Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Skin care Layers of the skin: 1. External - epidermis 2. Internal - dermis Skin is the outer covering of our body. Nails and hair are derivatives of the skin. Together they form an integumentary system that protects the body from external influences. The skin also helps the body maintain a constant temperature and excrete waste. Our skin also produces vitamin D and helps the body collect information about the external environment. Human skin is the outer covering that protects the body from various influences of the external environment.

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Skin structure Touch receptors Sebaceous glands Sweat glands Muscles that regulate hair movement Hair plexuses - groups of nerve fiber endings. Baroreceptors Pain receptors

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The main functions of the skin: 1. Protection from external influences 2. Regulation of heat generation and heat transfer 3. Suction 4. Breathing 5. Strength 6. Elasticity The condition of the skin is affected by working conditions and climatic influences. The skin is closely connected with the vital functions of the whole organism. Important properties of the skin include its strength and elasticity, which changes with age. The properties of the skin and the functions it performs must be taken into account when using various cosmetics.

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Facial skin care. Depending on age, the state of the body, the influence of external conditions, the skin can be different, therefore, care for it should be individual and it comes down mainly to three points: cleansing nutrition protection Skin care involves carrying out certain procedures in the morning and before bed. It is good to wash your face in the morning with boiled water at room temperature or wipe your face with an ice cube, which makes it resistant to various external irritants. It is best to wash your skin with herbal infusions.

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Skin types Based on the degree of sebum secretion, skin is usually divided into normal, dry and oily. Normal skin requires less careful care than dry or oily skin. Morning washing tones not only the skin, but also the entire body, gives vigor and increases productivity. Cold water refreshes and strengthens the skin. Hot water cleanses the skin well. You should wash your face with water at room temperature or alternately pour hot and cold water over your face. After washing, you need to wipe your skin dry. It is recommended to apply emollient creams to the face. Oily skin is characterized by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Excess sebum expands the mouths of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, clogs them, as a result of which black comedones often form. The pores may be enlarged. Oily skin is thicker and rougher. For oily skin, it is recommended to wash your face daily with warm, but not hot, water and toilet soap. If you have excessively oily skin, you should wash your face twice a day. To wipe oily skin, lotions should be used. Dry skin is thinner, smoother, more delicate. It is easily irritated by the sun, wind, frost, water, and soap. At a young age, caring for dry skin comes down to cleansing it of dirt and softening it with liquid cream. It is not advisable to use nourishing fatty creams before the age of 25. If the skin does not tolerate soap (a feeling of tightness, redness, peeling appears), then in this case washing with soap should be stopped. If water also causes irritation, then it needs to be softened (1/2 glass of milk or a pinch of baking soda per 1 liter of water). To protect the skin from sun rays, it is recommended to wear hats with large brims, light-colored scarves, and dark glasses. Before going outside, lubricate your face with one of the creams that protect your skin from the sun's rays.

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Hand skin care. It is recommended to wash your hands with water and toilet soap, and not with laundry soap, since the alkali contained in it can cause skin irritation. Hands should be thoroughly dried with a soft towel and, if necessary, lubricated with any softening cream or special hand cream. In the cold season, you should protect your hands with gloves and mittens. To reduce sweating of the skin of your hands, you need to add ammonia to the washing water (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Hands must be kept clean and tidy. Well-groomed hands will pleasantly complement a person’s appearance. Chicks and warts, which cause teenagers a lot of grief, are diseases of unkempt hands.

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Nail care Nails help us sense objects and protect sensitive fingertips. Nails, like hair, are mainly composed of keratin. Nail care should be regular. Dirt containing microbes accumulates under the free edge of the nail. In addition, it is extremely unaesthetic. Therefore, when washing your hands, you need to thoroughly clean your nails with a special brush. Remember that you need to wash your hands not only before eating, but also when they become dirty. The habit of biting your nails also makes an unpleasant impression. This also leads to weakening, splitting of the nails, and the entry of microbes into the stomach. As they grow, nails should be cut (short for men), using rounded scissors. Nails are trimmed so that the free edge is rounded (on the hands) and straight (on the feet). It is also necessary to move the skin ridges (cuticle) at the root of the nails. For women, manicure (from the Latin “hand” and “to take care”) occupies a special place in nail care. This is not only giving the nails a beautiful shape, but also pulling and cutting the nail skin, polishing or varnishing the nails. It is recommended to do a manicure every 7-10 days.

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Manicure operations are performed in the following sequence: Remove remaining dirt and old varnish from the nails using a special liquid. Too long nails are shortened with a file to the desired size. After filing the edges of the nails, place the fingers of both hands in a bath of soapy water or a solution of baking soda (1 tsp per glass of water). After 3-4 minutes, wipe your hand with a napkin, lubricate the nail folds with cream or special oil and carefully remove the nail skin from the nail hole with a blunt spatula. Overgrown nail skin along the edges of the nail is cut off with scissors or tweezers. Fingers are rinsed with water with the addition of citric or acetic acid, and wiped thoroughly with a soft cloth.

