Game – journey “ecological train”

The goal of the game is introduce us to the environmental situation on our Earth, in our area; create a desire to protect nature; cultivate a caring attitude towards her, a sense of compassion for animals and a feeling of love.

Progress of the game:

(Noise from the railway station)

1 presenter: Dear passengers! Our eco-train is ready to depart. Please take your seats and sit comfortably.

1 slide – name of the trip

2 presenter: We ask you to familiarize yourself with our travel itinerary:

Slide 2 – names of stations

1. Vodnaya station

2. Station "Green House"

3. Station "Red Book"

4. Know-It-All station

5. Station "School" Have a nice trip!

1 presenter: Our train has started, and I ask you to look out the window: forests, fields, lakes are rushing past us. How amazing, beautiful and unique our Motherland is.

3-6 slides – landscapes

2 presenter: But this wonderful world is very tender, fragile and cannot survive without our love, care, and help. The future of all humanity depends on the joint actions of states and peoples.

1 presenter: To do this, every person must contribute to saving our planet.

(children read E. Shklovsky’s poems)

I look at the globe - the globe.

And suddenly he sighed as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us.”

The groves and forests are in alarm.

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask

“Take care of us, take care of us.”

The deep river is sad

Our own, losing our shores,

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

“Be a man, man!

We believe in you, don't lie

Take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe - the globe,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind:

“I will save you, I will save you!”

2 presenter: Man has already caused a lot of harm to nature. When people tried to change it, they did not think about its consequences.

1 presenter: Our train arrived at Vodnaya station

Slide 7 – “Vodnaya” station

(children read poems about water)

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes,

Fog creeps into the forest,

It's called a glacier in the mountains,

It curls like a silver ribbon.

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without it,

Don't eat, don't get drunk.

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without her!

2 presenter: The Black, Azov, and Baltic seas, lakes Ladoga and Baikal are in a catastrophic state.

1 presenter: Over the past 50 years, the Aral Sea has practically dried up.

Slides 8 and 9 – with a view of the Aral Sea

2 presenter: There is less and less clean water left, and man himself is to blame for this. Dirty waters from factories and factories and sewers of large cities are drained into rivers, lakes, and seas.

1 presenter: Scientists have calculated that every year so many harmful substances enter water bodies around the world that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains.

2 presenter: R The Techa River in the Chelyabinsk region was once beautiful and rich in fish. It brought great benefit and pleasure to the residents of its shores. People swam in its waters and fished. And no one knew what awaited her ahead.

Slides 10-11 – with the Techa River

1 presenter: But one day there was an accident at the Mayak nuclear power plant and radioactive waste was released into Techa. Residents of some villages were evacuated, dressed in soldiers' clothes, and were not allowed to take even the most necessary things. They bulldozed all the houses and livestock into huge pits and buried them. It’s as if these villages had never existed on earth. People learned that they cannot swim in the river, they cannot fish, and they must stay away from the river. The leak was blocked off with barbed wire.

2 presenter: But people did not understand the danger. Still, they swam, fished, walked livestock and poultry, and picked berries on the river bank. Residents along the river banks began to get sick and die from cancer and did not know that the river was to blame for everything.

1 presenter: So a river polluted by people, no one to blame, still claims people’s lives.

2 presenter: Guys, how can we save reservoirs? What to do?(listen to the children's suggestions)

1 presenter: We continue our journey. Please take your seats.

2 presenter: I had a question: why is no one on our planet dealing with the problems of nature?

1 presenter: Of course, there are people who protect nature, who protect everything that grows and all animals from extinction.

2 presenter: Who are these people? Guys, do you know what these people are called?

Slide 12 – ecologists

1 presenter: Environmentalists say: we need to take care of the environment, the Earth, because this is our home. And the house must always be taken care of, protected and kept clean.

2 presenter: What do ecologists call the Earth?

(children's answers - “Green house”)

1 presenter: We arrived at the next station, which is called the Green House.

Slide 13 – station “Green House”

2 presenter: Let's get some fresh air. When I was little, there was a forest here.

1 presenter: But I don’t feel any fresh air, and I don’t see the forest.

2 presenter: People have destroyed and continue to destroy forests, which are the “lungs of the planet.” Forests purify the air and are a unique community of living organisms.

1 presenter: Factories and factories, with their emissions into the atmosphere, have made the Earth's air practically unbreathable.

14-15 slides – pipes of factories

2 presenter: How can we save our atmosphere and fresh air?

(children's answers)

1 presenter: We walked a little further and then we saw the forest.

16-17 slides - forest

(sounds of the forest, birdsong)

2 presenter: Let's board our train and continue our journey.

1 presenter: While we are playing, we will divide into teams. Each team must sing over the other. And we sing songs that contain lines about flowers, animals, birds.

2 presenter: We are approaching the next station.

1 presenter: You can guess its name now. What is the name of the book in which plants and animals that need human protection and protection are entered?

2 presenter: Station "Red Book".

Slide 18 – station “Red Book”

Some plants and animals have become rare. They are included in the Red Book. This book is called that because the color red is a danger signal.

Slide 19 – “The Red Book”

1 presenter: What animals and birds listed in the Red Book do you know?

2 presenter: Why are predators useful, why are they also included in the Red Book, because they are so evil?

(children's answers)

1 presenter: What plants are listed in the Red Book?

2 presenter: How did it happen that plants also ended up in the Red Book?

(child reads poem)

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

(children's stories)

2 presenter: People have been farming for a long time. They are building cities, roads, cultivating fields, laying gas and oil pipelines. All this is necessary and forests are often destroyed for this. Many trees are destroyed for timber. Every year, people's needs grow, and forests become less and less.

1 presenter: But the air and water bodies are becoming increasingly polluted, rivers and lakes are drying up. Therefore, plants and animals suffer and die, people get sick.

2 presenter: People exterminate animals for meat, beautiful fur, and for entertainment.

1 presenter: What way out of this situation do you guys suggest?

(children's answers)

2 presenter: Well, just think, we went into the forest and picked flowers, broke a few branches, caught butterflies... I’m alone...

1 presenter: So you think you're alone. One wound will be inflicted by you, the other wound by your friend. What if the whole class, the whole school, the whole city goes and inflicts wounds on nature? Guys, nature has a hard time healing even the smallest wounds. Let's think about why?

(children's answers)

2 presenter: Our planet Earth is kind to us. And we must respond to her with warmth for warmth, love for love. Environmental scientists are sounding the alarm: nature is in danger! But there are a few simple rules on how to behave in nature and they will help preserve our nature. Do you guys know them?

(children's answers)

Slide 20 – rules of conduct

1 presenter: How long were we at the Red Book station? How much we learned!

