Few couples in Russian show business can boast of a reputation as an ideal union. Against the background of numerous and fleeting romances of their colleagues, the strong couple of Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova stood out. However, in 2013 it became known that the fairy tale had come to an end. Why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce? Read about the details of the relationship and breakup of the stars in our article.

Love from college

Everyone is interested in why Petrenko and Klimova divorced, but let’s dive into the past when the actors’ relationship was just beginning. They met back in their student days. Ekaterina and Igor learned the basics together acting skills at the Shchepkinsky School. At first they were just friends, although they showed mutual sympathy for each other. The young people realized that Cupid's arrow pierced their hearts when they both starred in the film" Best city Earth" in 2003.

Burn all bridges

Igor and Ekaterina were drawn to each other with force majeure, however, both were connected at that time marriage ties. Klimova with school years was married to the current influential businessman Ilya Khoroshilov and raised her daughter Elizaveta. Petrenko was also legal spouse Both heroes of the office romance decided to forget falling in love like a dream and return to normal life.

Having finished working on joint project, they did not meet for a whole year, but the separation was unable to extinguish the feelings that flared up on the set. Petrenko could not get his colleague out of his head even after for a long time I dialed her number with trepidation. At that moment, the actors realized that fate had brought them together. Both left their previous companions and began to live together. Why did Igor Petrenko Klimova get divorced after such a romantic and fateful beginning of the relationship?

Wedding bells

In 2004, the actors divorced previous spouses and played own wedding. The celebration, combined with the New Year celebration, took place exactly on December 31st. Ekaterina and Igor arrived at the registry office late, without even taking the rings. After the momentary painting, they hastily left the wedding palace to get to the festive table.

Klimova’s ex-husband tried to prevent the lovers from legalizing their relationship - He wanted to fix everything, at first charging ex-wife luxurious bouquets, and then switched to almost criminal threats. Nevertheless, Khoroshilov was unable to force Ekaterina and Igor to separate using either carrot or stick. But still, why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce after so many years of serene happiness?

Like Jolly and Pitt

In 2007, the actors became parents. Catherine gave birth to her beloved husband's son, Matvey. A year later, little Korney was born.

They managed to combine the warmth of relationships with active professional employment. Petrenko starred in the films “Driver for Vera” and “Wolfhound”, and also received main role in the film adaptation of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". Klimova played in the films “We are from the Future” and “Antikiller D.K.”, miraculously combining caring for two kids with the filming process. Mutual love inspired the stars to new creative victories. The couple shone at film festivals, inevitably receiving comparisons with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The associations turned out to be true in that both the couple broke up. Why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce?

Alarm Signals

In 2012, Ekaterina and Igor charmed the audience with their appearance at Kinotavr. They willingly took pictures hand in hand, causing emotion to everyone around. However, at other events of the film festival, Klimova spent time without her husband.

In the winter of 2013, photographs of the actress in the arms of the ex-lead singer of the Chelsea group Roman Arkhipov appeared in the tabloids. Journalists unanimously claimed that on the set of the comedy “Love in the City - 3” a spark ran between the musician and Klimova. Be that as it may, it soon became clear that Ekaterina and Igor had not lived together for several months.

Loneliness together

In July 2014, the marriage had no time perfect couple was officially terminated. Why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce? Both ex-spouses have their own version on this matter. In one of the interviews, the journalist asked Igor Petrenko the reason for the breakup. Why did the actor divorce Klimova? Petrenko replied that she played a cruel joke on his personal life successful career. The high demand for the actor led to regular and long-term departures. He rarely saw his children and wife, so his former passion gradually faded away.

Ekaterina Klimova also commented on why she divorced Petrenko. She was not happy with her husband's constant absence from home. Klimova understood that when Igor appeared at home, he preferred solitude on the couch to conversations with his wife. The situation was aggravated by the fact that during the filming of the series “Sherlock Holmes” the actor became addicted to alcohol. He avoided frank conversations, and Klimova’s attempts to start a discussion of pressing problems ended in a quarrel.

