Why does the character dream about what is called “worse than atomic war”? For the most part, it does not foretell anything terrible in real life, but it well reflects the internal state of the dreamer himself. As the dream book confirms, an ugly person only symbolizes bad feelings or forbidden desires in a dream. But there are other interpretations.

Finally, get rid of your complexes!

If you see a freak, then you are clearly mired in your own complexes that appeared out of nowhere. But they are the ones who complicate life and prevent you from establishing harmonious relationships with others.

An ugly man showed up in your dreams? For some time you will be overcome by sad thoughts, but they will help you get rid of a heavy spiritual burden.

What should you prepare for?

What does an ugly man come to? You worry for no reason that your hopes will not come true, that help will not arrive on time, and that there are no prospects ahead.

If a monstrous woman appeared to you in a dream, then be prepared for jealousy and rivalry on the personal front. An ugly-looking child promises disappointment.

Warn your loved ones!

Did you dream that one of your loved ones or acquaintances became a freak? The dream book predicts: big and small troubles will befall this person.

If an older relative, especially a deceased one, suddenly acquired ugly features or any deformities, then a threat loomed over the entire family.

Take care of your health!

Why dream that you turn away from an ugly person in disgust? This is a reflection of a lack of understanding of the meaning of existence or uncertainty in personal strength.

If you were terribly scared in a dream, then you are afraid of the future and often show weakness and passivity. The dream book considers such a dream to be especially unfavorable and advises paying attention to health.

Everything will be fine soon!

If a dream meeting with an ugly person did not cause negative feelings and you readily helped him, then in reality you will be able to get rid of your insecurities and fears.

Often such visions are preceded by a very bad stage in life and long-term bad luck. Soon the situation will change dramatically, and definitely for the better.

Do you remember what you did?

Do you want to understand exactly why a creepy character is dreaming? Dream book advice: clarify the nature of your interactions with him in a dream.

  • Meeting someone by chance means money.
  • Fighting improves life.
  • Beating is unexpected wealth.
  • Getting married means work troubles.
  • Killing is fantastic luck.

Something amazing will happen!

Why do you still dream about ugly people? The dream book is convinced that the wildest dreams and intentions come true in a dream in this way.

Often a collision with ugly people warns of extremely unusual incidents. They will not be bad, but it will not be possible to explain them from the usual point of view.

Symbol of disagreement and protest

If you had to walk through a crowd of freaks, you risk losing your own individuality. This is a sign of disagreement with generally accepted opinion, a kind of protest, an attempt to escape pressure.

Did you dream about ugly people? You will find yourself in an extremely unpleasant and deceitful society. If you have been pursued by monsters, then do not trust not only new, but also old acquaintances.

The fact that someone may try to drag you into a business that threatens to turn into big trouble.

Ugly woman in a dream- a sign of a destructive passion, succumbing to which, you risk ruining your life. After such a dream, you should control your feelings and not succumb to any dangerous temptations.

Modern combined dream book

If you met a disgustingly ugly person in a dream- this means that your appearance will become the subject of discussion and envy.

If you were born a freak- this dream should alert you: you are doing something dangerous and threatening with serious consequences.

If you see ugly creatures hatching from eggs- this means you will witness an event that will make an indelible impression on you.

If instead of your own reflection in the mirror you see an ugly monster- this means that you are dissatisfied with the attitude of others towards you; You are frightened by impending changes.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Freak- dreams of insult.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Freak- the rage you feel from meeting one person.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Freak- a disgusting act will be committed towards your loved ones.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you had an ugly appearance- troubles await you in business.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends turned into a freak- this person will have troubles in the near future.

Meet a freak- to money.

Fight with a freak- to improve the situation.

In a dream you saw someone beating a freak- soon your family will become rich, and something will fall to you.

Kill the freak- to good luck.

If you dreamed that someone killed a freak- soon one of your close relatives will be lucky, he (she) will receive a lot of money, but you will not get anything.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Meet a freak- to good luck or receiving unexpected income (inheritance). For lovers, such a dream means doubts.

