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Pregnancy requires special preparation, both in terms of fortifying the body, psychologically, and physically. In order for the period to proceed without complications, it is necessary to do gymnastics for pregnant women. Doctors recommend doing exercises in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters at home.

Gymnastics for pregnant women helps during labor. It is more likely that the birth will occur successfully, without complications. Some women regularly exercise before pregnancy.

It is important to understand that pregnancy is not a disease and there is no need to interrupt classes during this period. You just need to adjust them a little together with your doctor and master special exercises that are indicated for pregnant women.

It has long been proven by medical specialists who observe pregnant women that gymnastics for pregnant women, regardless of trimester, benefits not only the mother, but also the baby:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • gives strength to ligaments and muscles;
  • helps to improve mood and vigor;
  • improves the well-being of the pregnant woman;
  • promotes active burning of calories;
  • thanks to it, the volume of oxygen supplied to the child increases;
  • pain in the spine associated with heavy workload subsides.

From the moment of fertilization to the moment of childbirth, changes occur in a woman’s body every day: the body, muscles and bones change. A woman quickly gains weight, her muscles become elastic, and the entire load falls on her joints and bones. You can help your body cope with such a load only by keeping your muscles toned and doing special exercises.

When not to do gymnastics

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters brings great benefits, but there are times when engaging in any type of sports activity is contraindicated, even at home.

A pregnant woman should not do gymnastics in the following situations:

Regardless of the recommendations of medical specialists who have approved preventive gymnastics, it is important, when starting exercise, to first of all listen to your body. If something goes wrong or pain is felt, you should urgently stop all exercises and consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Why do you need a warm-up and how to do it

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester at home includes several sets of exercises. Their difference depends on the trimester of pregnancy, but there is one common and important feature between them - warming up before any type of exercise. It helps warm up the muscles of the body and prepare the ligaments. Warm-up exercises should be careful and unobtrusive.

Light exercises for warming up before gymnastics can be like this:

After the warm-up is done, you can safely move on to the basic gymnastic exercises.

A set of exercises for the 1st trimester in pictures

Gymnastics for pregnant women, regardless of the trimester, be it 1st, 2nd or 3rd, always has a positive effect on the body of mother and baby, especially when performing it responsibly at home. It includes many exercises of varying degrees of stress.

For each trimester of pregnancy, there are different activities and techniques for performing them. You need to understand that the first trimester is an adjustment period. During this period, the vital organs of the fetus are formed. Therefore, it is necessary to select exercises with a specialist who knows all the nuances and techniques.

During this period of pregnancy, calm and moderate loads are indicated, such as:

You need to do all the exercises no more than 20 minutes, preferably some time after breakfast. If discomfort or pain occurs, you should stop training. You can start them only after consulting a doctor.

Exercises for the 2nd trimester with photos

The second trimester of pregnancy begins in the fourth month and ends in the sixth. Of all, it is the safest and most conducive to physical activity. By this time, toxicosis has passed. Now physical exercise is useful, it will help prepare the body for the process of childbirth.

You have gained a lot of weight and need to lose it gradually. Active sports will help with this. Exercising during pregnancy will later help to easily restore a woman’s body after pregnancy. Be sure to do a warm-up before any type of sports activity.

Sport exercises:

It is important to be in a good mood when performing all exercises and think about how useful they are at a given time.

Gymnastic complex - 3rd trimester: instructions with pictures

The third trimester is the final one. It is during this period that heavy loads are placed on the woman’s spine and back muscles.

Gymnastics gives tone to all the muscles of a pregnant woman and prepares the body as much as possible for the upcoming birth. Moderate sports loads help increase the elasticity of the body, develop the muscles of the perineum, increase joint mobility, give strength and increase the elastic properties of the pelvic floor.

In order to engage in physical activity without fear, you need a qualified consultation with your doctor and a fitness specialist for pregnant women. You need to exercise every day for 20 minutes. It is necessary to dress only in comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement.

Important exercises:

These are the most important exercises that women should do in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Breathing exercises: basic exercises for any period

Proper breathing during pregnancy is extremely important. During this period, the body of the child and mother must receive a large volume of oxygen, which facilitates the supply of nutrients.

Benefits of breathing exercises:

  • Blood circulation in the uterus and placenta improves.
  • The good functioning of all organs of the child and mother is ensured.
  • There is preparation for proper breathing during the birth process.
  • The muscles of the chest and abdomen are strengthened.

Basic exercises:

A set of exercises based on the Alice Stockham method

Gymnastics at home for pregnant women from writer Alice Stockham is more suitable not for the 1st trimester, but for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

  • Take a standing position, counting to four, tilt your body as far forward as possible, without lifting your heels. Do this exercise 6 times.
  • In a standing position, bend to the left and right. It is important not to bend your knee joints. Repeat 6 times.
  • While standing, place your hands on your hips, slowly lower your body forward and, also slowly, return to the starting position. Perform 5 approaches.
  • In a standing position, take a full breath, touch your shoulders with your fingers, and slowly bring your elbows together at chest level. They make a circular motion and return to their original position. Perform 6 approaches.
  • In a kneeling position on a pillow, spread your legs wide. Raise your arms up and bend forward as much as possible without changing the position of your legs. Return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
  • Take a supine position. They rest their elbows on the floor and perform rocking movements from side to side with their legs bent at the knee joints. Perform 6 approaches.
  • In a lying position, they rest on their toes and the elbow joints raise the torso. Perform 4 approaches.

A set of Kegel exercises for pregnant women

The purpose of Kegel exercises is to ease the labor process. They are aimed at increasing the strength of the internal muscles of the vagina for easy advancement of the baby.

When performing these exercises, only the muscles of the reproductive system, namely between the vagina and anus, should be maximally involved:

  1. In a lying position on a gymnastic mat, bend your legs at the knee joint and spread them apart. This is reminiscent of the position during the birth process. It is necessary to relax and inhale and exhale evenly, as deeply as possible. The perineal muscle is tensed as much as possible and held in this state for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Starting position – lying on a gymnastic mat. Place the lower limbs on a support. Make tensing and relaxing movements with the muscles of the perineum. Perform tension smoothly.
  3. Sitting on the mat in the “lotus” position, you need to hold your breath and gently push. The vaginal muscles must be moved outward. While inhaling, contract the muscles of the perineum.
  4. When sitting, bend your legs slightly. They compress the vagina, moving deeper, as if dividing it into segments. You need to hold each compression for 3 seconds. There is no need to suddenly relax; you need to act gradually.

