary residents of India, but also among her teammates - basketball players.

Mali Duangdi, 208 cm

The Guinness Book of Records, which collects a variety of deviations from the norm, has a separate category for the tallest teenage girls. It includes young ladies under 18 years of age. It is believed that at this age they can still grow, which means they can exceed their result.

So at the moment the height of this girl from Bali is 208 centimeters. The reason for such an impressive result is already familiar - a pituitary tumor. As a rule, at this age they stop growing a long time ago, but because of her, the girl continues to gain centimeters. And the treatment is too expensive for her family to afford. Perhaps the girl will be able to get it thanks to worldwide fame.

Eva Babyzilla, 208 cm

We are used to tall girls modeling, but Eva broke all records. Her height is 208 centimeters. But while many of her rated friends are not particularly beautiful, she is truly attractive.

Beautiful trained body, attractive facial features, correct proportions. Only if you have some reference points in the photo can you determine how different it is from ordinary women. But thanks to this, this model has a permanent and highly paid job, filming for various magazines, both alone and with other models.

Ekaterina Gamova 202 cm

It's funny, but the tallest woman in Russia comes from the harsh city of Chelyabinsk.

The height of this volleyball player is really impressive - 202 centimeters.

This is far from the first place in the world standings, but in our country it is the first.

True, it is unofficially believed that this title should belong to another athlete - Nelly Alisheva, a volleyball player from the Omichka team. Her height is slightly higher - 204 centimeters.

The tallest girl in the world, 18-year-old Elsani da Cruz Silva (2 meters and 3 centimeters), has known her fiancé for more than three years. But 23-year-old Franzinaldo da Silva Carvalho barely reaches 163 centimeters.

Let's find out more about this story...

Elisa da Curos Silva was born in Brazil in 1995 and grew up quite healthy and beautiful child except that she was unusually tall for her age. From the very beginning of her studies, she was taller than all her classmates. Elsani grew very quickly from the age of 11 and reached a height of 2 meters and 5 centimeters by the age of 14. Now she is 17, and like all girls her age, she dreams of making a career as a model.

Elsani has a rare form of gigantism due to a tumor on her pituitary gland. Her sudden growth brought a lot of suffering to the girl, causing pain in her limbs and joints. Surgeons removed the tumor three years ago, and Elsani's height even decreased by a couple of centimeters, but the girl had to leave school because she was teased. But now she is happy with her Franzinaldo, who proposed to her.

Meanwhile, being tall does not at all prevent a girl from building her personal life. Elisan has a boyfriend who is not at all embarrassed by his girlfriend’s height. On the contrary, the 22-year-old Silva Carvalho proud to have such a prominent friend. This is not at all surprising, because Elisan’s face is quite pretty, and her thin figure can be called ideal by today’s standards. No wonder a girl dreams of becoming a top model!

A couple in love lives in the small Brazilian city of Salinopolis, they hope to soon give a birth to a baby. Even though Elsani is only 18 years old, she is worried that she will not be able to get pregnant due to her health condition.

But at first the tall girl didn’t like the annoying guy at all; she admits that she even wanted to hit him every time she saw him. But hatred eventually turned into love, and Elsani began to be jealous of Franzinaldo for other girls.

Elsani's height still attracts attention even in her hometown, but Francinaldo says that it doesn't bother him and he proudly shows off his bride. The future spouses carefully plan the wedding and therefore are in no hurry to set a date, although Elsani has already prepared a wedding dress.

“She is a person who is very different from others, and I know that I can make her happy,” says the happy groom. “Our relationship is special because she understands me and I understand her.”

But today there is already a model for such growth:

In the photo you see an unusual blonde named Amazon Eve, whom the Guinness Book of Records recognized as the tallest female model in the world.

The growth of an extraordinary model with no less original name- 2.03 meters. Compared to this 31-year-old record-breaking model, all the other tall models seem simply midgets (as can be seen from the photo).

Luckily, Amazon Eve is very happy, living a vibrant social life and proud of her record-breaking height, showing off her incredible looks and giant growth all over the world, where she is invited to fashion shows.

How much fish oil did you have to eat as a child to grow so tall? - the short beauties are scratching their heads and the men are drooling, looking at the two-meter miracle. Photos of the tallest model are now circulating on the Internet, and consider the most tall girl Anyone can.

Australian fashion model Eva, nicknamed Babzilla (which probably means a slightly mocking “Baby Godzilla”), really broke all records: her height is 205 centimeters! The girl is 32 years old; all her clothes, including a bikini for filming, are made to order.

Eva recently took part in a photo shoot for men's magazine Zoo Weekly. The beauty happily posed next to another model, whose height is 162 centimeters. Apparently, everything was planned in advance: looking at the models, one cannot help but marvel at their difference in height.

The only difficulty in the life of the tallest model in the world is to choose for yourself women's shoes, since her feet are size 45, so she has to have her shoes made to order.

The most interesting and surprising thing is that until November last year, this is now American model and the dizzyingly tall Turlock, Calif., actress was a complete unknown until a magazine put her on the cover in a bikini, turning her into a sensation.

Now Amazon Eve is not only a very busy and inundated model and actress, she also wrestles men for $400 an hour.

At the same time, the popular and tallest female model in the world explains her incredibly large height by genes - all the women in her family were tall.

In the photo and video you see Amazon, who happily poses both by herself and with other models Geronimo Nix and Quaida Peñate, whose height is about 155 centimeters, especially so that you can feel the difference;)

And now let's remember the tallest women in the world:

2.06 m - Caroline Welz

Caroline Welz was born on July 6, 1986 in Potsdam, Brandenburg; her height is 206 cm and is one of the tallest women in Germany.