2 presenter: Our journey will be more pleasant if we dance the dance of the little ducklings.

1 presenter: Next station is Know-It-All.

21 slides - “Know-It-All” station

What do we know about our nature, about what surrounds us:

    What is a "fruit" duck called? (mandarin duck)

    Which bird brings the clock to life? (cuckoo)

    What bird is used as a hunting bird? (falcon)

    What do you call someone who gets up early? (lark)

    Do you like to stay up late? (owl)

    How does a cuckoo crow: with an open or closed beak? (closed)

    Why do dolphins cry? (to protect eyes from damage)

    What insect, being in the Moscow region, feels an earthquake in Japan? (grasshopper)

    What fish bears a person's name? (carp)

    What is the most common vegetable on earth? (onion)

    Why does a hare have big ears? (so as not to overheat)

    Do insects “wash themselves”? (many very carefully)

    Largest mammal? (whale)

    Smallest mammal? (bat)

    What birds are called “birds of the world”? (pigeons)

    Do mosquitoes have teeth? (yes, 22 teeth)

    What bird is not a waterfowl, but lives near bodies of water? (sandpiper, heron, crane)

    What do leeches breathe? (skin)

    What kind of water is in icebergs: fresh or salty? (fresh)

    How do ants escape from fire? (putting out the fire)

    What insect larvae do fishermen call bloodworms? (mosquitoes)

    Is the city sparrow a migratory bird? (No)

2 presenter: Well, now it's time to go back to school.

Slide 22 – station “School”

(children read poetry)

Everything - everything

Everything in the world

Everyone is needed in the world!

And midges

No less needed than elephants.

Can't get by

Without ridiculous monsters

And even without predators

Evil and ferocious!

We need everything in the world -

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison.

Bad things

A cat without a mouse,

A mouse without a cat

No better business.

Yes! If ket and I are not very friendly,

We still really need each other.

And if someone seems superfluous to us,

This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake...

Everything - everything

Everything in the world

Everyone is needed in the world!

And all children should remember this! B. Zakhoder

Come on people

Be friends with each other

Like birds with the sky,

Like the wind through the meadow,

Like a sail with the sea,

Grass with rain,

How the sun is friendly

With all of us.

Preschool age is an important stage in the development of an individual’s ecological culture. Ecological games not only contribute to gaining knowledge about natural objects and phenomena, but also develop skills in careful and non-destructive handling of the environment.

While playing, children learn to love, learn, cherish and multiply.

The proposed games contain interesting facts about the life of animals and plants, puzzles and intricate questions about nature and promote the development of curiosity.

Ball game "I know..."

Target: To develop the ability to name several objects of the same type.

Develop the ability to combine objects based on common features.

Game actions:

Children stand in a circle, with the leader with the ball in the center. The presenter throws the ball and names a class of natural objects (birds, trees, flowers, animals, plants, insects, fish). The child who caught the ball says: “I know 5 flower names” and lists them (for example, chamomile, cornflower, dandelion, clover, porridge) and returns the ball to the leader. The leader throws the ball to the second child and says: “Birds” and so on.

"Birds, fish, animals"

Target: To train children in the ability to name an object of a certain group of objects.

Game actions:

The presenter throws the ball to the child and says the word “birds.” The child who catches the ball must select a specific concept, for example, “sparrow,” and throw the ball back. The next child must name the bird, but not repeat himself. The game is played in a similar way with the words “animals” and “fish”.

"Guess what's in your hand"

Target: Identify vegetables, fruits and berries by touch.

Game actions:

Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The teacher places models of vegetables, berries and fruits in the children’s hands. Children must guess. The teacher shows, for example, a pear and asks to determine who has the same object (fruit, vegetable, berry).

“Guess which bird is singing?”

Target: The ability to identify bird calls from sound recordings.

Determine which bird sings and how it sings (subtly, sonorously, melodiously, loudly, quietly, drawn out, etc.).

Cultivate interest and caring attitude towards birds.

Game actions:

The teacher offers to listen to a recording of bird voices. We need to determine which bird is singing. How can you determine by its voice which bird sings and how. Invite children to practice pronouncing the sounds of bird songs. The game uses a disc with recordings of bird voices.

"Plants of the forest, garden, vegetable garden"

Target: Expand children's knowledge about plants in the forest, garden and vegetable garden.

Game actions: similar to the game “I know...”

"Garden Garden"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of what grows in the garden or vegetable garden.

Develop children's memory and attention.

Game actions:

The teacher brings a basket of vegetables and fruits.

Children, I accidentally mixed up vegetables and fruits. Help me please. During the game, children summarize objects in one word and determine the place where vegetables and fruits grow.

"What it is?"

Target: Exercise children in the ability to guess living or inanimate objects nature.

Describe the characteristics of objects.

Game actions:

The teacher or presenter makes a guess about a living or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs, and the children must guess the given object.

"Intricate Questions"

Target: Develop intelligence and resourcefulness.

Game actions:

The teacher reads a riddle-task:

Four birches grew.

On every birch -

Four large branches,

On every big branch -

Four small branches each

On every little branch -

Four apples each.

How many apples are there in total?

"Flies, swims, runs"

Target: Depict the way an object moves.

Game actions:

The presenter names or shows the children an object of living nature and invites the children to depict the method of movement of this object. For example, when hearing the word “bear,” children begin to imitate walking like a bear; “magpie” children begin to wave their arms and so on.

"Migration of Birds"

Target: Recognize and name wintering and migratory birds.

Reinforce the concept of “wintering” and “migratory”.

Game actions:

Object pictures of birds are laid out on the table. Each participant in the game takes a picture and “turns” into a certain bird. The child says: “I am a crow!”, “I am a sparrow!”, “I am a crane!”, “I am a cuckoo!” and so on. At the leader’s signal: “One, two, three, fly to your place!”, children who have pictures depicting wintering birds run to a conventional image (winter landscape), other children who have pictures depicting migratory birds run to another conditional sign (spring landscape). You can play several times, children must take different pictures.

“Alike - not alike”

Target: To develop in children the ability to abstract, generalize, highlight objects,

Similar in some properties and different in others, compare, compare objects or images.

Game actions:

The game uses a game screen with three “slot windows” into which ribbons with symbols of properties are inserted; ribbons - strips with designations of the properties of objects. Strips depicting objects are inserted into the first and third “windows”, and a strip indicating properties is inserted into the second.

The options may be different:

1 option: The child is asked to install the “screen” so that the first and third windows contain objects that have the property indicated in the second “window”.

At the initial stage of mastering the game of mastering the game, the property is set by adults, then children can independently set the feature they like. For example, the first “window” is an apple, the second “window” is a circle, the third “window” is a ball.

