Today there are many diets offered to us. With such diversity, it is easy to get lost and difficult to make the right and useful choice for yourself. Women strive to lose weight for a certain event, for the summer, in order to fit into an old dress, in order to please a man, and for other, of course, valid reasons. Losing extra pounds is also good for your health.

Often, a diet is prescribed by nutritionists, guided by whose advice, a person receives benefits and does not harm his body.

One of the popular trends in dietetics is losing weight using dietary vegetable soup. It allows you to quickly get your figure in order, and among other things, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, improves the functioning of the stomach, and has an effect on the microflora. Vegetable soup for weight loss is a low-calorie product. Therefore, not receiving enough energy from food, the human body activates its internal resources, and the process of burning fat begins.

To prepare vegetable soup for weight loss, you will need vegetables, which we most often grow in the country and store in the cellar during the winter. The benefits of such products for the body are no secret: carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, and onions contain large reserves of vitamins and microelements. The fiber contained in them creates the effect of satiety, and the body spends a lot of energy to digest it.

Vegetable soup recipes for weight loss

The choice of vegetable soups for weight loss is very large, everyone will choose according to their taste preferences.

The basis for preparing such a soup is vegetable broth and the vegetables themselves, but using low-fat broth, for example, chicken broth, is not prohibited.

Onion soup

  • 7 onions
  • olive oil for frying
  • small head of cabbage
  • a couple of carrots
  • bell pepper (2 pieces)
  • 2 tomatoes
  • greens (parsley, celery)

Fry the onion in oil, chop the herbs and other vegetables, put everything in a large saucepan and add water. After the liquid boils, continue cooking the broth for about 15 minutes. At the end add salt to taste.

Video - recipe for vegetable soup for weight loss

Cabbage soup with rutabaga

  • medium head of cauliflower
  • small rutabaga fruit
  • 1 carrot
  • onions (1-2 pieces)
  • a couple of celery stalks

Cut the vegetables into small pieces and fry in oil (olive, vegetable), add 1 teaspoon of turmeric and fry for a few more minutes. Then pour in 500 ml of vegetable broth and cook for about 10 minutes, add salt and spices at the end of cooking to taste.

Soup with tomato juice

  • rosemary (a few sprigs)
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of powdered sugar
  • 3 bell peppers (preferably red or orange)
  • 1 liter tomato juice
  • 0.5 l orange juice
  • 4 - 5 red tomatoes

Grind tomatoes, peppers, rosemary, powder and 0.5 liters of tomato juice using a blender until pureed. Add another half liter of tomato juice and orange juice to this mass, bring to a boil, continue to simmer for 12 minutes until completely cooked.

Carrot soup with chicken broth

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a saucepan, fry chopped onions (1 - 2 medium-sized onions) and one tablespoon of coriander seeds. After five minutes, add grated carrots (3 medium fruits) and simmer for about five minutes. Then pour in the low-fat chicken broth and continue to simmer for about 25 minutes. Mash the prepared dietary soup with a blender, add spices of your choice and a little lemon juice, add broth.

Pumpkin puree soup

  • 2 medium carrots
  • a couple of white onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • half a kilogram of pumpkin
  • 2 potato tubers.

Fry finely chopped onions, carrots, and garlic in olive oil. Add diced pumpkin and potatoes, fill everything with vegetable broth, salt, and maybe add a little cinnamon. Simmer until the food is ready. Then grind with a blender and serve with herbs.

Soup with champignons

Take five potato tubers and cut them into cubes, do the same with carrots (2-3 pieces), cook until half cooked, add champignons (approximately 0.5 kilograms). Keep on the fire until the mushrooms are ready, at the end of cooking, add salt to taste, add herbs (dill, parsley). Grind the entire contents of the pan in a blender and cook for another five minutes.

Zucchini soup

  • potatoes – 3 – 4 pcs.
  • 2 white onions, medium carrots
  • zucchini – 400 g
  • several stalks of celery
  • small fork of cauliflower

Place diced potatoes in boiling water, and after five minutes add chopped celery stalks, cabbage inflorescences and coarsely chopped zucchini. Simmer, covering with a lid, over low heat for at least 20 - 25 minutes. After the specified time, drain the vegetable broth, add pre-fried onions and carrots to the mixture, grind everything using a blender. Pour the drained broth into the prepared vegetable mass, add spices and salt, cook for another ten minutes. Bon appetit!

Cold soup with beet broth

Boil a couple of small clean beet roots in water, do not drain the broth, and leave to brew for two hours. To prepare cold soup for weight loss, you need to boil a couple of eggs and then cut them into cubes, chop a fresh green cucumber and boiled beets into cubes, and pour in beet broth. And then it’s a matter of taste. Add salt, sometimes sugar, vinegar, kvass or sour cream.

Soup with oatmeal in a slow cooker

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of rapeseed oil
  • 2 medium carrots
  • a couple of onions
  • half a head of white cabbage
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 250 g oat flakes
  • sugar, salt, cumin.

