3.1 Least Concern :


  • Animals in alphabetical order
  • Species out of danger
  • Smooth-nosed bats
  • Animals described in 1758
  • Mammals of Eurasia

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Kazhan dvukhkalyarova

Registration locations:

all administrative districts of Belarus

Family Vespertilionidae.

A rare species of bats in Belarus (flying and migrating), however, it is found throughout the territory of the republic. In recent decades, the range has been expanding towards Western Europe, but this species is rare almost everywhere. In addition, during these years, in many places of the range, including Belarus, a significant decrease in the number of the species was observed. Included in the IUCN lists as a rare, vulnerable species in Europe.

Wingspan 26-30 cm, body length 4.7-6.4 cm; tail 2.9-4.7 cm; ear 1.3-1.9 cm; forearms 3.9-4.8; weight 12-16 g.

The hair on the back is high, thick, wavy, dark in color, with clearly visible silvery ripples. The bases of the hair are brown, sometimes brown to light brown, and the tips are silvery-white. In the overall combination, the fur turns out to be brownish with a silvery-fawn tint. The abdomen is whitish or yellowish-cepoe and creates a very clear color contrast with the back.

The ear is relatively short, not narrowed at the top , its width is greater than its height. The ears and the front part of the muzzle are the same black-brown color. The tragus is short, curved, knife-shaped and blunt at the end. The posterior outer edge of the ear in the lower part continues horizontally in the form of a hairless roll of thick skin, which descends below the oral fissure. The wings are relatively narrow.The flying membrane is dark brown. The epiblema is narrow, with a transverse bony septum.The last vertebra (end of the tail) protrudes freely from the caudal membrane by 3.5-5 mm. Teeth 32-34.

Females of the two-colored leatherman have 4 nipples on the sides of the chest, almost in the axillary region, unlike other European species that have 2 nipples.

The peak frequency of ultrasonic signals in normal flight is 24-26 kHz. The voice (in the detector) is reminiscent of the late Kozhan, but the gurgling sounds are in a slower rhythm and are more drawn out.

In the conditions of Belarus, the two-colored leatherback is a typical synanthrope and does not form stable settlements outside populated areas. An important distinguishing feature of this species is its preference for the outskirts of rural settlements near canals, small rivers, and reservoirs. Of the more than 50 registration places, all, with the only exception (Minsk), belong specifically to rural areas.

The two-colored leatherback appears in Belarus in the second half of May, with females arriving earlier than males. Summer shelters are located under cornices, shutters, window frames, behind wooden paneling, and very rarely in tree hollows. Shelters are populated by females in the second ten days of May, by males in the second ten days of June. Often lives in common shelters with other species of bats.

The hunting flights of the two-colored leatherback begin a little later than the noctules and pipistrelle bats, shortly after sunset. The flight is fast and maneuverable. Unlike our other species that hunt outside bodies of water, the Kozhan likes to hunt over completely open areas - wastelands, fields, cemeteries. Hunts all night, but intermittently. Very sensitive to night cold. In cool or inclement weather, it sits out in a shelter.

The basis of the diet of the two-colored leatherback consists of: Lepidoptera (moths, leaf rollers, moths, hawk moths, cutworms, etc.) and Coleoptera (weevils, longhorned beetles). In Central Europe, the main diet of the two-colored leatherback consists of caddisflies, butterflies, dipterans and lacewings. A more precise study showed that this skinworm readily eats long-legged mosquitoes, bell gnats, and fungus gnats. In Europe, it is reported that the bicolored leatherback actively hunts swarming insects in the above-water layer.

Maternal colonies are formed from several females, in rare cases 40-50. This species is characterized by mixed colonies with females of other species: wood pipistrelle and dwarf pipistrelle. Males usually live separately: alone or in small groups, sometimes in large ones - up to 60 or more individuals. After the young people transition to independent life, there is no strict separation of the sexes.

In June-July, females usually give birth to twins, less often - to 1 cub. Newborns are naked, blind and helpless. The cubs grow very quickly, and by the end of the first week their weight almost doubles, the previously wrinkled ears rise, acquiring a normal appearance. In the third week, the replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones ends and the ability to fly is acquired. Colonies with young animals are easily detected by a quiet, but quite intense whirring sound. Even in years with normal weather conditions, increased mortality of cubs is observed in colonies of the two-colored leatherback. It reaches 30-40% and this is the highest figure among bats in Belarus.

Like other species of bats, the bicolored bat is very attached to its shelters, always occupying them at approximately the same time every year.

The mating period begins at the end of July and lasts unusually long - until the autumn migration season, i.e. until October. During the mating period, 1 and sometimes 2 males find permanent shelter. At night, near this shelter, the male actively flies in a circle with a diameter of 300-400 m and calls females with intense sounds. These mating sounds are clearly audible without instruments, which is the only example among bats in Belarus. The sounds resemble a loud whirring sound with a rhythm of 5-6 seconds. As a result of these calls, temporary harems of up to 10 females are formed at a time.

In September, this species already disappears from the territory of Belarus, flying away for the winter in the western and, probably, in the southern directions. The maximum recorded flight distance of this species is 1440 km.