Option 2: One child installs the first “window”, the second child selects and sets the property that the data has, the third child must select an object that fits the first and second “windows”. For each correct choice, children receive a chip. After the first round, the children change places.

Option 3: used in the final stages of development. You can play with a large group of children. The child asks a “riddle” - he lines up images in the first and third “windows” that have a common property, while the second “window” is hidden. The rest of the children guess how the depicted objects are similar. A child who correctly names a common property gets the right to open a second “window” or make a new “riddle.”

"Who lives where?"

Target: Determine the habitat of the animal, correctly determine the place of the “home” of the object.

Game actions:

The teacher has pictures with images of animals, and the children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (hole, hollow, den, river, nest, and so on).


Target: To form in children concepts about the seasons and the dependence of living nature on seasonal changes occurring in inanimate nature.

Game actions:

The teacher tells the children that the seasons are constantly changing. Children name the seasons and characteristic features sequentially.

The teacher shows pictures depicting the season and pictures of objects that are undergoing various changes, for example, a white hare - winter; a blossoming snowdrop means spring, ripe strawberries mean summer, and so on. Children must explain the contents of the picture.

"Question answer"

Target: Develop the ability to answer questions posed.

Show resourcefulness and intelligence.

Game actions:

The teacher asks questions and the children answer


1.Why does a person look back? (because he has no eyes on the back of his head).

2. Why does a cat run? (can't fly).

3.What kind of comb can you use to comb your head? (rooster).

4.How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one thing: after the first one there will be no more fasting).

5. Why does a goose swim? (from the shore).

6. How will you reach the sky? (with a glance).

7.What does the dog run on? (on the ground).

8.What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream).

9.What can’t you bake bread without? (without crust).

10. Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (behind the teeth)

11. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (at the mushroom).

"Flowers" (outdoor game)

Target: Name and identify flowers.

To cultivate love and the ability to admire their beauty.

Game actions:

Children remember garden and forest flowers and compare them.

Each participant in the game chooses a flower emblem for themselves. Each child has his own picture. Several children cannot have the same name.

By lot, the chosen flower, for example, cornflower, begins the game.

He names a flower, for example a poppy or a rose. Poppy runs, and the cornflower catches up with him. When the poppy is in danger of being caught, he names some other flower participating in the game. The named flower runs away.

The caught flower changes its name and is included in the game again. The winner is the one who has never been caught.


Target: Expand children's knowledge about the animal and plant world.

Promote the ability to think and make inferences.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals and plants.

Game actions:

A teacher or a trained child asks problems - puzzles:

1. Six sparrows are sitting in the garden bed, five more have flown to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one sparrow. How many sparrows are left?

2. A pair of horses ran 40 km. How many kilometers did each horse run?

3. Garden flowers grew in the clearing: daisies, cornflowers, roses, clover, violet. Tanya picked all 1 rose, 2 clovers, 3 daisies. How many flowers does Tanya have in her bouquet? (identify garden and forest flowers, count only forest flowers).

4. There are fruits in the vase: bananas, oranges, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, lemons. How many fruits are in the vase?

5. Juicy, tasty apples and tangerines, ripe cherries and eggplants grew in the garden bed. How many vegetables grew in the garden?

"Find out from the advertisements"

Target: Continue to introduce the characteristics of animals and birds (appearance, behavior, habitat)

Develop logical thinking.

Game actions:

The teacher invites the children to play. Explains the rules of the game, you need to listen carefully to the announcement and guess who it is about (animal or bird), the announcement says. The one who guessed correctly gets a chip and the result is summed up at the end of the game.

1. Come visit me! I don't have an address. I always carry my house on me.

2. Friends! Anyone who needs needles, contact me.

3. Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend the wings?

4. Will I help everyone whose alarm clock is broken?

5. Please wake me up in the spring. Better come with honey.

6. I want to build a nest. Lend, give down and feathers.

7. It became very boring for me to howl at the moon alone. Who will keep me company?

8. To the one who finds my tail! Keep it as a keepsake. I'm successfully growing a new one!

9. I’ve been waiting for a friend for 150 years! The character is positive. There is only one drawback - slowness.

10. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Who has a need for horns? Contact me once a year.

11. I teach all sciences! I make birds out of chicks in a short time. Please note that I conduct classes at night.

12. I can help kind but lonely birds find family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. I wish you happiness in your personal life. Cuckoo!

13. I am the most charming and attractive! I'll fool anyone you want to deceive. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. Don't call her Patrikeevna anymore!

“Where does it ripen?”

Target: Exercise the ability to use knowledge about plants, compare the fruit of a tree with its leaves.

Game actions:

Two branches are laid out on the flannelgraph: on one - the fruit and leaves of one plant (apple tree), on the other - the fruits and leaves of the plants. (For example, gooseberry leaves and pear fruits). The presenter asks the question: “Which fruits ripen and which don’t?” Children correct mistakes made in drawing up a drawing.

"The postman brought a letter"

Target: Develop the ability to describe objects and recognize them by description.

Game actions:

The teacher brings a box to the group and says that the postman brought a parcel. The package contains various vegetables and fruits. Children take packages out of the box, look into them and describe what the postman brought them. The rest of the children guess.


Target: Identify trees by their leaves.

Teach children to behave correctly in the game: do not give hints to each other, do not interrupt their peers.

Game actions:

Before starting the game, children remember different trees, compare them by shape and size of leaves.

Before the game, children must choose a phantom for themselves - any small thing, toy. Players sit down and choose a forfeit collector. He sits in the middle of the circle and gives the other players the names of the trees (oak, maple, linden, etc.) and the children take and put on a wreath of leaves. Everyone must remember their name. The forfeit collector says: “A bird flew in and sat on an oak tree.” The oak should answer: “I wasn’t on the oak tree, I flew to the tree.” The tree names another tree and so on. Whoever misses gives away a forfeit. At the end of the game, forfeits are redeemed.


Target: Expand children’s knowledge about migratory birds.”

Develop attention and observation skills.

Game actions:

The presenter shows a picture of a migratory bird.

Children look at the picture and talk about it in turn: the first child - the first sentence, the second child - the previous sentence and his own, the third child - repeats the two previous ones and adds his own. For example: “The rook is a migratory bird.” – “The rook is a migratory bird. It's big and black." – “The rook is a migratory bird. He's big and black. Their habitat is called a rookery,” and so on.

“Who should we treat with what?”

Target: Know what animals and birds eat.

Game actions:

The leader throws the ball to the children and names the object (animal, bird), and the children answer and return the ball to the leader. For example, a sparrow - crumbs and seeds; tit - lard; cow - hay; rabbit - carrot; cat - mouse, milk; squirrel – pine cone, berries and so on.