In addition, the actress suspected her husband of cheating. Fans pursued Petrenko tirelessly, and the actor, apparently, only enjoyed admiration for his person and flirting directed in his direction. One day, Igor went to St. Petersburg for work, but stopped communicating an hour before the return train departed. Excited, Klimova dialed phone numbers of St. Petersburg hospitals with trembling hands, and eventually found her husband at a restaurant table. Then the actress realized that she and her husband had become strangers to each other forever.

Present tense

On this moment Both Ekaterina and Igor are doing great in their personal lives. Klimova married again in 2015 - to young actor Gellu Meskhi. The difference between Gella and Catherine is eight years, but this does not bother the lovers at all. Soon after the wedding, Klimova gave her new husband a daughter, Bella. She notes that she has no disagreements with her ex-husband. They still communicate about raising their sons.

Petrenko himself also met new love. Igor’s companion was a 24-year-old actress who gave birth to her beloved long-awaited daughter Sofia-Karolina.

Last summer, Ekaterina Klimova officially separated from Igor Petrenko, with whom she had been married for ten years. This decision was not easy for the star. Firstly, eldest daughter An actress from her first marriage, Elizaveta became very attached to Igor over the years. Secondly, the couple had two children together - sons Matvey and Korney. The separation occurred on Klimova’s initiative, but the impetus for this decision was the behavior of her husband, who made her life unbearable. The actress had a presentiment that if she did not step over herself, trouble might happen.

“There was emptiness and uncertainty ahead. The future seemed vague, even savings to rent a house for my large family it was close. But if I had not left then, on an ordinary November day, what would have happened next would have been just some kind of complete tragedy. Trouble could definitely happen to me! I would get sick. Or maybe she would have died... You can’t exist on the edge all the time. It’s exhausting and takes away strength,” admits Ekaterina.

// Photo: Evgeny Rakhmakov/ Starface.ru

Fortunately, Klimova now remembers that period as nightmare. The actress has a completely different life. Next to her is a loving and beloved person, actor Gela Meskhi. On October 2, the couple’s daughter, Bella, was born in one of the capital’s perinatal centers. Ekaterina, all her children and Gela live in his apartment in the center of Moscow. At the beginning of December, the couple celebrated six months since their wedding. The artist is embarrassed by the fact that she often hears reproaches addressed to her regarding such a quick marriage.

“My new marriage, despite the fact that it seems to have dotted all the i’s and received answers to important questions for the public, this very public perceived it ambiguously: they say, somehow she quickly... - says Ekaterina in an interview with the magazine "Caravan of Stories". - Indeed, I didn’t really grieve! Only life is much more voluminous than gossip. And who would it be easier if I sat myself in a puddle, sprinkled ashes on my head and cried for days on end? To me? To my children? That’s unlikely!”

It’s interesting that while Klimova was in a position, gossips they said that her chosen one did not particularly carefully look after his newly-made wife. Some of the couple’s colleagues even publicly stated that they saw Meskhi in women’s society. However, it later turned out that the actor was simply involved in several projects at the same time, which is why he returned home very late. Now the young mother has already begun to go out into the world and plans to return to work soon. And Gela Meskhi and ex-husband Igor Petrenko.

Actor Igor Petrenko for the first time commented on the information about the divorce from his wife Ekaterina Klimova.

In an interview with Heat.ru, he explained that he was very angry when he saw a video of his wife kissing another man on the Internet:

“I was preparing for her arrival from Las Vegas; before that we had not communicated for a long time. I put our apartment in order, bought new furniture, in short, prepared a surprise for her. And then by chance I saw this video on the Internet. To be honest, I wanted to destroy everything around me. Well, that's exactly what I did. It hasn't even fully healed yet. (Rolls up his sleeves and shows the scars on his arms.).”