In heated oil, sauté onions and carrots, add chopped cabbage and coarsely chopped tomatoes, add oatmeal, one teaspoon of cumin, a pinch of salt, and sugar to taste. Cook everything over low heat for 10 minutes, after which the vegetables are poured with vegetable broth and simmered for another 25 minutes. The dish is ready. For this recipe, it is convenient to use a multicooker in the “Stew” mode. Oatmeal can be pre-dried in a frying pan, which will add nutty notes to the soup.

Vegetable soup for weight loss with fresh peas

Boil in water several cauliflower inflorescences and 200 g of kohlrabi cabbage, 100 g of finely chopped carrots, 200 g of fresh peas, tomatoes (2 pieces), several slices of zucchini. When the vegetables are almost ready, drain the water and add low-fat chicken broth, add salt, add herbs, and cook until tender. For those who do not limit themselves to meat, you can add boiled chicken fillet to the finished dish. Serve the soup with sour cream.

Bean soup

  • half a kilo of white cabbage
  • 5 carrots
  • a couple of bell peppers (preferably green)
  • 500 g green beans
  • 210 g tomato
  • 3 liters of water.

Fill all the vegetables with cold water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil and simmer the soup over low heat for 10 -1 5 minutes. After the specified time, add finely chopped tomatoes and cook for another 10 minutes; at the end of cooking, add salt to taste, season with herbs. Instead of salt, you can use soy sauce.

Onion soup with dry white wine

Fry several finely chopped onions with a bay leaf in oil (no more than 2 pieces) and after the onions acquire a golden hue, put milky chopped garlic (3-4 cloves) and 2 tablespoons of flour in a saucepan, stirring constantly. After a couple of minutes, pour in a glass of dry wine and a liter of chicken broth. When the soup boils, reduce the heat and cook, stirring constantly for 10 - 15 minutes. Season with pepper and salt to taste. Before lunch, you can add 100 grams of cheese to the soup, which you first cut into cubes. This dish will go well with golden brown toast.

Vegetable soup for weight loss with basil

In vegetable broth (1.5 l), add 250 g of green beans, white cabbage (150 g), a pinch of basil, oregano, and salt. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat and add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste to the soup, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then add zucchini cubes (100 g). At the end of cooking, add salt.

Diet soup with Tabasco sauce

Take a large saucepan, fry chopped onion (1 piece) in oil, add half of the shredded cabbage, when the vegetables become soft, pour vegetable broth (about 1 liter) into the pan. Continue cooking over low heat, covering with a lid, for about 15 minutes; at the end of cooking, add a tablespoon of sugar and Tabasco sauce to the soup.

Celery soup

  • 250 g celery root
  • medium head of cabbage
  • 3 pcs. sweet pepper
  • 5 pieces. onions
  • 1 large carrot
  • 200 g green beans
  • 6 pcs. tomato
  • 0.5 l tomato juice
  • salt, pepper to taste

Finely chop all the vegetables, pour in tomato juice, after boiling, reduce the heat and cook, covering with a lid, until tender. Serve weight loss soup with herbs. Natural yogurt and low-fat cream are also suitable for this soup as a dressing.

Preparing broth for vegetable soups

All our soups are prepared with vegetable broth. A few words about how to prepare it. To prepare the decoction, take good purified water, or still mineral water. For one liter of water, put 2 peeled onions, coarsely chopped carrots, a couple of tomatoes (cut, remove seeds). Cook vegetables over low heat for 20 minutes. Then drain the broth. We don't add salt. This is one of the options; in fact, you can put any ingredients and spices into the broth (cumin, oregano, basil, coriander).

There are an unimaginable variety of soup recipes for weight loss. Based on one option, you can come up with new ones of your own, adding or, conversely, removing components. Here we consider dishes that use vegetable or low-fat chicken broth. Soups made with fish broth will be no less effective and healthy.

Soups for weight loss with vegetables can be eaten often, but in total no more than a week. Then you should add other foods to your diet. After a two-week break, return to low-calorie foods. Remember that some vegetables may be contraindicated for you for health reasons; do not forget to consult your doctor.

The vegetable soup diet is very practical, the good thing is that we always prepare soup for lunch, but here it will not be so high in calories, but very nutritious, and, most importantly, it will contribute to our slimness.

And the secrets of cooking are our main topics today, because modern man faces the problem of excess weight more often than his distant ancestors.

Analyze how many of your friends, acquaintances or relatives are overweight, then look at yourself in the mirror, or better yet, step on the scale.

If the results are not too impressive, arm yourself with patience, study new material from Life Reactor and go ahead to new taste sensations and a beautiful figure!

Features of the soup diet

For people who have already come into contact with various methods of losing weight, it is no secret that each diet has its own characteristics: this is impossible, this is categorically impossible, and this is only possible after dancing with tambourines, and so on.

Starting to gradually understand the topic, you can easily come to the conclusion that such a number of prohibitions affects not only mental health, but also physical well-being.

The soup diet is a phenomenon of a slightly different order.

Its main feature is that you can eat soups 3 or even 4 times throughout the day, after 6 pm, at 3 am, at 5 am - whenever you want.