Game "Good - Bad"

Target: Improve children's knowledge about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, animals and plants.

Game actions:

The teacher or teacher offers children different situations, and the children make conclusions, for example: “Is a clear sunny day in the fall good or bad?”, “All the wolves have disappeared in the forest - is this good or bad?”, “It rains every day - is this bad or bad?” good?", "Is a snowy winter good or bad?", "All the trees are green - is this good or bad?", "A lot of flowers in our garden - is this good or bad?", "Grandma in the village has a cow - is this good or bad?”, “All the birds on earth have disappeared - is that bad or good?” and so on.

“Who is after whom?”

Target: Show children that in nature everything is connected to each other.

Continue to instill in children a caring attitude towards all animals.

Game actions:

The teacher invites the called child to connect with a ribbon all the animals that hunt each other. Other children also help find the correct pictures of animals. You can suggest starting the game with a plant, a frog or a mosquito.

"To each his place"

Target: To develop in children the ability to use schematic images of generalizing concepts.

Develop independence and the ability to think logically.

Game actions:

The teacher distributes one card to each child (of the same type). Then he distributes one picture to each child in turn. Children, having received a picture, must place it under a schematic representation of the concept to which the image in this picture fits. When all the pictures have been sorted out, the children check the correctness of their actions and the actions of their peers.

Children must independently check whether the task was completed correctly and explain why they did it that way.

“The Falcon and the Fox” (outdoor game)

Target: Expand children's knowledge about wild animals and birds of prey.

Ability to act quickly on a signal from a leader.

Game actions:

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Falcon and Fox”. Shows a picture of a falcon and talks about where this bird lives and how it behaves.

Remember the habits of a fox.

Choose a “falcon” and a fox according to the children’s wishes or use counting rhymes.

The rest of the children are “falcons”. The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes flying movements with his hands. A flock of falcon chicks runs after the falcon and exactly repeats its movements. At this time, a fox suddenly jumps out of the hole.

The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them.

The appearance of the fox is determined by the leader's signal. The fox catches those who did not have time to sit down.

"What happens if …?"

Target: Know what to do in order to protect, preserve and increase nature.

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and inferences.

Game actions:

The teacher sets a situation for discussion with the children, from which the children come to the conclusion that it is necessary to maintain a sense of proportion and protect nature. For example: what will happen if one boy throws a Coke can into the river? How about two? How about three? Are there many boys? What happens if one family brings an armful of snowdrops from the forest on the weekend? Two families? Five? What happens if one driver's car emits a lot of exhaust gases? Three cars? Half the city's drivers? What will happen if one person in the forest turns on the tape recorder at full power? Group of tourists? All vacationers in the forest? (Similarly - about a fire, about a broken branch, about a caught butterfly, about a ruined nest, and so on).


1. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology! St. Petersburg “Childhood-Press”, 2003.

2. Gor’kova L. G., Kochergina A. V., Obukhova L. A. Scenarios for classes on environmental education for preschoolers. M.: “Vako”, 2007.

3. Kondratyeva N.N. "We". Children's Environmental Education Program, 2004.

4. Makhaneva M.D. Ecological development of children of preschool and primary school age. M.: Arkti, 2004.

MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity"

Lysva, Perm region

Methodological development

Games by station


Teacher - organizer of DD(Yu)T

Annotation: The game was developed and conducted for children 7-10 years old in the Erudite camp of Children's House (Yu)T. This event has an environmental focus and can be used during theme weeks, extracurricular activities, events in a country or school summer health camp.

Target: Organization of interesting and educational leisure time for children.
Tasks: Development of ecological culture.


Cards with tasks at stations, green box, markers, Whatman paper, song lyrics, route sheets

Preliminary preparation:

Selection of musical accompaniment

Creative tasks for teams

Station decoration

Training of assistants for work at stations (counselors, teachers).

Preparation of the prize fund.

Progress of the game:

Teams (train compositions) gather at the start, where the leader greets them, distributes route sheets and explains the task. The essence of the task is to travel through the stations, performing certain tasks at them, and then return to the start to sum up the results.

Scenario of the game "ECOTRAIN"

    ORGANIZING TIME. General construction. There are songs about ecology.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! It is no coincidence that the color green is present in our clothes today. After all, today is the international day of ecology, the science of the connections between living beings and the environment, between man and nature. We are accustomed to believing that nature is omnipotent, while forgetting that it is vulnerable and fragile. Therefore, let's remind ourselves of this once again, and take a ride in our eco-train through the most amazing corners of nature, communicate with her, reveal her secrets, confess our love to her. Are you ready for this? Then submit your lineups. Today trains No. 1, No. 2 depart from the green platform...

MINI BUSINESS CARD(squads present their trains)

I see our environmental trains are in full combat readiness, I ask the drivers to get a waybill (minibuses), I remind you that the time at stops is 7 minutes. Have a nice journey, don’t go off the route!

FNG: locomotive whistle


(The squads disperse to stations. From station to station they move only by a train with a certain chant, chant, song)

    Station "Folk Signs"

There were so many grandfather signs!

Some of them are long gone.

Others through dozens of winters and years

They reached us and now they live to this day.

Make up a folk sign associated with weather phenomena from individual phrases. (The beginning of the sign is one color, the end of the sign is another.) For each correct sign - 1 point.

    The cat curled up into a ball - it’s getting colder

    A crow screams in winter - a blizzard

    Frogs croak - for rain

    Sparrows bathe in dust - for rain

    A star was born near the moon - warming

    Dogs are rolling - to the blizzard

    The spider intensively weaves a web - to dry weather.

    Already warming up on the road - before the rain

    Swifts and swallows fly low - rain is foreshadowed

    When bird cherry blossoms - to cold, frost

    If the grass is dry in the morning, expect rain in the evening

    A lot of sap flows from a birch tree - for a rainy summer

    Green Box Station (guess from the description what kind of item is in the box). For each item guessed - 1 point

    it produces a lot of garbage. it was invented by the Chinese. We get it from wood. it burns easily. People usually draw or write on it. /Paper./

    it cannot be thrown away, since it does not decompose in nature. It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break. objects made from it weigh little. I have a lot of toys made from it; If you set it on fire, it produces black acrid smoke. /Plastic./

    abandoned in the forest, it can cause a fire. If you heat it up, it becomes sticky, like dough. It is made from sand; most often it is transparent; when it falls, it breaks;/Glass./

    When it gets into water bodies, it is destroyed, fish and other aquatic animals begin to suffocate. in small quantities it is very useful as a fertilizer; when there is too much of it, it becomes a real disaster. It is produced by an ordinary cow. /Manure./

    This happens when it gets old or breaks; this can be seen everywhere: in the city, village, along the roads; you can turn it in and get money; it can be melted down to make something new; it comes in color, and it can be melted down and get money. /Scrap metal./

    There is a lot of it in the city, but little in the countryside; it is especially strong in an industrial city, where there are many plants, factories, and machines; it makes people sick, nervous, scream loudly and it becomes more and more numerous; it is produced by various devices and machines; it causes environmental pollution. /Noise./

    Station "Unusual Zoo"

(what mutations can occur if you do not treat nature with care)

Units are asked to draw two animal cards and draw a hybrid of these animals.

