Jasmine- a fragrant shrub of the olive family. The plant is distinguished by large white or yellow flowers (see photo), the aroma of which has a positive effect on the human nervous system. Arabia is considered the birthplace of the bush.

According to ancient legend, the jasmine bush represents an angel who descended from heaven to make people live more beautifully. The ancient Greeks believed that an amazing bush with white fragrant flowers was the work of the goddess of wisdom, Athena. Nowadays, jasmine is still a symbol of love and is associated with romantic feelings. The Tatars believe that in order to get to heaven, it is necessary to grow a bush of this wonderful plant.

Jasmine is sometimes also called the “queen of the night”, which is associated with its collection. Flowers are picked at such a late time of day because they bloom in the dark. Jasmine flowers are very beautiful, the bush is even called the “king of all flowers.” People prone to irritability are advised to walk more often where this wonderful plant grows. The smell of jasmine has a calming effect and drives away bad thoughts. Jasmine is also considered an excellent honey plant, because the smell of white petals attracts bees. Flowers are collected in good weather and then dried immediately. An oven is used to dry the plants.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of jasmine allow the plant to be used in folk medicine. The plant is rich in salicylic, benzoic, formic acid, as well as essential oil. Jasmine oil is effective for wounds and is used to disinfect them.

The essential oil of the king of flowers is considered one of the most valuable and expensive oils. This is due to the costs of its production, because jasmine is very reluctant to give up oil: from 1000 kg of fresh flowers only 1 kg of oil is obtained.

Remedies prepared on the basis of jasmine are good at relieving pain symptoms, so jasmine is often included in mixtures for muscle pain and joint pain.

Jasmine is considered a female plant, it helps against many diseases.
Taking jasmine also promotes lactation. Decoctions or teas with jasmine and warm baths are considered an effective remedy for women. Jasmine can reduce the pain that accompanies menstruation. The properties of the plant help relieve pain during contractions. A cup of hot green tea with jasmine petals will relieve headaches. Jasmine is also effective for migraines.

Jasmine is known as an aphrodisiac; it increases potency and increases sexual desire. Jasmine oil has long been used for romantic purposes; it helps to relax and tune in to a pleasant pastime. The smell of jasmine drives away anxiety, fear, and depression. Green tea with jasmine perfectly fights irritability, improves mood, and tones the body.

In cosmetology, jasmine is used as an anti-aging agent. Jasmine essential oil can be used for relaxing baths, which will help get rid of fatigue after a hard day. A few drops of essential oil should be added to a tablespoon of cream or honey so that the concentrated oil does not cause a burn. The bath should take no more than 20 minutes. Jasmine is considered an effective remedy for mature skin, but can also be used to care for sensitive or dry skin, in which case it is added to 3 drops per 100 ml of base.

When used externally, the leaves of the shrub can be used as a remedy for calluses. To get rid of calluses, apply crushed jasmine leaves for several days.

Use in cooking

Jasmine is used in cooking due to its fragrant aroma. Jasmine flowers add a unique taste and smell to tea drinks; they are mainly added to green tea. Tea compositions made from green tea and jasmine flowers are especially popular in England.

Flowers are also used to prepare original desserts. The desserts turn out to be very tender and delicious in taste. Jasmine flowers are often used in culinary homemade ice cream recipes. To do this, the flowers must be soaked in cold water and left to infuse for 3 hours. The infusion obtained from soaking jasmine is poured into a saucepan and boiled, making sure to add cinnamon and sugar to the fragrant water. The mixture is cooled and proteins and rum are added to it. The resulting mass is placed in the freezer until completely solidified. In order for the ice cream to turn out airy, you need to interrupt its hardening and beat the mass; for the best effect, you should do this trick 2-3 times until it hardens completely.

Tea with jasmine petals is prepared as follows. The flowers of the plant are added to green or black tea and poured with boiling water. In a few minutes the fragrant drink will be ready.

A very tasty drink can be made from white wine and jasmine. The oil is diluted with lemon juice, a few drops of the resulting mixture are added to a bottle of white wine. The wine is left for several days and then carefully filtered. Jasmine wine is an excellent choice for a romantic date.

Jasmine scented oil can be obtained at home. Jasmine flowers are dried, then poured with olive or any other base oil. The mixture is placed in a dark place, after 14 days the product will be ready.