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Hair care. The best decoration for a girl is beautiful and well-groomed hair. Hair types Dry hair is a lack of moisture in the hair shaft and oil on the scalp, such hair is brittle and fragile. Normal hair is flexible, shiny, rarely breaks, and does not split. Good care of normal hair helps maintain the necessary oil and moisture content. Oily hair – quickly becomes covered with sebum and easily sticks together. Such hair requires more thorough washing.

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Hair washing is a basic hair care product. You should wash your hair with warm water. You can soften the water by adding baking soda to it (1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Hair should be washed as soon as it becomes dirty.

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How to wash your hair. Hair is washed 1-2 times a week. Long hair is washed less often, since frequent washing degreases it and it becomes dry and brittle. Short hair can be washed more often. Before washing, hair should be carefully combed with a comb or brush. Next, moisten your hair with warm water and apply shampoo to the entire surface of your hair using light circular movements and gently rub it into the roots of your hair, as dirt accumulates at the roots. When washing, you should carefully massage the scalp with your fingertips, especially if you use shampoos containing extracts of medicinal herbs. You must rinse off the shampoo very thoroughly, without leaving a single drop of it. After washing, the hair is dried with a terry towel and at a moderate temperature in the open air. Wet hair is fragile and breaks easily, so combing it wet is not recommended.

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How to comb your hair. Hair needs to be combed every day. The greatest importance is combing during the morning toilet. In the evening, combing your hair in all directions for 4-5 minutes is very useful. If you have long hair, combing should begin from the ends, carefully, without rough pulling. Short hair is combed from the roots. To care for your hair, you need to have brushes and combs (combs). Brushes help detangle your hair and smooth it. The movement of the brush from roots to ends removes dead skin cells and dirt. Brushing is a kind of massage; it stimulates blood circulation in the hair roots, promoting healthy growth.

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Helpful Hints For washing normal, healthy hair, it is best to use shampoo for the appropriate hair. It is not recommended to wash your hair with laundry soap. Vinegar or lemon juice added during the final rinse of hair (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) gives it shine, softness and silkiness. For dry hair, you can use curdled milk or yolk. You need to generously lubricate your scalp and hair with curdled milk, tie your head with a scarf and after 5-10 minutes rinse thoroughly with hot water, pour 1-2 yolks (carefully separated from the white) into a basin with a small amount of water, beat and rinse your hair, then rinse your hair with hot water. water. The best way to dry your hair after washing is by drying it with a soft towel. It is not recommended to tie your head. It is good to lubricate dry hair with any vegetable oil, castor or burdock, several hours before washing. Oily hair is washed more often. You can rinse with chamomile decoction

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Hair cutting is used for hygienic and aesthetic purposes, but not to improve hair growth. Shaving your head also does not strengthen your hair. Wearing heavy and tight hats and wearing wigs every day puts pressure on the skin and at the same time makes it difficult for air to reach the hair, which aggravates the process of hair loss. Unfavorable factors - Under the influence of the sun, wind, sea water, dust, hair becomes dull, dry, and brittle. - Cold also negatively affects the condition of hair, so in the cold season you should definitely wear a hat. - When working in dusty conditions, your hair should be covered with a scarf. - Strong pulling, twisting of hair, as well as tight braiding can lead to brittle hair and hair loss.

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Review questions. What functions does the skin perform? What are the three main stages of skin care that you know? What types of skin are there? Tell us about the rules for caring for normal, dry and oily skin. Hand skin care rules. Nail care rules. Homework. 1. Find and write recipes for medicinal baths and masks for hand skin care. 2. Perform one of them at home. 3. Determine your skin type.