Yoga for pregnant women at home

Yoga for pregnant women is very beneficial. By performing all of its exercises correctly, you can achieve peace of mind and peace of mind. They can be performed at home.

  • Lotus pose. Take a sitting position on a gymnastic mat, bringing your legs together. Place your hands palm to palm at chest level. You need to sit in this position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Mountain pose. Take a standing position. Hands are placed along the body. Perform tension and relaxation of the upper body muscles.
  • Cat pose. Take a straight standing position with your arms extended upward. Raise the right leg and bend it at the knee, placing the foot on the inner side of the thigh. You should stand like this for a few seconds.
  • Hero pose. Sitting on your knees, with your legs brought together, carefully and slowly perform straining movements.
  • Butterfly pose. In a sitting position with a straight back on the mat, the feet are placed as close to the body as possible and turned outward. The knees are directed in different directions.

It is better to perform such exercises after consulting a doctor and trainer.

Exercises on a ball (fitball)

By doing gymnastics for pregnant women on a fitball, a pregnant woman at any stage (in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester) takes care of the proper functioning of the heart, improves mood and helps stabilize blood pressure.

There are many exercises that are easy to do and can be done at home. The optimal ball size is 65 cm in diameter. For stability, the fitball should be lowered slightly.

Gymnastics for pregnant women on a fitball is allowed for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester at home

Simple exercises:

Exercises you should not do during pregnancy

In addition to the permitted exercises, there are periods when certain exercises cannot be performed:

  1. In the first trimester When the fetus is forming, under no circumstances should you perform exercises aimed at the abs.
  2. In the second trimester you need to remove from the list exercises where you need to transfer weight on one leg. All activities must take place in a bandage. It is also better not to do exercises while lying on your back.
  3. Regarding the third trimester, almost all exercises are allowed, the main thing is that there is no tone.

Gymnastics for pregnant women at home is a very useful activity. No matter what trimester of pregnancy - 1, 2 or 3, there are always suitable exercises to maintain the health of mother and baby. In order not to harm yourself when performing exercises, it is necessary to take into account contraindications, doctor’s recommendations, and restrictions.

Video on the topic: gymnastics for pregnant women

Exercise complex for pregnant women in the second trimester:

Gymnastics for pregnant women 3rd trimester. Set of exercises:

Waiting for a baby can perhaps be considered one of the most exciting and important periods in life. In order for the birth to go quickly and without any complications, the mother needs to prepare for it, not only mentally, but also physically. Experts recommend performing exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, which will bring a lot of benefits, especially with an enlarged belly. Such physical exercises will help remove spinal stress and help strengthen the pelvic, back and abdominal muscles. As a result, the pregnant woman’s well-being will noticeably improve, and the body will have time to prepare for childbirth.

Sea air is good for both mom and baby

Some physical activity is necessary for everyone, not just pregnant women.

  • Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, when performed daily, have a very beneficial effect on the heart and blood supply, thereby reducing the risk of oxygen starvation for the child. The muscles are trained, so they can cope with the ever-increasing load on the dorsal and lumbar areas, abdominal muscles, etc.
  • Positional gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester allows you to avoid the accumulation of excess weight and prevent the development of cellulite deposits and stretch marks on the skin.
  • Special breathing exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester will also help you get ready for childbirth. As a result, trained breathing helps reduce contractive pain and minimize the likelihood of fetal asphyxia, since during delivery the baby will be fully provided with oxygen.
  • Also, gymnastics for the 3rd trimester has a positive effect on the nervous system structures, since when performing the exercises, the pregnant woman relaxes, gets rid of nervousness and prevents the development of depressive conditions.

Getting used to gymnastic loads from the first weeks of gestation will help keep your spine slim and strong. You don’t need fitness centers or gyms for training; it’s enough to do exercises for pregnant women yourself at home.

Let's get ready first

Before starting home exercises during pregnancy, you must first consult with a specialist observing the patient. Exercises during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester have their contraindications, so you need to make sure that such exercises will not harm the baby or the pregnancy. During pregnancy, you can only do workouts that are approved for moms. Before conception and in the first trimester, girls can exercise intensively, but in the third trimester of pregnancy, physical education should be gentle, with the exception of lifting heavy objects and intense loads.

The best place to perform a gymnastic complex is at home, where the mother will feel maximum comfort, although it is possible to sign up for training specifically for pregnant women. It is recommended to do each exercise in a calm rhythm, the pulse should not exceed 110 beats/min, and you should breathe smoothly and deeply. If you encounter any difficulties or find the exercise difficult, you should take a short break, relax, and drink some water. Every day, at least 20 minutes of time should be allocated for home fitness for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester; any exercise should be done regularly, and not at random. You should dress as comfortably as possible, so that nothing interferes with your movements, and your stomach does not become tight.

Be careful

Sugar consumption should be limited

In order for training to be purely beneficial, it is necessary to conduct classes in compliance with certain rules. Firstly, no physical activity should be allowed if there is a threat of premature birth or if the placental tissue is low. If during classes your lower abdomen hurts or you feel dizzy, or a scarlet discharge appears, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Stretching is good, but overusing these exercises on the lower body is dangerous; you can cause injury to softened tendons or ligamentous structures of the pubic articulation. While performing gymnastics, you must carefully monitor your breathing. If mommy suffers from tachycardia and is bothered by a burning sensation in her chest, then she needs to give up cardio exercises. Each exercise should be accompanied by a pulse not exceeding 110-120 beats/min.

In any trimester of pregnancy, it is better to train at home, where there is a calm environment and you feel protected and comfortable. Before training, to prepare and warm up your muscles, it is better to warm up, which will help improve blood circulation. You need to avoid sudden movements such as jumping and running, exercise equipment or active games. It is better to choose exercises for weight loss (if necessary), exercises on a fitball, exercises for the back. In this case, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a specialist, because each period of gestation has its own gymnastic elements.

So, to prepare for childbirth in the 3rd trimester, experts recommend the following types of training for pregnant women:

  1. Breathing exercises – can be performed separately or in combination with yoga. With the correct breathing technique, the process of childbirth is made as easy as possible, the patient’s well-being becomes noticeably better, and self-confidence appears, pushing aside prenatal fear.
  2. Pilates is an ideal gymnastics before childbirth and during the postpartum recovery period. You can use various equipment during training, for example, doing exercises on a fitball for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, training with dumbbells or other equipment. Such activities save mothers from pain in the lower back, from swelling during pregnancy, and help prepare for childbirth. Pilates improves blood circulation, tones muscles and improves psycho-emotional state, energizes and invigorates.
  3. Yoga is a relaxing gymnastics. By the end of pregnancy, mommy will be able to cope with simple asanas that will help prepare the ligamentous apparatus and muscle tissue for the upcoming labor. An excellent option for those who are prohibited from cardio training.
  4. Kegel gymnastics is a unique complex that helps prepare muscles for childbirth and train vaginal muscle structures. Kegel exercises for pregnant women give muscles more elasticity, as a result, the risk of tears is minimized. Mommy can safely give birth naturally and will recover much faster after delivery.