This pleasant state of affairs is due to several factors:

  1. Liquid food consistency
  2. Ease of absorption of microelements
  3. Lack of complex proteins and carbohydrates that are processed by the body at certain times of the day

The consistency of your food is very important if you really want to lose weight.

And in general, for good health it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet, which will equally contain both liquid and puree foods.

Your gastrointestinal tract will be filled with gratitude if you stop constantly feeding it solid food, and begin to systematically delight it with soups.

Then you don’t have to worry about the health of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are thousands of variations of light and nutritious soups

Microelements contained in dietary soups are easily and quickly absorbed.

The digestive system does not need to expend a huge amount of enzymes to extract them from the food bolus and subsequently deliver them to the hungry organs and tissues.

In addition, soups are usually richer in healthy components than other types of food prepared through more aggressive heat treatment.

If you use tightly sealed containers when cooking and monitor the temperature, then along with your food you will receive a bouquet of vitamins and microelements that were originally included in the products.

In dietary soups you will not find a large amount of various carbohydrates and other fats.

Some amount of them, of course, is contained there, but these are not the microelements that inevitably make you fall asleep, feel lethargic, and reduce brain activity.

The soup diet has many advantages, in addition to those described above, so it’s worth trying this method of losing extra pounds.

Types of soups for weight loss

It is not known for certain where dietary first courses in the form in which we know them and are discussed in this article came from.

We can only say with certainty that more than one eminent chef had a hand in the history of fitness soups, and over time even a certain classification of first courses for weight loss appeared:

  1. Soups made from foods that help burn fat. These include pumpkin and avocado. They are record holders in this industry and welcome guests at the tables of slender ladies and gentlemen. And it’s time to create legends about how delicious pumpkin soups are. In addition, these two foods lower insulin levels, killing sweet cravings.
  2. Soups are made from foods that prevent the accumulation of fats from food. These include various legumes, carrots, apples and soybeans. A soup made from these ingredients eaten at lunch will help the body get rid of lipids.
  3. Soups made from low-calorie foods. No matter how much you eat, you won’t gain weight, but you can easily enrich your body with various benefits. These include cucumbers, cabbage and tomatoes. You should start getting acquainted with the soup diet with such soups.

Lenten vegetable soup with potatoes and spinach

Based on these three types, your menu should be built.

Depending on the characteristics of the body and the goals pursued, give preference to one or another soup.

However, the wisest approach is to maintain balance, that is, eat all types of dietary first courses.

We have prepared for you several universal fat burning soup recipes , which you can enter into your menu.

Recipes for delicious first courses for those who want to lose weight

If your experience of preparing first courses is limited to watching cooking programs or helping your mother at school age, do not despair.

Contrary to popular belief, there is absolutely nothing complicated about making soups.

Pea soup

All you need is a desire, a saucepan and a set of ingredients.

So, meet recipes for fat-burning soups with videos!

Cabbage soup

This dish is very rich in vitamins B, C, P, K, U.

In addition, cabbage contains a fair amount of ascorbic acid and various minerals.

Regular consumption of this soup will help you remove extra pounds in the shortest possible time.


  1. Cabbage (1 head)
  2. Carrots (5-6 pieces)
  3. Onion (6 small onions)
  4. Tomatoes (5-6 pieces)
  5. Celery (rhizome and 1 bunch each)
  6. Bell pepper (1 piece)
  7. Green beans (400-500 g)
  8. Bouillon cube

Preparation procedure:

  1. Rinse the vegetables under clean water and chop.
  2. Place in a saucepan, fill completely with cold water, add the cube and bring everything to a boil over high heat.
  3. Reduce heat and continue to cook until vegetables are soft.
  4. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add a pinch of salt and spices.
  5. Before serving, it’s a good idea to let the soup sit for at least half an hour.

The most famous and low-calorie soup for weight loss.

Its recipe was developed by those who not only know a lot about a beautiful figure, but are leading experts in this field - top models, so you are guaranteed to quickly lose extra pounds!


  1. Cauliflower (300 g)
  2. White cabbage (400-500 g)
  3. Tomato (4-5 pieces)
  4. Celery (1 bunch)
  5. Carrots (4 pieces)
  6. Parsley (1 large bunch)
  7. Green onion
  8. Onions (3-4 heads)
  9. Garlic (1 head)
  10. Tomato juice with pulp (200 g)
  11. Olive oil (1 tablespoon)
  12. Soy sauce (1 teaspoon)
  13. Pure water
  14. Vegetable broth cubes
  15. Red pepper (1 teaspoon)
  16. Bay leaf
  17. Cilantro, cumin, curry (to taste)
  18. A pinch of salt


  1. Finely chop both types of onions and fry in olive oil.
  2. Add curry, cumin and garlic to the pan with the onions. Fry everything together for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Chop celery and carrots, add to the pan and simmer.
  4. Chop both types of cabbage (cauliflower can be separated into inflorescences).
  5. Cut the tomatoes.
  6. Place the stewed vegetables in a saucepan and add cabbage and tomato juice. Fill everything with clean cold water.
  7. Boil it.
  8. Add vegetable stock cube and spices to taste.
  9. Cook for another 10-15 minutes over low heat.