See yourself as a freak- to all sorts of failures, and for the patient - to death.

Mythological dream book

Freak- disabled from birth; in some folk traditions, freaks are considered children of the devil - trouble, bad progress; something ugly (feelings, vices) of the sleeper himself or failures in his affairs.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

In a dream, the image of a crippled freak- there is a phenomenon only of one’s own internal distortions and problems: the body in a dream makes one aware of the problem; since in reality they do not want to notice the problem, the image of it is given in a dream for clarity, scary and fantastic, but attracting attention and pushing to action.

Seeing a freak and being scared in your dream- this is a manifestation of fear of the future, passivity, weakness, inertia. Sleep is unfavorable: you should pay attention to your health, since all career and personal affairs end in failure due to lack of energy.

See a freak and try to leave, quietly turn away- a dream means extreme uncertainty and misunderstanding of the meaning of one’s life and any connection with the common life of humanity, nature and the Cosmos. Trying to protect yourself from internal problems by running away has never brought success to anyone. The dream speaks of the need for psychological and medical (secondarily) help.

Seeing yourself/someone close to you as a freak- the body gives a sign of a growing internal problem; energy blocks developed by an incorrect worldview are ready to manifest themselves as illness.

Seeing one of the elders in the family (living or dead) as a freak- means a serious violation of generic information.

The deformity of the ancestress- will affect physical illnesses.

Seeing yourself as a freak without shame, fear and other negative emotions/ helping a cripple/freak in a dream without disgust - a dream means getting rid of fears and the power of your own negative emotions. Such a dream is usually preceded by ill health or troubles, long-term bad luck, an unfavorable course of affairs, but soon everything will change for the better if the dreamer, aware of the causes of his misfortunes, intelligently continues the internal struggle for liberation begun by his body.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Freak seen in a dream- means failure in business.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Freak- some kind of “ugly” feeling of the sleeper himself, forbidden desires, his own vices and harm.

See- failure in business, plans.

Dream book of a gypsy

Freak to see- the project you are currently working on will not be successful. You better change your plans.

Find out from the online dream book what the Freak dreams about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Ancient Russian dream book

Freaks dreamed

A freak seen in a dream means failure in business.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

How does the dream book Freak interpret it?

Freak - Luck, inheritance; for young lovers - doubt.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a freak?

Freak - Luck, inheritance // failure; lying with him is a disease, annoyance.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Freaks from your dream

Freak - Some kind of “ugly” feeling of the sleeper himself, forbidden desires, his own vices and harm. Seeing is failure in business and plans.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why a Freak in a dream?

Freak - Critical attitude towards oneself; worrying about how you appear to others; wounded self-esteem; eating disorder.

Simeon Prozorov's dream book

Why does the dreamer dream of a freak?

Seeing a freak in a dream - You will meet an old enemy, and this can harm you in your current Business. Imagine that a freak undergoes plastic surgery and becomes handsome.

Mythological dream book

Freak's Interpretation

Disabled from birth; in some folk traditions, freaks are considered children of the devil - trouble, bad progress; something ugly (feelings, vices) of the sleeper himself or failures in his affairs.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do Freaks dream?

Saw a freak in a dream - You should think about whether you are too concerned about the opinions of others about you, whether your self-esteem is infringed. How we feel about our body is often an important part of how we perceive ourselves as a person.

Great modern dream book

Freak - why does the dreamer dream?

Ugly - You see in a dream a person’s ugly face - the dream suggests that many people consider you beautiful and are happy to discuss your appearance; Don't give these people a reason to say that your appearance does not match your content.

It’s as if your child has a congenital deformity - the business you are currently busy with is fraught with complications; in the future you will more than once regret that you took it up.

It’s as if you look into the mirror and see your ugly face - you actually think that others are not treating you well enough; but you don’t know how to change this attitude, and therefore you are worried about your future.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about Disadvantages?