Water aerobics - allows you to perfectly prepare for labor and reduces the load on the spinal and vertebral structures. These are not obligatory, but very pleasant workouts for a pregnant woman, which help to fully relax and make her feel better in the later stages of gestation.

Strength training - such exercises are permissible only if there are no contraindications to them. If the pregnant woman actively trained on weight training machines before conception, then in the last weeks of pregnancy exercises with small dumbbells are quite acceptable. Such activities train endurance, so that the mother will not get tired in the last month of pregnancy, when the loads become very heavy.

To cope with back pain and stiffness in the lumbar area in the third trimester, a fitball for pregnant women is recommended, when gymnastics is performed on a ball. Such workouts improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and painful discomfort, which so often bothers pregnant women in the later stages.

Breathing training

Gymnastics is carried out under the supervision of a trainer

One of the mandatory elements of preparation for childbirth is breathing training. Having learned proper breathing, the mother will be able to fully control labor and stimulate its activity, and, if necessary, allow her to relax and gain strength before new contractions.
With upper thoracic breathing, only the upper pulmonary region is filled with air masses. To make it easier to control the process, it is recommended to place your hands on the ribs. In this case, you need to inhale air through the nasal passages so that the diaphragm is in the same position. It doesn’t matter where you exhale air from; you can do it through the mouth and through the sinuses.

When doing deep diaphragmatic breathing, it is recommended to lie on your tummy and chest, then you need to slowly draw air into your chest so that the lungs are completely filled with it, while a diaphragmatic shift is observed. You need to take a deep breath, then hold your breath a little (a couple of seconds), after which you need to exhale smoothly and hold your breath again.

With four-phase push breathing, take a deep breath through the nasal passages, then hold your breath for a couple of seconds and exhale again through the nose, also slowly. Then they repeat the exercise. Each of the above breathing techniques must be repeated 10 times, starting with 1-2 times a day. To fully prepare for childbirth, 10-minute sessions every day will be enough for mommy.

Gymnastics with a ball

Gymnastics with a ball is very effective for pregnancy. These exercises are quite simple, but productive, because they help lower blood pressure, normalize blood circulation and relieve fatigue. Such exercises also help with swelling. By and large, this workout is a relaxing activity. You can sit on the ball, lean your chest on it, swaying slightly.

To prevent the development of varicose veins and severe swelling in the limbs, it is recommended to lie on your back and place your feet on a fitball. The specificity of the exercise is to roll the ball in a circular motion or forward/backward. You can also sit on the floor, placing the fitball in front of you, you need to squeeze it with your hands. Such rhythmic exercises help train the mammary glands by activating blood flow to them.


The third stage of gestation for a pregnant woman is considered the most difficult, because there is a rapid change in the body, a shift in the center of gravity. Mommy is rapidly gaining weight, and any load is very difficult. In this case, yoga offers a lot of tools to help make the third trimester as comfortable and harmonious as possible, while remaining in excellent physical shape.

  • Yoginis, as a rule, are very active during the period of gestation, right up to childbirth, and after that they recover quite quickly. This pattern is due to the fact that yoga teaches mothers to listen to the body and help it in difficult life situations.
  • If a girl was not previously interested in yoga, but has now decided to take up a similar practice, then it is better to start training with an experienced instructor who practices classes specifically for expectant mothers.
  • When practicing yoga in the 3rd trimester, it is necessary to avoid jumping and sudden changes in body position, pressure in the lower abdomen.
  • Savasana helps mothers learn to relax, and pranayamas (breathing techniques) help enrich the blood flow with oxygen and train the respiratory muscles, which is useful during contractions to reduce pain and stimulate labor.

Yoga during pregnancy practically eliminates any contraindications, however, with a high risk of premature birth, mothers need complete rest, even bed rest, so yoga classes will also be prohibited here.

Kegel complex

Fresh greens are the basis of the diet

These exercises are designed to strengthen the perineal muscles and prepare them for the upcoming birth. The Kegel complex has incredible benefits for pregnant women. It helps prepare tissue for normal childbirth without any complications, reduces pain in the pelvic area in the last trimester, and minimizes the risk of tissue ruptures in the perineum and vagina during labor. In addition, Kegel exercises help to fully control urinary processes, accelerate postpartum recovery, and improve oxygen saturation of the placental and pelvic structures.

Such training brings the mother’s hormonal levels back to normal, relieves incontinence and prevents blood clots. Regular training before delivery helps prevent the development of venous stagnation and prevents the development of hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

These exercises can be performed while doing traditional household chores. In the third trimester, the Kegel complex is mainly aimed at prenatal preparation and teaches proper straining. For example, the “Goalkeeper” exercise. You need to sit in a chair cross-legged or squat on the floor, hold your breath and push slightly, as if trying to push the vagina out of yourself. It is better to place your palm on the perineum to better control the work of the muscles. If you perform the exercise correctly, you will feel muscle extension in your hand. Such training should be performed with an empty bladder and empty bowels.

Such useful walks

Walking in the fresh air is beneficial for everyone, and even if you are pregnant, walking should become a daily activity. Towards the end of gestation, it is recommended to be in nature more often if possible. It’s just that forest air has an extremely beneficial effect on the baby’s health and the patient’s well-being. When walking in the park, you need to walk either quickly or slowly. To add variety to such walks, it is recommended to constantly change the route. To avoid boredom, you can listen to birdsong, music on your phone, or take one of your loved ones or friends with you.

Even if it’s raining and it’s slushy outside, don’t refuse to go for a walk. In such weather, the air is especially clean and fresh, which will allow the baby to receive an additional portion of oxygen. If aerobic exercise is prohibited, then you can simply walk slowly around the square or park, without speeding up the pace, sit on a bench and breathe deeply.

Water aerobics

Another most beneficial activity for pregnant women is water aerobics. These sports trainings allow mothers to literally feel like fluff, which helps relieve stress from the back and lower back. This sport is incredibly useful for mothers.