The ideal weapon for destroying excess calories. It has a rich and rich aroma.


  1. Avocado fruits (4-5 pieces)
  2. Onions (2 pieces)
  3. Green chilli pepper (1 piece)
  4. bunch of coriander
  5. Olive oil
  6. Bell pepper (1-2 pieces)
  7. Juice of one lemon
  8. Vegetable bouillon cube

Preparation procedure:

  1. Chop the onion and pepper and lightly fry in a frying pan.
  2. At this time, boil the water.
  3. Add onions and peppers to the pan.
  4. Next, add avocado pulp, lemon juice and coriander.
  5. Dissolve the stock cube.
  6. Cook until done.
  7. Beat the mixture (it should be concentrated) until pureed.

Celery soup

A very healthy first course containing a wide range of vitamins and folic acid.

The humorous phrase “What to eat to lose weight?”, which quickly spread across all social networks and Internet resources, actually has a fairly deep meaning. During all kinds of mono-diets, which are very effective but exhausting, we are encouraged to consume foods that should rather be called food rather than dishes. Boiled breast or fish, for example, does not cause appetite, and by the middle of the diet it is completely sickening to look at it. This situation in many cases becomes a turning point, after which they often stop following the diet. Nutritionists around the world insist that the usual mono-diets should be replaced with balanced and tasty options, for example, preparing dietary soups.

Dietary soups general concepts. The difference between dietary soups and fat burning ones

Dietary soups have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse toxins and are easily absorbed by the body. A feature of dietary soups is their low calorie content. To process the vegetables included in soups, the body spends more energy than it receives, and accordingly, it uses its reserves in the form of fat deposits. Dietary soups allow you to lose weight without harming your body, but on the contrary, normalizing metabolism and digestion.

Among dietary soups there are so-called fat-burning ones. The main difference between the latter is that they contain ingredients known for their ability to influence weight loss. Such components include celery, which accelerates the breakdown of fats and removes excess liquid, hot peppers, and some spices. Fat-burning soups are much more effective than regular diet ones, however, if you have stomach problems, it is better to consult a specialist before consuming such food.

Fat burning soup recipes

There is a great variety of dietary soups: vegetable soups, puree soups and even light meat broths. However, dietetics usually uses basic proven recipes that allow you to achieve the desired effect as quickly and comfortably as possible. Such soups most often include cabbage, onions, and celery. Below we provide recipes for the most popular dietary soups.

Diet onion soup

Onions are not only an indispensable assistant for any cook, but also a reliable partner in the fight against extra pounds. Onion soup, by the way, is quite tasty and aromatic, and will help you lose up to 5 kg. in one week, subject to diet.

To prepare dietary onion soup, you need to take six medium onions, four tomatoes, about 300 grams of white cabbage, one green bell pepper, a couple of carrots and a bunch of celery leaves. It is acceptable to replace fresh tomatoes with tomatoes in their own juice.

All vegetables must be finely chopped, carrots grated, and cabbage chopped into thin shavings. Given the characteristics of onions, it is better to use a blender for them. Place the ingredients in a saucepan and cover with cold water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for another 10-15 minutes.

Diet celery soup

Celery is not only a useful product in the fight for a slim figure, but also an excellent seasoning. Dietary celery soup will hardly seem tasteless and will certainly appeal to those who are tired of endless mono-diets.

There are many recipes for celery soup, but the effectiveness of many of them is reduced by components such as potatoes and legumes. Therefore, to prepare dietary soup, take about 500 grams of white cabbage, a couple of carrots, two medium onions, 300 grams of celery root, four tomatoes, and a little garlic. Cut all ingredients into small cubes or thin shavings.

Next, you have two options. Vegetables can be poured with cold water, brought to a boil and cooked for about ten minutes. Or, you can simmer the vegetables in a frying pan, adding one teaspoon of olive oil, and then place the mixture in boiling water and cook for about five more minutes. To improve the taste, you can add natural tomato juice without sugar to the soup.

Cabbage diet soup.

Cabbage is one of the negative calorie foods. The human body spends a considerable amount of energy processing all varieties of this vegetable, even when boiled.

To prepare dietary soup, you will need about 500 grams of white cabbage, the same amount of cauliflower or broccoli, a couple of carrots, a couple of small onions, natural tomato juice without sugar.

Finely chop the cabbage and separate the cauliflower into inflorescences. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into small cubes. Add all ingredients to boiling water, which is pre-mixed with tomato juice in a 3:1 ratio. Bring to readiness over low heat.

Bonn diet soup

Bonn soup is probably the most popular among all dietary soups. This is due not only to its beneficial properties and ability to actively help fight excess weight, but also to its pleasant taste.