Freak - In a dream, your body may be the cause of your anxiety or the anxiety of other characters. This kind of anxiety does not always have at least some basis. More often than not, dreams of this kind indicate an obsession with what others think of you. The key question for the interpretation of such dreams is the question of whether you yourself draw a conclusion about your ugliness or whether such an opinion is imposed on you by others.

If you yourself draw a conclusion about your deformity, is it caused by some change in the body, such as pregnancy? During pregnancy, you may dream that others or you yourself consider yourself overweight. Other changes that may affect the appearance of your body in a dream include a change in your physical or moral behavior, such as smoking, drinking, taking drugs, becoming more sexually active, or engaging in sexual experiences that you previously considered taboo.

This dream deserves serious consideration because how we feel about our body is often an important part of how we perceive ourselves as a person. If you periodically have dreams about your ugliness, then perhaps you should think about whether your self-esteem is impaired or whether there are eating disorders.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Freak (disabled person) - A disgusting act will be committed towards your loved ones.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Freak - To insult.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Freak - The rage you feel from meeting one person.

Why do you dream about ugly people? Such a dream can have completely different interpretations depending on the circumstances of what was seen. To understand this issue, you need to look into different dream books, which contain a lot of information about dreams.

Men and women

Why do freaks dream, according to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphim? The dream may indicate that the person who saw it experienced a difficult situation in the past, most often morally or psychologically.

Consider whether something has happened in your recent past that is worth paying attention to. If you find something that still bothers you in your soul, contact a professional psychologist who will help you adjust your future life.

According to the Modern Dream Book, a freak is a very interesting symbol. If you dreamed of an adult with an ugly face, or you saw an ugly old man, soon you will have to choose the one who will become your “soul mate”. Take a careful look at your acquaintances - perhaps this person is among them, but is not yet showing you signs of attention. If he does not declassify himself in the near future, then it would be nice for you to take the initiative.

Seeing yourself ugly in a dream is an interesting sign, especially for women. According to the Modern Dream Book, one’s own ugliness should be perceived as a symbol that the lady is not confident enough in her companion. If she stops suspecting him of everything, and also stops being jealous of every pillar, their relationship will strengthen and move to a whole new level.

In Grandmother's Old Dream Book, ugly people are a symbol that a person will soon receive unexpected news. On the other hand, this may indicate that the dreamer has health problems, but they can be easily gotten rid of if you consult a doctor in time.

It is worth paying attention to what time of year the freak appeared in a dream:

  • If you had a dream in the summer or spring, it means unexpected acquaintances with a large number of people. In this regard, the dreamer will have the opportunity to make new useful connections.
  • Seeing a freak in winter or autumn means that the dreamer will be annoyed by one of his friends. It’s easy to avoid this - you just need to stop communicating with him and maintain connections only with those people who do not bother you.


Seeing freaks in a dream is a very interesting sign, but you need to pay attention to subtleties and details. For example, why do you dream about the ugly one you were afraid of? This suggests that you are experiencing uncertainty about the future and internal fears that you may not even know about. Become a more confident person, and you will immediately notice how your life will be filled with new positive events.

An ugly baby in a dream, which does not cause you any unpleasant feelings, suggests that you will soon be able to get rid of negative emotions. An ugly person sitting in a wheelchair prophesies to the dreamer an unexpected inheritance or great success in business.

If a freak child played with other children, then you can soon expect that your appearance will be discussed by many people. Carefully watch not only your face, but also your clothes, and then no one will be able to say that you are an ugly or sloppy person.

When you dream of a newborn's ugly hair, you should pay attention to where it grew. If you see them on your arms and legs, then in your family life you are a dictator. It is worth loosening your grip a little and being more democratic, then the union with your partner will last longer, and the relationship will be more pleasant for both people.