    Station "Four Elements" (overcome the obstacle course)

Water - wear a life jacket

Air – walk along a log (with support)

Earth - crawl under a stretched mesh

Fire - climb through a hoop

    Station "Music of Nature"

Learning a song about nature

    Station " SOS "or the signs say"

Invent and create a sign to protect the environment (for example: “beware of a rare species of ants”)

    Dance through life

Learning the dance “Sun, air and water are our best friends”


General construction.

Demonstration of creative tasks:

Sign representation

General performance of the song


Final flash mob “Sun, air and water are our best friends”

Dear friends! Let's remember that our planet is our common home, this land is both yours and mine. Be kind to each other and do not harm either nature or people!





Folk signs

« SOS"or the signs say

Four forces

Green box

Music of nature

Unusual zoo

Dance through life

There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in the heat and cold,

Come here, be a little hearty,

Do not desecrate his shrines

Game - travel on an ecological train for 4th grade

Karachurina Elena Marsovna – teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Kunashak Secondary School”

The goal of the game is introduce us to the environmental situation on our Earth, in our area; create a desire to protect nature; cultivate a caring attitude towards her, a sense of compassion for animals and a feeling of love.

Progress of the game:

(Noise from the railway station)

1 presenter: Dear passengers! Our eco-train is ready to depart. Please take your seats and sit comfortably.

1 slide – name of the trip

2 presenter: We ask you to familiarize yourself with our travel itinerary:

Slide 2 – names of stations

1. Vodnaya station

2. Station "Green House"

3. Station "Red Book"

4. Know-It-All station

5. Station "School" Have a nice trip!

1 presenter: Our train has started, and I ask you to look out the window: forests, fields, lakes are rushing past us. How amazing, beautiful and unique our Motherland is.

3-6 slides – landscapes

2 presenter: But this wonderful world is very tender, fragile and cannot survive without our love, care, and help. The future of all humanity depends on the joint actions of states and peoples.

1 presenter: To do this, every person must contribute to saving our planet.

(children read E. Shklovsky’s poems)

I look at the globe - the globe.

And suddenly he sighed as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us.”

The groves and forests are in alarm.

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask

“Take care of us, take care of us.”

The deep river is sad

Our own, losing our shores,

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

“Be a man, man!

We believe in you, don't lie

Take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe - the globe,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind:

“I will save you, I will save you!”

2 presenter: Man has already caused a lot of harm to nature. When people tried to change it, they did not think about its consequences.

1 presenter: Our train arrived at Vodnaya station

Slide 7 – “Vodnaya” station

(children read poems about water)

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes,

Fog creeps into the forest,

It's called a glacier in the mountains,

It curls like a silver ribbon.

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without it,

Don't eat, don't get drunk.

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without her!

2 presenter: The Black, Azov, and Baltic seas, lakes Ladoga and Baikal are in a catastrophic state.

1 presenter: Over the past 50 years, the Aral Sea has practically dried up.

Slides 8 and 9 – with a view of the Aral Sea

2 presenter: There is less and less clean water left, and man himself is to blame for this. Dirty waters from factories and factories and sewers of large cities are drained into rivers, lakes, and seas.

1 presenter: Scientists have calculated that every year so many harmful substances enter water bodies around the world that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains.

2 presenter: Our Techa River was once beautiful and rich in fish. It brought great benefit and pleasure to the residents of its shores. People swam in its waters and fished. And no one knew what awaited her ahead.

Slides 10-11 – with the Techa River

1 presenter: But one day there was an accident at the Mayak nuclear power plant and radioactive waste was released into Techa. Residents of some villages were evacuated, dressed in soldiers' clothes, and were not allowed to take even the most necessary things. They bulldozed all the houses and livestock into huge pits and buried them. It was as if these villages had never existed on earth. People learned that they cannot swim in the river, they cannot fish, and they must stay away from the river. The leak was blocked off with barbed wire.

2 presenter: But people did not understand the danger. Still, they swam, fished, walked livestock and poultry, and picked berries on the river bank. Residents along the river banks began to get sick and die from cancer and did not know that the river was to blame.

1 presenter: So a river polluted by people, no one to blame, still claims people’s lives.

1 presenter: We continue our journey. Please take your seats.

2 presenter: I had a question: why is no one on our planet dealing with the problems of nature?

1 presenter: Of course, there are people who protect nature, who protect everything that grows and all animals from extinction.

2 presenter: Who are these people? Guys, do you know what these people are called?

Slide 12 – ecologists

1 presenter: Environmentalists say: we need to take care of the environment, the Earth, because this is our home. And the house must always be taken care of, protected and kept clean.

2 presenter: What do ecologists call the Earth?

(children's answers - “Green house”)

1 presenter: We arrived at the next station, which is called the Green House.

Slide 13 – station “Green House”

2 presenter: Let's get some fresh air. When I was little, there was a forest here.

1 presenter: But I don’t feel any fresh air, and I don’t see the forest.

2 presenter: People have destroyed and continue to destroy forests, which are the “lungs of the planet.” Forests purify the air and are a unique community of living organisms.

1 presenter: Factories and factories, with their emissions into the atmosphere, have made the Earth's air practically unbreathable.

14-15 slides – pipes of factories

2 presenter: How can we save our atmosphere and fresh air?

(children's answers)

16-17 slides - forest

(sounds of the forest, birdsong)

2 presenter: Let's board our train and continue our journey.

1 presenter: While we are playing, we will divide into teams. Each team must sing over the other. And we sing songs that contain lines about flowers, animals, birds.

2 presenter: We are approaching the next station.

1 presenter: You can guess its name now. What is the name of the book in which plants and animals that need human protection and protection are entered?

2 presenter: Station "Red Book".

Slide 18 – station “Red Book”

Some plants and animals have become rare. They are included in the Red Book. This book is called that because the color red is a danger signal.

Slide 19 – “The Red Book”

1 presenter: What animals and birds listed in the Red Book do you know?

2 presenter: Why are predators useful, why are they also included in the Red Book, because they are so evil?

(children's answers)

1 presenter: What plants are listed in the Red Book?