Take half a kilo of white cabbage, a couple of stalks of celery (about 350 grams), four tomatoes, a couple of lettuce peppers, 3-4 medium onions, a couple of carrots. Shred the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the remaining vegetables into thin slices, and the onion into small cubes. Place onions and carrots in boiling water, add the remaining ingredients after 10-15 minutes and cook until tender over low heat. You can season the soup with garlic and hot pepper.

Diet avocado soup

This light soup has excellent taste and is an excellent option for those who prefer pureed soups.

You will need about 200 grams of chicken broth, a couple of medium onions, one hot green pepper, one lemon and 4-5 avocados.

Add finely chopped peppers and onion rings to the broth. Bring to a boil, add avocado pulp and juice squeezed from lemon. Cook over medium heat until done. When ready, blend the soup with a blender.

Diet gazpacho

Cold dietary soup is full of vitamins and nutrients. Gazpacho is great for those who do not tolerate diets well, feel lethargic and tired.

To prepare, you need half a kilogram of tomatoes, the same amount of fresh cucumbers, one red pepper, two tablespoons of lemon juice, a bunch of dill, garlic and a glass of sparkling mineral water.

The skins of tomatoes and peppers must be removed. To do this, scald the first ones with boiling water, and bake the last one in the oven. Also peel the cucumbers and cut into cubes. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and leave the soup in the refrigerator for two to four hours.

Diet cucumber soup

Cold cucumber soup, which does not require long preparation, will help not only lose weight, but also remove toxins, fill the body with vitamins and get a boost of energy.

You will need 3-4 cucumbers, a glass of low-fat yogurt, a bunch of green onions, 4 ice cubes.

Peel the cucumber, set one aside, and coarsely chop the rest. Blend yogurt, chopped cucumbers, and ice in a blender. Add the remaining cucumber, having previously cut it into small cubes, and the onion.

Diet cabbage soup

The peculiarity of this soup is the presence of cereals and potatoes in the composition. You shouldn’t eat this dish alone, but it is an excellent substitute for the main meal.

Prepare 300 grams of white cabbage, 400 grams of potatoes, one onion, one carrot, half a glass of millet, three liters of water and a bunch of greens.

Soak the millet in warm water, cut the vegetables. Place the cereal in boiling water, wait until it boils and add all the other ingredients except the herbs. Diet soup is cooked for about half an hour. At the end, add the greens and cook for another couple of minutes.

In order for the use of dietary soups to bring maximum results, you should adhere to some rules.

  1. Don't make soups in advance. Fresh soup not only tastes much better, but also has a lot of useful elements.
  2. The soup diet does not prohibit the use of salt in moderation. However, it is better not to use this seasoning, because... it retains water in the body. It is better to replace salt with soy sauce, which must be used immediately before eating the soup.
  3. Seasonings for preparing soups should be exclusively natural. Forget bouillon cubes and packaged spices.
  4. Do not overcook diet soups. Some people deliberately turn soups into porridge because they cannot consume it in its usual form or for variety. It is absolutely forbidden to do this. The longer the soup is cooked, the less healthy and effective it is. It’s better to use a blender and turn the dish into puree soup.
  5. When consuming dietary soups, you should exclude sweets, flour, strong tea, coffee and alcohol from your diet.

7 day soup diet

Despite all the usefulness of dietary soups, eating them alone is unwise and harmful. If the body does not receive additional food, then at a certain point it will reduce the use of reserves, and accordingly the weight loss process will slow down significantly. To prevent this from happening, experts have developed a diet based on dietary soups and additional foods.

The soup diet is designed for a week and makes it possible to reduce weight by 3-8 kg. Of all the soups, it is best to use Bonn or cabbage soup.

First day

You can eat dietary soup, fresh fruit (of course, except bananas, grapes and figs), drink natural juices without sugar.

Second day

Diet soup, steamed vegetables. For dinner, baked potatoes in their jackets, one piece.

The third day

Diet soup, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fourth day

Diet soup, a glass of skim milk. You can afford a couple of bananas.

Fifth day

Dietary soup, boiled lean meat (chicken fillet, beef) or fish, 5-6 peeled tomatoes.

Sixth day

Diet soup, boiled lean meat, fresh vegetables.

Seventh day

Dietary soup, up to 200 grams of brown boiled rice, fresh vegetables, natural fruit juices.

During the diet, drink your daily intake of pure non-carbonated water (at least two liters), do not consume flour, sugar and alcohol. Try to use salt to a minimum. Get the required 8 hours of sleep.

You can repeat the diet after 3-4 days, but you should not do this too often.

Contraindications and precautions

Such seemingly harmless food as dietary soups can, however, cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the body and harm overall health. Carefully read the contraindications for eating soups and only then decide whether you should go on such a diet.

  1. Diet soups are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes and kidney failure.
  2. Eating only liquid foods can cause problems with bowel movements. If you notice any deviations, you should stop eating dietary soups.
  3. People with gastritis and stomach ulcers should not consume soups containing spicy and mucosal irritating ingredients (hot peppers, celery, garlic, onions).
  4. You should stick to the soup diet for no more than a week.
  5. Diet soup mostly has negative calories. Do not reduce your portions, thereby risking illness or even anemia.
  6. Stop consuming diet soup if you notice any signs of allergic reactions.
  7. Before starting the diet, spend a couple of fasting days. Otherwise, the body will have a hard time accepting the transition to liquid food.