Jasmine leaves are sometimes added to salads. The low calorie content of the plant allows it to be used even in dietary nutrition. 100 g of jasmine contains only 1 kilocalorie

Jasmine benefits and treatment

The benefits of jasmine are known in traditional medicine. The plant is used to treat hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Chinese medicine uses jasmine for diseases of the visual organs; a decoction is prepared from it, which is then used to wash the eyes. The plant is also considered an effective remedy for rheumatism; it is also used to cleanse the blood.

Jasmine is used for the treatment of bronchial asthma. With this disease, pour a tablespoon of the plant into a glass of water and boil over low heat. The decoction is infused for about an hour and taken 2 tablespoons before meals.

Green hour with jasmine petals is recommended for women to treat frigidity. Jasmine tea is considered an excellent antidepressant. It is better to take tea in the first half of the day, especially in combination with green tea, since jasmine has a tonic effect.

The scent of jasmine has a stimulating effect on brain function. Jasmine is also used in the form of an alcoholic infusion. About 100 grams of jasmine flowers are poured with alcohol (100 ml) and stored in a dark place. Before use, the tincture is diluted with water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water. The tincture can be used as a tonic or applied as a compress to damaged or problematic skin.

Jasmine root is used in folk medicine for the treatment of hemorrhoids. A special product is prepared for this. Chopped jasmine root (1 tablespoon) must be poured into ½ cup of boiling water. The broth is brought to a boil, simmered over low heat for 10 minutes, and then infused for 2-3 hours. Then it is divided into 3 doses and drunk before meals.

For the treatment of nervous diseases, the effects of stress, hysteria use the following decoction of jasmine flowers. One teaspoon of flowers is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused in a thermos for an hour. The decoction is taken 2 tbsp. spoons 40 minutes before meals. It calms well and helps overcome insomnia.

Harm of jasmine and contraindications

Jasmine can cause harm to the body during pregnancy, high blood pressure and peptic ulcers. Jasmine can cause allergies, so people suffering from allergic reactions need to be extremely careful. The presence of an allergic reaction to such a product is a contraindication for its use. And if consumed in excess, jasmine tea can cause headaches.

Jasmine is a very popular and useful plant, due to its unique properties it is used in completely different areas. Jasmine branches find their use even in the interior; they are used to make baskets and decorate rooms.

These substances allow this plant to have aphrodisiac properties. It should be borne in mind that the benefits of jasmine and its properties can also cause harm. It is necessary to take into account contraindications and descriptions in order to carry out treatment.

The use of jasmine in folk medicine

Treatment with jasmine has been known since ancient times. Traditional medicine often includes the use of this plant. Using jasmine, you can create a unique recipe, a description of which can be found on the Internet, that can cure any disease.

Jasmine is popularly used as tea or oil. Jasmine tea is not only healthy, but also very tasty due to its amazing aroma. Rich in vitamins, it has found its use in many areas.

The benefit of this plant is that it promotes relaxation and restoration of the body. When taking baths, you can add jasmine essential oil and brew jasmine tea.

This will help relieve stress after working days, as well as enjoy the peace of the evening. It will be useful for insomnia, impotence, colds, depression and fatigue.

In addition to its benefits, this plant has a number of contraindications and can harm humans. The harm is expressed in fairly strong allergic reactions in people suffering from individual intolerance to the plant.

Often, allergic reactions occur if a person consumes a decoction of the plant’s flowers in its pure form. But when a small amount is added to tea, jasmine is practically not harmful.

Jasmine treatment and application

Treatment and use of jasmine is possible in the following cases:

  • used for wounds, damage and irritation as an antiseptic;
    perfectly relieves pain and restores the body;
    normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves stress.

The healing properties of jasmine flowers are valued even more than essential oil. The aroma of flowers helps in the treatment of bronchial asthma and bronchitis.

Used in the form of decoctions, infusions and syrups. One of the popular ways to treat the respiratory system is tea.

Jasmine flower tea for depression

Jasmine tea is not only very healthy, but also very tasty, which is why it is the most popular among other herbs.

Its amazing properties include the fact that it enriches the body with vitamins, helps relieve psychological stress, helps get rid of depression and insomnia, significantly increases performance, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and normalizes metabolism.

For depression, this tea is simply irreplaceable; its aroma helps improve mood and mental balance.

Jasmine essential oil has an antiseptic effect, it can be used to clean the wound and quickly create a healing process. Improves and soothes the condition of the skin in diseases of a neuroendocrine nature (eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatoses, nonspecific dermatitis, etc.).
It can be used to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Green tea from the flowers of the plant for weight loss - contraindications

Now there are a lot of different ways to lose weight, so jasmine tea is no exception. But not everyone knows that in addition to its benefits, it has some contraindications. This can cause serious harm to the body, since such healthy tea can cause serious allergic reactions.