  • Class
  • Hand skin care
  • Our hands work for us from morning to evening.
  • Without proper care, the skin on your hands ages faster than the skin on other parts of your body.
  • And just yesterday, such delicate palms became dry and rough, and dark pigment spots and small networks of wrinkles that appeared from nowhere, treacherously betray our age to those around us.
  • beauty- This is first and foremost health. A healthy lifestyle, compliance with hygiene standards, and body care strengthen human health, and therefore give beauty.
  • Hand care is not only an aesthetic requirement, it is a necessity. If you don’t take care of your hands, the skin on them dries out under the influence of water, household products, wind and sun, and cracks appear on it, through which dirt and germs can penetrate.
  • Well-groomed hands pleasantly complement a person’s appearance.
How to properly care for your hands:
  • How to properly care for your hands:
  • It is better to wash your hands with water at room temperature. Cold water makes the skin of your hands peel off and become hard, while hot water degreases the skin, making it dry and rough.
  • Lubricate the skin of your hands with cream every day. You can use both creams sold in stores and those you prepare yourself.
  • It is best to use toilet soap to wash your hands; Laundry detergent dries, degreases the skin and causes it to peel.
  • Before working in the garden, scrub your nails with soap. After finishing work, clean your nails of soap and they will remain clean.
  • First of all, hands need to be protected from harmful external influences.
  • Many jobs are still best done with gloves. Before putting on gloves, hands are thoroughly washed, dried well and sprinkled with talcum powder or starch. After finishing work, the gloves are washed outside and inside, dried and sprinkled with talcum powder or starch on both sides. Hands are washed in water and dried thoroughly.
  • Before doing housework, instead of gloves, you can lubricate your hands with cream. After use, wash off the cream with warm water and soap.
  • Hand care steps
  • Cleansing - removing external impurities from the surface of the skin. To do this, just wash your hands with soap or pamper them with a warm bath with soap and soda.
  • Exfoliation allows you to remove dead cells of the stratum corneum, which improves the penetration of active substances into the skin during subsequent procedures. For exfoliation, a scrub (peeling) is used during a bath or after a special hand bath.
  • Massage enhances lymph and blood circulation, relieves muscle and ligament tension. It actively affects the receptors that the skin of the hands is rich in. Classic massage is used in the form of stroking and rubbing, as well as acupressure. To perform a massage, use hand cream or any massage oils.
  • Masks soften and nourish the skin of the hands, enhance its protective properties, and stimulate regeneration (restoration) processes. Moisturize, nourish and protect with hand cream. Creams include various components and additives that create a protective film. Gymnastics - gymnastic exercises are designed to relieve tension and fatigue that have accumulated in the hands during the day. In addition, monotonous work, when the hands are constantly in one position, can cause their deformation. Therefore, gymnastic movements should be the opposite of what we perform during the day
  • In order to keep the skin of your hands soft, elastic, and beautiful, systematic daily care is required. Special cosmetics are used for this purpose..
  • "HAND CREAM"- liquid cream designed to soften the skin of the hands. Easily absorbed, quickly eliminates the feeling of dryness without leaving a greasy film on the skin; It is convenient to use when working with household chemicals.
  • "PEACH CREAM"- (liquid) - an effective product for nourishing and softening the skin of the hands. The cream contains vegetable oils, mainly olive, lanolin, glycerin, vitamin A. The cream softens the skin of the elbows well and promotes the healing of cracks. It is recommended to take after working with solvents, detergents, and also after housework.
  • CREAM “VELOR” Designed to soften and nourish the skin of the hands. Contains high-quality fat components, glycerin, vitamin F, menthol. Chamomile extract, which is part of the cream, has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes rapid healing of small cracks. The cream has a soft consistency, is easily applied to the surface of the skin, and pleasantly cools it. With constant use of the cream, the skin of your hands becomes soft and elastic.
  • SILICONE CREAM. Designed to protect the skin of the hands from the harmful effects of aqueous solutions of salts, acids, and alkalis. As the name suggests, it contains compounds that form a water-repellent film on your hands. The cream softens the skin of the hands well. Before work, your hands should be lubricated with a thin layer of cream. The cream is reapplied as needed.
  • The most important condition that must be observed is to keep your hands clean at all times, since the slightest contamination will damage the skin. Chicks and warts, which cause teenagers a lot of grief, are diseases of unkempt hands.
  • Clean skin has the ability to kill germs thanks to the enzyme it secretes - lysozyme.
  • The chemical composition of the nail plate includes: protein substance keratin, rich in amino acids, water (about 14%); lipids that give the nail elasticity; calcium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.
  • Complete renewal of the nail plate occurs in about one hundred days.
  • In order to properly care for your nails, you should know their structure.
  • Nail include
  • nail plate(1),
  • nail matrix(4),
  • nail bed(5),
  • nail folds(posterior(3)
  • and lateral), nail skin(2),
  • nail fissure (6).
  • At the nail plate there are
  • nail body(7),
  • free edge(8),
  • hole (9).
  • It should be remembered that well-groomed hands pleasantly complement a person’s appearance.
  • Dirty nails are not aesthetically pleasing.