When a child had an ugly face because of it, a faithful friend will soon appear in the dreamer’s life, who will help and support him in everything. In Morozova’s dream book, ugly babies are a symbol that the dreamer will soon receive unexpected income. This could be a salary increase, an inheritance, or a lottery win.

Playing with little freaks who look like gnomes is a sign that other people will soon want to interfere in your life. Don't let them do this because their advice can be very dubious. Live as your heart and your own intuition tell you - only in this case can you become a truly happy person.

If you dreamed about ugly girls, then a lot of different news awaits you in the future. Even if they are not very good, you should not pay serious attention to them, since the troubles will not affect you personally.

When you dream of a child who has physical defects, and the baby is in your arms, you should think about such a dream as a symbol that someone close to you needs your help. Don’t refuse people, because, as you know, the boomerang law works in life: how you behave with others is how they then behave with you. Author: Elena Ragozina

The most detailed description: “dream book of an ugly baby” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

at the Women's Club!

Why do you dream about ugly people? Such a dream can have completely different interpretations depending on the circumstances of what was seen. To understand this issue, you need to look into different dream books, which contain a lot of information about dreams.

Men and women

Why do freaks dream, according to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphim? The dream may indicate that the person who saw it experienced a difficult situation in the past, most often morally or psychologically.

Consider whether something has happened in your recent past that is worth paying attention to. If you find something that still bothers you in your soul, contact a professional psychologist who will help you adjust your future life.

According to the Modern Dream Book, a freak is a very interesting symbol. If you dreamed of an adult with an ugly face, or you saw an ugly old man, soon you will have to choose the one who will become your “soul mate”. Take a careful look at your acquaintances - perhaps this person is among them, but is not yet showing you signs of attention. If he does not declassify himself in the near future, then it would be nice for you to take the initiative.

Seeing yourself ugly in a dream is an interesting sign, especially for women. According to the Modern Dream Book, one’s own ugliness should be perceived as a symbol that the lady is not confident enough in her companion. If she stops suspecting him of everything, and also stops being jealous of every pillar, their relationship will strengthen and move to a whole new level.

In Grandmother's Old Dream Book, ugly people are a symbol that a person will soon receive unexpected news. On the other hand, this may indicate that the dreamer has health problems, but they can be easily gotten rid of if you consult a doctor in time.

An ugly man usually dreams that the person who happened to see him will soon reconsider his position in life. It is quite possible that his life will change radically as a result. Why do you dream about ugly women? This suggests that someone in the dreamer’s family will soon become rich.

It is worth paying attention to what time of year the freak appeared in a dream:

  • If you had a dream in the summer or spring, it means unexpected acquaintances with a large number of people. In this regard, the dreamer will have the opportunity to make new useful connections.
  • Seeing a freak in winter or autumn means that the dreamer will be annoyed by one of his friends. It’s easy to avoid this - you just need to stop communicating with him and maintain connections only with those people who do not bother you.

Seeing freaks in a dream is a very interesting sign, but you need to pay attention to subtleties and details. For example, why do you dream of an ugly baby that you are afraid of? This suggests that you are experiencing uncertainty about the future and internal fears that you may not even know about. Become a more confident person, and you will immediately notice how your life will be filled with new positive events.

An ugly baby in a dream, which does not cause you any unpleasant feelings, suggests that you will soon be able to get rid of negative emotions. An ugly child sitting in a wheelchair prophesies the dreamer an unexpected inheritance or great success in business.

If a freak child played with other children, then you can soon expect that your appearance will be discussed by many people. Carefully watch not only your face, but also your clothes, and then no one will be able to say that you are an ugly or sloppy person.

When you dream of a newborn's ugly hair, you should pay attention to where it grew. If you see them on your arms and legs, then in your family life you are a dictator. It is worth loosening your grip a little and being more democratic, then the union with your partner will last longer, and the relationship will be more pleasant for both people.

When a child had an ugly face due to stubble on it, then a faithful friend will soon appear in the dreamer’s life, who will help and support him in everything. In Morozova’s dream book, ugly babies are a symbol that the dreamer will soon receive unexpected income. This could be a salary increase, an inheritance, or a lottery win.