Maximum life expectancy is 12 years.


1. Demyanchik V. T., Demyanchik M. G. “Chiropterans of Belarus: a reference guide.” Brest, 2000. -216s.

2. Kurskov A. N., Demyanchik V. T., Demyanchik M. G. “Two-color skin” / Animals: Popular encyclopedic reference book (Animal world of Belarus). Minsk, 2003. P.147-149

3. Burko L. D., Grichik V. V. "Vertebrates of Belarus." Minsk, 2003. -373 p.

4. Serzhanin I. N. “Mammals of Belarus”. 2nd edition. Minsk, 1961. -321 p.

5. Savitsky B.P. Kuchmel S.V., Burko L.D. “Mammals of Belarus”. Minsk, 2005. -319 p.

Dimensions two-tone (two-tone) leather average. Body length 54 - 64 mm. Body weight from 8 to 20 g. Body length 54-64 mm, forearm length 41-48 mm. The condylobasal length of the skull is 13.9-16.2 mm, the length of the upper row of teeth is 5.0-6.1 mm. Females usually have two pairs of nipples. The fur color is dark with a silvery tint. The throat is white.

Spreading. From England and France to the Pacific coast. The northern border of distribution runs through Norway, the Central regions of the RSFSR, southern Siberia, the southern - through central Italy, along the Black Sea coast, Iran, Kashgaria, the Himalayas, and Northeast China. In the USSR, it inhabits the European part to the north to the Kalinin and Moscow regions, the Caucasus, the Southern Urals, Kazakhstan, the Central Asian republics and southern Siberia to the north approximately to the Novosibirsk-mouth of the river line. Cupid. Within its vast range, the bicolor leathern is unevenly distributed.

Biology. Found both in forests and open spaces; in the mountains rises to 3000 m above sea level. m. Summer shelters are varied: tree hollows, attics, voids behind wall cladding and under eaves, cracks in rocks, etc.

Two-colored leatherbacks often live in common shelters with other species of bats. During pregnancy and feeding the young, females settle in colonies of up to 40-50 individuals. Males during this period stay in small groups or alone. In June, females give birth to 2, less often 1, cubs; the latter, in the first 8-10 days of life, are clearly distinguished from the naked young of other species by the dark coloring of the ears, the tip of the muzzle and limbs. After the young transition to independent life, brood colonies begin to disintegrate and strict separation of the sexes is no longer observed.

The flight of the leatherback is fast and dexterous; they hunt all night, until dawn. They readily feed among woody vegetation. It feeds on moths, mosquitoes, and Coleoptera. It flies out to feed after sunset and feeds throughout the night. Most of the population flies to the south outside Russia for the winter. Wintering areas are unknown. Kozherans wintering in the region gather in caves. Life expectancy is more than 5 years.

Wintering places two-tone leather unknown; single wintering individuals were noted in caves in Kyrgyzstan and, according to unverified data, in the Southern Urals. The bulk of animals inhabiting the European part of the USSR apparently undertake long-distance seasonal migrations. Migratory animals are regularly observed in August-September in Ukraine. A two-color leatherback ringed in western Belarus was caught in the fall in Romania, more than 1000 km from the ringing site.

No special protection measures have been developed. Together with other species of animals, it is protected in nature reserves and sanctuaries in the region.

Literature. Mammals of the fauna of the USSR. Part 1. Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow-Leningrad, 1963

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Least Concern
IUCN 3.1 Least Concern:


The bicolor leathern is found in Central and Western Europe and Asia. Its natural habitat is mountains, steppes and forests, but in Western Europe, they are mainly found in large cities. The species is protected as it is threatened by insecticides and changes to its habitat.


The body length of the two-tone leatherback can reach 6.4 cm, the wingspan can be from 27 to 33 cm, and the weight is usually between 12 and 23 grams. Its name comes from the coloring of its fur, which combines two colors. Its back is red to dark brown, and its ventral side is white or gray. The ears, wings and face are black or dark brown. The wings are narrow, the ears are short, wide and rounded.

The longest known life expectancy was twelve years.


These bats hunt prey, such as mosquitoes, caddis flies, and moths, using ultrasound at a frequency of about 25-27 kHz. They hunt after dusk at an altitude of 10-20 meters in open spaces above streams and rivers, above forests or in the light of street lamps. In cold weather, these bats may skip hunting.

There is not much information about the bicolor leatherback and its behavior, as they are quite rare. Females live in small groups of about 50 animals, sometimes up to several hundred adult females. In Western Europe, male groups consist of about 250 animals and gather only during spring and early summer. These bats migrate; cases of flights over distances of up to 900 km are known. The longest migration was recorded in 1989 and amounted to 1440 km.

Between October and March, bats hibernate. They hibernate alone and can tolerate temperatures down to −2.6 °C.

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An excerpt characterizing Two-Tone Leather

- No, its true.
– Was he married for a long time? - she asked, - honestly?
Pierre gave her his word of honor.
– Is he still here? – she asked quickly.
- Yes, I saw him just now.
She was obviously unable to speak and made signs with her hands to leave her.