The benefits of dietary soups have long been appreciated not only by specialists, but also by many people who have been struggling with excess weight for a long time. Soups allow you to lose weight without depriving yourself of the opportunity to eat a ready-made dish, rather than sadly chewing a piece of boiled brisket. If you like to cook and eat delicious food, turn your attention to dietary soups and become slim as quickly as possible.

The Internet was blown up by yet another news about the invention of a magical remedy for weight loss. It is known that today every third young person (both boys and girls) faces the problem of excess weight. The number of overweight or fat people increases several times after forty years. Here people who are of normal weight can be counted on one hand.

Many people strive to maintain normal body weight or return their beloved, but blurred, figure to its previous parameters. They try not to lose sight of new diets and proposals that appear, because they dream of finding the simplest and easiest ways.

And here is another way to bring your weight back to normal - “Vegetable soup for weight loss.” What is attractive about this recipe and diets based on using soup as the main dish in the diet?

Firstly, vegetable soup for weight loss consists of common well-known products. They are out-of-season and sold year-round in all major supermarkets and vegetable markets. It is clear that vegetables purchased from farmers in the fall or grown in your own summer cottage will be more useful. But you shouldn’t give up soup in winter or early spring either.

Secondly, the cooking recipe is very simple, if not primitive. No lengthy processing of products, complex preparation of the vegetables themselves or dressing for soup. I have boiled the vegetables until done, and you can serve them, please.

Thirdly, the soup is vegetable and is prepared without meat. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of purchasing pork, beef or veal (it is known that this is the most expensive part of the family’s food basket). You can occasionally treat this soup to all members of the family: your beloved spouse, who would also like to lose a few extra pounds, and children to diversify the menu.

Features of eating soup

Another important reason is that this soup will not last forever. Nutritionists recommend consuming it several times a year, for a week, at a time when, for example, you need to quickly lose weight or the body itself requires a lighter diet.

This “coin” has a reverse side. Before you rush to the market for a large batch of vegetables, and then to the stove to prepare a magical soup, you should consult with a specialist, ideally this should be a nutritionist, but you can also consult a gastroenterologist. After all, the main rule of all diets is to do no harm; perhaps, for some reason, a person cannot eat certain vegetables or use this particular method of cooking them.

Another important point that a person preparing for an important weight loss event should also be aware of is the existing prohibitions and restrictions. Nutritionists assure that good results can only be achieved if the diet menu is strictly followed. Bread and all baked goods, sweets, fried, smoked, salted foods are excluded.

Another necessary condition for achieving good results is a complete abstinence from any alcoholic beverages. Everything is not as scary as it seems, because you will only need to eat vegetable soup for a week, and during the same time you will need to give up your usual diet, including wine, champagne or other high-intensity drinks.

Miracle soup

It's time to reveal the main secret, what kind of magical products the recipe for vegetable soup for weight loss includes. In total, you will need five well-known vegetables - cabbage, peppers, onions, celery and tomatoes. Moreover, the latter are not mandatory products; they are offered only to improve the taste.

For one head of cabbage you need to take a bunch of celery, two sweet green peppers, six onions, three tomatoes. It is best to eat the soup fresh, only cooked; in extreme cases, reheat a portion at your next meal.

Therefore, there is no need to take huge five-liter pots, buy tons of vegetables and cook huge portions. It takes little time to prepare a delicious soup. Cooking it in small portions is much more enjoyable and fun.

When consuming, you need to think only about the good: about the benefits that the soup will bring to the body, about saying goodbye to extra pounds, about changing your wardrobe and a beautiful future life.

Healthy vegetables

The result is fairly rapid weight loss! It is achieved by limiting the number of calories, avoiding harmful foods and not entirely correct cooking methods (smoking, frying, salting). On the other hand, each of the vegetables included in the miracle soup recipe is itself a treasure trove of useful vitamins, minerals and organic substances.


Onions contain a variety of sugars, including fructose, maltose and inulin, vitamins (the most famous is ascorbic acid), mineral salts and, most importantly, phytoncides. It has a stimulating effect on the digestive system and has diuretic properties.


Glucose and sucrose are also present in tomatoes; in addition to these natural sugars, tomatoes also contain organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic), pectins, fiber, and carotenoids. The presence of choline helps reduce cholesterol levels in human blood and strengthen the immune system.


A small head of cabbage is a whole chemical laboratory; firstly, it contains fiber, which helps cleanse the stomach, intestines and speed up the process of food digestion. Secondly, a huge list of vitamins, the same phytoncides, mineral salts of phosphorus, potassium, calcium.


Green pepper is the main supplier of vitamin C, as well as proteins, sugars, carotene, essential and fatty oils. Celery, like pepper, is rich in vitamins and minerals, phosphorus and calcium salts, and contains flavonoids.