Playing with little freaks who look like gnomes is a sign that other people will soon want to interfere in your life. Don't let them do this because their advice can be very dubious. Live as your heart and your own intuition tell you - only in this case can you become a truly happy person.

If you dreamed about ugly girls, then a lot of different news awaits you in the future. Even if they are not very good, you should not pay serious attention to them, since the troubles will not affect you personally.

When you dream of a child who has physical defects, and the baby is in your arms, you should think about such a dream as a symbol that someone close to you needs your help. Don’t refuse people, because, as you know, the boomerang law works in life: how you behave with others is how they then behave with you.

And the most important advice

  • Baby according to the dream book

    Dreams are not only a reflection of our inner experiences, daytime anxieties and worries, they are also clues that fate gives us, and they often help us understand the real situation. Such clue visions include a baby in a dream. Our dream book will tell you why a tiny person dreams, what events may happen in the near future if you saw a newborn in a dream.

    Why does a baby dream: interpretations of dream books

    A baby in a dream most often does not carry negative predictions, and really, how can a pure, immaculate creature predict trouble? For example, according to the women's dream book, seeing a baby in a dream is a very favorable sign; expect a pleasant surprise that will change your life for the better.

    The wanderer's dream book interprets a little differently what children and babies dream about. If the child is well-groomed and tidy, then we can confidently expect creative growth, the emergence of new ideas, and even a useful invention. For a woman, any baby in a dream is a dream book’s harbinger of approaching joyful days.

    Seeing a baby in a dream and holding his palm at the same time is a very good dream according to the interpretation of the French dream book. Know that a risky and dangerous business, which has no prospects now, will be successfully completed in the future and will bring positive results. After all, in the person of a baby in a dream, the guardian angel himself leads you by the hand.

    A dream involving a child or infant will not have a very good outcome if the dreamer was born in the summer months. The dream book predicts new unresolved problems, increased emotional stress, which will result in prolonged insomnia.

    But according to Miller’s dream book, a baby in a dream has a positive meaning for a person who sees such a plot. A time full of pleasant gifts and surprises awaits the dreamer. But if a young girl sees such a story, and at the same time holds a baby in her arms, then she may be accused of collaborating with people who lead a dissolute lifestyle.

    What does it mean when you dream of a baby according to Hasse’s dream book? This dream is an interpretation of daytime, real experiences, and it means lack of confidence in one’s abilities. But the presence of a little man in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer’s strength; he just has to believe in himself and everything will work out.

    According to the esoteric dream book, the interpretation of a dream where the baby is your son or daughter, and he is in your arms, means the destruction of plans and hopes. Try not to rely on anyone in the near future, and do not think ahead - after all, this warning is very serious.

    Tsvetkova's dream book interprets a baby in a dream as a favorable sign; a great surprise awaits you, and it will be rather pleasant, and is associated with family life or love relationships. But if this is a naked baby, then the meaning of the dream sharply changes to a negative color - the dreamer is in for trouble.

    What does it mean when a married woman dreams of a baby? Most often, the dream book interprets such a picture in a dream as a prediction of the obedience of her children in the real world. And if the baby also laughs, then the woman can expect a significant rise in her professional field of activity, a promotion, or simply an increase in salary.

    Why does a married man dream of infants? You can rejoice, because this is a prediction of a new impetus in business, and a good friend will help in business, who, however, until this time has not shown any interest in your occupation. Also, if there is a difficult situation in life, it will certainly be resolved, and very soon.

    Someone else's baby in a dream is a bad omen. The dream book interprets this picture as the appearance of new enemies who will spread gossip behind the dreamer’s back. And if you also hold him in your arms in a dream, then the enemy is a former friend, and therefore expect a catch from the most unexpected side.

