Even in ancient times, magicians were known who traveled, showed incredible things and earned their living from this. Their abilities seemed magical, but behind each miracle there was only a well-thought-out trick, practiced to the point of automaticity. IN present time It’s unlikely that you can make anyone believe in magic, but the geniuses listed below have always succeeded. We present the ranking of the top 10 most gifted and famous illusionists in history.

10.Charlotte and Jonathan Pendragon

A famous American duo consisting of a husband and wife who became famous thanks to their talents, quickly reaching the Olympus of television popularity, alternately taking part in the best illusionist shows in the world. They are also known for a trick called "metamorphosis" and a record speed in performing it. Charlotte is listed as the first woman to receive an award from the Academy of Magical Arts.

9. Harry August Jansen

Born in 1883 in a small Danish town, Jansen did not sit in one place and soon moved first to America, and then began traveling around the world. All his life he was engaged in inventing various tricks and numbers, and it was he who was the first of the illusionists to begin to pronounce the sacred “Sim-Sala-Bim”. He was known under the pseudonym Dante and passed away in 1955 in California. Many agreed that the “Golden Age of Tricks” was over.

8. Harry Blackstone Sr.

He lived and practiced illusion magic at the same time as Jansen. He was born in Chicago and saw, although at an advanced age, the actions of the Second World War. Harry was remembered for performing magic tricks during this difficult period in front of the soldiers, wanting to distract them from the unpleasant things going on around them. He died twenty years after the end of the war and his son, following in his father’s footsteps, also took up magic.

7. Cyril Takayama

The master’s homeland is Japan, but he grew up and gained popularity in the USA. Already at the age of 6, Cyril became interested in magic tricks and this did not go away with age. At the age of 15, he became a member of the “Magic Castle”, which was organized in Hollywood. In 2005, he began to gain an audience that learned about Takayama thanks to the Internet, and two years later he deservedly received a prestigious award in the “Best Magician” category.

6. Penn and Teller

An American duo who skillfully began to combine magic with humor, which attracted attention. The couple has been performing in tandem since the early 80s, impressing with their skills until now. Not long ago they were awarded a star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.

5. David Blaine

One of the most famous illusionists, Brooklyn native and founder of Street Magic. For a long time was one of the most discussed due to its incredible numbers - “Vertigo”, “Burial” and others. In addition, he is also a record holder in various standards. David holds the official record - 17 minutes 3 seconds under water and without air.

4. Ning Kai

A girl from Singapore whose favorite thing to watch as a child was watching videotaped performances of David Copperfield. This led her to a career as an illusionist, as well as the idea that girls constantly act only as assistants, and Ning always did not like this. She took a guy as her assistant and in 2009, as a duet, they set a record - they recreated 15 incredibly complex illusions in just 5 minutes.

3. Criss Angel

In third place on the list is a rather multifaceted personality - Criss Angel. The guy is not only a great magician, but also a stuntman, performer and even a hypnotist. As a child, his aunt showed him a trick with cards, and from there Chris began his path to great achievements. He repeatedly surprised with his tricks with levitation and walking on water.

2. David Copperfield

At the age of 11, he took up magic tricks, and at 16, he difficultly became one of the students in the “magic course” at one of the universities in New York, and became its teacher. During his long career, he constantly performed and achieved the fact that he was included in the Guinness Book of Records eleven times.

1.Harry Houdini

Eric Weiss was simple guy, until he decided to take an example from the French magician Robert Gooden. He called himself Houdini and, together with his brother, traveled the world, demonstrating incredible skills in freeing himself from various shackles and traps. Repeatedly hospitalized, Houdini undoubtedly became the best illusionist in the world, which only reinforced his mysterious death, the circumstances of which no one knows.

The tricks of illusionists have never ceased to fascinate humanity. There is always a sense of wonder when we encounter a wizard performing a magical act. And the rule applies to almost every person, regardless of status or age. Famous wizards have impressed millions of people! There have been several illusionists who have confused many spectators and television viewers and made them believe what was almost impossible. Today we present to you a list of the 10 best illusionists of all time, the most famous magicians. Take a look at this list and you will definitely be surprised!

1. Kirill Takayama

This guy was born in 1973 in Hollywood (California). Kirill has gained recognition through online videos on his YouTube channel and various websites. He began his career as a magician at the age of 12, and also invented the magic trick “Card through Glass”, which brought him enormous popularity. Heads falling off the shoulders is also an incredible show for the audience, and Kirill Takayama made sure that people believed him. “Hamburger on the menu” is also one of the most famous stunts that he has performed more than once.