2 presenter: How did it happen that plants also ended up in the Red Book?

(child reads poem)

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

(children's stories)

2 presenter: People have been farming for a long time. They are building cities, roads, cultivating fields, laying gas and oil pipelines. All this is necessary and forests are often destroyed for this. Many trees are destroyed for timber. Every year needs

people are growing, and forests are becoming smaller.

1 presenter: But the air and water bodies are becoming increasingly polluted, rivers and lakes are drying up. Therefore, plants and animals suffer and die, people get sick.

2 presenter: People exterminate animals for meat, beautiful fur, and for entertainment.

1 presenter: What way out of this situation do you guys suggest?

(children's answers)

2 presenter: Well, just think, we went into the forest and picked flowers, broke a few branches, caught butterflies... I’m alone...

1 presenter: So you think you're alone. One wound will be inflicted by you, the other wound by your friend. What if the whole class, the whole school, the whole city goes and inflicts wounds on nature? Guys, nature has a hard time healing even the smallest wounds. Let's think about why?

(children's answers)

2 presenter: Our planet Earth is kind to us. And we must respond to her with warmth for warmth, love for love. Environmental scientists are sounding the alarm: nature is in danger! But there are a few simple rules on how to behave in nature and they will help preserve our nature. Do you guys know them?

(children's answers)

Slide 20 – rules of conduct

1 presenter: How long were we at the Red Book station? How much we learned!

2 presenter: Our journey will be more pleasant if we dance the dance of the little ducklings.

1 presenter: Next station is Know-It-All.

21 slides - “Know-It-All” station

What do we know about our nature, about what surrounds us:

  1. What is a "fruit" duck called? (mandarin duck)

  2. Which bird brings the clock to life? (cuckoo)

  3. What bird is used as a hunting bird? (falcon)

  4. What do you call someone who gets up early? (lark)

  5. Do you like to stay up late? (owl)

  6. How does a cuckoo crow: with an open or closed beak? (closed)

  7. Why do dolphins cry? (to protect eyes from damage)

  8. What insect, being in the Moscow region, feels an earthquake in Japan? (grasshopper)

  9. What fish bears a person's name? (carp)

  10. What is the most common vegetable on earth? (onion)

  11. Why does a hare have big ears? (so as not to overheat)

  12. Do insects “wash themselves”? (many very carefully)

  13. Largest mammal? (whale)

  14. Smallest mammal? (bat)

  15. What birds are called “birds of the world”? (pigeons)

  16. Do mosquitoes have teeth? (yes, 22 teeth)

  17. What bird is not a waterfowl, but lives near bodies of water? (sandpiper, heron, crane)

  18. What do leeches breathe? (skin)

  19. What kind of water is in icebergs: fresh or salty? (fresh)

  20. How do ants escape from fire? (putting out the fire)

  21. What insect larvae do fishermen call bloodworms? (mosquitoes)

  22. Is the city sparrow a migratory bird? (No)
2 presenter: Well, now it's time to go back to school.

Slide 22 – station “School”

(children read poetry)

Everything - everything

Everything in the world

Everyone is needed in the world!

And midges

No less needed than elephants.

Can't get by

Without ridiculous monsters

And even without predators

Evil and ferocious!

We need everything in the world -

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison.

Bad things

A cat without a mouse,

A mouse without a cat

No better business.

Yes! If ket and I are not very friendly,

We still really need each other.

And if someone seems superfluous to us,

This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake...

Everything - everything

Everything in the world

Everyone is needed in the world!

And all children should remember this! B. Zakhoder

Come on people

Be friends with each other

Like birds with the sky,

Like the wind through the meadow,

Like a sail with the sea,

Grass with rain,

How the sun is friendly

With all of us.

A song is being performed.

Summary of an open lesson on the subject “The world around us”

TOPIC: “Ecological safety of the Earth”


OBJECTIVES: 1. to systematize and expand students’ knowledge about the state of nature of our planet; reveal some environmental problems;

2. to form an idea of ​​the Earth as a universal human home;

3. show the importance of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection;

4. develop speech, memory, thinking, imagination;

5. cultivate a responsible attitude towards nature;

EQUIPMENT: drawings of the planet, slides with images of nature, cards with group names, envelopes with tasks for groups, signs with signs of environmental disaster, information sheets, layout of the Reminder Book.


Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities




good mood


Setting goals.



Lesson summary

Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! What a wonderful day it is today, how many smiles it brings us! Smile at each other so that the smile and good mood accompany us throughout the lesson!
Today in class I need your attention, support and help. Close your eyes and listen to the words:

“If we close our eyes, we won’t see anything. There was nothing before except darkness. And it was like that until a blue sparkling ball appeared. This is Earth. Life begins... The world shimmers dazzlingly. How important it is that this continues forever...
There is a saying: “Get up in the morning, wash your face, put the planet in order,” unfortunately, more and more often we forget about this. Therefore, the topic of our lesson is “Ecological Safety of the Earth.” We will discuss environmental problems, try to find ways to solve some of them, and talk about the rules of behavior in nature.

The environment will help us with this. What it is?

Ecologists are trying to determine what influence humans and nature have on each other, and how to achieve mutual understanding and cooperation.

Our Earth is very beautiful and gives a lot to people

Baikal is the deepest lake and the largest treasury of fresh water.
Clean mountain air has real healing properties.
Forests are the lungs of our planet.

Do you agree that our planet is beautiful?

Colorful, cheerful, lively.

You are like a mother to us, the only one in the world,

We are your caring children.
But sometimes, under our hands

Your beauty disappears without a trace.

The oceans are choked with mud,

Animals, birds, grasses die.
Guys, what happened, why is our Earth sad?
What threatens our planet?

We need to help the planet. Therefore, today you will find yourself in the role of specialist scientists: botanists, zoologists, geographers, ecologists.

What do botanists study?

What do zoologists study?
And geographers have a special task: to tell what threatens the soil, water and air.
And an expert group of ecologists will tell us what a chain of pollution is and how we can protect our health in this situation.
You have 5 minutes to prepare.

Which scientist is ready to start his presentation?

Who is to blame for all these troubles?

And most of all, he himself suffers from this. And how this happens, ECOLOGISTS will tell us.

Our planet is huge and only by uniting can we help it.

But did people really not think about all these problems until this moment? Was nothing really done to protect the Earth?

We see that measures are being taken to protect nature in our country. But is this enough to save the nature of the entire planet?
People created boundaries, fenced themselves off from each other, and forgot that.

All people have one planet

And the winds have no boundaries on it,

How there are no limits to the flow of light

And the flights of wild birds.
And we need to save the planet

For those who will come after us.

And we mindlessly pour out poisons

And we poison our house without stint.

