Get acquainted with the concept of applied science - BIONICS; Determine ways to use the morphological, physiological, biochemical characteristics of living organisms to put forward new technical and scientific ideas in the field of architecture and construction.
“...There are many secrets to be revealed by bionics in the creative workshop of living nature, and many complex engineering problems to be solved. And young science is in a hurry, rapidly striding into the future from laboratories...”
I. B. Litinetsky
Bionics (from the Greek biōn - element of life, literally - living) is an applied science about the application in technical devices and systems of the principles of organization, properties, functions and structures of living nature, that is, the forms of living things in nature and their industrial analogues.
There are: - biological bionics, which studies the processes occurring in biological systems; - theoretical bionics, which builds mathematical models of these processes; - technical bionics, which uses models of theoretical bionics to solve engineering problems.
Bionics emblem
Bionics motto: “Living prototypes are the key to new technology”
Project "Vertical bionic tower city"
- The city tower will have the shape of a cypress tree with a height of 1228 m. - The tower will have 300 floors, and they will be located in 12 vertical blocks of 80 floors each. - Between the blocks there are screed floors, which act as a supporting structure for each block level. - Inside the blocks there are houses of different heights with vertical gardens.
This elaborate design is similar to the structure of the branches and entire crown of the cypress tree.
Dolphin House
House - orange
The Art Museum is shaped like a huge blurry drop of jelly.
School in Auroville, India
Project of a private residential building that looks like a beetle.
Exterior of Selfridges department store in Birmingham
The Olympic venues in Munich resemble the Alps, and their roofs resemble spider webs.
House - a birdhouse for singles
Fruit Museum in Japan
Pierre Cardin's house in Cannes
"Steel house" in the form of acacia trees
Residential cottage "Eyes"
Orchid house
Architectural bionics today, at the beginning of the 21st century, is of particular importance, since it considers in totality the system “wildlife (environment) - architecture (technology) - man,” thanks to which the social and technical spheres have the opportunity to develop in harmonious unity with the surrounding nature.
Nature opens up endless opportunities for you, future workers, engineers and scientists, to borrow technologies and ideas. Go ahead, improve the world around you, but remember that nature does not forgive mistakes. When changing the appearance of the Earth, do not disturb the harmony created by nature.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The lesson is aimed at developing students' key competencies in the field of biology. Introduces students to the practical application of biological knowledge in human life....

Einstein also argued that there is nothing random in nature, and if something seems random to us, then this is only the result of our incomplete knowledge. Man has always been interested in the structure of living objects...

Alarming statistics Children are ahead of adults in the amount of time they spend on the Internet. 44% of children who regularly use the Internet have been sexually harassed at least once during virtual communication, 11% have been sexually harassed several times% of children have made appointments with strangers via the Internet. 10% of them went to meetings alone, and 7% did not tell anyone that they were dating someone. 19% of children sometimes visit porn sites, another 9% do it regularly. 26% of children engage in chat rooms about sex 38% of children view pages about violence 16% of children view pages with racist content

How to teach children to distinguish truth from lies on the Internet? Develop critical thinking skills in children, explain to them that not all information on the Internet is true. Teach children to check information found on the Internet using other sources. Explain to your children what racism, fascism, interethnic and religious hatred are.

Family agreement on working on the Internet Determine the list of sites that your children can visit Determine the time children work on the Internet Let children always ask you for help Require certain etiquette and politeness when communicating with your children on the Internet Do not allow personal meetings with new acquaintances from the Internet without your approval Never send or forward unsolicited emails (spam) Do not leave your personal information on the Internet

How to use instant messaging? Never fill out fields related to personal information Never talk to strangers on the Internet Regularly check your children's contact list Carefully check requests for inclusion in the list of new friends

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Parent meeting held by Svetlana Aleksandrovna Zemtsova, a primary school teacher at MKOU "LNOSH" CHILDREN'S SAFETY ON THE INTERNET

What does the Internet allow you to do? communicate with friends, family, colleagues; access information and entertainment; study, meet people and learn new things. :

The Internet is an excellent source for new knowledge, helps in studying, and takes up leisure time. But at the same time, the Network is fraught with many dangers. You definitely need to talk to your children, explain that various unpleasant situations can arise and how best to get out of them. Remember that the safety of your children on the Internet depends 90% on you.

Why do children go to the Internet? Laziness Loneliness, lack of friends Games are tempting Seeming ease of communication Problems in the family Inability to keep oneself busy Too much free time

Alarming statistics: 19% of children sometimes visit porn sites, another 9% do it regularly. 38% of children view pages about violence 16% of children view pages with racist content 25% of five-year-olds actively use the Internet. about 50% of children go online without adult supervision. 14.5% of children made appointments with strangers over the Internet, 10% of them went to meetings alone, and 7% did not tell anyone that they were meeting someone.

“On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” Establishes rules for the media safety of children during the circulation of media products, printed, audiovisual products on any type of media, computer programs and databases, as well as information posted on the territory of Russia. information and telecommunication networks and mobile radiotelephone networks. Federal Law No. 436-FZ

General Safety Rules General Safety Rules General Online Safety Rules Don't allow your child to provide personal information over the Internet Your child needs to know not to give out information about their name, age, phone number, school number or home address, etc. over the Internet. . Make sure they don't have access to your credit card number or banking information. Teach your child to use nicknames when communicating via the Internet: anonymity is a great way to protect yourself. Do not post photographs of your child on web pages or public forums.

General Internet Safety Guidelines Protect your child from inappropriate web content. You should not open emails, files, or Web pages that you receive from people you do not know or trust.

General safety rules when working online The child must understand that his virtual interlocutor can impersonate someone else. The inability to see and hear other users is easy to take advantage of. And your child’s 10-year-old chat friend may in reality turn out to be an attacker. Therefore, prohibit your child from making appointments with virtual acquaintances.

General safety rules when working online Tell your children that not everything they read or see on the Internet is true. Train them to ask you if they are unsure.

General Internet Safety Rules Set some clear, firm rules for your child to control their schedule, connection times, and how they use the Internet. Make sure that the established rules are followed. It is especially important to control your child’s access to the Internet at night. A good antivirus is an ally in protecting your child from the dangers of the Internet. A child should not give their password to anyone other than adult family members. It should be explained to the child that he should not do anything that could cost the family money, except when his parents are nearby.

How to deal with Internet addiction Try to establish contact with your child. Do not prohibit your child from using the Internet, but try to establish rules for use. Keep track of what sites your child visits. Invite your child to do something together, try to get him interested in something. Children with Internet addiction subjectively feel the impossibility of living without the Internet. Try to tactfully talk about this with your child.

NOTE! If you are concerned about your child's safety while surfing the Internet, or if your child is in danger or has become a victim of online stalkers and scammers: Contact the Kids Online helpline. Experts will help solve the problem and also advise on the safe use of mobile communications and the Internet by children. Call 8-800-25-000-15 (calls within Russia are free, calls are accepted on weekdays from 9-00 to 18-00 Moscow time) Or send your letter to: [email protected]

Thank you for your attention! Be an example for your child!