    Various babies

    It is very difficult to imagine a newborn without this necessary attribute - a stroller, and often in a dream people see him in exactly this position. Why do you dream of a baby in a stroller? For a woman, the dream book foreshadows unexpected, but very pleasant chores, often associated with receiving guests.

    If in a dream the stroller looks good, clean and unshabby, and the baby or newborn is well-groomed and neat, then life will soon be much better than before. And when a young girl sees a child in a stroller in a dream, according to the dream book, she will very soon marry successfully and be happy in her marriage.

    A dream in which you saw twins has a doubly favorable interpretation, because these babies promise the girl to whom this plot came in a dream unprecedented balance and harmony in life.

    The dream book gives a slightly different interpretation to the plot where you gave birth to babies, and these are twins. For a pregnant girl, the dream book promises a very easy and rapid birth. But for a man, such a dream predicts loneliness, emptiness, due to his negative character traits, such as greed and quarrelsome character.

    Why else do you dream of two babies? According to the interpretation of the dream book, this may be a warning that you are too susceptible to emotional outbursts and are capable of going to extremes. Keep your fiery temper in check, especially at work, among colleagues, otherwise bad rumors and gossip about you are possible.

    Why do you dream about triplets? For an unmarried girl, this means a very rich life in a family with an unloved person, and only she can choose what is more important to her, money or feelings. For a married woman, the dream book promises a solution to the conflict with her husband, who almost led to divorce. But the problem will only be solved if you hear the babies crying.

    Why do you dream about so many babies? Most often, this is an association with the real state of things in life, and even if a young mother has only one newborn child, this means that her worries about the child are so strong that she worries about him as she does about several children.

    If you dreamed of a doll and a baby was playing with it, then the interpretation of the dream book depends on what gender the child was playing. If a girl was playing in a dream, this is a sign of an illness in a close relative, which will bring a lot of worries, but will be cured. And a boy playing with a doll is evidence of the onset of a period of happiness and serenity in life.

    Baby care

    Taking care of your beloved baby day after day is the most pleasant responsibilities for a young mother, but how does the dream book interpret these pleasant chores? What dreams of feeding a baby mean is interpreted depending on the situation in the dream. Breastfeeding is a harbinger of a very favorable period in life, a white streak, when all your plans are immediately fulfilled.

    If a baby sucks the breast in a dream, then this is an expression of the need for care from others. The dream book interprets that you lack warmth and affection from your loved one. But if the child in the dream is not yours, then this is not a very good sign, because no matter how hard you try, the people to whom you provide help and support, unfortunately, will not appreciate it.

    Nursing a baby in a dream is a favorable sign, even if the baby is a stranger. The dream book predicts that the dreamer will experience incredible success in business and rise up the career ladder, and this will be associated with a very responsible and important job assignment. And nursing your son or daughter is a sign of good news, or an invitation to a celebration.

    Why do you dream of kissing a baby? This action in a dream is like the touch of youth to the soul. The tender and rosy cheeks that you kiss are interpreted by the dream book as a long life, during which you will retain unprecedented freshness and will always look younger than your age.

    Swaddling a baby in a dream also has a positive meaning. Soon, relatives and friends will surround you with incredible care and affection. But if the diapers turned out to be small, then the dream book warns that in solving a difficult life situation you have not chosen the right path, thereby delaying its resolution in a favorable direction.

    If you had to wash a baby in a dream, then this plot is a symbol of cleansing from mental anguish and remorse. Forgiveness awaits you for some unpleasant act. Also, this picture in a dream can be interpreted by the dream book as a way out of a difficult situation in reality.

    For a man, bathing a baby in a dream promises success in business and financial growth. But if in the dream you can clearly see a small bathtub in which you bathe your baby, then beware of petty thefts during trips and travels.

    Why do the Virgin Mary and Child dream? This is always a good sign. Most often, the dream book interprets this plot as a symbol of someone’s care and guardianship over the dreamer. This is also a sign of blessing from above all deeds and actions; you can confidently go towards your goal, because the Mother of God herself is accompanying you.