Those who have a number of chronic diseases should take it with caution; before use, you should definitely consult a doctor. There is already a certain useful mixture for weight loss, so it is not recommended to make an infusion yourself.

The use of jasmine oils for aromatherapy - essential properties

Aromatherapy is gaining momentum, and the use of oils is increasingly appearing in medicine. The use of jasmine is also possible through inhalation; the use of oil helps to improve the condition of the body.

Aromatherapy can be used to treat the throat and nervous system. It is necessary to make a medicinal infusion with the addition of oil to relieve pain and spasms. The main thing is to take into account all contraindications and not harm the body.

The use of jasmine in cosmetology

Jasmine oil is used in cosmetology because of its unique properties and unforgettable smell. To prepare the product, the flowers are treated with a solvent and a saturated concentrate is obtained.

Various creams, serums and decorative cosmetics include jasmine ether.
Jasmine oil is ideal for dry, irritated and very sensitive skin because it has moisturizing and soothing properties.

The category of legendary oils includes aromas that have been used for thousands of years not only as the basis of perfume compositions, but also for the manufacture of cosmetics and medicinal products.

Along with lavender and rose oils, the legendary status is certainly inherent in jasmine essential oil - warm, light and delightfully “talented”, the smell of which fully reveals all the notes of the amazing aroma of jasmine flowers. This fragrance has long been considered a companion to mysterious, sensual and self-confident women, but jasmine was no less actively used in medicine.

Jasmine essential oil provides a rich, mature aroma with exotic floral notes. It is comparable to rose oil - expensive, noble, but unlike the delicate queen of flowers - with a truly masculine character. Jasmine essential oil, whose properties have been known since ancient times, gives its admirers self-confidence and love for the world and others.

Real or not?

Real 100% jasmine essential oil is very expensive. It is believed that to produce a kilogram of absolute, 8 million jasmine flowers are needed - which is about a ton of raw materials. Flowers are collected at night and at dawn - it is at this time that the concentration of the necessary components is highest.

As a result, the price of natural jasmine essential oil reaches several thousand rubles per 5 grams. This oil is fluid, thick, dark brown, rich in color, with a noble exotic, slightly intoxicating aroma. Remember, if you are lucky enough to receive 100% jasmine essential oil, it should not be used in its pure form. It is diluted with base or vegetable oils.

The oil that can be found in any pharmacy, falling into the price category of 150–500 rubles, is already diluted. It is usually mixed with jojoba oil.

For the soul

Problems have piled up, self-esteem has fallen and nothing makes you happy? A bath or massage with jasmine oil will restore your spirit and self-confidence. This smell will warm and calm you, help you relax.

For creative people, the scent of jasmine will help them discover their talents and instill optimism. It will relieve insomnia and help overcome stress, physical and emotional exhaustion.

This is the best cure for depression, even postpartum. And for loving partners, the scent of jasmine will help them relax and experience the joy of intimacy.

For good health

Jasmine oil relieves cramps and spasms. During childbirth, massage of the lower back with jasmine oil helps the woman in labor relax and soothes pain.

This oil is also indispensable for viral diseases. It fights inflammation and improves immunity. Inhalations with jasmine essential oil have an expectorant effect.

Jasmine oil has a beneficial effect on the genital area. Stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs in women and men. Additionally, jasmine oil is believed to help couples become pregnant.

When used externally, jasmine oil helps fight scars, stretch marks and age spots on the skin. It is also used in the treatment of dermatitis and eczema. To make a therapeutic compress, you need to dissolve 4-5 drops in a glass of warm water.

This oil is a favorite in cosmetology and perfumery. The scent of jasmine is chosen by sophisticated, mysterious people. This subtle, long-lasting feminine scent is suitable for mature, confident ladies.

Jasmine essential oil is beneficial for hair and skin. Moreover, it is suitable for owners of skin of all types. It will not harm even thin, sensitive skin with frequent irritations. It makes the skin more elastic and removes signs of fatigue. Enrich your favorite cream with healing properties - 4-5 drops per 15 grams of base.

The extent to which it is advisable to use jasmine essential oil for hair is often discussed on women's forums. Those who have tried it write that it helps remarkably with dry scalp and nourishes the hair. It is used by adding it to shampoos and hair masks or as a component of homemade hair products.