Pierre did not stay for dinner, but immediately left the room and left. He went around the city to look for Anatoly Kuragin, at the thought of whom all the blood now rushed to his heart and he had difficulty catching his breath. In the mountains, among the gypsies, among the Comoneno, it was not there. Pierre went to the club.
In the club everything went on as usual: the guests who had come to dine sat in groups and greeted Pierre and talked about city news. The footman, having greeted him, reported to him, knowing his acquaintance and habits, that a place had been left for him in the small dining room, that Prince Mikhail Zakharych was in the library, and Pavel Timofeich had not arrived yet. One of Pierre's acquaintances, between talking about the weather, asked him if he had heard about Kuragin's kidnapping of Rostova, which they talk about in the city, is it true? Pierre laughed and said that this was nonsense, because he was now only from the Rostovs. He asked everyone about Anatole; one told him that he had not come yet, the other that he would dine today. It was strange for Pierre to look at this calm, indifferent crowd of people who did not know what was going on in his soul. He walked around the hall, waited until everyone had arrived, and without waiting for Anatole, he did not have lunch and went home.
Anatole, whom he was looking for, dined with Dolokhov that day and consulted with him on how to correct the spoiled matter. It seemed to him necessary to see Rostova. In the evening he went to his sister to talk with her about the means to arrange this meeting. When Pierre, having traveled all over Moscow in vain, returned home, the valet reported to him that Prince Anatol Vasilich was with the countess. The Countess's living room was full of guests.
Pierre, without greeting his wife, whom he had not seen since his arrival (she hated him more than ever at that moment), entered the living room and, seeing Anatole, approached him.
“Ah, Pierre,” said the countess, approaching her husband. “You don’t know what situation our Anatole is in...” She stopped, seeing in her husband’s low-hanging head, in his sparkling eyes, in his decisive gait that terrible expression of rage and strength that she knew and experienced in herself after the duel with Dolokhov.
“Where you are, there is debauchery and evil,” Pierre said to his wife. “Anatole, let’s go, I need to talk to you,” he said in French.

Two-tone leather is a small-sized bat from the smooth-nosed family.

The spread of two-tone leather

This representative of the bat order inhabits the west and center of Europe, part of Asia, and the entire territory of Ukraine. Forests, steppes, and mountains became his favorite places. Sometimes found in megacities.

The species is carefully protected in various wildlife sanctuaries and reserves because the threat of extinction is high. This is due to insecticides and global changes in the natural environment, as well as the obvious negativity of people towards bats. At the same time, there is no data on the specific number of Kozhans; they are fragmentary.

In summer, the bat hides in tree hollows, attics, walls, under eaves, in rock cracks, and so on. Sometimes leatherbacks share shelter with other bats. They live in France and England, Norway, central Russia, the Black Sea, Iran, China, and the Himalayas.

Kozhanu I like anthropogenic landscapes and urban areas. He is flexible in choosing a shelter. Scientists have not found natural hiding places for brood colonies.

Appearance of two-tone leather

Two-tone leather reaches 6.5 centimeters in length, wingspan up to 33 centimeters. His flight is fast and agile. Weight ranges from 12 to 24 grams.

The color of the fur on the back is dark brownish with elements of red, and on the belly there are pale or grayish shades. The wings are strongly narrowed, the ears are round and wide.

The maximum lifespan is 12 years, and the average is 5.

The hands have flight membranes that are attached at the base of the fingers. Their supraorbital lobes are highly developed.

Features of the behavior of two-tone leather

This bat hunts using ultrasonic vibrations, the frequency of which is approximately 25 kHz. Searches for prey at night, rising above forests, rivers or cities to a height of 1–2 dozen meters.

Its diet includes mosquitoes, moths, caddis flies, and butterflies. When the weather is too cold, the Kozhan misses the hunt. It can last from sunset until dawn. The Kozhan's hunting strategy emphasizes open spaces. Where it is widespread, it fulfills the mission of a tool capable of regulating the populations of certain insects.

There is not much information about bats of this species, because they are extremely rare. At the time of birth, females form small groups, and sometimes large clusters, consisting of fifty or more individuals. Groups of males number up to 250, but sometimes they stay alone. They often migrate, flying up to one and a half thousand kilometers.

Animals are characterized by a period of hibernation, which lasts from October to March. For the winter it flies to the southern regions, gathering in caves. The exact location of permanent wintering grounds is not known. At this time, the bat tolerates temperatures down to -2.5 degrees. They can winter alone or in groups. In terms of their economic importance, leather crops are very useful - they destroy many insect pests.

Reproduction of two-color leather

Pregnant females settle in large colonies. At this time, males gather in separate flocks, and spawning females also form separate groups. In June or July they have 2 cubs. When young individuals become independent, numerous groups disintegrate. Then the strict division of the sexes disappears. In autumn, males display mating vocalizations en masse. Mating occurs at this time and at the beginning of winter.

No successful breeding cases have been observed in captivity. This makes it difficult to carry out measures to increase the number of the species.

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