At the same time, the actor notes that he himself largely contributed to the cooling of relations in his family:

“After filming the film Sherlock Holmes, which lasted almost three-plus years in St. Petersburg, I thought I had gone crazy. I started drinking heavily. Subsequently, when filming ended, I could no longer stop. The last six months have passed as if in a dream. Not only did I appear at home from time to time during these three years - for two or three days and go back, almost did not communicate with the children, but I also behaved simply disgustingly towards Katyukha. I can’t say that I didn’t love or care about her, I was just all about myself. I needed time to recover from this role. I didn’t show up at home for months - Klimova put up with it, I disappeared and turned off the phones for several days - Klimova put up with it, I drank - Klimova put up with it, put up with it, put up with it, put up with it, put up with it... Well, how long can you put up with?!”

Actors Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko, married for seven years, decided not to live together, the media wrote in mid-February.

Before New Year's holidays Ekaterina rented a house in the countryside and moved there with her three children, reports the publication 7 Days. However, no statements about divorce were received from the couple.

As journalists learned, the tense relationship between the spouses has been going on for months. They refuse to go on stage together. If actors have to go on a joint tour, they book themselves seats in different train cars and rooms on different floors of the hotel.

Sources close to the couple told the publication’s journalists that the reason for the breakup was Petrenko’s too free behavior on and off the set.

At the same time, a few days before this, a video recording appeared in the press in which Ekaterina Klimova kisses former soloist Chelsea group Roman Arkhipov. The paparazzi were able to catch the couple on the set of the film “Love in the City” in Las Vegas. However, Arkhipov then denied that Klimova was with him.

Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko were considered one of the most strong couples among celebrities. The actors met while studying at the Shchepkinsky School; they went on an excursion to Yasnaya Polyana and spent a lot of time together. The romance between Ekaterina and Igor began in 2003 on film set film "The Best City on Earth". Then the actress was married to Ilya Khoroshilov, with whom she raised her two-year-old daughter Lisa, and Igor Petrenko was married to Irina Leonova. After finishing work on the series, Klimova and Petrenko did not see each other for a whole year. However, the actor could not forget his co-star and called her himself. By that time, Igor had already divorced his wife, and Ekaterina decided to leave Ilya Khoroshilov. Already in 2004, Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko got married, and the actor even adopted Lisa. So this time the celebrity office romance grew into a strong family.

Family idyll

Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko with their daughter Lisa.

In 2007, Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko had a son, Matvey, and a year later another boy, Korney. The actors continued to work actively, attended social events together and shared the secrets of family happiness in interviews. According to Ekaterina Klimova, without patience and desire to work on relationships happy marriage impossible. Despite the busy filming schedule, the actors found time to raise children and relax together. Igor Petrenko never tired of confessing his love to his wife, even from the pages of glossy magazines, and Ekaterina Klimova claimed that her husband was the best in the world. They were even compared to Hollywood couple– Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Indeed, the appearance of Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova on the carpets of film festivals has always aroused admiration.

Happy together?

Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko at the Kinotavr festival in the summer of 2012.

In the summer of 2012, Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko came to the Kinotavr festival in Sochi for several days. The couple did not hide their feelings and posed for photographers. However, at parties, Ekaterina Klimova appeared not in the company of her husband, but with her friends. During the closing of the film festival, the actress had fun at Sergei Mazaev’s performance, and when asked about where her husband was, she answered briefly: “In the room.” Back then, no one could have thought that the actors’ family happiness would soon be destroyed.

In February 2013, photographs of Ekaterina Klimova and ex-lead singer of the Chelsea group Roman Arkhipov appeared in the press. According to journalists, a romance broke out between the actress and the musician on the set of the film “Love in the City 3” in Las Vegas. Ekaterina Klimova also does not discuss scandalous photographs. However, it turned out that the talented singer was not the reason for Igor Petrenko’s breakup with his wife. Ekaterina Klimova and her children left her husband for a country house before the New Year.

Was there a boy?

Ekaterina Klimova cheated on her husband with Roman Arkhipov.