  • Even if mommy is not a particularly skilled swimmer, she can easily do water aerobics, because the training takes place in the pool at shallow depths.
  • During the exercises, breathing and all the muscles involved in labor are trained, and the back and spine are unloaded.
  • Water aerobics helps to completely relax the muscles, it trains the abdominal muscle tissue, preventing divergence of the rectus muscles, and this is the only sport that does not cause varicose veins.
  • Among other things, water aerobics is an excellent prevention of swelling, because it normalizes the functions of the lymphatic drainage system.
  • Such water workouts are great for getting rid of excess calories; the skin is massaged due to the action of water, which ensures its elasticity. If you regularly exercise in the pool, you can safely avoid the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite.

Aquafitness helps you maintain excellent shape throughout pregnancy and maintain the beauty of your body even after childbirth.

The most important exercises

Experts highlight several simple exercises that can be done during morning exercises every day. For example, stretching the spine. To do this, you need to sit cross-legged on the floor and bend forward, rounding your spine, holding your ankles. It is also useful to perform pelvic rotations on a fitball. You need to sit on the ball and rotate your pelvis left/right, while your stomach and back need to be relaxed, and your hands should be placed on your stomach.

Recommends doing bends from a sitting position. You need to sit on the floor with your arms at your sides. As you inhale, raise your arm up and bend in the opposite direction. Try to reach the floor with the elbow of the other limb. To avoid swelling of the limbs, it is recommended to perform foot rotations. To do this, lie on the floor and, bending your knees, place the shin of one limb on the knee of the other, then rotate your foot in different directions. This exercise will help disperse blood and fluid stagnation, improve calf tone.

These exercises, in the absence of contraindications, should be done daily, then it will be possible to facilitate pregnancy and prevent many unpleasant surprises (swelling, etc.). You need to move smoothly and slowly. After all, the goal is to strengthen the muscles and prepare for childbirth. Physical activity is contraindicated in case of severe toxicosis or gestosis, chronic pathologies or polyhydramnios.

Movement is life. This statement is familiar to almost everyone, and no one questions it anymore. But, unfortunately, today more and more people choose a sedentary lifestyle, but good physical shape is important for everyone, especially pregnant women.

In our society, pregnancy itself is perceived not as a natural state, but as a disease. Accordingly, a pregnant woman is obliged to behave like a patient: she needs rest and, in general, she must avoid any stress. But this is not entirely the right approach.

A pregnant woman should not completely give up exercise; it is enough to simply limit it. However, walking, walks in the fresh air, and also gymnastics for pregnant women will only benefit her.

Gymnastics for pregnant women are special sets of exercises designed taking into account the loads permissible for pregnant women. There are a huge number of different complexes aimed at solving specific problems and designed for different situations.

You can do gymnastics for pregnant women at home on your own, or you can do it with an experienced trainer. The main thing is to follow the simplest safety rules.

The first thing to remember is that pregnancy itself is not a reason to give up physical activity, however, unfortunately, during pregnancy there are various complications and pathologies in which exercise may indeed be contraindicated.

Therefore, before you start doing gymnastics for pregnant women, you need to consult your doctor. He should tell you whether the activity is acceptable in a particular case, and also help you decide on the appropriate set of exercises.

In addition, do not forget that different exercises are suitable for different periods. This is due not only to acceptable physical activity, but even to basic convenience. From trimester to trimester, a woman’s belly grows, and many exercises in later stages are simply impossible to perform. Therefore, there are gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Pregnant women worth avoiding Abdominal exercises, jumping, and also do not use any strength training equipment during training.

If during exercise a woman feels unpleasant sensations, for example, pain or a pulling sensation in the abdomen, or her pulse becomes too fast, then the exercise should be stopped immediately and be sure to consult a doctor again. A rapid heartbeat during exercise may indicate excessive exercise.

You should not immediately start doing the exercises at full strength. Especially if the woman was not particularly trained before. It is better to increase the load gradually.

All movements of a pregnant woman should be smooth, gradual, and in no case sudden. If you need to lie down or, conversely, sit up from a lying position, then you need to do this gradually and carefully.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women

Before starting to get acquainted with physical exercises for pregnant women, it is worth talking about breathing. Breathing exercises for pregnant women are necessary for a number of reasons. First of all, proper breathing helps you relax and calm down, and this skill is extremely important for a pregnant woman. She has absolutely no use for various stresses and nervous tensions.

In addition, the ability to control your breathing is very useful for a woman during childbirth. The correct breathing rhythm is the easiest and most natural way to relieve pain from contractions. And it won’t hurt to relax at this moment either. It’s not for nothing that any school for expectant mothers always covers the topic “Breathing exercises during childbirth.”

Proper breathing is also useful for a woman during pregnancy exercises, which is why you need to start with breathing exercises. In addition, proper breathing and breathing exercises help improve blood circulation in the placenta, which means the baby will receive more oxygen.

Today the most popular is breathing exercises for pregnant women with Svetlana Litvinova. The beauty of this gymnastics is that it is simple and understandable, and most importantly, it is designed according to the needs of the mother and child.

Breathing exercises:

  1. Chest breathing: place your hands on your ribs and inhale air through your nose as deeply as possible. In this exercise you need to breathe, of course, through your chest. After the chest is completely filled with air, you need to exhale slowly;
  2. Diaphragmatic breathing: in this exercise, one hand should be placed, as in the previous one, on the ribs, and the other on the stomach. We take a quick breath through our nose, the diaphragm should go down and stick out the stomach. Then exhale through the nose or mouth. Between breaths you need to take a short pause of 1 second;
  3. Four-phase breathing: First you need to inhale through your nose: 4-6 seconds, then you need to hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, exhale: 4-5 seconds, and hold again. In this way you need to breathe for 2-3 minutes;
  4. Dog breathing: you need to get on all fours and stick out your tongue. Then we begin to breathe like a dog: through the mouth, and as often as possible.

For the first few times, it is better to do all the exercises only 2-3 cycles, then gradually increase the duration of the sessions. In general, this gymnastics is enough 10 minutes a day.

Breathing exercises are no less popular. Strelnikova, although initially this set of breathing exercises had nothing to do with pregnancy: it was intended to develop the voice and vocal cords.

However, it has shown its effectiveness in many other situations, including during pregnancy.

Positional gymnastics for pregnant women

Positional gymnastics is very useful for pregnant women. It is also designed keeping in mind the needs of a pregnant woman. The task of positional gymnastics is to prepare a woman’s body and her muscles for childbirth, as well as help during pregnancy. Therefore, positional gymnastics is aimed at training the muscles of the back, abdomen and pelvis, as well as the perineum.