2. Siegfried and Roy

Not everyone likes to play with cats. And in this case we are talking about more big cats- tigers. But Roy is definitely different. His love for tigers and Siegfried's love for the magic of illusory tricks brought these two guys together. The result was an incredible couple who remained in the industry for over 50 years and most time surprised the audience with her magnificent stunts and tricks involving a tiger. Unfortunately, one day at a show in live in 2003, Roy was bitten by a tiger, and this was where their career together had to stop for several reasons. But their show and all these tricks, magic illusion, certainly make these famous magicians popular all over the world.

3. Penn and Teller

The duo of Penn Jillette and Raymond Teller rose to fame in the 1980s when they began wowing people with their stunts. It's a mixture of comedy and amazing illusion. This famous magician duo is known for performing dangerous magic acts with a comedic twist. They performed on many television shows and described all their tricks in many books. Penn was the narrator in the duet, and Teller remained silent almost every time and endured being subjected to “violence” in productions.

4. Doug Henning

This man was probably the best magician, illusionist and trickster of his time. The crowd's reaction when he performed for the first time at a birthday party at the age of 14 made him dive headfirst into the industry and he has never looked back. Doug began working as a party entertainer and continued to entertain big companies with their shows and performances.

5. Lance Barton

Lance Barton is the name that comes to mind when one talks about displaying amazing skill and precision while performing magic tricks and incredible illusions. Having performed on many of his own television shows, as well as The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, Lance has won a number of magic-related competitions, including the Grand Prix, and has also won the "Wizard of the Year" award once.

6. David Blaine

Have you ever tried holding your breath for a minute or two? Sounds crazy and almost impossible, doesn't it? Well, for this man, a street performer known for his skills and incredible endurance skills, holding his breath for a long time is a piece of cake. After he performed an incredible feat of holding his breath for a full 17 minutes, his name was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2008. Vertigo, Buried Alive, the Bullet Catch, Drowned Alive, Frozen in Time - just to name a few of his magnificent tricks.

7. Harry Houdini

If we talk about the great illusory tricks of magicians and do not mention Harry Houdini, this is nothing short of a crime. He is one such illusionist who lives among wizards even after his death. Many of his actions have been guides for magicians for decades. He used his skills to free himself from straitjackets, open locks and handcuffs. His most famous tricks were: "Metamorphosis", "Mirror Image", "Escape from the Box", "Buried Alive" and "Chinese Torture Chamber".

8. Criss Angel

Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos, better known as Criss Angel, was born on December 19, 1967 in New York City. His TV show Criss Angel: Mind freak has reached huge popularity among the youth of this century and he is undoubtedly one of the best magicians to show such incredible illusions that people have ever seen. Some of his famous moves include making a Lamborghini disappear, mid-air walking between two buildings, and surviving an explosion.

9. Dynamo

There may be very few people who have never seen his TV show Dynamo: The Magic of the Impossible. He is one of the most popular magicians, known for his illusionistic tricks. The 33-year-old English magician has impressed people by infuriating them by performing tricks on them on the streets. He turned snow into diamonds, walked along the Thames, swallowed wrist watch, and then took them out of someone else's pocket. Ask him to do anything - and he will do it!

10. David Copperfield

A list of the most famous illusionists of all time would be incomplete without the name of David Copperfield. He is still one of the world's most successful wizards, with 11 Guinness World Records records to go along with 21 Emmy awards. This popular illusionist, known as the "Magician of the Millennium", performed incredible deeds, such as walking along the Great Wall of China and the disappearance of the Statue of Liberty.

Undoubtedly, there are many talented and famous magicians in the world, and to talk about them in one article is not an easy task. But we tried to tell you about the best among the best. These are the ten most gifted and talented illusionists in the world.

The world is full of various wonders of nature; it never ceases to amaze humanity with them. But there are people in the world who, with their incredible abilities, create miracles in front of millions of spectators. Such people are called magicians or illusionists. Not everyone is able to repeat or even understand how a real miracle happens. Here are ten of the greatest and most famous illusionists on our planet.

Gary Houdini (Hungary, USA) (1874-1926)

The greatest illusionist of all time, hundreds of years ahead of his time, was born on March 24, 1874. From an early age he dreamed of becoming a magician and at a fairly young age he was already impressing with his skill in card tricks the small audience who attended the events in which the guy performed. Gary Houdini is a pseudonym adopted at a young age by Erich Weiss. But worldwide fame Houdini received not because of card tricks, but because of his excellent physical fitness, thanks to which he performed great amount tricks, most of them have not lost their relevance and attractiveness for viewers in our time.