Igor Petrenko admitted in an interview that his relationship with his wife began to deteriorate due to his too busy work schedule. Since 2008, the actor was constantly traveling and rarely saw Catherine and the children. During the filming of the TV series Sherlock Holmes, the actor began to have problems with alcohol. Igor Petrenko began to avoid communication with his wife and often quarreled with her. Ekaterina Klimova decided to leave her husband for a while in order to understand herself. However, her scandalous photos with Roman Arkhipov became another test for the couple. Igor Petrenko, although he does not trust gossip, still admits the thought of his wife cheating. However, the actor believes that between Ekaterina Klimova and Roman Arkhipov there could have been only a fleeting connection, and not the romance that journalists attribute to them.

Confirmation of this is Natasha Repnina from “ Poor Nastya" You probably already guessed that Ekaterina Klimova’s personal life is full of contradictions. So Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova began to live together, however, in civil marriage. Only after the birth of two children did the couple officially legalize their relationship. Petrenko also admits that he did not recognize the duality of Katya’s nature in time. Many are wondering how long the marriage of Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi will last; their “difference” simply cannot help but be striking. Wait and see. After all, the main source of her happiness is her children, and Ekaterina Klimova has four of them.

Ekaterina Klimova spoke for the first time about the reasons for her divorce from Igor Petrenko

Almost two years ago, one of the most beautiful couples Russian cinema: Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova divorced. After 10 years of marriage, Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko suddenly filed for divorce. Trouble could definitely happen to me! I would get sick. To me? To my children? It’s unlikely!” Ekaterina Klimova explained the reason for the divorce and next marriage to Caravan of Stories.

Why did Petrenko and Klimova break up?

When Igor Petrenko first saw Ekaterina Klimova, he immediately understood: she was his destiny. When Katya told him about her departure, Ilya could not understand and accept this fact for a long time. He didn’t want to give her a divorce and even threatened to shoot Petrenko! Irina met Tsyganov many years ago on the set of the television film “Children of the Arbat” directed by Andrei Eshpai. Contrary to rumors in the press, this happened after breaking up with Petrenko. Elena Biryukova is very offended by the attitude of her ex-husband, director Alexander Litvin, towards their daughter Sasha. He practically does not communicate with the girl. Elena experienced the second divorce in her life more tragically. Looking at her friend Klimova and her ex-husband Ilya Khoroshilov, who loved to tinker with little Lisa, she always envied Katya in a good way: there are men!

PR director of Ekaterina Klimova Petro Sheksheev confirmed the fact that on July 10, 2014, the marriage between actress Ekaterina Klimova and her husband Igor Petrenko was dissolved. Katya and Igor filed for divorce. At the same time, I would not like to comment on our personal life and tell the public about the reasons for the divorce. And we ask the media to respect this decision,” Ekaterina Klimova told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Ekaterina Klimova spoke about the infidelities and betrayal of Igor Petrenko

Catherine remarried and even gave birth to a child for her new wife. However, Klimova recently gave a long interview in which she talked about the real reasons for her divorce from Petrenko. To this day, I have not heard from Igor either an apology or an explanation for that act: why and why did he do this to me? I considered myself not just a life partner, I thought I was a friend! Therefore, for me this whole situation became a real betrayal.”

Bonus Club LLC or a Partner. User on the Site made after publication. Partner for Users. The user has the obligations listed in the agreement. The license agreement terminates if the agreement is terminated. Copyright holder. According to Klimova, she could forgive her husband for cheating. The artist stated that she divorced her husband because they became strangers to each other.

During filming, passion flared up between the young artists, which Zhenya and Ira did not hide. Without thinking twice, Leonova left her husband for Tsyganov. On the set, Katya saw the handsome Igor Petrenko for the second time. The ex-husband of Ekaterina Klimova also found his destiny. Elena Biryukova met Ilya at the birthday party of his daughter Lisa, where Katya Klimova invited her and her daughter Sasha. Elena Biryukova did not laugh, because she already had experience failed marriages. Elena and Ilya have been together for three years, everything is so good with them that there are rumors that Biryukova is expecting common-law husband child. But Lena is worried about her friend, because something has gone wrong in the family of Klimova and Petrenko.