  1. Cat: Starting position - on all fours. First, round your back and lower your head as far down as possible, and then vice versa, lift your head up and bend your back as much as possible;
  2. Butterfly: You need a net on the pier, bend your legs and connect your feet. Hands should be placed on your knees. Using your palms, press lightly on your knees to feel a slight stretch. Please note that there should be no pain;
  3. Twists: You can sit or stand as desired. The body must be turned first to the left, then to the right, opening your arms to the sides. The pelvis should be motionless during this exercise;
  4. Kegel exercises: this exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the perineum. It helps you learn to control these muscles, as well as make them more resilient and elastic. It is done simply: you need to try to tense your muscles, as if you were trying to stop urination, and then relax them.

Fitball for pregnant women

Gymnastics for pregnant women using a fitball is no less effective. Exercise on a ball is easier and more effective for pregnant women. Please note that in the first trimester of pregnancy, loads should be minimal. If you have never exercised before pregnancy, then you should not start at all until the safer, second trimester.

Hand exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wider and place them on the floor. Take small dumbbells weighing no more than 1 kg in your hands and lower them along your body with your palms facing forward. Without lifting your elbows from your body, begin to alternately bend your arms at the elbows and straighten them back. 6 - 8 repetitions for each hand;
  2. The starting position is the same, but the arms should be turned towards the body and slightly bent at the elbows. Raise your arms up to shoulder level and lower them back. 6 - 8 repetitions;
  3. Sitting on the ball with your feet wide apart, bend your body slightly forward. Place one hand, empty, on your knee, and the other, holding dumbbells, bent at the elbow 90 degrees. Pull your shoulders and elbow back. Start straightening and curling your arm with the dumbbells. 6 - 8 repetitions on each hand.

Chest exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor, fold your legs cross-legged, take a phytoball in your hands. Your arms should be bent and your elbows pointing out to the sides. You need to press on the ball with your palms, trying to squeeze it. 10 - 15 repetitions;
  2. Sit on the ball again and take dumbbells in your hands. Bend your arms at right angles in front of you, in front of your chest. Without straightening your elbows, move them to the sides and bring them back. 10 - 15 repetitions.

Exercises for legs and buttocks:

  1. Lie on your back, bending your right leg and placing your foot on the ball. The left one is also bent, but stands on the floor. Straighten your right leg, roll the ball forward, and then bend your leg again. You can make circular movements with your foot. 6 - 8 repetitions with each leg;
  2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. The left leg, free from the ball, is active. You need to make the same movements as if you were pedaling a bicycle. First in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. Then switch legs. 6 - 8 repetitions;
  3. The original is the same. Raise your left leg, free from the sword, bend at the knee so that the shin is parallel to the floor. Rotate your foot in one direction or the other, and then change legs. 6 - 8 reps.

Gymnastics for pregnant women on a ball is also good because it prevents the occurrence of varicose veins, which often develops in pregnant women who do not pay attention to physical activity. The reason for this is the increased load on the legs.

Knee-elbow gymnastics for pregnant women

Starting from week 20, doctors can advise a woman to do decompression or knee-elbow exercises for pregnant women. Of course, you can’t call it gymnastics in the literal sense of the word, but the benefits a pregnant woman’s body receives when performing one single exercise are very great.

What's the point? It’s simple, you first need to get on all fours, and then lower yourself onto your elbows, and stand like that for 5 minutes to half an hour. Gynecologists advise taking this position several times a day. What are the benefits of the knee-elbow position?

By the second trimester, the uterus of a pregnant woman is already quite impressive in size. And it puts a lot of pressure on the organs surrounding it. If a woman stands in the above position, it automatically relieves pressure on the kidneys, bladder and ureters, intestines and other internal organs.

Gymnastics for pregnant women by trimester

As already mentioned, gymnastics for pregnant women should be different at different stages. It is not difficult to understand why this is so. After all, different processes occur in a woman’s body at different times, which means the approach must be individual. The beauty of this set of exercises is that it is also suitable for those women who have not previously taken special care of their physical condition.

Exercises for the first trimester

The complex begins with a short warm-up:

  1. As you inhale, lift your shoulders up and lower as you exhale.
  2. Also, as you inhale, move your shoulders back, and as you exhale, move your shoulders forward;
  3. Make circular movements with your shoulders forward and then back;
  4. Tilt your head first back and forth, then from side to side;
  5. “Roll” your head over your shoulders, chest and back, alternately in both directions.

After finishing the warm-up, you can begin the main set of exercises:

  1. First, walk in place for 1-2 minutes;
  2. While continuing to walk in place, bend your elbows and move them back, and then bring them together in front of your chest. The exercise is also performed for 1 - 2 minutes;
  3. Stand up straight with your back straight. Place your hands on the back of your head and bring your elbows together in front of you. Then, while inhaling, spread your elbows to the sides, and as you exhale, return to their original position. 6 - 8 repetitions;
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. As you inhale, turn your body to the side and raise your arms; as you exhale, return to your original position and do the same in the opposite direction. 3 - 5 times;
  5. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, and place your hands on the floor behind your back. As you exhale, bend your legs, and as you inhale, spread them apart, bringing your feet together. As you exhale, bring your knees together again, and as you inhale, lower your legs to the starting position. 6 - 8 repetitions;
  6. This exercise can also be done while sitting. Hands rest on the floor on opposite sides of the body. Slightly laid back. You need to put your left leg on top of your right, and start making circular movements with your foot in both directions, and then take the starting position and do the exercise with the second leg. 5 reps with each leg;
  7. Lie on your side, put your hand under your head, legs extended. Bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach as you exhale, while inhaling, straighten your legs again. 3 - 4 repetitions.

Final part:

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Without raising your head from the field, lower your chin to your chest, while doing so, the back of your neck should be tense. As you exhale, press your shoulders to the floor, spread your arms to the sides, close your eyes;
  2. Then lower your feet to the floor one by one. Stretch and tense them, spread your toes slightly to the sides;
  3. Take a deep breath, and at the end of the exhalation, press your back, buttocks and the back of your head into the floor as hard as possible.