For example, you need to dissolve 10-12 drops of jasmine essential oil in 50 ml of vegetable oil (sesame or olive). Apply the healing oil to your hair, wrap your head, and rinse off after half an hour. This mask wonderfully nourishes dry, lifeless hair.

You can also add jasmine oil to your favorite proven herbal decoctions for hair. The simplest, but no less effective way is aromatherapy. Distribute a drop of oil over the teeth of the comb and enjoy the magical floral scent while combing your hair before bed.

For the atmosphere

If the aroma of jasmine doesn't leave you indifferent, here are a few more bonus tips on how to fill the space around you with floral scent.

  1. You can preserve your favorite aroma on things by dropping essential oil into the water when washing by hand or into the fabric softener if washing by machine. The long-lasting pleasant aroma of jasmine will remain even after several washes. You can also drop essential oil into the water for an iron with a steam function.
  2. If you are the lucky owner of a fireplace, add a few drops of jasmine to the wood before lighting the fire. The enveloping, warming and stimulating scent of jasmine will be added to the romantic glow of the flame. No fireplace? Place a drop of oil on the candle wick before lighting it. Or use a traditional aroma lamp - two to three drops per 15 sq.m. premises.

Contraindications and dosages

Jasmine essential oil absolute can only be used by diluting it in vegetable or base oil in the proportions of one drop of absolute per 10 drops of base. Already diluted oil can be used directly as it is sold.

The only contraindication to the use of jasmine oil is hypotension. Oil should be used internally only in the absence of gastritis, peptic ulcers and problems with kidney function. During pregnancy, jasmine should not be used only during the first 4 months.

Jasmine mixes well with other essential oils; only base oils or plant oils without a strong odor are used as a base.

  • For individual aroma pendants, 2 drops of aroma oil are enough.
  • To take an aromatic bath filled with the delightful and inspiring scent of jasmine, do not use more than 3 drops of oil diluted in honey.
  • For 15 grams of massage base, you can add from 2 to 5 drops of jasmine oil; in the same concentration it is used to improve the characteristics of cosmetics.
  • For compresses and applications, add exactly 5 drops of oil to a glass of warm water.
  • Jasmine aroma oil can also be used to flavor tea - 2 drops of unique floral essential oil are enough for a standard package.

Must warn

No matter how much we praise, it would be fair to note that there are so many people, so many tastes. Not everyone likes jasmine. Some people simply don’t like the smell, while others complain of an outright headache after inhaling this aroma.

Therefore, if you are not yet familiar with the king of aromas, try the economy version first, and if you like it, move on to real jasmine essential oil, the properties of which are truly wonderful.

In addition, jasmine oil should be used with caution in case of hypotension and in the first trimester of pregnancy. Do not forget that you or those around you may be allergic to this essential oil.

Jasmine bush can be planted in spring or fall. Plant it in a deep hole and fertilize it thoroughly. It is necessary to water abundantly, without allowing the soil to dry out, so that the leaves of the plant are always green and healthy.

Before and after flowering, it is imperative to fertilize with any specialized fertilizers. Jasmine blooms very beautifully, it comes in white and yellow, its fragrant aroma is very attractive.

How to collect jasmine for storage

The use of jasmine depends on proper storage. Flowering begins in late spring and lasts all summer. To make tea, you need to collect the blooming flowers.

Massive blooming can be observed in the early morning, so collection should be done very early in the morning. After collecting, you can start drying; to do this, you need to carefully arrange the flowers on paper.

Jasmine - growing and planting at home

You can also grow it at home. Home care is very similar to garden care and does not require much time. Perennial indoor jasmine is propagated by cuttings; they are placed in a jar of water and waited for rooting. It is best to plant in spring. There are a lot of photo instructions on planting and care on the Internet, the main thing is careful supervision of the plant and proper storage.

Jasmine is an evergreen shrub strewn with beautiful white, yellow or pink fragrant double flowers. There are several types of jasmine. The most ancient variety is Arabian jasmine, which was bred in China before our era. It blooms almost all year round. Legend has it that jasmine is an angel who came down from heaven to make sure people have a better life. And in Ancient Greece they believed that Athena created such a beautiful flower. Jasmine is also called the queen of the night and is considered a symbol of love. In Russia, some call jasmine mock orange, a shrub with the same fragrant flowers, but these are two different plants.

Composition and beneficial properties of jasmine

Jasmine contains formic, benzoic and salicylic acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Phenols and syringoside were found in the bark of this medicinal plant. The leaves and bark contain ursolic acid, alkaloids, and the seeds contain essential oils. It also contains flavonoids, vitamins, and microelements. For medicinal purposes, it is customary to use all parts of the plant: seeds, flowers, fruits, leaves, branches.