  • Of all the parts, hands and nails are the most susceptible to contamination.
  • Dirt accumulates under the edge of the nail, containing many microorganisms that can cause various diseases. Therefore, when washing your hands, you need to thoroughly clean your nails with a special brush.
  • Nail growth is continuous. Nails must be trimmed regularly as they grow, so that the free edge is rounded (on the hands) and straight (on the feet).
  • If you look at the nails under high magnification (10,000 times), you will see the channels through which moisture and fat circulate. Moisture gives nails flexibility and prevents them from breaking, and fat softens the blows.
  • NORMAL NAILS: grow well, do not break, the surface of the nail is smooth.
  • SOFT NAILS: grow poorly, break easily and appear thin. The structure of the nail has an imbalance between moisture and fat.
  • HARD NAILS: Lack of flexibility makes them brittle and often cracks.
  • NORMAL NAILS: What do you need? Use a base coat that protects your nails from the aggressive components of the polish.
  • SOFT NAILS: What do you need? Nail and cuticle oil needs to be rubbed into the base of the nail (the so-called trix), it will deliver the necessary nutrients and the nails will become stronger, but not instantly. And also use products for peeling nails.
  • HARD NAILS: What do you need? File when wet, do not cut with scissors and constantly moisturize the cuticle, skin and nail matrix.
  • Vitamin A – strengthens nails, found in liver, butter, fresh herbs, carrots and tomatoes.
  • Vitamin B - promotes nail growth, found in sprouted wheat grains, brewer's yeast, egg yolk and cabbage.
  • Calcium is necessary for strong nails and is found in dairy products.
  • Silicon is needed for the elasticity of nails and is found in various vegetables.
  • Iron is important for the structure and shape of the nail and is contained in Antonovka.
  • Sulfur inhibits inflammatory processes and is necessary for nail formation; it is found in cabbage, cucumbers and onions.
  • Problems with nails are one of the first signs that the body is lacking important elements.
  • As a result of prolonged exposure to water, alkalis, and acids, nails are destroyed, brittle and brittle.
  • Baths of heated olive oil, to which a few drops of lemon juice are added, have a strengthening effect on the nails.
  • Nails grow faster and become stronger when strengthened with gelatin.
  • If your nails have become thin and brittle due to a lack of calcium in the body, eat more dairy products, in particular cottage cheese.
  • It is useful to rub table vinegar, lemon juice, cranberry juice, red and black currant juice into the nail plate. By the way, lemon juice not only strengthens your nails, but also brightens them.
  • Peeling nails are a problem familiar to many. Salt baths are useful to strengthen them. All you need is permanent sea or ocean salt without aromatic additives.
  • This is not only giving the nails a beautiful shape, but also pulling and cutting the nail skin, polishing or varnishing the nails.
  • It is recommended to do a manicure once every 7-10 days.
  • To add shine and tint to the nails, they are coated with MANICURE POLISH.
  • The varnish can be colorless or painted in a wide variety of colors. Basic requirements for modern varnishes: varnishes should dry as quickly as possible, give a smooth shiny film, sufficiently strong and elastic, resistant to light, detergents and rinsing agents.
  • Of all the parts, the hands and feet are the most susceptible to contamination. Beneath them there are many microorganisms that can cause various diseases.
  • Nail diseases are divided into six groups:
  • nail lesions due to skin diseases;
  • nail damage due to nervous, endocrine and other diseases of the body;
  • traumatic lesions of the nails;
  • nail neoplasm;
  • congenital and hereditary nail damage.
  • The most common types of nail dystrophy are different. It can be a manifestation of a disease in the body, the result of injury, fungal infections, etc.
  • Atrophy of the nail plate - disturbances in the normal development of the nail (changes in shape, color, surface, appearance of cracks, grooves, depressions, etc.)
  • Transverse groove of the nail is formed as a result of injury to the nail fold, damage to the nail skin during manicure, or as a result of a previous panaritium. Furrows can appear on all fingers immediately 1-2 weeks after suffering from infectious, nervous and other diseases.
  • Longitudinal grooves (lines) It also happens to healthy people. Their depth and number may increase with age.
  • Separating the nail from the bed- the result of frequent injuries during manicure, the use of varnishes for certain skin diseases (for example, psoriasis), as well as endocrine and fungal ones.
  • Take care of your hands
  • The main condition for healthy skin of hands and nails is keeping them clean.
  • Teacher organizer - Danilochkina L.A.
  • Hand care
  • and nails
Talk about the need to keep your hands clean and tidy;
  • Talk about the need to keep your hands clean and tidy;
  • About proper hand skin care;
  • Familiarize yourself with the structure of the nail;
  • Introduce the rules of massage and teach how to do it;
  • Learn how to perform hygienic manicure.
  • Hand and nail care
A woman's age is revealed by her neck and arms. The skin on your hands suffers from temperature changes and insecurity much more than your cheeks covered with protective and foundation creams.
  • A woman's age is revealed by her neck and arms. The skin on your hands suffers from temperature changes and insecurity much more than your cheeks covered with protective and foundation creams.
  • It was not for nothing that our great-grandmothers wore thin gloves in spring and autumn - they protected the skin of their hands, prolonging its youth.
  • Essential daily hand care product
  • - creams. It is better to buy two types -
  • moisturizing and nourishing. First
  • can be used throughout the day, after
  • every time you wash your hands or as needed