2.10 m - Mali Duangdi

Mali, while still a very small child, was already taller than her peers, and the whole problem is that doctors discovered a brain tumor in a 9-year-old girl that was pressing on a nerve. She is now the tallest teenage girl. In the world, 18-year-old Malee Duangdee from eastern Thailand, whose height is now 210 centimeters, is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

2.11 m – Geetika Shrivastava

Geetika Shrivastava is former member Indian national women's basketball team. She is 211 cm tall. Her father, Pradeep Srivastava, was also a basketball player.

2.13 m - Ulyana Semenova

Ulyana Semenova was born in Daugavpils into a family of Old Believers on March 9, 1952 and was an ordinary child: height - 51 centimeters, weight - 3 and a half kilograms, but by the age of 11 she was 180 cm. Dad - 1.76 cm, mother - 1, 64 cm, and she grew until she was 22 years old, and her height is now 213 cm. Ulyana Semenova was a two-time Olympic champion, and is now the chairman of the Latvian Olympic Social Fund.

2.18 m Zeinab Bibi

28-year-old Pakistani Zeinab Bibi, whose height reaches 218 cm, claims to be included in the Guinness Book of Records. The girl's daily diet consists of eight large flatbreads, two chickens, two liters of milk, six liters of water and five kilograms of fruit. “My daughter spends almost the whole day cooking,” says the giantess’s mother. By the way, Bibi can neither read nor write, until recently she rarely left the house and has never been anywhere further than her native Islamabad.

2.18 - Małgorzata Dydek

Małgorzata Teresa Dydek-Twigg (28 April 1974, Warsaw – 27 May 2011), also known as Margot Dydek, was a Polish professional basketball player and the tallest player in the history of the Women's National Basketball Association.

2.33 - Sandy Allen

Sandy Allen was born in Indianapolis in 1955 and is considered the tallest woman in the world - 2 m 33 cm. By the age of 10, her height reached 1 m 90 cm, and by 16 - 2 m 16 cm. In 1974, about Tired of a life full of disappointment, Sandy wrote a letter to the Guinness Book of Records asking him to introduce her to a man of about her height so as not to feel lonely. She passed away on August 13, 2008 because Lately was seriously ill and lived in a nursing home in Shelbyville (Indiana).

Human nature is full of surprises. Scary and entertaining, interesting and confusing. But she is the essence of everything in the world. The “weaker” sex may in fact turn out to be not so “weak” after all. Meet the female record holders. The tallest ladies in the history of mankind!

1,236 cm.

The Guinness Book of Records record holder as the tallest woman in the world left the world in 2012, at the age of 40. Yao's weight was about 200 kg. The woman is from China. While still a teenager, the girl became the object of observation by doctors, as she was gaining 5 cm per year. Soon it was possible to establish the cause of the developmental deviation - a brain tumor, from which it was never possible to recover.

2,232 cm.

The American, born in 1955, had already surpassed the 2m 00cm mark by the age of 14. She was so sad about being alone that she wrote a letter to the Guinness Book of Records asking him to introduce her to a man of about the same height. And soon she herself found herself in the Book. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland did not allow her body to develop normally. Sandy spent years traveling around the world in her wheelchair. Sandy died in 2008.

3,218 cm.

The tallest woman living on Earth. Zainab was born in 1974 in Pakistan. Religious society did not accept the girl’s unnatural growth rates. Which at the age of 13 was above 2 meters. She was harassed and bullied. Once they even threw stones at her. Another time they broke their wrist. Soon Zainab had to flee the country to the UK due to fears for her life. These days the woman lives in Manchester.

4,218 cm.

The girl lived a very stormy and active life. At age 12, she realized that her unusually tall height would provide her with a great career in basketball. And so it happened. Małgorzata quickly gained recognition from coaches and fans of all clubs in Poland. Later she appeared on the floor in Spain and Russia. There was a stage overseas, in the VNBA. Long years Małgorzata played for the Polish national team. After finishing her career, she and her family settled in Brisbane (Australia), where she died at the age of 37.

5 211 cm.

Geetika also excelled in the Indian national basketball team. Apparently, she followed in the footsteps of her basketball player father. Now Geetika's life is not much different from the life of an ordinary Indian woman. She wears a specially tailored national clothes, participates in folk festivals, and takes care of the elderly. Geetika is a wonderful example of calm and tranquility.

6 210 cm.

Tallest woman in Asia. Shvetlana is proud of her height and does not deny herself the pleasures of life. It is noteworthy that her son, Karan, is also a giant. And mom dreams that he will outgrow her. Although he admits that such growth imposes severe difficulties on everyday life. Shvetlana's husband and Karan's father are a man of completely average height... These are the genes.

7 208 cm.

A young Thai woman dreams of having friends. Despite her height and weight (more than 130 kg), she is absolutely defenseless. At the age of 9, an examination revealed the presence of a small tumor in the brain, which constantly puts pressure on the nerve, provoking the production of growth hormone. Mali lives on different medications, one of side effects which made her practically blind.

8 208 cm.

The tallest female model. She drove all lovers of glossy magazines for men crazy with her candid photo shoot. With the help of professional photographers, Eva managed to show her sexuality and excite the public with her courage. The bikini for the photo shoot had to be custom-made. The girl comes from the sultry state of California.

9 208 cm.

Another famous giant model. Caroline was born in 1986 in a suburb of Berlin. Popular model with a weight of 120 kg. Her home, like her car and clothes, are completely unique and made to order. Caroline is popular with photographers and does a great job. You can find it online a large number of her photographic works.