The secret of celery is that it contains glutamic acid, the same natural substance that enhances the taste of any food and dish. This is an important reason to avoid vegetable stock cubes when making soup.

Algorithm for preparing vegetable soup

Everything about making soup is really very simple. Vegetables must be thoroughly cleaned of sand, dirt, dark spots, washed and cut. As for the last action, every housewife is free to do it as she knows how and as she likes. That is, vegetables are cut into circles, squares, thin slices, cabbage is chopped quite finely.

The vegetables are immediately placed in cold water and placed over high heat. After the water boils, the heat is reduced to very low, the vegetables are cooked until the cabbage is ready (it takes the most time to reach the desired state). Towards the end of cooking, tomatoes are added to the soup, although you can do without them.

A very pleasant moment for those who are losing weight - this soup can be salted. It is known that many diets partially or completely limit salt intake. Because of this, many people simply do not dare to go on such diets, since they can still refuse one or another product (for example, meat or sugar), but never salt.

Another secret to the wonderful taste of this dish is the use of spices. In principle, you can get by with black hot pepper by adding a few peas or ground seasonings. Alternatively, you can “improve” the taste of the dish by adding other seasonings, aromatic herbs and spices.

On the Internet you can find a recipe for such a dietary soup, which suggests adding a vegetable bouillon cube. Thanks to the famous monosodium glutamate, the taste of the dish is significantly improved, however, it cannot be said that the beneficial properties increase.

Vegetable soup diet

The main secret of the soup is that it should be eaten throughout the week, preferably as often as possible, and ideally for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Nutritionists have a joke that this dish becomes soup, porridge and even your favorite coffee on diet days. It is clear that vegetable broth is not enough to replenish the lack of fluid in the body.

Therefore, additional drinking must be included in the diet on such days. First of all, mineral water, juices without sugar, tea. For those who are not ready for such a strict diet, eating only soup, there are lighter options. According to them, in addition to the first course, the daily menu includes other healthy and dietary products:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • milk (up to one glass per day) and fermented milk products;
  • 300 g beef;
  • brown rice

These products complement vegetable soup not all at the same time, but on different days. You can take any fruit, with the exception of high-calorie bananas, and eat it as an afternoon snack. Of the vegetables that are prohibited, potatoes are for the same reason as bananas; the rest can be included in the diet, raw or processed.

Beef is only boiled, with a small amount of salt and spices. Leave all other types of meat products until the end of the weekly diet. Rice can be cooked separately or added to vegetable soup. Brown, unrefined cereal is healthier for the stomach than the usual white one.

The choice is yours!

This information is in no way a strict, die-it-follow instruction. A person must independently come to the conclusion that his physical shape is far from ideal; extra pounds on the waist or hips make it difficult to move through life (literally and figuratively).

The choice of weight loss method also remains up to the individual. Perhaps he will choose an active lifestyle and a strict diet, or the proposed vegetable soup in combination with exercises or dancing. The most difficult thing is to take the first step, to begin to change physically, but then you can watch with surprise how the world around you changes for the better.

In this article we will tell you everything about weight loss soups that burn fat. You can also find out the recipes for these delicious and healthy dishes if you read the prepared material.

Benefits of soups

Modern nutritionists argue about which method of losing weight is more effective. Some people call for giving up fatty foods, some forbid eating foods containing fast carbohydrates, and some prescribe vitamins and medications to patients. However, all doctors unanimously insist that you cannot refuse food, you must constantly maintain the desired blood sugar level. Otherwise, a person risks feeling uncontrollable hunger, and then it will be almost impossible to resist overeating. This is why most doctors recommend eating fairly often and in small portions throughout the day. And here you need to determine for yourself the best foods that you can eat at any time of the day without fear of harming your figure. We offer you the following list:

  • Porridge if you have to do any strength training during the day at work or in the gym.
  • Fruits - until 18 pm (since carbohydrates are not digested without sunlight).
  • Fermented milk products and cottage cheese.
  • A small amount of nuts.
  • Vegetables in any quantity (of course, with the exception of potatoes, boiled carrots and beets).
  • Meat, poultry and fish.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Bran.

It is very important to learn how to prepare delicious dishes from these products - then you will not want to run to the store for sausage or chocolates. And that’s why we want to tell you how to cook fat burning foods at home. You can read below for ways to prepare delicious dishes.

for weight loss that burn fat. Recipes at home

Many women claim that it helped them lose weight. The kilograms went off gradually, and they themselves did not experience stress, since they never starved themselves. This approach deserves detailed study, since some people claim that eating soups did not affect their figure at all. It turns out that weight loss soups that burn fat are another beautiful legend. Those simply losing weight try to make first courses from fiber-rich vegetables. In addition, they do not add meat to them, trying to reduce the fat content of the finished product, and eat it without bread. Thus, people intuitively find a balance, do not mix fats and carbohydrates, and therefore easily lose weight. How to prepare soups for weight loss that burn fat? You can read the recipes for the best dishes below.