  • bridges; nourishing cream applied to hands
  • before going outside and before going to bed.
  • Hand and nail care
Constant injuries to the cuticle lead to its roughening, which in turn tightens the skin on the fingers, bringing it closer to aging. An infection close to the nail bed can cause nail deformation. Constant use of seasonal hand creams, massage and special baths will help delay the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Constant injuries to the cuticle lead to its roughening, which in turn tightens the skin on the fingers, bringing it closer to aging. An infection close to the nail bed can cause nail deformation. Constant use of seasonal hand creams, massage and special baths will help delay the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Constant extension or use of false nails can provoke (if improper care and absence of intervals between wearing artificial nails) fungal diseases. Irregular hand hygiene, lack of care, strict diets, low levels of vitamins and microelements in the diet, chlorinated water, smoking and the habit of biting nails and rough cuticles will work against you.
  • Hand and nail care
The main problems of hand skin are redness, sweating, cracks, dryness, age spots, calluses and warts.
  • The main problems of hand skin are redness, sweating, cracks, dryness, age spots, calluses and warts.
  • Sweaty hands are the worst enemy of romantic couples before a first date and an annoying nuisance for everyone else. An effective way is baths with vinegar or table salt.
  • Finally, the red skin of the hands does not decorate a young girl. A common method is contrast baths. Prepare two large vessels with hot and cold water and alternately dip your hands in them for ten minutes. Finish with a cold water bath. But remember that redness of the hands is, as a rule, a circulatory disorder that appears with problems with the heart and blood vessels. So it may be worth looking for the cause of the problem with a good therapist or cardiologist.
  • Hand and nail care
According to expert research, nails are
  • According to expert research, nails are
  • structure - twin brothers of our hair. Nail plates
  • also consist of several layers of dead keratin cells and
  • grow from a living root. Healthy nails are smooth, shiny, and
  • unhealthy ones flake, fade and often break. To
  • To keep your nails in excellent shape, they need to be cleaned regularly and
  • supply.
  • Nail structure
infectious (fungal);
  • infectious (fungal);
  • onychia (various lesions
  • nails) and paronychia
  • (damages of the nail folds)
  • for skin diseases;
  • nail damage due to nervous, endocrine and other diseases of the body;
  • Nail diseases
traumatic and occupational injuries
  • traumatic and occupational injuries
  • nails;
  • nail neoplasms;
  • congenital and
  • hereditary
  • nail damage.
  • Nail diseases
Nail include
  • Nail include
  • - nail plate 1,
  • - nail matrix 4,
  • - nail bed 5,
  • - nail folds (back 3 and lateral),
  • - nail skin 2,
  • - nail gap 6.
  • Nail structure
At the nail plate there are
  • At the nail plate there are
  • nail body 1, free edge 2,
  • hole 3.
  • Nail structure
Nail growth is continuous.
  • Nail growth is continuous.
  • The chemical composition of the nail plate includes:
  • protein substance keratin, rich in amino acids;
  • water (about 14%);
  • lipids that give the nail elasticity;
  • calcium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.
  • Complete renewal of the nail plate occurs in about 100 days.
  • Nail growth
Massage is a set of techniques of mechanical influence on the human body. It has a tonic effect on the skin, underlying tissues, nerves, blood vessels, and enhances skin respiration and metabolic processes.
  • Massage is a set of techniques of mechanical influence on the human body. It has a tonic effect on the skin, underlying tissues, nerves, blood vessels, and enhances skin respiration and metabolic processes.
  • Massage of arms and hands
  • Hand massage
  • Performing a hand massage on a “client”
  • Practical work
  • Manicure - translated from Latin - care for hands.
  • This is not only giving the nails a beautiful shape, but also pulling and cutting the nail skin, polishing or varnishing the nails.
  • It is recommended to do a manicure once every 7-10 days.
  • Manicure
Tools and devices for hygienic manicure
  • 1. Files with large and small notches.
  • 2. A spoon for lifting the cuticle at the base of the nail.
  • 3. A spatula for separating the skin from the nail plate.
  • 4. Brush.
  • 5. Large and small forceps.
  • 6. Scissors with straight blades and curved blades.
  • 7. Brushes.
  • Tools and accessories
  • for hygienic manicure
1. Remove any remaining old polish from your nails
  • 1. Remove any remaining old polish from your nails
  • 2. Shorten nails that are too long with a metal file.
  • 3. Place the fingers of both hands in a bath of soapy water or a solution of baking soda
  • 4. Using a blunt spatula, carefully push the nail skin away from the nail hole.
  • Manicure technique
5. Cut off the peeled nail skin with rounded nail scissors.
  • 5. Cut off the peeled nail skin with rounded nail scissors.
  • 6. Trim the side edges of the nail with tweezers.
  • 7. Cut off the overgrown skin along the edges of the nail.
  • 8. Rinse your fingers with water.
  • 9. File your nails a second time
  • Manicure technique
1. You need to apply the varnish quickly, with light, confident movements.
  • 1. You need to apply the varnish quickly, with light, confident movements.
  • 2. Apply a sufficient amount of varnish to the brush.
  • 3. Excess varnish on the brush is not allowed.
  • 4. The varnish should dry naturally
  • 5. Remove all traces of varnish on the leather
  • Varnish not only decorates
  • nails, but also protects
  • them from exposure
  • unfavorable external factors.
  • Rules for applying varnish
  • Applying varnish to a “client”
  • Practical work
Magazine “School and Production” No. 4 2001
  • Magazine “School and Production” No. 4 2001
  • book.php
  • Sources