    Why do you dream of finding a baby? In general, searching for a child in a dream is a symbol of searching for oneself, one’s purpose in reality. And if you managed to find the baby, then you can expect success in your new business, only if you like it. The dream book interprets this plot as a blessing for a new type of activity.

    Trying to find a baby in a dream who is your son or daughter is most often a game of the subconscious. In your heart, you are afraid that your authority and importance for the baby are no longer unquestioning, and all these emotional experiences result in a plot that the dream book interprets only as a reflection of thoughts.

    Also, finding a baby in a dream and accepting it into your family, letting it into your home is a dream that has psychoanalytic significance according to the interpretation of the dream book. Your soul and mind are preparing for any innovations in life. Be it a new job, a wedding, the birth of a child - all experiences about this are copied in a dream.

    Unpleasant incidents with a baby

    The worst thing for parents is if something bad happens to their child. And even if nothing foreshadows such an outcome of events, mom and dad can still worry out of nowhere, thereby causing themselves unpleasant dreams.

    For example, a sick baby personifies an unfavorable situation in the family. You need to sort things out with your spouse before it's too late. A dream about the death of a baby carries a completely different meaning. The dream book interprets this terrible picture from the point of view of whether it is your baby or someone else’s.

    Someone else's dead child in a dream, although it cannot evoke positive emotions, is a very good sign for real life. Often such a plot comes in a dream to those couples who have not been able to conceive a child for a long time, and, according to the dream book, it means imminent news about the woman’s pregnancy.

    Seeing in a dream the corpse of a baby who is yours is a warning from the dream book. You need to loosen your grip a little on raising children, because you don’t want the relationship to deteriorate completely, the dream book warns.

    A baby covered in blood that remains on his skin after birth is a good sign. Relatives will help you in all your endeavors; they are the ones you can expect support from in difficult life situations. Relatives stimulate a career take-off, but do not forget to thank them - it will cost them considerable effort.

    Why do you dream of a premature baby? Such dreams are especially typical for pregnant women, because all their thoughts are occupied only with ensuring that the baby is born strong and healthy. The dream book interprets this plot only as a reflection of daytime experiences, and should not be perceived by the expectant mother as a bad sign.

    A symbol of deep unresolved contradictions is a plot where you had to kill a baby in a dream. The dream book more often gives a negative interpretation to this picture, and promises losses, worries and large expenses in real life. For a mother, such a dream is a warning that she is doing too little with her children, is not paying them enough attention, and this may cost her parental authority.

    Baby development

    Every young mother can't wait to see her baby's first clumsy steps, tiny baby teeth, and adorable babble. But it happens that the baby is still far from the first signs of growing up, but the mother has already seen in a dream how the baby’s teeth have grown. The dream book interprets this event according to the condition of the baby tooth. If it is white, shiny, strong and healthy, then the baby’s condition will be favorable.

    But a rotten, black, crumbled milk tooth warns the mother to monitor the health of her child and spend more time next to him, it is possible that he will become ill. Another baby with teeth in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as attempts to start a new business and grab more than you can chew.

    If a baby talks in a dream, then expect elation and new creative ideas. Your brain will literally generate new ideas that will be original and easy to implement. Don’t miss the moment, start a new business, the dream book promises it will be very profitable.

    Also, according to the interpretation of the dream book, a talking baby may mean that you are too hasty and impatient in anticipation of some event, and are pushing it with all your might. Stop, think, and “go slow.”

    Baby's actions

    When in a dream a baby pees and urine gets on your clothes, you can expect an invitation to a fun celebration, and most likely it will be a wedding of close relatives. If you change the baby’s diaper or diaper, then expect signs of attention from representatives of the opposite sex.

    According to the predictions of the dream book, what a crap baby dreams about is a very favorable sign that promises stunning success in a career that will bring many material benefits.

    Why do you dream of a crying baby? If in real life you have committed some unpleasant act, a stupid trick, then this dream is a symbol of torment of conscience, repentance for what you have done.