There are no boundaries in nature, and only together can people save the planet and themselves. States enter into conventions - i.e. agreements. For example, the Convention on Restriction of Trade in Rare and Endangered Species of Plants and Animals.

Each group will now receive information sheets. Select those international agreements that correspond to your specialty
An expert group represented by ecologists accepts reports
International organizations have been created and are being created to serve the cause of nature conservation. One of them is the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is this organization that publishes the International Red Book. The World Wildlife Fund was created.
And we will try to create a BOOK-MEMORY of the environmental safety of the inhabitants of the Earth. In it you will describe what needs to be done to keep nature clean and prevent environmental disaster. The textbook will help us with this. Open it on page 31.

This is the kind of book we have. Look, and our planet began to smile.

The planet smiles, she is happy because... I realized that she had defenders who would heal her and turn her into a blooming garden.

This concludes our lesson and all that remains is to summarize.

What new did you learn? What do you remember most? Have we achieved our goals?
If we are destined to breathe air

Let's all go forever

Let's unite.

Let's save our souls!

Then we ourselves will survive on Earth!
Thanks to all! The lesson is over. Goodbye!

Children greet teachers, guests and smile at each other.

Children close their eyes and imagine everything the teacher is talking about.

Ecology is the science of our common home, our planet.

Yes! Our planet is very beautiful.

The man began to pollute it greatly.
Water and air pollution, deforestation, extermination of animals, etc.

They study the “lungs” of the planet, i.e. plants
They study our smaller animal brothers.

Independent work of students to solve the assigned problem.
Alternating performances by groups of BOTANIKS, ZOOLOGERS, GEOGRAPHERS. 1 person from each group speaks.

The person is to blame.

A group of ECOLOGISTS performs.

The man thought about these troubles. Nature reserves, national parks, botanical gardens and, of course, the Red Book were created.
No, that's not enough.

Hello planet!

Hello Earth!

From now on we are your children and friends.

From now on we are a big family together.

We are your children

Planet Earth!
Children's answers.

Children are divided into 4 groups and sit at separate tables.

A drawing appears on the board

smiling earth

A drawing of a sad planet appears on the board

BOTANY signs appear at each table.


Each group receives envelopes with assignments. (Annex 1)

As the speech progresses, signs appear on the board:

1 deforestation

2 destruction of rare plants

3 forest fires
4 uncontrolled destruction of animals

5 death of animals as a result of environmental pollution. environment.
6. Water pollution

7. air pollution.

8. accumulation of garbage.

9. soil poisoning (landfills, pesticides)

Children receive information sheets (Appendix 2)

Children receive pages from the reminder book (Appendix 3) and fill them out.

Drawing of a smiling planet on the blackboard

death of animals as a result of environmental pollution. What is the chain of pollution and how can you protect your health in this situation?

Slide 1. Lake Baikal
Slide2. Mountains

Slide 3. Lasa

Slide 4. The beauty of the Earth

Slides 5, 6, 7. beauty of the Earth.
Slides 8,8,10.

Water and air pollution, deforestation.

While working, there is music and a slide show 1-7

Game program

"Ecological train"

Target: - Expand your horizons and interest in nature; activate cognitive activity

Instill in children a culture of behavior in nature, teach them to be careful and treat everything that grows and lives there.

Remind children of the various gifts that nature gives to humans and skillfully use them in independent life. Remind me of the rules for traveling on the train.

Unleash your creative abilities.

Equipment: visual design of the game; names of stops; tasks at stops; tokens; tickets; awards for the winners.

Leading: Attention! Attention “Ecological train” departs from “Verino” station

(This station presents a variety of visuals on the topic “Forest”: posters, illustrations, homemade signs of behavior in the forest).

Hello guys! Today you will travel around the area. Lazo on the Ecological Train. You will make four stops along the way; a forest doctor, a mushroom clearing awaits you; traces of unknown animals and many other forest adventures.

You are now at Verino station. And so, in order to get on the train, you must buy tickets, and the monetary equivalent will be chants, which you will now read expressively to us and receive a train ticket. (each squad is called by its name and reads a chant).

1 Squad "Ants"

One two three four

Three - four, one - two

Who walks together in a row?

Our ant squad.

We are strong like rhinoceroses

Get out of the way, pests.

Five - six, seven - eight!

We invite you to visit the green forest

We are only good guests,

We will gnaw the evil ones to the bones

2 Squad "Healers"

The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom,

There are medicines growing all around,

In every grass, in every branch -

And medicine and pills,

Well, what and how to treat

Can we teach you.

All medicinal plants

Without exception, we know

You just need to not be lazy,

You just need to learn

Find plants in the forest

Which are suitable for treatment!

3 Squad "Ecologists"

People about nature

Stopped thinking

Destroy, spoil,

They kill, they torture,

And animals and birds

They kill brutally

Garbage, waste

The rivers are clogged,

So come on people

We will be more gentle

And we will have nature.

We protect!

4 Detachment "Reserve"

"Reserve" is the word

Everyone knows

Animals are protected there,

They feed and protect.

Hunting is prohibited here

They show they care here!

Well done! You have purchased your reserved tickets (ticket distribution) and now you will go on your trip. Try to fill your tickets with points at all stops and return them at the end of the trip to receive rewards and prizes. At the end of the game we will determine the best experts in ecology.

    Stop. "Fishing Quiz"

Questions and tasks:

1.What products can be used to prepare fish dishes? What will it be called? (fish soup, herring under a fur coat, tala, heh, etc.)

2.What do fishermen call an item without which you can’t go fishing and won’t catch a single fish? (bait)

3.What sports equipment do sailors use when measuring strength? (rope)

4.Which fish is the best armed? (swordfish)

5.What kind of fish, besides the “golden” one, can make a wish come true? (pike)

6.Which fish wears a “fur coat” on holidays? (herring)

7.What kind of implement did the old man use to catch fish from the “tale of the fisherman and the fish” by A.S. Pushkin? (seine)

8. What fish is named after a person? (Carp)

9.Remember the proverb about fish (“You can’t even eat a fish out of a pond without effort”)

10.What words did the wolf from the fairy tale say while sitting at the ice hole? (Catch a fish, big and small)

11.What you need to take with you on a fishing trip. (which class can name more items)

12.Name the favorite dance of sailors and dance a few movements of it (Apple)

13. Depict “Fishing Incident” with a pontamimo

14.Draw a fish and give it a name. (You can draw with your eyes closed with the whole team or one person)

2. Stop “Traveller – Excellent Student”


Remember the rules of the traveler.