Slide 1

Beauty and health. Care for hair, skin, hands, nails.

Lesson-lecture in 7th grade.

Slide 2

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To familiarize students with skin types, hair types, and how to care for them; cultivate neatness and respect for your body.

Slide 4

Hair care Methods of hair treatment Hand skin care Methods of treating hand skin diseases Nail care Methods of nail treatment Facial skin care Skin diseases Profession cosmetologist Internet resources

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Slide 6

Hair is the decoration of any person, and in order for it to look good, it must be taken care of. To preserve your hair, you need to know what it is. Hair is 3% moisture and 97% protein. Protein substance - keratin, enriched with sulfur, microelements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese) and vitamins A, B, P, C, D.

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Hair properties

For humans, hair plays a big role. Firstly, they are a wonderful decoration that allows you to emphasize your charm and hide flaws. Secondly, they perform a number of important functions. Hair protects the head from overheating and hypothermia. Vellus hair is involved in the sense of touch, eyelashes protect the eyes, and hair in the nose and ears traps dust.

Slide 9

The structure of the hair shows that its growth, condition and appearance depend on the condition of its papilla, which is the source of its nutrition and development. And also from the vital activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands of the scalp (as they maintain the softness and elasticity of the hair shaft). The functions of the papilla, sebaceous and sweat glands are regulated mainly by the nervous and endocrine systems of the body.

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Hair diseases

Internal External

skin diseases; intoxication of the body; postoperative period; drug allergies; irradiation, etc.

hair coloring; use of tight hats; constant friction against any object; various injuries; improper care.

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"cluster" baldness

dry hair

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Thus, hair can be divided into three groups:

1) dry type hair - thin, dull, brittle, easily torn, split, after washing, fine dry dandruff appears after washing 1-2 days; 2) oily type hair - greasy, sticky, with an unpleasant odor, with greasy dandruff; 3) hair of normal type - strong, elastic, with a beautiful natural shine. They occur mainly in young, practically healthy people.

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Before you start treating dry hair, buy the right shampoo and conditioner for dry hair. And try not to wash your hair for 3-4 days. Discourage yourself from rinsing shampoo with hot water. Try to rinse your hair after washing with cold water and vinegar, lemon juice or nettle infusion. The most effective remedy for strengthening hair, enhancing its growth and making it soft is burdock oil. It contains a storehouse of vitamins, fatty acids, and tannins that literally “revitalize” even the most unruly and dry hair.

Dry hair

Slide 17

Before washing your hair, pour heated burdock oil mixed with olive oil (or any other) into a plastic cup 30-40 minutes before washing your hair. Apply the mixture to the ends of your hair and cover your head with a rubber cap and towel. After an hour, we go wash our hair as usual. After washing, your hair will become much softer and simply shiny! If you complain of dryness, it is not recommended to rub your hair with a towel or dry it with a hot hairdryer. Use cold air or dry your hair naturally.

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Options for masks at home for dry hair:

1. Mix one teaspoon each of vinegar and glycerin with two tablespoons of castor oil and one egg yolk. 2. Mix the egg yolk with one tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil. Add a teaspoon of honey, henna and cognac to the mixture. 3. A nourishing mask for dry hair, consisting of 3 tablespoons of arnica tincture (sold in pharmacies), two yolks, two tablespoons of burdock oil, one teaspoon of honey and two chopped garlic cloves, has a good effect. 4. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix it with two tablespoons of olive oil. In general, olive oil is used not only for the care of dry hair, it is also often used in various facial care products. In the Homemade Face Masks section of our website you will find excellent recipes for olive face masks. 5. Grind 1-2 egg yolks, depending on the length of your hair, and mix them with one tablespoon of castor oil.

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For the care and treatment of oily hair, use only proven folk remedies. Before washing oily hair, it is useful to lubricate it with kefir or yogurt and tie it with a towel for 15-20 minutes. Instead of soap, you can take dry mustard by dissolving 1 tablespoon of it in 2 liters of water. Before washing oily hair, it is useful to do the following procedure: mix 2 tablespoons of onion juice with 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The resulting composition is evenly rubbed into the hair roots, spreading them in rows. Then wrap your head for 30-40 minutes, first with a plastic scarf, and on top with a terry towel. Also for oily hair, onion tincture with vodka is recommended. Cut 1 onion in half, add 50 ml of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. The finished tincture is rubbed into the scalp using pressing massage movements. The smell of onions is destroyed by washing your hair in mustard. Excessive greasiness in the hair can be eliminated by washing your hair in a decoction of oak bark (3 tablespoons of oak bark, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes). The cooled and strained broth is used as washing water. This procedure must be repeated every 3 days for several weeks.