Vegetable borscht

This recipe uses potatoes, the consumption of which causes a rapid rise and an equally rapid decline in blood sugar. Therefore, you can completely exclude it from the composition of products or neutralize its negative effects. To do this, you just need to peel the tubers, wash them thoroughly, cut them and place them in a bowl of water for several hours. The released starch will remain in the water, and you can easily add potatoes to the soup. So, the recipe:

  • Place a pan of water on the fire and place whole peeled beets in it. While the water is boiling, start preparing other vegetables.
  • Peel and cut two potatoes into slices.
  • Cut a quarter of a head of fresh cabbage into thin strips.
  • Fry chopped onion, grated carrots and sweet bell pepper cut into thin slices in a frying pan.
  • When the water in the pan boils, remove the beets using a slotted spoon and let them cool. Carefully place the vegetables in the water and reduce the heat.
  • Cut the cooled beets into strips and also place in the pan. Immediately pour some vinegar into the water.

When the borscht is ready, place it on plates and sprinkle with dill and chopped garlic. Instead of mayonnaise, use low-fat sour cream or skip the dressing altogether. What other weight loss soups are there that burn fat? You can see recipes with photos here.

Celery soup

Perhaps everyone has heard about this miraculous dish that burns fat and allows you to lose extra pounds. Indeed, raw celery contains many vitamins and is very good for health. However, it should be remembered that after cooking, most substances are destroyed. But microelements and fiber remain, which are so necessary for every person leading a healthy lifestyle. So, the recipe:

  • Chop one celery root, a small head of cabbage, four onions, two bell red peppers, four carrots into thin strips and place the vegetables in a saucepan.
  • Add 500 grams of green beans and fill everything with tomato juice, previously diluted with water.
  • Place the pan on the fire and simmer the soup, covered, for 20 minutes.

Thai style chicken soup

Here is a recipe for a very tasty first course. It does not contain potatoes, which are contraindicated for those losing weight. But the soup contains chicken breast and a lot of healthy vegetables. You can prepare it very simply:

  • Place a saucepan on the fire and pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom. Fry two chicken breasts, pre-cut into strips, until golden brown. At the end, add a few sprigs of thyme and finely chopped garlic.
  • When the chicken is almost ready, add onions, cut into half rings, and grated carrots.
  • Chop the yellow and red bell peppers thinly and also add them to the pan.
  • Cut a few sprigs of asparagus into quarters, and chop one small chili pepper very finely. Combine the vegetables with the rest of the ingredients and simmer everything together until golden brown.
  • Pour chicken broth into the pan, add salt, ground pepper and a few tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • Bring the soup to a boil, simmer for ten minutes. At the end, add small tomatoes, pre-cut into slices, finely chopped garlic and chopped cilantro.

Pour the soup into bowls and add cubes to each bowl. Remember that if you want to achieve good results in losing weight, then soups should be eaten without bread.

Goulash soup

Let's continue to look at weight loss soups that burn fat. You can come up with recipes for such dishes yourself, you just need to “lighten” them. We will show how this is done with the following example:

  • Take 400 grams of lean beef, cut it into cubes and fry directly in a saucepan with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Prepare the dressing separately. To do this, cut into cubes an onion, one large carrot and a sweet bell pepper of different colors. Place the vegetables in a heated frying pan and fry them until golden brown. Finally add thyme, garlic and a few tablespoons of tomato paste.
  • Combine the prepared products in a saucepan, fill them with water and cook together. When the soup boils, add a can of canned peas, salt, pepper and marjoram to taste.

When the dish is ready, divide it among plates. Do not use sour cream or mayonnaise for dressing, otherwise these products will make the soup more fatty. It’s better to serve bran with it - use it as crackers.

Shchi with chicken

A dish familiar to every Russian can be prepared in such a way that it promotes weight loss. Recipe:

  • Boil the chicken breast in salted water, remove, cool and tear into fibers.
  • For the dressing, fry chopped onion, sweet pepper and grated carrots separately. At the end of cooking, add tomato paste and a little garlic. Transfer the vegetables to the pot with the chicken broth.
  • Add chicken and thinly sliced ​​cabbage.
  • Salt, pepper and add diced tomatoes.

Serve the finished dish hot.

Weight loss soups that burn fat. Reviews

Many men and women who decided to get rid of excess weight took advantage of a diet based on eating first courses. For this purpose, they used the weight loss soups we described that burn fat (recipes). Reviews from those losing weight are the most positive, and we will list the main advantages:

  • There was no need to radically change the usual menu.
  • I don't feel hungry.
  • The soups turn out very tasty, so you don’t have to make big gastronomic sacrifices.
  • Results are visible almost immediately.


In our article, we described in detail in which cases the soup diet will be most effective. Remember, that:

  • Fats should not be combined with carbohydrates.
  • It is necessary to use products with low fat content for cooking.
  • It is better to avoid potatoes and yeast bread.
  • Enrich first courses with vegetables containing fiber.
  • Supplement soups with bran more often.

If you follow our advice, the extra pounds will soon leave you without harm to your health.