Last summer, Ekaterina Klimova officially separated from Igor Petrenko, with whom she had been married for ten years. This decision was not easy for the star. Firstly, the actress’s eldest daughter from her first marriage, Elizaveta, became very attached to Igor over the years. Secondly, the couple had two children together - sons Matvey and Korney. The separation occurred on Klimova’s initiative, but the impetus for this decision was the behavior of her husband, who made her life unbearable. And Gela Meskhi and her ex-husband Igor Petrenko help her manage the children.

Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko became heroes of scandalous gossip columns after nine years life together. A seemingly perfect couple is on the verge of divorce.

The end of the fairy tale: why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce?

However, in 2013 it became known that the fairy tale had come to an end. Why did Klimova and Petrenko divorce?

The couple appeared in films together more than once, raised three children - daughter Elizaveta from Klimova’s first marriage, and two common sons - Matvey and Korney. The media wrote that the couple was on the verge of divorce due to Igor’s infidelities. problems with alcohol appeared - during the filming of the series about Sherlock Holmes, the actor began to drink. After Klimova returned from America, the couple separated for a while different houses- Irina and the children moved out of town, and Igor remained in the capital’s apartment. Unfortunately, Petrenko and Klimova were never able to save their family, and in the summer of 2014 they were officially divorced. The history of their difficult relationship Igor Petrenko transferred it to the screen. At the end of 2013, the premiere of the video “Broken Flowers” ​​by the group “Tokyo” took place.

If you believe the rumors, the relationship between Ekaterina and Roman began on the set of the film “Love in the City” in Las Vegas. The decision to dissolve the marriage between Klimova and Petrenko was made by the magistrate court of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow. It is known that the application for divorce was filed in court by Ekaterina Klimova (more precisely, her authorized representative), and the husband, in turn, acted as a defendant in the case. Nothing is known about how the personal lives of Petrenko and Klimova develop after the divorce.

Even during the entrance exams to the Shchepkinsky School, Igor Petrenko met his future wife Irina Leonova. A year after the wedding, Igor met Irina Klimova on the set of the series “Moscow Windows”. The marriage with Irina Leonova cracked, and at the beginning of 2004 the couple officially divorced.

The name of Igor Petrenko is well known to domestic viewers, as is his biography. The girl was born in December 2014. Igor Petrenko’s romance with the baby’s mother, young St. Petersburg actress Kristina Brodskaya, began even before the official divorce from Klimova. Even after it became known about his new family, the artist is in no hurry to be frank with reporters. Recently, Igor, accompanied by Anastasia Brodskaya and his little daughter, appeared at the presentation of the series “Unaccountable”, where he played the main role. The actor spent the entire evening next to his young wife and daughter. This is how we saw the wonderful actor Igor Petrenko here today.

However, family happiness did not last long, and soon Irina began to hear rumors about Igor’s affairs on the side. Igor later frankly admitted in an interview about how they tried to save their families: “I realized that this was serious. As a result, at the beginning of 2004, Petrenko and Leonova divorced.

Petrenko could not get his colleague out of his head and after a long time he tremblingly dialed her number. At that moment, the actors realized that fate had brought them together. Why did Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova divorce after such a romantic and fateful start to their relationship?

According to the actress, her husband was constantly harassed by fans. Ekaterina Klimova broke up with Igor Petrenko in the summer of 2013, and a year later the couple officially divorced. However, Klimova claims that she and Igor Petrenko looked like ideal spouses only in appearance. The artist also has three children from previous marriages: nine-year-old Matvey and seven-year-old Korney from Igor Petrenko and 13-year-old daughter Lisa from actor Ilya Khoroshilov.

Actors Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko, married for seven years, decided not to live together, the media wrote in mid-February. Even before the New Year holidays, Ekaterina rented a house in the countryside and moved there with her three children, reports the publication 7 Days. However, no statements about divorce were received from the couple. At the same time, a few days before this, a video appeared in the press in which Ekaterina Klimova kisses the former lead singer of the Chelsea group Roman Arkhipov. However, Arkhipov then denied that Klimova was with him.