Greasy hair

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Beautiful and healthy hair always attracts attention and makes a woman feel seductive and irresistible. Often, gorgeous hair is not a gift from nature, but the result of proper and regular hair care. Even the most amazing hair can look dull and lifeless if it is not cared for or cared for correctly.

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It is the hands that most often reveal a person’s true age. Intensive contact with water and detergents is very unfavorable for good, well-groomed hands, since soap solutions wash out fat and moisture-forming substances from them. The sun, dry air, and frost lead to premature aging and the formation of “age spots.”

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It is advisable to carry out a course of masks for a week. Grind 2 potatoes into a liquid puree, add a few drops of glycerin and lemon juice and dip your hands in this mixture for 10-15 minutes. Course - 1 week, daily. Olive oil - 1/4 cup, tea tree oil - 1/4 teaspoon. This composition will soothe irritated hand skin.

For rough, red hands

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For goose bumps, daily treatments are recommended, morning and evening for several days. To do this, take a natural hair brush, lather it generously (you can use shaving cream or soap cream) and thoroughly wipe your hands, rinse and lubricate with cream. For the same purposes, you can use a scrub bought in a store. For rough skin on your elbows, after a shower, massage the skin on your elbows daily with a washcloth, and then lubricate with cream; you can rub salt with cream; You can make a bath for your elbows with warm olive oil, then treat the skin with a hair brush and scrub.

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Wet hands are definitely a nuisance and need to be dealt with vigorously. Three times a day after washing, you should wipe your hands with a mixture of vodka and lemon juice (1 part juice, 5 parts vodka). However, these measures may not help, since dampness can be caused by excessive nervousness, improper metabolism and other reasons.

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You can learn a lot about your health from your nails. Nails contain a variety of microelements, such as selenium, calcium, chromium, phosphorus, zinc, etc. All these microelements are very important for the health of our body, but it may happen that the metabolism in the body is disturbed for some reason. These disorders will immediately affect the nails, perhaps this will be the only external manifestation.

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Nail diagnostics

Long lines (longitudinal grooves) on the nails may indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system, an unbalanced diet, the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases (paranasal sinuses, teeth or incipient rheumatism). Transverse grooves on the nails can indicate diseases of the internal organs (kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract).

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Sometimes the nails are excessively protruding and convex. This condition of the nails indicates weakness of the heart and lungs. A concave nail is an indicator of iron deficiency. Pale nail color indicates anemia. Excessive redness of the nails is due to excess red blood cells. Yellowness of the nails indicates a weak liver or hepatitis (in those who do not yellow them with nicotine). Blue nails indicate a weak heart. The cause of the appearance of white stripes on the nails may also be improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, some of the food is not digested.

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Brittle nails Brittle nails are the most common nail defect. The reasons for it may be different. This includes a lack of vitamins A and D in the body, frequent use of harmful substances (washing powder, varnish, acetone, etc.). Treatment of brittle nails: saturation of nails with vitamin D and A; include dishes using gelatin (aspic, marmalade, etc.) in your diet; nail baths: Sunflower oil - 1/4 cup Vitamin A - 5 drops Iodine tincture - 3 drops Course 2 weeks - daily for 20 minutes. It is useful to make baths of sea or table salt once every 2 days.

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Hangnails are small, painful breaks in the skin. They are caused by loss of skin elasticity. The skin cannot withstand tension and bursts. Treatment consists of daily use of a fatty cream. Damage to the skin due to hangnails, injections, or injuries can cause the appearance of a purulent focus in the finger - felon. Treatment of hangnails Steam the skin of your hands in a warm bath, where you first add 5 - 10 drops of essential oils of lemon, bergamot or petit grain. In extreme cases, ordinary vegetable oil will do. Keep your hands there for at least 10 - 15 minutes. Now take special pliers for removing burrs. Under no circumstances pull the hangnail, but carefully bite it with tweezers. If there are no tears on the nail fold, but the skin is quite rough, simply sand it with a file. Be sure to treat small cuts and wounds with any disinfectant.

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Manicure is a cosmetic procedure for treating fingernails and the fingers themselves. Manicures are performed both in beauty salons or beauty salons by qualified specialists, and at home. Pedicure is special care for the toes (for example, removing calluses, polishing nails). In fact, it is an analogue of a manicure for feet.

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Every day, the skin is exposed to various stressful influences. Nothing passes without a trace, and rain, and wind, and temperature changes, and the sun, and the dry air of enclosed spaces, and stress, and overexertion - all this does not pass without leaving a trace on our skin. And now, after only 25-30 years of life, she gradually begins to fade. The initial changes are minor and we don't pay much attention to them. But if you don’t do anything further, then in a couple of years much more attentive care will be needed to restore some of its functions.

All about nails.

Prepared by:

Rudenko O.V.