What are the benefits of jasmine? The aroma of flowers has a refreshing effect and stimulates brain function. If you put 100 g of jasmine flowers in a bath of water before taking it, you can achieve a relaxing effect and relieve fatigue. Tea prepared with the addition of flowers helps cope with depression, impotence, hoarseness, and insomnia.

Jasmine is useful for women. Baths with essential oil, tea, and decoction help cope with muscle pain, headaches during menstruation, and pain during the prenatal period. Essential oil is used externally to disinfect wounds. Although to obtain one kilogram of such oil you will need 1000 kg of flowers and seeds.

Uses of jasmine

The beneficial properties of jasmine allow it to be used in cosmetology, folk medicine, and cooking.

The use of jasmine in cosmetology

Jasmine played an important role in compiling the best perfume compositions from famous fashion houses. Its notes can be recognized in the most expensive perfumes. Essential oil is also added in the production of cream, lotion and other personal care products. A medicinal infusion or decoction of jasmine can be used independently to moisturize the skin, as an antibacterial agent to soothe irritated skin.

Use in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of jasmine are very extensive, so it is successfully used in folk medicine in the form of syrups, infusions and decoctions. It is known to be used for various diseases.

  • It is used during hormonal changes in the body to relieve pain in the body.
  • Relieves anxiety, relieves stress, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Used to treat skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis. Disinfects wounds.
  • Helps in the treatment of bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Use in cooking

Jasmine flowers are used not only for making aromatic tea. They are used in the preparation of delicious desserts. You can make ice cream with jasmine. The flowers are soaked in cold water for three hours. The resulting infusion is poured into a saucepan, boiled, adding sugar and cinnamon. The mixture is cooled, rum and proteins are added. Then they put it in the freezer to harden, then knock it down, and the process is repeated several times.

Add a few drops of jasmine oil and lemon juice to a bottle of white wine and let it brew for 2-3 days. Jasmine wine is perfect for a romantic date.

Jasmine leaves can be added to salads. They have virtually no calories, so they are suitable for dietary nutrition.

You can make your own jasmine oil. The flowers are dried and filled with any base oil, preferably olive oil. The mixture is placed in a dark, dry place for two weeks.

Beneficial properties of jasmine tea

Tea is most often used to treat the respiratory system. It is very easy to prepare.

Green or black tea - 4 tsp.

Jasmine (flowers) - 2 tsp.

Boiling water - 4 cups.

The process of preparing tea is no different from classic brewing. You need to steep the tea for 4-5 minutes. You can drink it throughout the day.

Speaking about jasmine, the beneficial properties of which we have already described, it is impossible not to list the healing properties of tea made from it:

  • maintains a cheerful state;
  • useful for cirrhosis and hepatitis,
  • prolongs life,
  • stabilizes the hormonal system in women,
  • promotes an easy pregnancy,
  • used for the treatment of sore throat and acute respiratory infections,
  • has an expectorant and diaphoretic effect,
  • has analgesic properties,
  • helps normalize insulin levels,
  • is a good antidepressant.

Jasmine contraindications

Preparations with jasmine should not be used for hypotension, gastritis, or kidney problems. A tendency to allergies is a contraindication to taking an aromatic plant.

Indulging in jasmine essential oil can cause side effects: nosebleeds, headaches.

The Hellenes believed that jasmine was given to people by the goddess of wisdom Athena. Of course, in the ancient Greek myth that has survived to this day, this fact is attributed to olives. However, jasmine belongs to the olive family, so a beautiful legend is also attributed to jasmine.

Not only the Greeks have revered and appreciated the beneficial properties of jasmine since ancient times. The Tatars also attach great importance to this plant, which they have elevated to the rank of sacred. According to the beliefs of the Tatars, in order for a person to go to heaven after death, he must grow jasmine during his lifetime.

The most popular types of jasmine today are: yellow, Italian medicinal or white (most often this type of jasmine is used in cooking and in the medical field), as well as turned away (differing in habitat, growing exclusively on the Darvaz ridge).

Composition of jasmine

Jasmine is a unique flower that is also called the “king of flowers” ​​due to its fragrance and beautiful flower shape that resembles a crown. The plant contains essential oils, as well as valuable acids (benzoic, salicylic, formic). These are the strongest anti-inflammatory drugs that have been used by humans since ancient times.