Exercises for the second trimester

Since the woman’s condition stabilizes in the second trimester, you can allow yourself slightly greater loads and more complex exercises. This is reflected in this complex. The warm-up and finishing part can be the same. Main part:

  1. 2 - 4 minutes of slow, calm walking in place;
  2. Stand up straight, raise one arm up. The second one - take it aside. As you inhale, lift one leg back without bending it at the knee, and as you exhale, return it to the starting position. Repeat with the second leg. 3 - 4 repetitions;
  3. Stand up straight. Squat down slightly, move your arms back, then return to the starting position. 4 - 6 repetitions;
  4. Stand up straight. Take your hands back and clasp them together. Lower your arms and arch your chest forward, then return to the starting position. 4 - 6 repetitions;
  5. Sit on the floor and spread your legs, put your hands on your waist. As you exhale, try to touch the toe of your left foot with your right hand, and as you inhale, return your hand to your belt. Then repeat the exercise with your left arm and right leg. 4 - 6 repetitions;
  6. The cat again, as you can see, we can’t live without it. 4 - 6 repetitions;
  7. Get on your knees, then lower your pelvis onto your heels, resting your hands on the floor. This movement is done while exhaling. Then move your hands behind your back and lift your hips off the floor, supporting yourself with your hands. This is done while inhaling. Return to starting position. 3 - 4 repetitions;
  8. Lie on your back, bend your knees and extend your arms along your body. As you inhale, lift and spread your legs, and as you inhale, place your feet on the floor. 3 - 4 repetitions;
  9. Again 2 - 4 minutes walk.

Exercises for the third trimester

In the third trimester, breathing exercises become especially important. But it is better to reduce the intensity of training again. It is very important to do the exercises slowly, smoothly, calmly, without sudden movements. In this complex, the exercises partially repeat the first 2 complexes.

  1. 2 - 4 minutes walking in place;
  2. Perform exercise No. 3 from the complex for 1 trim;
  3. Complete exercise No. 6 from the complex for the 1st trimester;
  4. Sit on the floor, put your hands behind your back and lean on the floor. Move your left hand to your right with a turn of the body, repeat the exercise in the other direction. 3 - 4 repetitions;
  5. And again a cat, she will accompany the woman throughout her pregnancy;
  6. Get on all fours. As you exhale, sit on your heels, and as you inhale, return to all fours. 2 - 3 repetitions;
  7. Lie on your side, bend your lower arm at the elbow and place it in front of you, extend your upper arm along your body. As you inhale, leaning into the floor, lift your upper body, as you exhale, return to the starting position for 2 - 4 repetitions, then turn to the other side;
  8. Complete exercise No. 7 from the complex for the 1st trimester;
  9. 2 - 4 minutes of slow, calm walking.

Gymnastics for breech presentation

All types of gymnastics listed above are aimed at preventing complications and preparing the body for childbirth. What should those women who have already encountered any complications do? There are also specific types of gymnastics for pregnant women. In particular, gymnastics for pregnant women with a breech presentation of the fetus.

Usually the fetus itself takes the correct position: with its head towards the exit of the uterus. However, in some cases the baby ends up in a sideways or pelvic position. Usually, women are explained that up to 36 weeks the baby can roll over on its own, and are offered special gymnastics to help him with this.

To achieve the result, you will need the same knee-elbow position. It is the starting point for all corrective gymnastics exercises.

  1. Get back to the starting position. Inhale as deeply as possible, and then exhale equally deeply. 5 - 6 repetitions;
  2. Next exercise: while inhaling, begin to lean forward, try to touch your chin to your hands, and then return to the starting position. All movements should be done slowly and smoothly. 4 - 5 repetitions;
  3. Raise one leg to the side and straighten it. Touch the toe of your foot to the floor and return your leg to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the second leg. 3 - 4 repetitions with each leg;
  4. The only exercise that is done not from the knee-elbow position, but while standing on all fours, is the cat that is already familiar to you.

This gymnastics for pregnant women is performed from 30 weeks to 37-38 weeks. You need to do the exercises 2 times a day, after meals, after 1-1.5 hours.

There is another method of influencing the position of the fetus. There is only one exercise, and it is performed before meals 3 times a day. You need to lie on the bed and slowly turn onto your right side. Lie like this for 10 minutes, and slowly roll over to the other side and lie for another 10 minutes. Repeat 3 - 4 times.

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For many women, the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult. During this period, it becomes difficult for expectant mothers to move, so their physical activity decreases. However, many specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology recommend that their patients turn to special gymnastics in the last period of pregnancy.

Some women doubt the benefits of exercise in the 3rd trimester, while others enjoy exercising at home. What benefits does gymnastics bring to pregnant women? What is recommended in the last months of pregnancy? Can everyone do the exercises?

Is gymnastics necessary in the third trimester?

From the 28th week, the final stage of bearing a baby begins. By this time, the woman already fully feels the load on her body: her back and legs hurt, the uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm and intestines, and swelling appears. The feeling of discomfort interferes with sleep and affects your mood.

Proper physical activity in the last trimester is designed to improve a woman’s well-being and prepare her body for childbirth. For expectant mothers, sets of exercises have been created that provide the body with a load that does not pose a danger to the course of pregnancy.

Goals for the last trimester:

  • reduction of tension in the back and lumbar region;
  • reducing joint resistance and increasing their elasticity;
  • minimizing the pressure of the uterus on surrounding organs;
  • practicing breathing skills during childbirth (see also: easy childbirth: video of proper breathing during contractions);
  • maintaining normal weight;
  • getting rid of swelling;
  • increased blood supply and oxygen supply to internal organs;
  • eliminating feelings of fatigue and nervousness;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reducing the risk of oxygen deficiency in the fetus.

Considering all of the above, there is only one answer to the question “Is gymnastics necessary in the 3rd trimester?”: yes, it is. However, exercises in the last period of pregnancy have their own characteristics and contraindications. Before starting classes, it is necessary to discuss with your doctor the possibility of performing certain complexes.

What can you do?

There are various methods of physical exercise for pregnant women. Many women do exercises and aerobics from the 2nd trimester. However, some exercises that are allowed in mid-pregnancy are not recommended in the last period. Loads are significantly reduced, and their main direction is relaxation and relieving excess tension. Let's look at what experts recommend.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are one of the types of safe complexes for pregnant women that must be done regularly at home. Exercise is an important element in preparing for the birth of your baby. Corrected breathing allows you to reduce pain, relax, and provide the fetus with a sufficient amount of oxygen.

The table describes breathing exercise techniques.