  • Structure and composition of nails
  • What can changes on the nail plates indicate?
  • Symptoms of vitamin deficiency of nails

Structure and composition of nails:

Nails - These are dense horny plates on the back surface of the ends of the fingers and toes. The basis of the nail plate is keratin - protein (amino acids). Between the layers of keratin are thin layers of fat and water. It is these layers that give the nail plate elasticity and shine. In addition to sulfur, the nail contains other trace elements - calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Their presence makes the nail healthy. The nail bed has a good blood supply. Thanks to this, the nail receives a sufficient amount of “building material”. A new nail grows in 4-6 months. A normal nail plate has a thickness of 0.3 mm. It should be even, smooth, and have a pink shiny color.

Fig.1 Nails are enlarged, convex (like a watch glass) - may be a sign of a respiratory, cardiac or liver chronic disease.

Fig.2 Nails are brittle and thin, concave, spoon-like (koilonychias) - a sign of mineral metabolism disorders, skin problems, anemia, thyroid diseases, this also indicates iron deficiency.

Fig.3 Transverse deepened stripes (Beau’s line) - with a temporary slowdown in the rate of nail growth. And transverse grooves on the nails indicate a poor, unbalanced diet or advanced diseases.

Fig.4 Longitudinal grooves - predisposition to rheumatism, intestinal problems, poor digestion leading to the formation of gas, poor digestion of food, a feeling of general fatigue, irregular menstruation, sexual weakness, depression, nervousness, insomnia, etc.

Fig.5 The absence of a hole on all the nails of the hand means a lack of vitamin B-12, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, and neurosis.

What can changes on the nail plates indicate?

Fig.6 A greatly enlarged hole on all fingernails is a sign of cardiac weakness.

Fig.7 A holey nail is a malfunction of the spleen or pancreas.

Fig.8 The nail is flat, split at the end - characteristic of the presence of worms. In medical terms, this is “helminthic infestation”, “enterobiasis” and so on.

Fig.9 White cross strokes indicate a lack of zinc or calcium.

Fig.10 Red hole - indicates cardiovascular, autoimmune or endocrine problems, rheumatic diseases.

  • Nail pink colors - in a healthy person.
  • Yellow coloring is a sign of liver pathology.
  • Bright red - about erythremia.
  • bluish purple occurs with congenital heart defects.
  • If you have white spots on the nails, then perhaps a disruption of the central nervous system.
  • A yellowish spots on the nails may be signs of brain dysfunction.
  • cyanotic - cardiovascular pathology.
  • Pale nails , flat or curved, with longitudinal grooves - a sign of anemia - anemia, lack of iron and vitamins.
  • White may occur with damage to the adrenal cortex (Addison's disease).
  • Pale pink , transparent - changes in the blood, anemia.
  • Milky white - with cirrhosis of the liver,
  • Black - for thrombosis of the brachial artery and diabetic gangrene.
  • Gray during an attack of malaria.
  • Bluish-white color - you need to see a neurologist and gastroenterologist.
  • Bluish (cyanotic) nails is one of the symptoms of heart or pulmonary failure that occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Often accompanied by shortness of breath and weakness.
  • Bluish or greenish color skin at the base of the thumb - digestive problems

  • if you start to notice brittleness and peeling of nails, then this may be a sign of vitamin deficiency C, D, biotin ;
  • Very thin, weak marigolds indicate a deficiency B, silicon, zinc, iron, copper, iodine or selenium ;
  • too much fragile nail plates also indicate the body's need squirrel ;
  • watch very carefully availability and size white moon at the nail bed. Its large size is a rather serious symptom. In most cases it means lack of minerals such as iron, zinc, folic acid ;
  • many girls notice on their nails vertical or horizontal white stripes. This is a sign iron deficiency in your food products;
  • If nails break a lot or there is no salvation from chronic fungus, then reconsider your first aid kit. Quite often, fungal diseases of the hands are directly related to the use of strong antibiotics. This process will help to stop B vitamins and acidophilus .

  • Calcium is necessary for the full formation and growth of nails. Dairy products, asparagus, all types of cabbage, and spinach are rich in it. Hypovitaminosis is manifested by the fragility of the nail plate.
  • Magnesium helps absorb calcium and B vitamins. Sources include sunflower seeds, cereals, beans, bananas, and peas.
  • Iodine is not involved in the direct formation of the nail plate, but affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. In turn, any disruption of the endocrine system negatively affects every cell of the body. The largest amount of iodine is found in seafood.
  • Fluoride affects the rate of nail growth. It can be obtained along with green tea, seafood, cereals, and walnuts.
  • Zinc improves the appearance of nails. Its deficiency leads to decreased immunity, which can cause fungal diseases. Found in animal products, grains and legumes.
  • Selenium enhances the positive effects of iodine and vitamin E. Rejuvenates the body as a whole, charging it with energy.

Correction of ingrown toenail plate B/S


B/S plates are designed to effectively correct deformed and ingrown nails and as a preventive measure for nails after correction. B/S plates are made of elastic plastic - fiberglass.

You can be a smart person And think about the beauty of nails: ...

A. S. Pushkina