Useful properties of jasmine

People use the beneficial properties of jasmine in a variety of areas. This flower is fragrant, its aroma has a healing effect. Thus, the smell of the flower stimulates the brain and also has a refreshing effect. To relax, relieve tension and fatigue after a working day, just put the flowers in a gauze bag and then put the collection in a bath of water.

This plant also has an antispasmodic effect. Jasmine is useful for insomnia, impotence, colds and wheezing, depression and fatigue. Decoctions, tinctures and oils are prepared from the flowers, which help with gynecological diseases, bronchial asthma, and skin diseases. Oils are used for therapeutic and preventive massages.

You can wipe your face and body with a decoction of jasmine to relieve redness and irritation. The same decoction is used as an antiseptic or moisturizer. Cosmetic creams and other skin care products are prepared using jasmine oil. Decoctions prepared from a fragrant plant help with dermatitis.

Harm of jasmine

Humanity knows not only about the benefits of jasmine, but also about the harm of jasmine. It is expressed in rather persistent allergic reactions in people who suffer from individual intolerance to the plant. Most often, allergic manifestations occur when a person drinks a decoction of the plant’s flowers in its pure form. But in the case when inflorescences are added to tea in small quantities, the harm of jasmine, as well as the possibility of allergic manifestations, is reduced to almost zero. Therefore, it is recommended that allergy sufferers use jasmine decoctions and cosmetics that contain oils with caution and in small quantities.

When jasmine blooms, the entire area is filled with an extraordinary aroma - tart, sweet and exciting.

But jasmine flowers not only provide aesthetic pleasure, but also have a stimulating effect on brain function, improve a person’s condition and put his thoughts in order. It is not for nothing that jasmine oil, which is used to flavor tea and in perfumery, is so valued on the international market and costs a lot of money.

Properties of jasmine

  • Jasmine relieves mental stress well, so it is recommended for neuroses and chronic fatigue.
  • Jasmine normalizes blood pressure.
  • Increases performance.
  • Supports immunity.
  • Jasmine oil has antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects.
  • Jasmine tinctures are used externally for skin rejuvenation and for skin inflammatory processes. Tincture recipe. Pour one hundred grams of dried jasmine flowers into 100 ml of alcohol and leave for seven days. For external use, dilute two teaspoons of tincture in a glass of water.
  • Thanks to its strong aroma, jasmine has a calming effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the respiratory system. Therefore, it helps well with asthma and bronchitis.
  • It is believed that jasmine helps with frigidity, as well as with the extinction of sexual desire - in both women and men.
  • Jasmine flowers contain essential oils, salicylic, benzoic and formic acids.
  • Jasmine helps with colds.
  • Jasmine reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
  • Jasmine tea improves the functioning of the circulatory system and is also a good remedy for atherosclerosis.
  • Jasmine helps with insomnia. A combination of jasmine and lavender in the form of an aromatic bath gives a good effect. Bath recipe. Take a tablespoon of fresh jasmine flowers and mix with two tablespoons of dry lavender. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then strain the infusion and pour into the bath. Take a bath for no more than 15 minutes.

How and when to harvest jasmine flowers

Jasmine blooms almost all summer, capturing the end of spring and beginning of autumn.

The peculiarity of jasmine is that its fragrant flowers do not bloom with sunrise, but, on the contrary, at night. Therefore, jasmine flowers are harvested during mass opening, which occurs in the early morning. At this time, all the useful substances are collected in the flowers, and their concentration is quite high. With sunrise, the essential oils of jasmine disappear, many flowers fall off, and the unopened buds wait for the next night to once again fill the area with a wonderful aroma.

How to dry jasmine flowers

Without compacting the flowers, they are placed in baskets or other bulk containers.

Then they are laid out on paper or fabric and dried in a warm room for several days, preventing the petals from getting exposed to the sun's rays. As the top layer dries, the flowers need to be carefully turned over, at the same time removing foreign impurities or spoiled, browned petals.

You can dry the flowers in a dryer or oven (with the door open) at a temperature no higher than 35° to prevent the essential oils from being destroyed. It is not recommended to overdry the petals, as their appearance and quality will deteriorate.

The petals are dried in the fresh air and then placed in glass jars with screw-on lids so that the aroma and essential oils do not evaporate.

Jasmine tea

The best option is a mixture of green tea and jasmine flowers. This tea improves well-being, normalizes blood pressure, dulls appetite, which creates the preconditions for weight loss. Also, green tea with jasmine removes toxins, salts and bad cholesterol from the body.