Item nameMethod of executionBenefits of exercise
Breathing from the diaphragmPlace one hand in the chest area, and the other just above the abdomen. Inhale slowly and fill your lungs as much as possible. Exhale all the air. During breathing, movements of the abdomen should be made without the participation of the chest.Accelerates the process of oxygen delivery to internal organs, has a relaxing effect, and reduces the risk of child hypoxia during childbirth.
Chest breathingHands remain on the ribs. Take a deep breath and exhale so that only the chest movements are noticeable.
Breathing like a dogAbsorption and release of air is carried out only through the mouth. Breathing is shallow and fast (like a dog breathing after an accelerated run).Eases pushing and contractions.
Breathing in jerksInhale and exhale slowly once. Take one deep breath, hold the air for 2 seconds, exhale. Take 2-3 short breaths, one exhale. Alternate several times.

Before starting breathing exercises, you should sit in a comfortable position on a chair or armchair. It is necessary to start by performing each element 2 times. Gradually, the repetition of each exercise should be increased to 10 times. It is recommended to do gymnastics for 10 minutes daily.

Fitball exercises

Fitball training is widely practiced in special sections for pregnant women (we recommend reading: fitball exercises for pregnant women). However, the exercises can also be done at home. Exercise therapy using a large ball helps to train the pelvic muscles, strengthen the arms and legs, maintain the shape of the chest, and reduce the load on the lower back and limbs. A list of popular fitball exercises in the 3rd trimester is presented in the table.

Initial positionExecution techniqueElement Goals
Sitting on a fitballArms crossed over chest. The pelvis performs movements in a circle. If you can't keep your balance, you can hold on to a fitball.Strengthens the back and gives elasticity to the pelvic joints.
You need to alternately swing left and right.Lateral muscle training.
Squeezing and unclenching the ball with the upper limbs.Strengthen your arms and maintain your breast shape.
Take small dumbbells in your hands. Bend both limbs in turn.
Standing in front of the ballSpread your legs wide, straighten your back. Slowly squat, leaning on the apparatus.Stretching the calf muscles, preparing for stress on the joints during childbirth.
Lying on a fitballRest your upper body on the ball and spread your legs. Transfer your body weight from one leg to the other so that your body sways in different directions.
In front of the projectileGet on your knees and lean on the ball with your hands. Raise your left leg and stretch out your toe. Get back to the starting position and repeat the action with your right leg.Relieving tension from the lower extremities.
Lying on the floorPlace one foot on the apparatus and roll it back and forth. Repeat the movements with the other leg.Prevention of varicose veins.

Each exercise should be repeated 10–15 times. However, their total duration should not exceed 20 minutes per day.

Other exercise therapy complexes

In the third trimester, an important element of keeping the body in good shape is morning exercises. You can start with breathing exercises and then move on to physical exercises. In the morning you can do the following:

  • Straighten up on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. After 2 seconds, fold your limbs on your chest in the form of a cross. Several of these approaches help strengthen the pectoral muscles.
  • In a standing position, rotate your body in different directions.
  • Sit on the floor and fold your legs so that your feet touch each other. Spread your knee joints in different directions without opening your feet.
  • Remaining in the accepted position, place your arms along your body. Raise one arm and tilt your body in the opposite direction. Try to lower the elbow joint of your second hand towards the floor.
  • Lie on your side and clasp your legs at the knees. Place the shin of the upper leg on the knee of the lower leg and rotate your feet to the right and left. Lie on the other side and repeat the action with the second foot.

One of the most popular methods of exercise therapy during pregnancy is positional gymnastics. In the last period of pregnancy, it allows you to relieve the condition of internal organs compressed by the uterus, reduce tension in the back, and improve the elasticity of the perineal muscles. Positional gymnastics include:

  • Exercise "Cat". To perform, you need to kneel down and put your hands in front of you, tilt your chin to your chest and arch your back. After a few seconds, you need to stretch your arms forward and bend, as cats do.
  • "Butterfly". Take a sitting position “Turkish style”. Place your hands on your knees and, with little effort, try to press them to the floor and let go. During this, the muscles that experience tension during childbirth are stretched.
  • "Twisting" Body position is the same as in the previous exercise. The arms are spread to the sides, the body turns alternately to the right and to the left. Legs must be kept motionless.
  • Kegel exercise. The gymnastics element is aimed at training and strengthening the vaginal muscles. It can be performed in two positions: sitting or standing. The essence of the Kegel exercise is to tense and relax the muscles of the perineum. During execution, the buttocks and thighs should not be involved.

Many pregnant women also do water aerobics. Exercising in the pool makes you feel light because the water supports your weight. However, water aerobics during pregnancy is carried out only with the participation of an experienced trainer.

Some aerobics and fitness complexes, which are also carried out by a specialist, are useful. Rhythmic movements to music not only tone the body, but also improve the mood of pregnant women. Aerobics uses elements with a ball, positional and gymnastic techniques (we recommend reading: positional drainage: indications and benefits during pregnancy). The video below shows a popular set of exercises that can be performed to music.

Be careful when performing exercises!

When working with various sets of exercises, a woman must take into account that careless actions may not only not bring benefits, but also cause harm to her and the baby.

After consulting with a doctor and jointly discussing with him a suitable set of exercises, it is useful for a pregnant woman to attend classes that will describe in detail the techniques of physical education and gymnastics. You need to start classes only when the expectant mother is in a positive mood and feels well.

The following precautions should be taken:

  • avoid sudden and rapid movements;
  • stretching should be done carefully, as the muscles can be easily pulled;
  • monitor your breathing;
  • measure your heart rate before and after training (pulse should be between 110–120 beats per minute);
  • exercises on the back should be short-term and alternate with other positions;
  • preference should be given to elements on all fours, standing or sitting;
  • no need to overwork (if fatigue appears, you should finish the lesson and rest);
  • you need to plan your loads in the morning;
  • the maximum duration of physical activity is 30 minutes per day;
  • Do not put pressure on the stomach;
  • clothes for classes should be selected as comfortable as possible;
  • Do fitness and aerobics no more than 2 times a week.

If during gymnastics the expectant mother feels unwell, she must stop the exercises immediately. You should abandon an element of physical education when the following manifestations occur during its implementation:

  • the muscles of the uterus tense;
  • increased pain in the back or limbs;
  • shortness of breath appears;
  • pulse quickens;
  • dizziness occurs.

If abdominal pain or uterine contractions appear after physical exertion, you should stop daily exercise and consult a gynecologist. The appearance of unusual vaginal discharge is also a signal to immediately consult a doctor.

When is it better to abstain from physical activity?