1. You need to take it with you into the forest. (1. Compass, 2.Globe)

2. The fire must be lit. (1. In the meadow, 2. Under the tree)

3. Branches for the fire are needed…. (1. Break from living trees, 2. Pick up from the ground)

4. Before you leave, you need to make a fire... (1. Fill, 2.Fill with peat)

5. Garbage must... (1. Take with you, 2.Leave in the forest)

6. What does not decompose in the soil? (1. Polyethylene, 2.Paper, 3.Coals)

7. Mushrooms should be eaten... (1. Fried, 2. Raw)

8.Seeing a hedgehog you should….. (1. Pass by, take it home)

9. In the forest you need to ..... (1. Listen to loud music, 2. Be quiet and reserved)


Short and long riddles are offered. They are designed in different ways: short riddles are inscribed in the cores of bright flowers, long riddles are on the back of individual petals.

Leading: Are there many flowers at my stop? But my flowers are not simple, but with a secret - with forest mysteries. Easy riddles - on flowers, difficult ones on petals.

Choose which ones you like.

Short riddles.

Four leaves like a cross, and a black eye is looking at us (Crow's Eye)

No one is scared, but everyone is trembling (aspen)

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the forest (Woodpecker)

In spring it turns green, in autumn it turns yellow, when it falls it turns black (Apple)

It grows like a wall, don’t touch it, it will burn like fire (Nettle)

Jumps deftly, loves carrots (Hare)

The dress will come off, but the buttons will remain (Rowan)

Long riddles.

The inhabitants of the dark kingdom are crawling to different ends.

They tirelessly drink moisture and give life to all plants. (Roots)

I'm a nasty old woman, I'm wearing a pale hat.

And the foot is in a shoe, there are speckles on the stocking.

Whoever touches me will never wake up again. (Death cap)

This “boy” wears a yellow sundress.

When he grows up, he will dress up in a little white dress.

Lush, airy, obedient to the breeze

Delicate, fragile, small, aged and gray.

And as soon as he got old, he flew away with the wind (Dandelion)

There is a house with a thousand people in it.

The owners from the garden take us away with delight.

Don’t disturb, don’t touch, they’ll burn you like fire (Bees)

2. Stop “Green Pharmacy”

Pharmacy department leaflets and illustrations of medicinal herbs are laid out on the table.

Leading:(in a white coat with a “green pharmacy” sign, in his hands he holds cards with “diagnoses”). Children, the forest doctor greets you. You are walking along an ecological path. Imagine that an unexpected situation happened to you. You may be sick. I won't give any bitter pills. We will be treated with the help of plants. Choose diagnoses and start treatment.

Walking along the path, I ran into a sharp twig, injured my shoulder and applied a plant..... (plantain, yarrow, nettle juice).

As I set out to hike the trail, I put on my new running shoes. They rubbed my feet until they were calloused. I had to stop and apply a medicinal plant…. And bandage your feet. (plantain, moss).

It was sunny in the morning, I went traveling in light clothes. Suddenly a torrential, cold rain began to fall. I was soaked to the skin. By evening the temperature rose. Tea helped me ..... (from raspberry, linden blossom, St. John's wort).

Walking along the path, I saw an unextinguished fire. I hurried to put out the fire and burned my hand. It’s good that I came across... This is a real forest plaster (Mushroom - puffball, crushed pine needles).

Having wandered into the forest, we could not calm down from the impressions for a long time. Our leader had to brew us a special, soothing tea…….(Valerian, motherwort).

Crossing a swampy place, I left the path and fell into a quagmire. My friends saved me, but my heart ached from fright. A decoction cured me…….(From valerian, hawthorn fruits, kupena).

Walking along the path, I accidentally disturbed a wasp's nest. The wasp stung me painfully. When I applied…. The pain began to subside. (Plantain).

Walking along the path, we came across a spring. I drank a lot of cold water and soon could not stop coughing. Helped me...... (Coltsfoot, wild rosemary, plantain, sage).

4. Stop “Encryption”

Solve the problem;

1.The length of the Kiya River is 3660 km. , and the Khor River is 5780. How many kilometers is the length of the Kiya River shorter than the length of the Khor River. (2120 km.)

2. The length of the Draga reservoir is 3500 m, and the Bamovskoye lake is 2400 m. How much longer is the Draga reservoir than the Bamovskoye lake. (1100 m.)

3. One hamster stores 800 g of grain for the winter. How much grain does 2 hamsters, 20 hamsters store for the winter? (1kg 600g, 10kg 600g)

4. Thick wool protects the camel well from cold and heat. He is not picky about food - he eats any desert plants, drinks brackish and salt water. Moreover, a camel can drink 57 liters of water at a time. How many liters will he drink in 2 times? (114 l.)

5. The weight of a polar bear is 500 kg. How many kilograms do 2 of these bears weigh (1000 kg)

6. In different parts of the globe, lightning flashes and thunder roars throughout the year. According to statistics, every second lightning flashes, and therefore thunders, at least 100 times. How many times will lightning flash across the entire globe in 1 hour?

Write the numbers in the box, starting with the largest, in descending order. Write the letters corresponding to them below them.

Write the numbers in the box, starting with the largest, in descending order. Write the letters corresponding to them below them.

Write the numbers in the box, starting in ascending order. Below them write down the letters corresponding to them.

-Write only odd numbers in the box in ascending order. Below them write down the letters corresponding to them.

Write only even numbers in the box in ascending order. Below them write down the letters corresponding to them.


After passing all the halts, everyone gathers in the assembly hall to sum up the results. The presenter names the winners and presents them with awards and souvenirs, thanks all the children for their active participation in the game program “Ecological Train”

6th class ticket

Name of stop stations


"Fishing Quiz"

“The Traveler is an Excellent Student”

"Green Pharmacy"



TOTAL SCORE_______________

7th class ticket

Station name


“The Traveler is an Excellent Student”

"Green Pharmacy"


"Fishing Quiz"

5 points – for correct answers, for more participants

4 points - if minor errors are made

3 points - if mistakes are made

2 points - if gross mistakes are made


Most active participants: (2-3 students)___________________________


TOTAL SCORE_______________

8th class ticket

Station name


"Green Pharmacy"


"Fishing Quiz"

“The Traveler is an Excellent Student”

5 points – for correct answers, for more participants

4 points - if minor errors are made

3 points - if mistakes are made

2 points - if gross mistakes are made


Most active participants: (2-3 students)___________________________


TOTAL SCORE_______________

Ticket 9a,b class

Station name



"Fishing Quiz"

“The Traveler is an Excellent Student”

"Green Pharmacy"

5 points – for correct answers, for more participants

4 points - if minor errors are made

3 points - if mistakes are made

2 points - if gross mistakes are made


Most active participants: (2-3 students)___________________________


TOTAL SCORE_______________