    Why do you dream about a baby crying in a dream? This is a harbinger of future joys in reality, if a young girl saw such a plot. It is also a symbol of the fact that life does not bring any special difficulties, everything goes smoothly and calmly.

    Why do you dream about the birth of a baby? If a pregnant woman in a dream gave birth to a large baby, a “hero,” then this is a harbinger of happiness and material wealth. For a man to become pregnant and give birth to a baby in a dream means that he takes on too many responsibilities, particularly in family life.

    The dream book interprets as a negative omen what a naked baby dreams of. This is a harbinger of trouble that will overtake the dreamer in the near future, but it can be easily avoided if you are careful and do not enter into conflict situations. What a sleeping baby dreams of symbolizes the dreamer’s gullibility and defenselessness, his shyness and shyness, which play an important role in communicating with people.

    Will I have a girl?

    Why does a premature baby dream of a newborn in a pressure chamber, and I cried very much over him, but he slept so sweetly.

    Why do you dream of a hungry boy who was abandoned by his mother?

    Why do you dream when you drown a newborn baby in a diaper, but not your own, but a friend’s?

    While I was pregnant, I saw how my baby fell out from the inside, wrapped in the umbilical cord around his neck, and his face looked at me and suffocated. I took it in my hands and unwound it, he began to breathe easily, then I put it back. What a strange dream, what could this mean?

    If you dream that small children are running after you, and when they run away after you, they squeal and yell, not in a child’s voice, what could this mean?

    I dreamed that I found someone else’s newborn child in the maternity hospital where I was, but I myself did not give birth and was not pregnant. Doctors try to call the police, they say that the child is dead. I took him in my arms, and he turned out to be alive. I was allowed to take him into my room. Then I see a woman about 45 years old somewhere, she is in a green robe, standing behind a glass door. I understand that this is his mother, I show her the child, and persuade her to take him. She cries and says that her husband is against it. I ask why you need such a husband, maybe it’s better to refuse him? She replies that this is too much. I suggest coming to visit the child in the hope that she will come to her senses.

    I am a schoolgirl, studying in the 10th grade. After class, I went home with a small group of my classmates. Well, in general, as usual. And suddenly a baby lies on the side of the road. Whether he cried or not, I don’t remember. I felt very sorry for him. I feel sorry for homeless animals, let alone a child. I like children very much. I called my mom and asked if I could pick him up. I thought she wouldn’t allow it, but she did. I fell in love with him from the first minutes. When I walked, I tried to make sure that he didn’t feel cold. I was scared for him. After all, he was probably hungry and besides, he was only in a diaper. I thought that I wouldn’t bring him home, because he might get seriously ill. I was very scared for him. I went to the store where my friend worked. I just remember how we made him formula and looked for something to wear. And yet... while I was carrying him, he didn’t cry, he just looked at me with his amazing eyes... pitifully. I was very scared for him. What would that mean?

    I am pregnant. The period is already quite long. And the other day I dreamed of my mother holding a baby wrapped in diapers in her arms. And I remember that the baby looked at me with bright blue eyes... I don’t know whether it was a boy or a girl, whether it was my child, I don’t know either.

    Why do you dream of a naked baby in a small stroller?

    I dreamed that I gave birth to a dead boy. In the same genus. I was giving birth to a girl at home, my ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend, they were told that their boy was dead, and they brought their daughter to me and gave it to me. What does it mean?

    I dreamed of a baby, as if I had given birth to him, he was lying in a cradle in diapers and golden light was emanating from him in different directions, rays around him of a straight golden color were moving in different directions. It’s very interesting what this dream is about.

    I dreamed that I was injecting something into a baby girl and a boy, the boy was dying in my arms, the girl too, but my late brother was holding her, then I dug a grave for them, put them in coffins, they were commemorated and buried.

    I had a dream in which there were two ears of corn, one of which contained a sleeping baby. They were in my arms.