Despite the obvious benefits of physical activity, there are many contraindications to any of their types. It is not recommended to do gymnastics if the following factors are present:

  • there is a risk of premature birth;
  • the previous pregnancy ended unfavorably;
  • the woman has late toxicosis;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • during pregnancy, bleeding from the vagina appeared;
  • natural progesterone levels are reduced;
  • placenta previa;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • the woman has chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory processes are observed in the body;
  • periodic abdominal pain.

Expectant mothers carrying more than one baby should be treated with special caution when applying exercise therapy. If during pregnancy a woman’s blood pressure decreased or increased, she needs to monitor its indicators every time after doing exercises.

The third trimester of pregnancy can be called the home stretch, and it is during this period that expectant mothers relax the most. Meanwhile, the last 3 months of pregnancy are the period during which you need to prepare the body for childbirth in order to make the process and subsequent recovery of the body as easy as possible.

For this reason, playing sports in later stages is not only not harmful, as many women think, but, on the contrary, is simply necessary. 28-40 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by an increase in pressure on the spine, a decrease in overall motor activity and mobility.

Physical activity during this period has several goals:

  • reducing the load on the back and spine;
  • practicing proper breathing before childbirth;
  • increased skin elasticity;
  • stretching of the perineal muscles;
  • increasing overall joint mobility;
  • reducing blood stagnation and swelling in the lower extremities;
  • increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor;
  • stimulation of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, all these effects are needed in order to ease the pleasant, but such a heavy burden of a pregnant woman. By increasing skin turgor, joint mobility and elasticity of the pelvic floor, a woman prepares herself for childbirth. A prepared body will take the load much easier, and the likelihood that complications will arise during childbirth is noticeably reduced.

Plus, doing exercises will prevent you from gaining excess weight and will allow you to quickly return to good prenatal physical shape after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Clothing for charging should be chosen as comfortable as possible, not impeding movement and not tight anywhere, especially in the abdominal area.

It is better to select specific exercises and types of load under the guidance of a doctor. There are several techniques that are best suited for pregnant women in the third trimester, and they can be combined and alternated when creating an individual physical activity program.

What types of exercises should you do over a long period of time?

Type of exerciseDescription
1 PilatesPilates is ideal both in the second half of pregnancy and after childbirth. When performing exercises, you can use apparatus and dumbbells, auxiliary objects. This type of exercise is necessary to prepare the body for childbirth, improve muscle tone and blood flow, gain strength and boost vigor. Of course, you should not perform exercises if you experience discomfort, shortness of breath, abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms.
2 YogaYoga can be called gymnastics for relaxation. Of course, an expectant mother at the end of her term should avoid complex asanas, but simpler, basic elements are great for stretching, preparing ligaments, not to mention the fact that they are an ideal way to relax.
3 Breathing exercisesBreathing exercises are elements of yoga, and you can do them both while performing other asanas, and on your own, simply by taking the necessary pose. Knowing basic breathing techniques will greatly simplify the birth process and make you feel better physically and more confident in your abilities.
4 Water aerobicsThis is the type of exercise that you cannot do at home and is usually carried out in groups under the guidance of a trainer with a medical education. Water aerobics is by no means obligatory, but a very pleasant form of preparation for childbirth, which allows you to minimize the load on the spine and legs, feel lighter and relax in a special pool.
5 Kegel exercisesVery simple and no less effective exercises that allow you to train the muscles of the vagina and prepare them for childbirth. Elastic muscles are less susceptible to rupture, which not only significantly increases the chance of giving birth naturally as safely as possible, but will also allow you to recover faster after the birth of your child.
6 Power trainingIf there are no contraindications, it is not worth eliminating power loads completely, even for a long period of time. Of course, you need to significantly reduce the load, and if before pregnancy a woman was actively working out in the gym, then at 28-40 weeks of pregnancy you can limit yourself to exercises with dumbbells. This trains endurance and will allow you to not get tired so much in the third trimester, when the load on the body is maximum.

Breathing exercises

Of all the sets of exercises, breathing exercises are an essential element of preparation for childbirth. Proper breathing will allow you to better control the labor process and properly stimulate labor activity, but will also give you the opportunity to relax at any moment, simply by using a memorized and acquired breathing technique.

Chest "upper" breathing

With this type of breathing, only the upper part of the lungs is filled with air. In order to better control your breathing, you can place your hands on your ribs and inhale slowly through your nose, so that the diaphragm remains in the same position. Exhale through your mouth or nose.

Diaphragmatic deep breathing

Placing one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, you need to slowly, deeply inhale until your lungs are completely filled with air; the diaphragm moves. After inhaling, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then exhale very slowly, pausing before the next cycle.

Push four-phase breathing

Taking a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, then exhale just as slowly through your mouth. After exhaling, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and repeat.

Each exercise is repeated 10 times, you can start with 1-2 times a day. A pregnant woman needs 10 minutes of breathing exercises a day to prepare for childbirth.

Gymnastics for pregnant women: the most important exercises

Type of exerciseDescription of the exercise
Pelvic rotationOne of the most important exercises for a pregnant woman, to perform it you need a fitball or, in the absence of one, you can use a chair or pouf.
You need to sit straight, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, and perform rotational movements with your pelvis to the right and left. When performing the exercise, the stomach and back should be relaxed, hands can be kept on the stomach. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Spine stretchTo perform this exercise, you need to sit straight on the floor with your legs in the “Turkish” position. Holding your ankles with your hands, you need to bend, rounding your back, then, having reached the maximum, freeze in the final position for a few seconds, then relax, return to the starting position and repeat a dozen times.
Side bends while sittingHaving taken the starting position as for the previous exercise, you need to lower your arms along your body, touching your fingers to the floor. Inhaling, you need to raise one arm vertically up, while simultaneously leaning in the opposite direction. The elbow of the second hand should be aimed at the floor. This is an effective side torso stretch and should be repeated at least 6 times on each side.
Circles with feetYou need to lie on the floor with your knees bent. Place the shin of one leg on the knee of the other, and in this position, rotate the foot in both directions. This exercise improves blood circulation, reduces blood stagnation in the legs, and improves the tone of the calf muscle. Each foot must be rotated at least 10 times.
Prevention of flat feetStarting position is the same as in the first exercise: sitting upright on a fitball, chair or pouf with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise one leg and rest the arch of the foot on the shin of the other leg, moving along the calf muscle. Several times will be enough for your legs to feel more comfortable and not hurt so much due to the heavy load.

These are the most important exercises that a pregnant woman should not ignore in the third semester. They should be performed every day (of course, if there are no contraindications), and then you can confidently look forward to the day of birth.

Video - strengthening the back and pelvic area during pregnancy