Houdini performed tricks in which he was chained and thrown from a bridge, buried underground in a wooden box, without any supply of air, and the illusionist emerged from these difficult situations with a smile on his face. He was imprisoned in the most secure prisons and cells in the world, but he literally got out of captivity in a matter of minutes, bound and lowered into vessels completely filled with water upside down, where he had a maximum of 2-3 minutes to save himself from death. This is only a hundredth part of his unique performances shown in different points globe. There is a legend that Houdini was a member of the powerful order of Freemasons, who have ruled the world for thousands of years. Gary was an extraordinary person who discovered many secrets of various magicians and illusionists. Most of his performances before today not completely solved. Houdini died almost a hundred years ago, but his phenomenon is not fully understood today.

David Copperfield (USA)

On September 16, 1956, our world first met David Kotkin, known to us as David Copperfield. Like most famous illusionists, the world of magic and stunts attracted him from early childhood. He started with card tricks and gradually developed his skills in the difficult business of illusion and magic. His participation in television shows that were broadcast all over the world helped him gain worldwide fame. In them he showed his extraordinary abilities. Copperfield was the first to decide not just to show tricks and performances; in his performances, as a prop, so to speak, he used the property of the entire Chinese people, the Great Chinese wall, through which he passed, flew above the ground, fell from Niagara Falls, thanks to his abilities, the Statue of Liberty temporarily disappeared from its place. David still surprises with his new ideas.

Uri Geller (Israel)

Geller became famous all over the world thanks to his participation in various television shows and tours in which he traveled all over the world. His main achievement in the art of magic and illusion will forever remain his work in England, where he managed to temporarily stop the most famous watches in the kingdom and world of Big Ben. Geller also easily bent metal objects and could tell what was shown in the picture without seeing it. Today, the 68-year-old Israeli stopped performing concerts.

Criss Angel (USA)

The multifaceted talent was born in December 1967. Angel is famous not only as a great illusionist, but also boasts an excellent career as a musician. The world of the unknown attracted Chris, like many other magicians, to card tricks as a child. He earned his fame in the world of illusion thanks to flying above the ground, walking over the pool in which people relax and swim. Participant in a series of television programs about magic, his talent as an illusionist was recognized as the best in the world six times. He wrote a book in which he revealed some of the secrets of his ideas and tricks.

Lance Barton (USA)

The popular magician was born on March 10, 1960. He has been taking part in magic shows since a young age. When he was 5 years old, he took part as an assistant in one performance, after which his fate was sealed and forever associated with an illusion. He performs in Las Vegas with his program, which he spares no expense in staging. But his best trick, according to many, is the one in which he, standing in the middle of the street, seemed to pull out pigeons and other objects out of nowhere, surprising everyone around him. Barton demonstrated his skills in front of Ronald Reagan and Elizabeth II. A theater was built especially for his show, where Lance Barton works his magic.

Harry Blackstone (USA) (1885-1965)

One of the pioneers in the modern world of illusion was born on September 27, 1885. His creations and tricks are still used today. It was Blackstone who first invented and carried out sawing the assistant with a saw. The pinnacle of his show is the trick with the appearance of a huge number of flowers on stage and in the auditorium. And of course, a performance with a simple light bulb that flew above the stage and could light up without outside help or any wires connected to it. Harry Blackstone passed away in 1965, but some of his tricks are still performed by modern magicians.

These two American magicians combined illusion and a huge amount of humor and jokes in their shows. Their most famous trick is shooting and catching a bullet with their teeth, which they have performed many times on stages all over the world. This trick was business card a duet of merry fellows and their performance is fine-tuned to the smallest detail. Gillette and Teller are also known for their performances in various television shows, not only as magicians but also as comedians.

David Werner (Canada) (1894-1992)

The “Professor” and teacher of most of today’s magicians and illusionists was born on June 11, 1894. His contribution to the development modern world illusions are difficult to overestimate. But his main achievement in life is considered to be his victory over Gary Houdini himself, who was never able to solve Werner’s “Ambitious Cards” trick. Werner is probably the best card magician in history, he continued to improve his skills until last days own life. He lived a long and exciting life and died on August 21, 1992 at the ripe old age of 98.

One cannot ignore the talent of the magnificent woman Ning, who will present better half humanity in this list of the best magicians and illusionists on the planet. She demonstrates her skills, all over the world, getting rid of all kinds of fastenings and shackles that fettered her body. Holder of the world record for performing more than ten grandiose stunts in a row against time.

David Blaine (USA)

Modern magician and illusionist David Blaine began his career literally on the street. Over time, he developed his talent to become one of the best illusionists of our time. The most famous and resonant tricks performed by him are being on a column 22 meters high for 35 hours in a row, spending 44 days in captivity in a box without food above the Thames and freezing his own body in a glacier.